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Cortical topography can be remapped as a consequence of sensory deprivation, suggesting that cortical circuits are continually modified by experience. To see the effect of altered sensory experience on specific components of cortical circuits, we imaged neurons, labeled with a genetically modified adeno-associated virus, in the intact mouse somatosensory cortex before and after whisker plucking. Following whisker plucking we observed massive and rapid reorganization of the axons of both excitatory and inhibitory neurons, accompanied by a transient increase in bouton density. For horizontally projecting axons of excitatory neurons there was a net increase in axonal projections from the non-deprived whisker barrel columns into the deprived barrel columns. The axon collaterals of inhibitory neurons located in the deprived whisker barrel columns retracted in the vicinity of their somata and sprouted long-range projections beyond their normal reach towards the non-deprived whisker barrel columns. These results suggest that alterations in the balance of excitation and inhibition in deprived and non-deprived barrel columns underlie the topographic remapping associated with sensory deprivation.  相似文献   

Electrical stimulation of the nervous system for therapeutic purposes, such as deep brain stimulation in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease, has been used for decades. Recently, increased attention has focused on using microstimulation to restore functions as diverse as somatosensation and memory. However, how microstimulation changes the neural substrate is still not fully understood. Microstimulation may cause cortical changes that could either compete with or complement natural neural processes, and could result in neuroplastic changes rendering the region dysfunctional or even epileptic. As part of our efforts to produce neuroprosthetic devices and to further study the effects of microstimulation on the cortex, we stimulated and recorded from microelectrode arrays in the hand area of the primary somatosensory cortex (area 1) in two awake macaque monkeys. We applied a simple neuroprosthetic microstimulation protocol to a pair of electrodes in the area 1 array, using either random pulses or pulses time-locked to the recorded spiking activity of a reference neuron. This setup was replicated using a computer model of the thalamocortical system, which consisted of 1980 spiking neurons distributed among six cortical layers and two thalamic nuclei. Experimentally, we found that spike-triggered microstimulation induced cortical plasticity, as shown by increased unit-pair mutual information, while random microstimulation did not. In addition, there was an increased response to touch following spike-triggered microstimulation, along with decreased neural variability. The computer model successfully reproduced both qualitative and quantitative aspects of the experimental findings. The physiological findings of this study suggest that even simple microstimulation protocols can be used to increase somatosensory information flow.  相似文献   

Rapid-rate paired associative stimulation (rPAS) involves repeat pairing of peripheral nerve stimulation and Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) pulses at a 5 Hz frequency. RPAS over primary motor cortex (M1) operates with spike-timing dependent plasticity such that increases in corticospinal excitability occur when the nerve and TMS pulse temporally coincide in cortex. The present study investigates the effects of rPAS over primary somatosensory cortex (SI) which has not been performed to date. In a series of experiments, rPAS was delivered over SI and M1 at varying timing intervals between the nerve and TMS pulse based on the latency of the N20 somatosensory evoked potential (SEP) component within each participant (intervals for SI-rPAS: N20, N20-2.5 ms, N20 + 2.5 ms, intervals for M1-rPAS: N20, N20+5 ms). Changes in SI physiology were measured via SEPs (N20, P25, N20-P25) and SEP paired-pulse inhibition, and changes in M1 physiology were measured with motor evoked potentials and short-latency afferent inhibition. Measures were obtained before rPAS and at 5, 25 and 45 minutes following stimulation. Results indicate that paired-pulse inhibition and short-latency afferent inhibition were reduced only when the SI-rPAS nerve-TMS timing interval was set to N20-2.5 ms. SI-rPAS over SI also led to remote effects on motor physiology over a wider range of nerve-TMS intervals (N20-2.5 ms – N20+2.5 ms) during which motor evoked potentials were increased. M1-rPAS increased motor evoked potentials and reduced short-latency afferent inhibition as previously reported. These data provide evidence that, similar to M1, rPAS over SI is spike-timing dependent and is capable of exerting changes in SI and M1 physiology.  相似文献   

Direct corticocortical afferents to the primary motor cortex (MI) originate in area 2 and area 3a of the primary somatosensory cortex (SI). The functional and morphological characteristics of the two pathways indicate that they relay different sensory signals to MI. The role of area 2 in relaying peripheral information to the cat MI was studied using electrophysiological techniques. Neurons that responded to stimulation of peripheral receptive fields on the contralateral forepaw were identified in MI by extracellular recordings. In area 2 of SI, neurons with the same receptive field modality and location as those in MI were also identified. Field potentials to electrical stimulation of the peripheral receptive field were recorded at the somatotopically matched sites in both MI and SI. Neuronal activity at the recording site in area 2 was blocked by injection of lidocaine, a local anesthetic. Changes in MI and area 2 responses were monitored before and after inactivation of area 2. Neuronal activity near the injection site was abolished, and evoked potentials (EPs) in area 2 were considerably diminished immediately following the injection. In MI, spontaneous activity levels were altered at some sites, but overall these changes were not significant. MI EPs recorded in response to peripheral stimulation were altered, and various patterns of change were noted in the early and late phases of the EPs. Changes often occurred in only one phase of the response. In some EPs, both early and late phases changed, but the direction and magnitude of change in one phase were not always linked to such changes in the other phase. Both increases and decreases in the amplitude and the area of each phase were observed. The morphological characteristics of the projection were reviewed and related to the findings in the study. It is proposed that inherent features of the pathway may account for the variable patterns of change that were observed.  相似文献   

