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In Great South Bay, nanoplankton, (<20 sµm) accountedfor the largest fraction (56%) of zooplankton glutamate dehydrogenase(GDH) activity over a one year period. Microzooplankton (20–200µm) and macrozooplankton (>200 µm) accountedfor 20% and 24%, respectively. Total zooplankton ammonium regenerationin Great South Bay could account for 74% of the ammonium requirementby phytoplankton in winter, but in summer when phytoplanktondemand was greater, and zooplankton population was low, it suppliedless than 5%. This study suggests that the smallest zooplanktonfraction, less than 20 µm, can be the most important asregards nitrogen regeneration in estuarine environments. MacrozooplanktonGDH activity in Great South Bay ranged from 0.18 mg atoms NH+4-Nm–3 d–1 in winter to 3.34 mg atoms NH+4-N m–3d–1 in spring. Over an annual period, the averaged GDH/excretionratio was 20.4 3.5 (n = 10), and this ratio agrees well withobservations by other investigators. Observed macrozooplanktonexcretion rates showed a strong correlation with the excretionrates indirectly estimated from GDH activities. The GDH/excretionratio seems to vary depending on the internal physiologicalstates of zooplankton as well as food availability.  相似文献   

Oikopleura longicauda occurred throughout the year in ToyamaBay, southern Japan Sea, and analysis of its size compositionand maturity revealed that reproduction was continuous overtheyear. Somatic growth production (Pg) varied with season from0.03 to 103 mg carbon (C) m–2day–1 (annual Pg 4.5g C m–2), and house production (Pe) from 0.11 to 266 mgC m–2 day–1 (annualPe 11.3 g C m–2). The annualPg/B ratio was 176. Compared with production data of some predominantzooplankton species in Toyama Bay, it is suggested that despitetheir smaller biomass, appendicularians are an important secondaryproducer.  相似文献   

We estimate that Neocalanus tonsus makes a contribution to downwardscarbon flux of 1.7–9.3 g C m–2 year–1, insubantarctic waters, the Subtropical Front and waters immediatelyto the north, based on its ontogenetic vertical migration minusthe biomass of eggs, the products of which are returned to thesurface the following season. This flux is an order of magnitudegreater than that estimated (0.27 g C m–2 year–1)for vertical migration of large copepods in the North Atlantic.Over the total 55.6 x 106 km2 where N. tonsus is distributed,0.17 Gt C year–1 are estimated to be lost annually tothe ocean interior. In subantarctic water, this loss represents1.4% of primary production and is 14% greater than the measuredsedimented particulate organic carbon (POC) at 300 m. Similarly,in subtropical water, carbon loss to the ocean interior fromN. tonsus seasonal migration is estimated to be 13% lower thanmeasured POC flux. Nevertheless, N. tonsus was never found intime-incremental sediment trap samples. We hypothesize thatthe apparently proportionally different role of downwards seasonalmigration of large copepods relative to sedimented POC in theNorth Atlantic compared with the subarctic North Pacific andSouthern Ocean arises because of a combination of differencesin the nutrient status of these oceans, differences in the rateof development of grazer populations in spring, and differencesin life history characteristics of large copepods. The fluxdue to the behaviour of N. tonsus in different parts of itsrange, put into the context of the estimated global-mean netflux of 1.7–3.7 g C m–2 year–1 taken up bythe ocean, may be a regionally significant amount. The summerdownward migration of N. tonsus, however, does not entirelyexplain the observed seasonal variation in regional measurementsof pCO2 off New Zealand.  相似文献   

Community respiration (R) was determined in Bransfield Straitfrom oxygen changes in water samples incubated in borosilicatebottles maintained at in situ temperature. The respiratory electrontransport system (ETS) activity of seawater communities wasalso measured from the same samples. Both data sets were relatedby the regression equation: log R (mg O2 m–3 day–1)=0.462+0.730xlogETS activity mg O2 m–3 day–1) (r=0.80, n=23). Fromthis equation and 37 ETS activity depth profiles, we calculatedthe integrated (0–100 m) community respiration as beingin the range 1.2–4.5 g O2 m–2 day–1 (mean=2.2).These values do not differ significantly from other publishedresults for the Arctic and Antarctic Oceans. Assuming a respiratoryquotient of unity, the areal respiration ranges between 0.45and 1.69 g C m–2 day–1 (mean=0.8). This would representan important sink for the primary production reported for BransStrait. The spatial distribution of community respiration showedhigher values associated with the warmer and phytoplankton-richwaters outflowing from Gerlache Strait into Bransfield Strait,and with the front that separates Bellingshausen Sea watersfrom Weddell Sea waters. We suggest that this pattern of distributionmay be related to the transport of organic matter by the BransfieldCurrent along the front.  相似文献   

