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In biparental species, aggression, dominance, and parental care are typically sexually dimorphic. While behavioral dimorphism is often strongly linked to gonadal sex, the environment—either social or ecological—may also influence sex‐biased behavior. In the biparental cichlid fish Julidochromis marlieri, the typical social environment for breeding pairs consists of large females paired with smaller males. While both sexes are capable of providing territory defense and parental care, the larger female provides the majority of defense for the pair, while the smaller male remains in the nest guarding their offspring. We examine the contributions of sex and relative mate size to these sex‐biased behaviors in monogamous J. marlieri pairs. Both female‐larger and male‐larger pairs were formed in the laboratory and were observed for territorial aggression (against conspecifics and heterospecifics), dominance, and parental care. In female‐larger pairs, territorial aggression and intra‐pair dominance were female‐biased, while in male‐larger pairs this bias was reversed. For both pairing types, the presence of an intruder amplified sex differences in territorial aggression, with the larger fish always attacking with greater frequency than its mate. Though less robust, there was evidence for plasticity of sex‐bias for some egg care related behaviors in the inverse direction. Our study suggests that relative mate size strongly influences the sex bias of aggression and dominance in J. marlieri and that this aspect of the social environment can override the influence of gonadal sex on an individual's behavior. The remarkable plasticity of this species makes Julidochromis an exciting model that could be used to address the relationship between proximate and ultimate mechanisms of behavioral plasticity.  相似文献   

Identifying correlations among behaviors is important for understandinghow selection shapes the phenotype. Correlated behaviors canindicate constraints on the evolution of behavioral plasticityor may reflect selection for functional integration among behaviors.Obligate cavity-nesting birds provide an opportunity to examinethese correlations because males must defend limited nest cavitieswhile also competing for mating opportunities and providingparental care. Here, I investigated the role of behavioral correlationsin producing a counterintuitive relationship between nest defenseand reproductive success in western bluebirds (Sialia mexicana)such that males that defended their nests most intensely hadthe lowest reproductive success, measured as the number of withinand extrapair offspring that fledged. By experimentally measuringaggression across contexts, I show that this cost of nest defensewas due to the correlated expression of aggression across thecontexts of nest defense and male–male competition coupledwith a trade-off between male–male aggression and parentalcare. In particular, more aggressive males provisioned theirfemales less during incubation and this led to disrupted incubationpatterns and fewer fledged offspring. However, aggressive malesdid not benefit from avoiding parental investment by gainingextrapair fertilizations, and thus, it is unclear how high levelsof aggression are maintained in this population despite apparentcosts. These results suggest that there are constraints to theevolution of plasticity in aggression and emphasize the importanceof considering the integrated behavioral phenotype to understandhow variation in behavior is linked to fitness.  相似文献   

Social context often has profound effects on behavior, yet the neural and molecular mechanisms which mediate flexible behavioral responses to different social environments are not well understood. We used the African cichlid fish, Astatotilapia burtoni, to examine aggressive defense behavior across three social contexts representing different motivational states: a reproductive opportunity, a familiar male and a neutral context. To elucidate how differences in behavior across contexts may be mediated by neural gene expression, we examined gene expression in the preoptic area, a brain region known to control male aggressive and sexual behavior. We show that social context has broad effects on preoptic gene expression. Specifically, we found that the expression of genes encoding nonapeptides and sex steroid receptors are upregulated in the familiar male context. Furthermore, circulating levels of testosterone and cortisol varied markedly depending on social context. We also manipulated the D2 receptor (D2R) in each social context, given that it has been implicated in mediating context‐dependent behavior. We found that a D2R agonist reduced intruder‐directed aggression in the reproductive opportunity and familiar male contexts, while a D2R antagonist inhibited intruder‐directed aggression in the reproductive opportunity context and increased aggression in the neutral context. Our results demonstrate a critical role for preoptic gene expression, as well as circulating steroid hormone levels, in encoding information from the social environment and in shaping adaptive behavior. In addition, they provide further evidence for a role of D2R in context‐dependent behavior.  相似文献   

