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A modified isolation procedure provides a homogeneous A(1)-ATPase from the archaeon Methanosarcina mazei G?1, containing the five subunits in stoichiometric amounts of A(3):B(3):C:D:F. A(1) obtained in this way was characterized by three-dimensional electron microscopy of single particles, resulting in the first three-dimensional reconstruction of an A(1)-ATPase at a resolution of 3.2 nm. The A(1) consists of a headpiece of 10.2 nm in diameter and 10.8 nm in height, formed by the six elongated subunits A(3) and B(3). At the bottom of the A(3)B(3) complex, a stalk of 3.0 nm in length can be seen. The A(3)B(3) domain surrounds a large cavity that extends throughout the length of the A(3)B(3) barrel. A part of the stalk penetrates inside this cavity and is displaced toward an A-B-A triplet. To investigate further the topology of the stalk subunits C-F in A(1), cross-linking has been carried out by using dithiobis[sulfosuccinimidylpropionate] (DSP) and 1-ethyl-3-(dimethylaminopropyl)-carbodiimide (EDC). In experiments where DSP was added the cross-linked products B-F, A(x)-D, A-B-D, and A(x)-B(x)-D were formed. Subunits B-F, A-D, A-B-D, and A-B-C-D could be cross-linked by EDC. The subunit-subunit interaction in the presence of DSP was also studied as a function of nucleotide binding, demonstrating movements of subunits C, D, and F during ATP cleavage. Finally, the three-dimensional organization of this A(1) complex is discussed in terms of the relationship to the F(1)- and V(1)-ATPases at a resolution of 3.2 nm.  相似文献   

The low-resolution structure and overall dimensions of the A(3)B(3)CDF complex of the A(1) ATPase from Methanosarcina mazei G?1 in solution is analyzed by synchrotron X-ray small-angle scattering. The radius of gyration and the maximum size of the complex are 5.03 +/- 0.1 and 18.0 +/- 0.1 nm, respectively. The low-resolution shape of the protein determined by two independent ab initio approaches has a knob-and-stalk-like feature. Its headpiece is approximately 9.4 nm long and 9.2 nm wide. The stalk, which is known to connect the headpiece to its membrane-bound A(O) part, is approximately 8.4 nm long. Limited tryptic digestion of the A(3)B(3)CDF complex was used to probe the topology of the smaller subunits (C-F). Trypsin was found to cleave subunit C most rapidly at three sites, Lys(20), Lys(21), and Arg(209), followed by subunit F. In the A(3)B(3)CDF complex, subunit D remained protected from proteolysis.  相似文献   

Lemker T  Grüber G  Schmid R  Müller V 《FEBS letters》2003,544(1-3):206-209
The potential A(1) ATPase genes ahaA, ahaB, ahaC, ahaD, ahaE, ahaF, and ahaG from the anaerobic archaeon Methanosarcina mazei G?1 were overexpressed in Escherichia coli DK8 (pTL2). An A(1) complex was purified to apparent homogeneity and shown by Western blot and N-terminal sequence analyses to contain subunits A, B, C, D, and F but to be devoid of subunits E and G. Further removal of subunit C was without effect on ATPase activity. The enzyme was most active at pH 5.2 and required bisulfite and acetate for maximal activity. Kinetic studies confirmed three new inhibitors for A(1) ATPases (diethylstilbestrol and its derivatives hexestrol and dienestrol) and identified redox modulation as a new type of regulation of archaeal A(1) ATPases.  相似文献   

Methanosarcina mazei is a nonhalophilic methanogen that can adapt to 800 mM NaCl. Microarray studies have been used to examine the effect of elevated salinities on the regulation of gene expression in M. mazei. Eighty-four genes of different functional categories, such as solute transport and biosynthesis, Na(+) export, stress response, ion, protein and phosphate transport, metabolic enzymes, regulatory proteins, DNA-modification systems, and cell-surface modulators, were found to be stronger expressed at high salinities. Moreover, 10 genes encoding different metabolic functions including potassium uptake and ATP synthesis were reduced in expression under high salt. The overall expression profiles suggest that M. mazei is able to adapt to high salinities by multiple upregulation of many different cellular functions including protective pathways such as solute transport and biosynthesis, import of phosphate, export of Na(+), and upregulation of pathways for modification of DNA and cell surface architecture.  相似文献   

