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Microorganisms mediating ammonia oxidation play a fundamental role in the connection between biological nitrogen fixation and anaerobic nitrogen losses. Bacteria and Archaea ammonia oxidizers (AOB and AOA, respectively) have colonized similar habitats worldwide. Ammonia oxidation is the rate-limiting step in nitrification, and the ammonia monooxygenase (Amo) is the key enzyme involved. The molecular ecology of this process has been extensively explored by surveying the gene of the subunit A of the Amo (amoA gene). In the present study, we explored the phylogenetic community ecology of AOB and AOA, analyzing 5776 amoA gene sequences from >300 isolation sources, and clustering habitats by environmental ontologies. As a whole, phylogenetic richness was larger in AOA than in AOB, and sediments contained the highest phylogenetic richness whereas marine plankton the lowest. We also observed that freshwater ammonia oxidizers were phylogenetically richer than their marine counterparts. AOA communities were more dissimilar to each other than those of AOB, and consistent monophyletic lineages were observed for sediments, soils, and marine plankton in AOA but not in AOB. The diversification patterns showed a more constant cladogenesis through time for AOB whereas AOA apparently experienced two fast diversification events separated by a long steady-state episode. The diversification rate (γ statistic) for most of the habitats indicated γAOA > γAOB. Soil and sediment experienced earlier bursts of diversification whereas habitats usually eutrophic and rich in ammonium such as wastewater and sludge showed accelerated diversification rates towards the present. Overall, this work shows for the first time a global picture of the phylogenetic community structure of both AOB and AOA assemblages following the strictest analytical standards, and provides an ecological view on the differential evolutionary paths experienced by widespread ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms. The emerged picture of AOB and AOA distribution in different habitats provides a new view to understand the ecophysiology of ammonia oxidizers on Earth.  相似文献   

