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Bayley PJ  Gold JJ  Hopkins RO  Squire LR 《Neuron》2005,46(5):799-810
In humans and experimental animals, damage to the hippocampus or related medial temporal lobe structures severely impairs the formation of new memory but typically spares very remote memory. Questions remain about the importance of these structures for the storage and retrieval of remote autobiographical memory. We carried out a detailed volumetric analysis of structural brain images from eight memory-impaired patients. Five of the patients had damage limited mainly to the medial temporal lobe. These patients performed normally on tests of remote autobiographical memory. Three patients had medial temporal lobe damage plus significant additional damage to neocortex, and these patients were severely impaired. These findings account for previously reported differences in the recollective ability of memory-impaired patients and demonstrate that the ability to recollect remote autobiographical events depends not on the medial temporal lobe but on widely distributed neocortical areas, especially the frontal, lateral temporal, and occipital lobes.  相似文献   

Autobiographical memory refers to events and information about personal life and the self. Within autobiographical memory, many authors make a difference between episodic and semantic components. Study of retrograde amnesia gives information about memory consolidation. According to the "standard model" of consolidation, the medial temporal lobe plays a time-limited role in retrieval memory. Functional neuroanatomy studies of autobiographical memory are very few and many are recent. These studies concern which brain regions are involved in the autobiographical retrieval, episodic or semantic autobiographical memory and consolidation process. Results show that autobiographical retrieval depends on specific brain regions like frontal cortex. Concerning memory consolidation, findings are most consistent with the idea that hippocampal complex is involved in both recent and remote memories.  相似文献   

The aim of the present volumetric study was to explore the neuro-anatomical correlates of autobiographical memory loss in Alzheimer''s patients and healthy elderly, in terms of the delay of retention, with a particular interest in the medial temporal lobe structures. Fifteen patients in early stages of the disease and 11 matched control subjects were included in the study. To assess autobiographical memory and the effect of the retention delay, a modified version of the Crovitz test was used according to five periods of life. Autobiographical memory deficits were correlated to local atrophy via structural MRI using Voxel Based Morphometry. We used a ‘lateralized index’ to compare the relative contribution of hippocampal sub-regions (anterior vs posterior, left vs right) according to the different periods of life. Our results confirm the involvement of the hippocampus proper in autobiographical memory retrieval for both recent and very remote encoding periods, with larger aspect for the very remote period on the left side. Contrary to the prominent left-sided involvement for the young adulthood period, the implication of the right hippocampus prevails for the more recent periods and decreases with the remotness of the memories, which might be associated with the visuo-spatial processing of the memories. Finally, we suggest the existence of a rostrocaudal gradient depending on the retention duration, with left anterior aspects specifically related to retrieval deficits of remote memories from the young adulthood period, whereas posterior aspects would result of simultaneous encoding and/or consolidation and retrieval deficit of more recent memories.  相似文献   

The organization of recent and remote memories   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A fundamental question in memory research is how our brains can form enduring memories. In humans, memories of everyday life depend initially on the medial temporal lobe system, including the hippocampus. As these memories mature, they are thought to become increasingly dependent on other brain regions such as the cortex. Little is understood about how new memories in the hippocampus are transformed into remote memories in cortical networks. However, recent studies have begun to shed light on how remote memories are organized in the cortex, and the molecular and cellular events that underlie their consolidation.  相似文献   

The capacity to remember self-referential past events relies on the integrity of a distributed neural network. Controversy exists, however, regarding the involvement of specific brain structures for the retrieval of recently experienced versus more distant events. Here, we explored how characteristic patterns of atrophy in neurodegenerative disorders differentially disrupt remote versus recent autobiographical memory. Eleven behavioural-variant frontotemporal dementia, 10 semantic dementia, 15 Alzheimer''s disease patients and 14 healthy older Controls completed the Autobiographical Interview. All patient groups displayed significant remote memory impairments relative to Controls. Similarly, recent period retrieval was significantly compromised in behavioural-variant frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimer''s disease, yet semantic dementia patients scored in line with Controls. Voxel-based morphometry and diffusion tensor imaging analyses, for all participants combined, were conducted to investigate grey and white matter correlates of remote and recent autobiographical memory retrieval. Neural correlates common to both recent and remote time periods were identified, including the hippocampus, medial prefrontal, and frontopolar cortices, and the forceps minor and left hippocampal portion of the cingulum bundle. Regions exclusively implicated in each time period were also identified. The integrity of the anterior temporal cortices was related to the retrieval of remote memories, whereas the posterior cingulate cortex emerged as a structure significantly associated with recent autobiographical memory retrieval. This study represents the first investigation of the grey and white matter correlates of remote and recent autobiographical memory retrieval in neurodegenerative disorders. Our findings demonstrate the importance of core brain structures, including the medial prefrontal cortex and hippocampus, irrespective of time period, and point towards the contribution of discrete regions in mediating successful retrieval of distant versus recently experienced events.  相似文献   

