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Transgenic tobacco plants expressing Arabidopsis thaliana ARGOS and ARGOS-LIKE genes under the control of the chalcone synthase promoter of Petunia hybrida L., as well as the estradiol inducible XVE system, have been obtained. The part of transgenic plants with flower-specific expression of the target genes was characterized by increased flower size, caused by an increase in cell size and quantity in the case of the ARGOS gene and by a stimulation of cell growth via stretching in the case of the ARGOS-LIKE gene. An enhanced expression level of the NtEXPA1, NtEXPA4 genes encoding expansins, NtEXGT gene encoding endo-xyloglucan transferase, and the AINTEGUMENTA-like gene was detected in the flowers of transgenic tobacco plants. In the case of inducible expression of ARGOS and ARGOS-LIKE genes, an increase in leaf, stem and flower size was revealed in several lines of transgenic plants as compared to control. Expression of the ARGOS gene also affected cell number and size in this case, while the ARGOS-LIKE gene mainly influenced cell size via stretching. Inducible expression of the ARGOS gene in flowers mainly provided an enhanced containment of AINTEGUMENTA-like mRNA, while ARGOS-LIKE gene expression resulted in the activation of NtEXPA1 and NtEXGT genes.  相似文献   

 Expression of Panicum miliaceum L. (proso millet) mitochondrial and cytosolic aspartate aminotransferase (mAspAT and cAspAT, respectively) genes in transgenic tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum) and their influences on protein synthesis were examined. The mAspAT- or cAspAT-transformed plants had about threefold or 3.5-fold higher AspAT activity in the leaf than non-transformed plants, respectively. Interestingly, the leaves of both transformed plants had increased levels of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) and transformed plants with cAspAT also had increased levels of mAspAT in the leaf. These results suggest that the increased expression of Panicum cAspAT in transgenic tobacco enhances the expression of its endogenous mAspAT and PEPC, and the increased expression of Panicum mAspAT enhances the expression of its endogenous PEPC. Received: 6 February 1998 / Revision received: 6 August 1999 · Accepted: 6 September 1999  相似文献   

The parameters of transformation using Agrobacterium tumefaciens EHA 105 for 5 domestic sorts and lines of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L. var. saccharifera (Alef) Krass) were optimized. The system of transgenic tissue selection based on resistance to phosphinothricin, allowing to avoid the appearing of chimeric shoots among initial transformants was developed. The transgenic plants of sugar beet sorts Ramonskaya single seed 47, L’govskaya single seed 52 and RMS 73, and LBO 17 and LBO 19 lines expressing the gene of phosphinothricin acetyl transferase bar have been obtained. The resistance of these sorts and lines to the effect of phosphinothricin in vitro has been shown.  相似文献   

The tobacco plant genes NtEXPA1 and NtEXPA4 encode the α-expansin proteins involved in the regulation of cell growth and extension. We examined the levels of expression of these genes in various plant organs and under the effect of exogenous phytohormones. The highest level of NtEXPA1 expression were registered in the terminal bud and in the young growing leaves and flowers. NtEXPA1 expression ceased once the leaves stopped growing. The NtEXPA4 gene showed a similar expression profile, except for higher levels of mRNA in the leaves. In young leaves located near the terminal bud, high levels of NtEXPA1 and NtEXPA4 are induced by auxins. In the lower leaves, expansin expression is differentially regulated by brassinosteroids, which inhibit NtEXPA1 and upregulate NtEXPA4. We further showed that expression of the transgenic ARGOS-LIKE protein results in upregulation of NtEXPA1 and a reduction in the NtEXPA4 mRNA. In turn, overexpression of NtEXPA1 resulted in an increased size of the leaves and stems because of the larger size of the individual cells.  相似文献   

Chimeric genes consisting of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter, a CDNA encoding a small GTP-binding protein from Arabidopsis thaliana (ara-2 or ara-4) and the terminator of the nopaline synthase gene were cloned into a binary vector. Tobacco leaf tissues were transformed with this plasmid via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Transgenic plants possessing either ara-2 or ara-4 occasionally showed morphological abnormalities in leaves and other organs. However, such alterations were not always associated with co-transferred characters, such as kanamycin tolerance, and they arose in no more than 10% of the transgenic plants. Such phenomena were also observed in the progenies of the primary transgenic plants. Despite such unusual inheritance of the phenotypic abnormalities, GTP-binding activity of the inserted ara gene products was detected in all plants tested.  相似文献   

