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Malaria parasites (species of the genus Plasmodium) harbor a relict chloroplast (the apicoplast) that is the target of novel antimalarials. Numerous nuclear-encoded proteins are translocated into the apicoplast courtesy of a bipartite N-terminal extension. The first component of the bipartite leader resembles a standard signal peptide present at the N-terminus of secreted proteins that enter the endomembrane system. Analysis of the second portion of the bipartite leaders of P. falciparum, the so-called transit peptide, indicates similarities to plant transit peptides, although the amino acid composition of P. falciparum transit peptides shows a strong bias, which we rationalize by the extraordinarily high AT content of P. falciparum DNA. 786 plastid transit peptides were also examined from several other apicomplexan parasites, as well as from angiosperm plants. In each case, amino acid biases were correlated with nucleotide AT content. A comparison of a spectrum of organisms containing primary and secondary plastids also revealed features unique to secondary plastid transit peptides. These unusual features are explained in the context of secondary plastid trafficking via the endomembrane system.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Apicomplexan parasites (like Plasmodium, Toxoplasma, Eimeria and Sarcocystis) contain a distinctive organelle, the apicoplast, acquired by a secondary endosymbiotic process analogous to chloroplasts and mitochondria. The apicoplast is essential for long-term survival of the parasite. This prokaryotic origin implies that molecular and metabolic processes in the apicoplast differ from those of the eukaryotic host cells and therefore offer options for specific chemotherapeutic treatment. We studied the apicoplast in high-pressure frozen and freeze-substituted cysts of Sarcocystis sp. from roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) to get better insight in apicoplast morphology. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: We observed that the apicoplast contains four continuous membranes. The two inner membranes have a circular shape with a constant distance from each other and large-sized protein complexes are located between them. The two outer membranes have irregular shapes. The periplastid membrane also contains large-sized protein complexes, while the outer membrane displays protuberances into the parasite cytoplasm. In addition, it is closely associated with the endoplasmic reticulum by 'contact sites'.  相似文献   

Apicomplexan parasites, such as Toxoplasma gondii, are unusual in that each cell contains a single apicoplast, a plastid-like organelle that compartmentalizes enzymes involved in the essential 2C-methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate pathway of isoprenoid biosynthesis. The last two enzymatic steps in this organellar pathway require electrons from a redox carrier. However, the small iron-sulfur cluster-containing protein ferredoxin, a likely candidate for this function, has not been investigated in this context. We show here that inducible knockdown of T. gondii ferredoxin results in progressive inhibition of growth and eventual parasite death. Surprisingly, this phenotype is not accompanied by ultrastructural changes in the apicoplast or overall cell morphology. The knockdown of ferredoxin was instead associated with a dramatic decrease in cellular levels of the last two metabolites in isoprenoid biosynthesis, 1-hydroxy-2-methyl-2-(E)- butenyl-4-pyrophosphate, and isomeric dimethylallyl pyrophosphate/isopentenyl pyrophosphate. Ferredoxin depletion was also observed to impair gliding motility, consistent with isoprenoid metabolites being important for dolichol biosynthesis, protein prenylation, and modification of other proteins involved in motility. Significantly, pharmacological inhibition of isoprenoid synthesis of the host cell exacerbated the impact of ferredoxin depletion on parasite replication, suggesting that the slow onset of parasite death after ferredoxin depletion is because of isoprenoid scavenging from the host cell and leading to partial compensation of the depleted parasite metabolites upon ferredoxin knockdown. Overall, these findings show that ferredoxin has an essential physiological function as an electron donor for the 2C-methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate pathway and is a potential drug target for apicomplexan parasites.  相似文献   

