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Karyotypes of Saudi gazelle (2n = 47 female, 2n = 50/51 male) are presented for the first time. The three karyotypes shown here vary in the numbers of metacentric chromosomes, but the cause of this variation is not yet known. Although Saudi gazelle are often regarded as a subspecies of Dorcas gazelle, the chromosome numbers and karyotypes of Saudi gazelle are too different from Dorcas gazelle (2n = 30 female, 2n = 31 male) for them to be considered a subspecies. It is also unlikely that these species would interbreed. In view of the present findings, the taxonomic status of this highly endangered gazelle needs to be resolved as soon as possible.  相似文献   

Many studies assume that an increase in brain size is beneficial. However, the costs of producing and maintaining a brain are high, and we argue that brain size should be secondarily reduced by natural selection whenever the costs outweigh the benefits. Our results confirm this by showing that brain size is subject to bidirectional selection. Relative to the ancestral state, brain size in bats has been reduced in fast flyers, while it has increased in manoeuvrable flyers adapted to flight in complex habitats. This study emphasizes that brain reduction and enlargement are equally important, and they should both be considered when investigating brain size evolution.  相似文献   

Polyploid cells are a characteristic feature of certain human tissues, and notably many cancers. In a systematic genomic screen in yeast, Storchová and co-workers identified the genetic requirements of tetraploidy. Surprisingly, they showed that only three connected pathways are essential for the viability of tetraploid yeast cells. These data provide exciting new targets that might be essential specifically in polyploid cancer cells.  相似文献   

Body mass is often viewed as a proxy of past access to resources and of future survival and reproductive success. Links between body mass and survival or reproduction are, however, likely to differ between age classes and sexes. Remarkably, this is rarely taken into account in selection analyses. Selection on body mass is likely to be the primary target accounting for juvenile survival until reproduction but may weaken after recruitment. Males and females also often differ in how they use resources for reproduction and survival. Using a long‐term study on body mass and annual survival in yellow‐bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventer), we show that body mass was under stabilizing viability selection in the first years of life, before recruitment, which changed to positive directional selection as age increased and animals matured. We found no evidence that viability selection across age classes on body mass differed between sexes. By investigating the link between running speed and body mass, we show that the capacity to escape predators was not consistent across age classes and followed a quadratic relationship at young ages only. Overall, our results indicate that mature age classes exhibit traditional patterns of positive viability selection on body mass, as expected in a hibernating mammal, but that mass in the first years of life is subjected to stabilizing selection which may come from additional predation pressures that negate the benefits of the largest body masses. Our study highlights the importance to disentangle selection pressures on traits across critical age (or life) classes.  相似文献   

In female vertebrates, differences in fitness often correspond to differences in phenotypic quality, suggesting that larger females have greater fitness. Variation in individual fitness can result from variation in life span and/or variation in yearly reproductive success, but no study has yet assessed the relationships between the components of fitness and phenotypic quality while controlling for life span. We tried to fill this gap using data from long-term monitoring (23 years) of marked roe deer and bighorn sheep, two ungulates with very different life histories. In both species, we found a strong positive relationship between an adult female's mass and her probability of reaching old age: over the long term, bigger is indeed better for ungulate females. On the other hand, we found no evidence in either species that heavier females had higher fitness when differences in life span were accounted for: over the short term, bigger is not necessarily better. Our results indicate that, while broad differences in phenotypic quality affect individual fitness, when differences in life span are accounted for phenotypic quality has no residual effect on fitness. Therefore, within a given range of phenotypic quality, bigger is not always better, for reasons which may differ between species.  相似文献   

To determine the factors that regulate mating opportunitiesof male bushy-tailed woodrats (Neotoma cinerea), we used stepwisemultiple regression on measurable morphological and behavioraltraits. DNA fingerprinting was used to determine the paternityof juveniles, allowing mating success (the number of femalesmated with), and reproductive success (the number of offspringfathered) to be quantified. Both measures of male success weresignificantly related to the growth rate of males while reproductivelyactive. The most successful males were those that had higher growthrates, indicating that there is relatively little cost (weightloss) associated with successful mating in male woodrats. Ourfindings demonstrate that although this species is highly sexuallydimorphic, large body size does not influence mating success.In addition, it appears that male mating success cannot be predictedfrom morphological measures and may instead be determined bybehavioral or olfactory cues.  相似文献   

