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Spatial distribution of ant workers and, notably their aggregation/segregation behaviour, is a key-element of the colony social organization contributing to the efficiency of task performance and division of labour. In polymorphic species, specialized worker castes notably differ in their intrinsic aggregation behaviour. In this context, knowing the preponderant role of minors in brood care, we investigate how a stimulus such as brood can influence the spatial patterns of Pheidole pallidula worker castes. In a homogeneous area without brood, it was shown that minors display only a low level of aggregation while majors form large clusters in the central area. Here we find out that these aggregation patterns of both minors and majors can be deeply influenced by the presence of brood. For minors, it nucleates or enhances the formation of a large stable cluster. Such high sensitivity of minors to brood stimuli fits well with their role as main brood tenders in the colony. For majors, interattraction between individuals still remains the prevailing aggregation factor while brood strongly influences the localisation of their cluster. We discuss how the balance between interattraction and sensitivity to environmental stimuli determines the mobility of each worker castes and, consequently, the availability of minors and majors to participate in everyday colony tasks. Moreover, we will evoke the functional value of majors’ cluster location close to the brood, namely with respect to social regulation of the colony caste ratio. Received 30 May 2005; revised 11 January 2006; accepted 13 January 2006.  相似文献   

The cognitive challenges that social animals face depend on species differences in social organization and may affect mosaic brain evolution. We asked whether the relative size of functionally distinct brain regions corresponds to species differences in social behaviour among paper wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). We measured the volumes of targeted brain regions in eight species of paper wasps. We found species variation in functionally distinct brain regions, which was especially strong in queens. Queens from species with open-comb nests had larger central processing regions dedicated to vision (mushroom body (MB) calyx collars) than those with enclosed nests. Queens from advanced eusocial species (swarm founders), who rely on pheromones in several contexts, had larger antennal lobes than primitively eusocial independent founders. Queens from species with morphologically distinct castes had augmented central processing regions dedicated to antennal input (MB lips) relative to caste monomorphic species. Intraspecific caste differences also varied with mode of colony founding. Independent-founding queens had larger MB collars than their workers. Conversely, workers in swarm-founding species with decentralized colony regulation had larger MB calyx collars and optic lobes than their queens. Our results suggest that brain organization is affected by evolutionary transitions in social interactions and is related to the environmental stimuli group members face.  相似文献   

真社会性昆虫是最具代表性的表型可塑性的研究对象之一,其个体之间分工协作的社会性生活方式增强了整个群体的环境适应性和繁殖力。真社会性昆虫虽然具有相同的遗传背景,个体之间却表现出明显的品级分化和个体分工,这是由环境和遗传共同影响的。表观遗传被认为是应对环境条件下重塑基因表达的主要机制,非编码RNA作为一类广泛参与机体生命活动的不编码蛋白的功能性RNA,在真社会性昆虫的品级分化、个体分工等方面起着重要的调控作用。本文从微小RNA、长链非编码RNA、环状RNA、与PIWI蛋白相作用的RNA等非编码RNA,对蜜蜂、蚂蚁及白蚁等真社会性昆虫的非编码RNA调控机制研究进展进行了综述,以加深对真社会性昆虫内在遗传分子基础的理解和认识,也为害虫防治领域提供新的研发视角。  相似文献   

Summary Food-storage abilities of both minor and major workers of the dimorphic antColobopsis nipponicus were examined to prove the hypothesis that major workers of this species have a trophic role in addition to a defensive one. Both worker subcastes accumulated water, that was supplied with water-soluble food, as well as fat, that probably originated from food given. However, the major workers accumulated much larger amounts of water and fat than did the minor workers. Difference in water accumulation increased as food supply increased. In spite of their difference in body weight, the residual amount of fat after starvation did not differ between the two subcastes. Although the amount of stored fat increased with colony size in both subcastes, the stored fat per dry weight of the major worker was significantly larger than that of the minor worker regardless of the colony size. When workers of a colony were starved, minor workers with a single major worker survived significantly longer than those without a major worker. In addition, about half the behavioral acts of major workers were regurgitation for minor workers. These results demonstrate that major workers ofC. nipponicus functioned as a trophic caste. On the basis of the results, quantitative relationships of storage abilities between the two worker subcastes are discussed.  相似文献   