Diversity and abundance of ammonia-oxidizing Betaproteobacteria (β-AOB) and archaea (AOA) were investigated in a New England salt marsh at sites dominated by short or tall Spartina alterniflora (SAS and SAT sites, respectively) or Spartina patens (SP site). AOA amoA gene richness was higher than β-AOB amoA richness at SAT and SP, but AOA and β-AOB richness were similar at SAS. β-AOB amoA clone libraries were composed exclusively of Nitrosospira-like amoA genes. AOA amoA genes at SAT and SP were equally distributed between the water column/sediment and soil/sediment clades, while AOA amoA sequences at SAS were primarily affiliated with the water column/sediment clade. At all three site types, AOA were always more abundant than β-AOB based on quantitative PCR of amoA genes. At some sites, we detected 109 AOA amoA gene copies g of sediment−1. Ratios of AOA to β-AOB varied over 2 orders of magnitude among sites and sampling dates. Nevertheless, abundances of AOA and β-AOB amoA genes were highly correlated. Abundance of 16S rRNA genes affiliated with Nitrosopumilus maritimus, Crenarchaeota group I.1b, and pSL12 were positively correlated with AOA amoA abundance, but ratios of amoA to 16S rRNA genes varied among sites. We also observed a significant effect of pH on AOA abundance and a significant salinity effect on both AOA and β-ΑΟΒ abundance. Our results expand the distribution of AOA to salt marshes, and the high numbers of AOA at some sites suggest that salt marsh sediments serve as an important habitat for AOA.Nitrification, the sequential oxidation of ammonia to nitrite and nitrate, is a critical step in the nitrogen cycle and is mediated by a suite of phylogenetically and physiologically distinct microorganisms. The recent discovery of ammonia oxidation among Archaea (17, 38) has led to a dramatic shift in the current model of nitrification and to new questions of niche differentiation between putative ammonia-oxidizing Archaea (AOA) and the more-well-studied ammonia-oxidizing Betaproteobacteria (β-AOB). Based on surveys of 16S rRNA genes and archaeal amoA genes, it is evident that AOA occupy a wide range of niches (10), suggesting a physiologically diverse group of Archaea. Additionally, in studies where AOA and β-AOB were both targeted, AOA were typically more abundant than their bacterial counterparts (19, 21, 42). However, there are reports of β-AOB outnumbering AOA in estuarine systems (6, 33), suggesting a possible shift in competitive dominance under certain conditions.Patterns of β-AOB diversity in estuaries have been well characterized and appear to be regulated by similar mechanisms within geographically disparate systems (4, 11, 32). However, AOA distribution and their role in nitrification relative to β-AOB remain to be determined. A few studies have begun to address this question in different estuaries, but no unifying patterns or mechanisms have emerged. Although β-AOB have been well studied along estuarine salinity gradients (1, 3, 4, 7, 11, 13, 22, 33, 39) and recent studies have begun to address AOA in estuaries (1, 6, 22, 32, 33), few have investigated β-AOB in salt marshes (9), and none has included AOA.In this study, we investigated the distribution and abundance of AOA and β-AOB based on the distribution and abundance of amoA genes in salt marsh sediments dominated by different types of vegetation. Although we equate the presence of archaeal amoA genes with the genetic potential to oxidize ammonia, we acknowledge the possibility that all Archaea that have amoA genes may not all represent functional ammonia oxidizers. Vegetation patterns of New England salt marshes are strongly correlated with marsh elevation and are controlled by a combination of interspecific competition and tolerance to physico-chemical stress (28). The dominant grasses of New England salt marshes are Spartina alterniflora and Spartina patens, which typically grow as pure stands. S. alterniflora is found in two phenotypically distinct but genetically identical forms, a tall and a short growth form (34). The tall S. alterniflora grows to heights of 1 to 2 m and is typically found at the edges of the marsh and along creek banks (SAT sites), while the short-form S. alterniflora may reach heights of only 30 cm and is found in sites (SAS sites) slightly higher on the marsh where soil drainage is limited and conditions are more reduced compared to SAT sites (14). Conversely, S. patens, due to its lower tolerance of salt and more reduced conditions, is found in sites (SP sites) highest on the marsh, in areas that receive less flooding (5). Because the marsh is subjected to daily tidal fluctuations, most sites experience periods of anoxia, the degree of which depends on the marsh elevation. We hypothesized that ammonia-oxidizing communities in areas dominated by different marsh grasses would reflect the different edaphic conditions associated with each type of grass, due to differences in vertical zonation in the marsh.  相似文献   

全程自养脱氮是一种在高氨氮低溶氧条件下完全由自养菌群作用脱除氮素的现象.以全程自养脱氮污泥为研究对象,特异性扩增氨单加氧酶活性基因amoA片段,建立克隆文库并对克隆序列进行系统发育学分析,考察全程自养脱氮系统从建立到退化过程中氨氧化菌的结构变迁.结果表明:Nitrosomonas oligotropha和Nitrosomonas europaea细菌是系统中的主要氨氧化菌,而随着系统的退化前者逐渐被后者完全取代,而氨氧化菌的种群变迁可能并不是全混流系统全程自养脱氮效率下降的原因.  相似文献   