This study examines midden selection and use by mountain gazelles Gazella gazella in central Saudia Arabia and the implications of middens (dung piles) for the conservation of this species. Specifically, we tested poachers' claims that mountain gazelles are easy to kill because midden use was predictable and conspicuous. We found that midden selection in mountain gazelles is non-random, with middens typically located at the base of the most conspicuous and largest trees, although the choice of midden sites is also influenced by tree species. Middens clearly have olfactory importance; the majority of mountain gazelles that visited middens were observed sniffing the ground. Mountain gazelles visit middens at night, which corroborates poachers' claims that the animals are easily hunted at night through spotlighting. Although the use of open habitats that are accessible to automobiles makes gazelles vulnerable to hunting and being run down, our data suggest that midden use is also an attribute that makes gazelles susceptible to hunting. Poachers can locate gazelles because of middens' predictable locations, as they are placed at prominent landmarks, are visually conspicuous as large dung piles, and are visited at night, which allows the animals to be found through spotlighting. Other taxa that use predictable and prominent landmarks, or communicate through visually conspicuous methods could also be susceptible to poaching.  相似文献   

Most theoretical treatments of the evolutionary ecology of offspring size assume a simple and direct effect of investment per offspring on offspring fitness. In this paper I experimentally determine the relationship between seed mass and several main fitness components of the oak Quercus ilex, to estimate phenotypic selection acting on seed mass during the early life cycle and to discover any potential selective conflicts occurring between different stages from dispersal to establishment. I found a positive effect of acorn size on most fitness components related to seedling establishment. Large size increased germination rate and seedling survival, accelerated germination timing, and enhanced seedling growth. Nevertheless, there was also a direct negative effect of acorn size on survival to predation, because large acorns were highly preferred by the main postdispersal seed predators at the study site, wild boars and wood mice. Because of the low probability of escape from predation, the fitness of large acorns estimated on this component was significantly lower than the fitness of smaller acorns. Therefore, seed size affected fitness in two different ways, yielding opposing and conflicting selective forces. These findings suggest that the general assumption that offspring fitness is a fixed positive function of seed size needs to be reconsidered for some systems. The existence of conflicting selection might explain the occurrence of an optimal seed size in some plant species without invoking a seed number-size trade-off.  相似文献   

蒙原羚是欧亚大陆温带草原生态系统中的特有物种和数量最多的有蹄类动物。2010年11月—2011年1月,在内蒙古达赉湖地区开展了蒙原羚冬季采食生境选择研究。结果表明:蒙原羚冬季选择利用雪深<6cm,地上生物量>50g.m-2,距围栏1000~2000m,植被高度>20cm,植被盖度>40%,隐蔽条件(可视距离)3000~4000m,到居民点距离>2000m,距家畜>2000m,坡度<20°,中上坡位,针茅(Stipa spp.)和羊草(Aneurolepidium chinnenses)等植被类型的生境采食;生境因子综合影响蒙原羚的冬季采食生境选择,依照贡献值的大小依次为到围栏距离、地上生物量、雪深和隐蔽条件。逐步判别分析表明,由这4个变量构成的判别方程在对蒙原羚采食样方进行区分时,正确判别率为82.1%。因此,建立合理的围栏管理制度、提高可利用食物量等是蒙原羚保护的关键。  相似文献   

In the absence of pedigree information, the determination of genetic distinctness of populations can only be made by genetic methods. Using DNA fingerprinting on the North American captive herd of Speke's gazelle Gazella spekei , we were able to address two hypotheses. First, two new individuals were found to have come from a genetically distinct population ( P = 0.008, permutation test), and represent potential new founders to be added to the population. Secondly, genetic similarity was not significantly correlated with relatedness under extreme inbreeding and very close relationship (coefficient of relationship range 0.304-0.717).  相似文献   

2000年和2001年初夏,在高海拔、低人口密度的阿鲁盆地内对同域分布的藏羚与藏原羚的生境选择进行了研究.以海拔高度、坡度、离山岗距离、坡向以及植被类型作为资源参数,利用Resource Selection Function对藏羚与藏原羚的潜在生态位分化进行检验.研究表明:藏羚和藏原羚对低海拔、相对平地、针茅-非禾本科群落以及北坡的资源选择具有相似性,但对低海拔苔草平地具有强烈的避开;藏原羚对山岗或斜坡生境的利用比藏羚大.以针茅-非禾本科群落为例研究,结果显示斑块植物群落可能是决定生境选择的主要原因.  相似文献   

Semple et al. (Semple et al. in press, Biol. Lett. (doi:10.1098/rsbl.2009.1062)) argued that the ‘law of brevity’ (an inverse relationship between word length and frequency of use) applies not only to human language but also to vocal signalling in non-human primates, because coding efficiency is paramount in both situations. We analysed the frequency of use of signals of different duration in the vocal repertoires of two Neotropical primate species studied in the wild—the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) and the golden-backed uakari (Cacajao melanocephalus). The key prediction of the law of brevity was not supported in either species: although the most frequently emitted calls were relatively brief, they were not the shortest signals in the repertoire. The costs and benefits associated with signals of different duration must be appreciated to understand properly their frequency of use. Although relatively brief vocal signals may be favoured by natural selection in order to minimize energetic costs, the very briefest signals may be ambiguous, contain reduced information or be difficult to detect or locate, and may therefore be selected against. Analogies between human language and vocal communication in animals can be misleading as a basis for understanding frequency of use, because coding efficiency is not the only factor of importance in animal communication, and the costs and benefits associated with different signal durations will vary in a species-specific manner.  相似文献   

