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We investigated the state of dental eruption in specimens of Macroscelides proboscideus and Erinaceus europaeus of known age. When M. proboscideus reaches adult size and sexual maturity, few or none of its replaced permanent cheek teeth have erupted. The approximate sequence of upper tooth eruption is P1, [I3, C, M1], [I1–2], M2, P4, [P2, P3]. Chronologically, E. europaeus erupts its molars and most premolars prior to M. proboscideus; but its first two upper incisors erupt after those of M. proboscideus, and its canines erupt around the same time. The approximate sequence of upper tooth eruption in E. europaeus is [M1, M2, P2, I3], C, M3, P4, P3, I2, I1. Unlike M. proboscideus, E. europaeus does not reach adult size until all permanent teeth except for the anterior incisors have erupted. While not unique among mammals, the attainment of adult body size prior to complete eruption of the permanent cheek teeth is particularly common among macroscelidids and other afrotherians.  相似文献   

In the permanent dentition of the extinct genus Dolichopithecus, M1, I1, and I2 were the first to erupt, followed by M2, canine, P4, and P3. M3 was the last permanent tooth to erupt. At the stage of eruption of P4 and P3, M3 was incompletely mineralized. The difference from the extant Cercopithecoidea is the loss of all deciduous teeth after eruption of incisors and M1 and the similarity is observed in the succession of eruption of permanent teeth. In Dolichopithecus, the lower jaw body retained constant in thickness after eruption of M2. The lower jaw increased in length and depth, as the horizontal ramus grew with the formation and eruption of M3.  相似文献   

Pleistocene rhinoceroses are poorly documented in Turkey where they have been reported only from the late early Pleistocene (1.3–1.1 Ma) travertine deposits of the Denizli Basin. In this work, new rhinoceros remains collected from this basin are assigned to a relatively large-sized Stephanorhinus hundsheimensis on the basis of their morphology and morphometry. The first Turkish record of this species is approximately coeval with the first appearance of Shundsheimensis in Europe, chronologically referred to the late early Pleistocene, ca. 1.2 Ma. During that time, Setruscus still survived in Iberian Peninsula, central Italy and Dacian Basin. The presence of two successive evolutionary morphs for Shundsheimensis during the Pleistocene is not confirmed.  相似文献   

The study of juvenile remains of Paedotherium Burmeister from Cerro Azul Formation (La Pampa Province, Argentina; late Miocene) is presented. Upper and lower deciduous dentition (or permanent molars supposed to be associated with non-preserved deciduous teeth) are recognised. Several ontogenetic stages are distinguished among juveniles, according to the degree of wear and the replaced deciduous teeth. Besides, some morphological and metrical differences are observed along the crown height. Deciduous cheek teeth are high-crowned and placed covering the apex of the corresponding permanent tooth. The height of the crown and the degree of wear allow establishing the pattern of dental replacement of deciduous and permanent premolars in a posterior–anterior direction (DP/dp4–2 and P/p4–2), as well as the eruption of M/m3 before DP/dp4 is replaced. Some of the studied remains are recognised as young individuals of Tremacyllus Ameghino, but with complete permanent dentition, which leads to propose a different timing in the dental replacement with respect to Paedotherium; they also allow the establishment of an opposite premolar eruption pattern, from P/p2 to P/p4. This knowledge of the deciduous dentition of Paedotherium suggests the need of revising the morphological and metrical characters previously used for defining species within this taxon.  相似文献   

Previous studies on tooth replacement in lower vertebrates have been plagued by a lack of common integrative approaches and methods, making it impossible to furnish a phylogenetic synthesis. This study is based on serial sections of the jaw of Prionurus microlepidotus. Each Toothgerm was characterized by its developmental stage and its position in the jaw. The relationship between the developmental stage of toothgerm and position in the jaw has been studied and expressed in several graphical illustrations. The following conclusions have been made: (1) The initiation of toothgerms in P. microlepidotus is governed by two Zahnreihen, which respectively initiate toothgerms on the lingual and labial side of the functioning teeth in an alternating pattern. (2) Therefore, functioning teeth in one locus are supplied by the alternate eruption of lingual and labial toothgerms. (3) Advancing of tooth replacement in each locus is independent of functioning teeth and their successors in adjacent loci. (4) The disorders of replacement patterns are caused by an alternated rate of eruption of successive toothgerms as a response to unusual shedding of the functioning teeth.  相似文献   

