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Using isoelectric focusing, the zymograms of 23 pathogenic and nonpathogenic Naegleria strains were studied for the activity of 16 enzymes. Certain enzymes (lactate dehydrogenase, L-threonine dehydrogenase, superoxide dismutase, acid phosphatase, malic enzyme, and leucine aminopeptidase) proved particularly useful from a practical point of view as they allow easy and reliable identification of pathogenic N. fowleri and N. australiensis as well as nonpathogenic N. lovaniensis strains. Genetic interpretation of these zymograms gave estimates of genetic distances that largely confirmed the taxonomic position of the Naegleria species. In addition, the genetic data suggest that there are two main phylogenetic groups in the genus Naegleria.  相似文献   

A new species, Blastocystis anseri, was found in domestic goose. Sizes of blastocyst in culture are 7.5-46.2 x 7.5-46.2 m. Method of cultivation of Blastocystis anseri on biphase egg medium was worked out. Liquid phase can be made of Hank's solution or 199 medium with an addition of 30-40% hen or bovine serum. Optimum temperature for cultivation is 39 +/- 0.5 degree, ph 7.0-7.2.  相似文献   

Twelve of the 13 bushcricket species of the Saga genus are bisexuals and diploids, except the parthenogenetic and tetraploid bush cricket, Saga pedo. Despite a continuous research effort stretching through the 1900s, the taxonomic relationships of the Saga species are still disputed. In this study, our primary aim was to reveal natural relationships of the European Saga species and three of their Asian relatives, with special attention to the problematic taxonomy of two subspecies: S. campbelli campbelli and S. c. gracilis. Following a phylogenetic analysis of eight species, a comprehensive study was carried out on the above three taxa by using acoustic and morphometric approaches in parallel. Our phylogenetic data showed that European Saga species evolved from a monophyletic lineage. The geographical transitional species S. cappadocica was positioned between European and Asian lineages supporting the idea that the European Saga lineage originated phylogeographically from the Asian clade. The above results showed better agreement with the morphological data than with earlier ones based either on karyology or acoustic information only. After reviewing our data, we concluded that Saga pedo has most likely evolved from S. c. gracilis and not from S. rammei or S. ephippigera, as proposed by earlier studies. S. c. gracilis shares the same ITS2 haplotype with S. pedo, indicating that the latter could have evolved from populations of the former, probably through whole genome duplication. Based on acoustic and morphometric differences, we propose to elevate the two subspecies, S. campbelli campbelli and S. c. gracilis, to species level status, as Saga gracilis Kis 1962, and Saga campbelli Uvarov 1921. The present work sets the stage for future genetic and experimental investigations of Saginae and highlights the need for additional comprehensive analysis involving more Asian Saga species.  相似文献   

The variation in habit and morphology of the twelve species of Anginon, a poorly known southern African genus of woody Apiaceae, is discussed and illustrated. The genus Glia is shown to be the obvious outgroup, sharing with Anginon two convincing synapomorphies: 1, the reduction or partial reduction of the laminar part of the leaves, and 2, the heavily cutinized outer walls of the fruit epidermis. Several characters of the internal structure of the fruit, together with other morphological characters, have been analysed by the cladistic method. Our interpretation of character evolution within the genus and a first hypothesis of phylogenetic relationships, showing three distinct infrageneric groups, is presented.  相似文献   

The Peritrichia is a speciose and morphologically distinctive assemblage of ciliated protists that was first observed by Antonie van Leeuwenhoek over 340 years ago. In the last two decades, the phylogenetic relationships of this group have been increasingly debated as morphological and molecular analyses have generated contrasting conclusions, mainly owing to limited sampling. In the present study, we performed expanded phylogenetic analyses of 152 sessilid peritrichs collected from 14 different provinces of China and 141 SSU rDNA peritrich sequences from GenBank. The results of the analyses revealed new divergent relationships between and within major clades that challenge the morphological classification of this group including, (1) the recovery of four major phylogenetically divergent clades in the monophyletic order Sessilida, (2) aboral structures such as the stalk and spasmoneme were evolutionary labile, (3) the stalk or/and spasmoneme was lost in each divergent clade indicating that parallel evolution occurred in sessilid peritrichs and (4) the life cycle and habit drive the diversity of aboral structures as well as diversification and evolution in peritrichs.  相似文献   