Complex social behaviour in Hymenoptera has been hypothesized to evolve by co-opting reproductive pathways (the ovarian ground plan hypothesis, OGPH) and gene networks (the reproductive ground plan hypothesis, RGPH). In support of these hypotheses, in eusocial Hymenoptera where there is reproductive division of labour, the yolk precursor protein vitellogenin (Vg) influences the expression of worker social behaviour. We suggest that co-opting genes involved in reproduction may occur more generally than just in the evolution of eusociality; i.e. underlie earlier stages of social evolution such as the evolution of parental care, given that reproduction and parental care rarely overlap. We therefore examined vitellogenin (vg) gene expression associated with parental care in the subsocial beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides. We found a significant reduction in the expression of vg and its receptor, vgr, in head tissue during active parental care, and confirmed that the receptor is expressed in the brains of both sexes. Ours is the first study to show that vgr is expressed in the brain of a non-eusocial insect. Given the association between behaviour and gene expression in both sexes, and the presence of vitellogenin receptors in the brain, we suggest that Vg was co-opted early in the evolution of sociality to have a regulatory function. This extends the association of Vg in parenting to subsocial species and outside of the Hymenoptera, and supports the hypothesis that the OGPH is general and that heterochrony in gene expression is important in the evolution of social behaviour and precedes subsequent evolutionary specialization of social roles.  相似文献   

In nicrophorine beetles, genus Nicrophorus care their larva using small vertebrate carrion, whereas genus Ptomaucopusreproduce with small vertebrate carrion but show no parental care. Aggression and sexual behavior were examined in Ptomascopus morio and Nicrophorus quadripunctatus. Nicrophorus quadripunctatus had intense female–female as well as male–male contests. In Ptomascopus morio, by contrast, female–female aggression was rarely observed. Male–male aggression (pushing, biting, male–male mounting) in Ptomascopus morio was observed when a resource for breeding was present, whether or not a female was present. The lack of female–female aggression, and male–male aggression when resources but not females are present, suggest that the mating system of Ptomascopus morio is resource defense polygyny. Large males of Ptomascopus morio were also found to exhibit mate choice, preferring large females over small females.  相似文献   

The origin of and evolutionary transitions among the extraordinary diverse forms of parental care in teleost fish remain largely unknown. The "safe harbor" hypothesis predicts that the evolution from a "guarding" to a "brooding" form of care in teleost fish is associated with shifts in reproductive and life-history features such as reduced fecundity, and increased egg volume with higher parental investment. Robust phylogenetic hypotheses may help to identify evolutionary changes in key traits associated with differences in the form of parental care. Here, we used reconstruction of ancestral character states to study the evolution of the two forms of parental care, bubble nesting and mouthbrooding in the fighting fish genus Betta. We also applied a comparative analysis using the phylogenetic generalized least-squares method to test the "safe harbor" hypothesis by evaluating differences between the two forms of parental care in standard length, life-history traits, and three habitat variables. Evolutionary hypotheses were derived from the first molecular phylogeny (nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequence data; 4448 bp) of this speciose group. Ancestral character state reconstructions of the evolution of the form of parental care in the genus Betta, using the methods of unweighted parsimony and maximum likelihood, are uncertain and further indicate a high rate of evolutionary transitions. Applying different weights for the suspected directionality of changes, based on the consistent phenotypic and behavioral differences found between bubble nesters and mouthbrooders, recurrent origin of mouthbrooding in the genus Betta is favored using parsimony. Our comparative analyses further demonstrate that bubble nesters and mouthbrooders do not have a consistent set of life-history correlates. The form of parental care in Betta is correlated only with offspring size, with mouthbrooders having significantly bigger offspring than bubble nesters, but is not correlated with egg volume, clutch size, and broodcare duration, nor with any of the three habitat variables tested. Our results thus challenge the general predictions of the "safe harbor" hypothesis for the evolution of alternative brood care forms in the fighting fish genus Betta.  相似文献   