人类白细胞抗原(Human Leukocyte Antigen,HLA)基因复合物位于6p21.3,有220多个不同的功能基因,是人类基因组最复杂的遗传多态系统。HLA等位基因的变异在医学、法医学、人类学等领域具有重要的意义。自从1964年以来,HLA分型一直采用经典的微量淋巴细胞毒实验,但该方法是血清学水平的分,不能识别很多特异性的等位基因,而且高质量的抗体也不易获得。从20世纪90年代起,在国家自然科学基金的资助下,首先开展HLAⅡ类位点基因分研究及大规模群体多态性调查,所获得的中国主要民族基因数据已应用于多个领域。相比之下,HLAⅠ类基因数量更丰富,包含了A、B、C、E、F、G和假基因H、J、K、L等10个位点;基因分子结构更复杂,更具多态性。因此,HLAⅠ类DNA分型比HLAⅡ类分型及行多困难。直至目前中国人群HLA-A基因座基因多态性和分布频率的研究尚未充分进行。而任何DNA标记用于遗传分析、法医鉴定等领域之前,必须先进行群体调查,建立不同民族基因数据库,这是不可逾越的基础工作。鉴于此,采用灵敏而非同位素污染的PCR-SSOP基因分型技术,对165个汉族和162个维吾尔族个体的HLA-A基因座多态性进行调查。结果在汉族群体中发现22种等位基因,频率最高的是HLA-A*1101(19.7%),其次是*201(12.72%);在维族群体中发现22种等位基因,频率最高的是*2407(17.90%),等位基因*0101、*0201和*3301的频率均大于10%;HLA-A*0203、*0205、*0302、*2403和*3302仅在汉族群体中检出;HLA-A*0205、*0211、*2301、*2502、*68012和*6802仅在维族群体中检出。按照Hardy-Weinberg平衡定律检验,两个民族各等位基因型频率的预期值与实际观察值相吻合(P>0.05),证明了所获得汉族、维吾尔族HLA-A位点基因频率具有可靠性;同时也表明各等位基因的遗传特征符合符合孟德尔规律。经计算机统计分析,汉族群体HLA-A基因座杂合度(Heterozygosity,H)、个体识别率(Discrimination Power,DP)和非父排排率(Proba-bility of Paternity Exclusion,EPP)分别为0.9029、0.9776和0.8592;维族群体H、DP和EEP分别为0.9063、0.9379和0.7885。和其他遗传标记(如VNTR、STR、SNP)的单一位点相比,HLA-A具有高度的杂合率、个体识别率和非父排除率。因此,HLA-A等位基因在法医个体识别、亲权鉴定、基因诊断、人类学等领域具有重要的应用价值。  相似文献   

The zonation of anaerobic methane-cycling Archaea in hydrothermal sediment of Guaymas Basin was studied by general primer pairs (mcrI, ME1/ME2, mcrIRD) targeting the alpha subunit of methyl coenzyme M reductase gene (mcrA) and by new group-specific mcrA and 16S rRNA gene primer pairs. The mcrIRD primer pair outperformed the other general mcrA primer pairs in detection sensitivity and phylogenetic coverage. Methanotrophic ANME-1 Archaea were the only group detected with group-specific primers only. The detection of 14 mcrA lineages surpasses the diversity previously found in this location. Most phylotypes have high sequence similarities to hydrogenotrophs, methylotrophs, and anaerobic methanotrophs previously detected at Guaymas Basin or at hydrothermal vents, cold seeps, and oil reservoirs worldwide. Additionally, five mcrA phylotypes belonging to newly defined lineages are detected. Two of these belong to deeply branching new orders, while the others are new species or genera of Methanopyraceae and Methermicoccaceae. Downcore diversity decreases from all groups detected in the upper 6 cm (∼2 to 40°C, sulfate measurable to 4 cm) to only two groups below 6 cm (>40°C). Despite the presence of hyperthermophilic genera (Methanopyrus, Methanocaldococcus) in cooler surface strata, no genes were detected below 10 cm (≥60°C). While mcrA-based and 16S rRNA gene-based community compositions are generally congruent, the deeply branching mcrA cannot be assigned to specific 16S rRNA gene lineages. Our study indicates that even among well-studied metabolic groups and in previously characterized model environments, major evolutionary branches are overlooked. Detecting these groups by improved molecular biological methods is a crucial first step toward understanding their roles in nature.  相似文献   