Malaria parasites contain an essential organelle called the apicoplast that houses metabolic pathways for fatty acid, heme, isoprenoid, and iron–sulfur cluster synthesis. Surprisingly, malaria parasites can survive without the apicoplast as long as the isoprenoid precursor isopentenyl pyrophosphate (IPP) is supplemented in the growth medium, making it appear that isoprenoid synthesis is the only essential function of the organelle in blood‐stage parasites. In the work described here, we localized an enzyme responsible for coenzyme A synthesis, DPCK, to the apicoplast, but we were unable to delete DPCK, even in the presence of IPP. However, once the endogenous DPCK was complemented with the E. coli DPCK (EcDPCK), we were successful in deleting it. We were then able to show that DPCK activity is required for parasite survival through knockdown of the complemented EcDPCK. Additionally, we showed that DPCK enzyme activity remains functional and essential within the vesicles present after apicoplast disruption. These results demonstrate that while the apicoplast of blood‐stage P. falciparum parasites can be disrupted, the resulting vesicles remain biochemically active and are capable of fulfilling essential functions.  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between (or dependence of) bacterial evolution in prokaryotes and metabolism, and the changing physical-chemical conditions present during early evolution.  相似文献   

Many issues concerning the evolution of spliceosomal introns remain poorly understood. In this respect, the reconstruction of the evolution of introns in deep branching species such as alveolates is of special significance. In this study, we inferred the intron evolution in alveolates using 3,368 intron positions in 162 orthologs from 10 species (9 alveolates and 1 outgroup, Homo sapiens). We found that although very few intron gains and losses have occurred in Theileria and Plasmodium recently, many intron gains and losses have occurred in the evolution of alveolates. Thus, the rates of intron gain and loss in alveolates have varied greatly across time and lineage. Our results seem to support the notion that massive intron gains and losses have occurred during short episodes, perhaps coinciding with major evolutionary events.  相似文献   

Trafficking of soluble proteins to the apicoplast in Plasmodium falciparum is determined by an N-terminal transit peptide (TP) which is necessary and sufficient for apicoplast import. Apicoplast precursor proteins are synthesized at the rough endoplasmic reticulum, but are then specifically sorted from other proteins in the secretory pathway. The mechanism of TP recognition is presently unknown. Apicoplast TPs do not contain a conserved sequence motif; therefore, we asked whether they contain an essential structural motif. Using nuclear magnetic resonance to study a model TP from acyl carrier protein, we found a short, low-occupancy helix, but the TP was otherwise disordered. Using an in vivo localization assay, we blocked TP secondary structure by proline mutagenesis, but found robust apicoplast localization. Alternatively, we increased the helical content of the TP through mutation while maintaining established TP characteristics. Apicoplast import was disrupted in a helical mutant TP, but import was then restored by the further addition of a single proline. We conclude that structure in the TP interferes with apicoplast import, and therefore TPs are functionally disordered. These results provide an explanation for the amino acid bias observed in apicoplast TPs.  相似文献   

Members of the Apicomplexa phylum possess an organelle surrounded by four membranes, originating from the secondary endosymbiosis of a red alga. This so‐called apicoplast hosts essential metabolic pathways. We report here that apicoplast inheritance is an actin‐based process. Concordantly, parasites depleted in either profilin or actin depolymerizing factor, or parasites overexpressing the FH2 domain of formin 2, result in loss of the apicoplast. The class XXII myosin F (MyoF) is conserved across the phylum and localizes in the vicinity of the Toxoplasma gondii apicoplast during division. Conditional knockdown of TgMyoF severely affects apicoplast turnover, leading to parasite death. This recapitulates the phenotype observed upon perturbation of actin dynamics that led to the accumulation of the apicoplast and secretory organelles in enlarged residual bodies. To further dissect the mode of action of this motor, we conditionally stabilized the tail of MyoF, which forms an inactive heterodimer with endogenous TgMyoF. This dominant negative mutant reveals a central role of this motor in the positioning of the two centrosomes prior to daughter cell formation and in apicoplast segregation.  相似文献   

