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The 15th, 16th, and 17th repeats of chicken brain α-spectrin (R15, R16, and R17, respectively) are very similar in terms of structure and stability. However, R15 folds and unfolds 3 orders of magnitude faster than R16 and R17. This is unexpected. The rate-limiting transition state for R15 folding is investigated using protein engineering methods (Φ-value analysis) and compared with previously completed analyses of R16 and R17. Characterisation of many mutants suggests that all three proteins have similar complexity in the folding landscape. The early rate-limiting transition states of the three domains are similar in terms of overall structure, but there are significant differences in the patterns of Φ-values. R15 apparently folds via a nucleation-condensation mechanism, which involves concomitant folding and packing of the A- and C-helices, establishing the correct topology. R16 and R17 fold via a more framework-like mechanism, which may impede the search to find the correct packing of the helices, providing a possible explanation for the fast folding of R15.  相似文献   

Three homologous spectrin domains have remarkably different folding characteristics. We have previously shown that the slow-folding R16 and R17 spectrin domains can be altered to resemble the fast folding R15, in terms of speed of folding (and unfolding), landscape roughness and folding mechanism, simply by substituting five residues in the core. Here we show that, by contrast, R15 cannot be engineered to resemble R16 and R17. It is possible to engineer a slow-folding version of R15, but our analysis shows that this protein neither has a rougher energy landscape nor does change its folding mechanism. Quite remarkably, R15 appears to be a rare example of a protein with a folding nucleus that does not change in position or in size when its folding nucleus is disrupted. Thus, while two members of this protein family are remarkably plastic, the third has apparently a restricted folding landscape.  相似文献   

We present an experimental and computational analysis of the folding pathway of the 17th domain of chicken brain alpha-spectrin, R17. Wild-type R17 folds in a two-state manner and the chevron plot (plot of the logarithm of the observed rate constant against concentration of urea) shows essentially linear folding and unfolding arms. A number of mutant proteins, however, show a change in slope of the unfolding arm at high concentration of denaturant, hinting at complexity in the folding landscape. Through a combination of mutational studies and high temperature molecular dynamics simulations we show that the folding of R17 can be described by a model with two sequential transition states separated by an intermediate species. The rate limiting transition state for folding in water has been characterized both through experimental Phi-value analysis and by simulation. In contrast, a detailed analysis of the transition state predicted to dominate under highly denaturing conditions is only possible by simulation.  相似文献   

Domains are the structural, functional, and evolutionary components of proteins. Most folding studies to date have concentrated on the folding of single domains, but more than 70% of human proteins contain more than one domain, and interdomain interactions can affect both the stability and the folding kinetics. Whether the folding pathway is altered by interdomain interactions is not yet known. Here we investigated the effect of a folded neighbouring domain on the folding pathway of spectrin R16 (the 16th α-helical repeat from chicken brain α-spectrin) by using the two-domain construct R1516. The R16 folds faster and unfolds more slowly in the presence of its folded neighbour R15 (the 15th α-helical repeat from chicken brain α-spectrin). An extensive Φ-value analysis of the R16 domain in R1516 was completed to compare the transition state of the R16 domain alone with that of the R16 domain in a multidomain construct. The results indicate that the folding pathways are the same. This result validates the current approach of breaking up larger proteins into domains for the study of protein folding pathways.  相似文献   

Proteins consisting of repeating amino acid motifs are abundant in all kingdoms of life, especially in higher eukaryotes. Repeat-containing proteins self-organize into elongated non-globular structures. Do the same general underlying principles that dictate the folding of globular domains apply also to these extended topologies? Using a simplified structure-based model capturing a perfectly funneled energy landscape, we surveyed the predicted mechanism of folding for ankyrin repeat containing proteins. The ankyrin family is one of the most extensively studied classes of non-globular folds. The model based only on native contacts reproduces most of the experimental observations on the folding of these proteins, including a folding mechanism that is reminiscent of a nucleation propagation growth. The confluence of simulation and experimental results suggests that the folding of non-globular proteins is accurately described by a funneled energy landscape, in which topology plays a determinant role in the folding mechanism.  相似文献   

The resolution of the protein folding problem has been tied to the development of a detailed understanding of the configurational energy or of the free energy landscape associated with these molecules. Using the activation-relaxation technique and a simplified energy model, we present here a detailed analysis of the energy landscape of 16-residue peptide that folds into a beta-hairpin. Our results support the concept of an energy landscape with an effective topology consistent with a scale-free network.  相似文献   

