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Abstract: Excitatory amino acid (EAA) neurotransmitters may play a role in the pathophysiology of traumatic injury to the CNS. Although NMDA receptor antagonists have been reported to have therapeutic efficacy in animal models of brain injury, these compounds may have unacceptable toxicity for clinical use. One alternative approach is to inhibit the release of EAAs following traumatic injury. The present study examined the effects of administration of a novel sodium channel blocker and EAA release inhibitor, BW1003C87, or the NMDA receptor-associated ion channel blocker magnesium chloride on cerebral edema formation following experimental brain injury in the rat. Animals (n = 33) were subjected to fluid percussion brain injury of moderate severity (2.3 atm) over the left parietal cortex. Fifteen minutes after injury, the animals received a constant infusion of BW1003C87 (10 mg/kg, i.v.), magnesium chloride (300 µmol/kg, i.v.), or saline over 15 min (2.75 ml/kg/15 min). In all animals, regional tissue water content in brain was assessed at 48 h after injury, using the wet weight/dry weight technique. In saline-treated control animals, fluid percussion brain injury produced significant regional brain edema in injured left parietal cortex ( p < 0.001), the cortical area adjacent to the site of maximal injury ( p < 0.001), left hippocampus ( p < 0.001), and left thalamus ( p = 0.02) at 48 h after brain injury. Administration of BW1003C87 15 min postinjury significantly reduced focal brain edema in the cortical area adjacent to the site of maximal injury ( p < 0.02) and left hippocampus ( p < 0.01), whereas magnesium chloride attenuated edema in left hippocampus ( p = 0.02). These results suggest that excitatory neurotransmission may play an important role in the pathogenesis of posttraumatic brain edema and that pre- or post-synaptic blockade of glutamate receptor systems may attenuate part of the deleterious sequelae of traumatic brain injury.  相似文献   

Receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) and their cellular signaling pathways play important roles in normal development and homeostasis. Aberrations in their activation or signaling leads to many pathologies, especially cancers, motivating the development of a variety of drugs that block RTK signaling that have been successfully applied for the treatment of many cancers. As the current field of RTKs and their signaling pathways are covered by a very large amount of literature, spread over half a century, I am focusing the scope of this review on seminal discoveries made before tyrosine phosphorylation was discovered, and on the early days of research into RTKs and their cellular signaling pathways. I review the history of the early days of research in the field of RTKs. I emphasize key early findings, which provided conceptual frameworks for addressing the questions of how RTKs are activated and how they regulate intracellular signaling pathways.The family of cell-surface receptors designated receptor tyrosine kinases (RTK) received their name more that a decade after the same molecules were already known as the cell-surface receptors for insulin (insulin receptor), epidermal growth factor (EGFR), and many other growth factor receptors. Following the pioneering discoveries of nerve growth factor and epidermal growth factor (EGF; Levi-Montalcini and Booker 1960; Cohen 1962) and the establishment of the important roles of these two growth factors in the control of neuronal differentiation and cell proliferation in vivo and in vitro, it became clear that these cytokines bind specifically to cell-surface receptors. Insulin had already been discovered by this time, and had been applied successfully to treat diabetes patients since the early twentieth century. The resulting homogenous preparations of pure insulin enabled the quantitative characterization of insulin binding to its receptor on intact cells or to solubilized insulin receptor preparations using radiolabeled insulin (De Meyts et al. 1973). These studies greatly advanced understanding of the ligand binding characteristics of insulin receptor and, later on EGFR (Carpenter et al. 1975), including the establishment of negative cooperativity in insulin binding to its receptor expressed on the surface of living cells (De Meyts et al. 1973). Moreover, these studies shed important light on the dynamic nature of the cellular behavior of these receptors. The capacities of insulin receptor and EGFR to undergo ligand-dependent down-regulation and desensitization through receptor-mediated internalization and degradation (Carpenter and Cohen 1976; Gordon et al. 1978; Schlessinger et al. 1978a,b; Carpentier et al. 1979; Haigler et al. 1979) were also established well before the realization that growth factors receptors are endowed with intrinsic protein tyrosine kinase activities (Fig. 1).Open in a separate windowFigure 1.A time line of key findings during the history of RTKs, with emphasis on findings and discoveries that produced the conceptual framework in the development of the RTK field and its application for cancer therapy. References for the key findings are also presented in the text (Lee et al. 1985; Libermann et al. 1985; Margolis et al. 1990; Bottaro et al. 1991; Bae et al. 2009).Progress was also made in elucidating the role of growth factors in normal embryonic development, wound healing, and pathological conditions such as cancer. Early studies in the 1960s and 1970s showed that growth factors play an important role in oncogenesis induced by retroviruses and in the proliferation of tumor-derived cancer cells. Pioneering studies performed by Howard Temin (1966, 1967) showed that cancer cells need less insulin and serum growth factors for cell proliferation compared with normal cells, suggesting that cancer cells produce and use their own growth factors and/or use cellular processes that in normal cells are regulated by exogenously supplied growth factors; both predictions were subsequently confirmed. A variety of new polypeptide growth factors that stimulate cell proliferation by binding to receptors at the cell surface were subsequently discovered. Those include a growth factor isolated from human platelets designated platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF; Antoniades et al. 1979; Heldin et al. 1979), a growth factor isolated from bovine brain designated fibroblast growth factor (FGF; Gospodarowicz et al. 1978), a growth factor isolated from rat platelets that stimulates the proliferation of mature hepatocytes, designated hepatocyte growth factor (HGF; Nakamura et al. 1986). In addition to EGF, another growth factor that binds selectively to cells expressing EGFR was isolated from virally and chemically transformed cells, suggesting that this growth factor—designated transforming growth factor α—may play a role in oncogenesis by an autocrine mechanism (Roberts et al. 1980, 1982). This discovery provided further support to the earlier finding that transformation by murine and feline sarcoma viruses selectively interferes with EGF binding to EGFR in transformed cells (Todaro et al. 1976). Together with many other studies published since the 1980s, this work showed that growth factors and their receptors play numerous important roles during development and in many normal cellular processes as well as in pathologies such as cancer, diabetes, atherosclerosis, severe bone disorders, and tumor angiogenesis.Visualization of dynamic cellular redistribution of ligand/receptor complexes, and rapid receptor-mediated internalization of growth factors such as insulin or EGF, led to the proposal that cell-surface receptors for these ligands may play a passive role in delivering them to intracellular compartments in which internalized EGF or insulin molecules exert their actions (Vigneri et al. 1978; Podlecki et al. 1986; Jiang and Schindler 1990). In other words, according to this hypothesis, the biological signals induced by insulin or EGF were thought to be mediated by binding of the ligands themselves to intracellular target(s) in the cytoplasm or nucleus, with the role of the cell-surface receptor being to act as a “carrier” that delivers them directly to these targets. An alternative hypothesis was that insulin or EGF activates their cognate receptors at the cell surface, which in turn stimulate the production of an intracellular second messenger molecule analogous to cAMP in signaling by the G-protein-activating β-adrenergic receptor. Indeed, several potential second messengers that are generated in cells on stimulation with insulin or other growth factors were proposed before (and even after) it became clear that insulin receptor, EGFR, and other RTKs are endowed with intrinsic tyrosine kinase activity (Larner et al. 1979; Das 1980; Saltiel and Cuatrecasas 1986).A demonstration that anti-insulin receptor antibodies from the serum of certain diabetic patients could mimic cellular responses of insulin (Flier et al. 1977; Van Obberghen et al. 1979) provided the first conclusive answer to the question of whether the biological activity of growth factors is mediated directly or indirectly through their membrane receptors. This experiment ruled out the possibility that insulin receptor functions as a passive carrier that delivers insulin to an intracellular target to induce cellular responses. Studies showing that intact, bivalent antibodies against the insulin receptor can activate its signaling, whereas monovalent Fab fragments of the same antibodies cannot further argued that ligand-induced receptor dimerization or stimulation of a particular arrangement between two receptor molecules in a dimer can activate the insulin receptor (Kahn et al. 1978).A similar conclusion was reached using certain monoclonal antibodies that bind to the extracellular region of EGFR and block ligand binding (Schreiber et al. 1981). Whereas intact antibodies were able to mimic EGF in stimulating a variety of EGF-like responses including cell proliferation, monovalent Fab fragments of the same monoclonal EGFR antibodies failed to do so—and acted instead as EGFR antagonists (Schreiber et al. 1981, 1983). These experiments provided strong evidence both that EGFR plays a crucial role in mediating EGF-induced cellular responses and that EGFR is activated by ligand-induced receptor dimerization (Schreiber 1981, 1983).  相似文献   

