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Four new species of the genus Perepsilonema are described. They are characterized by general habitus, cuticular ornamentation, shape and sexual dimorphism of the amphideal fovea, shape and number of ventral copulatory spines and the shape of the spicules. The female genital system comprises two reflexed ovaries, a left and a right spermatheca and a median uterine chamber filled with sperm cells. The distal part of the uteri have secretory wall cells which contain in some specimen spherical refractive bodies.  相似文献   

Two new epsilonematid nematode species from Kenyan intertidal areas are described:Bathyepsilonema anulosum sp.n. — characterized by the large number of body-annules (118–124); small unispiral amphid, straight ambulatory setae and the very small copulatory thorns of the males — andLeptepsilonema richardi sp.n., — characterized by the sexual dimorphism in the amphid, the ornamentation of the body cuticle and the umbrella shaped capitulum in the males.  相似文献   

Nematode diversity may seriously be underestimated when taking into account cryptic speciation. Thoracostoma trachygaster is commonly found in kelp holdfasts along the California coastline and was recently shown to consist of at least two distinct molecular clades (I and II). Here, we provide detailed morphological analysis of both clades, based on measurements taken from video vouchers of respectively eight and 16 individuals from the previous study, as well as 80 newly collected specimens from four Californian beaches. The latter were vouchered, measured, and then subjected to molecular analyses of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase c subunit I (COI) gene, and the ribosomal D2D3 and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions. This integrative approach shows that the three molecular clades are phylogenetically and morphologically distinct species, but a combination of morphological characters is needed to distinguish them. Two new species, Thoracostoma fatimae sp. nov. and Thoracostoma igniferum sp. nov. , are identified and described. The spicule length of T. fatimae sp. nov. is significantly shorter than that of T. trachygaster. Thoracostoma igniferum sp. nov. can be distinguished by the irregular posterior edge of the cephalic capsule and the two internal subdorsal tropis‐like projections in the wall of the cephalic capsule, which are lacking in T. fatimae sp. nov. and T. trachygaster. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 164 , 18–35.  相似文献   

Eight new species of the genus Tricoma are described from the Mediterranean: Tricoma (Tricoma) apophysis sp.n., Tricoma (T.) latispicula sp.n., Tricoma (T.) corsicana sp.n., Tricoma (T.) pygmaea sp.n., Tricoma (T.) vincxae sp.n., Tricoma (T.) duopapillata sp.n., Tricoma (T.) setosa sp.n. and Tricoma (Quadricoma) tripapillata sp.n.. All are noteworthy for being small.  相似文献   

Erséus  Christer  Grimm  Reinmar 《Hydrobiologia》2002,468(1-3):77-81
The freshwater oligochaetes of the subantarctic islands are reviewed and new records are given. Ainudrilus dartnalli sp.n. (subfamily Rhyacodrilinae) is described from freshwater sites on South Georgia (South Atlantic Ocean). It differs from the closely related, southwest Australian, A. nharna Pinder & Brinkhurst, by its longer clitellum, the longer upper teeth of its ventral somatic chaetae, its straighter and fewer penial chaetae, and by the proportions of its spermathecae. Range extensions are given for two widespread naidids, Nais variabilis Piguet and N. communis Piguet, from the Falkland Islands (S. Atlantic). Moreover, new material of N. elinguis Müller is recorded from Macquarie Island (Southern Ocean, SW of New Zealand).  相似文献   


The Stilbonematinae are a monophyletic group of marine nematodes that are characterized by a coat of thiotrophic bacterial symbionts. Among the ten known genera of the Stilbonematinae, the genus Robbea Gerlach 1956 had a problematic taxonomic history of synonymizations and indications of polyphyletic origin. Here we describe three new species of the genus, R. hypermnestra sp. nov., R. ruetzleri sp. nov. and R. agricola sp. nov., using conventional light microscopy, interference contrast microscopy and SEM. We provide 18S rRNA gene sequences of all three species, together with new sequences for the genera Catanema and Leptonemella. Both our morphological analyses as well as our phylogenetic reconstructions corroborate the genus Robbea. In our phylogenetic analysis the three species of the genus Robbea form a distinct clade in the Stilbonematinae radiation and are clearly separated from the clade of the genus Catanema, which has previously been synonymized with Robbea. Surprisingly, in R. hypermnestra sp. nov. all females are intersexes exhibiting male sexual characters. Our extended dataset of Stilbonematinae 18S rRNA genes for the first time allows the identification of the different genera, e.g. in a barcoding approach.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:D37C3F5A-CF2B-40E6-8B09-3C72EEED60B0  相似文献   

