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Little attention has been paid to a conspicuous and universal feature of animal societies: the variation between individuals in helping effort. Here, we develop a multiplayer kin-selection model that assumes that subordinates face a trade-off because current investment in help reduces their own future reproductive success. The model makes two predictions: (i) subordinates will work less hard the closer they are to inheriting breeding status; and (ii) for a given dominance rank, subordinates will work less hard in larger groups. The second prediction reflects the larger pay-off from inheriting a larger group. Both predictions were tested through a field experiment on the paper wasp Polistes dominulus. First, we measured an index of helping effort among subordinates, then we removed successive dominants to reveal the inheritance ranks of the subordinates: their positions in the queue to inherit dominance. We found that both inheritance rank and group size had significant effects on helping effort, in the manner predicted by our model. The close match between our theoretical and empirical results suggests that individuals adjust their helping effort according to their expected future reproductive success. This relationship has probably remained hidden in previous studies that have focused on variation in genetic relatedness.  相似文献   

An important benefit of social living is increased capacityfor defense. Highly eusocial species have often evolved a fightingcaste for this purpose, but many facultatively eusocial insectsand cooperatively breeding vertebrates lack morphological castesand the decision to defend or not can depend on costs and benefitsto each individual. Defense by subordinates in a social groupcan be regarded as a form of helping, and helping input oftenvaries among subordinates of different age or size. Severalhypotheses attempt to explain variation in helping effort, includingthe effects of relatedness and differences in the costs of helping.Evidence for these hypotheses is mixed and often lacks dataon the rank of subordinates, an important determinant of expectedfuture fitness. We examined individual variation in propensityto defend the nest against conspecifics in the tropical hairy-facedhover wasp Liostenogaster flavolineata. Prior to experimentation,we determined the positions of all wasps in the age-based queueto inherit the single egg-laying position in each L. flavolineatagroup. Two approaches were then used: observations of defenseagainst natural intrusions by conspecifics and experimentaltrials where wasps were presented attached to a wire. Higherranks were more likely to defend the nest than lower ranks,opposite to the pattern previously documented for another formof helping: foraging effort. Possible explanations for thisresult are that higher ranked females are better defenders andthat they suffer a larger decrease in expected future fitnesswhen an intruder usurps their position in the inheritance queue.  相似文献   

The paper wasp Polistes dominulus is unique among the social insects in that nearly one-third of co-foundresses are completely unrelated to the dominant individual whose offspring they help to rear and yet reproductive skew is high. These unrelated subordinates stand to gain direct fitness through nest inheritance, raising the question of whether their behaviour is adaptively tailored towards maximizing inheritance prospects. Unusually, in this species, a wealth of theory and empirical data allows us to predict how unrelated subordinates should behave. Based on these predictions, here we compare helping in subordinates that are unrelated or related to the dominant wasp across an extensive range of field-based behavioural contexts. We find no differences in foraging effort, defense behaviour, aggression or inheritance rank between unrelated helpers and their related counterparts. Our study provides no evidence, across a number of behavioural scenarios, that the behaviour of unrelated subordinates is adaptively modified to promote direct fitness interests.  相似文献   

The banded mongoose, Mungos mungo, is a social species that forms multimale and multifemale family groups. Earlier studies suggest these family groups are relatively egalitarian with small differences in reproductive opportunities among individuals of different rank. In contrast, previous studies of other social mongooses have focused on species with more despotic control of reproduction (meerkats, Suricata suricatta, dwarf mongooses, Helogale parvula). In these species, the distribution of reproductive opportunities amongst individuals of different rank has met the predictions of reproductive skew theory: dominant individuals accrue greater reproductive benefits than subordinates, with subordinates breeding less often than dominants. In this paper we test how well two predictions of reproductive skew theory explain variance in measures of reproductive effort, and its correlates, in a wild population of banded mongooses in Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda. We measure dominance rank in males and females, and we investigate whether individuals of higher social rank accrue greater benefits than subordinates in terms of survival and reproduction. Banded mongoose dominance hierarchies showed linearity, but low reproductive skew. Rank was not significantly correlated with age. Furthermore, there were only small effects of dominance rank on nutritional levels, and no effects on reproduction and survival, suggesting that banded mongoose societies are indeed relatively egalitarian. No evidence of reproductive suppression was found and other forms of reproductive control were not observed. However, we do not exclude the possibility of increased reproductive competition in circumstances of higher ecological constraints. These findings show that reproductive skew theory is equally useful in explaining variation in reproduction in societies with low reproductive skew, as it is in explaining the allocation of reproductive effort in despotic social systems. Copyright 2001 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