The A1Ao ATP synthase from archaea represents a class of chimeric ATPases/synthases, whose function and general structural design share characteristics both with vacuolar V1Vo ATPases and with F1Fo ATP synthases. The primary sequences of the two large polypeptides A and B, from the catalytic part, are closely related to the eukaryotic V1Vo ATPases. The chimeric nature of the A1Ao ATP synthase from the archaeon Methanosarcina mazei G?1 was investigated in terms of nucleotide interaction. Here, we demonstrate the ability of the overexpressed A and B subunits to bind ADP and ATP by photoaffinity labeling. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry was used to map the peptide of subunit B involved in nucleotide interaction. Nucleotide affinities in both subunits were determined by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, indicating a weaker binding of nucleotide analogues to subunit B than to A. In addition, the nucleotide-free crystal structure of subunit B is presented at 1.5 A resolution, providing the first view of the so-called non-catalytic subunit of the A1Ao ATP synthase. Superposition of the A-ATP synthase non-catalytic B subunit and the F-ATP synthase non-catalytic alpha subunit provides new insights into the similarities and differences of these nucleotide-binding ATPase subunits in particular, and into nucleotide binding in general. The arrangement of subunit B within the intact A1Ao ATP synthase is presented.  相似文献   

Guanine-nucleotide binding proteins (G proteins) act as molecular switches in signaling pathways, by coupling the activation of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) at the cell surface to intracellular responses. In the resting state, G protein forms a heterotrimer, consisting of GDP-bound form of the G protein α subunit (Gα(GDP)) and G protein βγ subunit (Gβγ). Ligand binding to GPCRs promotes the GDP-GTP exchange on Gα, leading to the dissociation of the GTP-bound form of Gα (Gα(GTP)) and Gβγ. Then, Gα(GTP) and Gβγ bind to their downstream effector enzymes or ion channels and regulate their activities, leading to a variety of cellular responses. Finally, Gα hydrolyzes the bound GTP to GDP and returns to the resting state by re-associating with Gβγ. G proteins are classified with four major families based on the amino acid sequences of Gα: i/o, s, q/11, and 12/13. Each family transduces the signaling from different GPCRs to the specific effectors. Here, we established the backbone resonance assignments of human Gαi3, a member of the i/o family, with a molecular weight of 41 K in complex with a GTP analogue, GTPγS.  相似文献   

The interaction of the nucleotide-binding subunit B with subunit F is essential in coupling of ion pumping and ATP synthesis in A1AO ATP synthases. Here we provide structural and thermodynamic insights on the nucleotide binding to the surface of subunits B and F of Methanosarcina mazei Gö1 A1AO ATP synthase, which initiated migration to its final binding pocket via two transitional intermediates on the surface of subunit B. NMR- and fluorescence spectroscopy as well as ITC data combined with molecular dynamics simulations of the nucleotide bound subunit B and nucleotide bound B-F complex in explicit solvent, suggests that subunit F is critical for the migration to and eventual occupancy of the final binding site by the nucleotide of subunit B. Rotation of the C-terminus and conformational changes in subunit B are initiated upon binding with subunit F causing a perturbation that leads to the migration of ATP from the transition site 1 through an intermediate transition site 2 to the final binding site 3. This mechanism is elucidated on the basis of change in binding affinity for the nucleotide at the specific sites on subunit B upon complexation with subunit F. The change in enthalpy is further explained based on the fluctuating local environment around the binding sites.  相似文献   

O-linked methylation of sugar substituents is a common modification in the biosynthesis of many natural products and is catalyzed by multiple families of S-adenosyl-l-methionine (SAM or AdoMet)-dependent methyltransferases (MTs). Mycinamicins, potent antibiotics from Micromonospora griseorubida, can be methylated at two positions on a 6-deoxyallose substituent. The first methylation is catalyzed by MycE, a SAM- and metal-dependent MT. Crystal structures were determined for MycE bound to the product S-adenosyl-l-homocysteine (AdoHcy) and magnesium, both with and without the natural substrate mycinamicin VI. This represents the first structure of a natural product sugar MT in complex with its natural substrate. MycE is a tetramer of a two-domain polypeptide, comprising a C-terminal catalytic MT domain and an N-terminal auxiliary domain, which is important for quaternary assembly and for substrate binding. The symmetric MycE tetramer has a novel MT organization in which each of the four active sites is formed at the junction of three monomers within the tetramer. The active-site structure supports a mechanism in which a conserved histidine acts as a general base, and the metal ion helps to position the methyl acceptor and to stabilize a hydroxylate intermediate. A conserved tyrosine is suggested to support activity through interactions with the transferred methyl group from the SAM methyl donor. The structure of the free enzyme reveals a dramatic order-disorder transition in the active site relative to the S-adenosyl-l-homocysteine complexes, suggesting a mechanism for product/substrate exchange through concerted movement of five loops and the polypeptide C-terminus.  相似文献   