Squirrel monkeys, colony-born from Bolivian parents, were studied to establish the sequences and timing of eruption for deciduous and permanent teeth. Infants were born with a naked gingiva, and in only one monkey was di1 present at birth. The eruption of the lower deciduous teeth preceded their upper counterparts with the exception of di2, dc, and dpm2. No significant differences were found between the right and left quadrants of the mandible and maxilla. No significant sexual differences were found in the age of eruption. By the age of 14 weeks, all deciduous teeth had erupted. The sequence of eruption of the replacement teeth was different from that of milk teeth. The differences lie in the delayed eruption of canine teeth and in the inverted sequence, from the back to the front, of the premolar series. Significant sexual differences were found in total eruption (TE) for PM3 and I2 (P < 0.05) and highly significant differences (P < 0.01) in TE and initial eruption (IE) for C1, females being more precocious than males. The age at which monkeys completed dental eruption was highly variable, 103–119 weeks for males and 89–112 weeks for females. Differences were found when our results were compared with those of Long and Cooper [1968] for Colombian squirrel monkeys.  相似文献   

The rhinoceros remains collected during the past century in the lower levels XII (= K) and XI (= I) of the famous Pleistocene locality of Grotta Romanelli (Lecce, southern Italy) are described and compared in detail for the first time. Some remains are referred to Stephanorhinus sp. and others are assigned here to the late early-middle Pleistocene European species Stephanorhinus hundsheimensis based on several morphological characters. Based on its olivine-bearing texture, the volcanoclastic ash sampled from some rhinoceros bones can be referred to the first phase of the Monte Vulture activity (around 630 ka). The results of the stable isotope analyses suggest that the climate in the lowest levels of Grotta Romanelli could have been more arid than it was at the time of the upper level IX, which is generally referred to the late Pleistocene. In addition, both recent day δ18Oppt values and MAT are very similar to values calculated for levels X and XII, suggesting that the climate at those times may have been close to the Present one, whereas climate in level IX may have been somewhat cooler. The presence of Stephanorhinus hundsheimensis suggests a middle Pleistocene age for the lower levels of Grotta Romanelli, in agreement with the results obtained from the volcanoclastic material.  相似文献   

Late eruption of the permanent dentition was recently proposed as a shared anatomical feature of endemic African mammals (Afrotheria), with anecdotal reports indicating that it is also present in dasypodids (armadillos). In order to clarify this question, and address the possiblity that late eruption is shared by afrotherians and dasypodids, we quantified the eruption of permanent teeth in Dasypus, focusing on growth series of D. hybridus and D. novemcinctus. This genus is the only known xenarthran that retains two functional generations of teeth. Its adult dentition typically consists of eight upper and eight lower ever-growing (or euhypsodont) molariforms, with no premaxillary teeth. All but the posterior-most tooth are replaced, consistent with the identification of a single molar locus in each series. Comparison of dental replacement and skull metrics reveals that most specimens reach adult size with none or few erupted permanent teeth. This pattern of growth occurring prior to the full eruption of the dentition is similar to that observed in most afrotherians. The condition observed in Dasypus and many afrotherians differs from that of most other mammals, in which the permanent dentition erupts during (not after) growth, and is complete at or near the attainment of sexual maturity and adult body size. The suture closure sequence of basicranial and postcranial epiphyses does not correlate well with dental eruption. The basal phylogenetic position of the taxon within dasypodids suggests that diphyodonty and late dental replacement represent the condition of early xenarthrans. Additionally, the inferred reduction in the number of molars to a single locus and the multiplication of premolars represent rare features for any living mammal, but may represent apomorphic characters for Dasypus.  相似文献   

A finely preserved skull with mandible and teeth associated, from the Latest Miocene beds (ca. 6 Ma) of the Pisco Formation, Sud-Sacaco, Peru, represents a new physeteroid genus and species, Acrophyseter deinodon. This moderate size sperm whale is characterized, among others, by: the short rostrum, the mandible distinctly curved upwards, large teeth very close together (12 on each upper tooth row and 13 on each lower tooth row), the lateral margin of the maxilla along the rostrum base much lower than the orbit roof, a wide supracranial basin dorsally overhanging the right orbit and limited to the cranium and a large temporal fossa dorsomedially elevated. A preliminary cladistic analysis provides a phylogenetic position of Acrophyseter nested within the stem-Physeteroidea, more basal than the clade Kogiidae + Physeteridae. The morphology of the oral apparatus and of the temporal fossa suggests that Acrophyseter was able to feed on large preys.  相似文献   

