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This study investigated roles of the variation of extracellular voltage gradient (VG) over space and cardiac fibers in production of transmembrane voltage changes (DeltaV(m)) during shocks. Eleven isolated rabbit hearts were arterially perfused with solution containing V(m)-sensitive fluorescent dye (di-4-ANEPPS). The epicardium received shocks from symmetrical or asymmetrical electrodes to produce nominally uniform or nonuniform VGs. Extracellular electric field and DeltaV(m) produced by shocks in the absolute refractory period were measured with electrodes and a laser scanner and were simulated with a bidomain computer model that incorporated the anterior left ventricular epicardial fiber field. Measurements and simulations showed that fibers distorted extracellular voltages and influenced the DeltaV(m). For both uniform and nonuniform shocks, DeltaV(m) depended primarily on second spatial derivatives of extracellular voltages, whereas the VGs played a smaller role. Thus, 1) fiber structure influences the extracellular electric field and the distribution of DeltaV(m); 2) the DeltaV(m) depend on second spatial derivatives of extracellular voltage.  相似文献   

Understanding the basic mechanisms of excitability through the cardiac cycle is critical to both the development of new implantable cardiac stimulators and improvement of the pacing protocol. Although numerous works have examined excitability in different phases of the cardiac cycle, no systematic experimental research has been conducted to elucidate the correlation among the virtual electrode polarization pattern, stimulation mechanism, and excitability under unipolar cathodal and anodal stimulation. We used a high-resolution imaging system to study the spatial and temporal stimulation patterns in 20 Langendorff-perfused rabbit hearts. The potential-sensitive dye di-4-ANEPPS was utilized to record the electrical activity using epifluorescence. We delivered S1-S2 unipolar point stimuli with durations of 2-20 ms. The anodal S-I curves displayed a more complex shape in comparison with the cathodal curves. The descent from refractoriness for anodal stimulation was extremely steep, and a local minimum was clearly observed. The subsequent ascending limb had either a dome-shaped maximum or was flattened, appearing as a plateau. The cathodal S-I curves were smoother, closer to a hyperbolic shape. The transition of the stimulation mechanism from break to make always coincided with the final descending phase of both anodal and cathodal S-I curves. The transition is attributed to the bidomain properties of cardiac tissue. The effective refractory period was longer when negative stimuli were delivered than for positive stimulation. Our spatial and temporal analyses of the stimulation patterns near refractoriness show always an excitation mechanism mediated by damped wave propagation after S2 termination.  相似文献   

Analysis of electric field stimulation of single cardiac muscle cells.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Electrical stimulation of cardiac cells by imposed extracellular electric fields results in a transmembrane potential which is highly nonuniform, with one end of the cell depolarized and the other end hyperpolarized along the field direction. To date, the implications of the close proximity of oppositely polarized membranes on excitability have not been explored. In this work we compare the biophysical basis for field stimulation of cells at rest with that for intracellular current injection, using three Luo-Rudy type membrane patches coupled together as a lumped model to represent the cell membrane. Our model shows that cell excitation is a function of the temporal and spatial distribution of ionic currents and transmembrane potential. The extracellular and intracellular forms of stimulation were compared in greater detail for monophasic and symmetric biphasic rectangular pulses, with duration ranging from 0.5 to 10 ms. Strength-duration curves derived for field stimulation show that over a wide range of pulse durations, biphasic waveforms can recruit and activate membrane patches about as effectively as can monophasic waveforms having the same total pulse duration. We find that excitation with biphasic stimulation results from a synergistic, temporal summation of inward currents through the sodium channel in membrane patches at opposite ends of the cell. Furthermore, with both waveform types, a net inward current through the inwardly rectifying potassium channel contributes to initial membrane depolarization. In contrast, models of stimulation by intracellular current injection do not account for the nonuniformity of transmembrane potential and produce substantially different (even contradictory) results for the case of stimulation from rest.  相似文献   

