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Seafloor massive sulfides are a potential energy source for the support of chemosynthetic ecosystems in dark, deep‐sea environments; however, little is known about microbial communities in these ecosystems, especially below the seafloor. In the present study, we performed culture‐independent molecular analyses of sub‐seafloor sulfide samples collected in the Southern Mariana Trough by drilling. The depth for the samples ranged from 0.52 m to 2.67 m below the seafloor. A combination of 16S rRNA and functional gene analyses suggested the presence of chemoautotrophs, sulfur‐oxidizers, sulfate‐reducers, iron‐oxidizers and iron‐reducers. In addition, mineralogical and thermodynamic analyses are consistent with chemosynthetic microbial communities sustained by sulfide minerals below the seafloor. Although distinct bacterial community compositions were found among the sub‐seafloor sulfide samples and hydrothermally inactive sulfide chimneys on the seafloor collected from various areas, we also found common bacterial members at species level including the sulfur‐oxidizers and sulfate‐reducers, suggesting that the common members are widely distributed within massive sulfide deposits on and below the seafloor and play a key role in the ecosystem function.  相似文献   

硫氧化细菌的种类及硫氧化途径的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
硫,作为生物必需的大量营养元素之一,参与了细胞的能量代谢与蛋白质、维生素和抗生素等物质代谢。自然界中,硫以多种化学形态存在,包括单质硫、还原性硫化物、硫酸盐和含硫有机物。硫氧化是硫元素生物地球化学循环的重要组成部分,通常是指单质硫或还原性硫化物被微生物氧化的过程。硫氧化细菌种类繁多,其硫氧化相关基因、酶和途径也多种多样。近几年,相关方面的研究已取得很多进展,但在不同层面仍存在一些尚未解决的科学问题。本文主要围绕硫氧化细菌的种类及硫氧化途径的研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

The human gut harbors thousands of bacterial taxa. A profusion of metagenomic sequence data has been generated from human stool samples in the last few years, raising the question of whether more taxa remain to be identified. We assessed metagenomic data generated by the Human Microbiome Project Consortium to determine if novel taxa remain to be discovered in stool samples from healthy individuals. To do this, we established a rigorous bioinformatics pipeline that uses sequence data from multiple platforms (Illumina GAIIX and Roche 454 FLX Titanium) and approaches (whole-genome shotgun and 16S rDNA amplicons) to validate novel taxa. We applied this approach to stool samples from 11 healthy subjects collected as part of the Human Microbiome Project. We discovered several low-abundance, novel bacterial taxa, which span three major phyla in the bacterial tree of life. We determined that these taxa are present in a larger set of Human Microbiome Project subjects and are found in two sampling sites (Houston and St. Louis). We show that the number of false-positive novel sequences (primarily chimeric sequences) would have been two orders of magnitude higher than the true number of novel taxa without validation using multiple datasets, highlighting the importance of establishing rigorous standards for the identification of novel taxa in metagenomic data. The majority of novel sequences are related to the recently discovered genus Barnesiella, further encouraging efforts to characterize the members of this genus and to study their roles in the microbial communities of the gut. A better understanding of the effects of less-abundant bacteria is important as we seek to understand the complex gut microbiome in healthy individuals and link changes in the microbiome to disease.  相似文献   

Tight pelagic-benthic coupling on Arctic shelves suggests that resident benthic communities may be particularly important in the cycling of carbon and regeneration of nutrients. We sampled 16 stations in the eastern Beaufort Sea during Autumn 2003 and Summer 2004 to determine spatial patterns in sediment community carbon demand, and the manner in which that demand was partitioned among epifauna, macroinfauna, and meio-/microfauna. Sediment carbon demand in this relatively oligotrophic area was similar to that measured in more productive Arctic shelf sites, and was largely related to the distribution of phytodetritus in surface sediments. Epibenthic megafaunal communities were dominated by echinoderms and exhibited peak abundance (up to 240 ind. m− 2) and biomass at stations in the 60-90 m depth range. Partitioning of the carbon demand revealed the local importance of megafauna, accounting for up to 41% of the community demand. Macrofauna accounted for on average between 25 and 69% of the carbon demand, while meio-/microfauna were responsible for 31-75% of the demand. Total community carbon demand by the benthos is estimated to account for approximately 60% of the annual new production in the region, suggesting the great ecosystem importance of benthic communities on the Beaufort shelf, and potentially across the Arctic. Our study region is strongly influenced by the Mackenzie River, and ongoing climate change is likely to result in altered productivity regimes, changes in quality and quantity of available food, and higher levels of sediment deposition. Impacts of these events on benthic community structure and function will likely have repercussions throughout the ecosystem.  相似文献   

