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The alpha (62,000-dalton) and beta (49,000-dalton) subunits of Methanosarcina barkeri ATPase were purified to homogeneity. The subunits and ATPase complex were trypsinized in the presence of various nucleotides. ATP and ADP changed the trypsin sensitivity of the alpha subunit in the complex and isolated forms, suggesting the presence of a nucleotide-binding site in the alpha subunit.  相似文献   

A rat apolipoprotein A-II cDNA clone was isolated from a rat liver cDNA library by in situ hybridization of bacteriophage plaques using a 32P-labeled human apoA-II cDNA as a probe. The cDNA insert from this clone was characterized by DNA sequencing. The amino acid composition derived from the DNA sequence data matched well with that of rat apoA-II reported earlier (Herbert et al. 1974. J. Biol Chem. 249: 5718-5724), indicating that the cDNA insert coded for rat apoA-II. Further evidence was provided by a comparison of the amino acid sequence of rat apoA-II obtained here with that of human apoA-II (Brewer et al. 1972. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 69: 1304-1308). While the rat apoA-II cDNA insert did not code for the entire presegment, it had the same COOH-terminal residues of the presegment as well as the same prosegment (Ala-Leu-Val-Arg-Arg) as in human preproapoA-II, suggesting that rat apoA-II was also synthesized initially as preproapoA-II. Mature rat apoA-II contains 79 amino acids. Residue 6 of mature rat apoA-II is Asp, while it is Cys in human apoA-II, and this would account for the absence of dimeric forms of rat apoA-II in plasma. While the overall amino acid sequence homology between rat and human apoA-II is about 50%, the amphipathic alpha-helical structures, which are responsible for lipid-binding, seem to be conserved in the two proteins. The size of rat apoA-II mRNA was estimated to be about 600 nucleotides.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Many flagellar proteins are exported by a flagellum-specific export pathway. In an initial attempt to characterize the apparatus responsible for the process, we designed a simple assay to screen for mutants with export defects. Temperature-sensitive flagellar mutants of Salmonella typhimurium were grown at the permissive temperature (30 degrees C), shifted to the restrictive temperature (42 degrees C), and inspected in a light microscope. With the exception of switch mutants, they were fully motile. Next, cells grown at the permissive temperature had their flagellar filaments removed by shearing before the cells were shifted to the restrictive temperature. Most mutants were able to regrow filaments. However, flhA, fliH, fliI, and fliN mutants showed no or greatly reduced regrowth, suggesting that the corresponding gene products are involved in the process of flagellum-specific export. We describe here the sequences of fliH, fliI, and the adjacent gene, fliJ; they encode proteins with deduced molecular masses of 25,782, 49,208, and 17,302 Da, respectively. The deduced sequence of FliI shows significant similarity to the catalytic beta subunit of the bacterial F0F1 ATPase and to the catalytic subunits of vacuolar and archaebacterial ATPases; except for limited similarity in the motifs that constitute the nucleotide-binding or catalytic site, it appears unrelated to the E1E2 class of ATPases, to other proteins that mediate protein export, or to a variety of other ATP-utilizing enzymes. We hypothesize that FliI is either the catalytic subunit of a protein translocase for flagellum-specific export or a proton translocase involved in local circuits at the flagellum.  相似文献   

The primary amino acid sequence of alpha-subunit in ovomucin (OVM) from hen thick egg white was determined. The 2087 amino acid residues with a relative molecular mass of 230.9 kDa along the full length of the alpha-subunit were represented. The alpha-subunit contains domains, arranged from the N- to C-terminals in the following order: D1-D2-D'-D3-R (central region)-D4-C1-CK (Cystine-knot), in a manner similar to the arrangement of D, C and CK domains in human pre-pro-von Willebrand factor (hpp-vWF) and hMUC2. The alpha-subunit showed identities on amino acid sequences with hpp-vWF and hMUC2 at 33 and 41% in the N-terminal region and 30 and 38% in the C-terminal region, respectively. The numbers and positions of cysteine residues were highly conserved among alpha-subunit, hpp-vWF and hMUC2. However, R showed no virtual sequence homology with the corresponding regions in two proteins. It was estimated that alpha-subunit was not part of a large peptide of OVM, but was independently synthesized from beta-subunit.  相似文献   