Sensory deafferentation produces extensive reorganization of the corresponding deafferented cortex. Little is known, however, about the role of the adjacent intact cortex in this reorganization. Here we show that a complete thoracic transection of the spinal cord immediately increases the responses of the intact forepaw cortex to forepaw stimuli (above the level of the lesion) in anesthetized rats. These increased forepaw responses were independent of the global changes in cortical state induced by the spinal cord transection described in our previous work (Aguilar et al., J Neurosci 2010), as the responses increased both when the cortex was in a silent state (down-state) or in an active state (up-state). The increased responses in the intact forepaw cortex correlated with increased responses in the deafferented hindpaw cortex, suggesting that they could represent different points of view of the same immediate state-independent functional reorganization of the primary somatosensory cortex after spinal cord injury. Collectively, the results of the present study and of our previous study suggest that both state-dependent and state-independent mechanisms can jointly contribute to cortical reorganization immediately after spinal cord injury.  相似文献   

The cortical map of adult cats that sustained spinal cord transection at T12 when they were 2 weeks old is characterized by a clear duplication of the representation of the forelimb, rostral trunk, and neck. The novel representation is located in the cortical region that is, in nonoperated animals, normally devoted to the hindlimb representation. We have investigated the possibility that the reactivation of the deprived hindlimb cortex may be mediated by corticocortical projections from normal to reorganized cortex. The primary somatosensory (SI) cortex was initially mapped to determine the boundaries of the normal and reorganized cortical representations. Somatotopically corresponding regions in both normal and reorganized cortex representing the trunk, the web space, or the shoulder were more precisely mapped. Inactivation of normal cortex was achieved by the nanoinjection of a solution of lidocaine hydrochloride stained with Chicago sky blue. Two major findings are described. First, inactivation of a circumscribed region of normal cortex representing a given receptive field (RF) failed to reduce or inhibit the responsiveness of a somatotopically corresponding RF represented in reorganized cortex. Therefore, it is unlikely that intracortical connections between normal and reorganized cortex could account for the reorganizational processes observed in cats that sustained spinal cord transection at 2 weeks of age. Second, the chemical blockade of normal cortex provoked an increase of the responsiveness and of the size of the peripheral RFs represented in reorganized cortex. This finding suggests that there are corticocortical connections (possibly topographically organized) between normal and reorganized cortex, and that these connections are inhibitory.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the hemodynamic response of the primary somatosensory cortex (SI) to electrical median nerve stimulation doubles in strength when the stimulus rate (SR) increases from 1 to 5 Hz. Here we investigated whether such sensitivity to SR is homogenous within the functionally different subareas of the SI cortex, and whether SR sensitivity would help discern area 3b among the other SI subareas. We acquired 3-tesla functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data from nine healthy adults who received pneumotactile stimuli in 25-s blocks to three right-hand fingers, either at 1, 4, or 10 Hz. The main contrast (all stimulations pooled vs. baseline), applied to the whole brain, first limited the search to the whole SI cortex. The conjunction of SR-sensitive contrasts [4 Hz − 1 Hz] > 0 and [10 Hz − 1 Hz] > 0 ([4Hz − 1Hz] + [10Hz − 1Hz] > 0), applied to the SI cluster, then revealed an anterior-ventral subcluster that reacted more strongly to both 10-Hz and 4-Hz stimuli than to the 1-Hz stimuli. No other SR-sensitive clusters were found at the group-level in the whole-brain analysis. The site of the SR-sensitive SI subcluster corresponds to the canonical position of area 3b; such differentiation was also possible at the individual level in 5 out of 9 subjects. Thus the SR sensitivity of the BOLD response appears to discern area 3b among other subareas of the human SI cortex.  相似文献   

Although many studies have examined the columnar organization of primary somatosensory (SI) cortex, the functional relationship among neurons in different layers remains unclear. To understand how activity is coordinated among different cortical layers, the present investigation tested the hypothesis that the initial part of a peripheral stimulus produces a serial pattern of laminar activation in SI cortex. Extracellular discharges of 334 histologically recovered neurons were recorded from the medial bank of the coronal sulcus in nine anesthetized cats during electrical or cutaneous stimulation of the distal forelimb. Mean responses during the initial 50-msec period following stimulus onset were largest in layers IIIb or IV for both types of stimulation, but laminar differences in the magnitude of onset responses were not statistically significant. Among 175 neurons with responses exceeding 0.5 spikes per stimulus, electrical Stimulation consistently produced shorter response latencies than mechanical indentation in the extragranular (II, IIIa, V, VI), but not in the middle (IIIb, IV), cortical layers. The average minimum latencies for different cortical layers ranged from 7.4 to 10.1 msec for responses to electrical stimulation and from 10.3 to 11.6 msec for responses to mechanical indentations, but these laminar differences were not statistically significant. In some experiments, neurons in different layers of a cortical column were recorded simultaneously with dual-electrode assemblies; among 37 neuron pairs in which both neurons responded with more than 0.5 spikes per stimulus, response latencies were similar, even though the neurons were separated by several hundred microns. Cross-correlation analysis of the onset responses for neurons recorded simultaneously from different layers also indicated that many cells throughout a cortical column were activated nearly simultaneously by the initial phase of a peripheral stimulus. Results from the present study are compared with previous reports examining laminar patterns of activation.  相似文献   

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