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Reporter marker GUS (-glucuronidase gene from Escherichia coli) and luc operon from the American firefly were introduced into cyanobacteria and the stability of these markers in soil was examined. To transfer the integrational vector into cyanobacteria, the genomic DNA library of Synechocystis sp. or Anabaena cylindrica maintained in pBR 322, pCY 100 and pCY 101 were transformed with HB 101 containing pRL 528 and selected for Cmr and Ampr. These clones of HB 101 containing pRL 528 and the vectors carrying different cyanobacterial chromosomal DNA fragments were used for triparental mating with HB 101 [pRK 2013/pRK 2073] and cyanobacteria. The frequency of transconjugants for integrational vectors was between 2.1 × 10–5 and 4.0 × 10–4. The transfer frequency of RSF 1010 based vectors (pDSK 519 and pCY 106) was 1.0–4.5 × 10–4 in Synechocystis sp. whereas A. cylindrica failed to maintain these vectors. Low frequency transfer (2.0–2.3 × 10–6) of RK 2 based vectors pVK 100 and pCY 104 was observed in A. cylindrica but these were unable to replicate in Synechocystis sp. The vectors in general were stable at least by 74.9% for 60 days of incubation in BG-11 medium. The markers were less stable in A. cylindrica (74.9–84.2%) compared to Synechocystis sp. (80.1–88.8%) at 60 days of incubation. Integrational vectors were almost 85% stable in both the strains. The RK 2 derivative of pCY 104 was less stable in A. cylindrica (74.9–77.3%) than the RSF 1010-based vector pCY 106 in Synechocystis sp. (80.1–81.0%). A maximum of 64.7% of the markers were lost in soil. The chromosomal markers through integrational vectors were found to be highly stable and 68.2–72.7% of these markers were retained in cyanobacteria at 60 days of incubation. Plasmid markers were less stable, with a loss of 64.7–48.7% at the end of the experiment. In A. cylindrica 58–65% of the RK 2 vector was lost whereas in Synechocystis sp. 49–61% of RSF 1010 was lost at 60 days of incubation.  相似文献   

Haploid yeast cells contain approximately 35 Ty (transposon yeast) elements. To facilitate the study of these elements, we have constructed yeast strains in which one of these transposons carries a genetic marker. The elements that we have modified are Ty912 and Ty917, elements originally detected at the HIS4 locus in spontaneously occurring his4- mutants. The strain constructions took place in three stages: 1) cloning of the mutant HIS4 genes containing the Ty elements; 2) introduction of a HindIII restriction fragment containing the yeast URA3 gene into the cloned transposons; and 3) replacement of the chromosomal HIS4 gene with the modified genes constructed in vitro. These strains will be extremely useful in the study of Ty transposition and other Ty-promoted DNA rearrangements.  相似文献   

Construction of genetically marked Vibrio cholerae O1 vaccine strains   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Abstract Attenuated Vibrio cholerae O1 vaccine strains lacking the gene encoding the A subunit of cholera toxin have proven efficacious in preventing experimental cholera. As these strains move from closed, contained testing environment to large-scale field trials, a readily assayable phenotypic trait to distinguish a vaccine strain from wild-type V. cholerae O1 is desirable. We have constructed three derivatives of the attenuated V. cholerae strain CVD 103 which carry a mercury resistance or urease marker in the hlyA gene. CVD 103-HgR was constructed using a protracted marker-exchange procedure; this strain was found to have somewhat lowered colonisation efficiency in infant mice in comparison to its parent strain, CVD 103. The insertion of the resistance marker was repeated using a suicide vector system; CVD 103-HgR2 was found to colonise infant mice as efficiently as CVD 103. Strain CVD 103-UR, in which sequences encoding urease were inserted using a suicide vector, also colonised infant mice as well as CVD 103. The genetically marked strains CVD 103-HgR, CVD 103-HgR2 and CVD 103-UR form the basis for a generation of defined oral vaccines that may give single-dose, long-lasting protection to populations at risk from cholera.  相似文献   

