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The CD8 coreceptor contributes to the recognition of peptide-MHC (pMHC) ligands by stabilizing the TCR-pMHC interaction and enabling efficient signaling initiation. It is unclear though, which structural elements of the TCR ensure a productive association of the coreceptor. The alpha-chain connecting peptide motif (alpha-CPM) is a highly conserved sequence of eight amino acids in the membrane proximal region of the TCR alpha-chain. TCRs lacking the alpha-CPM respond poorly to low-affinity pMHC ligands and are unable to induce positive thymic selection. In this study we show that CD8 participation in ligand binding is compromised in T lineage cells expressing mutant alpha-CPM TCRs, leading to a slight reduction in apparent affinity; however, this by itself does not explain the thymic selection defect. By fluorescence resonance energy transfer microscopy, we found that TCR-CD8 association was compromised for TCRs lacking the alpha-CPM. Although high-affinity (negative-selecting) pMHC ligands showed reduced TCR-CD8 interaction, low-affinity (positive-selecting) ligands completely failed to induce molecular approximation of the TCR and its coreceptor. Therefore, the alpha-CPM of a TCR is an important element in mediating CD8 approximation and signal initiation.  相似文献   

In single-chain insulins (SCIs), the C terminus of the insulin B-chain is contiguous with the N terminus of the A-chain, connected by a short bioengineered linker sequence. SCIs have been proposed to offer potential benefit for gene therapy of diabetes (Lee, H. C., Kim, S. J., Kim, K. S., Shin, H. C., and Yoon, J. W. (2000) Nature 408, 483-488) yet relatively little is known about their folding, intracellular transport, or secretion from mammalian cells. Because SCIs can be considered as mutant proinsulin (with selective shortening of the 35-amino acid connecting peptide that normally includes two sets of flanking dibasic residues), they offer insights into understanding the role of the connecting peptide in insulin biosynthesis. Herein we have explored the relationship of the linker sequence to SCI biosynthesis, folding, and intracellular transport in transiently transfected HEK293 or Chinese hamster ovary cells or in stably transfected AtT20 cells. Despite previous reports that direct linkage of B- and A-chains produces a structure isomorphous with authentic two-chain insulin, we find that constructs with short linkers tend to be synthesized at lower levels, with a significant fraction of molecules exhibiting improper disulfide bonding. Nevertheless, disulfide-mispaired isoforms from a number of different SCI constructs are secreted. While this suggests that a novel folded state goes unrecognized by secretory pathway quality control, we find that misfolded SCIs are detected at higher levels in Chinese hamster ovary cells with artificially activated unfolded protein response mediated by inducible overexpression of active ATF-6. Such a maneuver allows analysis of more seriously misfolded mutants with further foreshortening of the linker sequence or loss (by mutation) of the insulin interchain disulfide bonds.  相似文献   

The T cell antigen receptor (TCR-CD3) is the most complex receptor known to date, consisting of eight transmembrane subunits. Its activation by an antigen is the initial step in an immune response. Here, we present the permissive geometry model explaining how antigen binding initiates intracellular signalling cascades. We propose that a dimeric antigen imposes its geometry on two TCR-CD3 receptors by simultaneously binding to both. This causes the TCRalphabeta subunits to rotate with respect to each other leading to displacement of the ectodomains of the associated CD3 dimers. This results in a scissor-like movement of the CD3 dimers that opens the cytoplasmic tails for interaction with signalling proteins, thus initiating signalling cascades.  相似文献   

A number of important cellular events in animals and yeast are regulated by protein degradation, and it is becoming apparent that such regulated proteolysis is involved in many facets of plant physiology and development. We have investigated the role of protein degradation by proteasomes in plants using NtPSA1, a tobacco gene that is predominantly expressed in young developing tobacco tissues and has extensive homology to yeast and human alpha-type proteasome subunit genes. The NtPSA1 cDNA was used to complement a lethal mutation of the yeast PRC1 alpha subunit gene indicating that NtPSA1 encodes a functional proteasome subunit, and transient expression of an NtPSA1::GUS protein fusion in onion cells confirmed that the nuclear localisation signal that is present in the NtPSA1 peptide sequence is active in plant cells. Plants transformed with an antisense NtPSA1 gene had reduced levels of NtPSA1 mRNA and exhibited reduced apical dominance. In addition, these low NtPSA1 plants displayed several morphological defects associated with auxin resistance such as reduced stamen length, and showed increased tolerance to high concentrations of auxin. These results support a role for nuclear localised proteasomes in floral development and auxin responses.  相似文献   

