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Scolecopteris libera n. sp. is established on partial three-dimensionally preserved materials containing both sterile and fertile fronds collected from the volcanic tuff at the top of the Taiyuan Formation at the Wuda Coalfield, Inner Mongolia, China. It is characterized by tripinnate fronds with rachises over 200 mm in diameter; and long lanceolate or falciform pinnules with thick veins. Pinnules are of the pecopterid-type, with those at the base of the ultimate pinnae usually divided into small lobes. Eight to twelve circular synangia are arranged in two rows along the midvein. Synangia are borne on a short pedicel attached to the middle of lateral veins. A synangium is composed of 7–10 fusiform exannulate sporangia with pointed apices. The sporangia are free among each other beyond the base of synangia. In situ microspores of the Cyclogranisporites leopoldii type differ from all other in situ Paleozoic marattialean spores.  相似文献   

Sydneia manleyi gen. et sp. nov. is based on part of a fertile frond from the upper Westphalian D of the Sydney Coalfield, Nova Scotia, Canada. It has small synangia composed of laterally fused sporangia that are elongate and with a circular cross-section. The sporangia yielded variably sized monolete and trilete spores with laevigate and microspinate ornamentation; intermediate forms were also observed. The spores can be correlated with the sporae dispersae species Latosporites minutus , Punctatosporites oculus and Laevigatosporites minimus . Size distribution of the spores is variable and highly skewed, suggesting heterogeneity of the spores within the sporangium. Spore ultrastructure indicates that the fossil is part of a fern, and the morphology of the spores and synangia indicate marattialean affinities.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 142 , 199–212.  相似文献   

Two new genera (Sinosphaera and Trigonosphaera), including two new species and another left in open nomenclature, are described from the Changxingian (upper Permian) of southern Guangxi, southern China. They are characterized by a single spherical, subspherical or rounded triangular cortical shell composed of two spongy layers and the likely absence of both a medullary shell and internal spicule. They are tentatively grouped within the family Xiphostylidae Haeckel, 1881 and are considered as the most primitive representatives of this family.  相似文献   

Well-preserved Marattialean fertile fronds are analyzed in this paper that come from the Cisuralian Shanxi Formation of Yongchang, Gansu Province, northwestern China. In particular, synangium in fronds and in situ spores are analyzed in the lab. Data show that the synangium of this species contains between four and five radially arranged pedicellate sporangia. The spores of this plant are small, between 21 and 30 μm, monolete and microgranulate with no visible annule. The fossils presented in this study are included within the genus Cyathocarpus. Furthermore, these spore masses and spores in situ of this genus are described in detail at the first time as a component of the Cathaysian flora. Based on comparisons with previously reported fossil records of these plants, we determined a series of differences. Thus, the fossils presented here are referred to a new species. In addition, the reproductive organs of the new fossils described in this paper provide some valuable taxonomic information. Based on the paleogeographic distribution of Cyathocarpus and the position of paleoplates in Late Paleozoic, we speculated that one of the possible migrated routes of Cyathocarpus is from the Euramerica to the North China Block and Alashan Terrane, terminating in the South China Block.  相似文献   

Recent investigation on the Cathaysian flora of the Lower Permian Taiyuan Formation in Hebei Province, North China has led to the discovery of a new type of fern, Rastropteris pingquanensis gen. et sp. nov. Preserved as a permineralization, the stem, with a mantle of petiole bases and roots, shows a unique combination of anatomical characters. The vascular strand consists of a solid protostele with uniformly elongated tracheids and mesarch maturation of the xylem. In transverse section, the configuration of leaf trace xylem changes from reniform endarch to a tangentially elongated strand adaxially recurved at each end with several adaxial ridges. Stem and petiole cortex contains abundant sclerotic tissue with an interstitial tissue developed within the mantle of petiole bases and roots. A reinvestigation of Grammatopteris rigollotii , from the Permian of France, the type species of the genus allows interpretation of the latter as closer to Rastropteris than any other fern. Both taxa are provisionally reported to an incertae sedis group of filicalean ferns possibly involved in the origin of Osmundaceae.  相似文献   