A new species, Blastocystis galli, parasitic in blind processes of large intestine was found in domestic hens. Sizes of blastocysts are 7.5-35.0 x 6.25-30.0 (18.67 x 17.05) microns. The parasite form varies from round to ellipsoid. There were found stages with 1 to 4 nuclei and stages containing 8 to 32 small daughter individuals. Outside blastocysts are covered with structured glycocalyx. Under glycocalyx there is a plasmatic membrane. Cytoplasm contains a great number of ribosomes and mitochondria with cristae resembling in their shape oval or round small sacs. Nucleus contains nucleolus. Chromatin mass is concentrated on one of the poles of the nucleus as individual bodies. Semilunar in form chromatin mass was not found. Golgi apparatus is represented by a number of plates grouped in a pile. Most part of the cell is occupied by reproductive organelles divided by cytoplasmatic membranes into compartments. On the basis of its ultrafine organization. B. galli is assigned to the kingdom Protista, type Rhizopoda, class Lobosea, subclass Gymnamoebia, order Blastocystida.  相似文献   

A remarkable diversity of life history strategies, geographic distributions, and morphological characters provide a rich substrate for investigating the evolutionary relationships of arhynchobdellid leeches. The phylogenetic relationships, using parsimony analysis, of the order Arhynchobdellida were investigated using nuclear 18S and 28S rDNA, mitochondrial 12S rDNA, and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I sequence data, as well as 24 morphological characters. Thirty-nine arhynchobdellid species were selected to represent the seven currently recognized families. Sixteen rhynchobdellid leeches from the families Glossiphoniidae and Piscicolidae were included as outgroup taxa. Analysis of all available data resolved a single most-parsimonious tree. The cladogram conflicted with most of the traditional classification schemes of the Arhynchobdellida. Monophyly of the Erpobdelliformes and Hirudiniformes was supported, whereas the families Haemadipsidae, Haemopidae, and Hirudinidae, as well as the genera Hirudo or Aliolimnatis, were found not to be monophyletic. The results provide insight on the phylogenetic positions for the taxonomically problematic families Americobdellidae and Cylicobdellidae, the genera Semiscolex, Patagoniobdella, and Mesobdella, as well as genera traditionally classified under Hirudinidae. The evolution of dietary and habitat preferences is examined.  相似文献   

We use approximately 3100bp of mitochondrial (ND2, ND4) and nuclear (RAG1, phosducin) DNA sequence data to recover phylogenetic relationships among 14 of the 16 recognized taxa of the lizard genus Paroedura as well as two undescribed forms. These geckos are endemic to Madagascar and the Comores and are popularly kept and bred by herpetoculturalists. The closest relative of Paroedura is another Indian Ocean leaf-toed gecko, Ebenavia. Both Bayesian inference and maximum parsimony strongly support the monophyly of two major clades within Paroedura that conflict with existing species group assignments based on scale characteristics. Our well-resolved tree elucidates a biogeographic pattern in which eastern Paroedura are most basal and western and south-western species form a monophyletic group. Our data demonstrate the phylogenetic utility of phosducin, a novel marker in squamate phylogenetics, at the intrageneric level.  相似文献   

A new species of conifer was recently discovered in northern Vietnam. In a preliminary phylogenetic analysis of morphological data a possible sister species, Chamaecyparis nootkatensis (D. Don) Spach, was identified; however, because of the presumed phylogenetic remoteness of these two species to the remainder of the Cupressaceae, a new genus-Xanthocyparis-was described to accommodate both species. Here an analysis of ITS (nrDNA), matK, and rbcL sequence data in combination with 58 informative morphological characters was aimed at testing the monophyly of the remainder of Chamaecyparis and evaluating the placement and monophyly of Xanthocyparis. Chamaecyparis, minus C. nootkatensis, was resolved as a monophyletic group, remote from Cupressus and Xanthocyparis. Cupressus, Juniperus, and Xanthocyparis formed a very highly supported monophyletic group. However, Cupressus was not monophyletic. Instead the Old World species sampled were resolved sister to a clade containing a monophyletic Juniperus, a monophyletic Xanthocyparis, and a clade of New World Cupressus species. If both species of Xanthocyparis are to be treated as members of the same genus, then due to the principal of priority they will have to be recognized in the genus Callitropsis. Research is continuing to resolve the status of New World and Old World Cupressus.  相似文献   