Obesity-associated chronic inflammation is characterized by an accumulation of adipose tissue macrophages (ATMs). It is generally believed that those macrophages are derived from peripheral blood monocytes. However, recent studies suggest that local proliferation of macrophages is responsible for ATM accumulation. In the present study, we revealed that both migration and proliferation contribute to ATM accumulation during obesity development. We show that there is a significant increase in ATMs at the early stage of obesity, which is largely due to an enhanced in situ macrophage proliferation. This result was obtained by employing fat-shielded irradiation and bone marrow reconstitution. Additionally, the production of CCL2, a pivotal chemoattractant of monocytes, was not found to be increased at this stage, corroborating with a critical role of proliferation. Nonetheless, as obesity proceeds, the role of monocyte migration into adipose tissue becomes more significant and those new immigrants further proliferate locally. These proliferating ATMs mainly reside in crown-like structures formed by macrophages surrounding dead adipocytes. We further showed that IL-4/STAT6 is a driving force for ATM proliferation. Therefore, we demonstrated that local proliferation of resident macrophages contributes to ATM accumulation during obesity development and has a key role in obesity-associated inflammation.The accumulation of adipose tissue macrophages (ATMs) is a significant characteristic of obesity-associated chronic inflammation. It is also critical in regulating obesity development. In lean animals, there is a low cellularity of resident ATMs interspersing among adipocytes, which are considered as M2 macrophages. During obesity, significantly increased macrophages accumulate in adipose tissue and form the so-called ‘crown-like structures'' (CLSs) around the dead adipocytes.1, 2 Those macrophages exhibit M1 phenotype and produce various types of inflammatory cytokines, such as TNF-α, resulting in the propagation of obesity-related inflammation and the development of metabolic disorders, such as insulin resistance.3, 4, 5Traditionally, the accumulated ATMs are considered as a consequence of peripheral monocyte migration under inflammatory conditions. Recently, increasing evidences have shown that the maintenance of tissue macrophages is probably independent of the replenishment of circulating monocytes and even independent of precursors from bone marrow.6 Indeed, several kinds of tissue macrophages are capable of self-renewal and proliferate locally in naive state, such as microglia,7, 8 Kupffer cells,9 and Langerhans cells.10In acute inflammation status, for instance, during parasitic infection, local proliferation of macrophages is boosted and these macrophages exhibit phenotypes of alternatively activated macrophages, a process driven by Th2 cytokines.11 In chronic inflammation conditions, such as atherosclerosis, local proliferation of macrophages also occurs and contributes to macrophage accumulation in arterial walls.12 Most recently, it has been reported that local proliferation of macrophages could contribute to the ATM accumulation in obesity.13, 14Given the potential contributions of monocyte migration and macrophage proliferation to ATM accumulation, an important question about the respective role of each event in ATM accumulation during obesity is raising. To address it, we first focus on the initiation of ATM accumulation in obesity. We found that, although there is no significant change in the level of chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 2 (CCL2) either in adipose tissue or in circulation, the cellularity of ATMs is dramatically elevated at the early stage of obesity. Interestingly, the increase of ATMs was accompanied with vigorous ATM proliferation. By inducing obesity in chimeric mice that were generated by fat-shielded irradiation and bone marrow transplantation, we demonstrated that in situ proliferation of resident macrophages dominates the initiation of ATM accumulation at early stage of obesity, and the recruited monocytes make contribution to ATM accumulation at a relatively late stage of obesity. This study sheds light on the dynamic process of ATM accumulation and provides insight on the initiation of obesity-associated inflammation.  相似文献   

AIMS: The objective was to investigate the occurrence of sublethal injury in Escherichia coli by pulsed electric fields (PEF) at different pH values. METHODS AND RESULTS: The occurrence of sublethal injury in PEF-treated E. coli cells depended on the pH of the treatment medium. Whereas a slight sublethal injury was detected at pH 7, 99.95% of survivors were injured when cells were treated at pH 4 for 400 micros at 19 kV. The PEF-injured cells were progressively inactivated by a subsequent holding at pH 4. CONCLUSIONS: PEF cause sublethal injury in E. coli. The measurement of sublethal injury using a selective medium plating technique allowed prediction of the number of cells that would be inactivated by subsequent storage in acidic conditions. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This work could be useful for improving food preservation by PEF technology and contributes to the knowledge of the mechanism of microbial inactivation by PEF.  相似文献   

Response kinetics of skin tissue to electric current stimulation was studied. A simple method is proposed which permits to separate the response into the electrically active and electrically passive components--inner potential and resistance. The evidence obtained is discussed.  相似文献   

During cardiac disturbances such as ischemia and hyperkalemia, the extracellular potassium ion concentration is elevated. This in turn changes the resting transmembrane potential and affects the excitability of cardiac tissue. To test the hypothesis that extracellular potassium elevation also alters the stimulation mechanism, we used optical fluorescence imaging to examine the mechanism of diastolic anodal unipolar stimulation of cardiac tissue under 4 mM (normal) and 8 mM (elevated) extracellular potassium. We present several visualization methods that are useful for distinguishing between anodal-make and anodal-break excitation. In the 4-mM situation, stimulation occurred by the make, or stimulus-onset, mechanism that involved propagation out of the virtual cathodes. For 8-mM extracellular potassium, the break or stimulus termination mechanism occurred with propagation out of the virtual anode. We conclude that elevated potassium, as might occur in myocardial ischemia, alters not only stimulation threshold but also the excitation mechanism for anodal stimulation.  相似文献   

J P Wikswo  Jr  S F Lin    R A Abbas 《Biophysical journal》1995,69(6):2195-2210
Traditional cable analyses cannot explain complex patterns of excitation in cardiac tissue with unipolar, extracellular anodal, or cathodal stimuli. Epifluorescence imaging of the transmembrane potential during and after stimulation of both refractory and excitable tissue shows distinctive regions of simultaneous depolarization and hyperpolarization during stimulation that act as virtual cathodes and anodes. The results confirm bidomain model predictions that the onset (make) of a stimulus induces propagation from the virtual cathode, whereas stimulus termination (break) induces it from the virtual anode. In make stimulation, the virtual anode can delay activation of the underlying tissue, whereas in break stimulation this occurs under the virtual cathode. Thus make and break stimulations in cardiac tissue have a common mechanism that is the result of differences in the electrical anisotropy of the intracellular and extracellular spaces and provides clear proof of the validity of the bidomain model.  相似文献   