M Sumi  M H Sato  K Denda  T Date  M Yoshida 《FEBS letters》1992,314(3):207-210
A 490 bp DNA fragment was amplified from Methanosarcina barkeri genomic DNA by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using oligonucleotide primers designed based on conserved amino acid sequences of the F1-ATPase beta subunits. The amino acid sequence deduced from the DNA sequence of this fragment was highly homologous to a portion of the F1-ATPase beta subunit. This indicates that this archaebacterium has a gene of F-type ATPase in addition to a gene of V-type ATPase.  相似文献   

In addition to two major alpha- and beta-subunits, the soluble oligomycin-insensitive F1ATPase purified from sweet potato root mitochondria contains four different minor subunits of gamma (Mr = 35,500), delta (Mr = 27,000), delta' (Mr = 23,000), and epsilon (Mr = 12,000) (Iwasaki, Y., and Asashi, T. (1983) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 227, 164-173). Among these minor subunits, the delta-subunit specifically cross-reacted with an antibody against the delta-subunit of maize mitochondrial F1 which contains only three minor gamma-, delta- and epsilon-subunits like F1ATPases from other organisms, indicating that the delta'-subunit is an extra subunit of sweet potato F1 which is absent in the maize F1. All of the four minor subunits of sweet potato F1 were purified and their N-terminal amino acid sequences of 30-36 residues were determined. The N-terminal sequence of gamma-subunit was homologous to those of the gamma-subunits of bacterial F1 and mammalian mitochondrial F1. The N-terminal sequence of the delta-subunit was homologous to those of the delta-subunits of bacterial F1, chloroplast CF1, and oligomycin sensitivity conferring protein of bovine mitochondrial F1F0. A sequence homology was also observed between the sweet potato epsilon-subunit and the epsilon-subunit of bovine mitochondrial F1. The N-terminal sequence of the delta'-subunit did not show any significant sequence homology to known protein sequences. These subunit correspondences place plant mitochondrial F1 at an unique position in the evolution of F1ATPase.  相似文献   

Vacuolar ATPases constitute a novel class of N-ethylmaleimide- and nitrate-sensitive proton pumps associated with the endomembrane system of eukaryotic cells. They resemble F0F1-ATPases in that they are large multimeric proteins, 400-500 kDa, composed of three to nine different subunits. Previous studies have indicated that the active site is located on the approximately 70-kDa subunit. Using antibodies to the approximately 70-kDa subunit of corn to screen a carrot root lambda gt11 cDNA library, we have isolated cDNA clones of the carrot 69-kDa subunit. The complete primary structure of the 69-kDa subunit was then determined from the nucleotide sequence of its cDNA. The 69-kDa subunit consists of 623 amino acids (Mr 68,835), with no obvious membrane-spanning regions. The carrot cDNA sequence was over 70% homologous with exons of a Neurospora 69-kDa genomic clone. The protein sequence of the carrot 69-kDa subunit also exhibited 34.3% identity to four representative F0F1-ATPase beta-chains over a 275-amino-acid core stretch of similar sequence. Alignment studies revealed several regions which were highly homologous to beta-chains, including sequences previously implicated in catalytic function. This provides definitive evidence that the vacuolar ATPase is closely related to the F0F1-type ATPases. A major functional difference between the 69-kDa and beta-subunits is the location of 3 critical cysteine residues: two in the putative catalytic region (Cys-248 and Cys-256) and one in the proposed Mg2+-binding site (Cys-279). These cysteines (and two others) probably account for the sensitivity of the vacuolar H+-ATPase to the sulfhydryl reagent, N-ethylmaleimide. It is proposed that the two ATPases may have arisen from a common ancestor by the insertion or deletion of a large stretch of nonhomologous sequence near the amino-terminal end of the subunit.  相似文献   

The 1763 nucleotide-long-DNA sequence of part of the gene cluster for the proton-translocating ATPase from E. coli was determined. The sequence covers the genes for the a and b subunits of F0 along with the intercistronic regions. In the region preceding the gene for the a subunit, a reading frame encompassing 127 amino acids was found. The primary structure of the a and b subunits were deduced and the properties of these proteins were predicted. Analysis of codon usage in these genes was made.  相似文献   