Diversity of Bacteria Associated with Natural Aphid Populations   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The bacterial communities of aphids were investigated by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis of 16S rRNA gene fragments generated by PCR with general eubacterial primers. By both methods, the γ-proteobacterium Buchnera was detected in laboratory cultures of six parthenogenetic lines of the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum and one line of the black bean aphid Aphis fabae, and one or more of four previously described bacterial taxa were also detected in all aphid lines except one of A. pisum. These latter bacteria, collectively known as secondary symbionts or accessory bacteria, comprised three taxa of γ-proteobacteria (R-type [PASS], T-type [PABS], and U-type [PAUS]) and a rickettsia (S-type [PAR]). Complementary analysis of aphids from natural populations of four aphid species (A. pisum [n = 74], Amphorophora rubi [n = 109], Aphis sarothamni [n = 42], and Microlophium carnosum [n = 101]) from a single geographical location revealed Buchnera and up to three taxa of accessory bacteria, but no other bacterial taxa, in each aphid. The prevalence of accessory bacterial taxa varied significantly among aphid species but not with the sampling month (between June and August 2000). These results indicate that the accessory bacterial taxa are distributed across multiple aphid species, although with variable prevalence, and that laboratory culture does not generally result in a shift in the bacterial community in aphids. Both the transmission patterns of the accessory bacteria between individual aphids and their impact on aphid fitness are suggested to influence the prevalence of accessory bacterial taxa in natural aphid populations.  相似文献   

The response of natural microbial communities to environmental change can be assessed by determining DNA- or RNA-targeted changes in relative abundance of 16S rRNA gene sequences by using fingerprinting techniques such as denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DNA-DGGE and RNA-DGGE, respectively) or by stable isotope probing (SIP) of 16S rRNA genes following incubation with a 13C-labeled substrate (DNA-SIP-DGGE). The sensitivities of these three approaches were compared during batch growth of communities containing two or three Nitrosospira pure or enriched cultures with different tolerances to a high ammonia concentration. Cultures were supplied with low, intermediate, or high initial ammonia concentrations and with 13C-labeled carbon dioxide. DNA-SIP-DGGE provided the most direct evidence for growth and was the most sensitive, with changes in DGGE profiles evident before changes in DNA- and RNA-DGGE profiles and before detectable increases in nitrite and nitrate production. RNA-DGGE provided intermediate sensitivity. In addition, the three molecular methods were used to follow growth of individual strains within communities. In general, changes in relative activities of individual strains within communities could be predicted from monoculture growth characteristics. Ammonia-tolerant Nitrosospira cluster 3b strains dominated mixed communities at all ammonia concentrations, and ammonia-sensitive strains were outcompeted at an intermediate ammonia concentration. However, coexistence of ammonia-tolerant and ammonia-sensitive strains occurred at the lowest ammonia concentration, and, under some conditions, strains inhibited at high ammonia in monoculture were active at high ammonia in mixed cultures, where they coexisted with ammonia-tolerant strains. The results therefore demonstrate the sensitivity of SIP for detection of activity of organisms with relatively low yield and low activity and its ability to follow changes in the structure of interacting microbial communities.Molecular characterization of natural microbial communities has demonstrated the existence of novel high-level taxonomic groups with no cultured representatives and with significant diversity within phylogenetic and functional groups already established through analysis of organisms in laboratory culture. Autotrophic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) exemplify the latter situation. Their low growth rates and the limited number of readily measured phenotypic characteristics