The hallmark of medial temporal lobe amnesia is a loss of episodic memory such that patients fail to remember new events that are set in an autobiographical context (an episode). A further symptom is a loss of recognition memory. The relationship between these two features has recently become contentious. Here, we focus on the central issue in this dispute--the relative contributions of the hippocampus and the perirhinal cortex to recognition memory. A resolution is vital not only for uncovering the neural substrates of these key aspects of memory, but also for understanding the processes disrupted in medial temporal lobe amnesia and the validity of animal models of this syndrome.  相似文献   

Against memory systems   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The medial temporal lobe is indispensable for normal memory processing in both human and non-human primates, as is shown by the fact that large lesions in it produce a severe impairment in the acquisition of new memories. The widely accepted inference from this observation is that the medial temporal cortex, including the hippocampal, entorhinal and perirhinal cortex, contains a memory system or multiple memory systems, which are specialized for the acquisition and storage of memories. Nevertheless, there are some strong arguments against this idea: medial temporal lesions produce amnesia by disconnecting the entire temporal cortex from neuromodulatory afferents arising in the brainstem and basal forebrain, not by removing cortex; the temporal cortex is essential for perception as well as for memory; and response properties of temporal cortical neurons make it impossible that some kinds of memory trace could be stored in the temporal lobe. All cortex is plastic, and it is possible that the same rules of plasticity apply to all cortical areas; therefore, memory traces are stored in widespread cortical areas rather than in a specialized memory system restricted to the temporal lobe. Among these areas, the prefrontal cortex has an important role in learning and memory, but is best understood as an area with no specialization of function.  相似文献   

Bilateral damage to either the medial temporal lobe or the diencephalic midline causes an amnesic syndrome, i.e. a global impairment in the ability to acquire new memories regardless of sensory modality, and a loss of some memories, especially recent ones, from the period before amnesia began. The memory deficit can occur against a background of intact intellectual and perceptual functions. Two themes have been prominent in recent work. First, the amnesic syndrome is narrower than once believed in the sense that a number of learning and memory abilities are preserved (e.g. skill and habit learning, simple forms of conditioning and the phenomenon of priming). Second, the brain system damaged in amnesia has only a temporary role in memory. As time passes after learning, memory is reorganized and consolidated within neocortex, such that eventually medial temporal lobe and diencephalic structures are not needed for storage or retrieval.  相似文献   

Neuroimaging studies of autobiographical event memory   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Commonalities and differences in findings across neuroimaging studies of autobiographical event memory are reviewed. In general terms, the overall pattern across studies is of medial and left-lateralized activations associated with retrieval of autobiographical event memories. It seems that the medial frontal cortex and left hippocampus in particular are responsive to such memories. However, there are also inconsistencies across studies, for example in the activation of the hippocampus and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. It is likely that methodological differences between studies contribute to the disparate findings. Quantifying and assessing autobiographical event memories presents a challenge in many domains, including neuroimaging. Methodological factors that may be pertinent to the interpretation of the neuroimaging data and the design of future experiments are discussed. Consideration is also given to aspects of memory that functional neuroimaging might be uniquely disposed to examine. These include assessing the functionality of damaged tissue in patients and the estimation of inter-regional communication (effective connectivity) between relevant brain regions.  相似文献   

Interactions between attention and memory   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Attention and memory cannot operate without each other. In this review, we discuss two lines of recent evidence that support this interdependence. First, memory has a limited capacity, and thus attention determines what will be encoded. Division of attention during encoding prevents the formation of conscious memories, although the role of attention in formation of unconscious memories is more complex. Such memories can be encoded even when there is another concurrent task, but the stimuli that are to be encoded must be selected from among other competing stimuli. Second, memory from past experience guides what should be attended. Brain areas that are important for memory, such as the hippocampus and medial temporal lobe structures, are recruited in attention tasks, and memory directly affects frontal-parietal networks involved in spatial orienting. Thus, exploring the interactions between attention and memory can provide new insights into these fundamental topics of cognitive neuroscience.  相似文献   

Medial temporal lobe structures including the hippocampus are implicated by separate investigations in both episodic memory and spatial function. We show that a single recurrent attractor network can store both the discrete memories that characterize episodic memory and the continuous representations that characterize physical space. Combining both types of representation in a single network is actually necessary if objects and where they are located in space must be stored. We thus show that episodic memory and spatial theories of medial temporal lobe function can be combined in a unified model.  相似文献   