A new kind of marattialean raches are reported from the coal balls in Coal Seam No.7 in the upper part of the Taiyuan Formation (early Early Permian) from Taiyuan, Shanxi, China and are assigned to the genus Stipitopteris Grand'Eury (Psaroniaceae). The present specimens are different from all six reported species of the genus, and are therefore proposed as a new species: Stipitopteris shanxiensis. The raches of the new species are generally dorsi-ventrally flattened. The main raches usually exhibit scales of different forms on their surface. Beneath the epidermis is a zone of parenchymatous cells, some of which contain tannin-like contents. Inside this is a zone of small sclerenchymatous cells. Inward are the ground tissue and vascular bundles. The vascular bundles are continuous and are in two circles: the outer circle assumes a transversely elliptical shape with the gap and pinna trace, and the inner circle assumes a shallow C.shape with inrolled ends. The ground tissue located at the inner side of the vascular bundle is composed of thicker-walled parenchymatous cells. The cells of the ground tissue are vertically elongated in longitudinal sections. Subordered raches are smaller and have simpler structures than the main raches. The parenchyma zone beneath the epidermis is thinner, usually one to two cells wide and the sclerenchyma zone is usually absent. The scales are poorly developed and there is only one C-shaped vascular bundle. The new species is comparable to the crosiers of Psaroniaceae of the Euramerican Flora in some aspects, for example, it has a dorsi-ventrally flattened rachis and scales on the surface of the rachis. However, the other features and the preservative conditions of the present specimens indicate that they are not crosiers, but fully developed or mature raches. The new species is the first well-studied anatomically-preserved rachis of Psaroniaceae from the Cathaysian Flora and bears significance not only in understanding the anatomy and taxonomy of Psaroniaceae in the Cathaysian Flora, but also in the relationship between the Euramerican Flora and the Cathaysian Flora.  相似文献   

A new species of Discinites is described from the Late Permian Upper Shihhotse Formation of the Weibei Coalfield, Shaanxi Province, China. D. hanchengensis sp. nov. has decurrent and disk-like sporophylls with deep-toothed apices, elliptical sporangia and rectangular epidermal cells. The spores are generally of the Calamospora type. The megaspores and microspores are 300–380 and 45–90 μm in diameter, respectively. The microspores are similar in size to those of all other species of Discinites that contain Calamospora, but the megaspores are remarkably smaller. The new species represents the first record of Discinites with Calamospora from China and from the Cathaysian flora. Finally, we summarize the associated foliages of Discinites in the Cathaysian flora and find that they are all markedly different from those found in the Euramerican flora.  相似文献   

A new dicynodont genus and species, Idelesaurus tataricus sp. nov. (Cryptodontidae), from the Semin Ovrag locality (Tatarstan, Tetyushinskii District; Upper Permian, Upper Tatarian Substage, Severodvinian Horizon) is described. The skull patterns of the East European and South African Cryptodontidae and Aulocephalodontidae are compared from the morphofunctional point of view.  相似文献   

Gorochov AV 《ZooKeys》2011,(130):131-136
Alexarasniidaefam. n. and Alexarasnia rossicagen. et sp. n. are described from the Upper Permian of European Russia. Systematic position of this enigmatic family within the infraclass Polyneoptera is unclear.  相似文献   

Microfacies analyses performed on the latest Permian Wujiaping Formation at Laren (Guangxi Province, South China) show that the bioclastic-rich limestones of Late Permian age contain a rich and well-diversified foraminiferal fauna. This fauna is here revised in order to be compared with time-equivalent levels of southern Iran and southern Turkey. Some new and unexpected phylogenetic trends are highlighted among the biseriamminoids. The new or poorly known genera Retroseptellina, Septoglobivalvulina, Paraglobivalvulinoides, Dagmarita?, Bidagmarita nov. gen., Louisettita, Paradagmaritopsis nov. gen. and Paradagmarita? are concerned. Nevertheless, these newly appeared biseriamminoids are subordinate to abundant Tetrataxis and Climacammina, ultimate survivors of the families Palaeotextulariidae and Tetrataxidae, appeared as old as the Early Carboniferous (“Mississippian”). Algae, miliolids, and nodosarioids are poorly represented. Two genera and four species are here newly described: Globivalvulina curiosa nov. sp., Louisettita ultima nov. sp., Bidagmarita nov. gen., Bidagmarita sinica nov. gen. nov. sp., Paradagmaritopsis nov. gen., Paradagmaritopsis kobayashii nov. gen. nov. sp. The palaeogeographic distribution of these foraminifers is interpreted to be typically of Neo-Tethyan regions, ranging from southern Turkey (Hazro) to South China (Laren) and up to Japan for some species (i.e., Paradagmaritopsis). At Laren, Late Permian strata are generally characterized by Reichelina ex gr. simplex Sheng. Isolated samples of packstones, collected in Tsoteng region (Guangxi Province, South China), contain Sphaerulina sp. together with various smaller foraminifers and numerous representatives of the new species G. curiosa nov. sp. In this study we demonstrate that the regions of Zagros (Iran), Taurus (Turkey), South China and even Japan shared similar foraminiferal assemblages and represented intermittently connected palaeobiogeographic provinces during Late Permian times.  相似文献   