available for identification of these organisms necessitate the use of molecular techniques for characterization of their diversity in natural environments. Phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences places the majority of cultivated autotrophic bacterial ammonia oxidizers in a monophyletic group within the Betaproteobacteria (8, 26). Amplification and phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences from enrichment cultures of ammonia oxidizers and sequences of environmental clones (31) suggest the existence of novel groups with no cultivated representative and considerable diversity within those represented by pure cultures.Increased awareness of microbial diversity has raised questions regarding links between species diversity and functional diversity, functional redundancy, and the influence of environmental conditions on the activities of representatives of different phylotypes. For ammonia-oxidizing bacteria, relationships exist between broad phylogenetic groups and the environments from which laboratory isolates were obtained, which are linked, in some cases, to differences in physiological characteristics (11). There is also evidence of links between the relative abundance of different ammonia oxidizer groups and environmental conditions (1, 13, 14, 18, 21, 23, 34), suggesting selection for organisms with particular physiological characteristics. In one study (36), a combination of molecular and physiological studies has demonstrated links between species diversity, functional diversity, and soil nitrification kinetics. However, for ammonia oxidizers and other groups, there is little direct evidence about which strains within diverse communities are active under particular conditions or the extent of competition for substrates.Stable isotope probing (SIP) (24, 27) of nucleic acids provides direct evidence of which members of mixed communities are active. This involves addition of substrates labeled with a stable isotope (most commonly 13C), extraction of nucleic acids, separation of 12C- and 13C-labeled nucleic acids by density gradient centrifugation, and subsequent molecular analysis. Sequences amplified from 13C-labeled DNA or RNA are derived from organisms actively assimilating the substrate. This approach has been used to identify organisms that utilize methane or methanol (4, 19), organic compounds (15, 20), or CO2 (6, 9) in microcosms and those that assimilate plant root exudates in the field (28). SIP therefore links phylogeny to ecosystem function and has identified established and novel groups by utilizing labeled compounds in complex soil communities. The technique also enables in situ physiological studies and investigation of interactions between organisms in mixed cultures belonging to the same functional group. For autotrophic betaproteobacterial ammonia oxidizers, amplification of 16S rRNA genes from 13C-labeled DNA during incubation with [13C]CO2 has the potential for discriminating which strains are active under specific conditions. Assessment of the discriminatory ability of this approach in complex natural environments requires studies under controlled and well-characterized conditions. The first aim of this study was, therefore, to assess the ability of SIP to discriminate activities of different members of simple mixed communities in comparison with direct measurement of product concentration and DNA- and RNA-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). The second was to determine whether the activities of members of mixed communities of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria, in particular, their ability to grow at high ammonia concentrations, could be predicted from their physiological characteristics in monoculture. Of particular interest was whether strains with low ammonia tolerance are competitive at low ammonia concentrations. Mixed cultures were assembled from pure culture representatives of Nitrosospira clusters 0, 3a, and 3b (26, 36), which are frequently found in soil environments, and from enrichment cultures containing representatives of these clusters with heterotrophic contaminants. Other criteria for choice of community members were similarities in specific growth rate and cultivation conditions to enable meaningful competition experiments.  相似文献   