Females that mate multiply have the possibility to exert postcopulatory choice and select more compatible sperm to fertilize eggs. Prior work suggests that dissimilarity in major histocompatibility complex (MHC) plays an important role in determining genetic compatibility between partners. Favouring a partner with dissimilar MHC alleles would result in offspring with high MHC diversity and therefore with enhanced survival thanks to increased resistance to pathogens and parasites. The high variability of MHC genes may further allow discrimination against the sperm from related males, reducing offspring homozygosity and inbreeding risk. Despite the large body of work conducted at precopulatory level, the role of MHC similarity between partners at postcopulatory level has been rarely investigated. We used an internal fertilizing fish with high level of multiple matings (Poecilia reticulata) to study whether MHC similarity plays a role in determining the outcome of fertilization when sperm from two males compete for the same set of eggs. We also controlled for genomewide similarity by determining similarity at 10 microsatellite loci. Contrary to prediction, we found that the more MHC‐similar male sired more offspring while similarity at the microsatellite loci did not predict the outcome of sperm competition. Our results suggest that MHC discrimination may be involved in avoidance of hybridization or outbreeding rather than inbreeding avoidance. This, coupled with similar findings in salmon, suggests that the preference for MHC‐dissimilar mates is far from being unanimous and that pre‐ and postcopulatory episodes of sexual selection can indeed act in opposite directions.  相似文献   

Outbreaks of yaws-like ulcerative skin lesions in children are frequently reported in tropical and sub-tropical countries. The origin of these lesions might be primarily traumatic or infectious; in the latter case, Treponema pallidum subspecies pertenue, the yaws agent, and Haemophilus ducreyi, the agent of chancroid, are two of the pathogens commonly associated with the aetiology of skin ulcers. In this work, we investigated the presence of T. p. pertenue and H. ducreyi DNA in skin ulcers in children living in yaws-endemic regions in Cameroon.Skin lesion swabs were collected from children presenting with yaws-suspected skin lesions during three outbreaks, two of which occurred in 2017 and one in 2019. DNA extracted from the swabs was used to amplify three target genes: the human β2-microglobulin gene to confirm proper sample collection and DNA extraction, the polA gene, highly conserved among all subspecies of T. pallidum, and the hddA gene of H. ducreyi. A fourth target, the tprL gene was used to differentiate T. p. pertenue from the other agents of human treponematoses in polA-positive samples. A total of 112 samples were analysed in this study. One sample, negative for β2-microglobulin, was excluded from further analysis. T. p. pertenue was only detected in the samples collected during the first 2017 outbreak (12/74, 16.2%). In contrast, H. ducreyi DNA could be amplified from samples from all three outbreaks (outbreak 1: 27/74, 36.5%; outbreak 2: 17/24, 70.8%; outbreak 3: 11/13, 84.6%). Our results show that H. ducreyi was more frequently associated to skin lesions in the examined children than T. p. pertenue, but also that yaws is still present in Cameroon. These findings strongly advocate for a continuous effort to determine the aetiology of ulcerative skin lesions during these recurring outbreaks, and to inform the planned mass treatment campaigns to eliminate yaws in Cameroon.  相似文献   

To examine the importance of kin selection in shaping human societies, this study analyzed the kinship system practiced in traditional China for two millennia and teased apart its underlying genetic and other, presumably cultural, components.The results demonstrate that, in the traditional patrilineal Chinese family, both genetic relatedness and the cultural factor of generation were important in determining kinship status for male agnates (genetically related relatives). For female agnates, however, only genetic relatedness was important. Another surprising finding was that the influence of gender was not as important as genetic relatedness. The most interesting finding in this study, however, was that kin selection and culture (I.e., seniority in generation and age) played vastly different roles in different lineages in the Chinese family: for collateral (indirect) agnates, genetic relatedness was the most important factor in determining their kinship status, but for lineal (direct) agnates, its importance was overridden by seniority in generation and age, a cultural factor. Several other bio-cultural factors also explained a considerable amount of variance in kinship status. Since kinship profoundly affected, and was often the foundation of, the legal and social systems in dynastic China, kin selection, while its strength may differ remarkably between lineal and collateral relatives, could act as a selective force in Chinese families.  相似文献   

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