红树林沉积物中微生物驱动硫循环研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
红树林滨海湿地是在周期性咸水、淡水作用下形成的特殊生态系统,其沉积物中有机质含量丰富,微生物驱动的营养物质循环活跃。由于红树林沉积物中硫酸盐含量高、硫化物种类多,因此红树林是研究硫元素生物地球化学循环过程和机制的理想系统。本文综述了红树林生态系统中主要的硫元素循环过程,重点总结了硫氧化和硫酸盐还原过程及其功能微生物,分析了影响硫氧化和硫酸盐还原的主要环境因素,并对红树林沉积物中微生物驱动硫循环的重点研究方向进行了展望。鉴于微生物驱动的硫循环过程耦合碳、氮和金属元素循环,本文可为深入探究微生物驱动的生物地球化学元素循环耦合机制提供参考。  相似文献   

湖泊硫循环微生物研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
陈俊松  杨渐  蒋宏忱 《微生物学报》2020,60(6):1177-1191
湖泊是响应气候和环境变化的关键生态系统,是研究元素(如碳、氮和硫等)生物地球化学循环的热点环境。湖泊(尤其咸盐湖)具有硫酸盐含量高且含硫化合物种类丰富的特点,因而湖泊中硫元素生物地球化学循环过程非常活跃。微生物是驱动湖泊硫循环的重要推手。因此,研究湖泊中微生物参与的硫元素生物地球化学循环过程以及相关微生物类群构成,对于深入探索微生物在湖泊生态系统中的作用具有重要意义。本文综述了湖泊中驱动硫循环的微生物(硫氧化菌和硫酸盐还原菌)种群多样性、功能基因、代谢途径、硫氧化/硫酸盐还原速率及其对环境条件变化响应等方面的研究现状,并对未来湖泊微生物驱动的硫循环研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

Microbial sulfate reduction and sulfur oxidation are vital processes to enhance organic matter degradation in sediments. However, the diversity and composition of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) and sulfur-oxidizing bacteria (SOB) and their environmental driving factors are still poorly understood in aquaculture ponds, which received mounting of organic matter. In this study, bacterial communities, SRB and SOB from sediments of aquaculture ponds with different sizes of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) were analysed using high-throughput sequencing and quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR). The results indicated that microbial communities in aquaculture pond sediments of large juvenile fish showed the highest richness and abundance of SRB and SOB, potentially further enhancing microbial sulfur cycling. Specifically, SRB were dominated by Desulfobulbus and Desulfovibrio, whereas SOB were dominated by Dechloromonas and Leptothrix. Although large juvenile fish ponds had relatively lower concentrations of sulfur compounds (i.e. total sulfur, acid-volatile sulfide and elemental sulfur) than those of larval fish ponds, more abundant SRB and SOB were found in the large juvenile fish ponds. Further redundancy analysis (RDA) and linear regression indicated that sulfur compounds and sediment suspension are the major environmental factors shaping the abundance and community structure of SRB and SOB in aquaculture pond sediments. Findings of this study expand our current understanding of microbial driving sulfur cycling in aquaculture ecosystems and also provide novel insights for ecological and green aquaculture managements.  相似文献   

A simulation model of S, P and N cycling in pastures was constructed as a conceptual and predictive tool to examine a range of possible fertilizer managements for improved pastures on the Northern Tablelands of N.S.W. The model successfully simulated pasture yield and clover content for a four-year superphosphate trial. It was used to calculate C and S fluxes between various pools for pastures with and without fertilizer S. Under a non-limiting P regime, which was S deficient, the model predicted a 3.6-fold increase in tops growth due to S fertilizaton, a 13-fold increase in sheep liveweight gain, and a 5-fold increase in wool production. These effects were due to a greater proportion of assimilate contributing to tops growth, and a much higher proportion of clover in the diet.  相似文献   