Serotonin, a biogenic amine known to be a neuromodulator of insect behavior, has recently been associated with age-related patterns of task performance in the ant Pheidole dentata. We identified worker age- and subcaste-related patterns of serotonergic activity within the optic lobes of the P. dentata brain to further examine its relationship to polyethism. We found strong immunoreactivity in the optic lobes of the brains of both minor and major workers. Serotonergic cell bodies in the optic lobes increased significantly in number as major and minor workers matured. Old major workers had greater numbers of serotonergic cell bodies than minors of a similar age. This age-related increase in serotonergic immunoreactivity, as well as the presence of diffuse serotonin networks in the mushroom bodies, antennal lobes, and central complex, occurs concomitantly with an increase in the size of worker task repertoires. Our results suggest that serotonin is associated with the development of the visual system, enabling the detection of task-related stimuli outside the nest, thus playing a significant role in worker behavioral development and colony-wide division of labor.  相似文献   

Nutritional provisioning is a critical component of life history strategies, and of particular interest in social insect colonies because of the role that division of labor plays in resource allocation. To explore the mechanisms that underlie colony nutritional strategies, I examined three populations of the ant Pheidole morrisi across a gradient of overwinter food scarcity over two seasons. P. morrisi colonies were found to employ amixed strategy of fat storage with regard to a longer overwinter period: members of both worker castes increase their percent-fat in a graded manner, while the proportion of a specialized subcaste of majors known as “repletes”, also increased within the colony. Geographic variation in other colony traits such as mean colony size, mean worker size, and minor/major caste ratio were also found, although not always in a manner clearly relating to fat storage. These results indicate that colony demography responds to seasonal fluctuations in food availability through behavioral alterations (increased fat stores and recruitment of replete workers) rather than physical alterations (changes in lean body sizes or caste ratio). The findings illustrate the dynamic role division of labor plays in the success of insect colonies confronting environmental variability. Received 9 May 2006; revised 19 July 2006; accepted 24 July 2006.  相似文献   

Caste polyphenism in social insects provides us with excellent opportunities to examine the plasticity and robustness underlying developmental pathways. Several ant species have evolved unusual castes showing intermediate morphologies between alate queens and wingless workers. In some low-temperature habitats, the ant Myrmecina nipponica produces such intermediate reproductives (i.e. ergatoids), which can mate and store sperm but cannot fly. To gain insight into the developmental and evolutionary aspects associated with ergatoid production, we conducted morphological and histological examinations of the post-embryonic development of compound eyes, gonads and wings during the process of caste differentiation. In compound eyes, both the queen-worker and ergatoid-worker differences were already recognized at the third larval instar. In gonads, queen-worker differentiation began at the larval stage, and ergatoid-worker differentiation began between the prepupal and pupal stages. Wing development in ergatoids was generally similar to that in workers throughout post-embryonic development. Our results showed that the developmental rate and timing of differentiation in body parts differed among castes and among body parts. These differences suggest that the rearrangement of modular body parts by heterochronic developmental regulation is responsible for the origination of novel castes, which are considered to be adaptations to specific ecological niches.  相似文献   

Worker caste determination in the army ant Eciton burchellii   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Elaborate division of labour has contributed significantly to the ecological success of social insects. Division of labour is achieved either by behavioural task specialization or by morphological specialization of colony members. In physical caste systems, the diet and rearing environment of developing larvae is known to determine the phenotype of adult individuals, but recent studies have shown that genetic components also contribute to the determination of worker caste. One of the most extreme cases of worker caste differentiation occurs in the army ant genus Eciton, where queens mate with many males and colonies are therefore composed of numerous full-sister subfamilies. This high intracolonial genetic diversity, in combination with the extreme caste polymorphism, provides an excellent test system for studying the extent to which caste determination is genetically controlled. Here we show that genetic effects contribute significantly to worker caste fate in Eciton burchellii. We conclude that the combination of polyandry and genetic variation for caste determination may have facilitated the evolution of worker caste diversity in some lineages of social insects.  相似文献   

Genetic caste determination has been described in two populations of Pogonomyrmex harvester ants, each comprising a pair of interbreeding lineages. Queens mate with males of their own and of the alternate lineage and produce two types of diploid offspring, those fertilized by males of the queens' lineage which develop into queens and those fertilized by males of the other lineage which develop into workers. Each of the lineages has been shown to be itself of hybrid origin between the species Pogonomyrmex barbatus and Pogonomyrmex rugosus, which both have typical, environmentally determined caste differentiation. In a large scale genetic survey across 35 sites in Arizona, New Mexico and Texas, we found that genetic caste determination associated with pairs of interbreeding lineages occurred frequently (in 26 out of the 35 sites). Overall, we identified eight lineages with genetic caste determination that always co-occurred in the same complementary lineage pairs. Three of the four lineage pairs appear to have a common origin while their relationship with the fourth remains unclear. The level of genetic differentiation among these eight lineages was significantly higher than the differentiation between P. rugosus and P. barbatus, which questions the appropriate taxonomic status of these genetic lineages. In addition to being genetically isolated from one another, all lineages with genetic caste determination were genetically distinct from P. rugosus and P. barbatus, even when colonies of interbreeding lineages co-occurred with colonies of either putative parent at the same site. Such nearly complete reproductive isolation between the lineages and the species with environmental caste determination might prevent the genetic caste determination system to be swept away by gene flow.  相似文献   

