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Characterization of bovine brain calmodulin-dependent protein phosphatase   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Calmodulin-dependent protein phosphatase of bovine brain exhibited a pH optimum of 7 and appeared to require sulfhydryl groups for activity. Phosphatase activity was inhibited by both NaF and ZnCl2, but was stimulated approximately 2-fold by MnCl2. The enzyme exhibited broad substrate specificity, dephosphorylating casein, troponin I, protamine, histone, and phosvitin, and was not phosphorylated by cAMP-dependent protein kinase. With 32P-labeled casein as a substrate, phosphatase was activated 15-fold by calmodulin; the dissociation constant of phosphatase for calmodulin was 30 nM. Activation of the enzyme by calmodulin as a function of Ca2+ was highly cooperative; the Hill coefficient was 4.9. At a saturating concentration of calmodulin, half-maximal activation of phosphatase was obtained at 0.3 microM Ca2+. Calmodulin increased the Vmax from 1.7 to 41 nmol mg protein-1 min-1 with no significant change in its Km. Formation of a Ca2+-dependent complex between calmodulin and the phosphatase was demonstrated by a calmodulin-Sepharose affinity column, gel-filtration chromatography, and sedimentation on a sucrose density gradient. The rate of formation and dissociation of the calmodulin X phosphatase complex was rapid and readily reversible in response to changes in Ca2+ concentration. The calmodulin X phosphatase complex consists of 1 mol of calmodulin and 1 mol of phosphatase.  相似文献   

A calmodulin-dependent protein phosphatase isolated from bovine brain [Tallant, E.A., & Cheung, W.Y. (1983) Biochemistry 22, 3630-3635] is stimulated by limited trypsinization to the same activity level as that by calmodulin. Prolonged trypsinization caused gradual loss of phosphatase activity, a process retarded in the presence of Ca2+, and even more in the presence of calmodulin. Trypsinized phosphatase, when fully activated, had a molecular weight of 60 000 and was composed of two protein species of 43 000 and 16 000 daltons. Trypsinization decreased the Km of phosphatase for casein from 10.8 to 1.2 microM and increased the Vmax from 4.9 to 30.9 nmol (mg of protein)-1 min-1. The proteolyzed enzyme was insensitive to calmodulin and did not bind to a calmodulin-Sepharose affinity column. It was, however, stimulated by Ca2+, requiring 0.4 microM Ca2+ for half-maximal activation. Both native and trypsinized phosphatase were stimulated by Mn2+ to a level considerably higher than that by Ca2+.  相似文献   

The divalent cation dependence of a calmodulin-stimulated phosphatase from bovine brain has been characterized kinetically using phosphorylated myelin basic protein and casein as substrates. At saturating concentrations of calmodulin, dephosphorylation of both myelin basic protein and casein was catalyzed 8- to 10-fold more rapidly at saturating concentrations of Mn2+ than at saturating concentrations of Ca2+. Half-maximal rates of dephosphorylation of both substrates occurred at either 15 microM Mn2+ or 1 microM Ca2+, and the Kact for each ion was not influenced appreciably by the presence of calmodulin. Half-maximal rates of dephosphorylation were observed at concentrations of calmodulin ranging from 3 X 10(-8) to 10(-6) M at saturating concentrations of divalent cations depending on the substrate used and the particular cation chosen. Trypsin treatment of the phosphatase activated the enzyme several-fold, eliminated its calmodulin dependence, but did not alter the Mn2+ concentration dependence of the activity. Ca2+ (10 microM) increased dephosphorylation rates without altering the Mn2+ concentration dependence of the phosphatase activity regardless of the presence of calmodulin. Mg2+ at millimolar concentrations did not alter the Ca2+ or Mn2+ concentration dependence of the activity. As measured without calmodulin, Ca2+ (90 microM) or Mn2+ (200 microM) produced nearly identical alterations of the far ultraviolet circular dichroic spectrum of the phosphatase.  相似文献   

The gene encoding the homologue of the catalytic subunit of the Ca2+/calmodulin-regulated protein phosphatase 2B (calcineurin A) has been isolated from Aspergillus nidulans. This gene, cnaA+, is essential in this fungal system. Analysis of growth-arrested cells following gene disruption by homologous recombination reveals that they are blocked early in the cell cycle. The cnaA+ gene encodes a 2.5 kb mRNA and the deduced protein sequence is highly homologous to the calcineurin A subunit of other species. The mRNA varies in a cell cycle-dependent manner with maximal levels found early in G1 and considerably before the G1/S boundary. As calmodulin is also essential for A.nidulans cell cycle progression and levels rise before the G1/S boundary, our data suggest that calcineurin may represent a primary target for calmodulin at this cell cycle transition point.  相似文献   