Like many other apicomplexan parasites, Toxoplasma gondii contains a plastid harboring key metabolic pathways, including the sulfur utilization factor (SUF) pathway that is involved in the biosynthesis of iron-sulfur clusters. These cofactors are crucial for a variety of proteins involved in important metabolic reactions, potentially including plastidic pathways for the synthesis of isoprenoid and fatty acids. It was shown previously that impairing the NFS2 cysteine desulfurase, involved in the first step of the SUF pathway, leads to an irreversible killing of intracellular parasites. However, the metabolic impact of disrupting the pathway remained unexplored. Here, we generated another mutant of this pathway, deficient in the SUFC ATPase, and investigated in details the phenotypic consequences of TgNFS2 and TgSUFC depletion on the parasites. Our analysis confirms that Toxoplasma SUF mutants are severely and irreversibly impacted in division and membrane homeostasis, and suggests a defect in apicoplast-generated fatty acids. However, we show that increased scavenging from the host or supplementation with exogenous fatty acids do not fully restore parasite growth, suggesting that this is not the primary cause for the demise of the parasites and that other important cellular functions were affected. For instance, we also show that the SUF pathway is key for generating the isoprenoid-derived precursors necessary for the proper targeting of GPI-anchored proteins and for parasite motility. Thus, we conclude plastid-generated iron-sulfur clusters support the functions of proteins involved in several vital downstream cellular pathways, which implies the SUF machinery may be explored for new potential anti-Toxoplasma targets.  相似文献   

Malaria is caused by infection with protozoan parasites of the Plasmodium genus, which is part of the phylum Apicomplexa. Most organisms in this phylum contain a relic plastid called the apicoplast. The apicoplast genome is replicated by a single DNA polymerase (apPOL), which is an attractive target for anti-malarial drugs. We screened small-molecule libraries (206,504 compounds) using a fluorescence-based high-throughput DNA polymerase assay. Dose/response analysis and counter-screening identified 186 specific apPOL inhibitors. Toxicity screening against human HepaRG human cells removed 84 compounds and the remaining were subjected to parasite killing assays using chloroquine resistant P. falciparum parasites. Nine compounds were potent inhibitors of parasite growth and may serve as lead compounds in efforts to discover novel malaria drugs.  相似文献   

By definition, parasites harm their hosts, but in many infections much of the pathology is driven by the host immune response rather than through direct damage inflicted by parasites. While these immunopathological effects are often well studied and understood mechanistically in individual disease interactions, there remains relatively little understanding of their broader impact on the evolution of parasites and their hosts. Here, we theoretically investigate the implications of immunopathology, broadly defined as additional mortality associated with the host's immune response, on parasite evolution. In particular, we examine how immunopathology acting on different epidemiological traits (namely transmission, virulence and recovery) affects the evolution of disease severity. When immunopathology is costly to parasites, such that it reduces their fitness, for example by decreasing transmission, there is always selection for increased disease severity. However, we highlight a number of host-parasite interactions where the parasite may benefit from immunopathology, and highlight scenarios that may lead to the evolution of slower growing parasites and potentially reduced disease severity. Importantly, we find that conclusions on disease severity are highly dependent on how severity is measured. Finally, we discuss the effect of treatments used to combat disease symptoms caused by immunopathology.  相似文献   

Lu S  Li L 《植物学报(英文版)》2008,50(7):778-785
Carotenoids are Indispensable to plants and play a critical role in human nutrition and health. Significant progress has been made in our understanding of carotenoid metabolism in plants. The biosynthetic pathway has been extensively studied.Nearly all the genes encoding the biosynthetic enzymes have been isolated and characterized from various organisms. In recent years, there is an increasing body of work on the signaling pathways and plastid development, which might provide global control of carotenoid biosynthesis and accumulation. Herein, we will highlight recent progress on the biosynthesis,regulation, and metabolic engineering of carotenoids in plants, as well as the future research towards elucidating the regulatory mechanisms and metabolic network that control carotenoid metabolism.  相似文献   