Mutation screens in model organisms have helped identify the foundation of many fundamental organismal phenotypes. An emerging question in evolutionary and behavioral biology is the extent to which these “developmental” genes contribute to the subtle individual variation that characterizes natural populations. A related question is whether individual differences arise from static differences in gene expression that arose during previous life stages, or whether they are due to dynamic regulation of expression during the life stage under investigation. Here, we address these questions using genes that have been discovered to control the development of normal courtship behavior in male Drosophila melanogaster. We examined whether these genes have static or dynamic expression in the heads of adult male flies of different ages and with different levels of social experience. We found that 16 genes of the 25 genes examined were statically expressed, and 9 genes were dynamically expressed with changes related to adult age. No genes exhibited rapid dynamic expression changes due to social experience or age*experience interaction. We therefore conclude that a majority of fly “courtship” genes are statically expressed, while a minority are regulated in adults with respect to age, but not with respect to relevant social experience. These results are consistent with those from a recent microarray analysis that found none of the canonical courtship genes changed expression in male flies after brief exposure to females.  相似文献   

Serotonin and oxytocin influence aggressive and anxiety‐like behaviors, though it is unclear how the two may interact. That the oxytocin receptor is expressed in the serotonergic raphe nuclei suggests a mechanism by which the two neurotransmitters may cooperatively influence behavior. We hypothesized that oxytocin acts on raphe neurons to influence serotonergically mediated anxiety‐like, aggressive and parental care behaviors. We eliminated expression of the oxytocin receptor in raphe neurons by crossing mice expressing Cre recombinase under control of the serotonin transporter promoter (Slc6a4) with our conditional oxytocin receptor knockout line. The knockout mice generated by this cross are normal across a range of behavioral measures: there are no effects for either sex on locomotion in an open‐field, olfactory habituation/dishabituation or, surprisingly, anxiety‐like behaviors in the elevated O and plus mazes. There was a profound deficit in male aggression: only one of 11 raphe oxytocin receptor knockouts showed any aggressive behavior, compared to 8 of 11 wildtypes. In contrast, female knockouts displayed no deficits in maternal behavior or aggression. Our results show that oxytocin, via its effects on raphe neurons, is a key regulator of resident‐intruder aggression in males but not maternal aggression. Furthermore, this reduction in male aggression is quite different from the effects reported previously after forebrain or total elimination of oxytocin receptors. Finally, we conclude that when constitutively eliminated, oxytocin receptors expressed by serotonin cells do not contribute to baseline anxiety‐like behaviors or maternal care.  相似文献   

哺乳动物的单配制通常被认为是社会性单配制,它不是单纯地由性行为来决定,而是由诸多因素,包括长期的pair bond、夫妻双方共同抚育后代、免近亲交配以及雌雄两性相似等来决定的。在这篇综述中,我们论述了如何以啮齿类田鼠属(Microtus)为模型,通过比较研究来帮助我们理解社会性单配制的进化以及其神经调控机制。对田鼠属的研究不仅证实了单配制起源于艰苦的生存条件的假说,而且还证实了雌性性选择可能有利于维持单配制。不仅如此,哺乳动物单配制的进化还需要雄性的prosocial行为的不断强化。例如,亲近行为可以促进pairbond的形成并强化雄性对后代的哺育行为,而这种强化则来源于神经多肽催产素(OT)和加压素(AVP)与类固醇类激素的相互作用。催产素和加压素调控pairbond和双亲哺育行为的表达,而单配制和多配制田鼠的催产素和加压素受体在脑内的分布有显的不同。比较研究揭示了小型田鼠单配制的调控机制,而种内差异和行为上的可塑性则有助于我们进一步理解这种机制。比如,在某些条件下,多配制的草原田鼠(Microtus pennsylvanicu)的雄性个体具有哺育后代的行为。尽管草原田鼠的加压素Vla受体在脑内的分布与其他多配制的田鼠相似,但是如果脑室注射加压素,仍可以诱发其哺育后代的行为。同样是单配制的橙腹田鼠(Microtus ochrogaster),生活在:Illnois的显示出高水平的prosocial行为,而生活在Kansas的则表现出较低水平的社会性行为。即使两个种群的催产素或加压素Vla受体在脑内的分布相同,它们的雌激素受体表达水平显不同,这在雄性个体表现尤其明显。与Kansas的雄性个体相比,在终纹床核(bed rucleus of the stria tenninalis)和杏仁核中区(medial amygdala)这两个调控亲近行为和攻击行为的脑区,Illinois的雄性个体的α雌激素受体的水平要低得多。这些研究表明对雌激素的低敏感程度有利于高水平地表达prosocial行为并降低特定类型的攻击行为。  相似文献   