Ammonia excreted by mixed zooplankton populations over an annual(1972–1973) cycle in Narragansett Bay varied from 0.04to 3.21 µg at NH3-N dry wt–1 day–1, exclusiveof two exceptional rates measured one year apart: 11.74 and18.39 µg at NH3-N mg dry wt–1 day–1. Grossphytoplankton production integrated over the year (1972–1973)averaged 151 mg C m–3 day–1 for an 8 m water column;peaks of 332 and 905 mg C m–3 day–1 occurred duringthe winter-spring and summer blooms, respectively. Excretedammonia, integrated seasonally and annually, contributed only0.2% and 4.9% of the nitrogen required for observed gross productionduring the winter-spring and summer blooms, respectively, and4.4% annually. However, excreted ammonia may be an importantsource of the nitrogen required by Skeletonema costatum, thedominant diatom in Narragansett Bay, during the post-bloom periodwhen 186% of the nitrogen required for its net production wasmet by ammonia excretion. A combination of zooplankton ammoniaexcretion and benthic ammonia flux contributed 22% of the nitrogenrequired for the annual gross production (440 g C m–2)while 51% of the nitrogen required for the net production ofSkeletonema was accounted for by regenerated nitrogen. 1This research was supported by NSF grant GA 31319X awardedto Dr.T.J.Smayda.  相似文献   

Net accumulation of Cl by intact barley plants was virtuallyeliminated in roots and reduced by 40% in shoots when externalmedia (0.5 mol m–3 CaSO4 plus 0–5 mol m–3KCI) were supplemented with 0.25 mol m Ca(NO3)2. Plasmalemma36Cl influx (oc) was shown to be insensitive to externalNO3- in plants which had previously been grown in solutionslacking –3, but oc became sensitive to NO3-after a lagperiod of 3–6 h. Kinetic analyses revealed that the inhibitionof 36C1 influx by external NO3- was complex. At 0.25mol m–3 NO3- the Vmax for Cl influx was reducedby greater than 50%, with insignificant effects upon Km. At0.5 mol m–3 NO3- there was no further effect upon Vmaxbut Km for influx increased from 38±5 mmol m–3to 116±26 mmol m–3. By contrast, Cl effluxwas found to be insensitive to external NO3-. A model for theregulation of Cl influx is proposed which involves bothnegative feedback effects from vacuolar NO3- +Cl) concentrationand (external) NO3- inhibition of Cl influx at the plasmalemma.These combined effects serve to discriminate against Claccumulation, favouring NO3- accumulation, when the latter ionis available. Such observations are inconsistent with recentproposals for the existence of bona fide homeostats for chlorideaccumulation in higher plants. Key words: Nitrate inhibition, Chloride influx, Barley  相似文献   

The effects of excess salinity and oxygen deficiency on growthand solute relations in Zea mays L. cv. Pioneer 3906 were examinedin greenhouse experiments. The roots of plants 14 d old growingin nutrient solution containing additions of NaCl in the range1.0–200 mol m–3 were either exposed to a severedeficiency of O2 by bubbling with nitrogen gas (N2 treatment),or maintained with a supply of air (controls), for a periodof 1–7 d. The threshold NaCl concentration resulting inappreciable inhibition of leaf extension, and shoot f. wt gainin controls was between 10 and 25 mol m–3. At 25 mol m–3NaCl the ratio of Na+/K+ transported to shoots was about 20times greater than in plants in 1.0 mol m–3 NaCl. Theeffect of addition of NaCl to the nutrient solution was to enhanceNa+ movement but simultaneously depress the rate of K+ transportto shoots (per g f. wt roots). Interactions between NaCl levels and aeration treatment wereshown by analyses of variance to be statistically significantfor leaf extension, shoot and root f. wt gains, Na+ and K+ concentrationsin shoots and roots. When roots were N2-treated, shoot and rootgrowth were depressed, the effect of aeration treatment beinggreatest at NaCl concentrations of 50 mol m–3 or less.Additionally, N2-treatment greatly accelerated Na- transportto shoots while depressing K+ transport still further, so thatat 10 mol m–3 NaCl the ratio Na+/K+ acquired by the shootswas 230 times greater than in controls. Over the concentrationrange 1.0 to 50 mol m–3 NaCl, the ratio Na+/K+ transportedto shoots by anoxic roots increased by a factor of 860. Mechanisms controlling changes in solute flux to the shoot,and the significance in relation to plant tolerance of excesssalts or oxygen deficiency are discussed. Anaerobic, corn, flooding, maize, oxygen-deficiency, salinity  相似文献   

