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李保平  孟玲 《生态学报》2007,27(8):3513-3520
传统生物防治是治理外来入侵杂草危害切实可行的有效策略和途径,近来对传统生物防治的批评主要集注于,引进的生防作用物攻击威胁本土非靶标生物。引进的生防作用物可能对本土非靶标生物产生直接和间接影响,这类影响通过不同营养级生物之间的取食关系,以及通过同一营养级内生物间的竞争关系,而影响本土非靶标生物群落。列举若干杂草生物防治案例对以上影响方式及其发生途径进行了评述。就防范杂草生防作用物对非靶标生物的负面影响,提出了以下对策:(i)把引进天敌防治外来入侵生物作为最后的有效手段;(ii)适当增加对非靶标生物潜在影响的生态学评估;(iii)选择寄主专一性强而且能有效控制靶标杂草的天敌;(iv)加强对杂草传统生物防治的生态学研究。  相似文献   

利用传统生物防治控制外来杂草的入侵   总被引:31,自引:3,他引:31  
马瑞燕  王韧  丁建清 《生态学报》2003,23(12):2677-2688
随着国际贸易的日益频繁,外来有害植物入侵,严重威胁我国的自然环境和生物多样性。利用从原产地引入食性较专一的天敌来控制外来杂草是杂草生物防治的主要方式之一,有保护环境一劳永逸的效果。简要介绍了国际生物防治概况,统计表明全世界至少有133种目标杂草进行生物防治,主要分布在菊科、仙人掌科和含羞草科,63科369种无脊椎动物和真菌作为杂草生物防治的天敌,利用最多的天敌是鞘翅目象甲科和叶甲科昆虫,其中大多数项目是治理外来杂草的。杂草生物防治最活跃的国家依次为美国、澳大利亚、南非、加拿大和新西兰。重点论述了利用传统生物防治方法防治外来杂草的经典项目、国内外研究概况,以及目前面临的问题和应用前景。我国杂草生物防治起步晚,传统杂草生防的目标杂草有4种,紫茎泽兰、空心莲子草、豚草和水葫芦,其中,空心莲子草的生物防治获得成功。共引进天敌14种,输出天敌23种,与世界上生物防治先进的国家比尚有距离。中国应充分借鉴国际成功经验,对外来杂草开展生物防治。中国的生物多样性在世界上占有十分独特的地位,将在生物多样性保护中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

生物防治是通过从原产地引入专食性天敌来控制外来入侵生物的方法。其理论依据是入侵生态学中的”天敌理论”,即,外来入侵生物在传入地暴发成灾是因为逃避了原产地天敌的控制。尽管一些国家引进利用原产地天敌已经成功控制了很多入侵植物,但是,国际上生物防治入侵植物的成功率还不到40%。一些引进的天敌昆虫野外释放后迅速建立种群,田间种群密度甚至远高于在原产地的密度,但对入侵植物的抑制效果却很低。这种看似矛盾的现象背后隐藏什么秘密?这方面的研究成为国际生物防治领域的重要课题。  相似文献   

外来生物入侵是对全球生物多样性最为严重的威胁之一,对经济、生态和社会安全都具有重要影响。原产于美洲热带至亚热带地区的马缨丹是一种强入侵性杂草,已成为一种世界性的恶性杂草。本文总结了天敌昆虫和致病微生物等天敌资源在马缨丹生物防治中的应用现状,分析了天敌资源对马缨丹的控制效能,并对马缨丹的进一步研究提出了展望。  相似文献   