The processes and mechanisms implicated in retention and retrieval of memories as they age is an enduring problem in cognitive neuroscience. Research from lesion and functional neuroimaging studies on remote episodic, semantic and spatial memory in humans is crucial for evaluating three theories of hippocampal and/or medial temporal lobe-neocortical interaction in memory retention and retrieval: cognitive map theory, standard consolidation theory and multiple trace theory. Each theory makes different predictions regarding first, the severity and extent of retrograde amnesia following lesions to some or all of the structures mentioned; second, the extent of activation of these structures to retrieval of memory across time; and third, the type of memory being retrieved. Each of these theories has strengths and weaknesses, and there are various unresolved issues. We propose a unified account based on multiple trace theory. This theory states that the hippocampus is needed for re-experiencing detailed episodic and spatial memories no matter how old they are, and that it contributes to the formation and assimilation of semantic memories and schematic spatial maps.  相似文献   

Semantic dementia, also known as the temporal lobe variant of fronto-temporal dementia, results in a progressive yet relatively pure loss of semantic knowledge about words, objects and people, and is associated with asymmetric, focal atrophy of the antero-lateral temporal lobes. Semantic dementia provides a unique opportunity to study the organization of long-term memory particularly since initial observations suggested sparing of episodic memory. Recent studies reveal, however, a more complex but theoretically revealing pattern. On tests of autobiographical memory, patients with semantic dementia show a 'reverse step function' with sparing of recall of events from the most recent 2 to 5 years but impairment on more distant life periods. Anterograde recognition memory for visual materials is extremely well preserved, except in the most deteriorated cases, although performance is heavily reliant upon perceptual information about the studied stimuli, particularly for items that are no longer known by the subjects. On tests of verbal anterograde memory such as word learning, performance is typically poor even for words which are 'known' to the patients. A source discrimination experiment, designed to evaluate familiarity and recollection-based anterograde memory processes, found that patients with semantic dementia showed good item detection, although recollection of source was sometimes impaired. Semantic knowledge about studied items and measures of item detection and source discrimination were largely independent. The implications of these findings for models of long-term memory are discussed. The results support the concept that episodic memory, or at least the recall of temporally specific autobiographical experiences, draws upon a number of separable memory processes, some of which can function independently of semantic knowledge.  相似文献   

The story of our lifetime – our narrative self – is constructed from our autobiographical memories. A central claim of social psychology is that this narrative self is inherently social: When we construct our lives, we do so in a real or imagined interaction. This predicts that self-referential processes which are involved in recall of autobiographical memories overlap with processes involved in social interactions. Indeed, previous functional MRI studies indicate that regions in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) are activated during autobiographical memory recall and virtual communication. However, no fMRI study has investigated recall of autobiographical memories in a real-life interaction. We developed a novel paradigm in which participants overtly reported self-related and other-related memories to an experimenter, whose non-verbal reactions were being filmed and online displayed to the participants in the scanner. We found that recall of autobiographical vs. non-autobiographical memories was associated with activation of the mPFC, as was recall in the social as compared to a non-social control condition; however, both contrasts involved different non-overlapping regions within the mPFC. These results indicate that self-referential processes involved in autobiographical memory recall are different from processes supporting social interactions, and argue against the hypothesis that autobiographical memories are inherently social.  相似文献   

Odors are powerful in bringing back old and vivid memories bearing emotional content. This inherent hedonic property of olfactory stimuli makes this sensory modality particularly suitable for studying autobiographical memory. In the present work, adolescents (first experiment), young adults (second experiment), and elderly (third experiment) of both sexes were asked to smell 10 familiar odorants and to report if these odorants evoked personal autobiographical memories or referential memories (i.e., names and objects). The participants were then required to link these memories to triplets of words using the progressive elaboration method of the Loci mnemonic. The aim of the study was to investigate whether 1) odorants evoking autobiographical memories led to faster reaction times (RTs) and to a greater number of correct responses in the recall of the items associated to such memories than do odorants evoking referential memories, 2) females differed from males on the above tasks along with the life span, and 3) the preferential codes (i.e., autobiographical or referential) attributed to the odorants vary according to gender and age. In general, it was observed that the way in which the odorants were encoded affected the subsequent retrieval. Indeed, data analyses have shown that odorants evoking autobiographical memories lead to faster RTs (experiments 2 and 3) and that females outperform males (experiments 1 and 2). However, these effects are greatly age and gender dependent. Furthermore, females are more prone than males to code the odorants autobiographically (as shown by the higher amount of autobiographical experiences that they have provided at all ages relative to males). Results are discussed in terms of developmental differences and odor-emotion links and the possible role of odors and autobiographical memory in learning and retrieval of other items.  相似文献   

