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By studying complementation between frameshift and nonsense mutants located in the structural genes for the head of bacteriophage lambdai434, we found mutations in gene B which are polar on genes C and D and one mutation in gene E which is polar on gene F.  相似文献   

The dnaE gene of Escherichia coli encodes the DNA polymerase (α subunit) of the main replicative enzyme, DNA polymerase III holoenzyme. We have previously identified this gene as the site of a series of seven antimutator mutations that specifically decrease the level of DNA replication errors. Here we report the nucleotide sequence changes in each of the different antimutator dnaE alleles. For each a single, but different, amino acid substitution was found among the 1,160 amino acids of the protein. The observed substitutions are generally nonconservative. All affected residues are located in the central one-third of the protein. Some insight into the function of the regions of polymerase III containing the affected residues was obtained by amino acid alignment with other DNA polymerases. We followed the principles developed in 1990 by M. Delarue et al. who have identified in DNA polymerases from a large number of prokaryotic and eukaryotic sources three highly conserved sequence motifs, which are suggested to contain components of the polymerase active site. We succeeded in finding these three conserved motifs in polymerase III as well. However, none of the amino acid substitutions responsible for the antimutator phenotype occurred at these sites. This and other observations suggest that the effect of these mutations may be exerted indirectly through effects on polymerase conformation and/or DNA/polymerase interactions.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage lambda with mutations in genes that control prohead assembly and other head precursors cannot mature their DNA. In this paper we present evidence that the failure of these phage mutants to mature DNA is a reflection of a mechanism that modulates terminase nicking activity during normal phage development. We have constructed plasmids that contain the lambda-cohesive end site (cos) and the genes that code for DNA terminase, the enzyme that matures DNA by cutting at cos. The DNA terminase genes are under control of a thermosensitive cI repressor. These plasmids lack most of the genes involved in prohead morphogenesis and other head precursors. However, when repression is lifted by destruction of the thermosensitive repressor, the terminase synthesized is able to cut almost 100% of the plasmids. Therefore, these plasmids can mature in the absence of proheads and other head gene products. The plasmids are also able to complement mutants of lambda deficient in terminase and DNA maturation. However, in these complementation experiments, if the phage carry mutations in prohead genes E or B, not only is phage DNA maturation blocked, but the plasmid also fails to mature. These experiments show that, in the absence of proheads, phage lambda produces a trans-acting inhibitor of maturation. The genetic determinant of this inhibitor maps in a region extending from the middle of gene B to the end of gene C. A model is proposed in which the nicking activity of DNA-bound terminase is inhibited by the trans-acting inhibitor. Prohead (and other factors) binding to this complex would release the block to allow DNA cleavage and packaging.  相似文献   

Tailed bacteriophages and herpesviruses consist of a structurally well conserved dodecameric portal at a special 5-fold vertex of the capsid. The portal plays critical roles in head assembly, genome packaging, neck/tail attachment, and genome ejection. Although the structures of portals from phages φ29, SPP1, and P22 have been determined, their mechanistic roles have not been well understood. Structural analysis of phage T4 portal (gp20) has been hampered because of its unusual interaction with the Escherichia coli inner membrane. Here, we predict atomic models for the T4 portal monomer and dodecamer, and we fit the dodecamer into the cryo-electron microscopy density of the phage portal vertex. The core structure, like that from other phages, is cone shaped with the wider end containing the “wing” and “crown” domains inside the phage head. A long “stem” encloses a central channel, and a narrow “stalk” protrudes outside the capsid. A biochemical approach was developed to analyze portal function by incorporating plasmid-expressed portal protein into phage heads and determining the effect of mutations on head assembly, DNA translocation, and virion production. We found that the protruding loops of the stalk domain are involved in assembling the DNA packaging motor. A loop that connects the stalk to the channel might be required for communication between the motor and the portal. The “tunnel” loops that project into the channel are essential for sealing the packaged head. These studies established that the portal is required throughout the DNA packaging process, with different domains participating at different stages of genome packaging.  相似文献   

