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四川西部云南鳅属鱼类一新种记述:鲤形目:鳅科   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
本文报道产于四川西部安宁河(属雅砻江支流)的云南鳅属Yunnanilus鱼类一新种,命名为四川云南鳅,新种Y.sichuanensissp.nov.,详细葶了新种的形态特征,并与近似种进行了比较。  相似文献   

云南东部云南鳅属二新种记述(鲤形目:鳅科)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
描述采于云南东部南盘江水系的云南鳅属鱼类2新种,以其形态特征分别命名为大鳞云南鳅Yunnanilus macrolepis Li,Tao et Mao,sp.nov.和长背云南鳅Yunnanilus longidorsalis Li,Taoet Lu,sp.nov.。  相似文献   

云南路南县黑龙潭水库及灌区的鱼类   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
云南路南县黑龙潭水库灌区的鱼类共有48种;扣除外来种12种,实有土著鱼种36种,隶属于4目7科28属。本文描记了新种大斑云南鳅YunnanilusmacrositanusLi,sp.nov和叉尾云南鳅YunnanilusforkicaudalisLi.sp.nov,并对黑龙潭水库灌区的鱼类区系和动物地理学特征作了简要分析。  相似文献   

四川省高原鳅属鱼类一新种(鲤形目:鳅科)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文记述产于凉山西溪河的高原鳅属Triplophysa鱼类一新种,西溪高原鳅TriploPhysaxiqiensissp.nov.,描述了其形态和生态特征,并与近似种进行了比较。  相似文献   

广西条鳅亚科鱼类二新种(鲤形目:鳅科)   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文记述采自广西西江水系河池地区的条鳅亚科鱼类二新种。后鳍岭鳅,新种Oreonectes retrodorsalis sp.nov.与同属种的区别主要表现在其背鳍起点的位置较后、背鳍和臀鳍分枝鳍条数目较少、尾鳍后缘凹入、头较小和属柄较短等方面。南丹高原鳅,新种Triplophysa nandanensis sp.nov.则以头较大、吻较短、眼间距较狭、尾柄较短且高、背鳍分枝鳍条较多、尾鳍深叉形等易  相似文献   

副原吸鳅属鱼类一新种   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文记述采自广西巴马的平鳍鳅科鱼类一新种,即巴副原吸鳅araprotomyzon bamaensis sp.nov。对新种的形态特征进行了描述,并与近似种进行了比较。  相似文献   

中国枝背蚱亚科的新属和新种(直翅目:蚱科)   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
本文报道采自四川和云南两省蚱科枝背蚱亚科2新属3新种,即蛾眉拟扁蚱Pseudogignotettix emeiensis sp.nov.,拟后蚱属Pseudepitettix gen.nov.,云南似后蚱P.yunnanensis sp.nov.,云南蚱属Yunnantettix gen.nov.,版纲云南蚱Y.banaensis sp.nov.。  相似文献   

爬岩鳅属鱼类一新种(鲤形目:平鳍鳅科)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文记述了采自贵州三都县的平鳍鳅科鱼类1新种,由于其在侧线鳞数目,背鳍起点和肛门的相对位置等特征都处于近缘种四川爬岩鳅Beaufortia szechuanensis和贵州爬岩鳅B;kweichowensis之间,故命名为中间爬岩鳅,新种Beaufortia intermedia Tang et Wang,sp,nov。  相似文献   

云南西藏蝠蛾属四新种:(鳞翅目:蝙蝠蛾科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道了云南西北部和西藏东南部的高寒草甸中分布的蝠蛾属4新种:剑川蝠蛾Hepialus jianchuanensis sp.nov.,甲郎蝠蛾H.jiaangensis sp.nov.察里蝠蛾H.zaliensis sp.nov.,异翅蝠蛾Hepialus anomopterus sp.nov.4个新种都是冬虫夏草真菌的寄主昆虫。  相似文献   

云南西藏蝠蛾属四新种(鳞翅目:蝙蝠蛾科)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文报道了云南西北部和西藏东南部的高寒草甸中分布的蝠蛾属4新种:剑川蝠蛾Hepialusjianchuanensissp.nov.,甲郎蝠蛾H.jialangensissp.Nov.,察里蝠蛾H.zariensissp.nov.,异翅蝠蛾Hepialusanomopterussp.nov.4个新种都是冬虫夏草真菌的寄主昆虫。  相似文献   

