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The polygyny threshold model assumes that polygynous mating is costly to females and proposes that females pay the cost of polygyny only when compensated by obtaining a superior territory or male. We present, to the authors' knowledge, the first experimental field test to demonstrate that females trade mating status against territory quality as proposed by this hypothesis. Previous work has shown that female red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) in Ontario prefer settling with unmated males and that this preference is adaptive because polygynous mating status lowers female reproductive success. Other evidence suggests that nesting over water increases the reproductive success of female red-winged blackbirds. Here we describe an experiment in which females were given choices between two adjacent territories, one owned by an unmated male without any over-water nesting sites and the other by an already-mated male with over-water sites. Females overwhelmingly preferred the already-mated males, demonstrating that superior territory quality can reverse preferences based on mating status and supporting the polygyny threshold model as the explanation for polygyny in this population.  相似文献   

The extraordinary array of mating systems in the Scolytidae and Platypodidae has been largely overlooked by researchers interested in the evolution of sexual behaviour. This paper provides the first overview of reproductive behaviour in this important and widespread group, known to most biologists only by the reputations of tree-killing taxa. Referred to generally as ‘bark beetles’, these insects chew egg tunnels inside a variety of (usually dead) plant tissues, though most species are either phloeophagous (breeding in the inner bark of woody plants) or xylomycetophagous (all stages feeding on mutualistic fungi growing on sapwood or heartwood). In most species, permanent records of many aspects of reproductive behaviour are etched in the host; in many, engravings reveal female fecundity, eggs sired per male, hatching success, and offspring survivorship. Each gallery arm represents a good portion of a given female's lifetime reproduction, but in many species females commonly re-emerge to reproduce in one or two additional sites. In most species of bark beetles, each female initiates her own gallery, to be joined later by a male. These monogynous gallery systems are associated with mating systems defined by how long males stay with females: in a few species, males seldom if ever join females under the bark; in the vast majority of species, males stay for part or all of the oviposition period then leave to seek other mates; and a few groups exhibit permanent monogamy, in that both sexes die in their only gallery system. While these patterns emerge from an overview of the world scolytid fauna, the length of male residency has seldom been quantified, and the costs and benefits associated with male mating strategies have not been measured for any bark beetle. Male-initiated monogyny is uncommon in Scolytidae, though the rule in Platypodidae; all instances of which I am aware are summarized from a phylogenetic perspective. Inbreeding polygyny with highly biased sex ratios has arisen at least seven times in Scolytidae. These taxa are usually characterized by males being dwarfed, flightless, and uncommon. Sex determination is known for only a few examples, but both haplodiploidy and diplodiploidy have been reported. Multiple origins of harem polygyny (otherwise rare in invertebrates) add an exciting dimension to the comparative and experimental study of scolytid mating systems. In harem polygynous taxa, males initiate gallery construction. I summarize what little can be learned from the literature about the fine structure of harem polygynous mating systems in bark beetles, and the problem of measuring reproductive success. Data on the nature of harem polygyny in Pityophthorus lautus are presented, illustrating (a) the fluidity of harems; (b) that average eggs laid per gallery arm is relatively unaffected by harem size, but strongly influenced by resource quality; (c) that male egg-gain is strongly correlated with territory quality (a consequence of (b) above); and (d) the temporal patterning of immigration and emigration and its effects on gallery system sex ratios. The second half of this paper is a discussion of the evolution of bark and ambrosia beetle mating Mating systems, emphasizing sexual selection and the role of resources. Male, residence is interpreted as postcopulalory guarding—preventing sexual liaisons with wandering males. Operational sex ratio, encounter rate, synchrony of breeding, ejaculate competition, and spatiotemporal distribution of resources are discussed as evolutionary forces moulding scolytid and platypodid male postmating behaviour. The nature of male male competition is reviewed. The paucity of information on male behaviour in gallery systems is mentioned; whether or not males significantly aid females is not known. Three hypotheses are presented for why females re-emerge, a feature which strongly affects operational sex ratios. Finally, I summarize features of bark beetle existence predisposing them to the evolution of post-inseminative guarding. Male-initiated monogyny presents a puzzle. I propose that most uncontested examples can be explained by monogyny re-evolving from (male-initiated) harem polygyny, and I present an argument for the evolution of harem polygyny leading to the development of male gallery initiation. The evolution of harem polygyny in birds and mammals has attracted considerable attention. The Verner Willson Orians polygyny threshold model is discussed with respect to bark beetles in general and P. lautus in particular. Resource quality is a major factor in P. lautus harem dynamics: the cost to females of joining harems is apparently slight compared to benefits accrued from moving into sites with higher quality inner bark. Female-biased adult sex ratios have been suggested to lead to harem polygyny, and literature and original data pertinent to this hypothesis are examined. The geometric constraints model, based on the polygyny threshold concept but tailored to bark beetles, is proposed to account for the failure of most species to evolve harem polygyny, and testable predictions are derived that interrelate breeding systems, habitat quality, and progeny size. The evolution of Inbreeding is briefly covered, and two routes to inbreeding polygyny are suggested.  相似文献   