The chronology of tooth emergence is often used to examine the growth and development of individuals and to compare life histories across species. Emergence patterns are also used to age animals and to infer life history influences for extinct species. However, comparative studies of primates are hindered by a lack of dental development data for many species. Here we describe the sequences and timing of tooth emergence for a large sample of semi-free-ranging mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx) and compare this with other life history variables for this species. Deciduous dentition emerged in the sequence i1 i2 c p3 p4. The augmented sequence (including information about variability in emergence sequence) was i1 i2 [c p3] p4 for the female maxilla and the male mandible, and i1 i2 c p3 p4 for the female mandible and the male maxilla. Deciduous dentition was complete by 5.0 months in females and 6.4 months in males. The permanent dentition began to emerge at 26 months, and complete adult dentition had emerged by 68 months for males and 85 months for females. Sex differences occurred in the augmented eruption sequences: females M1 I1 I2 [M2 C] P3 P4 M3, males M1 I1 [I2 M2] [P4 = P3 = C] M3. The order of tooth eruption and the occurrence of sequence polymorphisms were very similar to those observed for baboons and macaques. Comparison with life history variables showed that mandrills have complete deciduous dentition at weaning, females possess both adult incisors and M1 when they first reproduce, but still have deciduous canines and premolars, and that both sexes have full adult dentition before they attain their full adult stature and mass.  相似文献   

Observations on the sequence and timing of gingival tooth eruption are reported for six species of Madagascar lemurs. Complete sequences of eruption were obtained for the deciduous dentition, and partial to complete sequences were recorded for the permanent dentition. In Cheirogaleus medius and in four species of the genus Lemur, the deciduous teeth erupt in front-to-back sequence, with the toothcomb emerging near birth as an integrated complex. In Propithecus verreauxi the same pattern is exhibited, but the small peglike lower canine and dp3 erupt last. Eruption of the permanent dentition in Lemur species takes place in two distinct stages. In the first stage the upper incisors, toothcomb, and first two molars penetrate the gingiva. After an interval of 3 to 4 months, the remaining permanent teeth erupt. Deciduous premolars erupt when young animals are being weaned. The eruption of the deciduous toothcomb appears unrelated to feeding or grooming behavior. In L. catta and L. fulvus, the first stage of permanent tooth eruption occurs at approximately 6 months of age, when the growth rate slows down and (in wild populations) the rainy season is ending. This suggests that eruption of the anterior molars is timed to coincide with a shift from a more frugivorous to a more folivorous dietary regime, which occurs during the dry season. No further tooth eruption occurs until approximately 1 year of age, when the growth rate increases and the rainy season returns for wild populations. Thus, the second wave of permanent tooth eruption in these species again appears linked to changing climatic conditions which lead to a shift in dietary preferences.  相似文献   

Age determination in the Common duiker Sylvicapra grimmia was investigated by analysis of tooth eruption and replacement sequence, incremental lines of tooth cementum and tooth wear in a unique collection of 48 known-age skulls, and also by analysis by post-natal body growth in known-age duiker. In both the mandible and maxilla, permanent molariform teeth were fully erupted and in wear by 26 months of age. There was little variation in the age of eruption and replacement of all molariform teeth, making this a particularly useful feature of the duiker for age determination purposes. In contrast, the variability in eruption of the incisiforms, coupled with the difficulty in distinguishing deciduous incisiforms from the permanent counterparts, placed an unexpected limitation on the use of these teeth. Although the apparent linear relationship between tooth attrition and age has potential for further investigation as an age determination technique, the cementum annuli were not correlated with chronological age. Theoretical Von Bertalanffy equations were used to analyse body growth with age. It was concluded that because the asymptote of growth was reached at such an early age, and because there is so much individual variation in growth, body growth, including horn growth, is of very limited value for age determination. Female duiker were significantly larger than males.  相似文献   

Study of the evolutionary enameloid/enamel transition suffers from discontinuous data in the fossil record, although a developmental enameloid/enamel transition exists in living caudates, salamanders and newts. The timing and manner in which the enameloid/enamel transition is achieved during caudate ontogeny is of great interest, because the caudate situation could reflect events that have occurred during evolution. Using light and transmission electron microscopy, we have monitored the formation of the upper tooth region in six successive teeth of a tooth family (position I) in Pleurodeles waltl from late embryos to young adult. Enameloid has only been identified in embryonic tooth I1 and in larval teeth I2 and I3. A thin layer of enamel is deposited later by ameloblasts on the enameloid surface of these teeth. From post-metamorphic juvenile onwards, teeth are covered with enamel only. The collagen-rich enameloid matrix is deposited by odontoblasts, which subsequently form dentin. Enameloid, like enamel, mineralizes and then matures but ameloblast participation in enameloid matrix deposition has not been established. From tooth I1 to tooth I3, the enameloid matrix becomes ever more dense and increasingly comes to resemble the dentin matrix, although it is still subjected to maturation. Our data suggest the absence of an enameloid/enamel transition and, instead, the occurrence of an enameloid/dentin transition, which seems to result from a progressive slowing down of odontoblast activity. As a consequence, the ameloblasts in post-metamorphic teeth appear to synthesize the enamel matrix earlier than in larval teeth.  相似文献   