Reinvestigation of Nystroemia pectiniformis Halle from the Upper Shihhotze Formation of Shanxi Province, China, has led to the identification of new and important features of this enigmatic Late Permian seed plant, permitting its typification and diagnosis. After reassembling several of the previously studied specimens to form a single articulated branching system comprising at least four orders of branching, previously unknown features of its branching pattern and morphology have been characterized. First–order axes are wide and branch to one side only, bearing second–order branches either singly or in pairs and of two kinds: one fertile and bearing characteristic ovulate branching systems and the other presumably vegetative. Ovulate second–order axes are narrow and branch to one side only, producing numerous, closely spaced lateral branches in two alternate to sub–opposite rows. Lateral branches are slender and produce numerous ovulate branching systems to one side of the axis only. Ovulate branching systems divide unequally to produce 3–15 ultimate axes of different lengths that are planated. Each ultimate axis bears a single terminal ovule with 180 degree rotational symmetry and two horn–like integumentary projections distally. The other kind of second–order axes are distinct from those bearing ovules; they are wider and longer and branches occur on both sides of the secondary axis, lacking divisions in close proximity to the first–order axis. These have only been observed incomplete although their distinct morphology indicates they are unlikely to be ovulate branches from which ovules/seeds have been shed. Additional organs of the Nystroemia plant are considered, including pollen organs previously assigned by Halle to the same species (displaying its characteristic branching style), and also leaves of Chiropteris reniformis Halle that were probably borne on the larger kind of second–order branches. Implications of Nystroemia on seed plant evolution and distribution are discussed, and it is concluded that this most likely represents a late stratigraphic occurrence of a plesiomorphic hydrasperman–type seed plant with affinities closely allied to members of the Lyginopteridales.  相似文献   

Scolecopteris Zenker, a kind of anatomically-preserved fertile foliage of Late Paleozoic Marattiales, has been well studied in Euramerican Flora. It is composed of 28 species which can be divided into four forms (groups) mainly based on modified or umodified pinnules, the variation of the outer facing sporangial walls, and with or without a prominent central parenchyma area. In contrast, Scolecopteris Zenker in Cathaysian Flora has been poorly studied so far, and only one species S. sinensis Zhao, was reported in 1991 which was considered as a member of Minor Group. The paper reports a second species of Scolecopteris, i.e.S, shanxiensis sp. nov., which differs from the above four groups in that its outer facing wall of the sporangia is thick at the base and top (2 ~ 3 layers of cells), and a little thinner ( 1~2 layers of cells) at the midlevel of the synangia. So a new group, Shanxiensis group, is set for the new species. The other characteristics of Shanxiensis group is comparable with Minor group. The new species comes from the coal balls in Coal Seam No. 7 in the upper part of Taiyuan Formation (early Early Permian) from Taiyuan, Shanxi, China. The identification of Scolecopteris shanxiensis sp. nov. :The fertile pinnule probably peeopterids, 5.5 ~ 6.0 mm in length and 2.0 ~ 2.2 mm in width. The lateral extensions of the lamina of the pinnule bend abaxially and above the synangia. The synangia arrange along the sides of the midrib of the pinnnle and there are about 10 synangia in each row. The synangium is elliptical in longitudinal section and radial in cross section, 0.7 ~ 0.8 mm in height and 0.6 ~ 0.7 mm in diameter. Each synangium has 5-7 (mostly 6) fusiform sporangia fused at the base and attached to the top of the synangial pedicel. The outer facing wall of the sporangia consists of 2~3 layers of cells at the base and becomes thinner at the midlevel (1~2 layers of cells), and at the top of the synangia the wall become thicker again. The cells of the outer facing wall of the sporangia are elongate in the longitudinal sections. The lateral and inner facing walls of the sporangia are one cell thick. The synangial pedicel is small. Spores in situ are small, generally 11~14 µm in diameter, spherical or rounded-triangular, trilete and smooth-walled.  相似文献   