Bacterial diversity and sulfur cycling in a mesophilic sulfide-rich spring   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
An artesian sulfide- and sulfur-rich spring in southwestern Oklahoma is shown to sustain an extremely rich and diverse microbial community. Laboratory incubations and autoradiography studies indicated that active sulfur cycling is occurring in the abundant microbial mats at Zodletone spring. Anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria oxidize sulfide to sulfate, which is reduced by sulfate-reducing bacterial populations. The microbial community at Zodletone spring was analyzed by cloning and sequencing 16S rRNA genes. A large fraction (83%) of the microbial mat clones belong to sulfur- and sulfate-reducing lineages within delta-Proteobacteria, purple sulfur gamma-Proteobacteria, epsilon -Proteobacteria, Chloroflexi, and filamentous Cyanobacteria of the order Oscillatoria as well as a novel group within gamma-Proteobacteria. The 16S clone library constructed from hydrocarbon-exposed sediments at the source of the spring had a higher diversity than the mat clone library (Shannon-Weiner index of 3.84 compared to 2.95 for the mat), with a higher percentage of clones belonging to nonphototrophic lineages (e.g., Cytophaga, Spirochaetes, Planctomycetes, Firmicutes, and Verrucomicrobiae). Many of these clones were closely related to clones retrieved from hydrocarbon-contaminated environments and anaerobic hydrocarbon-degrading enrichments. In addition, 18 of the source clones did not cluster with any of the previously described microbial divisions. These 18 clones, together with previously published or database-deposited related sequences retrieved from a wide variety of environments, could be clustered into at least four novel candidate divisions. The sulfate-reducing community at Zodletone spring was characterized by cloning and sequencing a 1.9-kb fragment of the dissimilatory sulfite reductase (DSR) gene. DSR clones belonged to the Desulfococcus-Desulfosarcina-Desulfonema group, Desulfobacter group, and Desulfovibrio group as well as to a deeply branched group in the DSR tree with no representatives from cultures. Overall, this work expands the division-level diversity of the bacterial domain and highlights the complexity of microbial communities involved in sulfur cycling in mesophilic microbial mats.  相似文献   

Experimental acidification of a softwater lake to below pH 5 fundamentally changed the sulfur cycle and lowered internal alkalinity generation (IAG). Prior to reaching pH 4.5, the balance of sulfur reduction and oxidation reactions within the lake was in favour of reduction, and the lake was a net sink for sulfate. In the four years at pH 4.5 the balance of reduction and oxidation reactions was in favour of oxidation, and there was a net production of sulfate (SO4 2–) within the lake. Evidence indicating a decrease in net SO4 2– reduction at pH 4.5 was also obtained in an anthropogenically acidified lake that had been acidified for many decades. In both lakes, the decrease in net SO4 2– reduction appeared to be linked not to a simple inhibition of SO4 2– reduction but rather to changes in benthic ecosystem structure, especially the development of metaphytic filamentous green algae, which altered the balance between SO4 2– reduction and sulfur oxidation.At pH's above 4.5, net SO4 2– reduction was the major contributor to IAG in the experimental lake, as it is in many previously studied lakes at pH 5 and above. At pH 4.5, the change in net annual SO4 2– reduction (a decrease of 110%) resulted in a 38% decrease in total IAG. Because of the important role of net SO4 2– reduction in acid neutralization in softwater lakes, models for predicting acidification and recovery of lakes may need to be modified for lakes acidified to pH <5.  相似文献   

Microbial sulfate reduction is among the most ubiquitous metabolic processes on earth. The oldest evidence of microbial sulfate reduction appears in the ca. 3.5 Ga Dresser Formation in the North Pole area of Pilbara Craton in Western Australia. That evidence was found through analysis of quadruple sulfur isotopes of sulfate and sulfide minerals deposited on the seafloor. However, the activity of microbial sulfate reduction below the Archean seafloor remains poorly understood. Here, we report the quadruple sulfur isotopic compositions of sulfide minerals within hydrothermally altered seafloor basalt and less altered basaltic komatiite collected from the North Pole Dome area. The Δ33S values of the sulfide minerals were nonzero negative, suggesting that sulfate reduction occurred below the Archean seafloor. To constrain the substrate sulfate sources and sulfate reduction processes, we constructed a numerical model. Comparing the modeled and observed sulfur isotopes, we show that the substrate sulfate comprises seawater sulfate with a negative Δ33S anomaly and 34S‐enriched sulfate with no anomalous Δ33S. The latter component probably represents sulfate produced by local hydrothermal processes. The maximum sulfur isotopic fractionation between the putative substrate sulfate and the observed sulfide minerals within the altered basalt and basaltic komatiite is 35‰, which is consistent with a microbial origin. Alternatively, thermochemical sulfate reduction may also produce sulfide. However, considering the hydrothermal temperature inferred from the metamorphic grade of the altered basalt, the sulfur isotopic fractionation produced by inorganic sulfate reduction is probably below 20‰. Collectively, larger fractionations imply the involvement of biological sulfate reduction processes, both in the hydrothermal system below the seafloor and in less altered subsurface settings.  相似文献   