植物病毒可以对寄主植物造成危害,也可以对寄主植物增益;植物病毒的侵染可以对节肢动物及其天敌造成生态适应性、生长发育特性和行为特征的改变;植物病毒与介体节肢动物、非介体节肢动物、介体天敌及其他病原微生物间也存在相互作用。对外来物种进行风险评估是预防生物入侵的重要手段,明晰植物病毒侵染对寄主所在生态系统造成影响的各类生物因子及其相互作用关系,是开展植物病毒侵染所造成生态风险评估的研究基础。对植物病毒侵染寄主植株后,对寄主及寄主周边的介体节肢动物、非介体节肢动物、介体天敌,以及病原微生物等各类生物因子的影响及相互作用关系进行了综述,并从入侵生态学及植物病毒生态学的角度,探讨了植物病毒生态学未来的研究方向。以期为植物病毒入侵某一生态系统后所产生的生态风险评估奠定研究基础,并为植物病毒病的防控提供科学依据。  相似文献   

生物防治利用生物多样性保护生物多样性   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
本文论述了生物防治与保护生物多样性的关系,提出生物多样性是生防作用物的必要来源,生物防治是保护生物多样性的重要措施。文中分析了自然界和农田生态系统中天敌的多样性和寄主专一性,并从外来种的治理、濒危物种和栖境的保护等几个方面探讨了生物防治对于保护生物多样性的作用。作者还强调应加强国际间天敌资源的交换,建立严格的天敌引种释放法规,以便开展更多的安全有效的生物防治项目。  相似文献   

中国外来植物入侵风险评估研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李惠茹  严靖  杜诚  闫小玲 《生态学报》2022,42(16):6451-6463
对外来植物开展入侵风险评估是防止外来植物入侵最经济有效的措施,能够极大的节约外来种管理的经济和时间成本。研究简述了国内外入侵风险评估系统,从外来物种基础信息缺乏、外来植物的适生区分析不完善、风险评估体系构建不客观、对新近外来种的关注度不够4个方面阐述了我国外来植物风险评估存在的主要问题。并针对存在的问题提出了以下建议:(1)构建外来植物基础信息数据库是风险评估的基础,加强外来植物本底资料的调查与考证,并将外来植物表型数据的积累和分析纳入数据库,使得风险评估有据可依。(2)运用生态位模型进行生态风险分析是风险评估的重点,并将人类活动指标纳入预测模型,揭示人类活动对入侵植物分布格局的影响。(3)建立科学的风险评估系统是核心,包括通过选择风险指标和设置权重来提高评估系统的科学性、构建特定区域或特定生态类型的风险评估体系、根据评估对象的生物学与生态学特征建立符合实际要求的评估标准,实行差别化的风险评估等。(4)加强新近外来植物的管理是关键,应定期野外监测新近外来种的种群动态,定期审查风险评估结果,对高风险的新近外来种进行预警研究将为中国外来植物风险评估体系构建提供重要参考,为入侵植物防控措施的制定提供理论依据。  相似文献   

[目的] 紫茎泽兰是我国危害严重的恶性入侵杂草。比较专一性天敌泽兰实蝇对该杂草入侵前后植株的适应性,是揭示外来植物入侵后适应性机制的重要科学问题之一。[方法] 比较泽兰实蝇对原产地和入侵地紫茎泽兰植株的寄主选择性,并测定寄生于2类植株的上泽兰实蝇卵巢蛋白质含量及乙酰胆碱酯酶、羧酸酯酶、谷胱甘肽S-转移酶活性。[结果] 泽兰实蝇对原产地和入侵地紫茎泽兰的选择无显著性差异;寄生在紫茎泽兰入侵地植株上的卵巢蛋白质含量较原产地植株上更高。解毒酶活力比较表明,入侵地紫茎泽兰上泽兰实蝇的羧酸酯酶活性低于原产地上的,但谷胱甘肽S-转移酶(雌虫)活性比较则相反,乙酰胆碱酯酶活性比较均无显著性差异。[结论] 紫茎泽兰入侵后,专一性天敌泽兰实蝇的适应性有所下降,丰富了外来植物入侵机制中天敌逃逸假说的内涵。  相似文献   