Large, multidomain RNA molecules are generally thought to fold following multiple pathways down rugged landscapes populated with intermediates and traps. A challenge to understanding RNA folding reactions is the complex relationships that exist between the structure of the RNA and its folding landscape. The identification of intermediate species that populate folding landscapes and characterization of elements of their structures are the key components to solving the RNA folding problem. This review explores recent studies that characterize the dominant pathways by which RNA folds, structural and dynamic features of intermediates that populate the folding landscape, and the energy barriers that separate the distinct steps of the folding process.  相似文献   

Most protein domains are found in multi-domain proteins, yet most studies of protein folding have concentrated on small, single-domain proteins or on isolated domains from larger proteins. Spectrin domains are small (106 amino acid residues), independently folding domains consisting of three long alpha-helices. They are found in multi-domain proteins with a number of spectrin domains in tandem array. Structural studies have shown that in these arrays the last helix of one domain forms a continuous helix with the first helix of the following domain. It has been demonstrated that a number of spectrin domains are stabilised by their neighbours. Here we investigate the molecular basis for cooperativity between adjacent spectrin domains 16 and 17 from chicken brain alpha-spectrin (R16 and R17). We show that whereas the proteins unfold as a single cooperative unit at 25 degrees C, cooperativity is lost at higher temperatures and in the presence of stabilising salts. Mutations in the linker region also cause the cooperativity to be lost. However, the cooperativity does not rely on specific interactions in the linker region alone. Most mutations in the R17 domain cause a decrease in cooperativity, whereas proteins with mutations in the R16 domain still fold cooperatively. We propose a mechanism for this behaviour.  相似文献   

The mechanism of protein folding remains largely a mystery in molecular biology, despite the enormous effort from many groups in the past decades. Currently, the protein folding mechanism is often characterized by calculating the free energy landscape versus various reaction coordinates such as the fraction of native contacts, the radius of gyration and so on. In this paper, we present an integrated approach towards understanding the folding process via visual analysis of patterns of these reaction coordinates. The three disparate processes (1) protein folding simulation, (2) pattern elicitation and (3) visualization of patterns, work in tandem. Thus as the protein folds, the changing landscape in the pattern space can be viewed via the visualization tool, PROTERAN, a program we developed for this purpose. We first present an incremental (on-line) trie-based pattern discovery algorithm to elicit the patterns and then describe the terrain metaphor based visualization tool. Using two example small proteins, a beta-hairpin and a designed protein Trp-cage, we next demonstrate that this combined pattern discovery and visualization approach extracts crucial information about protein folding intermediates and mechanism.  相似文献   

To perform specific functional activities, the majority of proteins should fold into their distinct three-dimensional conformations. However, the biologically active conformation of a protein is generally found to be marginally stable than the other conformations that the chain can adopt. How a protein finds its native conformation from its post-synthesis unfolded structure in a complex conformational landscape is the unsolved question that still drives the protein folding community. Here, we report the folding mechanism of a globular protein, ubiquitin, from its chemically denatured state using all-atom molecular dynamics simulations. From the kinetic analysis of the simulated trajectories we show that the folding process can be described by the hydrophobic collapse mechanism, initiated by the “dewetting transition”, and subsequently assisted by the origination of an N-terminal folding nucleus, and finally supported by a native salt-bridge interaction between K11 and E34. We show that ubiquitin folds via an intermediate. Finally, we confirm the presence of “biological water” and explain its role to the folding process.  相似文献   

Like most extracellular bacterial proteases, Streptomyces griseus protease B (SGPB) and alpha-lytic protease (alphaLP) are synthesized with covalently attached pro regions necessary for their folding. In this article, we characterize the folding free energy landscape of SGPB and compare it to the folding landscapes of alphaLP and trypsin, a mammalian homolog that folds independently of its zymogen peptide. In contrast to the thermodynamically stable native state of trypsin, SGPB and alphaLP fold to native states that are thermodynamically marginally stable or unstable, respectively. Instead, their apparent stability arises kinetically, from unfolding free energy barriers that are both large and highly cooperative. The unique unfolding transitions of SGPB and alphaLP extend their functional lifetimes under highly degradatory conditions beyond that seen for trypsin; however, the penalty for evolving kinetic stability is remarkably large in that each factor of 2.4-8 in protease resistance is accompanied by a cost of ~10(5) in the spontaneous folding rate and ~5-9 kcal/mole in thermodynamic stability. These penalties have been overcome by the coevolution of increasingly effective pro regions to facilitate folding. Despite these costs, kinetic stability appears to be a potent mechanism for developing native-state properties that maximize protease longevity.  相似文献   