Observations in enrichment cultures of ferric iron-reducing bacteria indicated that ferrihydrite was reduced to ferrous iron minerals via sulfur cycling with sulfide as the reductant. Ferric iron reduction via sulfur cycling was investigated in more detail with Sulfurospirillum deleyianum, which can utilize sulfur or thiosulfate as an electron acceptor. In the presence of cysteine (0.5 or 2 mM) as the sole sulfur source, no (microbial) reduction of ferrihydrite or ferric citrate was observed, indicating that S. deleyianum is unable to use ferric iron as an immediate electron acceptor. However, with thiosulfate at a low concentration (0.05 mM), growth with ferrihydrite (6 mM) was possible and sulfur was cycled up to 60 times. Also, spatially distant ferrihydrite in agar cultures was reduced via diffusible sulfur species. Due to the low concentrations of thiosulfate, S. deleyianum produced only small amounts of sulfide. Obviously, sulfide delivered electrons to ferrihydrite with no or only little precipitation of black iron sulfides. Ferrous iron and oxidized sulfur species were produced instead, and the latter served again as the electron acceptor. These oxidized sulfur species have not yet been identified. However, sulfate and sulfite cannot be major products of ferrihydrite-dependent sulfide oxidation, since neither compound can serve as an electron acceptor for S. deleyianum. Instead, sulfur (elemental S or polysulfides) and/or thiosulfate as oxidized products could complete a sulfur cycle-mediated reduction of ferrihydrite.  相似文献   

Biological diversity in marine OMZs (oxygen minimum zones) is dominated by a complex community of bacteria and archaea whose anaerobic metabolisms mediate key steps in global nitrogen and carbon cycles. Molecular and physiological studies now confirm that OMZs also support diverse micro-organisms capable of utilizing inorganic sulfur compounds for energy metabolism. The present review focuses specifically on recent metagenomic data that have helped to identify the molecular basis for autotrophic sulfur oxidation with nitrate in the OMZ water column, as well as a cryptic role for heterotrophic sulfate reduction. Interpreted alongside marker gene surveys and process rate measurements, these data suggest an active sulfur cycle with potentially substantial roles in organic carbon input and mineralization and critical links to the OMZ nitrogen cycle. Furthermore, these studies have created a framework for comparing the genomic diversity and ecology of pelagic sulfur-metabolizing communities from diverse low-oxygen regions.  相似文献   

The isotopic composition of SO 4 2- in bulk precipitation, canopy throughfall, seepage water at three different soil depths, stream water, and groundwater was monitored in two forested catchments in the Black Forest (Germany) between November 1989 and February 1992. Isotope measurements on aqueous sulfate were complemented by 34S-analyses on SO2 in the air, total sulfur and inorganic sulfate in the soil, and bedrock sulfur, in order to identify sources and biogeochemical processes affecting S cycling in catchments with base poor, siliceous bedrock. Stable S isotope data indicated that atmospheric deposition and not mineral weathering is the major source of S in both catchments since 34S-values for sulfate in the soil, in seepage water, and in stream water were generally found to be similar to the mean 34S-values of precipitation SO 4 2- (+2.1. However, 18O-values of seepage water SO 4 2- at 30 cm and especially at 80 cm depth were depleted by several per mil with respect to those of the atmospheric deposition (+7.5 to +13.5. This indicates that in both catchments a considerable proportion of the seepage water SO 4 2- is derived from mineralization of carbon-bonded soil S and must therefore have cycled through the organic soil S pool. 34S-values for different S compounds in the solid soil were found to differ markedly depending on S fraction and soil depth. Since atmospheric S deposition with rather constant 34S-values was identified as the dominant S source in both catchments, this is interpreted as a result ofin situ isotope fractionation rather than admixture of isotopically different S. The differences between the 34S-values of seepage water and soil sulfate and those of organic soil S compounds are consistent with a model in which SO 4 2- uptake by vegetation and soil microorganisms favours34SO 4 2- slightly, whereas during mineralization of organic soil S to aqueous SOSO 4 2- ,32S reacts preferentially. However, the data provide evidence for negligible isotope fractionation during physico-chemical S transformations such as adsorption/desorption in aerated forest soils.  相似文献   