In many cooperatively breeding societies, helping effort varies greatly among group members, raising the question of why dominant individuals tolerate lazy subordinates. In groups of carrion crows Corvus corone corone, helpers at the nest increase breeders'' reproductive success, but chick provisioning is unevenly distributed among non-breeders, with a gradient that ranges from individuals that work as much as the breeders to others that completely refrain from visiting the nest. Here we show that lazy non-breeders represent an insurance workforce that fully compensates for a reduction in the provisioning effort of another group member, avoiding a decrease in reproductive success. When we temporarily impaired a carer, decreasing its nest attendance, the laziest non-breeders increased their provisioning rate and individuals that initially refrained from visiting the nest started helping. Breeders, in contrast, did not increase chick provisioning. This shows that lazy non-breeders can buffer a sudden unfavourable circumstance and suggests that group stability relies on the potential contribution of group members in addition to their current effort.  相似文献   

Social groups are often structured by dominance hierarchies in which subordinates consistently defer to dominants. High‐ranking individuals benefit by gaining inequitable access to resources, and often achieve higher reproductive success; but may also suffer costs associated with maintaining dominance. We used a large‐scale field study to investigate the benefits and costs of dominance in the angelfish Centropyge bicolor, a sequential hermaphrodite. Each haremic group contains a single linear body size‐based hierarchy with the male being most dominant, followed by several females in descending size order. Compared to their subordinate females, dominant males clearly benefited from disproportionately high spawning frequencies, but bore costs in lower foraging rates and greater aggressive defence of their large territories. Within the female hierarchy, more dominant individuals benefited from higher spawning frequencies and larger home ranges, but displayed neither higher foraging rates nor spawn order priority. However, dominance in females was also linked to aggressiveness, particularly towards immediate subordinates, suggesting that females were using energetically costly aggression to maintain their high rank. We further showed by experimentally removing dominant females that the linear hierarchy was also a social queue, with subordinates growing to inherit higher rank with its attendant benefits and costs when dominants disappeared. We suggest that in C. bicolor, the primary benefit of high rank is increased reproductive success in terms of current spawning frequency and the prospect of inheriting the male position in the near future, which may be traded off against the cost of aggressively defending rank and territory.  相似文献   

We used a reproductive skew framework to consider the evolutionof parental and alloparental effort in cooperatively breedinggroups. The model provides the first theoretical treatmentof rent payment (the "pay-to-stay" hypothesis) for the evolutionof helping behavior of subordinates. According to this hypothesis,not all helping behavior is kin selected, but group membershelp in order to be allowed to stay in the group and potentiallygain breeding positions later in life. We show that reproductiveconcessions may be replaced by complete skew and voluntary,costly alloparental effort by subordinates once future prospectsare included in fitness calculations. This suggests that incompleteskew observed in long-lived species is not due to dominantcontrol over reproduction. Rent payment is predicted to occurwhen relatedness between subordinate and dominant is low, survivalis high, ecological constraints are at least moderately tight,and retaining nonhelping subordinates harms the dominant'sfitness. Rent may also be required from related subordinatesif helping is very costly (leading to low voluntary helpingeffort) and ecological constraints are moderately tight. However, related subordinates do not need to have a positive net effecton the dominant's direct fitness to be accepted as group members.We also consider compensatory responses of dominant group membersas a potential threat to the stability of renting behavior.If dominants trade off parental effort against their own survival,they may selfishly reduce their own parental effort as a responseto increased help. As this improves their own survival, theprospects of territorial inheritance diminish for the subordinate,and subordinates should hence be less willing to accept therent agreement. However, we show that compensatory responsesby "lazy" parents prevent group formation only in borderlinecases.  相似文献   