We investigate the average inter-residue folding forces derived from mutational data of the 15 proteins: barstar, barnase, chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 (CI2), Src SH3 domain, spectrin R16 domain, Arc repressor, apo-azurin, cold shock protein B (cspB), C-terminal domain of ribosomal protein L9 (CTL9), FKBP12, α-lactalbumin, colicin E7 immunity protein 7 (IM7), colicin E9 immunity protein 9 (IM9), spectrin R17 domain, and ubiquitin. The residue-specific contributions to folding in most of the 15 protein molecules are highly non-uniformly distributed and are typically about 1 piconewton (pN) per interaction. The strongest folding forces often occur in some of the helices and strands of folding nuclei which suggests that folding nucleation−condensation is partially directed by formation of some secondary structure interactions. The correlation of the energy changes of mutants with inter-residue contact maps of the protein molecules provides a higher resolution than assigning the mutant data to certain positions in the polypeptide strand alone. In contrast to previous Φ-value analysis, we now can partially resolve folding motions. Compaction of at least one α-helix along its axis mediated by internal hydrogen bonds and stabilized by diffuse tertiary structure interactions appears to be one important molecular event during early folding in barstar, CI2, spectrin R16 domain, Arc repressor, α-lactalbumin, IM7, IM9, and spectrin R17 domain. A lateral movement of at least two strands neighbored in sequence towards each other appears to be involved in early folding of the SH3 domain, cspB, CTL9, and FKBP12.  相似文献   

The characterization of the free energy barriers has been a major goal in studies on the mechanism of protein folding. Testing the effect of mutations or denaturants on protein folding reactions revealed that transition state movement is rare, suggesting that folding barriers are robust and narrow maxima on the free energy landscape. Here we demonstrate that the application of multiple perturbations allows the observation of small transition state movements that escape detection in single perturbation experiments. We used tendamistat as a model protein to test the broadness of the free energy barriers. Tendamistat folds over two consecutive transition states and through a high-energy intermediate. Measuring the combined effect of temperature and denaturant on the position of the transition state in the wild-type protein and in several mutants revealed that the early transition state shows significant transition state movement. Its accessible surface area state becomes more native-like with destabilization of the native state by temperature. To the same extent, the entropy of the early transition state becomes more native-like with increasing denaturant concentration, in accordance with Hammond behavior. The position of the late transition state, in contrast, is much less sensitive to the applied perturbations. These results suggest that the barriers in protein folding become increasingly narrow as the folding polypeptide chain approaches the native state.  相似文献   

Folding of cofactor-binding proteins involves ligand binding in addition to polypeptide folding. We here assess the kinetic folding/binding landscape for Desulfovibrio desulfuricans flavodoxin that coordinates an FMN cofactor. The apo-form folds in a two-step process involving a burst-phase intermediate. Studies on Tyr98Ala and Trp60Ala variants reveal that these aromatics-that stack with the FMN in the holo-form-are not participating in the apo-protein folding pathway. However, these residues are essential for FMN interactions with the unfolded protein during refolding of holo-flavodoxin. Unfolding of wild-type holo-flavodoxin is coupled to FMN dissociation whereas for Tyr98Ala and Trp60Ala holo-variants, FMN dissociates before polypeptide unfolding. Both variants refold as apo-proteins before FMN rebinds. In sharp contrast, refolding of unfolded wild-type holo-flavodoxin is over an order of magnitude faster than that of the apo-form, the pathway does not include a burst-phase intermediate, and the speed is independent of FMN excess ratio. These observations demonstrate that FMN binds rapidly to the unfolded polypeptide and guides folding straight to the native state. As this path to functional D. desulfuricans holo-flavodoxin is faster than if the cofactor binds to pre-folded apo-protein, this is one of few examples where molecular recognition via a "fly-casting" mechanism is kinetically favored.  相似文献   