多寄主型寄生性天敌昆虫的寄主适应性及其影响因素   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
王小艺  杨忠岐 《生态学报》2010,30(6):1615-1627
寄生性天敌昆虫对不同寄主资源的适应能力是其存活和繁殖的必要条件,它们的寄主选择行为则是其重要的适应结果。多寄主型寄生性天敌昆虫虽然对某种特定寄主资源的利用效率可能不如单寄主型寄生蜂,但却有利于拓展更宽的寄主范围,因此对环境的适应能力更强,更容易在自然界维持其种群的生存。统计结果也表明多寄主型天敌的生物防治效果往往比专食性天敌更高。有时生物防治成功的关键可能并不在于所利用的天敌种类的不同,而在于天敌的不同生物型或地理宗。总结了多寄主型寄生性天敌昆虫的寄主适应能力及其影响因素。寄生性天敌昆虫不仅因地理隔离产生种群分化,也可能因寄生不同的寄主产生种群内的分化,从而更加适应寄主的生活特性和栖境条件。寄主种类、寄主发育阶段、寄主大小、寄主营养、寄主免疫反应、寄主逃避反应、其它天敌的竞争、寄主共生或共栖生物的存在、寄主植物、天敌自身的学习能力及其共生微生物等多种因素对寄生性天敌昆虫的寄主适应性可产生影响。展望了多寄主型寄生性天敌昆虫对新寄主资源的拓展利用能力和适应性在生产上的可能应用前景和途径,以期为明确天敌与寄主间的互作关系,人工驯化寄生性天敌昆虫增强对靶标害虫的控制作用,合理利用天敌提高生物防治效率提供新的思路和理论支持。  相似文献   

喜旱莲子草是一种水陆两栖的重要入侵杂草,中国首批16种重要入侵物种之一.本文介绍了生物防治喜旱莲子草的天敌昆虫莲草直胸跳甲Agasicles hygophila、Vogtia malli、Amynothrips andersoni、阿根廷跳甲Disonycha argentinensis、Systena nitentula和虾钳菜披龟甲Cassida piperata等天敌的分类地位、形态特征、生物学、生态学特性以及国内外寄主专一性研究、释放效果与评价.  相似文献   

The use of exotic (=alien) arthropods in classical and augmentative biological control programs has yielded huge economic and ecological benefits. Exotic species of arthropods have contributed to the suppression of key pests in agriculture and forestry or have aided in restoring natural systems affected by adventive species. However, adverse non-target effects of exotic biological control agents have been observed in a number of projects. Non-target effects range from very small effects, e.g. 2% parasitization on a non-target insect on a local level, to massive effects on a large scale. Until now, no consensus on how to judge the magnitude of non-target effects and whether these effects can be tolerated or are unacceptable has emerged. In this paper, we briefly review both the benefits of biological control as well as the associated risks including to human and animal health, plant health and particularly the environment. We also make an attempt at identifying the major challenges for assessing risks and for balancing benefits and risks. There is general agreement that sound risk assessment procedures should precede the release of exotic invertebrate biological control agents and a recent shift??especially for arthropod biological control??from introductions done without meaningful risk assessment studies to projects conducting thorough host range testing can be observed. However, overly stringent regulations that would preclude promising agents from being developed must be avoided.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Classical biological control of insect pests and weeds may lead to potential conflicts, where insect pests are closely related to weed biological control agents. Such a conflict may occur in the classical biological control of the cabbage seedpod weevil, Ceutorhynchus obstrictus (Marsham) in North America, which belongs to the same subfamily, Ceutorhynchinae, as a number of agents introduced or proposed for introduction against non-indigenous invasive weed species. We propose a step-by-step procedure to select non-target species and thereby to develop a non-target species test list for screening candidate entomophagous biological control agents of a herbivore pest insect in a way that would simultaneously evaluate non-target potential on weed biological control agents and other non-target species. Using these recommendations, we developed a non-target test list for host specificity evaluations in the area of origin (Europe) and the area of introduction (North America) for cabbage seedpod weevil parasitoids. Scientifically based predictions on expected host–parasitoid interactions and ecological information about the ecological host range in the area of origin can help avoid conflicts, while still allowing the introduction of safe and effective agents against both insect pests and weeds.  相似文献   