A technique has been described for selection of bacteria carrying plasmid lambdadv. With this technique, the effects of mutations in the promoter-operators were compared on the production and perpetuation of the plasmid. It was found that "left" promoter-operator that controls leftward gene expressions can be deleted from the plasmid genome. Some mutations of "right" promoter-operator (pRoR) that controls expression of genes tof, O, and P affect the stability of the plasmid. However, the plasmid genome accomodates a variety of pRoR mutations within a reasonable but different degree of constitutivity. Some new promoter mutations that allow bypass of the pRoR cannot be carried in the plasmid genome. From these findings it was proposed that the plasmid replicon has one indispensable promoter-operator that controls expression of all the genes related to its own replication, although a variety of constitutive mutations can be accommodated in the pRorR.  相似文献   

For small-copy-number pUC-type plasmids, the inc1 and inc2 mutations, which deregulate replication, were previously found to increase the plasmid copy number 6- to 7-fold. Because plasmids can exert a growth burden, it was not clear if further amplification of copy number would occur due to inc mutations when the starting point for plasmid copy number was orders of magnitude higher. To investigate further the effects of the inc mutations and the possible limits of plasmid synthesis, the parent plasmid pNTC8485 was used as a starting point. It lacks an antibiotic resistance gene and has a copy number of ∼1,200 per chromosome. During early stationary-phase growth in LB broth at 37°C, inc2 mutants of pNTC8485 exhibited a copy number of ∼7,000 per chromosome. In minimal medium at late log growth, the copy number was found to be significantly increased, to approximately 15,000. In an attempt to further increase the plasmid titer (plasmid mass/culture volume), enzymatic hydrolysis of the selection agent, sucrose, at late log growth extended growth and tripled the total plasmid amount such that an approximately 80-fold gain in total plasmid was obtained compared to the value for typical pUC-type vectors. Finally, when grown in minimal medium, no detectable impact on the exponential growth rate or the fidelity of genomic or plasmid DNA replication was found in cells with deregulated plasmid replication. The use of inc mutations and the sucrose degradation method presents a simplified way for attaining high titers of plasmid DNA for various applications.  相似文献   

The ability of cell extracts ofEscherichia coli 1100 prepared at different times after infection with bacteriophage λint 6 cI 857 or λ 857 to attach molecules of λ32P-DNA to λ DNA adsorbed on a nitrocellulose membrane filter was compared. It was found that only with extracts from cells infected with bacteriophage λ cI 857 with an active int gene was it possible to attach molecules of λ32P-DNA to λ DNA. This ability was reflected best in extracts prepared from cells 10 min after infection. A similar ability was observed also with extracts prepared from cells ofEscherichia coli 1100 (λ cI 857) after heat induction of the prophage. The maximum efficiency in this case was observed with cell extracts 15 min after the temperature rise.  相似文献   

By means of agarose-gel electrophoresis, endonuclease R.EcoRI-generated fragments of DNA from various viruses were separated, their molecular weights were determined, and complete or partial fragment maps for lambda, phi80, and hybrid phages were constructed.  相似文献   

In phage lambda, progeny particles bearing unreplicated chromosomes are recombinant by action of lambda's Red system only near the right end of the chromosome. These recombinants are frequently heterozygous (heteroduplex) for markers located there. In replication-blocked crosses involving two heavy-labeled parents we find that particles in the solitary peak, containing progeny with fully conserved DNA, vary in density. Those on the heavy side of this peak are more apt to be heterozygous than are those on the light side. The data fit a model in which a double chain cut at cos, lambda's packaging origin, is followed by partial exonucleolytic degradation of lambda's r chain from the right end leftward. The exposed l chain, which thereby constitutes a 3' overhang, invades an intact, circular homologue after itself suffering some degradation. Completion of the recombinant chromosome sometimes involves DNA synthesis primed by the invading chain.  相似文献   

Transcriptionandtranslationaretwostepsofgeneexpression.Transcription,asacontrolstep,isamajoraspectinregulationofgeneexpression.However,thereareanumberofexamplesoftranslationalcontrol.ThesequenceofTIR(translationalinitiationregion)onmRNAcanaffecttheeffici…  相似文献   