Intraspecific competition and the maintenance of monogamy in tree swallows   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Intraspecific competition for access to breeding resources maylimit male mating success typically monogamous birds. We examinedthe potential for intraspecific competition to limit polygynyin tree swallows at Beaverhill Lake, Alberta, Canada. In thispopulation, polygynous males raisedmore fledglings than monogamousmales, and there was little or no cost to females from nestingpolygynously. Under these conditions one might expect polygynyto be more common than that observed(8% of males). We foundthat females were most aggressive toward conspecific intrudersearly in the breeding season. This aggression was associatedwith (1) females settling farther apart than expected underrandom settlement, (2) later settlement by secondary than bymonogamous females, and (3) no relationship between female settlementdate and male territory size instead of the negative correlationexpected if females settled randomly without competition. Earlyin the season, males also settled farther apart than expectedif they had settled randomly, and among males with two or morenest boxes on their territory, males with widely separated nestboxes were more likely to be polygynous. Monogamy is probablythe most common pairing association in this population becauseintraspecific competition for nest sites prevents most malesfrom gaining a territory with nest sites far enough apart topermit two females to breed without one female excluding theother. Females appeared to be defending an area surroundingtheir nest box to limit nest usurpation or intraspecific broodparasitism, rather than to limit any loss of male parental carefrom polygyny.  相似文献   

Highly ornamented males are often thought to be better ableto provide females with resources, parental assistance, or goodgenes. Individual variation in such male abilities may overridethe costs of polygyny and therefore largely explain within-populationvariation in mating patterns. We investigated the influenceof variation in male ornamentation and the environment on thecosts of polygyny for female collared flycatchers (Ficedulaalbicollis), using data from a long-term study involving 2733breeding attempts over 19 years. We show that females sufferreduced reproductive success when mated polygynously but thatthe costs of polygyny depend on an interaction between maleornamentation and timing of breeding. Among early breeders,polygynously mated females experience higher reproductive successwhen mated to less ornamented males, but among late breeders,females mated polygynously to highly ornamented males were moresuccessful. We suggest that a high effort spent on obtainingextrapair matings early in the season renders highly ornamentedmales less able to assist two females in caring for the young.Thus, a male's ability to simultaneously gain from extrapairmatings and polygyny may be limited through direct effects onfemale reproductive success. Given such limitation, extrapairmatings may be expected to be less frequent in species withbiparental care and a high level of social polygyny.  相似文献   