It was established, that the antibiotic resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus differed from susceptible strain in the intensity of the catabolic reactions of carbohydrate transformation and in the accumulation of metabolism central products, that is a result the R-plasmid presence in them.  相似文献   

Bioremediation of DDT in soil by genetically improved recombinants of the soil fungus Fusarium solani was studied. The parent strains were isolated from soil enriched with DDD or DDE (immediate anaerobic and aerobic degradation products of DDT), as further degradation of these products are slow processes compared to the parent compound. These naturally occurring strains isolated from soil, however, are poor degraders of DDT and differed in their capability to degrade its metabolites such as DDD, DDE, DDOH and DBP and other organochlorine pesticides viz. kelthane and lindane. Synergistic effect was shown by some of these strains, when grown together in the medium containing DDD and kelthane under mixed culture condition. No synergism in DDE degradation was observed with the strains isolated from enriched soil. DDD-induced proteins extracted from individual culture filtrate (exo-enzyme) when subjected to SDS-Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) showed complementary polypeptide bands in these strains i.e., each strain produced distinct DDD degrading polypeptide bands and the recombinant or hybrid strains produced all of the bands of the two parents and degraded DDD better than the parental strains. Recombinant hybrid strains with improved dehalogenase activity were raised by parasexual hybridisation of two such complementary isolates viz. isolate 1(P-1) and 4(P-2) showing highest complementation and are compatible for hyphal fusion inducing heterokaryosis. These strains are genetically characterised as Kel+BenRDBP-Lin- and Kel-BenrDBP+Lin+ respectively.Recombinants with mixed genotype, i.e., Kel+BenRDBP+Lin+ showing superior degradation quality for DDT were selected for bioremediation study. Recombination was confirmed by polypeptide band analysis of DDD induced exo-proteins from culture filtrate usingSDS-Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (PAGE) and RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) of genomic DNA using PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) technique. SDS-PAGE showed combination of DDD induced polypeptide bands characteristic of both the parents in the recombinants or the hybrids. PCR study showed the parent specific bands in the recombinant strains confirming gene transformation.  相似文献   

The influence of moisture on the survival, movement anddegradation activity of a 2,4-D degrading bacterium,Burkholderia cepacia strain BRI6001L, geneticallyengineered to contain bioluminescent and lactoseutilization genes, was studied in unsaturated soil columns.The distance traveled by BRI6001L was dependent on theclay content of the soil, higher clay contents beingresponsible for higher filtration coefficients. Long termsurvival, in excess of one year, was attributed to strainBRI6001L's ability to survive dry conditions. Changes inthe 2,4-D biodegradation rate showed a better correlationwith the BRI6001L population density than with the totalviable bacterial population. At moisture levels betweenfield capacity and 40% moisture (– 33 kPa to –100 kPa)2,4-D degradation was attributed mainly to BRI6001L. Atmoisture levels between 6 and 15%, 2,4-D disappearancewas attributed to the indigenous microbial population,with no degradation occurring at moisture levels below6%. Returning the moisture to above 40% led to anincrease of 4 orders of magnitude in the BRI6001Lpopulation density and to a 10-fold increase in the 2,4-Ddegradation rate. The ability to monitor a specificmicrobial population using reporter genes hasdemonstrated the importance of controlling moisturelevels for maximizing biodegradation rates in unsaturatedsoil environments.  相似文献   

Several strains ofEscherichia coli, containing plasmids that ranged in size from 3.9 to 96 kb, were inoculated into soil at 104–105 cells/g soil. The initial total bacterial population was approximately 5×107 cells/g soil, and the gram-negative bacterial population ranged from 105 to 106 cells/g soil. Changes in various populations were followed on selective media, and as few as 1 to 20 introduced colony forming units (CFU)/g soil could be detected. The introduced strains either remained at approximately 104 CFU/g soil or dropped to undetectable levels during a 28-day incubation, depending on the host strain but not on the type or size of the plasmid. The decline of plasmid-containing strains was less rapid than that of the plasmidless hosts in the two host (PRC487 and 1666) and host-plasmid systems (PRC487[pACYC175] and 1666[pESO19]) that were compared. The addition of nutrients, initially or during the incubation, resulted in an increase in all bacteria and decreased the rate of decline of introduced strains. Some plasmid-containing strains could not be recovered from soil by direct plating on selective media but could be recovered after transfer from nonselective isolation media to selective media. These laboratory-cultured strains apparently became so debilitated in soil that they could not grow directly on antibiotic-containing media without resuscitation on a less stressful medium. With the exception of the 1666(pESO19) system, there appeared to be no loss of the plasmids in soil. These results indicated that the survival of some genetically engineered (i.e., plasmid-containing) bacteria in soil is primarily a function of the bacterial strain and not of the contained plasmid and is influenced by the nutritional state of the soil. No transfer of plasmids to indigenous bacteria was apparent in these studies.  相似文献   