Fossil evidence of complete sequences of dental ontogeny in extinct mammals is rare but contains valuable information on the animal’s physiology, life history, and individual age. Here, we analyzed an exceptionally high number of juvenile dentaries at different developmental stages including highly fragile tooth germs of the extinct rhinoceros Prosantorhinus germanicus from the Miocene fossil lagerstätte Sandelzhausen in Germany. We used dental wear stages, eruption stages, and tooth germ development in order to reconstruct the tooth replacement pattern for P. germanicus. The results allow for the distinction of 11 dental eruption stages and document a tooth eruption sequence of (d2, d3), (d1, d4), m1, m2, p2, p3, p4, m3; a pattern identical to that reported for the extant African rhinoceros, Diceros bicornis. Moreover, our findings indicate that P. germanicus falls into the life history category of slow-growing, long-living mammals. The dental eruption stages of the fossil rhinoceros were correlated with data of living rhinoceroses in order to gain insight into the age-at-death distribution of P. germanicus at Sandelzhausen. The juvenile mortality profile of P. germanicus shows a trend of selective mortality at an inferred age range of about 3 months to 3 years. As this age range represents a life phase of increased natural risk of mortality, our findings indicate a gradual accumulation of corpses (attritional fossil assemblage). This result supports the interpretation of a taphocenosis found at the Sandelzhausen fossil site.  相似文献   

In a longitudinal study in two small towns in southern Schleswig-Holstein (Ammersbek and Ahrensburg, District Stormarn; 9155 inhabitants) we investigated 2832 oral findings of 1396 patients (711 males, 685 females). The minimum age was 1.51 years, and the maximum age was 25.50 years. The dental findings were collected over a period of about 20 years (1982-2002). The oral findings per child were assessed between one and eight times. The eruption times of teeth in females are earlier than those for the same teeth in males. Further, the permanent dentition in females is completed earlier than in males. In both sexes the tooth eruption occurs symmetrically in both jaws. The comparison of both jaws revealed a slightly advanced eruption of the lower jaw teeth in both sexes. There is a noteworthy change in the eruption sequence of the teeth. In contrast to other reports we observed that the eruption of the canine proceeds the eruption of the second molar. We found no acceleration of the dentition when compared with other reports and could confirm the rules of tooth eruption in man. Conclusion: Oral examination of teeth is a simple tool to calculate tooth eruption intervals. This first investigation on a population of Schleswig-Holstein revealed a change in the eruption sequence of permanent teeth. These findings are relevant for dental treatment planning and should be reconfirmed at certain intervals.  相似文献   

The prevalence and chronology of enamel hypoplasias were studied in a hominid dental sample from the Sima de los Huesos (SH) Middle Pleistocene site at the Sierra de Atapuerca (Burgos, northern Spain). A total of 89 permanent maxillary teeth, 143 permanent mandibular teeth, and one deciduous lower canine, belonging to a minimum of 29 individuals, were examined. Excluding the antimeres (16 maxillary and 37 mandibular cases) from the sample, the prevalence of hypoplasias in the permanent dentition is 12.8% (23/179), whereas the deciduous tooth also showed an enamel defect. No statistically significant differences were found between both arcades and between the anterior and postcanine teeth for the prevalence of hypoplasias. In both the maxilla and the mandible the highest frequency of enamel hypoplasias was recorded in the canines. Only one tooth (a permanent upper canine) showed two different enamel defects, and most of the hypoplasias were expressed as faint linear horizontal defects. Taking into account the limitations that the incompleteness of virtually all permanent dentitions imposes, we have estimated that the frequency by individual in the SH hominid sample was not greater than 40%. Most of the hypoplasias occurred between birth and 7 years (N = 18, X = 3.5, SD = 1.3). Both the prevalence and severity of the hypoplasias of the SH hominid sample are significantly less than those of a large Neandertal sample. Furthermore, prehistoric hunter-gatherers and historic agricultural and industrial populations exhibit a prevalence of hypoplasias generally higher than that of the SH hominids. Implications for the survival strategies and life quality of the SH hominids are also discussed. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Atlantic Cutlassfish, Trichiurus lepturus, have large, barbed, premaxillary and dentary fangs, and sharp dagger-shaped teeth in their oral jaws. Functional teeth firmly ankylose to the dentigerous bones. We used dry skeletons, histology, SEM, and micro-CT scanning to study 92 specimens of T. lepturus from the western North Atlantic to describe its dentition and tooth replacement. We identified three modes of intraosseous tooth replacement in T. lepturus depending on the location of the tooth in the jaw. Mode 1 relates to replacement of premaxillary fangs, in which new tooth germs enter the lingual surface of the premaxilla, develop horizontally, and rotate into position. We suggest that growth of large fangs in the premaxilla is accommodated by this horizontal development. Mode 2 occurs for dentary fangs: new tooth germs enter the labial surface of the dentary, develop vertically, and erupt into position. Mode 3 describes replacement of lateral teeth, in which new tooth germs enter a trench along the crest of the dentigerous bone, develop vertically, and erupt into position. Such distinct modes of tooth replacement in a teleostean species are unknown. We compared modes of replacement in T. lepturus to 20 species of scombroids to explore the phylogenetic distribution of these three replacement modes. Alternate tooth replacement (in which new teeth erupt between two functional teeth), ankylosis, and intraosseous tooth development are plesiomorphic to Bluefish + other Scombroidei. Our study highlights the complexity and variability of intraosseous tooth replacement. Within tooth replacement systems, key variables include sites of formation of tooth germs, points of entry of tooth germs into dentigerous bones, coupling of tooth germ migration and bone erosion, whether teeth develop horizontally or immediately beneath the tooth to be replaced, and how tooth eruption and ankylosis occur. Developmentally different tooth replacement processes can yield remarkably similar dentitions.  相似文献   