孙立新 《动物学报》2002,48(3):302-308
我在江西鄱阳湖国家自然保护区研究了獐 (Hydropotesinermis)的集群行为并检验了集群是动物反捕食对策的假说。如果这个假说成立 ,我们则可以做三个预测 :(1)集群大小应与植物覆盖度成负相关 ;(2 )集群动物比单独活动的动物有更多的时间取食 ;(3)集群动物与单独活动的动物相比 ,用于警戒的时间较少。结果表明 ,獐的集群在交配季节最大而在产仔季节最小 ,獐在短草期比在高草期倾向于形成较大集群。因此 ,本研究支持了第一个预测。但是 ,集群的獐和单独活动的獐在取食和警戒时间分配上并无差异。因此 ,本研究不支持第二和第三个预测。时间收支 (timebudget)分析显示 ,在非交配季节 ,带幼仔的雌性用于取食的时间较少但走动频繁。在交配季节 ,与单独活动的雌性相比 ,与雄性在一起的雌性用于取食的时间较少 ,而单独活动的雄性却比与雌性在一起的雄性花较多的时间用于观望寻找雌性。鉴于獐集群行为的复杂性 ,本研究认为 ,獐并不只因反捕食而集群 ,其它社会和生态因子在决定獐的集群行为中也很重要。  相似文献   

Harbour seals sometimes breed along inland travel corridors where females become clustered in space and time and males establish underwater acoustic display territories similar to terrestrial arenas known as resource-based leks. Under these conditions, we predicted that higher levels of polygyny would be observed than has been previously reported for this species mating in open coast environments without travel corridors. Reproductive success (RS) of 70 males was measured using 20 microsatellite DNA loci and likelihood-based paternity analysis of 136 offspring collected over 3 years. Most males were assigned either zero or one paternity with 80% confidence. The greatest number of pups assigned to one male in a season was two. Variance in RS was higher for males than females (which are biologically limited to one offspring per year) indicating low to mild polygyny. In addition, distributions of relatedness values among pups within year classes did not differ significantly from a simulated distribution with R = 0, indicating that half-siblings were uncommon. Overall, polygyny levels were low relative to terrestrial pinniped mating systems and similar to observations from a harbour seal population along an open coast. Due to large confidence intervals associated with our results, we cannot rule out the hypothesis that a travel corridor might increase the degree of polygyny skew relative to that observed in open coast environments. Habitat appeared to influence male strategies as the most successful males in open coast environments patrolled offshore, while the most successful male in this study defended a territory along the travel corridor.  相似文献   

In haplodiploid organisms, unmated or sperm depleted females are “constrained” to produce only male progeny. If such constrained females reproduce, the population sex ratio will shift toward males and unconstrained females will be selected to produce more females. Assuming that a female's own time spent constrained is an index of the population-wide level of constrained oviposition, and that constrained and unconstrained females reproduce at the same rate, the proportion of sons that females produce when unconstrained should decrease with increasing time spent constrained. Alternatively, if females cannot measure time spent constrained or if time spent constrained is not an index to the level of constrained oviposition in the population, the proportion of sons among progeny produced when unconstrained should not depend upon time spent constrained and should be female biased to an extent depending upon the average time spent constrained over evolutionary time. To test these predictions, we manipulated the amount of time spent virgin in the parasitoid wasp Aphelinus asychis Walker (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) and measured the number of males and females among progeny produced before and after mating. First, we found no interaction between age and age at mating in their effect on fecundity, which suggests that mating does not change fecundity. Second, we found that females mated at 8 days and 15 days produced equal sex ratios after mating but these were slightly more female biased than the sex ratios of females mated at 1 day. This observed “step response” suggests that females may perceive time from emergence to mating as a discrete rather than a continuous variable (i.e., short versus long), or that females do not perceive time per se but assess their age class (i.e., young versus old) at the time of mating.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1988,36(6):1646-1657
The deception hypothesis has been proposed as an explanation for polygyny in the pied flycatcher. According to this hypothesis, already-mated males hide their mating status with polyterritorial behaviour and thereby increase their chances of obtaining a second mate. In a study area at Oslo, Norway, secondary females raised 84% as many fledglings as did concurrent monogamous and primary females. The unmated males sang most of the time near their nest site, whereas the already-mated males frequently disrupted singing for longer periods in their secondary territories to visit their primary nest; such visits to the primary nest occurred both before and after the time of their second mating. The behaviour of the males suggests that deception of females is not an evolutionarily stable strategy, as an observant female would soon discern the male's status. Another difficulty with the deception hypothesis is that secondary females laid larger clutches than primary females. The number of young fledged from secondary nests was not dependent on the distance to the primary nest. The deception hypothesis was not supported by the data, and the reduced reproductive success of secondary females may be explained by the cost of searching for a mate.  相似文献   