Waste management in the leaf-cutting ant Atta colombica   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Unlike most leaf-cutting ants, which have underground wastedumps, the leaf-cutting ant Atta colombica dumps waste in aheap outside the nest. Waste is hazardous, as it is contaminatedwith pathogens. We investigated the organization of the workforceinvolved in outside-nest tasks (foraging, waste disposal) andquantified task switching and heap location to test hypothesesthat these tasks are organized to minimize contact between the heap and foraging entrances and trails. Waste management isan important task: 11% of externally working ants were eithertransporting waste or manipulating waste on the heap, and theother 89% were foragers. There is strict division of laborbetween foragers and waste workers, with no task switching.Waste management also has division of labor and is undertakenby transporters that carry waste to the heap margins and heapworkers that manage the heap. Waste heaps are always locateddownhill from nest entrances. The distance to the waste heapis positively related to colony size and negatively relatedto slope. Foraging trails avoid the heap, with 92% of trailsgoing away from the heap. This avoidance behavior is costly,increasing foraging trail length by at least 6%. Waste managementin A. colombica is a sophisticated system that encompassesboth work and spatial organization. This organization is probablyadaptive in reducing disease transmission. Division of labor separates waste management from foraging, reducing the likelihoodof foragers becoming contaminated with waste. The downhilllocation of heaps reduces waste entering entrances during rain.The orientation of foraging trails reduces the possibilityof foragers becoming accidentally contaminated with waste.  相似文献   

Social organization in highly eusocial bees relies upon two important processes: caste differentiation in female larvae, and age polyethism in adult workers. Juvenile Hormone (JH) is a key regulator of both processes. Here we investigated the expression of two genes involved in JH metabolism - mfe (biosynthesis) and jhe (degradation) - in the context of social organization in the stingless bee Melipona interrupta. We found evidence that the expression of mfe and jhe genes is related to changes in JH levels during late larval development, where caste determination occurs. Also, both mfe and jhe were upregulated when workers engage in intranidal tasks, but only jhe expression was downregulated at the transition from nursing to foraging activities. This relation is different than expected, considering recent reports of lower JH levels in foragers than nurses in the closely related species Melipona scutellaris. Our findings suggest that highly eusocial bees have different mechanisms to regulate JH and, thus, to maintain their level of social organization.  相似文献   

Two fishing castes, Ambiga and Harikantra, of Karnataka employ different techniques for throwing cast nets in the same habitat. Ambigas throw the net from above the head, as opposed to the far easier Harikantra method of throwing at the waist level. These different techniques are described here as memes, transmitted through learning. A logico- deductive hypothesis is developed here to explain the origin and maintenance of the memetic difference between the castes, with the help of circumstantial semiotic and anthropological evidence.  相似文献   

Summary We examined division of labor and colony demography in the antPonera pennsylvannica. Observation of three colonies with individually marked workers revealed a high degree of interindividual behavioral variation and a rough but consistent division of labor between brood tenders and foragers. This division was present both in colonies consisting entirely of workers produced in the previous summer and in colonies containing freshly eclosed ants. Two colonies showed typical age-based polyethism, with young ants focusing on brood care and overwintered ants on foraging. No such age basis was detected in the third colony. This difference may relate to variability in brood production schedules. Colonies showing temporal polyethism had two peaks of brood production and thus had relatively large brood populations when the first young workers eclosed, while the third colony had only one peak and little brood for the young workers to tend. Even if young ants have a lower threshold for brood care, it may have been concealed in the latter situation. Demographic data indicate that natural colonies produce one brood per year and that workers typically eclose into colonies with relatively low brood care demands. This suggests that overwintered workers do most of a colony's work and that the division of labor among overwintered ants is the more important one under natural conditions. The basis of this division is as yet unknown. These results also suggest that small colony size, univoltine brood schedule and a close association between foraging and brood care do not preclude division of labor among specialized castes, as has been suggested for another ponerine species (Traniello 1978).  相似文献   