Mahoney Lake represents an extreme meromictic model system and is a valuable site for examining the organisms and processes that sustain photic zone euxinia (PZE). A single population of purple sulfur bacteria (PSB) living in a dense phototrophic plate in the chemocline is responsible for most of the primary production in Mahoney Lake. Here, we present metagenomic data from this phototrophic plate – including the genome of the major PSB, as obtained from both a highly enriched culture and from the metagenomic data – as well as evidence for multiple other taxa that contribute to the oxidative sulfur cycle and to sulfate reduction. The planktonic PSB is a member of the Chromatiaceae, here renamed Thiohalocapsa sp. strain ML1. It produces the carotenoid okenone, yet its closest relatives are benthic PSB isolates, a finding that may complicate the use of okenone (okenane) as a biomarker for ancient PZE. Favorable thermodynamics for non‐phototrophic sulfide oxidation and sulfate reduction reactions also occur in the plate, and a suite of organisms capable of oxidizing and reducing sulfur is apparent in the metagenome. Fluctuating supplies of both reduced carbon and reduced sulfur to the chemocline may partly account for the diversity of both autotrophic and heterotrophic species. Collectively, the data demonstrate the physiological potential for maintaining complex sulfur and carbon cycles in an anoxic water column, driven by the input of exogenous organic matter. This is consistent with suggestions that high levels of oxygenic primary production maintain episodes of PZE in Earth's history and that such communities should support a diversity of sulfur cycle reactions.  相似文献   

The effects of three S deposition scenarios — 50% reduction, no change, and 100% increase — on the cycles of N, P, S, K, Ca, and Mg in a mixed deciduous forest at Coweeta, North Carolina, were simulated using the Nutrient Cycling model (NuCM). The purpose of this exercise was to compare NuCM's output to observed soil and streamwater chemical changes and to explore NuCM's response to varying S deposition scenarios. Ecosystem S content and SO4 2– leaching were controlled almost entirely by soil SO4 2– adsorption in the simulations, which was in turn governed by the nature of the Langmuir isotherm set in the model. Both the simulations and the 20-year trends in streamwater SO4 2– concentration suggest that the ecosystem is slowly becoming S saturated. The streamwater data suggest S saturation is occurring at a slower rate than indicated by the simulations, perhaps because of underestimation of organic S retention in the model. Both the simulations and field data indicated substantial declines in exchangeable bases in A and BA soil horizons, primarily due to vegetation uptake. The correspondence of model output with field data in this case was a result of after-the-fact calibration (i.e. setting weathering rates to very low values) rather than prediction, however. Model output suggests that soil exchangeable cation pools change rapidly, undergoing annual cycles and multi-decade fluctuations.Varying S deposition had very little effect upon simulated vegetation growth, nutrient uptake, or N cycling. Varying S deposition strongly affected simulated Ca2+. Mg2+, K+, and P leaching but caused little change in soil exchangeable pools of Ca2+ K+, or P because soil exchangeable pools were large relative to fluxes. Soil exchangeable Mg2+ pools were reduced by high rates of S deposition but remained well above levels sufficient for tree growth. Although the total soil pools of exchangeable Ca2+ and K+ were only slightly affected by S deposition, there was a redistribution of Ca2+ and K+ from upper to lower horizons with increasing S deposition, causing increased base saturation in the deepest (BC) horizon. The 100% increased S deposition scenario caused increasing peaks in simulated Al3+ concentrations in A horizons after 25 years as a result of large seasonal pulses of SO4 2– and lowered base saturation. Simulated soil solution Al3+ concentrations remained well below toxicity thresholds for selected tree species at the site.  相似文献   