The gene encoding the homologue of the catalytic subunit of the Ca2+/calmodulin-regulated protein phosphatase 2B (calcineurin A) has been isolated from Aspergillus nidulans. This gene, cnaA+, is essential in this fungal system. Analysis of growth-arrested cells following gene disruption by homologous recombination reveals that they are blocked early in the cell cycle. The cnaA+ gene encodes a 2.5 kb mRNA and the deduced protein sequence is highly homologous to the calcineurin A subunit of other species. The mRNA varies in a cell cycle-dependent manner with maximal levels found early in G1 and considerably before the G1/S boundary. As calmodulin is also essential for A. nidulans cell cycle progression and levels rise before the G1/S boundary, our data suggest that calcineurin may represent a primary target for calmodulin at this cell cycle transition point.  相似文献   

Murine cDNAs representing distinct genes for the regulatory subunits of calmodulin-dependent protein phosphatase (CaM-PrP) were cloned from a testis library, using probes prepared by PCR amplification of brain and testis mRNA. The cDNA sequence of the brain-specific isoform (beta 1) encodes a 170 amino acid protein (M(r) approximately 19.3 kDa), whereas that for the testis isoform (beta 2) contains 179 residues (M(r) approximately 20.7 kDa); these two sequences show approximately 80% amino acid identity. An oligonucleotide probe for the brain isoform hybridized to a single mRNA of 3.6 kilobases (kb) in many tissues, whereas using the beta 2 probe, two mRNAs of 1.8 and 0.8 kb were detected only in testis. The mRNA for the testis-specific isoform increases markedly during development, its pattern being virtually identical to that of mRNA for a testicular form of the catalytic subunit (alpha 3). These data are consistent with the biological co-regulation of catalytic and regulatory subunits of a testis-specific isoenzyme during germ cell maturation.  相似文献   

Calcineurin was isolated from bovine cerebrum extracts by sequential chromatography on Affi-Gel blue and calmodulin affinity columns. Calcineurin so isolated was approximately 90% pure and was composed of equimolar amounts of subunit A (Mr = 61 000-63 000) and subunit B (Mr = 15 000-17 000) when examined by sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis. A polypeptide (less than 10%) with Mr = 71 000 whose function and role remains to be investigated, was routinely detected in the calcineurin preparation. Both inhibitory activity (towards calmodulin-dependent cAMP phosphodiesterase) and phosphatase activity (with 32P-labelled myelin basic protein as substrate) were associated with calcineurin as evidenced by (i) coelution from Affi-Gel blue, Affi-Gel calmodulin, diethythaminoethyl-Sepharose, and Sephacryl S-200 chromatography columns; (ii) association with the same protein band on nondenaturing gels; (iii) similar stability upon storage at 4 degrees C and with repeated freezing and thawing; and (iv) parallel heat inactivation. Phosphatase activity of calcineurin was maximal with 32P-labelled myelin basic protein as the substrate. Using this substrate, enzyme activity was generally stimulated 5- to 10-fold in the presence of Ca2+ and calmodulin; half-maximal activation (A0.5) was observed with 25 nM calmodulin. Calmodulin increased the Vmax of the reaction without affecting the Km for the substrate. Optimum temperature and pH for the reaction were 45 degrees C and 7, respectively, in both the absence and presence of Ca2+ and calmodulin.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The divalent metal requirement of intrinsic phosphatase activity was investigated using native and trypsinized calcineurin. This was assessed by examining (1) the stimulation of the enzyme by various metals, (2) the inhibition of the enzyme activity by metal chelators (EDTA and EGTA), and (3) the restoration by various metals of the activity of the EDTA-inhibited calcineurin phosphatase. The results supported the view that a tightly bound trace metal is necessary for expression of the phosphatase activity of calcineurin and implicate Mn2+ as the tightly bound metal.  相似文献   