PDC (pyruvate dehydrogenase complex) is a multi-enzyme complex comprising an E1 (pyruvate decarboxylase), an E2 (dihydrolipomide acetyltransferase) and an E3 (dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase). PDC catalyses the decarboxylation of pyruvate and forms acetyl-CoA and NADH. In the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum, the single PDC is located exclusively in the apicoplast. Plasmodium PDC is essential for parasite survival in the mosquito vector and for late liver stage development in the human host, suggesting its suitability as a target for intervention strategies against malaria. Here, PfaE3 (P. falciparum apicoplast E3) was recombinantly expressed and characterized. Biochemical parameters were comparable with those determined for E3 from other organisms. A homology model for PfaE3 reveals an extra anti-parallel β-strand at the position where human E3BP (E3-binding protein) interacts with E3; a parasite-specific feature that may be exploitable for drug discovery against PDC. To assess the biological role of Pfae3, it was deleted from P. falciparum and although the mutants are viable, they displayed a highly synchronous growth phenotype during intra-erythrocytic development. The mutants also showed changes in the expression of some mitochondrial and antioxidant proteins suggesting that deletion of Pfae3 impacts on the parasite''s metabolic function with downstream effects on the parasite''s redox homoeostasis and cell cycle.  相似文献   

Glucose-6-phosphate isomerase (GPI) has an essential function in both catabolic glycolysis and anabolic gluconeogenesis and is universally distributed among Eukaryotes, Bacteria, and some Archaea. In addition to the cytosolic GPI, land plant chloroplasts harbor a nuclear encoded isoenzyme of cyanobacterial origin that is indispensable for the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway (OPPP) and plastid starch accumulation. We established 12 new GPI sequences from rhodophytes, the glaucophyte Cyanophora paradoxa, a ciliate, and all orders of complex algae with red plastids (haptophytes, diatoms, cryptophytes, and dinoflagellates). Our comprehensive phylogenies do not support previous GPI-based speculations about a eukaryote-to-prokaryote horizontal gene transfer from metazoa to gamma-proteobacteria. The evolution of cytosolic GPI is largely in agreement with small subunit analyses, which indicates that it is a specific marker of the host cell. A distinct subtree comprising alveolates (ciliates, apicomplexa, Perkinsus, and dinoflagellates), stramenopiles (diatoms and Phytophthora [oomycete]), and Plantae (green plants, rhodophytes, and Cyanophora) might suggest a common origin of these superensembles. Finally, in contrast to land plants where the plastid GPI is of cyanobacterial origin, chlorophytes and rhodophytes independently recruited a duplicate of the cytosolic GPI that subsequently acquired a transit peptide for plastid import. A secondary loss of the cytosolic isoenzyme and the plastid localization of the single GPI in chlorophycean green algae is compatible with physiological studies. Our findings reveal the fundamental importance of the plastid OPPP for Plantae and document the plasticity of primary metabolism.  相似文献   

Parasite transmission modes and the evolution of virulence   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A mathematical model is presented that explores the relationship between transmission patterns and the evolution of virulence for horizontally transmitted parasites when only a single parasite strain can infect each host. The model is constructed by decomposing parasite transmission into two processes, the rate of contact between hosts and the probability of transmission per contact. These transmission rate components, as well as the total parasite mortality rate, are allowed to vary over the course of an infection. A general evolutionarily stable condition is presented that partitions the effects of virulence on parasite fitness into three components: fecundity benefits, mortality costs, and morbidity costs. This extension of previous theory allows us to explore the evolutionary consequences of a variety of transmission patterns. I then focus attention on a special case in which the parasite density remains approximately constant during an infection, and I demonstrate two important ways in which transmission modes can affect virulence evolution: by imposing different morbidity costs on the parasite and by altering the scheduling of parasite reproduction during an infection. Both are illustrated with examples, including one that examines the hypothesis that vector-borne parasites should be more virulent than non-vector-borne parasites (Ewald 1994). The validity of this hypothesis depends upon the way in which these two effects interact, and it need not hold in general.  相似文献   