The physiological responses of transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) plants that express high levels of an introduced oat (Avena sativa L.) phytochrome (phyA) gene to various light treatments are compared with those of wild-type (WT) plants. Seeds, etiolated seedlings, and light-grown plants from a homozygous transgenic tobacco line (9A4) constructed by Keller et al. (EMBO J, 8, 1005–1012, 1989) were treated with red (R), far-red (FR), or white light (WL) with or without supplemental FR light, revealing major perturbations of the normal photobiological responses. White light stimulated germination of both WT and transgenic seed, but addition of FR to the WL treatment suppressed germination. In the WT, all fluence rates tested inhibited germination, but in the transgenics, reduction effluence rate partially relieved germination from the FR-mediated inhibition. It is suggested that the higher absolute levels of the FR-absorbing form of phytochrome (Pfr) in the irradiated transgenics, compared to the WT, may be responsible for the reduced FR-mediated inhibition of germination in the former. Hypocotyl extension of dark-grown seedlings of both WT and transgenic lines was inhibited by continuous R or FR irradiation, typical of the high-irradiance response (HIR). After 2 d of de-etiolation in WL, the WT seedlings had lost the FR-mediated inhibition of hypocotyl extension, whereas it was retained in the transgenics. The FR-mediated inhibition of hypocotyl extension in the transgenic seedlings after de-etiolation may reflect the persistence of an, FR-HIR response mediated by the overexpressed oat PhyA phytochrome. Light-grown WT seedlings exhibited typical shade-avoidance responses when treated with WL supplemented with high levels of FR radiation. Internode and petiole extension rates were markedly increased, and the chlorophyll ab ratio decreased, in the low-R: FR treatment. The transgenics, however, showed no increases in extension growth under low-R: FR treatments, and at low fluence rates both internode and petiole extension rates were significantly decreased by low R FR. Interpretation of these data is difficult. The depression of the chlorophyll ab ratio by low R FR was identical in WT and transgenic plants, indicating that not all shade-avoidance responses of light-grown plants were disrupted by the over-expression of the introduced oat phyA gene. The results are discussed in relation to the proposal that different members of the phytochrome family may have different physiological roles.Abbreviations FR far-red light - PAR photosynthetically active radiation - Pr, Pfr red- and FR-absorbing forms of phytochrome - Ptot total phytochrome - PhyA (PhyA) gene (encoded protein) for phytochrome - R red light - WL white light - WT wild type This work was supported by an Agricultural and Food Research Council research grant to H.S. and A.C.M.; the production of the transgenic seed was funded by the U.S. Department of Energy (DE-F602-88ER13968) to R.D.V., and by E.I. du Pont de Nemours; Dr. G.C. Whitelam is thanked for the provision of monoclonal antibodies for the immunoblot analyses.  相似文献   

Summary Cross protection of plant viruses is a phenomenon in which plants infected with one strain of a virus are protected from the effects of superinfection by other related strains. Recently, we have succeeded in the introduction and expression of a cDNA copy of the tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) genomic RNA in transgenic tobacco plants. Using this system, we introduced a cDNA copy of a mild strain of TMV into tobacco plants. The transgenic plants did not develop any severe symptoms upon inoculation with a virulent TMV strain, indicating that these transgenic plants were cross protected against TMV infection. The system described here can be a useful model system to study the mechanism(s) of cross protection.  相似文献   

Transgenic tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum cv. SR1) expressing extracellular pancreatic ribonuclease from Bos taurus and characterized by an increased level of ribonuclease activity in leaf extracts were challenged with tobacco mosaic virus. The transgenic plants exhibited a significantly higher level of protection against the virus infection than the control non-transformed plants. The protection was evidenced by the absence (or significant delay) of the appearance of typical mosaic symptoms and the retarded accumulation of infectious virus and viral antigen. These results demonstrate that modulation of extracellular nuclease expression can be efficiently used in promoting protection against viral diseases.  相似文献   