Pygmy sunfishes (Elassoma) are primarily lowland species with an interesting biogeographic dichotomy: three species have broad geographic distributions, and three are narrowly distributed (and have been recommended for threatened or endangered status). To test phylogenetic predictions derived from the geographic distributions of pygmy sunfishes and possible historical factors contributing to the threatened/endangered status of the rare species, we reconstructed trees for two mitochondrial genes and introns of three nuclear genes. The pattern and rate of nuclear and mitochondrial sequence evolution were heterogeneous within Elassoma, but relationships were generally concordant across gene trees. Elassoma is monophyletic and, as predicted by geographic distributions, E. evergladei, E. okefenokee, and E. zonatum consistently branch from deeper nodes. Phylogeographic structure in mitochondrial and nuclear genes also supports an early origin of E. zonatum. Phylogenetic analyses of the five loci support widely divergent positions for the rare species E. alabamae. Two rare species, E. boehlkei and E. okatie, are sister taxa and are related to a widespread species, E. evergladei.  相似文献   

The internal classification of genus Anopheles is updated to reflect taxonomic actions published since the classification was last reviewed in 1994. Both formal and informal taxa are included. The classification is intended to aid researchers and students who are interested in analysing species relationships, making group comparisons and testing phylogenetic hypotheses. The genus includes 444 formally named and 40 provisionally designated extant species divided between six subgenera: Anopheles, Cellia, Kerteszia, Lophopodomyia, Nyssorhynchus and Stethomyia. Subgenera Anopheles, Cellia and Nyssorhynchus are subdivided hierarchically into nested informal groups of morphologically similar species that are believed to represent monophyletic lineages based on morphological similarity. Changes to the classification include additional species, eliminated species and changes to the hierarchical organization and composition of supraspecific groups, some as a result of molecular studies.  相似文献   

Microscopy of organic-rich, sulfidic sediment samples of marine and freshwater origin revealed filamentous, multicellular microorganisms with gliding motility. Many of these neither contained sulfur droplets such as the Beggiatoa species nor exhibited the autofluorescence of the chlorophyll-containing cyanobacteria. A frequently observed morphological type of filamentous microorganism was enriched under anoxic conditions in the dark with isobutyrate plus sulfate. Two strains of filamentous, gliding sulfate-reducing bacteria, Tokyo 01 and Jade 02, were isolated in pure cultures. Both isolates oxidized acetate and other aliphatic acids. Enzyme assays indicated that the terminal oxidation occurs via the anaerobic C1 pathway (carbon monoxide dehydrogenase pathway). The 16S rRNA genes of the new isolates and of the two formerly described filamentous species of sulfate-reducing bacteria, Desulfonema limicola and Desulfonema magnum, were analyzed. All four strains were closely related to each other and affiliated with the δ-subclass of Proteobacteria. Another close relative was the unicellular Desulfococcus multivorans. Based on phylogenetic relationships and physiological properties, Strains Tokyo 01 and Jade 02 are assigned to a new species, Desulfonema ishimotoi. A new, fluorescently labeled oligonucleotide probe targeted against 16S rRNA was designed so that that it hybridized specifically with whole cells of Desulfonema species. Filamentous bacteria that hybridized with the same probe were detected in sediment samples and in association with the filamentous sulfur-oxidizing bacterium Thioploca in its natural habitat. We conclude that Desulfonema species constitute an ecologically significant fraction of the sulfate-reducing bacteria in organic-rich sediments and microbial mats. Received: 30 December 1998 / Accepted: 19 July 1999  相似文献   

Brunet-Lecomte, P. & Chaline, J. 1991 01 15: Morphological evolution and phylogcnctic relationships of the European ground voles (Arvicolidae. Rodentia). Lethaia. Vol. 24. pp. 45–53. Oslo. ISSN 0024–1164. A new morphological study of the first lower molar M1 of European Quaternary ground voles (Arvicolidac. Rodcntia. Microtus (Terricola)) by means of multivariate analysis renews the systematics. phylogenetic relationships and their evolutionary group history. An Allophaiomyan origin of ground voles has been confirmed and the evolution of Mediterranean and middle Europcan groups has now been clarified. Primitive species of middle European groups display plesiomorphics. except for M. (T.) arvalidens, which shows certain apomorphies of the present species. The occurrence of M. (T.) multiplex in France at the end of the middle Pleistocene before the appearance of M. (T.) suhterraneus completely reverses previous ideas which considered that M. (T.) multiplex was a sibling species derived from M. (T.) subterraneus during the Würmian glaciation. The Atlantic species M. (T.) pyrenaicus is probably derived from the middle Pleistocene species M. (T.) mariaclaudiue whose exact origin is unknown. M. (T.) sauii, M. (T.) tarentina. M. (T.) melirensis and M. (T.) henseli belong to the same geographic group. Perhaps M. (T.) savii derived from M. (T.) tarentina or shares the same ancestor with M. (T.) tarentina. M. (T.) duodecimcostarus probably indirectly derived from an Iberian specics of Allophuiomys such as A. chalinei, while M. (T.) lusitanicus was separated from M. (T.) duodecimcostutus about 60,000 years ago. A sketch of the stratigraphical records and geographical distribution of the Terricola species in Western Europe showing their phylogenetic relationships and migrations during the middle and upper Pleistocene is included. Morphometry, variance analysis, phylogeneric relationships. Mammalia. Rodentia. Arvicolidae. Microtus, Terricola.  相似文献   