The induction of T helper (TH) lymphocytes by distinct TH ligands results in a differentiation to TH1/TH2 subsets based on their unique pattern of cytokine secretion and effector functions. We hypothesized that the relative proportion of TH1/TH2 directly relates to cardiac fibroblast (CF) function and thereby cardiac extracellular matrix (ECM) composition and cardiac diastolic function in the absence of injury or altered wall stress. We compared the effect of selective TH1 with TH2 inducers on cardiac gene expression, ECM composition, and diastolic function in C57BL/J mice. Twelve weeks after immune modulation, the left ventricular stiffness (beta) was significantly increased in the TH1 group and decreased in the TH2 group (P < 0.01). The TH2 group also demonstrated significantly increased end-diastolic and end-systolic volumes (P < 0.01). Cardiac gene expression patterns for pro-matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-9 and -13 were increased by greater than fivefold in the TH2 group and significantly decreased in the TH1 group (P < 0.05). The total cardiac collagen and cross-linked collagen were significantly increased in the TH1 group and decreased in the TH2 group (P < 0.01). Coculturing lymphocytes harvested from the treated mice with naive primary CF demonstrated a direct control of the lymphocytes on CF pro-collagen, pro-MMP gene expression, and MMP activity. These results suggest that the TH phenotype differentially affects diastolic function through modulating CF pro-collagen and pro-MMP gene expression, MMP activity, and cardiac collagen cross-linking, resulting in altered ECM composition. Thus modulation of TH lymphocyte function could promote adaptive remodeling in heart failure and postmyocardial infarction.  相似文献   

A new role for IQ motif proteins in regulating calmodulin function   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
IQ motifs are found in diverse families of calmodulin (CaM)-binding proteins. Some of these, like PEP-19 and RC3, are highly abundant in neuronal tissues, but being devoid of catalytic activity, their biological roles are not understood. We hypothesized that these IQ motif proteins might have unique effects on the Ca2+ binding properties of CaM, since they bind to CaM in the presence or absence of Ca2+. Here we show that PEP-19 accelerates by 40 to 50-fold both the slow association and dissociation of Ca2+ from the C-domain of free CaM, and we identify the sites of interaction between CaM and PEP-19 using NMR. Importantly, we demonstrate that PEP-19 can also increase the rate of dissociation of Ca2+ from CaM when bound to intact CaM-dependent protein kinase II. Thus, PEP-19, and presumably similar members of the IQ family of proteins, has the potential to alter the Ca2+-binding dynamics of free CaM and CaM that is bound to other target proteins. Since Ca2+ binding to the C-domain of CaM is the rate-limiting step for activation of CaM-dependent enzymes, the data reveal a new concept of importance in understanding the temporal dynamics of Ca2+-dependent cell signaling.  相似文献   

Studies on the mouse hemoglobin loci. 8. A fourth alpha-chain phenotype   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The plasmodesmata and phloem form a symplasmic network that mediates direct cell-cell communication and transport throughout a plant. Selected endogenous RNAs, viral RNAs, and viroids traffic between specific cells or organs via this network. Whether an RNA itself has structural motifs to potentiate trafficking is not well understood. We have used mutational analysis to identify a motif that the noncoding Potato spindle tuber viroid RNA evolved to potentiate its efficient trafficking from the bundle sheath into mesophyll that is vital to establishing systemic infection in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum). Surprisingly, this motif is not necessary for trafficking in the reverse direction (i.e., from the mesophyll to bundle sheath). It is not required for trafficking between other cell types either. We also found that the requirement for this motif to mediate bundle sheath-to-mesophyll trafficking is dependent on leaf developmental stages. Our results provide genetic evidence that (1) RNA structural motifs can play a direct role in mediating trafficking across a cellular boundary in a defined direction, (2) the bundle sheath-mesophyll boundary serves as a novel regulatory point for RNA trafficking between the phloem and nonvascular tissues, and (3) the symplasmic network remodels its capacity to traffic RNAs during plant development. These findings may help further studies to elucidate the interactions between RNA motifs and cellular factors that potentiate directional trafficking across specific cellular boundaries.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli Tat protein export pathway transports folded proteins synthesized with N-terminal twin-arginine signal peptides. Twin-arginine signal sequences contain a conserved SRRxFLK "twin-arginine" amino acid sequence motif which is required for protein export by the Tat pathway. The E. coli trimethylamine N-oxide reductase (TorA) is a Tat-dependent periplasmic molybdoenzyme that facilitates anaerobic respiration with trimethylamine N-oxide as terminal electron acceptor. Here, we describe mutant strains constructed with modified TorA twin-arginine signal peptides. Substitution of the second arginine residue of the TorA signal peptide twin-arginine motif with either lysine or aspartate, or the simultaneous substitution of both arginines with lysine residues, completely abolished export. In each case, the now cytoplasmically localised TorA retained full enzymatic activity with the artificial electron donor benzyl viologen. However, the mutant strains were incapable of anaerobic growth with trimethylamine N-oxide and the non-fermentable carbon-source glycerol. The growth phenotype of the mutant strains was exploited in a genetic screen with the aim of identifying second-site suppressor mutations that allowed export of the modified TorA precursors.  相似文献   