The expression of single rol genes of the TL-DNA of Agrobacterium rhizogenes strain A4 in transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) and potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) plants alters the internal concentrations of, and the sensitivity to, several plant hormones. The levels of immunoreactive cytokinins, abscisic acid, gibberellins and indole-3-acetic acid were analysed in tissues of the apical shoots, stems, leaves, roots and undifferentiated callus tissue. The addition of the dominant and morphogenetically active rolA, rolB, or rolC genes resulted in alterations in the content of several hormones. rolC overexpression in particular led to an up to fourfold increase in the content of isopentenyladenosine, dihydrozeatin riboside and trans-zeatin riboside-type cytokinins in potato plants. This increase correlated well with different levels of expression of the rolC gene in different transgenic plants. Furthermore it was shown that the dwarfism of P35s-rolC transgenic tobacco and potato plants is correlated with a 28–60% reduction of gibberellic acid A1 concentration in apical shoots. Exogenous addition of gibberellic acid completely restored stem elongation in P35s-rolC transgenic plants. Apical shoots of dwarf rolA transgenic tobacco plants also contained 22% less gibberellic acid A1 than control plants, but growth cannot be restored completely by exogenously added gibberellic acid. Similarly, the sensitivity of transgenic tobacco seedlings or callus tissues towards different phytohormone concentrations can be altered by the expression of single rol genes. The overexpression of the rolC gene in seedlings led to an altered response to auxins, cytokinins, abscisic acid, gibberellic acid and the ethylene precursor 1-aminocyclopropane-carboxylic acid. The overexpression of the rolB gene in tobacco calli led to necrosis at lower auxin concentrations than in the wild-type, while other parameters of auxin action, like the induction of cell growth, remained unchanged.  相似文献   

We obtained transgenic tobacco plants demonstrating overexpression of NtEXPA5 gene that encodes α-expansin of Nicotiana tabacum. The transgenic plants were characterized by increased size of leaves and stems. However, size of flowers remained almost unchanged. The increase of organ sizes was induced by cell elongation only. Moreover, the number of cell divisions was even decreased. The obtained data suggest tight interaction between cell stretching regulation and cell division, which together provide the basic mechanism aimed at the controlling of plant organ sizes.  相似文献   

Expression of the chloroplast electron shuttle ferredoxin is induced by light through mechanisms that partially depend on sequences lying in the coding region of the gene, complicating its manipulation by promoter engineering. Ferredoxin expression is also down-regulated under virtually all stress situations, and it is unclear if light-dependent induction and stress-dependent repression proceed through the same or similar mechanisms. Previous reports have shown that expression of a cyanobacterial flavodoxin in tobacco plastids results in plants with enhanced tolerance to adverse environmental conditions such as drought, chilling and xenobiotics (Tognetti et al. in Plant Cell 18:2035–2050, 2006). The protective effect of flavodoxin was linked to functional replacement of ferredoxin, suggesting the possibility that tolerant phenotypes might be obtained by simply increasing ferredoxin contents. To bypass endogenous regulatory constraints, we transformed tobacco plants with a ferredoxin gene from Anabaena sp. PCC7120, which has only 53% identity with plant orthologs. The cyanobacterial protein was able to interact in vitro with ferredoxin-dependent plant enzymes and to mediate NADP+ photoreduction by tobacco thylakoids. Expression of Anabaena ferredoxin was constitutive and light-independent. However, homozygous lines accumulating threefold higher ferredoxin levels than the wild-type failed to show enhanced tolerance to oxidative stress and chilling temperatures. Under these adverse conditions, Anabaena ferredoxin was down-regulated even faster than the endogenous counterparts. The results indicate that: (1) light- and stress-dependent regulations of ferredoxin expression proceed through different pathways, and (2) overexpression of ferredoxin is not an alternative to flavodoxin expression for the development of increased stress tolerance in plants.  相似文献   