Three species of the Trefusiidae Gerlach, 1966 are described from the Southern Bight of the North Sea. Trefusia litoralis (Allgén, 1932) is redescribed and information is given on the intraspecific variation. Trefusia curvispiculosa sp.nov. is characterized by its typically curved spicular apparatus, up to now not found in other Trefusia species. Rhabdocoma riemanni Jayasree & Warwick, 1977 is synonymized with Rhabdocoma americana Cobb, 1920 and that species is redescribed.  相似文献   

Macquaridrilus mcmurtrieae n. sp. is described from Campbell Island. This resembles the only other species in the genus, Macquaridrilus bennettae Jamieson, 1968, in most aspects, but shows significant differences in the anatomy of its genitalia. In particular, the spermathecal pores are dorsal rather than lateral, the spermathecae lack diverticulae, the ejaculatory duct is more stout and muscular, the vas deferens is shorter relative to other organs and the anterior prostate is compact rather than elongate. The presence of a cuticular sperm canal appears to be an apomorphy for the genus. The new species was collected from streams and tarns across the island.


http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:984F2456-768D-48A1-87AD-4453768BAB8A  相似文献   

Based on the distribution of 66 species of Mysidacea (Crustacea), a biogeographical analysis of the cold and temperate waters of the Southern Hemisphere was carried out. The expediency of separate division by pelagic and benthopelagic mysid faunas was supported. The original patterns of the division of Antarctic and subantarctic faunas are given. One biogeographical province and two subprovinces were distinguished by the fauna of pelagic mysids in the areas studied. Two biogeographical provinces and five subprovinces were distinguished by the fauna of benthopelagic mysids in the Antarctic and subantarctic.  相似文献   

由于生活史特殊以及分类学历史复杂, 国内外有关梨甲藻科物种的分类学研究比较少。本研究通过形态分类学方法, 详细阐述了梨甲藻物种的分类学历史沿革, 对我国海域的11种梨甲藻科物种的孢囊进行了分类学研究。我们认为其中的1种应隶属于球甲藻属(Dissodinium), 其余10种可归为梨甲藻属(Pyrocystis)(包括2个变种, 2个变型), 对每个物种都进行了详细的形态学描述, 认为拟新月球甲藻(Dissodinium pseudolunula)与新月梨甲藻(Pyrocystis lunula)、优美梨甲藻(Pyrocystis elegans)与粗梨甲藻(Pyrocystis robusta)的分类学关系还需要进一步研究。  相似文献   

A new genus (Cerchnotocriconenta) and three new species (C. psephinum, Hemicycliophora amchitkaensis, and Paratylenchns amundseni) are described from Adak and Amchitka Islands in the Aleutian chain. The new genus differs from all other criconematid genera in having irregular, convex sculpturing consisting of small, oval plates on the anterior and posterior regions of each annule, with the mid-annular region minutely punctate or dentate. H. arnchitkaensis n. sp. resembles H. similis Thorne and H. zuckermani Brzeski, but has only one head annule, instead of two. P. antundseni n. sp., which has a stylet 17-19 μm long, is similar to P. tateae Wu &Townshend and P. labiosus Anderson &Kimpinski, but differs by the presence of males and the possession of conoid-truncate lip region, functional spermatheca, and long male tail (c = 8.5-9.5). Seriespinula seymouri Wu (Mehta &Raski), Nothocrieonema longulum (Gunhold) De Grisse &Loof, and Macroposthonia xenoplax (Raski) De Grisse &Loof are also reported from the islands.  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Crassolabium, Crassolabium persicumsp. n., collected from Arasbaran rangelands of Iran, is described and illustrated. It is characterized by its body 1.92-2.40 mm long, lip region offset by constriction and 17-19 μm wide, odontostyle 16-19 μm long with aperture occupying less than one-third (27-30%) its length, neck 428-690 μm long, pharyngeal expansion 369-390 μm long or occupying 54-56% of total neck length, female genital system amphidelphic, uterus bipartite and 162-218 μm long or 2.3-3.5 times as long as body diameter, pars refringens vaginae well developed, V = 54-57.5, vulva longitudinal, prerectum bearing a blind sac, tail conical with rounded tip to conoid (25-36 μm, c=60-69, c'=0.5-0.9), spicules 68-72 μm long, precloacal pair of supplements far (22-27 μm) from cloacal aperture, and 13-17 shortly spaced ventromedian supplements with hiatus. The new taxon is compared in depth to its relatives in Crassolabium as well as other similar species of Aporcelaimellus and Amblydorylaimus.  相似文献   