《Biological Control》2006,36(3):330-337
Biologically based control methods offer many advantages for the control of invasive plant species; however, these methods are not without risks to native species. Thus, there is a need for more effective and efficient methods of risk analysis for biological control agents. We show how the process of ecological risk assessment established by the United States’ Environmental Protection Agency may be adapted to improve assessment of the risks of proposed biological control agents. We discuss the risks posed by weed biological control agents, and present a simple individual-based model of herbivorous insect movement and oviposition on two species of host plant, a target invasive plant species and a non-target native species, in simulated landscapes. The model shows that risks of non-target impacts may be influenced by the details of the movement behavior of biological control agents in heterogeneous landscapes. The specific details of insect movement that appear to be relevant are readily measured in field trials and the general modeling approach is readily adapted to real landscapes. Current biological control risk assessments typically emphasize effects analysis at the expense of exposure analysis; the modeling approach presented here provides a simple and feasible way to incorporate exposure analyses. We conclude that models such as ours should be given serious consideration as part of a comprehensive strategy of risk assessment for proposed weed biological control agents.  相似文献   

Biologically based control methods offer many advantages for the control of invasive plant species; however, these methods are not without risks to native species. Thus, there is a need for more effective and efficient methods of risk analysis for biological control agents. We show how the process of ecological risk assessment established by the United States’ Environmental Protection Agency may be adapted to improve assessment of the risks of proposed biological control agents. We discuss the risks posed by weed biological control agents, and present a simple individual-based model of herbivorous insect movement and oviposition on two species of host plant, a target invasive plant species and a non-target native species, in simulated landscapes. The model shows that risks of non-target impacts may be influenced by the details of the movement behavior of biological control agents in heterogeneous landscapes. The specific details of insect movement that appear to be relevant are readily measured in field trials and the general modeling approach is readily adapted to real landscapes. Current biological control risk assessments typically emphasize effects analysis at the expense of exposure analysis; the modeling approach presented here provides a simple and feasible way to incorporate exposure analyses. We conclude that models such as ours should be given serious consideration as part of a comprehensive strategy of risk assessment for proposed weed biological control agents.  相似文献   

Biological control, using specialist insect herbivores and plant pathogens, can be a self‐sustaining, cost‐effective and low‐risk tool for the management of environmental weeds. Agents have been recorded attacking non‐target plants in New Zealand and elsewhere, but the effects are usually minor and/or transitory. It seems probable that only two cases, worldwide, will result in significant damage to non‐target plants (representing 0.5% of the nearly 400 insect, mite, or fungal species used in classical weed biocontrol). Both of these cases were predictable from host range testing. Negative indirect, or ‘downstream’, ecological effects from specific weed biocontrol agents are difficult to predict and measure. They are probably insignificant compared to the impacts of the invasive plants that the agents are introduced to control. However, it is necessary to balance the risks associated with any introduction against the environmental benefits from controlling a weed to a predicted level. Recent analyses suggest that success rates are better than generally perceived. For New Zealand programmes, where enough time has lapsed to allow assessment, we calculate a full/partial success rate of 83%. Many of the costs associated with environmental weeds are difficult to quantify. Detailed risk assessment will make biological control programmes more expensive and time‐consuming, so that reliance on non‐biological management methods for environmental weeds may actually increase. The costs of biocontrol programmes against some New Zealand weeds can be kept down by using research already carried out in Australia and other countries, and the process is reciprocal. Developing international consortia of sponsors is also a potential way to fund programmes against weeds shared by several countries.  相似文献   