滇牡丹天然居群的遗传多样性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以云南中部及西北部的6个滇牡丹(Paeonia delavayi)天然居群为研究对象,进行株高、新枝长等9个表型性状的表型多样性分析和ISSR分析。结果表明:9个表型性状变异幅度为0.9%~39.8%,平均值达到了18.9%;居群间生殖器官的变异较大,居群内营养器官更容易产生变异。利用居群间欧式距离进行聚类分析,6个居群聚为4个类群,没有与实际地理位置相吻合,说明表型特征的性状与地理距离的相关性不大。遗传多样性分析结果表明:利用筛选得到的10条引物,在取自6个自然居群、180个个体中,检测到56个多态位点。在居群水平上,多态位点百分率(PPB)为60.2%,Nei's基因多样性指数(H)和Shannon's信息指数(I)分别为0.281和0.414。在物种水平上,Nei's基因多样性指数(H)和Shannon's信息指数(I)分别为0.409和0.596。居群间的遗传分化系数(Gst)达0.319。结果显示,表型性状在居群间和居群内均存在广泛变异。滇牡丹遗传多样性水平较高,居群间遗传分化较大,滇牡丹并不濒危。  相似文献   

5种常见珍珠贝的系统发育和遗传多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用RAPD标记分析了珠母贝属常见的马氏珠母贝、大珠母贝、珠母贝、解氏珠母贝以及珍珠贝属常见企鹅珍珠贝的系统发育,同时分析了马氏珠母贝和大珠母贝不同地理种群的遗传多样性,并以邻接法(neighbor-joining,NJ)构建了种间及种群间的系统分支图.结果表明:(1)在珍珠贝5种9个种群中,大珠母贝的4个种群最早聚在一起分别成为2个姊妹群,这2个姊妹群聚合为1个单元群后,又与珠母贝聚在一起,然后才与马氏珠母贝姊妹群聚合成的单元群聚合,再与解氏珠母贝聚合,最后才与企鹅珍珠贝聚合;(2)珠母贝属4种珍珠贝进化程度由低到高的等级顺序为解氏珠母贝-马氏珠母贝-珠母贝-大珠母贝;解氏珠母贝是最晚形成的种类;(3)比较5种珍珠贝野生种群的Nei's多样性和Shannon多样性值为:马氏珠母贝(0.411 1和0.593 3)>珠母贝(0.397 1和0.578 4)>企鹅珠母贝(0.383 1和0.549 3)>大珠母贝(0.338 8和0.499 9)>解氏珠母贝(0.301 6和0.445 2);(4)无论是马氏珠母贝,还是大珠母贝,野生种群的遗传多样性值均大于养殖种群.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2006,9(4):375-380
A rapid, simple and accurate real-time PASA (PCR amplification of specific allele) (rtPASA) protocol was developed and optimized for the frequency estimation of the Glyl 19Ser mutation in the type-I acetylcholinesterase locus, putatively associated with organophosphate resistance, in pooled DNA samples of Anopheles sinensis, a major vector mosquito of malaria in Korea. Performance of the rtPASA protocol was evaluated by comparing with the data generated from individual genotypings of a field population. The resistance allele frequency of the population (74.4%) predicted from the linear regression line of the rtPASA agreed well with that estimated from the individual genotyping (74.1%), demonstrating its reliability and accuracy. Using this rtPASA protocol, the resistance allele frequency in 10 local populations of An. sinensis was determined to range from 74.4% to 97.2%, suggestive of the widespread organophosphate resistance in An. sinensis in Korea.  相似文献   

枫香自然种群遗传多样性的ISSR分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
利用ISSR分子标记技术,对浙江省内枫香自然种群的遗传多样性进行分析。用10个引物对5个枫香种群共100个个体的样品DNA进行扩增,共测得135个位点,其中多态位点为118个,多态位点百分率(P)为87.41%,Shannon指数(I)为0.4646,Nei指数(h)为0.3122,表明枫香总体水平的遗传多样性较高。各种群的多态位点百分率平均为59.11%,Shannon指数平均为0.3660,Nei指数平均为0.2543。P、I、h均显示北山种群最高,天台山种群最低。AMOVA分子差异分析显示:85.49%的变异存在于种群内,14.51%存在于种群间,基因分化系数(Gst)为0.1856,种群间的遗传分化程度较低。种群间的基因流(Nm)为2.1944。5个种群间的平均遗传距离为0.1199。利用UPGMA法对5个种群进行聚类分析,结果分为两大类群:白云山、天台山、北山和安岱后4个种群组成一大类群;大明山种群单独为另一类群。  相似文献   

刚毛柽柳天然居群遗传多样性初探   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:16  
柽柳是荒漠地区主要的灌木资源树种。以刚毛柽柳为代表,运用RAPD技术分析了广布于新疆境内9个刚毛柽柳(Tamarix hispida L.)天然居群的遗传多样性及居群间的遗传分化。10条随机引物检测到157个可重复的位点,其中多态位点155个,占总位点数的98.7%。由Shannon表型多样性指数和Nei基因多样性指数估计居群间遗传分化百分比分别为62.5%和55.30%,表明刚毛柽柳种内的遗传变异主要存在于居群间。根据以上结果,我们认为新疆境内刚毛柽柳天然居群的遗传多样性很丰富,居群间分化程度较高;繁育系统属于一种自交和不完全异交混合的交配类型;形成并维持其分布格局的主要因素是基因流的隔离。  相似文献   