A dimeric form of N-methoxycarbonyl-2-amino-1,8-naphthyridine (MCND) connected at the C2 position with a three-atom linker was examined for the binding to mismatches in double stranded RNA. Despite the fully complementary hydrogen bonding groups to guanine, MCND did not bind to guanine–guanine mismatch but did to adenine–adenine mismatch. The base pairs flanking the mismatch had weak effect on the binding, with showing the strongest binding to the A–A mismatch in the CAG/CAG sequence. The A–A mismatch in the GAC/GAC sequence was a poor substrate for the MCND binding. A monomeric derivative of MCND and another derivative lacking a methylcarbamate group showed negligilble binding to the A–A mismatch and the sequence selectivity. These results are important clues for the better molecular design of RNA binding small molecules.  相似文献   

The effect of noncatalytic domains 2 + 3 on the intrinsic activity and thermostability of the EF-Tu GTPase center was evaluated in experiments with isolated domains 1 and six chimeric variants of mesophilic Escherichia coli (Ec) and thermophilic Bacillus stearothermophilus (Bst) EF-Tus. The isolated catalytic domains 1 of both EF-Tus displayed similar GTPase activities at their optimal temperatures. However, noncatalytic domains 2 + 3 of the EF-Tus influenced the GTPase activity of domains 1 differently, depending on the domain origin. Ecdomains 2 + 3 suppressed the GTPase activity of the Ecdomain 1, whereas those of BstEF-Tu stimulated the Bstdomain 1 GTPase. Domain 1 and domains 2 + 3 of both EF-Tus positively cooperated to heat-stabilize their GTPase centers to attain optimal activity at a temperature close to the optimal growth temperature of either organism. This can be explained by a stabilization effect of domains 2 + 3 on α-helical regions of the G-domain as revealed by CD spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Energy coupling between the A1 ATPase of archaea type A1AO ATP synthase and its integral membrane sub-complex AO occurs via the stalk part, formed by the subunits C, D and F. To provide a molecular basis of the energy coupling, we performed NMR studies. Here, we report the assignment of the subunit F. Shovanlal Gayen and Subramanian Vivekanandan contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Mössbauer-effect studies of the super-reduced form of Chromatium high-potential iron–sulphur protein indicate that the iron atoms are in a similar valency state to those in reduced ferredoxin from Clostridium pasteurianum, with possibly some inequivalence between the iron atoms within the four-iron centre. Mössbauer spectroscopy also shows magnetic differences between the four-iron centres in the two proteins.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae Uls1 belongs to the Swi2–Snf2 family of DNA-dependent ATPases and a new protein family of SUMO-targeted ubiquitin ligases. Here, we examine a physiological role of Uls1 and report for the first time its involvement in response to replication stress. We found that deletion of ULS1 in cells lacking RAD52 caused a synthetic growth defect accompanied by prolonged S phase and aberrant cell morphology. uls1Δ also progressed slower through S phase upon MMS treatment and took longer to resolve replication intermediates during recovery. This suggests an important function for Uls1 during replication stress. Consistently, cells lacking Uls1 and endonuclease Mus81 were more sensitive to HU, MMS and CPT than single mus81Δ. Interestingly, deletion of ULS1 attenuated replication stress-related defects in sgs1Δ, such as sensitivity to HU and MMS while increasing the level of PCNA ubiquitination and Rad53 phosphorylation. Importantly, Uls1 interactions with Mus81 and Sgs1 were dependent on its helicase domain. We propose that Uls1 directs a subset of DNA structures arising during replication into the Sgs1-dependent pathway facilitating S phase progression. Thus, in the absence of Uls1 other modes of replication fork processing and repair are employed.  相似文献   

The hemoglobin of a 24-year-old man of Italian descent who has the phenotypic characteristics of thalassemia intermedia contains about 12% hemoglobin F, 73% hemoglobin A, and 15% hemoglobin A2. Chemical analysis definitely identifies the last as hemoglobin A2. So elevated a percentage of hemoglobin A2 has not been reported before. In addition, the amount of hemoglobin A is unusually large for an individual with presumed homozygosity for -thalassemia. Although the evidence is indirect, it is suggested that he is heterozygous for two conditions: -thalassemia and a Miyada type of gene that produces a hemoglobin indistinguishable from hemoglobin A2.The work was supported in part by grants HL-02558 and HL-05168 and Training Grant HD-00048 from the National Institutes of Health, U.S. Public Health Service, as well as funds from the Southern California Chapter of the Cooley's Anemia Blood and Research Foundation.  相似文献   