云南鳅属鱼类是云贵高原及邻近区域特有鱼类,其独特两性异形现象可能是对喀斯特高原特定生境的一种重要适应。本文对云南星云湖特有鱼类长臀云南鳅两性异形、个体繁殖力及与之关联的雌雄摄食分化问题进行了研究,以揭示其两性异形特征并探讨其与生境的关系。结果表明: 长臀云南鳅两性异形指数为0.23,表明它是偏向于雌性体型较大的两性异形类型。同时,雌雄外部形态存在明显的色斑差异,雌鱼体侧密布横向色斑,而雄鱼体侧则有一明显的纵向条纹,横向色斑稀少或缺乏。单因素方差分析、主成分分析、判别分析及单因素相似性分析(ANOSIM)等进一步证实长臀云南鳅雌雄形态性状明显分离,全长、叉长、体长、头宽/头长、腹鳍起点-胸鳍起点(JK)/体长等对两性形态差异起主导作用。雌鱼繁殖力为(1364.5±489.3)粒,变化幅度为470~2430粒,其繁殖力随体长的增长而增大。食物分析显示,长臀云南鳅以摇蚊幼虫、蜉蝣稚虫为主要食物,食性较为狭窄。雌雄长臀云南鳅食物组成较为相似,但两者具有统计学意义上的显著差异。繁殖力选择压力、食物分化等可能对星云湖长臀云南鳅两性异形的形成起重要驱动作用,而两性异形的出现是长臀云南鳅对喀斯特贫营养龙潭生境的一种重要适应。  相似文献   

记述了1992~2003年间采自云南牛栏江(属金沙江下游南侧直流)的云南鳅属Yunnanilus 2新种,横斑云南鳅Y.spanisbripes sp.nov和干河云南鳅Y.ganheensis sp.nov..两新种均具不完全的侧线,应归属侧纹云南鳅组群Y.pleurotaenia group.  相似文献   

传统上馆藏标本,主要用于植物分类学、植物资源学的研究。数字标本的出现将标本的使用拓展到从研究生物多样性时间空间分布到生态学和进化学理论、生物多样性保护、农业和人类健康等广泛领域。截至目前,从互联网上获取的采自中国的植物标本数量已有1 200多万份。该文通过整理和分析这些数据以了解中国植物标本的数字化精度、采集时间和采集地区规律以及采集空缺等状况。结果表明:中国标本采集形成了4个高峰,即20世纪30年代、60年代、80年代和21世纪初,中国植物标本采集和研究工作主要在20世纪50年代后由中国学者完成。标本采集地区覆盖度在省级较好,县级标本采集则很不平衡; 标本采集类群在科属层面覆盖率高,但近五分之一的物种采集不足; 标本的采集量既与植物分布幅度相关,也与采集地区的知名度、所获科研项目及采集者偏好有关。未来中国植物标本数字化方向应该在继续挖掘馆藏标本的同时,一方面开展对现有数字化标本信息再审核及补充,并加强与欧美大馆的信息共享以获取早期历史标本信息; 另一方面应用数字化标本信息分析结果,指导境内标本的精准采集,包括采集薄弱/空白地区、采集薄弱/空白属种的采集,以进一步增强实体标本馆能力,提高数字化标本质量,为进一步完善植物标本数字化和精准化采集提供依据,更好地服务科学和社会的发展。  相似文献   

The membrane filter technique for smear specimens of tumors in bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) immunochemistry is described. The staining results of Raji cells processed using the filter technique was compared with that obtained by the conventional cytospin method. Although the BrdU mean labeling index (LI) for in cytospin specimens was almost the same as the LI in membrane filter specimens, filter specimens showed excellent staining and less cell destruction compared with those processed by cytospin. Small amounts of tumor specimens such as squamous cell carcinoma and polymorphous low-grade adenocarcinoma also were processed using the membrane filter appliance. For squamous cell carcinoma, the LI for the filter specimens was 5.36 ± 0.38 and that of the paraffin sections was 5.56 ± 0.38. The membrane filter technique provided relatively undamaged specimens for exfoliative cytology and will be useful for immunohistochemical evaluation of tumor cells and for routine, noninvasive cytological screening.  相似文献   

基于多元统计分析中对样本完整性的要求,为了在分析中不抛弃大量不完整的化石标本或者不大大减少变量,创建了一种恢复标本残缺数据的方法。本方法基于线性回归理论,假设同类标本个体之间的区别仅仅是大小的区别,形状的区别可以忽略不计,因此,在同类标本中,可以用一件标本的已知测量数据预测另一件标本的残缺测量数据。在多件标本的情况下,对某件标本的某个残缺数据的预测结果是用其他标本分别进行预测所得值的加权平均,加权系数的选取与每件标本的保存完好程度相关。用现生马属头骨及肢骨标本做的数据试验证明,该方法具有良好的稳定性,对标本的种类、数量及残缺值的多少均不敏感,对于尺寸较大的标本或数值较大的数据的预测效果要比对尺寸较小的标本或数值较小的数据的预测效果要好。与传统的线性回归方法的不同之处在于,本方法利用的是样本(即标本)间的线性相关性,传统方法利用的是变量(即测量项)间的线性相关性。在通常情况下,样本间的线性相关程度要优于变量间的线性相关程度。本方法简单实用,在对化石标本进行统计分析,特别是多元统计分析中具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