报道了产于中国二叠纪煤核中的3种具解剖构造的鳞木类叶,它们都具双木质部束,与似封印叶属(Sigillariopsis Scott)特征一致.与该属已有种进行了对比,确认它们为3个新种:产于山西太原西山煤田太原组上部7号煤层(早二叠世早期)煤核中的山西似封印叶(Sigillariopsis shanxiensis sp. nov.)和太原似封印叶(S. taiyuanensis sp.nov.)以及产于贵州水城矿区汪家寨组1号煤层(晚二叠世晚期)煤核中的贵州似封印叶(Sigillariopsis guizhouensis sp.nov.).根据煤核中共生的鳞木类植物其他器官以及欧美植物区鳞木类植物的研究资料推断,它们可能属于封印木属(Sigillaria Brongniart)的叶.在国外(主要是欧美植物区),封印木属植物主要分布于石炭纪,见于二叠纪的封印木很少.华夏植物区的封印木属过去很少发现,其叶和生殖器官均未报道过.本文是首次报道华夏植物区具解剖构造的封印木属的叶,它们的发现不仅丰富了华夏植物区封印木属植物的内容,而且对于研究封印木属的演化以及华夏植物区与欧美植物区鳞木类植物之间的关系也具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

A new cycad,Leptocycas yangcaogouensis sp.nov.,was found in sediments from the Late Triassic in western Liaoning,China.The pinnately compound leaves(Pseudoctenis type)are screwed in a crown on the stem top.The leaflets are linear,with parallel veins and decurrent bases on the rachis.The leaf bases are persistent.The cataphylls intermix with the leaves.The female cone is ovoid in shape.The characteristics of the new plant are more similar to those of Leptocycas gracilis,a Triassic cycad from North America,but the new species differs from L.gracilis in the size of its stem(7–8 vs.3–5 cm in diameter,respectively),leaves(length×width 100×16 vs.30×7 cm,respectively)and leaf density along the stem(4–6 vs.1–2 bases/1 cm length,respectively).Both L.gracilis and L.yangcaogouensis,having leaves of the Pseudoctenis type,show a closer relationship to the extant Dioon of Zamiaceae.The present study provides evidence for the origin of the genus Dioon,which may have come from Leptocycas plants of the Triassic.It would be assumed that the extent cycads in Zamiaceae originate from the pteridosperms in the Late Paleozoic and have evolved through the stage of L.gracilis and L.yangcaogouensis in Late Triassic,and reaching the extant Dioon.  相似文献   

本文报道发现于内蒙古乌达煤田早二叠世太原组顶部火山凝灰岩层中的莲座蕨类植物一新种Eoangiopteris congestus sp. nov.,标本包含有机连生的辉木型茎干,栉羊齿型营养羽片和始莲座蕨型繁殖羽片。其中营养羽片为三次羽状复叶,末二次和末次羽片均为线形,小羽片栉羊齿型,卵圆形,中脉下延,侧脉分叉一次,属于东方栉羊齿Pecopteris orientalis (Schenk) Potonié类型。繁殖小羽片与营养小羽片同形;两侧对称的聚合囊成单列分布在中脉两侧,排列拥挤,由6–8个孢子囊组成,通过一个薄壁组织构成的聚合囊托与叶片相连;孢子囊呈纺锤形,无环带;孢子囊面向外的壁2–3层细胞厚,面向内的壁厚度仅1层细胞。原位孢子为三缝孢,椭圆形至圆形,表面具小刺状纹饰,可与分散孢子属Apiculatisporites对比。当前始莲座蕨属植物的发现代表其在华夏植物群目前最早的化石记录。此外,这些两侧对称的聚合囊明显区别于以往报道中与东方栉羊齿叶型化石连生的辐射对称聚合囊类型(星囊蕨Asterotheca),表明在古植物学研究中一种化石羽片类型可能对应多种繁殖器官类型。  相似文献   

A new cycad,Leptocycas yangcaogouensis sp.nov.,was found in sediments from the Late Triassic in western Liaoning,China.The pinnately compound leaves(Pseudoctenis type)are screwed in a crown on the stem top.The leaflets are linear,with parallel veins and decurrent bases on the rachis.The leaf bases are persistent.The cataphylls intermix with the leaves.The female cone is ovoid in shape.The characteristics of the new plant are more similar to those of Leptocycas gracilis,a Triassic cycad from North America,but the new species differs from L.gracilis in the size of its stem(7-8 vs.3-5 cm in diameter,respectively),leaves(length × width 100 × 16 vs.30 × 7 cm,respectively)and leaf density along the stem(4-6 vs.1-2 bases/1 cm length,respectively).Both L.gracilis and L.yangcaogouensis,having leaves of the Pseudoctenis type,show a closer relationship to the extant Dioon of Zamiaceae.The present study provides evidence for the origin of the genus Dioon,which may have come from Leptocycas plants of the Triassic.It would be assumed that the extent cycads in Zamiaceae originate from the pteridosperms in the Late Paleozoic and have evolved through the stage of L.gracilis and L.yangcaogouensis in Late Triassic,and reaching the extant Dioon.  相似文献   