One of the fundamental questions in biology is how cooperative and altruistic behaviors evolved. The majority of studies seeking to identify the genes regulating these behaviors have been performed in systems where behavioral and physiological differences are relatively fixed, such as in the honey bee. During colony founding in the monogyne (one queen per colony) social form of the fire ant Solenopsis invicta, newly-mated queens may start new colonies either individually (haplometrosis) or in groups (pleometrosis). However, only one queen (the “winner”) in pleometrotic associations survives and takes the lead of the young colony while the others (the “losers”) are executed. Thus, colony founding in fire ants provides an excellent system in which to examine the genes underpinning cooperative behavior and how the social environment shapes the expression of these genes. We developed a new whole genome microarray platform for S. invicta to characterize the gene expression patterns associated with colony founding behavior. First, we compared haplometrotic queens, pleometrotic winners and pleometrotic losers. Second, we manipulated pleometrotic couples in order to switch or maintain the social ranks of the two cofoundresses. Haplometrotic and pleometrotic queens differed in the expression of genes involved in stress response, aging, immunity, reproduction and lipid biosynthesis. Smaller sets of genes were differentially expressed between winners and losers. In the second experiment, switching social rank had a much greater impact on gene expression patterns than the initial/final rank. Expression differences for several candidate genes involved in key biological processes were confirmed using qRT-PCR. Our findings indicate that, in S. invicta, social environment plays a major role in the determination of the patterns of gene expression, while the queen''s physiological state is secondary. These results highlight the powerful influence of social environment on regulation of the genomic state, physiology and ultimately, social behavior of animals.  相似文献   



In species across taxa, offspring have means to influence parental investment (PI). PI thus evolves as an interacting phenotype and indirect genetic effects may strongly affect the co-evolutionary dynamics of offspring and parental behaviors. Evolutionary theory focused on explaining how exaggerated offspring solicitation can be understood as resolution of parent-offspring conflict, but the evolutionary origin and diversification of different forms of family interactions remains unclear.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In contrast to previous theory that largely uses a static approach to predict how “offspring individuals” and “parental individuals” should interact given conflict over PI, we present a dynamic theoretical framework of antagonistic selection on the PI individuals obtain/take as offspring and the PI they provide as parents to maximize individual lifetime reproductive success; we analyze a deterministic and a stochastic version of this dynamic framework. We show that a zone for equivalent co-adaptation outcomes exists in which stable levels of PI can evolve and be maintained despite fast strategy transitions and ongoing co-evolutionary dynamics. Under antagonistic co-adaptation, cost-free solicitation can evolve as an adaptation to emerging preferences in parents.


We show that antagonistic selection across the offspring and parental life-stage of individuals favors co-adapted offspring and parental behavior within a zone of equivalent outcomes. This antagonistic parent-offspring co-adaptation does not require solicitation to be costly, allows for rapid divergence and evolutionary novelty and potentially explains the origin and diversification of the observed provisioning forms in family life.  相似文献   