Previous studies have produced inconsistent results concerning the two components of autobiographical memory-personal semantic memory and episodic memory. Results in subjects with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and dementia of Alzheimer's type (DAT) have varied concerning the existence of a temporal gradient in retrograde amnesia. These results have important theoretical implications regarding multiple trace theory versus standard consolidation models of long-term memory (LTM). We investigated whether this variability arises from differences in the methods used in assessing autobiographical memory. We examined patterns of memory impairment in 20 healthy elderly controls, 20 MCI subjects, and 10 DAT subjects using the Autobiographical Memory Interview (AMI) of Kopelman and the Autobiographical Interview (AI) of Levine. Both the AMI and AI were modified to allow for the test scores to be derived from a single interview without fatiguing the subjects. On the AMI, DAT subjects were significantly impaired on both components of autobiographical memory-episodic memory and personal semantics-with episodic memory showing a significant though gentle temporal gradient sparing childhood memories. Using the AI test, subjects with DAT showed impaired recall of episodic details (but not personal semantics), again with a gentle temporal gradient. Differences between the two interview methods (fewer epochs in the AMI; fewer memories per epoch in the AI) were found to have a significant impact on the pattern of findings; fewer epochs in the AMI brought out the temporal gradient, and fewer memories per epoch (in the AI) diminished it. These data show the importance of technical details of the different tests in favouring one versus another LTM theory. The data are not purely compatible with either theory. ? 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This review is focused on specific circuits of the medial temporal lobe that have become better understood in recent years for their computational properties contributing to episodic memory and to memory impairment associated with aging and other risk for AD. The layer II neurons in the entorhinal cortex and their targets in the dentate gyrus and CA3 region of hippocampus comprise a system that rapidly encodes representations that are distinct from prior memories. Frank neuron loss in the entorhinal cortex is specific for AD, and related structural and functional changes across the network comprised of the entorhinal cortex and the dentate/CA3 regions hold promise for predicting progression on the path to AD.  相似文献   

New episodic memories are retained better if learning is followed by a few minutes of wakeful rest than by the encoding of novel external information. Novel encoding is said to interfere with the consolidation of recently acquired episodic memories. Here we report four experiments in which we examined whether autobiographical thinking, i.e. an ‘internal’ memory activity, also interferes with episodic memory consolidation. Participants were presented with three wordlists consisting of common nouns; one list was followed by wakeful rest, one by novel picture encoding and one by autobiographical retrieval/future imagination, cued by concrete sounds. Both novel encoding and autobiographical retrieval/future imagination lowered wordlist retention significantly. Follow-up experiments demonstrated that the interference by our cued autobiographical retrieval/future imagination delay condition could not be accounted for by the sound cues alone or by executive retrieval processes. Moreover, our results demonstrated evidence of a temporal gradient of interference across experiments. Thus, we propose that rich autobiographical retrieval/future imagination hampers the consolidation of recently acquired episodic memories and that such interference is particularly likely in the presence of external concrete cues.  相似文献   

Herz RS 《Chemical senses》2004,29(3):217-224
The emotional and content qualities of autobiographical memories evoked by three memory cue items (campfire, fresh-cut grass, popcorn) presented in olfactory, visual and auditory form were examined using a new repeated measures paradigm. Results revealed that memories recalled by odors were significantly more emotional and evocative than those recalled by the same cue presented visually or auditorily. However, there were no differences in the content features (vividness, specificity) of memories as a function of cue-form. These findings support previous research in both laboratory and naturalistic settings and is the first comparative sensory memory study to include auditory variants of memory cues. The present data contribute to a growing body of evidence indicating that there is a privileged relationship between olfaction and emotion during recollection. Various subject factors such as age, sex and region of residence were also examined and some were found to affect the quality of memories in interaction with the specific memory cue items, indicating that prior experience is a primary influence in autobiographical memory. Questions for future investigation regarding how odor-evoked memories may be different from other memory experiences are suggested.  相似文献   

Human emotion and memory: interactions of the amygdala and hippocampal complex   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The amygdala and hippocampal complex, two medial temporal lobe structures, are linked to two independent memory systems, each with unique characteristic functions. In emotional situations, these two systems interact in subtle but important ways. Specifically, the amygdala can modulate both the encoding and the storage of hippocampal-dependent memories. The hippocampal complex, by forming episodic representations of the emotional significance and interpretation of events, can influence the amygdala response when emotional stimuli are encountered. Although these are independent memory systems, they act in concert when emotion meets memory.  相似文献   

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