Many surface proteins of pathogenic gram-positive bacteria are linked to the cell wall envelope by a mechanism requiring a C-terminal sorting signal with an LPXTG motif. Surface proteins of Streptococcus pneumoniae harbor another motif, YSIRK-G/S, which is positioned within signal peptides. The signal peptides of some, but not all, of the 20 surface proteins of Staphylococcus aureus carry a YSIRK-G/S motif, whereas those of surface proteins of Listeria monocytogenes and Bacillus anthracis do not. To determine whether the YSIRK-G/S motif is required for the secretion or cell wall anchoring of surface proteins, we analyzed variants of staphylococcal protein A, an immunoglobulin binding protein with an LPXTG sorting signal. Deletion of the YSIR sequence or replacement of G or S significantly reduced the rate of signal peptide processing of protein A precursors. In contrast, cell wall anchoring or the functional display of protein A was not affected. The fusion of cell wall sorting signals to reporter proteins bearing N-terminal signal peptides with or without the YSIRK-G/S motif resulted in hybrid proteins that were anchored in a manner similar to that of wild-type protein A. The requirement of the YSIRK-G/S motif for efficient secretion implies the existence of a specialized mode of substrate recognition by the secretion pathway of gram-positive cocci. It seems, however, that this mechanism is not essential for surface protein anchoring to the cell wall envelope.  相似文献   

Recently, in vitro selection using mRNA display was used to identify a novel peptide sequence that binds with high affinity to Galpha(i1). The peptide was minimized to a 9-residue sequence (R6A-1) that retains high affinity and specificity for the GDP-bound state of Galpha(i1) and acts as a guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitor (GDI). Here we demonstrate that the R6A-1 peptide interacts with Galpha subunits representing all four G protein classes, acting as a core motif for Galpha interaction. This contrasts with the consensus G protein regulatory(GPR) sequence, a 28-mer peptide GDI derived from the GoLoco (Galpha(i/0)-Loco interaction)/GPR motif that shares no homology with R6A-1 and binds only to Galpha(i1-3) in this assay. Binding of R6A-1 is generally specific to the GDP-bound state of the Galpha subunits and excludes association with Gbetagamma. R6A-Galpha(i1) complexes are resistant to trypsin digestion and exhibit distinct stability in the presence of Mg(2+), suggesting that the R6A and GPR peptides exert their activities using different mechanisms. Studies using Galpha(i1)/Galpha(s) chimeras identify two regions of Galpha(i1) (residues 1-35 and 57-88) as determinants for strong R6A-G(ialpha1) interaction. Residues flanking the R6A-1 peptide confer unique binding properties, indicating that the core motif could be used as a starting point for the development of peptides exhibiting novel activities and/or specificity for particular G protein subclasses or nucleotide-bound states.  相似文献   

Cytotrophoblast (CTB) aggregates that bridge the gap between the placenta and the uterus are suspended as cell columns in the intervillous space, where they experience significant amounts of shear stress generated by maternal blood flow. The proper formation of these structures is crucial to pregnancy outcome as they play a vital role in anchoring the embryo/fetus to the decidua. At the same time, they provide a route by which CTBs enter the uterine wall. The mechanism by which the integrity of the columns is maintained while allowing cell movement is unknown. Here, we present evidence that the interactions of L-selectin with its carbohydrate ligands, a specialized adhesion system that is activated by shear stress, play an important role. CTBs in cell columns, particularly near the distal ends, stained brightly for L-selectin and with the TRA-1-81 antibody, which recognizes carbohydrate epitopes that support binding of L-selectin chimeras in vitro. Function-perturbing antibodies that inhibited either receptor or ligand activity also inhibited formation of cell columns in vitro. Together, these results suggest an autocrine role for the CTB L-selectin adhesion system in forming and maintaining cell columns during the early stages of placental development, when the architecture of the basal plate region is established. This type of adhesion may also facilitate CTB exit from cell columns, a prerequisite for uterine invasion.  相似文献   