目的:在大肠杆菌中表达金黄色葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus aureus,SA)LukF-PV基因,纯化重组蛋白并以其为抗原检测儿童SA感染者血清特异性IgG抗体,分析不同部位SA感染患者血清LukF-PV抗体水平。方法:将Luk F-PV克隆至pET-28a(+)载体,IPTG诱导重组蛋白表达、His柱纯化重组蛋白后,用间接ELISA检测儿童SA感染者与健康对照者血清特异性IgG抗体水平。结果:成功表达纯化LukF-PV蛋白,儿童SA感染组与健康对照组血清特异性抗体均值分别为(0.309±0.063)、(0.505±0.261),具有统计学意义(P0.05)。不同部位来源标本的感染者中血液组和扁桃体组抗体OD均值分别为(0.634±0.225)、(0.481±0.264)与健康对照组有显著差异(P0.05),其余各组与健康对照组无显著差异(P0.05)。抗体阳性率统计分析中血液组分别与脑脊液组、扁桃体组、咽拭子组、痰液组有统计学意义(P0.05),其余各组间均无显著差异(P0.05)。结论:LukF-PV成功表达纯化,,儿童SA感染组LukF-PV特异性IgG抗体显著高于健康对照组,其中来源于血液和扁桃体部位的SA感染者抗体水平与健康者有显著差异,尤以血液感染者最显著。  相似文献   

Abstract: The paired helical filament (PHF), which makes up the major fibrous component of the neurofibrillary lesions of Alzheimer's disease, is composed of hyperphosphorylated and abnormally phosphorylated microtubule-associated protein τ. Previous studies have identified serine and threonine residues phosphorylated in PHF-τ and have shown that τ can be phosphorylated at several of these sites by proline-directed protein kinases and cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase. Here we have investigated which protein phosphatase activities can dephosphorylate recombinant τ phosphorylated with mitogen-activated protein kinase, glycogen synthase kinase-3β, neuronal cdc2-like kinase, or cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase. We show that protein phosphatase 2A is by far the major protein phosphatase activity in brain that dephosphorylates τ phosphorylated in this manner.  相似文献   

The protein kinase family, one of the largest gene families in eukaryotes, plays an important role in regulating various cellular processes such as cell proliferation, cell death, cell cycle progression, differentiation and cell survival. Therefore, it is not surprising that the deregulation of many kinases is usually directly linked to cancer development. In all solid tumors, changes in protein kinase expression levels and activities, as well as alterations in the degree of posttranslational modifications can contribute to cancer development. Consequently, the identification of molecular targets and signaling pathways specific to cancer cells is becoming more and more important for cancer drug development and cancer therapies. Inhibition of various protein kinases has already been investigated in many pre-clinical and clinical trials targeting all stages of signal transduction, demonstrating promising results in cancer therapy. Conventional chemotherapeutics are often ineffective as well as harmful; hence a combination of both chemotherapeutics and protein kinase inhibitors may result in new and more successful therapeutic approaches. In this review we focus on protein kinases involved in different signaling pathways and their alterations in solid tumors.  相似文献   

Mir M  Asong J  Li X  Cardot J  Boons GJ  Husson RN 《PLoS pathogens》2011,7(7):e1002182
The Mycobacterium tuberculosis Ser/Thr kinase PknB has been implicated in the regulation of cell growth and morphology in this organism. The extracytoplasmic domain of this membrane protein comprises four penicillin binding protein and Ser/Thr kinase associated (PASTA) domains, which are predicted to bind stem peptides of peptidoglycan. Using a comprehensive library of synthetic muropeptides, we demonstrate that the extracytoplasmic domain of PknB binds muropeptides in a manner dependent on the presence of specific amino acids at the second and third positions of the stem peptide, and on the presence of the sugar moiety N-acetylmuramic acid linked to the peptide. We further show that PknB localizes strongly to the mid-cell and also to the cell poles, and that the extracytoplasmic domain is required for PknB localization. In contrast to strong growth stimulation by conditioned medium, we observe no growth stimulation of M. tuberculosis by a synthetic muropeptide with high affinity for the PknB PASTAs. We do find a moderate effect of a high affinity peptide on resuscitation of dormant cells. While the PASTA domains of PknB may play a role in stimulating growth by binding exogenous peptidoglycan fragments, our data indicate that a major function of these domains is for proper PknB localization, likely through binding of peptidoglycan fragments produced locally at the mid-cell and the cell poles. These data suggest a model in which PknB is targeted to the sites of peptidoglycan turnover to regulate cell growth and cell division.  相似文献   