The polygyny threshold model states that if costs incurred areless than the benefits gained from mating polygynously in termsof breeding-situation quality, then polygyny is favored andcould evolve. We constructed mathematical models and computersimulations to evaluate this hypothesis. In the basic model,there is a single locus with two alleles, which regulates whetherthe female is receptive to polygyny. There are two breedingsituations of differing quality on which males randomly assort.Females then select a mate based on the associated breedingsituation and whether the male already has mates. This basicmodel is extended mathematically to include a cost for the initialfemale of a male with multiple mates and again to include geneexpression in males. The computer simulations extend the basicmodel to multiple loci and alleles and to multiple breedingsituations. The results presented here suggest that the polygynythreshold model is valid in a population genetic context: ifthe fitness of females that actually mate polygynously is greaterthan the fitness of monogamous females on poorer breeding situations,polygyny evolves. However, this approach reveals interestingdynamics not apparent from the verbal model. If the trait isexpressed in males and females, then polygyny can evolve evenif females mating polygynously have a lower fitness than femalesmating monogamously. In the multiple breeding-situations model,the polygyny allele increases to some equilibrium value abovewhich it experiences no selection. Surprisingly, as the costof polygyny increases, the equilibrium frequency of the polygynyallele also increases. The difference between this evolutionarymodel and the ideal free distribution is discussed.  相似文献   

Synopsis This study investigates the role of male mating status in female choice patterns in the carmine triplefin, Axoclinus carminalis, a tripterygiid fish that exhibits paternal care. The distribution of daily reproductive activity is clumped, with many males receiving no mates and some receiving three or more. Females in this species do not prefer larger males, and characteristics of the oviposition site appear to have minimal effects on male mating success. When a female is removed from a male early in the daily spawning period, that male attracts fewer additional females for the remainder of the spawning period than does a control male. These changes in mating success are temporary, and do not affect mating success on subsequent days. A preference for mating males or males that are guarding eggs could provide asymmetric benefits for males to defend oviposition sites. This preference for males with eggs could be acting alone or with other factors such as high variance in oviposition site quality to favor the evolution of paternal care in fishes.  相似文献   

Abstract  1. Large male seaweed flies (Diptera: Coelopidae) are more likely to mate than smaller males. This is due to sexual conflict over mating, by which females physically resist male attempts to copulate. In some species, large males are simply more efficient at overpowering female resistance.
2. Female reluctance to mate is likely to have evolved due to the costs of mating to females. In many dipterans, males manipulate female behaviour through seminal proteins that have evolved through sperm competition. This behavioural manipulation can be costly to females, for example forcing females to oviposit in sub-optimal conditions and increasing their mortality.
3. Previous work has failed to identify any ubiquitous costs of mating to female coelopids. The work reported here was designed to investigate the effects of exposure to oviposition sites ( Fucus algae) on the reproductive behaviour of four species of coelopid. Algae deposition in nature is stochastic and females mate with multiple males in and around oviposition sites. Spermatogenesis is restricted to the pupal stage and there is last-male sperm precedence. It was predicted that males would avoid wasting sperm and would be more willing to mate, and to remain paired with females for longer, when exposed to oviposition material compared with control males. Females were predicted to incur longevity costs of mating if mating increased their rate of oviposition, especially in the presence of algae.
4. The behaviour of males of all four species concurred with the predictions; however mating did not affect female receptivity, oviposition behaviour, or longevity. Exposure to algae induced oviposition and increased female mortality in all species independently of mating and egg production. The evolutionary ecology of potential costs of mating to female coelopids are discussed in the light of these findings.  相似文献   