In 1936, Frank Macfarlane Burnet published a paper entitled “Induced lysogenicity and the mutation of bacteriophage within lysogenic bacteria,” in which he demonstrated that the introduction of a specific bacteriophage into a bacterial strain consistently and repeatedly imparted a specific property – namely the resistance to a different phage – to the bacterial strain that was originally susceptible to lysis by that second phage. Burnet’s explanation for this change was that the first phage was causing a mutation in the bacterium which rendered it and its successive generations of offspring resistant to lysogenicity. At the time, this idea was a novel one that needed compelling evidence to be accepted. While it is difficult for us today to conceive of mutations and genes outside the context of DNA as the physico-chemical basis of genes, in the mid 1930s, when this paper was published, DNA’s role as the carrier of hereditary information had not yet been discovered and genes and mutations were yet to acquire physical and chemical forms. Also, during that time genes were considered to exist only in organisms capable of sexual modes of replication and the status of bacteria and viruses as organisms capable of containing genes and manifesting mutations was still in question. Burnet’s paper counts among those pieces of work that helped dispel the notion that genes, inheritance and mutations were tied to an organism’s sexual status. In this paper, I analyze the implications of Burnet’s paper for the understanding of various concepts – such as “mutation,” and “gene,” – at the time it was published, and how those understandings shaped the development of the meanings of these terms and our modern conceptions thereof.  相似文献   

Insulin-degrading enzyme (IDE) is involved in the clearance of many bioactive peptide substrates, including insulin and amyloid-β, peptides vital to the development of diabetes and Alzheimer's disease, respectively. IDE can also rapidly degrade hormones that are held together by intramolecular disulfide bond(s) without their reduction. Furthermore, IDE exhibits a remarkable ability to preferentially degrade structurally similar peptides such as the selective degradation of insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-II and transforming growth factor-α (TGF-α) over IGF-I and epidermal growth factor, respectively. Here, we used high-accuracy mass spectrometry to identify the cleavage sites of human IGF-II, TGF-α, amylin, reduced amylin, and amyloid-β by human IDE. We also determined the structures of human IDE-IGF-II and IDE-TGF-α at 2.3 Å and IDE-amylin at 2.9 Å. We found that IDE cleaves its substrates at multiple sites in a biased stochastic manner. Furthermore, the presence of a disulfide bond in amylin allows IDE to cut at an additional site in the middle of the peptide (amino acids 18-19). Our amylin-bound IDE structure offers insight into how the structural constraint from a disulfide bond in amylin can alter IDE cleavage sites. Together with NMR structures of amylin and the IGF and epidermal growth factor families, our work also reveals the structural basis of how the high dipole moment of substrates complements the charge distribution of the IDE catalytic chamber for the substrate selectivity. In addition, we show how the ability of substrates to properly anchor their N-terminus to the exosite of IDE and undergo a conformational switch upon binding to the catalytic chamber of IDE can also contribute to the selective degradation of structurally related growth factors.  相似文献   

Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) is an inherited form of bilateral optic atrophy in which the primary etiological event is a mutation in the mitochondrial genome. The optic neuropathy involves a loss of central vision due to degeneration of the retinal ganglion cells and optic nerve axons that subserve central vision. The primary mitochondrial mutation is necessary—but not sufficient—for development of the optic neuropathy, and secondary genetic and/or epigenetic risk factors must also be present although they are poorly defined at the present time. There is broad agreement that mutations at nucleotides 3460, 11778, and 14484 are primary LHON mutations, but there may also be other rare primary mutations. It appears that the three primary LHON mutations are associated with respiratory chain dysfunction, but the derangements may be relatively subtle. There is also debate on whether there are mitochondrial mutations that have a secondary etiological or pathogenic role in LHON. The specific pattern of the optic neuropathy may arise from a chokepoint in the optic nerve in the region of the nerve head and lamina cribosa, and which may be more severe in those LHON family members who become visually affected. It is hypothesized that the respiratory chain dysfunction leads to axoplasmic stasis and swelling, thereby blocking ganglion cell function and causing loss of vision. In some LHON patients, this loss of function is reversible in a substantial number of ganglion cells, but in others, a cell death pathway (probably apoptotic) is activated with subsequent extensive degeneration of the retinal ganglion cell layer and optic nerve.  相似文献   

We have studied the in vitro repression of RNA synthesis by the cI protein of phage λ. We find that highly purified cI protein is an effective and specific repressor of RNA synthesis from the early gene region of λ DNA. Under optimal conditions at least 95% of the early gene RNA synthesis is repressed and this repression is eliminated or severely impaired by the use of λ DNA-carrying operator-type mutations which reduce the binding affinity of the cI protein. Highly effective repression can be demonstrated only through the use of the initiation-inhibitor rifampicin, which presumably, selects “properly” initiated RNA chains; thus we can by-pass in vitro but not yet solve the problem of how the host polymerase initiates specifically in vivo from the immediate-early promoter sites.  相似文献   

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