Dominant females in social species have been hypothesized to reduce the reproductive success of their subordinates by inducing elevated circulating glucocorticoid (GC) concentrations. However, this ‘stress-related suppression'' hypothesis has received little support in cooperatively breeding species, despite evident reproductive skews among females. We tested this hypothesis in the banded mongoose (Mungos mungo), a cooperative mammal in which multiple females conceive and carry to term in each communal breeding attempt. As predicted, lower ranked females had lower reproductive success, even among females that carried to term. While there were no rank-related differences in faecal glucocorticoid (fGC) concentrations prior to gestation or in the first trimester, lower ranked females had significantly higher fGC concentrations than higher ranked females in the second and third trimesters. Finally, females with higher fGC concentrations during the third trimester lost a greater proportion of their gestated young prior to their emergence from the burrow. Together, our results are consistent with a role for rank-related maternal stress in generating reproductive skew among females in this cooperative breeder. While studies of reproductive skew frequently consider the possibility that rank-related stress reduces the conception rates of subordinates, our findings highlight the possibility of detrimental effects on reproductive outcomes even after pregnancies have become established.  相似文献   

For dominant individuals in cooperatively breeding species, the presence of subordinates is associated with both benefits (i.e. increased reproductive output and other group-living benefits) and costs (i.e. intrasexual competition on reproduction). The biological market theory predicts that dominant individuals are tolerant to same-sex group members when there are only a few subordinates, so as to maximize their own reproductive success. We investigated factors affecting aggression by dominant males and submission by subordinate males for a cooperatively breeding mammal, meerkats, Suricata suricatta. In this species, reproductive conflict occurs between the dominant male and the non-offspring males. As predicted, the number of subordinates in a group was positively associated with the aggression frequency by the dominant male and with the submission frequency by the subordinate males. Relative to the aggression frequency against male offspring, the frequency of aggression against non-offspring males was comparable in small groups, but was higher in large groups. These results indicate that reproductive conflict is present between the dominant male and the non-offspring males but is moderated in groups with small numbers of subordinates. This study provides an empirical data agreeing with the biological market theory in the context of intrasexual competition in cooperatively breeding species.  相似文献   

Many food hoarding animals live in small groups structured by rank. The presence of conspecifics in the hoarding area increases the risk of losing stored supplies. The possibility of stealing from others depends on a forager's rank in the group. Highly ranked individuals can steal from subordinates and also protect their own caches. Since storing incurs both costs and benefits, the optimal hoarding investment will differ between individuals of different rank. In a game theoretical model, we investigate how dominant and subordinate individuals should optimize their hoarding effort. Our model imagines animals that are large-scale hoarders in autumn and dependent on stored supplies for winter survival. Many examples can be found in the bird families Paridae and Corvidae, but the model can be used for any hoarding species that forage in groups. Predictions from the model are as follows: First, subordinates should store more than dominants, but in a predictable environment, this difference will decrease as the environment gets harsher. Under harsh conditions, dominants should store almost as much as subordinates and, later, spend almost as much time retrieving their own caches as subordinates. Second, if on the other hand, bad winter conditions were not expected when storing, dominants should spend more time pilfering caches from subordinates. Third, in populations that are highly dependent on stored supplies, dominants should store relatively more than in populations that are less dependent on stored supplies. Fourth, harsher environments will favor hoarding. And finally, if dominant individuals store, it implies that hoarders have a selfish recovery advantage over conspecific pilferers.  相似文献   