Human thelaziosis is an underestimated parasitic disease caused by Thelazia species (Spirurida: Thelaziidae). The oriental eyeworm, Thelazia callipaeda, infects a range of mammalian definitive hosts, including canids, felids and humans. Although this zoonotic parasite is of socio-economic significance in Asian countries, its genetics, epidemiology and biology are poorly understood. Mitochondrial (mt) DNA is known to provide useful genetic markers to underpin fundamental investigations, but no mt genome had been characterized for any members of the family Thelaziidae. In the present study, we sequenced and characterized the mt genome of T. callipaeda. This AT-rich (74.6%) mt genome (13,668 bp) is circular and contains 12 protein-coding genes, 22 transfer RNA genes and two ribosomal RNA genes, but lacks an atp8 gene. All protein-coding genes are transcribed in the same direction; the gene order is the same as those of Dirofilaria immitis and Setaria digitata (Onchocercidae), but distinct from Dracunculus medinensis (Dracunculidae) and Heliconema longissimum (Physalopteridae). Phylogenetic analyses of the concatenated amino acid sequence data for all 12 protein-coding genes by Bayesian inference (BI) showed that T. callipaeda (Thelaziidae) is related to the family Onchocercidae. This is the first mt genome of any member of the family Thelaziidae and should represent a new source of genetic markers for studying the epidemiology, ecology, population genetics and systematics of this parasite of humans and other mammals.  相似文献   

As key regulators of cell signaling, protein kinases (PKs) are attractive targets for therapeutic intervention in a variety of diseases. Herein, we report for the first time the inhibitory activity of polycyclic peptides, particularly, derivatives of glycopeptide antibiotics teicoplanin and eremomycin, against a panel of 12 recombinant human protein kinases and two protein kinases (CK1 and CK2) isolated from rat liver. Several of the investigated compounds inhibited various PKs with IC50 values below 10 μM and caused >90% suppression of the enzyme activity at 10 μM concentration. Kinetic analysis of the protein kinase CK2α inhibition by the teicoplanin aglycon analogue (7) demonstrated the non-competitive mechanism of inhibition (with regard to ATP). Interestingly, the inhibitory activity of some investigated compounds correlated with the earlier described antiviral activity against HIV, HCV, and other corona- and flaviviruses.  相似文献   

We determined the complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence of a fluke, Paramphistomum cervi (Digenea: Paramphistomidae). This genome (14,014 bp) is slightly larger than that of Clonorchis sinensis (13,875 bp), but smaller than those of other digenean species. The mt genome of P. cervi contains 12 protein-coding genes, 22 transfer RNA genes, 2 ribosomal RNA genes and 2 non-coding regions (NCRs), a complement consistent with those of other digeneans. The arrangement of protein-coding and ribosomal RNA genes in the P. cervi mitochondrial genome is identical to that of other digeneans except for a group of Schistosoma species that exhibit a derived arrangement. The positions of some transfer RNA genes differ. Bayesian phylogenetic analyses, based on concatenated nucleotide sequences and amino-acid sequences of the 12 protein-coding genes, placed P. cervi within the Order Plagiorchiida, but relationships depicted within that order were not quite as expected from previous studies. The complete mtDNA sequence of P. cervi provides important genetic markers for diagnostics, ecological and evolutionary studies of digeneans.  相似文献   

酪氨酸激酶抑制剂类抗肿瘤药物研究方法进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
酪氨酸激酶(protein tyrosine kinases,PTKs)在肿瘤细胞的增殖、分化、迁移、侵袭等相关信号通路中起到了关键的调控作用,已经成为肿瘤靶向性治疗的重要靶点.本文对靶向酪氨酸激酶的小分子抑制剂的筛选和评价方法进行综述,以期促进酪氨酸激酶抑制剂类抗肿瘤药物的研究.  相似文献   

The Mycobacterium tuberculosis protein kinase B (PknB) comprises an intracellular kinase domain, connected through a transmembrane domain to an extracellular region that contains four PASTA domains. The present study describes the comprehensive analysis of different domains of PknB in the context of viability in avirulent and virulent mycobacteria. We find stringent regulation of PknB expression necessary for cell survival, with depletion or overexpression of PknB leading to cell death. Although PknB-mediated kinase activity is essential for cell survival, active kinase lacking the transmembrane or extracellular domain fails to complement conditional mutants not expressing PknB. By creating chimeric kinases, we find that the intracellular kinase domain has unique functions in the virulent strain, which cannot be substituted by other kinases. Interestingly, we find that although the presence of the C-terminal PASTA domain is dispensable in the avirulent M. smegmatis, all four PASTA domains are essential in M. tuberculosis. The differential behavior of PknB vis-à-vis the number of essential PASTA domains and the specificity of kinase domain functions suggest that PknB-mediated growth and signaling events differ in virulent compared with avirulent mycobacteria. Mouse infection studies performed to determine the role of PknB in mediating pathogen survival in the host demonstrate that PknB is not only critical for growth of the pathogen in vitro but is also essential for the survival of the pathogen in the host.  相似文献   