We develop expressions for the power to detect associations between parental genotypes and offspring phenotypes for quantitative traits. Three different “indirect” experimental designs are considered: full-sib, half-sib, and full-sib–half-sib families. We compare the power of these designs to detect genotype–phenotype associations relative to the common, “direct,” approach of genotyping and phenotyping the same individuals. When heritability is low, the indirect designs can outperform the direct method. However, the extra power comes at a cost due to an increased phenotyping effort. By developing expressions for optimal experimental designs given the cost of phenotyping relative to genotyping, we show how the extra costs associated with phenotyping a large number of individuals will influence experimental design decisions. Our results suggest that indirect association studies can be a powerful means of detecting allelic associations in outbred populations of species for which genotyping and phenotyping the same individuals is impractical and for life history and behavioral traits that are heavily influenced by environmental variance and therefore best measured on groups of individuals. Indirect association studies are likely to be favored only on purely economical grounds, however, when phenotyping is substantially less expensive than genotyping. A web-based application implementing our expressions has been developed to aid in the design of indirect association studies.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity is the ability held in many organisms to produce different phenotypes with a given genome in response to environmental stimuli, such as temperature, nutrition and various biological interactions. It seems likely that environmental signals induce a variety of mechanistic responses that influence ontogenetic processes. Inducible defenses, in which prey animals alter their morphology, behavior and/or other traits to help protect against direct or latent predation threats, are among the most striking examples of phenotypic plasticity. The freshwater microcrustacean Daphnia pulex forms tooth-like defensive structures, “neckteeth,” in response to chemical cues or signals, referred to as “kairomones,” in this case released from phantom midge larvae, a predator of D. pulex. To identify factors involved in the reception and/or transmission of a kairomone, we used microarray analysis to identify genes up-regulated following a short period of exposure to the midge kairomone. In addition to identifying differentially expressed genes of unknown function, we also found significant up-regulation of genes encoding ionotropic glutamate receptors, which are known to be involved in neurotransmission in many animal species. Specific antagonists of these receptors strongly inhibit the formation of neckteeth in D. pulex, although agonists did not induce neckteeth by themselves, indicating that ionotropic glutamate receptors are necessary but not sufficient for early steps of neckteeth formation in D. pulex. Moreover, using co-exposure of D. pulex to antagonists and juvenile hormone (JH), which physiologically mediates neckteeth formation, we found evidence suggesting that the inhibitory effect of antagonists is not due to direct inhibition of JH synthesis/secretion. Our findings not only provide a candidate molecule required for the inducible defense response in D. pulex, but also will contribute to the understanding of complex mechanisms underlying the recognition of environmental changes, which form the basis of phenotypic plasticity.  相似文献   

Social parasites exploit the colony resources of social insects. Some of them exploit the host colony as a food resource or as a shelter whereas other species also exploit the brood care behavior of their social host. Some of these species have even lost the worker caste and rely completely on the host''s worker force to rear their offspring. To avoid host defenses and bypass their recognition code, these social parasites have developed several sophisticated chemical infiltration strategies. These infiltration strategies have been highly studied in several hymenopterans. Once a social parasite has successfully entered a host nest and integrated its social system, its emerging offspring still face the same challenge of avoiding host recognition. However, the strategy used by the offspring to survive within the host nest without being killed is still poorly documented. In cuckoo bumblebees, the parasite males completely lack the morphological and chemical adaptations to social parasitism that the females possess. Moreover, young parasite males exhibit an early production of species-specific cephalic secretions, used as sexual pheromones. Host workers might thus be able to recognize them. Here we used a bumblebee host-social parasite system to test the hypothesis that social parasite male offspring exhibit a chemical defense strategy to escape from host aggression during their intranidal life. Using behavioral assays, we showed that extracts from the heads of young cuckoo bumblebee males contain a repellent odor that prevents parasite males from being attacked by host workers. We also show that social parasitism reduces host worker aggressiveness and helps parasite offspring acceptance.  相似文献   

All species of animals display aggression in order to obtain resources such as territories, mates, or food. Appropriate displays of aggression rely on the correct identification of a potential competitor, an evaluation of the environmental signals, and the physiological state of the animal. With a hard-wired circuitry involving fixed numbers of neurons, neuromodulators like serotonin offer adaptive flexibility in behavioral responses without changing the “hard-wiring”. In a recent report, we combined intersectional genetics, quantitative behavioral assays and morphological analyses to identify single serotonergic neurons that modulate the escalation of aggression. We found anatomical target areas within the brain where these neurons appear to form synaptic contacts with 5HT1A receptor-expressing neurons, and then confirmed the likelihood of those connections on a functional level. In this Extra View article, we offer an extended discussion of these recent findings and elaborate on how they can link a cellular and functional mapping of an aggression-regulating circuit at a single-cell resolution level.  相似文献   