Several hypotheses exist to explain the seemingly altruistic helping behavior of cooperative breeders, although the general utility of these hypotheses remains unclear. While the potential importance of inclusive fitness benefits (kin selection) is traditionally widely appreciated, it is increasingly recognized that direct benefits may be more important than assumed. We use an integrative two-step framework to assess support for current hypotheses in purple-crowned fairy wrens, a species where subordinates vary in relatedness to breeders and helping increases productivity. After establishing that assumptions of pay-to-stay and social prestige hypotheses (predicting that helping functions as "paying rent" to stay on the territory or as a signal of individual quality, respectively) were not met and that parentage by subordinates is extremely rare, we tested whether subordinates adjusted nestling feeding rates following the predictions of the kin selection and group augmentation hypotheses. Benefits of kin selection result from investment in relatives, and group augmentation benefits accrue when subordinates invest more in their own future helpers, for example, when they have a better chance of inheriting the breeding position. We found that subordinates fed siblings more than unrelated nestlings, indicating that kin selection could facilitate cooperation. Moreover, the effect of relatedness on feeding effort varied depending on the probability of inheriting a breeding position, suggesting that active group augmentation can explain investment by unrelated subordinates. This statistical interaction would have gone undetected had we not considered both factors simultaneously, illustrating that a focus on single hypotheses could lead to underestimation of their importance in explaining cooperative breeding.  相似文献   

Animals that live in cooperative societies form hierarchies in which dominant individuals reap disproportionate benefits from group cooperation. The stability of these societies requires subordinates to accept their inferior status rather than engage in escalated conflict with dominants over rank. Applying the logic of animal contests to these cases predicts that escalated conflict is more likely where subordinates are reproductively suppressed, where group productivity is high, relatedness is low, and where subordinates are relatively strong. We tested these four predictions in the field on co-foundress associations of the paper wasp Polistes dominulus by inducing contests over dominance rank experimentally. Subordinates with lower levels of ovarian development, and those in larger, more productive groups, were more likely to escalate in conflict with their dominant, as predicted. Neither genetic relatedness nor relative body size had significant effects on the probability of escalation. The original dominant emerged as the winner in all except one escalated contest. The results provide the first evidence that reproductive suppression of subordinates increases the threat of escalated conflict, and hence that reproductive sharing can promote stability of the dominant-subordinate relationship.  相似文献   

Breeding groups with multiple stallions occur sympatrically with single-stallion breeding groups in feral horse, Equus caballus, populations. Mutualism and reciprocal altruism between stallions have been proposed to explain the origin and functioning of multistallion bands. However, empirical support for these hypotheses is contradictory and incomplete. Furthermore, there are no explicit tests of the predictions that each hypothesis makes about stallion behaviour and social structure. We compared nine multistallion and 18 single-stallion bands in the Kaimanawa Ranges, New Zealand. Compared with agonistic behaviours, affiliative behaviours were relatively unimportant in the relationships between stallions within bands. The number of stallions in the band did not have a positive influence on mare group size, stability, home range quality or reproductive success in bands. Furthermore, there was a positive relationship between aggression ('intolerance') by the dominant towards subordinate stallions and the subordinates' effort in mare group defence ('helping') but a negative relationship between helping effort by subordinates and their proximity to, and mating with, the bands' mares. Therefore, the predictions of the mutualism and reciprocal altruism hypotheses were not supported. Indeed, for some of the predictions we found the opposite outcomes to be true. Multistallion bands had significantly poorer reproductive success, and dominant stallions were less tolerant of subordinates that helped most and reduced their access to mares. Nevertheless, in all other respects Kaimanawa stallions in multistallion bands behaved like those described elsewhere. Thus, we reject cooperative hypotheses for multimale breeding groups in horses and discuss the mate parasitism and consort hypotheses as better alternatives. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Competition between females is particularly intense in cooperatively breeding mammals, where one female monopolises reproduction in each group. Chronic competition often affects stress and may therefore have long-term consequences for fitness, but no studies have yet investigated whether intrasexual competition has effects of this kind and, in particular, whether it affects rates of reproductive senescence. Here, we use long-term data from a wild population of meerkats to test whether reproductive success and senescence in dominant females are affected by the degree of intrasexual competition experienced prior to dominance acquisition. Females that experienced greater competition had lower breeding success and higher rates of reproductive senescence. Furthermore, females that were evicted from the group more frequently as subordinates had lower breeding success when dominant. We conclude that the intense intrasexual competition between females in cooperatively breeding groups may carry fitness costs over a longer period than is usually recognised.  相似文献   