Polyclonal antibodies that recognize the two subunits AmoA and AmoB of the ammonia monooxygenase (AMO) were applied to identify ammonia-oxidizing bacteria by immunofluorescence (IF) labeling in pure, mixed, and enriched cultures. The antibodies against the AmoA were produced using a synthetic peptide of the AmoA of Nitrosomonas eutropha, whereas the antibodies against the AmoB had been developed previously is against the whole B-subunit of the AMO [Pinck et al. (2001) Appl Environ Microbiol 67:118–124]. Using IF labeling, the AmoA antibodies were specific for the detection of all species of the genus Nitrosomonas. In contrast, the antiserum against AmoB labeled all genera of ammonia oxidizers of the -subclass of Proteobacteria (Nitrosomonas, Nitrosospira, Nitrosolobus, and Nitrosovibrio). The fluorescence signals of the AmoA antibodies were spread all over the cells, whereas the signals of the AmoB antibodies were associated with the cytoplasmic membranes. The specificity of the reactions of the antisera with ammonia oxidizers were proven in pure and mixed cultures, and the characteristic IF labeling and the morphology of the cells enabled their identification at the genus level. The genus-specific IF labeling could be used to identify ammonia oxidizers enriched from various habitats. In enrichment cultures of natural sandstone, cells of the genera Nitrosomonas, Nitrosovibrio, and Nitrosospira were detected. Members of the genus Nitrosovibrio and Nitrosolobus were most prominent in enriched garden soil samples, whereas members of the genus Nitrosomonas dominated in enriched activated sludge. The antibodies caused only slight background fluorescence on sandstone and soil particles compared to oligonucleotide probes, which could not be used to detect ammonia oxidizers on these materials because of strong nonspecific fluorescence.  相似文献   

Vertical slab polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was used to examine inheritance of four isoenzymes in megagametophytes of Picea koraiensis. Gene diversity and genetic differentiation in four natural populations of P. koraiensis in Northeastern China were analyzed at six loci coding for four enzyme systems. The proportion of loci polymorphism in population was 0.5. The average expected heterozygosity of all samples was 0. 314, and the average observed heterozygosity of all samples was 0. 316. The average number of alleles detected per locus was 2.50. The effective number of alleles per locus was 1. 71. Measurement of gene diversity for the six loci showed a 0. 0059 significance of interpopulation differentiation. More than ninety-nine percent of the total gene diversity resided within population. The mean genetic distance over all pairs of P. koraiensis was 0. 0110.  相似文献   

Although molecular techniques are considered to provide a more comprehensive view of species diversity of natural microbial populations, few studies have compared diversity assessed by molecular and cultivation-based approaches using the same samples. To achieve this, the diversity of natural populations of ammonia oxidising bacteria in arable soil and marine sediments was determined by analysis of 16S rDNA sequences from enrichment cultures, prepared using standard methods for this group, and from 16S rDNA cloned from DNA extracted directly from the same environmental samples. Soil and marine samples yielded 31 and 18 enrichment cultures, respectively, which were compared with 50 and 40 environmental clones. There was no evidence for selection for particular ammonia oxidizer clusters by different procedures employed for enrichment from soil samples, although no culture was obtained in medium at acid pH. In soil enrichment cultures, Nitrosospira cluster 3 sequences were most abundant, whereas clones were distributed more evenly between Nitrosospira clusters 2, 3, and 4. In marine samples, the majority of enrichment cultures contained Nitrosomonas, whereas Nitrosospira sequences were most abundant among environmental clones. Soil enrichments contained a higher proportion of identical sequences than clones, suggesting laboratory selection for particular strains, but the converse was found in marine samples. In addition, 16% of soil enrichment culture sequences were identical to those in environmental clones, but only 1 of 40 marine enrichments was found among clones, indicating poorer culturability of marine strains represented in the clone library, under the conditions employed. The study demonstrates significant differences in species composition assessed by molecular and culture-based approaches but indicates also that, employing only a limited range of cultivation conditions, 7% of the observed sequence diversity in clones of ammonia oxidizers from these environments could be obtained in laboratory enrichment culture. Further studies and experimental approaches are required to determine which approach provides better representation of the natural community.  相似文献   