Cardiac tissue engineering presents a challenge due to the complexity of the muscle tissue and the need for multiple signals to induce tissue regeneration in vitro. We investigated the effects of compression (1 Hz, 15% strain) combined with fluid shear stress (10?2–10?1 dynes/cm2) provided by medium perfusion on the outcome of cardiac tissue engineering. Neonatal rat cardiac cells were seeded in Arginine‐Glycine‐Aspartate (RGD)‐attached alginate scaffolds, and the constructs were cultivated in a compression bioreactor. A daily, short‐term (30 min) compression (i.e., “intermittent compression”) for 4 days induced the formation of cardiac tissue with typical striation, while in the continuously compressed constructs (i.e., “continuous compression”), the cells remained spherical. By Western blot, on day 4 the expression of the gap junction protein connexin 43 was significantly greater in the “intermittent compression” constructs and the cardiomyocyte markers (α‐actinin and N‐cadherin) showed a trend of better preservation compared to the noncompressed constructs. This regime of compression had no effect on the proliferation of nonmyocyte cells, which maintained low expression level of proliferating cell nuclear antigen. Elevated secretion levels of basic fibroblast growth factor and transforming growth factor‐β in the daily, intermittently compressed constructs likely attributed to tissue formation. Our study thus establishes the formation of an improved cardiac tissue in vitro, when induced by combined mechanical signals of compression and fluid shear stress provided by perfusion. © 2012 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2012  相似文献   

Transmembrane potential responses of single cardiac cells stimulated at rest were studied with uniform rectangular field pulses having durations of 0.5-10 ms. Cells were enzymatically isolated from guinea pig ventricles, stained with voltage sensitive dye di-8-ANEPPS, and stimulated along their long axes. Fluorescence signals were recorded with spatial resolution of 17 microm for up to 11 sites along the cell. With 5 and 10 ms pulses, all cells (n = 10) fired an action potential over a broad range of field amplitudes (approximately 3-65 V/cm). With 0.5 and 1 ms pulses, all cells (n = 7) fired an action potential for field amplitudes ranging from the threshold value (approximately 4-8 V/cm) to 50-60 V/cm. However, when the field amplitude was further increased, five of seven cells failed to fire an action potential. We postulated that this paradoxical loss of excitation for higher amplitude field pulses is the result of nonuniform polarization of the cell membrane under conditions of electric field stimulation, and a counterbalancing interplay between sodium current and inwardly rectifying potassium current with increasing field strength. This hypothesis was verified using computer simulations of a field-stimulated guinea pig ventricular cell. In conclusion, we show that for stimulation with short-duration pulses, cells can be excited for fields ranging between a low amplitude excitation threshold and a high amplitude threshold above which the excitation is suppressed. These results can have implications for the mechanistic understanding of defibrillation outcome, especially in the setting of diseased myocardium.  相似文献   

Toward developing biologically sound models for the study of heart regeneration and disease, we cultured heart cells on a biodegradable, microfabricated poly(glycerol sebacate) (PGS) scaffold designed with micro-structural features and anisotropic mechanical properties to promote cardiac-like tissue architecture. Using this biomimetic system, we studied individual and combined effects of supplemental insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and electrical stimulation (ES). On culture day 8, all tissue constructs could be paced and expressed the cardiac protein troponin-T. IGF-1 reduced apoptosis, promoted cell-to-cell connectivity, and lowered excitation threshold, an index of electrophysiological activity. ES promoted formation of tissue-like bundles oriented in parallel to the electrical field and a more than ten-fold increase in matrix metalloprotease-2 (MMP-2) gene expression. The combination of IGF-1 and ES increased 2D projection length, an index of overall contraction strength, and enhanced expression of the gap junction protein connexin-43 and sarcomere development. This culture environment, designed to combine cardiac-like scaffold architecture and biomechanics with molecular and biophysical signals, enabled functional assembly of engineered heart muscle from dissociated cells and could serve as a template for future studies on the hierarchy of various signaling domains relative to cardiac tissue development.  相似文献   

Although normal human keratinocytes are known to migrate toward the cathode in a direct current (DC) electric field, other effects of the electric stimulation on keratinocyte activities are still unclear. We have investigated the keratinocyte differentiation under monodirectional pulsed electric stimulation which reduces the electrothermal and electrochemical hazards of a DC application. When cultured keratinocytes were exposed to the electric field of 3 V (ca. 100 mV/mm) or 5 V (ca. 166 mV/mm) at a frequency of 4,800 Hz for 5 min a day for 5 days, cell growth under the 5-V stimulation was significantly suppressed as compared with the control culture. Expression of mRNAs encoding keratinocyte differentiation markers such as keratin 10, involucrin, transglutaminase 1, and filaggrin was significantly increased in response to the 5-V stimulation, while the 3-V stimulation induced no significant change. After the 5-V stimulation, enhanced immunofluorescent stainings of involucrin and filaggrin were observed. These results indicate that monodirectional pulsed electric stimulation induces the keratinocyte differentiation with growth arrest.  相似文献   

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