Reproductive costs are important determinants of reproductive effort in squamate reptiles. Consequently, differences in costs of reproduction between populations of geographically or climatically widespread species are likely to result in different patterns of reproductive effort. In the present study, the effect of pregnancy on sprint speed was examined in a small viviparous skink, Niveoscincus ocellatus (Gray 1845), from two populations at the climatic extremes of its distribution. Decreased sprint speed has the potential to be an important cost of reproduction in this species, through a reduced ability to avoid predation and/or decreased foraging efficiency. Lizards inhabiting the colder site were larger than those from the warmer site and, contrary to predictions from life history theory, had a higher reproductive effort. In both populations, sprint speed was lower in pregnant lizards than in either the same individuals after birth or non‐pregnant control lizards. Within each population, sprint speed was unrelated to the level of reproductive effort of the female in terms of either absolute mass of the reproductive burden or the burden relative to her post‐partum body mass. However, within each population, the mass of the clutch that an individual female was carrying relative to snout–vent length was an important determinant of her sprint speed while pregnant. Thus, within each population, a relatively high reproductive burden may potentially increase costs of reproduction in this species. Despite this relationship and predictions from life history theory suggesting that annual reproductive effort will be lower in populations with a large body size and delayed maturity, it is suggested that a higher reproductive effort at the cold site is possible because they have a higher absolute sprint speed because of their larger size and a relatively higher abundance of cover at the cold site, and differences in predation pressure may alter selective pressures on reproductive investment.  相似文献   

In some primate species dominance rank of males is correlated with reproductive success, whereas in other species this relationship is inconsistent. Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus) live in a promiscuous mating system in which males are ranked in a dominance hierarchy that influences their access to females. High-ranking males usually monopolize fertile females during their estrous period and show increased mating activities. Subadult males generally rank below adult males. For Barbary macaque females in the Gibraltar colony, there was no correlation between dominance status and reproductive success. Paternity data for 31 offspring collected over four consecutive breeding seasons were used to test whether male social rank was associated with reproductive success and whether reproductive success was mainly confined to a small number of males. Genetic variation was assessed using 14 microsatellite markers for a dataset of 127 individuals sampled in all five social groups of the Gibraltar colony. Paternity analysis was conducted for offspring in one social group only, where all in-group males were sampled. Eighty-three percent of the offspring could be assigned to an in-group candidate father; none of the extra-group males appeared to have sired an infant. Male dominance rank was not found to contribute to the observed variation in male reproductive output. Fifty-nine percent of the offspring was sired by two low-ranking males, whereas the two top-ranking males sired one-fifth. A highly significant correlation was found for male age and dominance rank. Reproductive success of subadult males might be explained by the gap in the age distribution of male group members. These missing prime males are usually regarded as serious competitors for older males. Subadult males may have gained easier access to females in their absence. In addition, the presence of inbreeding avoidance mechanisms, which might also have overpowered possible rank effects, cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