Bacteriological analyses were made on 45 swab samples secured from hands of poultry workers on processing line, on 31 bruised and 15 normal poultry tissue samples, and on 15 swabs obtained from infected lacerations and exudates of abcesses on hands, arms, chest, and abdomen of poultry workers. A total of 170 Staphylococcus cultures were isolated from samples examined. These cultures were characterized morphologically and biochemically and then grouped into six distinct patterns. S. aureus was found in 86.6% of swab samples obtained from infected workers, in 40% of swabs from hands of workers who handle bruised birds, and in 38.7% of bruised tissues, and was absent from all samples obtained from hands of workers who do not handle bruised birds. All the coagulase-positive staphylococcal isolates were bacteriophage-typed, and the results showed that the same phage-type S. aureus was found in many poultry bruises and in infected lesions of poultry workers as well as on hands of workers who handle bruised birds. These results indicate that poultry bruises are a source of staphylococcal infection encountered among poultry workers.  相似文献   

The role of the disaccharide trehalose, its biosynthesis pathways and their regulation in Archaea are still ambiguous. In Thermoproteus tenax a fused trehalose-6-phosphate synthase/phosphatase (TPSP), consisting of an N-terminal trehalose-6-phosphate synthase (TPS) and a C-terminal trehalose-6-phosphate phosphatase (TPP) domain, was identified. The tpsp gene is organized in an operon with a putative glycosyltransferase (GT) and a putative mechanosensitive channel (MSC). The T. tenax TPSP exhibits high phosphatase activity, but requires activation by the co-expressed GT for bifunctional synthase-phosphatase activity. The GT mediated activation of TPS activity relies on the fusion of both, TPS and TPP domain, in the TPSP enzyme. Activation is mediated by complex-formation in vivo as indicated by yeast two-hybrid and crude extract analysis. In combination with first evidence for MSC activity the results suggest a sophisticated stress response involving TPSP, GT and MSC in T. tenax and probably in other Thermoproteales species. The monophyletic prokaryotic TPSP proteins likely originated via a single fusion event in the Bacteroidetes with subsequent horizontal gene transfers to other Bacteria and Archaea. Furthermore, evidence for the origin of eukaryotic TPSP fusions via HGT from prokaryotes and therefore a monophyletic origin of eukaryotic and prokaryotic fused TPSPs is presented. This is the first report of a prokaryotic, archaeal trehalose synthase complex exhibiting a much more simple composition than the eukaryotic complex described in yeast. Thus, complex formation and a complex-associated regulatory potential might represent a more general feature of trehalose synthesizing proteins.  相似文献   

Hadders MA  Williams RL 《Cell》2010,143(6):865-867
Being at the right place and time is as fundamental to biology as it is to academic careers. In this issue, Moravcevic and colleagues (2010) survey membrane-interacting proteins in yeast and discover a new membrane-targeting module, the kinase associated-1 domain KA1, which ensures that proteins are active at the correct place and time.  相似文献   

We investigated effects of protein kinase inhibitors on the first cell division in sea urchin eggs on the assumption that phosphorylation of myosin is requisite for the formation and/or the contraction of the contractile ring. ML-7 or ML-9, which inhibits myosin light chain kinase (MLCK), inhibited cytokinesis with a half maximal inhibition at 0.1–0.2 mM. The nuclear division was accomplished normally at 0.2–0.25 mM where the cytokinesis was completely blocked. Fluorescent staining of actin filaments with rhodamine-labeled phalloidin revealed that the contractile ring was not formed in the cleavage-inhibited eggs. H-7 which inhibits cAMP-dependent protein kinase, cGMP-dependent protein kinase and protein kinase C arrested the process of the division at mid-cleavage at 0.25–0.3 mM and at metaphase or anaphase at 0.5 mM. H-8 and HA1004, which inhibit cAMP-dependent and cGMP-dependent protein kinases did not show significant effect at millimolar order. In the presence of micromolar concentrations of staurosporine which preferentially inhibits protein kinase C and MLCK small mitotic apparatuses were formed, in which chromosomes did not form the metaphase plate. The role of phosphorylation in the cell division is discussed.  相似文献   

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