自英国生态学家查尔斯.艾尔顿1958年撰写的《动植物的入侵生态学》出版至今,半个世纪已经过去,这部著作被公认为是生物入侵在科学研究方面的开端。这期间生物入侵研究经历了萌芽期(20世纪80年代之前)、成长期(20世纪80年代)和快速发展期(20世纪90年代末期至今)。在这个过程中,越来越多的概念、假说、方法和技术被提出和整合到生物入侵研究之中,由此催生了一门生态学领域的新兴学科——入侵生物学。本文在对近50年来生物入侵专著和论文的统计分析基础上,介绍了国际生物入侵研究的发展脉络和现状。同时综述了中国入侵生物学在基础和应用研究方面的相关进展,着重阐述了主要科学问题("入侵潜力与成功入侵的关系"、"入侵种种群的扩张与扩散"、"入侵种的生态适应性与进化"及"本地生态系统对入侵的响应及可入侵性")和预防与控制的技术体系(风险评估与早期预警、检测与监测、狙击与灭除、生物防治、生态修复与干扰调控),并进一步介绍了中国入侵生物学学科体系的构建和框架,提出入侵生物学是研究外来物种的入侵性与生态系统的可入侵性,以及外来物种预防与控制的科学,是一门多领域交叉的学科。最后展望和讨论了中国入侵生物学学科发展可能遇到的一些问题。  相似文献   

Jane Barton 《BioControl》2012,57(2):289-305
Before an exotic pathogen can be released as a classical biological control agent the likely positive and negative outcomes of that introduction must be predicted. Host range testing is used to assess potential damage to non-target plants. To-date 28 species of fungi have been released as classical biological control agents against weeds world-wide. These pathogens have been reported infecting only six non-target plant species outdoors and all of these incidents were predicted. Many more non-target plant species developed disease symptoms in glasshouse tests than in the field. Consequently, data from other sources are needed to ensure potential agents are not prematurely rejected. Predictions of pathogen host range to date have been sufficiently accurate to prevent unpleasant surprises. Exotic pathogens are a safe and useful tool for weed control, especially in natural areas rich in valued non-target species.  相似文献   

Abstract  This case study considers the broom seed beetle, Bruchidius villosus , a narrowly oligophagous species within the Fabaceae, subtribe Genistinae for which in-depth native-range studies have been vital to help understand the likely field host specificity following release. Bruchidius villosus has been used in three countries as a classical biological control agent against Scotch broom, Cytisus scoparius . Original host-specificity testing of a UK population, where this species had only been observed developing on C. scoparius , suggested this population was specific to the target. The beetle was released in New Zealand. Following release, however, the agent exhibited a broader host range than in the tests, but not a broader host range than that of the species as a whole. Subsequent studies in the native range using surveys and field testing have helped to show why B. villosus populations exhibit higher specificity in the native range than would be expected from the species' host range. This case is used to illustrate the contribution native-range studies can make to science-based risk analysis of biological control agents against weeds. By doing so, they also highlight the associated risks of ignoring native-range studies and adopting of a 'grab-and-run' approach to obtaining classical biological control agents.  相似文献   

The number of concerns regarding potential non-target effects of invertebrate biological control agents of arthropods has risen over the last decade and an increasing number of studies have since dealt with this topic. Despite some recent international initiatives aimed at providing guidance for risk assessment of biological control agents, detailed methods on how tests should be designed and conducted to assess for potential non-target effects still need to be provided. It is believed that this review comes at an ideal time, giving an overview of methods currently applied in the study of non-target effects in biological control of arthropod pests. It provides the first step towards the ultimate goal of devising guidelines for the appropriate methods that should be universally applied for the assessment and minimisation of potential non-target effects. The main topics that are reviewed here include host specificity (including field surveys, selection of non-target test species and testing protocols), post-release studies, competition, overwintering and dispersal. Finally, a number of conclusions that have emerged from this comprehensive compilation of studies are drawn, addressing potential non-target effects in arthropod biological control.  相似文献   

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