A nucleotide sequence of 2328 base pairs comprising a portion of the gene cluster for the proton-translocating ATPase of E. coli was determined. The sequence covers most of the gene for α subunit, the entire gene for γ subunit and the amino terminal portion of the gene for β subunit, along with the flanking regions of these genes. The amino acid sequences of these subunits deduced from the DNA sequences indicate that the α and γ subunits have 513 and 287 amino acid residues, respectively. A possible secondary structure for each subunit was estimated from the inferred primary structure. The intercistronic regions between the genes for α and γ and between γ and β are 49 and 26 base pairs, respectively. The significance of codon usage in these genes is discussed in correlation with their expression.  相似文献   

To study expression of uncG, the gene coding for the gamma subunit of the Escherichia coli proton-translocating ATPase, deletions were made in the intergenic region between uncA, the gene coding for the alpha subunit, and uncG. Two deletions which fused uncA and uncG coded for alpha-gamma fusion polypeptides which were synthesized well both in vitro and in vivo, demonstrating that uncG expression is normally controlled by nucleotides in the intergenic region. Multicopy plasmids carrying these fusion genes and the genes for the other subunits of the ATPase had a harmful effect on the growth of E. coli. The effect was overcome by N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, indicating that the cells probably leaked protons. The deleterious effect was eliminated by making a nonpolar deletion in the upstream F0 gene uncB, or by cloning each of the uncA-uncG fusion genes onto a separate plasmid, removed from the F0 genes, thus demonstrating that the fusion genes were not primarily responsible for the proton permeability. A plasmid which carried F0 genes and the gene for the delta subunit caused deleterious proton leakiness in unc+ cells but not in cells from which the unc operon was deleted. The proton leakiness caused by these different plasmids was therefore due to the production of a leaky F0 proton channel and required the presence of F1 genes. The results support a model for ATPase assembly in which F1 genes or polypeptides are involved in the formation or opening of the F0 proton channel.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of models based on current structural concepts of the F0F1 synthases, accounting for coupling between proton transport and ATP synthesis. It is assumed that each of the three alpha beta-subunits of the synthase can exist in three different conformational states E, Eo and E*. Proton translocation is coupled to cyclic interconversion of the conformations of the alpha beta-subunits. The conformational changes of these subunits are assumed to be coordinated so that all three interconvert simultaneously, in a rate-limiting transition. Binding and release of the ligands ATP, ADP, Pi, and protons are assumed to be equilibrium steps. In one family of models, interconversion of the alpha beta-subunits of F1 is coupled to the translocation event in F0 acting as a proton carrier. In a second family of models, protons combine with F0F1 and are translocated during the interconversion step in a chemiport. Kinetic tests involving the mutual effects of [ATP], [ADP], H+', and H+" are described, allowing us to make a distinction between the different models and submodels.  相似文献   

S-Adenosyl-L-homocysteine hydrolase has been cloned from a lambda gt11 cDNA library prepared from Dictyostelium discoideum that had been starved for 3 hours. The sequence of the cloned cDNA was determined and the deduced amino acid sequence was compared to the amino acid sequence of rat AdoHcy hydrolase. When the sequences from the two species were aligned, 74% of the amino acids were in identical positions. If conservative changes were taken into account the homology was 84%. Because differences have been reported in the binding characteristics of NAD+ to the D. discoideum and rat AdoHcy hydrolases, changes in the amino acids of the putative NAD+-binding site were of particular interest. Six changes were observed in this region but the changes appeared to be in regions that are not critical to the three dimensional folding of the NAD+-binding site.  相似文献   

A lambda gt10 library containing DNAs complementary to messenger RNAs from human breast cancer T47-D cells was constructed and screened with a cDNA probe encoding the rabbit progesterone receptor. Four overlapping clones have been sequenced. The open reading frame corresponds to a protein of 933 amino acids with a molecular weight of 98,868 Da. The cysteine rich basic region supposed to be involved in DNA binding is completely homologous in the human and rabbit receptors, whereas the C-terminal end, where hormone binding is thought to take place, differs by a single amino acid change. The human progesterone receptor is characterized, as is the rabbit receptor, by the very high proline content of its N-terminal region. When mRNAs from either human breast cancer cell lines T47-D and MCF-7 or from normal human uterus tissue were blotted and probed with the cloned cDNA, four main bands were observed (5100, 4300, 3700, and 2900 nucleotides).  相似文献   

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