Polyandry is extremely common across a wide range of organisms. In promiscuous mating systems, females are often sexually harassed by males, but at the same time obtain benefits from multiple mating. It remains unclear whether polyandry is exclusively imposed by males or is also promoted by females. Here, we investigated this question by recording the time spent by female guppies near a single male or a group of males with similar size and colour patterns over three consecutive days. We accounted for the effect of shoaling by using a control treatment where a group of females was used instead of a group of males. Results showed that females spent significantly more time near the group of males, but not with the group of females. In the presence of a group of males, total female mating preference time did not change over the course of the study, but rather shifted from spending more time near the single male at the beginning of the experiment to spending more time near the group of males. The consequence of this female preference for associating with a group of males in a non-experimental setup would be to promote multiple mating. Our result indicates that polyandry in guppies is at least partially encouraged by females, and not entirely a consequence of male sexual behaviour.  相似文献   

We monitored raccoons Procyon lotor, in southern Texas during the 1990-1992 mating seasons to describe mating behaviour and identify factors affecting consortship success. During most of this study, raccoons were spatially aggregated, with female home ranges congregated around permanent water sources and larger home ranges of male groups encompassing each female group. Consortship success varied among males and ranged from zero to six females per male within a mating season. Individual females consorted with one to four different males during an oestrous period; however, most (62%) females consorted with only one male during their oestrus. Dominance through overt conflict appeared to influence male consortship success. During two mating seasons, one male from each group consorted with females on more days than all other males combined. Body weight of males was positively correlated with number of consortship days. As synchrony of oestrus increased, variance in number of consortship days among males decreased, and access to oestrous females increased for subordinate males. Wounding among males increased during the mating season, and was more frequent for males than for females. The mating system, as determined by consortship behaviour, appeared to shift between polygyny and promiscuity, and possibly varied annually as a result of the timing of oestrous cycles. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Males of C. fonscolombei patrol and perch at water collection sites or at plants of Reseda, both of which are important resources for female brood care. The mating system can be classified as resource defense polygyny modified by the existence of alternative male mating tactics. Occupying temporary territories at watercollection sites constitutes the primary tactic which is more profitable for larger males. The secondary tactic of patrolling at flowers provides a nonaggressive alternative through which smaller males gain at least some mating success. Males at water collection sites occupy considerably smaller ranges but spend a higher proportion of time patrolling than males at flowers. They frequently grapple with other males, an activity that is absent at flowers. Males at water collection sites copulate about 2.5 times more frequently than males at flowers. The copulation frequency of the males at water collection sites is positively correlated with their body size, while copulation frequency is negatively correlated with body size at flowers. Males patrolling at water collection sites and males patrolling at flowers do not differ in body size, indicating that the decision between alternative mating tactics is not made relative to body size but is influenced by other factors.  相似文献   

Andreas  Zahn  Barbara  Dippel 《Journal of Zoology》1997,243(4):659-674
Attic-dwelling male Myotis myotis use different roost sites, but prefer one (or a few) of them and visit others sporadically. Roost-site preference can change, especially during the mating season. The males use their roost sites over years. Mean occupancy of all roost sites shows a maximum during the mating season. Females of different nursery colonies meet at male roost sites as far as 12 km from their colonies. They stay, on average, four days with one male, may join several males during one mating season and may visit their mating sites over years. Males appear to show no special behaviour to attract females but extend the time they are present at the roost site during the mating season. Each male is visited by about seven adult mates, on average. Differences in reproductive success are indicated by the times males were joined by females and by the numbers of mates and copulations. Two typical mating postures, copulation and five different social calls are described. Since females of different colonies meet at the male roost sites, the mating system of Myotis myotis may favour genetic exchange between colonies.  相似文献   