Enzymes involved in Staphylococcus aureus amino acid metabolism have recently gained traction as promising targets for the development of new antibiotics, however, not all aspects of this process are understood. The ATP-grasp superfamily includes enzymes that predominantly catalyze the ATP-dependent ligation of various carboxylate and amine substrates. One subset, ʟ-amino acid ligases (LALs), primarily catalyze the formation of dipeptide products in Gram-positive bacteria, however, their involvement in S. aureus amino acid metabolism has not been investigated. Here, we present the characterization of the putative ATP-grasp enzyme (SAOUHSC_02373) from S. aureus NCTC 8325 and its identification as a novel LAL. First, we interrogated the activity of SAOUHSC_02373 against a panel of ʟ-amino acid substrates. As a result, we identified SAOUHSC_02373 as an LAL with high selectivity for ʟ-aspartate and ʟ-methionine substrates, specifically forming an ʟ-aspartyl–ʟ-methionine dipeptide. Thus, we propose that SAOUHSC_02373 be assigned as ʟ-aspartate–ʟ-methionine ligase (LdmS). To further understand this unique activity, we investigated the mechanism of LdmS by X-ray crystallography, molecular modeling, and site-directed mutagenesis. Our results suggest that LdmS shares a similar mechanism to other ATP-grasp enzymes but possesses a distinctive active site architecture that confers selectivity for the ʟ-Asp and ʟ-Met substrates. Phylogenetic analysis revealed LdmS homologs are highly conserved in Staphylococcus and closely related Gram-positive Firmicutes. Subsequent genetic analysis upstream of the ldmS operon revealed several trans-acting regulatory elements associated with control of Met and Cys metabolism. Together, these findings support a role for LdmS in Staphylococcal sulfur amino acid metabolism.  相似文献   


In coastal marine sediments, the interactions between NO3 ? reduction and transformations of Fe and S compounds often occur in a strong gradient of electron activity ("redoxcline"). Denitrification activity is observed throughout the NC3 ?‐containing surface zone, although the reduction step from N2O to N2 can be inhibited by H2S in the “redoxcline.”; Survival of denitrifiers is generally poor in NO3 ?‐free, reduced sediment; such populations are likely to employ Fe3+ reduction in their energy metabolism. At depth, the sediments often contain a larger capacity for “nitrate ammonification”; (dissimilatory NO3 ? reduction to NH4 +) than for denitrification. The “nitrate ammonification”; is found commonly among fermenting bacteria, although SO4 2? reducers may also be involved. In situ activities observed in whole sediment cores indicate that “nitrate ammonification”; may account for as much as one‐third of the carbon oxidation in organic‐rich sediments. The control of partitioning between denitrification and “nitrate ammonification”; at low NO3 ? concentrations is poorly investigated, but the larger metabolic capacity of fermenting and S O4 2?‐reducing baceria in relatively reduced sediment could be important. In addition to bacterial reduction, chemical NO3 ? reduction is possible where significant amounts of Fe2+ (or H2S) accumulate in the “redoxcline.”;  相似文献   

The ultramafic-hosted Logatchev hydrothermal field (LHF) is characterized by vent fluids, which are enriched in dissolved hydrogen and methane compared with fluids from basalt-hosted systems. Thick sediment layers in LHF are partly covered by characteristic white mats. In this study, these sediments were investigated in order to determine biogeochemical processes and key organisms relevant for primary production. Temperature profiling at two mat-covered sites showed a conductive heating of the sediments. Elemental sulfur was detected in the overlying mat and metal-sulfides in the upper sediment layer. Microprofiles revealed an intensive hydrogen sulfide flux from deeper sediment layers. Fluorescence in situ hybridization showed that filamentous and vibrioid, Arcobacter-related Epsilonproteobacteria dominated the overlying mats. This is in contrast to sulfidic sediments in basalt-hosted fields where mats of similar appearance are composed of large sulfur-oxidizing Gammaproteobacteria. Epsilonproteobacteria (7-21%) and Deltaproteobacteria (20-21%) were highly abundant in the surface sediment layer. The physiology of the closest cultivated relatives, revealed by comparative 16S rRNA sequence analysis, was characterized by the capability to metabolize sulfur components. High sulfate reduction rates as well as sulfide depleted in (34)S further confirmed the importance of the biogeochemical sulfur cycle. In contrast, methane was found to be of minor relevance for microbial life in mat-covered surface sediments. Our data indicate that in conductively heated surface sediments microbial sulfur cycling is the driving force for bacterial biomass production although ultramafic-hosted systems are characterized by fluids with high levels of dissolved methane and hydrogen.  相似文献   

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