In order to characterize the phylogenetic relationship and deep-sea adaptation process of the deep-sea fish genus Coryphaenoides, the nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial (mt) 12 S rRNA and COI gene sequences for seven Coryphaenoides species were analyzed. Our molecular phylogenetic tree shows a new arrangement of seven Coryphaenoides species, which form two distinct groups, abyssal and nonabyssal species, and differs from the results of previous taxonomic studies. Using the mutation rate of mitochondrial genes, the divergence time between abyssal and nonabyssal Coryphaenoides was found to be 3.2-7.6 million years ago. Our study suggests that hydraulic pressure plays an important role in the speciation process in the marine environment.  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Anisopappus (Asteraceae, Inuleae) from Angola, A. fruticosus , is described. The principal differences with respect to A. chinensis are discussed, and phylogenetic relationships with the other species of the genus are investigated by means of a cladistic analysis using morphological characters.  相似文献   

The genus Chamaecyparis comprises five species and one variety native to Taiwan, Japan, Canada, and USA, which demonstrates a classical eastern Asian, western North American, and eastern North American disjunct distributional pattern. The phylogenetic relationships of the species of Chamaecyparis were inferred by comparing 1130 bp of the combined data set of chloroplast trnV intron and petG-trnP intergenic spacer. The phylogenetic tree shows that Chamaecyparis nootkatensis (Cupressus nootkatensis or Xanthocyparis nootkatensis) is clearly diverged from other Chamaecyparis species. For Chamaecyparis species, C. thyoides is sister to C. formosensis and C. pisifera and these together form a monophyletic group. C. lawsoniana is sister to C. obtusa and C. taiwanensis; and these form another monophyletic group. Homogeneity in evolutionary rates was found among species in these two monophyletic groups. Results indicate the divergent evolution of C. taiwanensis and C. formosensis and molecular evidence in this investigation supports C. taiwanensis as a variety of C. obtusa. Utility of cpDNA intergenic spacer petG-trnP in Chamaecyparis is also discussed. Several biogeographical implications were inferred: (1) at least two divergence events have produced the eastern Asian, and both western and eastern North American disjunct distribution in Chamaecyparis; (2) intercontinental sister species pairs are found in Chamaecyparis; (3) cpDNA divergence between two intercontinental sister pairs of C. thyoides and C. pisifera, and C. lawsoniana and C. obtusa is 2.8% and 1.1%, which suggest an estimated divergence time of 14 and 5.5 million years ago during middle and late Miocene, respectively; (4) cpDNA divergence of two Asian Chamaecyparis groups between C. obtusa and C. taiwanensis, and between C. pisifera and C. formosensis is 0.25% and 0.57%, which suggest an estimated divergence time of 1.3 and 2.9 million years ago during Pleistocene and late Pliocene, respectively; these estimated divergence times suggest a relatively recent migration of Chamaecyparis to Taiwan from the Japanese Archipelago; (5) that climatic deterioration caused the disappearance of Chamaecyparis in continental Asia is probable.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships and genetic variation were examined in the genus Solanum based on the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique. Genetic distances were estimated for 42 accessions from five subgenera [Archaesolanum, Minon (Syn. Brevantherum), Leptostemonum, Potatoe, and Solanum]. This investigation provided new information and reinforced some suggestions from previous phylogenetic studies. Analysis with random markers from the total genome clearly separated Solanum sect. Dulcamara, from the other members of Solanum subg. Potatoe, and indicated that among the analysed Solanum subgenera subg. Solanum is most closely related to it. The results suggest that Solanum sect. Dulcamara should be excluded from Solanum subg. Potatoe. The subclusters formed by S. rostratum and S. citrullifolium appear to be distinct from the subcluster formed by the two accessions of S. sisymbriifolium. This topology indicates that Solanum sect. Androceras and Solanum sect. Cryptocarpum are fairly closely related, although the data suggest that the two sections should not be maintained.  相似文献   

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