Cross‐fostering between the highly aggressive, biparental California mouse (Peromyscus californicus) and the less aggressive, less parental white‐footed mouse (P. leucopus) influences female offspring attack latency in California mice, but not in white‐footed mice. Adult female California mice raised by white‐footed mice expressed longer attack latencies in a neutral‐arena test but not in a resident‐intruder test. One social cue that may be used by offspring to develop environmentally appropriate levels of aggression is the type of parental care during development. In California mice, a composite score of maternal behavior was positively associated with neutral‐arena aggression as indicated by decreased attack latency. In both species, paternal nest‐building was positively associated with neutral‐arena aggression and higher maternal retrieval behavior predicted higher offspring resident‐intruder aggression as indicated by decreased attack latency. Together, these results indicate that parental behavior has the potential to shape the development of attack latency in female offspring.  相似文献   

Autism is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by impaired reciprocal social interaction, communication deficits and repetitive behaviors. A very large number of genes have been linked to autism, many of which encode proteins involved in the development and function of synaptic circuitry. However, the manner in which these mutated genes might participate, either individually or together, to cause autism is not understood. One factor known to exert extremely broad influence on brain development and network formation, and which has been linked to autism, is the neurotransmitter serotonin. Unfortunately, very little is known about how alterations in serotonin neuronal function might contribute to autism. To test the hypothesis that serotonin dysfunction can contribute to the core symptoms of autism, we analyzed mice lacking brain serotonin (via a null mutation in the gene for tryptophan hydroxylase 2 (TPH2)) for behaviors that are relevant to this disorder. Mice lacking brain serotonin (TPH2−/−) showed substantial deficits in numerous validated tests of social interaction and communication. These mice also display highly repetitive and compulsive behaviors. Newborn TPH2−/− mutant mice show delays in the expression of key developmental milestones and their diminished preference for maternal scents over the scent of an unrelated female is a forerunner of more severe socialization deficits that emerge in weanlings and persist into adulthood. Taken together, these results indicate that a hypo-serotonin condition can lead to behavioral traits that are highly characteristic of autism. Our findings should stimulate new studies that focus on determining how brain hyposerotonemia during critical neurodevelopmental periods can alter the maturation of synaptic circuits known to be mis-wired in autism and how prevention of such deficits might prevent this disorder.  相似文献   

While developmental consequences of parental investment on species-typical social behaviors has been extensively characterized in same-sex parent-offspring interactions, the impact of opposite-sex relationships is less clear. In the bi-parental California mouse (Peromyscus californicus), paternal retrieval behavior induces territorial aggression and the expression of arginine vasopressin (AVP) in adult male offspring. Although similar patterns of territorially emerge among females, the sexually dimorphic AVP system has not been considered since it is generally thought to regulate male-typical behavior. However, we recently demonstrated that male and female P. californicus offspring experience increases in plasma testosterone following paternal retrieval. Since AVP expression is androgen-dependent during development, we postulate that increases in AVP expression may accompany territoriality in female, as well as male offspring. To explore this aim, adult P. californicus offspring that received either high or low levels of paternal care (retrievals) during early development were tested for territoriality and immunohistochemical analysis of AVP within the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST), paraventricular nucleus (PVN), and supraoptic nucleus (SON). Consistent with previous studies, high care offspring were more aggressive than low care offspring. Moreover, high care offspring had significantly more AVP immunoreactive (AVP-ir) cells within the BNST than low care offspring. This pattern was observed within female as well as male offspring, suggesting an equally salient role for paternal care on female offspring physiology. Regardless of early social experience, sex differences in AVP persisted in the BNST, with males having greater expression than females.  相似文献   

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