The delta pH-driven and Sec-related thylakoidal protein translocases recognise distinct types of thylakoid transfer signal, yet all transfer signals resemble bacterial signal peptides in structural terms. Comparison of known transfer signals reveals a single concrete difference: signals for the delta pH-dependent system contain a common twin-arginine motif immediately before the hydrophobic region. We show that this motif is critical for the delta pH-driven translocation process; substitution of the arg-arg by gln-gln or even arg-lys totally blocks translocation across the thylakoid membrane, and replacement by lys-arg reduces the rate of translocation by > 100-fold. The targeting information in this type of signal thus differs fundamentally from that of bacterial signal peptides, where the required positive charge can be supplied by any basic amino acid. Insertion of a twin-arg motif into a Sec-dependent substrate does not alter the pathway followed but reduces translocation efficiency, suggesting that the motif may also repel the Sec-type system. Other information must help to specify the choice of translocation mechanism, but this information is unlikely to reside in the hydrophobic region because substitution by a hydrophobic section from an integral membrane protein does not affect the translocation pathway.  相似文献   

Formation of the death-inducing signaling complex (DISC) is a critical step in death receptor-mediated apoptosis, yet the mechanisms underlying assembly of this key multiprotein complex remain unclear. Using quantitative mass spectrometry, we have delineated the stoichiometry of the native TRAIL DISC. While current models suggest that core DISC components are present at a ratio of 1:1, our data indicate that FADD is substoichiometric relative to TRAIL-Rs or DED-only proteins; strikingly, there is up to 9-fold more caspase-8 than FADD in the DISC. Using structural modeling, we propose an alternative DISC model in which procaspase-8 molecules interact sequentially, via their DED domains, to form a caspase-activating chain. Mutating key interacting residues in procaspase-8 DED2 abrogates DED chain formation in cells and disrupts TRAIL/CD95 DISC-mediated procaspase-8 activation in?a functional DISC reconstitution model. This provides direct experimental evidence for a DISC model in which DED chain assembly drives caspase-8 dimerization/activation, thereby triggering cell death.  相似文献   

Angiotensin II (AngII) or Angiotensin IV (AngIV) was infused into the renal artery of anesthetized rats while renal cortical blood flow was measured via laser Doppler flowmetry. The infusion of AngII produced a significant elevation in mean arterial pressure (MAP) with an accompanying decrease in cortical blood flow, glomerular filtration rate (GFR), urine volume, and urine sodium excretion. The infusion of AngIV induced significant increases in renal cortical blood flow and urine sodium excretion, without altering MAP, GFR, and urine volume. Pretreatment infusion with a specific AT1 receptor antagonist, DuP 753, blocked or attenuated the subsequent AngII effects, while pretreatment infusion with the specific AT4 receptor antagonist, Divalinal-AngIV, blocked the AngIV effects. These results support distinct and opposite roles for AngII and AngIV, i.e. AngII acts as an anti-natriuretic agent, while AngIV acts as a natriuretic agent.  相似文献   

We investigated cellular mechanisms mediating the parathyroid hormone (PTH)-induced increase in cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) in isolated perfused rabbit connecting tubules. Prior and/or concomitant exposure to 0.5 mM of N-[2-(methylamino)ethyl]-5-isoquinolinesulfonamide dihydrochloride (H-8), a cyclic nucleotide-dependent protein kinase inhibitor, abolished the rise in [Ca2+]i produced by 0.1 nM PTH in five connecting tubules and suppressed it by approximately 50% in another five. In the latter, there was a delayed onset in the rise of [Ca2+]i. Such responses contrasted to the prompt increase in [Ca2+]i in PTH-stimulated control tubules. However, when H-8 was withdrawn, [Ca2+]i rose within minutes to reach a plateau value similar to the uninhibited response to PTH in controls, indicating rapidly reversible inhibition by H-8. In an otherwise identical protocol, 0.5 mM H-8 also reversibly suppressed the rise in [Ca2+]i induced by 0.175 mM 8-Br-cAMP. In contrast to the stimulatory effect of 8-Br-cAMP on [Ca2+]i, 1 mM 8-Br-cGMP caused no increase. At a concentration of 0.4 mM, the Rp diastereomer of adenosine cyclic 3',5'-phosphorothioate (Rp-cAMPS), a well-characterized cAMP-dependent protein kinase inhibitor, totally abolished the rise in [Ca2+]i caused by 0.1 nM PTH. We conclude that a cAMP-dependent protein kinase plays an important role in the PTH-stimulated rise in [Ca2+]i in the rabbit connecting tubule. Since the increase in [Ca2+]i was shown previously to depend on extracellular Ca2+, we propose that cAMP-dependent protein phosphorylation is important in mediating PTH-stimulated Ca2+ fluxes across plasma membranes of connecting tubule cells.  相似文献   