In a spatially structured population, limited dispersal gives rise to local relatedness, potentially favoring indiscriminate helping behavior. However, it also leads to local competition, which reduces the benefits of helping local kin. This tension has become the focus for a growing body of theoretical work. Existing models, however, have focused chiefly on the net impact of limited dispersal on cooperative or competitive effort in a homogeneous population. Here, I extend existing models of kin selection in a group-structured population to allow for asymmetries in expected fecundity and reproductive success among group members. I explore the consequent impact of limited dispersal on the evolution of helping and harming behavior, and on the degree of reproductive inequality or skew. I show that when individuals in a group differ in their expected fecundity, limited dispersal gives rise to kin selection for harming behavior on the part of more fecund individuals, and for helping behavior on the part of less fecund individuals. As a result, philopatry tends to exaggerate differences in reproductive success, and so promotes greater reproductive skew.  相似文献   

Cooperative breeding has been described for several cichlids from the genus Julidochromis (Perciformes: Cichlidae) under laboratory conditions, but field evidence is scarce. Here we describe the breeding system of the cichlid Julidochromis ornatus (Boulenger) in Lake Tanganyika (Zambia). Groups defended a breeding shelter under a large flat stone. Smaller group members stayed and fed under or close to the stone, actively guarded by the larger group members. Six out of 28 groups were newly established by breeders, joined by subordinates from a large pool of independent fish (comprising 50–70% of the total population), and four groups were seen to dissolve during a total of 77 observation days. Breeding groups consisted of a large breeding male and female with zero to five smaller subordinates (average 2). Larger breeders and subordinates were found in larger groups. All group members participated in territory defence and -maintenance, but the breeders were only present at the shelter 48% of the time, in contrast to the subordinates which guarded the breeding shelter 94% of the time. Smaller group members showed submissive behaviours to larger group members. We conclude subordinates in J. ornatus are helpers, but we did not find evidence that helpers increased the group’s current reproductive success. Personal observations combined with a literature review revealed at least 19 species of Lake Tanganyika cichlids show evidence of cooperative breeding, entirely confined to the substrate breeding tribe of the Lamprologini (24% of 80 species in total): 2 Chalinochromis spp., 5 Julidochromis spp., 12 Neolamprologus spp. More effort should be put into detecting cooperative breeding in American and Asian substrate breeding cichlid species.  相似文献   

Social species show considerable variation in the extent to which dominant females suppress subordinate reproduction. Much of this variation may be influenced by the cost of active suppression to dominants, who may be selected to balance the need to maximize the resources available for their own offspring against the costs of interfering with subordinate reproduction. To date, the cost of reproductive suppression has received little attention, despite its potential to influence the outcome of conflict over the distribution of reproduction in social species. Here, we investigate possible costs of reproductive suppression in banded mongooses, where dominant females evict subordinates from their groups, thereby inducing subordinate abortion. We show that evicting subordinate females is associated with substantial costs to dominant females: pups born to females who evicted subordinates while pregnant were lighter than those born after undisturbed gestations; pups whose dependent period was disrupted by an eviction attained a lower weight at independence; and the proportion of a litter that survived to independence was reduced if there was an eviction during the dependent period. To our knowledge, this is the first empirical study indicating a possible cost to dominants in attempting to suppress subordinate breeding, and we argue that much of the variation in reproductive skew both within and between social species may be influenced by adaptive variation in the effort invested in suppression by dominants.  相似文献   

Dominant individuals often grow faster than subordinates because they gain a greater share of important resources. However, dominants should also strategically adjust their growth rates, relative to the size of subordinates, if this improves their reproductive success. Here, we show that individuals in breeding pairs of the coral-dwelling fish Gobiodon histrio regulate their growth to reduce the size difference between partners. In pairs where one individual was larger than the other, the smaller individual increased its growth rate and the larger individual decreased its growth rate, compared to individuals in size-matched pairs. The reproductive success of breeding pairs is limited by the size of the smallest individual in the pair. Therefore, it appears that the larger individual trades-off its own growth against that of the smaller individual, thereby improving the reproductive success of both individuals in the pair. This demonstrates a remarkable ability of individuals to strategically adjust their body size to suit the local social environment, and reveals a novel mechanism for size-assortative mating.  相似文献   

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