Mate Choice and Mating Pattern in a Stream Goby of the Genus Rhinogobius   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The mate choice and mating pattern of a benthic goby Rhinogobius sp. CB (cross band type) were investigated in the Kamo River, Shikoku, Japan. During the breeding season, gravid females assumed a nuptial color and either males or females initiated a courtship display. Males preferentially courted a female of similar size to lead her to his nest, whereas females courted more frequently when they encountered a large male. Eggs in any one nest were always at the same developmental stage. Sampling data of nesting males and females indicated that, in more than half the nests, males gathered more than one female before spawning. In some nests with eggs, two or three females had spent ovaries, indicating that the eggs were laid by multiple females within a short span of time. However, a comparison between the total number of eggs which females would spawn in one nest and the number of eggs actually deposited suggested that eggs were contributed by one female in most nests. This low level of polygyny in spite of multiple female availability is attributed to a limited available spawning area of the nest.  相似文献   

A South Swedish population of the vespertilionid bat Pipistrellus pipistrellus was studied by means of bat boxes from April to the beginning of October in 1984. The mating system of the pipistrelle bat is a “resource defence polygyny”. Three territorial males were studied to determine the relative importance of two potential resources, food and roost sites, for male reproductive success. The day roost was found to be the crucial resource for the male's chances to get access to females. A territorial male advertises the location of his day roost to the females by a songflight display. The male who spent most time in songflight display was visited by the greatest number of females.  相似文献   

Sexually dimorphic traits can evolve through male–male competition or female choice. Squirrel monkeys (genus Saimiri) live in large multimale, multifemale groups and are seasonal breeders with concealed ovulation. In several species of the genus, females are dominant to males. Males show weight gain preceding and during the mating season, which produces a “fattened” appearance in the upper arms, shoulders, and torso. Although much is known about the physiology of fattening, the evolutionary function(s) of this sexually dimorphic trait, including possible benefits and costs, remain(s) unknown. This unusual reproductive physiology of males is suggestive of sexual selection. Here I present data on wild Saimiri sciureus studied in Brazil to describe male reproductive investment in the species and to examine the hypothesis that male fattening is a product of sexual selection. I observed at least nine adult males via focal animal sampling and ad libitum observations during four mating seasons and during an additional 10 nonbreeding season months for comparison. Compared to less robust males, fatter males spent significantly more time near females and less time alone. These males also spent more time engaged in sociosexual activities and less time feeding/foraging, suggesting a trade-off between maintenance and reproductive behaviors. The 2-mo mating season accounted for 62% of all male–male agonism observed over one 12-mo period. These results are suggestive of malemale competition for females. However, males did not coerce females to mate and females often rejected males; this pattern suggests female choice. It is possible that male fattening in Saimiri is a product of both intra- and intersexual selection. Males experience intense reproductive costs related to agonism with other males, and related to time and energy invested in the pursuit of females. Although fattening may mitigate some of these costs by aiding in male–male competition and in female preference, this phenomenon is likely not without physiological costs to adult males.  相似文献   

Males of the non-territorial damselfly Enallagma hageni have two alternative tactics for finding mates: (1) they search the banks of the pond for unmated females (searching tactic), or (2) wait at oviposition sites for females that resurface prematurely from underwater oviposition (waiting tactic). Although the searching tactic yielded more fertilizations than the waiting tactic, for time invested, the waiting tactic became increasingly successful later in the reproductive season due to changes in female oviposition behaviour. The two tactics can be maintained in the population because males can mate by the waiting tactic during the afternoon when few females are available to searchers. Among males visiting the breeding site an equal number of times, males mating by a mixture of tactics were as successful as males mating only by the main tactic. Because marked males were found to use both tactics, these behaviours are interpreted as evidence of behavioural plasticity within individuals, representing one conditional evolutionary strategy.  相似文献   

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