Daníile  Steyn  J. Hanks 《Journal of Zoology》1983,201(2):247-257
The use of eye lens weight, tooth eruption and tooth attrition has been investigated as a method for age determination in the hyrax. Illustrations are presented on the stages of eruption to reduce subjectivity of eruption criteria and to aid age determination. All teeth are fully erupted and in wear by five years of age, from which point age determination can be based on attrition of M3. Growth with age is described by means of the von Bertalanffy equation. Asymptotic weight is reached by 60 months, asymptotic body length and body girth by 40 months, and hindfoot length by 35 months. The asymptotes and the coefficient of catabolism (K) are compared with values obtained in other studies.  相似文献   

在河北省阳原县大黑沟中更新世和岑家湾附近石沟早更新世地层中分别发现了犀牛的下颌骨和股骨化石。其下颌联合部窄长、无下门齿、牙齿釉质层平滑而无褶皱、牙齿表面无垩质充填,股骨较披毛犀的长,故将其归入梅氏犀(Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis)。泥河湾盆地的化石是我国早期梅氏犀化石中材料最可靠,地点层位最明确的记录。山神庙咀和大黑沟出土的板齿犀牙齿及前脚骨化石,是泥河湾盆地发现的最好材料,尤其是大黑沟出土的板齿犀牙齿化石,是迄今在泥河湾盆地首次发现的完整材料;依据冠面结构和测量数据,该批材料可归入裴氏板齿犀(Elasmotherium peii);裴氏板齿犀特征鲜明,是有效名称,我国早更新世的板齿犀均应归入该种。我国第四纪的板齿犀与高加索板齿犀之间存在显著差异,表现在釉质层厚度较大但褶皱不够强烈、下颊齿的下后尖发育、颊齿冠面的前后径多数大于颊舌径、M3比M2小、M3后附尖欠发育,后脊与外脊已完全融合、上颊齿的齿脊更厚。此外,我国的板齿犀与西伯利亚板齿犀也有差异,后者的牙齿齿冠更高、无齿根、釉质层薄且褶皱强烈、上颊齿无后窝。最新地层研究表明,我国含板齿犀属的地层时代不晚于早更新世,且集中出现于下更新统。在晚新生代期间,犀牛在泥河湾盆地十分常见,先后出现过如下属种:大唇犀(Chilotherium sp.)(上新世)、裴氏板齿犀(Elasmotherium peii)(早更新世)、泥河湾披毛犀(Coelodonta nihowanensis)(早更新世)、梅氏犀Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis(早-中更新世)和真披毛犀(Coelodonta antiquitatis)(中-晚更新世)。  相似文献   

对颚毛虫兆属Crossodonthina Yosii, 1954做了简要介绍,提供了该属的鉴别特征,记述了采自中国湖南省东安县舜皇山的颚毛虫兆属1新种——周氏颚毛疣虫兆Crossodonthina choui,这是该属在华中地区(湖南)的新记录。新种的正模标本(♂)和2个副模标本(2♂)保存在中南林业科技大学生命科学与技术学院昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

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