The ability of termites to attack solid wood and plywood treated with quaternary ammonia compounds and common fire retardants was evaluated. The plywood and solid-wood specimens treated with either monoammonium phosphate (MAP), diammonium phosphate (DAP), ammonium sulfate (AS), didecyl dimethyl ammonium chloride (DDAC), or didecyl dimethyl ammonium tetrafluoroborate (DBF) were subjected to termite resistance tests using the subterranean termites Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki under laboratory conditions. The lowest mass losses and the highest termite mortalities were obtained for the solid-wood and plywood specimens treated with DDAC and DBF. Higher termite mortalities were seen in the plywood specimens treated with the fire retardants when compared to the solid-wood specimens. The MAP, DAP, and AS treatments lowered the mass losses in both solid-wood and plywood specimens in comparison with control specimens; however, DBF and DDAC protected specimens well against termite attack at both concentration levels tested.  相似文献   

In a biomechanical investigation of tractus iliotibialis and abdominal wall tissue from rabbits, an analysis was made of the influence that the fibre orientation in specimens as well as the length and width of specimens has on the measured parameters. The mechanical testing was performed with a materials testing machine (Alvetron). The investigation showed that the mechanical characteristics of specimens, when the width was kept constant, depended upon the fibre orientation in the specimens and the length of the specimens. The investigation further demonstrated that in intact abdominal wall no proportionality exists between, on the one side, the width of specimens (2, 4, 6 and 8 mm) and, on the other, the breaking strength, the energy absorption, and the elastic stiffness, respectively. For the 6 day old abdominal wall wounds a proportionality, however, could be demonstrated between the 4 and 8 mm broad specimens on the one side and the breaking strength, the energy absorption, and the elastic stiffness on the other. A possible explanation of the difference between the mechanical characteristics of short and long specimens can be given by the theoretical possibility that the short specimens contain relatively more fibres running all the way through the specimen from clamp to clamp than do the long specimens. The consequences on biomechanical investigations rendered by the result of the analyses are discussed.  相似文献   

Plant specimens stored in herbaria are being used as never before to document the impacts of global change on humans and nature. However, published statistics on the use of biological collections are rare, and ecologists lack quantitative data demonstrating the relevance to science of herbarium specimens. I found 382 studies with original data that used herbarium specimens to document biogeographical patterns or environmental changes. Most studies are less than 10 years old, and only 1.4% of the herbarium specimens worldwide have been used to answer biogeographical or environmental questions. The vast majority (82%) of papers dealt with vascular plants, but some studies also used bryophytes, lichens, seaweeds and fungi. The herbarium specimens were collected from all continents, but most of the studies used specimens from North America (40% of studies) or Europe (28%). Many types of researches (conservation, plant disease, plant invasion, pollution, etc.) can be conducted using herbarium specimens. Climate change, and especially phenological reconstructions, are clearly emerging research topics. By group, small herbaria (<100,000 specimens) are consulted as often as very large herbaria (>1,000,000 specimens) for biogeographical and environmental research, but in most cases, only large facilities provide specimens collected worldwide. The median number of specimens per study in papers using computerized collections (15,295) was much higher than for papers that did not include electronic data (226). The use of molecular analyses to investigate herbarium specimens is still relatively unexplored, at least from biogeographical and environmental points of view. Combined with recently developed procedures to correct biases, herbarium specimens might provide in the near future exciting additional spatio-temporal insights that are currently unimaginable.  相似文献   

We quantitatively examined the differences in the size and proportion of the Japanese macaque (Macaca fuscata) by comparing the Early Jomon specimens from Torihama shell-midden, Fukui Prefecture and modern specimens from Fukui Prefecture. The purpose of this study was to explore the temporal change in the proportion and size of teeth of the Japanese macaques based on the quantified data. The result of measurements of lower premolars and molars demonstrated that sexual dimorphism was evident only among the modern specimens where the females were significantly smaller than males. The size of male Torihama specimens was within the range of the modern population, whereas the size of the female Torihama specimens was significantly larger than the modern female population. The proportional pattern of premolars and molars for male and female Torihama specimens also differed. The results may suggest a possible difference in the degree of size reduction between males and females since the last glacial period.Morphometric analysis of mandibular cheek teeth from Torihama Shell-midden  相似文献   

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