An anonymous honey bee locus, detectedpreviously with a cloned probe, has HhaI RFLP allelesspecific to African bees or common to both African andEuropean bees. To facilitate identification of thesealleles, this region, 1231, was made analyzable with thePCR. The two halves of the region, excluding thetermini, were amplified as two overlapping segments.Restriction sites were mapped, and the site differences responsible for the allelic RFLP patterns weredetermined. In the first half of the region, twopolymorphic HhaI sites are present in the commonalleles, whereas one, the other, or both of the sitesare absent in the African alleles. In the secondhalf, a third polymorphic HhaI site is present or absentin both common and African alleles. A short part of thesecond half of the region, including more of the terminus, was amplified as a third segment.Within this segment, close to this terminus, a fourthpolymorphic HhaI site is absent in some Africanalleles.  相似文献   

Turfgrass is a highly managed ecosystem subject to frequent fertilization, mowing, irrigation, and application of pesticides. Turf management practices may create a perturbed environment for ammonia oxidizers, a key microbial group responsible for nitrification. To elucidate the long-term effects of turf management on these bacteria, we assessed the composition of betaproteobacterial ammonia oxidizers in a chronosequence of turfgrass systems (i.e., 1, 6, 23, and 95 years old) and the adjacent native pines by using both 16S rRNA and amoA gene fragments specific to ammonia oxidizers. Based on the Shannon-Wiener diversity index of denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis patterns and the rarefaction curves of amoA clones, turf management did not change the relative diversity and richness of ammonia oxidizers in turf soils as compared to native pine soils. Ammonia oxidizers in turfgrass systems comprised a suite of phylogenetic clusters common to other terrestrial ecosystems. Nitrosospira clusters 0, 2, 3, and 4; Nitrosospira sp. Nsp65-like sequences; and Nitrosomonas clusters 6 and 7 were detected in the turfgrass chronosequence with Nitrosospira clusters 3 and 4 being dominant. However, both turf age and land change (pine to turf) effected minor changes in ammonia oxidizer composition. Nitrosospira cluster 0 was observed only in older turfgrass systems (i.e., 23 and 95 years old); fine-scale differences within Nitrosospira cluster 3 were seen between native pines and turf. Further investigations are needed to elucidate the ecological implications of the compositional differences.  相似文献   

云南含笑天然居群的表型多样性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为揭示云南含笑天然居群表型变异程度和变异规律,以云南昆明地区天然分布的云南含笑为研究对象,调查了6个居群180个单株的14个表型性状,采用巢式方差分析、变异系数、相关分析、Shannon-Weaver多样性指数分析和聚类分析等方法,分析了居群间和居群内表型多样性.结果表明:(1)云南含笑表型性状在居群间和居群内存在极其丰富的多样性,14个表型性状平均表型分化系数(24.38%)小于居群内变异(75.62%),居群内变异是表型变异的主要来源;14个表型性状的变异系数(CV)在16.20%~60.11%之间,表明云南含笑居群内表型性状离散程度较高.(2)对云南含笑各居群的Shannon-Weaver指数分析表明,云南含笑各居群具有丰富的多样性,总体表型多样性指数为1.772.(3)利用居群间欧氏距离进行的UPGMA聚类分析结果表明,云南含笑6个天然居群可以聚为3类,而且表型性状并没有严格依地理距离而聚类.  相似文献   

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