A calmodulin-dependent protein phosphatase has been identified in human platelets by its cross-reactivity with an antibody developed against a bovine brain calmodulin-dependent protein phosphatase and by its calmodulin-stimulated dephosphorylation of 32P-labeled substrates. The platelet enzyme was partially purified to separate it from calmodulin and calmodulin-independent phosphatases. The partially purified enzyme was stimulated by calmodulin, requiring 15 nM calmodulin for half-maximal activation. Calmodulin increased the Vmax of the phosphatase, with no significant effect on its Km. The enzyme was stimulated irreversibly and made calmodulin-independent by limited proteolysis. The optimal pH for the phosphatase was 7.5. After partial purification, phosphatase activity was significantly increased in the presence of Mn2+ and Ca2+ over that observed in the presence of Ca2+ alone. The enzyme effectively dephosphorylated casein, histone, protamine, and platelet actin. The holophosphatase was estimated to have a molecular weight of 76,900 as determined by sedimentation on sucrose gradients. Immunoblotting techniques using an antibody against the brain phosphatase suggests that the enzyme consists of 2 subunits of 60,000 and 16,500 daltons; the 60,000-dalton subunit co-migrates in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis with a 60,000-dalton calmodulin-binding protein in the platelet suggesting that it is the calmodulin-binding subunit of the enzyme. The identification of a calmodulin-dependent protein phosphatase in human platelets suggests a role for Ca2+-dependent dephosphorylation in platelet activation.  相似文献   

Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase (Ca2+/CaM kinase I), which phosphorylates site I of synapsin I, has been highly purified from bovine brain. The physical properties and substrate specificity of Ca2+/CaM kinase I were distinct from those of all other known Ca2+/CaM kinases. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed that the purified enzyme preparation consisted of two major polypeptides of Mr 37,000 and 39,000 and a minor polypeptide of Mr 42,000. In the presence of Ca2+ and calmodulin (CaM), all three polypeptides bound CaM, were autophosphorylated on threonine residues, and were labeled by the photoaffinity label 8-azido-ATP. Peptide maps of the three autophosphorylated polypeptides were very similar. The Stokes radius and the sedimentation coefficient of the enzyme were, respectively, 31.8 A and 3.25 s. A molecular weight of 42,400 and a frictional ratio of 1.38 were calculated from the above values, suggesting that Ca2+/CaM kinase I is a monomer. It is possible that the polypeptides of lower molecular weight are derived from the polypeptide of Mr 42,000 by proteolysis; alternatively, the polypeptides may represent isozymes of Ca2+/CaM kinase I. Synapsin I (site I) was the best substrate tested (Km, 2-4 microM) for Ca2+/CaM kinase I. Of many additional proteins tested, only protein III (a phosphoprotein related to synapsin I) and smooth muscle myosin light chain were phosphorylated. Ca2+/CaM kinase I was found in highest concentration in brain, where it showed widespread regional and subcellular distributions. In addition, the enzyme had a widespread and predominantly cytosolic tissue distribution. The widespread neuronal and tissue distribution of Ca2+/CaM kinase I suggests that other substrates might exist for this enzyme in both neuronal and non-neuronal tissues.  相似文献   

Calmodulin-dependent protein phosphatase from bovine brain and heart was assayed for phosphotyrosine and phosphoserine phosphatase activity using several substrates: 1) smooth muscle myosin light chain (LC20) phosphorylated on tyrosine or serine residues, 2) angiotensin I phosphorylated on tyrosine, and 3) synthetic phosphotyrosine- or phosphoserine-containing peptides with amino acid sequences patterned after the autophosphorylation site in Type II regulatory subunit of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase. The phosphatase was activated by Ni2+ and Mn2+, and stimulated further by calmodulin. In the presence of Ni2+ and calmodulin, it exhibited similar kinetic constants for the dephosphorylation of phosphotyrosyl LC20 (Km = 0.9 microM, and Vmax = 350 nmol/min/mg) and phosphoseryl LC20 (Km = 2.6 microM, Vmax = 690 nmol/min/mg). Dephosphorylation of phosphotyrosyl LC20 was inhibited by phosphoseryl LC20 with an apparent Ki of 2 microM. Compared to the reactions with phosphotyrosyl LC20 as the substrate, reactions with phosphotyrosine-containing oligopeptides exhibited slightly higher Km and lower Vmax values. The reaction with the phosphoseryl peptide based on the Type II regulatory subunit sequence exhibited a slightly higher Km (23 microM), but a much higher Vmax (4400 nmol/min/mg) than that with its phosphotyrosine-containing counterpart. Micromolar concentrations of Zn2+ inhibited the phosphatase activity; vanadate was less potent, and 25 mM NaF was ineffective. The study provides quantitative data to serve as a basis for comparing the ability of the calmodulin-dependent protein phosphatase to act on phosphotyrosine- and phosphoserine-containing substrates.  相似文献   