T cell activation involves a cascade of TCR-mediated signals that are regulated by three distinct intracellular signaling motifs located within the cytoplasmic tails of the CD3 chains. Whereas all the CD3 subunits possess at least one ITAM, the CD3 ε subunit also contains a proline-rich sequence and a basic-rich stretch (BRS). The CD3 ε BRS complexes selected phosphoinositides, interactions that are required for normal cell surface expression of the TCR. The cytoplasmic domain of CD3 ζ also contains several clusters of arginine and lysine residues. In this study, we report that these basic amino acids enable CD3 ζ to complex the phosphoinositides PtdIns(3)P, PtdIns(4)P, PtdIns(5)P, PtdIns(3,5)P(2), and PtdIns(3,4,5)P(3) with high affinity. Early TCR signaling pathways were unaffected by the targeted loss of the phosphoinositide-binding functions of CD3 ζ. Instead, the elimination of the phosphoinositide-binding function of CD3 ζ significantly impaired the ability of this invariant chain to accumulate stably at the immunological synapse during T cell-APC interactions. Without its phosphoinositide-binding functions, CD3 ζ was concentrated in intracellular structures after T cell activation. Such findings demonstrate a novel functional role for CD3 ζ BRS-phosphoinositide interactions in supporting T cell activation.  相似文献   

Cigarette smoke and smokeless tobacco extracts contain multiple carcinogenic compounds, but little is known about the mechanisms by which tumors develop and progress upon chronic exposure to carcinogens such as those present in tobacco products. Here, we examine the effects of smokeless tobacco extracts on human oral fibroblasts. We show that smokeless tobacco extracts elevated the levels of intracellular reactive oxygen, oxidative DNA damage, and DNA double-strand breaks in a dose-dependent manner. Extended exposure to extracts induced fibroblasts to undergo a senescence-like growth arrest, with striking accompanying changes in the secretory phenotype. Using cocultures of smokeless tobacco extracts-exposed fibroblasts and immortalized but nontumorigenic keratinocytes, we further show that factors secreted by extracts-modified fibroblasts increase the proliferation and invasiveness of partially transformed epithelial cells, but not their normal counterparts. In addition, smokeless tobacco extracts-exposed fibroblasts caused partially transformed keratinocytes to lose the expression of E-cadherin and ZO-1, as well as involucrin, changes that are indicative of compromised epithelial function and commonly associated with malignant progression. Together, our results suggest that fibroblasts may contribute to tumorigenesis indirectly by increasing epithelial cell aggressiveness. Thus, tobacco may not only initiate mutagenic changes in epithelial cells but also promote the growth and invasion of mutant cells by creating a procarcinogenic stromal environment.  相似文献   

Human herpesvirus-8 (HHV-8) is causally linked to Kaposi's sarcoma (KS). Sequence analysis of the genome and subsequent studies revealed several genes including kaposin, with transformation properties in cell culture. In this study, we have analyzed the requirement of Kaposin A for cellular transformation in an effort to understand its contribution towards KS pathogenesis. Comparative analysis of Kaposin with other proteins identified the LXXLL motif spanning from residues 31-35 (LVCLL). The observation that the LXXLL motif is present in nuclear receptor coactivators that mediate the interaction of coactivators with nuclear receptors has prompted us to investigate the relevance of this motif for Kaposin's function(s). Kaposin A coding sequences were cloned into a eukaryotic expression plasmid with the Flag (FL) epitope fused in-frame at the C-terminus (Kap-FL). To evaluate the role of leucine residues in the motif, site-directed mutagenesis was utilized, whereby alanine was substituted for the leucine residues (Kap-AXXAA-FL). Both Kap-FL and Kap- AXXAA-FL exhibited similar levels of expression in cells. Interestingly, the Kap-AXXAA-FL mutant failed to show transforming activity by two independent assays: anchorage-independent growth, and focus formation. Immunofluorescence (IFA) and FACS analysis indicated that Kap-FL was localized around the nucleus and at the cell surface, respectively. However, Kap-AXXAA-FL exhibited diffuse cytoplasmic staining as measured by IFA yet was still detectable on the cell surface by FACS. Ironically, both Kap-FL and Kap-AXXAAFL were able to activate the AP-1 promoter. These results support an important role for the LXXLL motif in the ability of Kaposin to induce transformation.  相似文献   

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