One of the most intriguing predictions of energy landscape models is the existence of non-exponential protein folding kinetics caused by hierarchical structures in the landscapes. Here we provide the strongest evidence so far of such hierarchy and determine the time constants and weights of the kinetic components of the suggested hierarchic energy landscape. To our knowledge, the idea of hierarchical folding energy barriers has never been tested over such a broad timescale. Refolding of yeast phosphoglycerate kinase was initiated from the guanidine-unfolded state by stopped-flow or manual mixing and monitored by tryptophan fluorescence from 1 ms to 15 min. The strategy to build a model that describes folding of yeast phosphoglycerate kinase was to start from the simplest paradigm and modify it stepwise to the necessary minimal extent after repeated comparisons with the experiments. We made no a priori assumptions about the folding landscape. The result was a hierarchic finite level landscape model that quantitatively describes the refolding of yeast phosphoglycerate kinase from 1 ms to 15 min. The early steps of the folding process happen in the upper region of the landscape, where the surface has a hierarchic structure. This leads to stretched kinetics in the early phase of the folding. The lower region of the energy landscape is dominated by a trap that reflects the accumulation of molten globule intermediate state. From this intermediate, the protein can reach the global energy minimum corresponding to the native state through a cross-barrier folding step.  相似文献   

Partitioning of polypeptides between protein folding and amyloid formation is of outstanding pathophysiological importance. Using yeast phosphoglycerate kinase as model, here we identify the features of the energy landscape that decide the fate of the protein: folding or amyloidogenesis. Structure formation was initiated from the acid-unfolded state, and monitored by fluorescence from 10 ms to 20 days. Solvent conditions were gradually shifted between folding and amyloidogenesis, and the properties of the energy landscape governing structure formation were reconstructed. A gradual transition of the energy landscape between folding and amyloid formation was observed. In the early steps of both folding and misfolding, the protein searches through a hierarchically structured energy landscape to form a molten globule in a few seconds. Depending on the conditions, this intermediate either folds to the native state in a few minutes, or forms amyloid fibers in several days. As conditions are changed from folding to misfolding, the barrier separating the molten globule and native states increases, although the barrier to the amyloid does not change. In the meantime, the native state also becomes more unstable and the amyloid more stable. We conclude that the lower region of the energy landscape determines the final protein structure.  相似文献   

The folding pathway and rate coefficients of the folding of a knotted protein are calculated for a potential energy function with minimal energetic frustration. A kinetic transition network is constructed using the discrete path sampling approach, and the resulting potential energy surface is visualized by constructing disconnectivity graphs. Owing to topological constraints, the low-lying portion of the landscape consists of three distinct regions, corresponding to the native knotted state and to configurations where either the N or C terminus is not yet folded into the knot. The fastest folding pathways from denatured states exhibit early formation of the N terminus portion of the knot and a rate-determining step where the C terminus is incorporated. The low-lying minima with the N terminus knotted and the C terminus free therefore constitute an off-pathway intermediate for this model. The insertion of both the N and C termini into the knot occurs late in the folding process, creating large energy barriers that are the rate limiting steps in the folding process. When compared to other protein folding proteins of a similar length, this system folds over six orders of magnitude more slowly.  相似文献   

We have calculated the free energy of a spherical model of a protein or part of a protein generated in the way of protein folding. Two spherical models are examined; one is a homogeneous model consisting of only one residue type—hydrophobic. The other is a heterogeneous model consisting of two residue types—strong hydrophobic and weak hydrophobic. Both models show a folding transition state, and the latter model reproduces the trend of the experimental folded-unfolded energy change. The heterogeneous model suggests that in the folding process of a protein of more than 70 residues, a specific region of the protein folds first to form a stable region, then the other residues follow the folding process. The energy landscape of folding of a small protein is approximately a funnel model, whereas a flatter energy landscape is suggested for larger proteins of more than 55–70 residues. Proteins 33:408–416, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Studies on the folding of helical proteins have shown a wide range of different mechanisms and highlighted the importance of helical propensity as a factor in determining folding mechanism. Here, we contribute to this interesting field with the protein engineering phi-value analysis of the 16th domain of chicken brain alpha-spectrin, R16. The fortuitous curvature seen in the unfolding arm of the chevron plot allows us to investigate both early and late events in folding. R16 is the first two-state helical protein for which this has been possible.  相似文献   

A recent study of experimental results for flavodoxin-like folds suggests that proteins from this family may exhibit a similar, signature pattern of folding intermediates. We study the folding landscapes of three proteins from the flavodoxin family (CheY, apoflavodoxin, and cutinase) using a simple nucleation and growth model that accurately describes both experimental and simulation results for the transition state structure, and the structure of on-pathway and misfolded intermediates for CheY. Although the landscape features of these proteins agree in basic ways with the results of the study, the simulations exhibit a range of folding behaviours consistent with two alternate folding routes corresponding to nucleation and growth from either side of the central beta-strand.  相似文献   

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