Calcineurin is a calmodulin-dependent protein phosphatase   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Calcineurin, one of the major calmodulin-binding proteins in the brain, dephosphorylates a phosphorylated protein termed inhibitor-1, a potent inhibitor of protein phosphatase 1. The phosphatase activity was Ca2+- and calmodulin-dependent and was reversed by EGTA or trifluoperazine, an antagonist of calmodulin. Using a radioimmunoassay of calcineurin and a phosphatase activity assay, we found that the two activities coincided in a sucrose density gradient and in a non-denaturing polyacrylamide gel. These results demonstrate that calcineurin is a calmodulin-dependent protein phosphatase.  相似文献   

Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase phosphatase (CaMKP) is a member of the serine/threonine protein phosphatases and shares 29% sequence identity with protein phosphatase 2Calpha (PP2Calpha) in its catalytic domain. To investigate the functional domains of CaMKP, mutational analysis was carried out using various recombinant CaMKPs expressed in Escherichia coli. Analysis of N-terminal deletion mutants showed that the N-terminal region of CaMKP played important roles in the formation of the catalytically active structure of the enzyme, and a critical role in polycation stimulation. A chimera mutant, a fusion of the N-terminal domain of CaMKP and the catalytic domain of PP2Calpha, exhibited similar substrate specificity to CaMKP but not to PP2Calpha, suggesting that the N-terminal region of CaMKP is crucial for its unique substrate specificity. Point mutations at Arg-162, Asp-194, His-196, and Asp-400, highly conserved amino acid residues in the catalytic domain of PP2C family, resulted in a significant loss of phosphatase activity, indicating that these amino acid residues may play important roles in the catalytic activity of CaMKP. Although CaMKP(1-412), a C-terminal truncation mutant, retained phosphatase activity, it was found to be much less stable upon incubation at 37 degrees C than wild type CaMKP, indicating that the C-terminal region of CaMKP is important for the maintenance of the catalytically active conformation. The results suggested that the N- and C-terminal sequences of CaMKP are essential for the regulation and stability of CaMKP.  相似文献   

Calmodulin-dependent protein phosphatase (CaM-PPase) was isolated from bovine parotid gland by sequential application of DEAE-52, Affi-gel blue and calmodulin-affinity chromatography followed by gel filtration and high performance liquid chromatography. The enzyme was activated in the simultaneous presence of Ni2+ or Mn2+ and Ca2+ plus calmodulin. Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent activation of CaM-PPase was antagonized by inhibitors of calmodulin action, such as W-7 and trifluoperazine. Tryptophan fluorescence was quenched in the presence of Ni2+. CaM-PPase was a heterodimer. The molecular weights of large subunits which bound calmodulin (CaM) were 68 kD and 58 kD - the 68 kD subunit was predominant. Polyclonal antibodies against bovine calcineurin cross-reacted with both types of larger subunits. Using polyclonal antibodies against bovine calcineurin or the monoclonal antibody against subunit B of bovine calcineurin, the smaller molecular weight subunit (19 kD) was found to be immunologically identical to subunit B of bovine calcineurin. In bovine parotid gland, CaM-PPase was found both in acinar and duct cells.  相似文献   

A cDNA for an alternatively spliced variant of the testis-specific catalytic subunit of calmodulin dependent protein phosphatase (CaM-PrP) was cloned from a human testis library. The nucleotide sequence of 2134 base pairs (bp) encodes a protein of 502 amino acids (Mr approximately 57,132) and pI 7.0. The cDNA sequence differs from the murine form of this gene by a 30 bp deletion in the coding region, the position of which matches those in the two other genes for the catalytic subunit. These data indicate that this alternative splicing event arose prior to the divergence of the three genes. The deduced sequence of the human protein is only 88% identical to the homologous murine form, in striking contrast to the other two CaM-PrP catalytic subunits which are highly conserved between mouse and human (approximately 99%); this indicates a more rapid rate of evolution for the testis-specific gene. Analysis of Southern blots containing DNA from human-hamster somatic cell hybrids show that the gene is on human chromosome 8.  相似文献   

Properties of pure acyl phosphatase from bovine brain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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