The translation initiation factor aIF2 of the crenarchaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus (Sso) recruits initiator tRNA to the ribosome and stabilizes mRNAs by binding via the γ-subunit to their 5′-triphosphate end. It has been hypothesized that the latter occurs predominantly during unfavorable growth conditions, and that aIF2 or aIF2-γ is released on relief of nutrient stress to enable in particular anew translation of leaderless mRNAs. As leaderless mRNAs are prevalent in Sso and aIF2-γ bound to the 5′-end of a leaderless RNA inhibited ribosome binding in vitro, we aimed at elucidating the mechanism underlying aIF2/aIF2-γ recycling from mRNAs. We have identified a protein termed Trf (translation recovery factor) that co-purified with trimeric aIF2 during outgrowth of cells from prolonged stationary phase. Subsequent in vitro studies revealed that Trf triggers the release of trimeric aIF2 from RNA, and that Trf directly interacts with the aIF2-γ subunit. The importance of Trf is further underscored by an impaired protein synthesis during outgrowth from stationary phase in a Sso trf deletion mutant.  相似文献   

We report here almost complete backbone assignment of a Ca2+-binding protein of the βγ-crystallin superfamily from Methanosarcina acetivorans, at two denaturant (GdmCl) concentrations, using double and triple resonance experiments. These NMR assignments will be useful to understand the unfolding path of this protein. Ravi P. Barnwal and Geetika Agarwal have contributed equally.  相似文献   

Ahn JH  Kim Y  Kim HS  Greengard P  Nairn AC 《PloS one》2011,6(10):e26292
Tyrosine hydroxylase, which plays a critical role in regulation of dopamine synthesis, is known to be controlled by phosphorylation at several critical sites. One of these sites, Ser40, is phosphorylated by a number of protein kinases, including protein kinase A. The major protein phosphatase that dephosphorylates Ser40 is protein phosphatase-2A (PP2A). A recent study has also linked protein kinase C to the dephosphorylation of Ser40 [1], but the mechanism is unclear. PP2A isoforms are comprised of catalytic, scaffold, and regulatory subunits, the regulatory B subunits being able to influence cellular localization and substrate selection. In the current study, we find that protein kinase C is able to phosphorylate a key regulatory site in the B56δ subunit leading to activation of PP2A. In turn, activation of the B56δ-containing heterotrimeric form of PP2A is responsible for enhanced dephosphorylation of Ser40 of tyrosine hydroylase in response to stimulation of PKC. In support of this mechanism, down-regulation of B56δ expression in N27 cells using RNAi was found to increase dopamine synthesis. Together these studies reveal molecular details of how protein kinase C is linked to reduced tyrosine hydroxylase activity via control of PP2A, and also add to the complexity of protein kinase/protein phosphatase interactions.  相似文献   

The apicomplexan protozoan Toxoplasma gondii is a significant human and veterinary pathogen. As an obligate intracellular parasite, Toxoplasma depends on nutrients provided by the host cell and needs to adapt to limitations in available resources. In mammalian cells, translational regulation via GCN2 phosphorylation of the alpha subunit of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 (eIF2α) is a key mechanism for adapting to nutrient stress. Toxoplasma encodes two GCN2-like protein kinases, TgIF2K-C and TgIF2K-D. We previously showed that TgIF2K-D phosphorylates T. gondii eIF2α (TgIF2α) upon egress from the host cell, which enables the parasite to overcome exposure to the extracellular environment. However, the function of TgIF2K-C remained unresolved. To determine the functions of TgIF2K-C in the parasite, we cloned the cDNA encoding TgIF2K-C and generated knockout parasites of this TgIF2α kinase to study its function during the lytic cycle. The TgIF2K-C knockout did not exhibit a fitness defect compared with parental parasites. However, upon infection of human fibroblasts that were subsequently cultured in glutamine-free medium, the intracellular TgIF2K-C knockout parasites were impeded for induced phosphorylation of TgIF2α and showed a 50% reduction in the number of plaques formed compared with parental parasites. Furthermore, we found that this growth defect in glutamine-free media was phenocopied in parasites expressing only a non-phosphorylatable TgIF2α (TgIF2α-S71A), but not in a TgIF2K-D knockout. These studies suggest that Toxoplasma GCN2-like kinases TgIF2K-C and TgIF2K-D evolved to have distinct roles in adapting to changes in the parasite’s environment.  相似文献   

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