Chimeric genes consisting of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter, a CDNA encoding a small GTP-binding protein from Arabidopsis thaliana (ara-2 or ara-4) and the terminator of the nopaline synthase gene were cloned into a binary vector. Tobacco leaf tissues were transformed with this plasmid via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Transgenic plants possessing either ara-2 or ara-4 occasionally showed morphological abnormalities in leaves and other organs. However, such alterations were not always associated with co-transferred characters, such as kanamycin tolerance, and they arose in no more than 10% of the transgenic plants. Such phenomena were also observed in the progenies of the primary transgenic plants. Despite such unusual inheritance of the phenotypic abnormalities, GTP-binding activity of the inserted ara gene products was detected in all plants tested.  相似文献   

Tobacco plants expressing a transgene encoding the coat protein (CP) of a subgroup I strain of cucumber mosaic cucumovirus (CMV), I17F, were not resistant to strains of either subgroup I or II. In contrast, the expression of the CP of a subgroup II strain, R, conferred substantial resistance, but only towards strains of the same subgroup. When protection was observed, the levels of resistance were similar when plants were inoculated with either virions or viral RNA, but resistance was more effective when plants were inoculated with viruliferous aphids. Resistance was not dependent on inoculum strength and was expressed as a recovery phenotype not yet described for plants expressing a CMV CP gene. Recovery could be observed either early in infection (less than one week after inoculation) or later (4 to 5 weeks after inoculation). In plants showing early recovery, mild symptoms were observed on the inoculated leaves, and in some cases symptoms developed on certain lower systemically infected leaves, but the upper leaves were symptomless and virus-free. Late recovery corresponded to the absence of both symptoms and virus in the upper leaves of plants that were previously fully infected. Northern blot analyses of resistant plants suggested that a gene silencing mechanism was not involved in the resistance observed.  相似文献   

Bacterial levansucrase (EC converts sucrose into non-linear levan consisting of long β(2,6)-linked fructosyl chains with β(2,1) branches. Bacterial levan has wide food and non-food applications, but its production in industrial reactors is costly and low yielding. Here, we report the constitutive expression of Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus levansucrase (LsdA) fused to the vacuolar targeting pre-pro-peptide of onion sucrose:sucrose 1-fructosyltransferase (1-SST) in tobacco, a crop that does not naturally produce fructans. In the transgenic plants, levan with degree of polymerization above 104 fructosyl units was detected in leaves, stem, root, and flowers, but not in seeds. High levan accumulation in leaves led to gradual phenotypic alterations that increased with plant age through the flowering stage. In the transgenic lines, the fructan content in mature leaves varied from 10 to 70% of total dry weight. No oligofructans were stored in the plant organs, although the in vitro reaction of transgenic LsdA with sucrose yielded β(2,1)-linked FOS and levan. Transgenic lines with levan representing up to 30 mg g−1 of fresh leaf weight produced viable seeds and the polymer accumulation remained stable in the tested T1 and T2 progenies. The lsdA-expressing tobacco represents an alternative source of highly polymerized levan.  相似文献   

The expression patterns of plant defense genes encoding osmotin and osmotin-like proteins imply a dual function in osmotic stress and plant pathogen defense. We have produced transgenic potato (Solanum commersonii Dun.) plants constitutively expressing sense or antisense RNAs from chimeric gene constructs consisting of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter and a cDNA (pA13) for an osmotin-like protein. Transgenic potato plants expressing high levels of the pA13 osmotin-like protein showed an increased tolerance to the late-blight fungus Phytophthora infestans at various phases of infection, with a greater resistance at an early phase of fungal infection. There was a decrease in the accumulation of osmotin-like mRNAs and proteins when antisense transformants were challenged by fungal infection, although the antisense transformants did not exhibit any alterations in disease susceptibility. Expression of pA13 sense and antisense RNAs had no effect on the development of freezing tolerance in transgenic plants when assayed under a variety of conditions including treatments with abscisic acid or low temperature. These results provide evidence of antifungal activity for a potato osmotin-like protein against the fungus P. infestans, but do not indicate that pA13 osmotin-like protein is a major determinant of freezing tolerance.  相似文献   

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