Studies on the role of juvenile hormone (JH) in adult social Hymenoptera have focused on the regulation of two fundamental aspects of colony organization: reproductive division of labor between queens and workers and age-related division of labor among workers. JH acts as a gonadotropin in the primitively eusocial wasp and bumble bee species studied, and may also play this role in the advanced eusocial fire ants. However, there is no evidence that JH acts as a traditional gonadotropin in the advanced eusocial honey bee or in the few other ant species that have recently begun to be studied. The role of JH in age-related division of labor has been most thoroughly examined in honey bees. Results of these studies demonstrate that JH acts as a “behavioral pacemaker,” influencing how fast a worker grows up and makes the transition from nest activities to foraging. Hypotheses concerning the evolutionary relationship between the two functions of JH in adult eusocial Hymenoptera are discussed. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 35:559–583, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Division of labor was studied in incipient colonies of the dampwood termite Zootermopsis angusticollisby recording repertoire size, behavior frequencies, and time budgets of larvae. Behavioral repertoire size increased with age: first- and secondinstar larvae were mainly inactive, whereas larvae of the third through seventh instars performed 64–100% of all tasks. The increase in repertoire size from the second to the third instar was abrupt; repertoire size and composition remained more or less constant for older instars. No correlation between age (instars III–VII) and tasks was identified, suggesting that colony labor is performed by a single functional caste that spans the third to the seventh instar without any age-based division of labor. Small colony size, low oviposition rate, simple nest architecture, a lack of spatial association of tasks, and the potential for attaining reproductive status appear to be associated with the lack of age-related behavioral specialization in Z. angusticollis.In effect, the absence of temporal polyethism in this species is likely a consequence of its nesting habits and physiological and developmental constraints.  相似文献   

Division of labor among size and age classes in social insect colonies is a fundamental aspect of sociality, with such classes typically showing behavioral specialization and being associated with particular tasks for prolonged periods of time (i.e., forming castes). Theoretically, such specialization and division of labor enhance efficiency and, ultimately, reproductive success, and the ratios among members of those castes are hypothesized to be under selection and adaptive. However, our recent field study of the ant Pheidole dentatashowed no correlation between ecological factors which should affect colony growth and those caste ratios but implied flexibility in the association between minor worker age castes and their tasks. In laboratory experiments on behavioral flexibility in minor age castes of P. dentataold workers in colonies without young workers competently perform both old worker (castetypical) and young worker (atypical) tasks, and vice versa. The implications of these results for ergonomie theory are considered.  相似文献   

Evidence has accumulated over several decades to prove the kin selection theory of evolution of social insects, however, proximate mechanisms of social behavior, and/or caste differentiation remain obscure. Genes that regulate these mechanisms are apparently selected through kin selection, and organisms have consequently acquired sociality. Here, I will discuss several studies that were performed recently by Matsumoto Laboratory, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, in various social insects, such as termites and ants, in order to reveal the regulatory mechanisms of social behavior and the evolutionary processes of sociality. First, I will review the foraging behavior of the black marching termite Hospitalitermes medioflavus, where well-organized task allocation among castes is apparent. This suggests that regulation of postembryonic development is important in social behavior. Next, I will summarize recent progress in identifying caste-specific gene expression in the damp-wood termite Hodotermopsis sjostedti. This constitutes the basis for molecular mechanisms of caste differentiation, and moreover, the genes identified might be good markers for social evolution. Finally, the mechanism underlying winglessness in ant workers is reviewed. Apoptotic cell death was detected at the stage of pupation in wingless worker castes. Furthermore, the areas of study recently designated as sociogenomics and ecological developmental biology are discussed.  相似文献   

Nonrecombining genomic variants underlie spectacular social polymorphisms, from bird mating systems to ant social organization. Because these “social supergenes” affect multiple phenotypic traits linked to survival and reproduction, explaining their persistence remains a substantial challenge. Here, we investigate how large nonrecombining genomic variants relate to colony social organization, mating system and dispersal in the Alpine silver ant, Formica selysi. The species has colonies headed by a single queen (monogynous) and colonies headed by multiple queens (polygynous). We confirmed that a supergene with alternate haplotypes—Sm and Sp—underlies this polymorphism in social structure: Females from mature monogynous colonies had the Sm/Sm genotype, while those from polygynous colonies were Sm/Sp and Sp/Sp. Queens heading monogynous colonies were exclusively mated with Sm males. In contrast, queens heading polygynous colonies were mated with Sp males and Sm males. Sm males, which are only produced by monogynous colonies, accounted for 22.9% of the matings with queens from mature polygynous colonies. This asymmetry between social forms in the degree of assortative mating generates unidirectional male‐mediated gene flow from the monogynous to the polygynous social form. Biased gene flow was confirmed by a significantly higher number of private alleles in the polygynous social form. Moreover, heterozygous queens were three times as likely as homozygous queens to be multiply mated. This study reveals that the supergene variants jointly affect social organization and multiple components of the mating system that alter the transmission of the variants and thus influence the dynamics of the system.  相似文献   

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