D.M. SWELIM, L.D. KUYKENDALL, F.M. HASHEM, S.M. ABDEL-WAHAB AND N.I. HEGAZI. 1996. The competitiveness of wild-type strains of Rhizobium sp. ( Leucaena ) and their genetically marked double mutants was examined in mixed infection experiments in the greenhouse. Antibiotic resistance markers were selected for use in strain identification, but these genetic markers apparently lowered both competitiveness and effectiveness, except in the case of strain DS 144/2 where the genetically marked derivative was evidently superior to the wild-type parent strain in effectiveness. Four wild-type strains and their genetically marked derivatives were carefully evaluated using double reciprocal pairs, the results of which nevertheless allowed the formulation of some conclusions. Strains DS 65 and DS 78 were more competitive than strain DS 144/2; only strain DS 78 was more competitive than DS 158; and strains DS 158 and DS 65 were equally competitive. There was no correlation between nodule number and competitiveness. Shoot dry weight and nitrogen mass, as well as nitrogenase activity, decreased with some strain mixtures indicating that relatively ineffective symbioses had formed, as compared with single-strain inoculations using symbiotically competent strains.  相似文献   

Abstract The reliability of Tn 5 as labelling tool was investigated in soil microcosm. The occurence of a selective in soil microcosm. The occurence of resistances encoded by Tn 5 nptII gene was assesed by kanamycin and neomycin amendment. The bioassay developed to monitor the persistence of the soil-added kanamycin did not detect the antibiotic activity in soil extract. A nptII -engineered Escherichia coli strain showed no enhanced survival in aminoglycoside amended soil. Tn 5-marker properties were investigated within indigenous bacteria to determine the specificity of labelling to follow the fate of recombinant DNA. Kanamycin and neomycin resistant population levels made Tn 5 aminoglycoside-resistance phenotype non-sensitive enough to select a soil dissemination of the labelled DNA. The unexpected occurrence of homologous sequences among soil organisms also prevented Tn 5 from being a specific DNA marker. By contrast, colony hybridization did not reveal homology to nptII suggesting its use as a reliable gene transfer indicator.  相似文献   

There are suggestions that the phylogeny of Streptococcus mutans, a member of the human indigenous biota that is transmitted mostly mother to child, might parallel the evolutionary history of its human host. The relatedness and phylogeny of plasmid-containing strains of S. mutans were examined based on chromosomal DNA fingerprints (CDF), a hypervariable region (HVR) of a 5.6-kb plasmid, the rRNA gene intergenic spacer region (IGSR), serotypes, and the genotypes of mutacin I and II. Plasmid-containing strains were studied because their genetic diversity was twice as great as that of plasmid-free strains. The CDF of S. mutans from unrelated human hosts were unique, except those from Caucasians, which were essentially identical. The evolutionary history of the IGSR, with or without the serotype and mutacin characters, clearly delineated an Asian clade. Also, a continuous association with mutacin II could be reconstructed through an evolutionary lineage with the IGSR, but not for serotype e. DNA sequences from the HVR of the plasmid produced a well-resolved phylogeny that differed from the chromosomal phylogeny, indicating that the horizontal transfer of the plasmid may have occurred multiple times. The plasmid phylogeny was more congruent with serotype e than with mutacin II evolution, suggesting a possible functional correlation. Thus, the history of this three-tiered relationship between human, bacterium, and plasmid supported both coevolution and independent evolution.  相似文献   