杨祝良 《菌物学报》2023,42(1):179-186
基于形态特征和此前发表的DNA序列数据,本文报道了地锤菌属Cudonia的2个新种,它们采自中国东喜马拉雅和横断山的亚高山地区。棒状地锤菌C. claviformis具子实层的部分鲜黄色、棒状,菌柄污白色至淡褐色、光滑。鳞柄地锤菌C. furfuracea具子实层的部分头状、鲜黄色,菌柄被污白色至淡褐色糠麸状鳞片。两种真菌都生长于杜鹃和柳树组成的矮灌丛下苔藓丛中。  相似文献   

The Myriogramme group of Kylin was found to contain two distinct clusters of genera that merit recognition at the tribal level. In this paper, we establish the tribe Myriogrammae based on a study of the type species of Myriogramme, M. livida, from the Southern Hemisphere. The Myriogrammae is characterized by 1) marginal and diffuse intercalary meristems; 2) nuclei arranged in a ring bordering the side walls of vegetative cells; 3) microscopic veins absent; 4) procarps scattered, formed opposite one another on both sides of the blade posterior to one or more vegetative pericentral cells (cover cells) and consisting of a carpogonial branch, a one-/to two-celled lateral sterile group and a one-celled basal sterile group; 5) auxiliary cell diploidized by a connecting cell cut off posteriolaterally from the fertilized carpogonium; 6) gonimoblast initial cut off distally from the auxiliary cell, generating one distal and one to two lateral gonimoblast filaments that branch in the plane of the expanding cystocarp cavity and later fuse to from an extensive, branched fusion cell; 7) spermatangial and tatrasporangial sori formed inside the margin on both sides of the blade by resumption of meristematic activity; and 8) tetrasporangia produced primarily from the central cells. The Myriogrammae currently includes Myriogramme Kylin , Gonimocolax Kylin , Haraldiophyllum A. Zinova , Hideophyllum A. Zinova, and a possible undescribed genus from Pacific North and South America. Genera are separated based primarily on features of gonimoblast and carposporangial development .  相似文献   

The genus Adeonella Busk (1884) comprises 41 species, 15 of which are considered to be new to science. Adeonella lichenoides (Lamarck) is regarded as the senior synonym of A. platalea (Busk) (= A. polymorpha Busk), the type species of the genus. Adeonella is distributed throughout the Indo-West Pacific realm, the Mediterranean, and the South Atlantic Ocean. Its highest diversity is found off the east coasts of southern Africa. Thirty-one species (15 new to science) are described and illustrated, morphology and geographical distribution are discussed and a key is provided to all recognized species.  相似文献   

M. Vincx  N. Gourbault 《Hydrobiologia》1992,230(3):165-178
Six new Diplopeltula species are described: D. pulchra sp.n., D. belgica sp.n., D. striolata sp.n. and D. curta sp.n. (Southern Bight of the North Sea), D. nellyae sp.n. and S. pumila sp.n. (New Caledonia). Diplopeltula indica Gerlach, 1962 is redescribed from Guadeloupe (FWI). Based on the examination of these seven Diplopeltula species, the genus has been reappraised. The systematic position of the other genera of the Diplopeltidae Filipjev, 1918 is also discussed. Diplopeltoides Gerlach, 1962 is moved from the Aegialoalaimidae Lorenzen, 1981 to the Diplopeltidae.  相似文献   

During the ecological studies on marine nematodes in the intertidal zone and an adjacent seagrass Zostera marina Linne bed in Amakusa, south Japan, two new species of the genus Rhynchonema Cobb, 1920 were found. They are described as R. kikuchii and R. amakusanum. Up to now, Rhynchonema species were unknown from Japan.  相似文献   

YunLiang  Peng  Abebe  Eyualem  Coomans  August 《Hydrobiologia》2002,468(1-3):83-93
A new Eumonhystera species, E. huruii n. sp., together with Monhystera nubiae Eyualem & Coomans, 1996, Monhystera somereni Allgén, 1952, and Monhystera wangi Wu & Hoeppli, 1932 are described from Li river at Guiling, China. Eumonhystera huruii n. sp. is closest to E. barbata Andrássy, 1981, but differs in having shorter anterior setae, much longer reproductive system, shorter and less dorsally bent tail and differently shaped spinneret. M. nubiae and M. wangi are reported here for the first time outside their type locality, whereas M. somereni is reported from China for the first time.  相似文献   

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