Biological diversity is metabolic diversity: Differences in anatomy, physiology, life history, and activity reflect differences in energy allocation and expenditure among traits and tasks. Traditional frameworks in primatology, human ecology, public health, and paleoanthropology view daily energy expenditure as being more variable within than between species, changing with activity level but essentially fixed for a given body size. Growing evidence turns this view on its head. Total energy expenditure (kcal/d), varies relatively little within species, despite variation in physical activity; it varies considerably among species even after controlling for the effect of body size. Embracing this emerging paradigm requires rethinking potential trade‐offs in energy allocation within and between species, assessing evidence of metabolic acceleration within lineages, and abandoning activity‐based estimates of total energy expenditure. Difficult and exciting work lies ahead in the effort to untangle the ecological and evolutionary pressures shaping primate metabolic diversity.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses were performed on concatenated data sets of 31 genes and 11,789 unambiguously alignable characters from 37 cyanobacterial and 35 chloroplast genomes. The plastid lineage emerged somewhat early in the cyanobacterial tree, at a time when Cyanobacteria were likely unicellular and restricted to freshwater ecosystems. Using relaxed molecular clocks and 22 age constraints spanning cyanobacterial and eukaryote nodes, the common ancestor to the photosynthetic eukaryotes was predicted to have also inhabited freshwater environments around the time that oxygen appeared in the atmosphere (2.0–2.3 Ga). Early diversifications within each of the three major plastid clades were also inferred to have occurred in freshwater environments, through the late Paleoproterozoic and into the middle Mesoproterozoic. The colonization of marine environments by photosynthetic eukaryotes may not have occurred until after the middle Mesoproterozoic (1.2–1.5 Ga). The evolutionary hypotheses proposed here predict that early photosynthetic eukaryotes may have never experienced the widespread anoxia or euxinia suggested to have characterized marine environments in the Paleoproterozoic to early Mesoproterozoic. It also proposes that earliest acritarchs (1.5–1.7 Ga) may have been produced by freshwater taxa. This study highlights how the early evolution of habitat preference in photosynthetic eukaryotes, along with Cyanobacteria, could have contributed to changing biogeochemical conditions on the early Earth.  相似文献   

Sympatric speciation can arise as a result of disruptive selection with assortative mating as a pleiotropic by-product. Studies on host choice, employing artificial neural networks as models for the host recognition system in exploiters, illustrate how disruptive selection on host choice coupled with assortative mating can arise as a consequence of selection for specialization. Our studies demonstrate that a generalist exploiter population can evolve into a guild of specialists with an 'ideal free' frequency distribution across hosts. The ideal free distribution arises from variability in host suitability and density-dependent exploiter fitness on different host species. Specialists are less subject to inter-phenotypic competition than generalists and to harmful mutations that are common in generalists exploiting multiple hosts.When host signals used as cues by exploiters coevolve with exploiter recognition systems, our studies show that evolutionary changes may be continuous and cyclic. Selection changes back and forth between specialization and generalization in the exploiters, and weak and strong mimicry in the hosts, where non-defended hosts use the host investing in defence as a model. Thus, host signals and exploiter responses are engaged in a red-queen mimicry process that is ultimately cyclic rather then directional. In one phase, evolving signals of exploitable hosts mimic those of hosts less suitable for exploitation (i.e. the model). Signals in the model hosts also evolve through selection to escape the mimic and its exploiters. Response saturation constraints in the model hosts lead to the mimic hosts finally perfecting its mimicry, after which specialization in the exploiter guild is lost. This loss of exploiter specialization provides an opportunity for the model hosts to escape their mimics. Therefore, this cycle then repeats.We suggest that a species can readily evolve sympatrically when disruptive selection for specialization on hosts is the first step. In a sexual reproduction setting, partial reproductive isolation may first evolve by mate choice being confined to individuals on the same host. Secondly, this disruptive selection will favour assortative mate choice on genotype, thereby leading to increased reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

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