AIMS: The survival and activity of Rhodococcus sp. strain 1BN, inoculated into naphthalene-contaminated sandy-loam soil microcosms, were studied using classical and molecular methods. METHODS AND RESULTS: The naphthalene-degrading activity of 1BN in microcosms was examined through viable counts, CO2 production and naphthalene consumption, while its survival after inoculation was monitored by detecting the contemporary presence of alkane and naphthalene degradative genes and by analysing the 16S rDNA specific restriction profile. The inoculation of 1BN did not significantly enhance naphthalene degradation in the naphthalene-contaminated native soil, where 1BN maintained its catabolic activity also when in the presence of indigenous microflora. Instead the rate of naphthalene degradation by the inoculated 1BN was greater in sterile naphthalene-contaminated soil. The level of 1BN was only slightly higher after inoculation regardless of whether indigenous naphthalene-degrading bacteria were present or not and 1BN remained viable even when the substrate was depleted. CONCLUSIONS: This study documents the colonization and growth of 1BN in a non-sterile, naphthalene-added, sandy-loam soil having an active indigenous naphthalene-degrading population. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: An active and well-established naphthalene-degrading bacterial population in the native soil did not hamper the survival of the introduced 1BN that, through its activity, enhanced the mineralization rate of naphthalene.  相似文献   

The oligotrophic bacterium Ancylobacter vacuolatus contains two large plasmids pREV1 and pREV2 (about 150 and 250 kb, respectively). Plasmid pREV1 carries the genes responsible for resistance to chloramphenicol, trimethoprim and y-irradiation. Plasmid pREV2 carries the genes responsible for resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics and formation of gas vacuoles. The ability to grow under oligotrophic conditions did not depend directly on either plasmid and was probably chromosome-encoded. Nevertheless, strains lacking the pREV2 plasmid had an improved capacity for growth in enriched media, as is evident from the following findings: 1) the growth rate of the strains lacking pREV2 was about 60% higher with an induction time of about two times less than those for strains carrying the plasmid; 2) the overall cell yield in rich media and colony size on non-oligotrophic agarized media increased with removal of pREV2; 3) the characteristic change in cell morphology occurring in the wild type ofA. vacuolatus when switched from oligotrophic to eutrophic growth conditions was not observed in the strains lacking pREV2; 4) bacterial strains lacking pREV2 exhibited significantly higher rRNA content than the parent strain. As a possible explanation for these phenomena, we suggest that the pREV2 plasmid carries gene(s) for protein(s) acting as repressor(s) of expression of some enzymes involved in eutrophic metabolism. Such protein(s) probably participate in switching between the oligotrophic and eutrophic types of metabolism in response to changing nutrient supply in the environment.  相似文献   

The addition of specific nontoxic inducers of catabolic operons to contaminated sites is an approach that may enhance the efficiency of in situ biodegradation. We determined the genetic response of six pseudomonads to salicylate (also known as 2-hydroxybenzoate) added directly to 50 g of nonsterile soil samples. The strains, isolated from a polyaromatic hydrocarbon-contaminated soil, metabolized naphthalene as the sole source of available carbon, and their DNA sequences show significant homology to the nahAB genes of the degradative plasmid NAH7. Duplicate nonsterile soil cultures were incubated for up to 30 days. Experimental soil cultures were seeded with naphthalene-degrading strains (10(8) CFU g-1) originally isolated from the soil and amended with salicylate (16 or 160 micrograms g-1). Soil samples were analyzed periodically for the population density of heterotrophic bacteria and naphthalene degraders and for the abundance of the naphthalene-degradative genotype in the bacterial community. At 160 micrograms g-1, salicylate sustained the density of naphthalene degraders at the introduced density for 30 days in addition to producing a two- to sixfold increase in the occurrence in the bacterial community of DNA sequences homologous to the nah operon. No change in recoverable bacterial population densities was observed when soil samples were amended with 16 micrograms of salicylate g-1, but this concentration of salicylate induced a significant increase in the level of nah-related genes in the population.  相似文献   