报道了产于中国二叠纪煤核中的 3种具解剖构造的鳞木类叶 ,它们都具双木质部束 ,与似封印叶属 (Sigil lariopsisScott)特征一致。与该属已有种进行了对比 ,确认它们为 3个新种 :产于山西太原西山煤田太原组上部 7号煤层 (早二叠世早期 )煤核中的山西似封印叶 (Sigillariopsisshanxiensissp .nov .)和太原似封印叶 (S .taiyuanensissp .nov .)以及产于贵州水城矿区汪家寨组 1号煤层 (晚二叠世晚期 )煤核中的贵州似封印叶 (Sigillariopsisguizhouensissp .nov .)。根据煤核中共生的鳞木类植物其他器官以及欧美植物区鳞木类植物的研究资料推断 ,它们可能属于封印木属 (SigillariaBrongniart)的叶。在国外 (主要是欧美植物区 ) ,封印木属植物主要分布于石炭纪 ,见于二叠纪的封印木很少。华夏植物区的封印木属过去很少发现 ,其叶和生殖器官均未报道过。本文是首次报道华夏植物区具解剖构造的封印木属的叶 ,它们的发现不仅丰富了华夏植物区封印木属植物的内容 ,而且对于研究封印木属的演化以及华夏植物区与欧美植物区鳞木类植物之间的关系也具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

A new species Paraconularia abagaensis n. sp. is established, based on newly discovered conulariid fossils collected in Abaga Banner, Inner Mongolia, China. The periderm of the new species is characterized by equal faces, 12–26 transverse ribs per cm with nodes numbering from 4–6 per mm, adapertural spines in the interspaces, alternated ribs along the midline, and apical angle ranging approximately from 14° to 18°. The most similar species, P. salinensis, differs from P. abagaensis n. sp. in having a periderm with a significantly larger apical angle and a lower density of nodes. Co-occurring fossils (i.e., brachiopods, gastropods, bivalves, and plants) and U–Pb dates obtained in situ from detrital zircons suggest that the analyzed conulariid-bearing strata are Permian in age. Our study suggests that species previously established merely based on internal mold specimens may need further examination. The diagnosis of Paraconularia was revised and in the genus we identified three morphotypes, based on which we suggest that species whose midlines present ridges or grooves, and whose transverse ribs do not abruptly bend adaperturally at the edges of the corner grooves, be excluded from the genus Paraconularia.  相似文献   

A large number of specimens of Chansitheca wudaensis Deng, Sun et Li from the early Permian Wuda Tuff Flora allow an emendation of this species. Characters of the sporangial structure and in situ spores are examined for the first time. Sori are arranged on lateral veins of pinnule lobes, and are 0.61–0.69 mm long and 0.35–0.41 mm wide. Sporangia are sessile and surrounded by an annulus, which is composed of two rows of oblong thick-walled cells. Trilete, smooth in situ spores have diameters of 21.05–26.31 μm. Features of the reproductive organ indicate that this species is similar to Szea Yao et Taylor and some species of Oligocarpia Goeppert and belongs to the Gleicheniaceae. Based on a taphonomical analysis, C. wudaensis was an herbaceous element of the groundcover in the peat-forming coal swamp.  相似文献   

A distinctive kind of anatomically preserved cardiocarpalean ovule is described from the Early Permian Taiyuan Formation of northern China. Ovules are small, have 180° rotational symmetry, and possess variably thick integuments with prominent secretory cavities that may be empty, filled with resinous materials and in several instances appear to contain animal coprolites. Comparisons show that (where known) these features conform to those of Callospermarion undulatum (Neely) Rothwell, to which they are assigned, previously only known from the Pennsylvanian of Euramerica. These fossils represent the first indisputable occurrence of the genus Callospermarion in the Early Permian Cathaysian floras, and show the presence of callistophytalean seed-ferns in this palaeofloristic realm for the first time. These data combined with results from previous investigations now support the Early Permian northern Cathaysian flora including the Taiyuan Formation having evolved from the Late Carboniferous and earliest Permian Euramerican flora, with which it shares far too many generic level similarities for these co-occurrences to be coincidental. Our hypothesis is therefore that the Early Permian flora of the northern Cathaysian realm represents the continued evolution of wetland Euramerican-type coal-swamp floras, and as such is likely to present a model for evolutionarily driven floral change as opposed to the climatically driven floral changes observed in the Euramerican flora after the demise of coal-swamp environments. The distribution of coprolites in and immediately around glandular cavities in this species suggests specialised syndromes of herbivory existed in Early Permian Cathaysian ecosystems, with herbivores preferentially selecting these areas of the ovule integument.  相似文献   

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