The addition of specific nontoxic inducers of catabolic operons to contaminated sites is an approach that may enhance the efficiency of in situ biodegradation. We determined the genetic response of six pseudomonads to salicylate (also known as 2-hydroxybenzoate) added directly to 50 g of nonsterile soil samples. The strains, isolated from a polyaromatic hydrocarbon-contaminated soil, metabolized naphthalene as the sole source of available carbon, and their DNA sequences show significant homology to the nahAB genes of the degradative plasmid NAH7. Duplicate nonsterile soil cultures were incubated for up to 30 days. Experimental soil cultures were seeded with naphthalene-degrading strains (10(8) CFU g-1) originally isolated from the soil and amended with salicylate (16 or 160 micrograms g-1). Soil samples were analyzed periodically for the population density of heterotrophic bacteria and naphthalene degraders and for the abundance of the naphthalene-degradative genotype in the bacterial community. At 160 micrograms g-1, salicylate sustained the density of naphthalene degraders at the introduced density for 30 days in addition to producing a two- to sixfold increase in the occurrence in the bacterial community of DNA sequences homologous to the nah operon. No change in recoverable bacterial population densities was observed when soil samples were amended with 16 micrograms of salicylate g-1, but this concentration of salicylate induced a significant increase in the level of nah-related genes in the population.  相似文献   

Hemoglobin in five genetically diverse Frankia strains   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Five strains of Frankia were selected to represent a wide range of genetic diversity and examined for presence of hemoglobin. All five strains produced hemoglobin when grown on media without (-N) or with (+N) combined nitrogen. This indicates that hemoglobin is common in Frankia and is not directly associated with nitrogen fixation. Frankia strain EAN1(pec) was examined in more detail. It showed greater hemoglobin concentration when grown at 2% O2 than at 20% O2 in the -N treatment but no effect of oxygen on hemoglobin concentration in the +N treatment. At both oxygen levels, it produced substantially more biomass in +N than in -N culture. It also produced significantly more biomass when the medium contained 0.2% CO2 than in the absence of CO2. The molecular mass of the hemoglobin as determined by size exclusion chromatography was 13.4 +/- 0.2 kDa (mean +/- SE, n = 3) and is consistent with that of a truncated hemoglobin. The hemoglobin had absorption spectra that were typical of a hemoglobin. The oxygen dissociation rate constants for the hemoglobin were 131.2 +/- 5.8 s(-1) for -N culture and 166 +/- 8.2 s(-1) for +N culture. These rapid rates are consistent with a function in facilitated diffusion of oxygen.  相似文献   

The comparative electron-microscopic study of S. derby plasmid-containing and plasmid-free cells has revealed certain differences in their structures: These structural differences are always accompanied by changes in the form and size of the cells, the form of the cell wall with the appearance of fimbria-like processes, depending on the presence or absence of S. derby R-plasmid in the cells. These differences in the morphology and ultrastructure of S. derby cells, associated with the R-plasmid, are of interest in the study of molecular mechanisms of plasmid action on the development of various forms of whole cells and individual bacterial structures, which play an important role in the cell function.  相似文献   

Lo L  Anderson DJ 《Neuron》2011,72(6):938-950
Neurotropic viruses that conditionally infect or replicate in molecularly defined neuronal subpopulations, and then spread transsynaptically, are powerful tools for mapping neural pathways. Genetically targetable retrograde transsynaptic tracer viruses are available to map the inputs to specific neuronal subpopulations, but an analogous tool for mapping synaptic outputs is not yet available. Here we describe a Cre recombinase-dependent, anterograde transneuronal tracer, based on the H129 strain of herpes simplex virus (HSV). Application of this virus to transgenic or knockin mice expressing Cre in peripheral neurons of the olfactory epithelium or the retina reveals widespread, polysynaptic labeling of higher-order neurons in the olfactory and visual systems, respectively. Polysynaptic pathways were also labeled from cerebellar Purkinje cells. In each system, the pattern of labeling was consistent with classical circuit-tracing studies, restricted to neurons, and anterograde specific. These data provide proof-of-principle for a conditional, nondiluting anterograde transsynaptic tracer for mapping synaptic outputs from genetically marked neuronal subpopulations.  相似文献   

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