Red beech (Nothofagus fusca (Hook. F.) Oerst.; Fagaceae) andradiata pine (Pinus radiata D. Don; Pinaceae) were grown for16 months in large open-top chambers at ambient (37 Pa) andelevated (66 Pa) atmospheric partial pressure of CO2, and incontrol plots (no chamber). Summer-time measurements showedthat photosynthetic capacity was similar at elevated CO2 (lightand CO2-saturated value of 17.2 µmol m–2 s–1for beech, 13.5 µmol m–2 s–1 for pine), plantsgrown at ambient CO2 (beech 21.0 µmol–2 s–1,pine 14.9 µmol m–2s–1) or control plants grownwithout chambers (beech 23.2 µmol m–2 s–1,pine 12.9 µmol m–2 s–1). However, the higherCO2 partial pressure had a direct effect on photosynthetic rate,such that under their respective growth conditions, photosynthesisfor the elevated CO2 treatment (measured at 70 Pa CO2 partialpressure: beech 14.1 µmol m–2 s–1 pine 10.3)was greater than in ambient (measured at 35 Pa CO2: beech 9.7µmol m–2 s–1, pine 7.0 µmol m–2s–1) or control plants (beech 10.8 µmol m–2s–1, pine 7.2 µmol m–2 s–1). Measurementsof chlorophyll fluorescence revealed no evidence of photodamagein any treatment for either species. The quantity of the photoprotectivexanthophyll cycle pigments and their degree of de-epoxidationat midday did not differ among treatments for either species.The photochemical efficiency of photosystem II (yield) was lowerin control plants than in chamber-grown plants, and was higherin chamber plants at ambient than at elevated CO2. These resultssuggest that at lower (ambient) CO2 partial pressure, beechplants may have dissipated excess energy by a mechanism thatdoes not involve the xanthophyll cycle pigments. Key words: Carotenoids, chlorophyll fluorescence, photosynthesis, photoinhibition, photoprotection, xanthophyll cycle  相似文献   

A system was developed to test the effects of floodwater O2concentration on ethylene evolution and stem lenticel hypertrophy,and the effects of exogenous ethylene on stem lenticel hypertrophyin mango (Mangifera indica L.) trees. Dissolved O2 concentrationsof 1–7x10–9 m3 m–3 generally resulted in hypertrophyof stem lenticels within about 6 d of flooding, whereas floodwaterO2 concentrations of 13–15 x 10–9 m3 m–3 delayedhypertrophy until about day 9. After 14d of flooding, therewere more than twice the number of hypertrophied lenticels pertree with floodwater O2 concentrations of 1–7 x 10–9m3 m–3 than with floodwater O2 concentrations of 15 x10–9 m3 m–3. Ethylene evolution from stem tissueimmediately above the floodline increased 4- to 8-fold in treesexposed to floodwater O2 concentrations of 1–2 x 10–9m3 m–3, increased 2-fold for trees exposed to floodwaterO2 concentrations of 6–7 x 10–9 m3 m–3, butremained constant with floodwater O2 concentrations of 13–15x 10–9 m3 m–3. Plants maintained in highly oxygenatedfloodwater (13–15 x 10–9 m3 m–3), and givenexogenous ethylene developed many hypertrophied lenticels, whereasplants in highly oxygenated water and not given ethylene developedfewer or nohypertrophied lenticels. These data suggest thatethylene plays a role in promotion of stem lenticel hypertrophyin flooded mango trees, and that floodwater dissolved oxygenconcentration can regulate stem lenticel hypertrophy and ethyleneevolution in this species. Key words: Flooding, hypoxia, hypertrophic cell swelling  相似文献   

Chlorophyll standing crop and phytoplankton production werestudied in the western Irish Sea over a 21 month period during1992 and 1993. For both years, the start of the production seasonwas first observed in Dundalk Bay and occurred progressivelylater in more northerly coastal and offshore waters. Standingcrop and production exhibited marked spatial heterogeneity with12.5- to 19-fold differences in crop observed over distancesof 20–30 km. Distinct regional differences in the lengthof the production season were apparent. The longest season,6–7 months with a production of 194 g C m–2, occurredin Dundalk Bay. The season lasted 3–4 months in the summerstratified region with a production of 140 g C m–2. Northerly,offshore mixed waters and coastal waters of Northern Irelandsupported a short (2–3 months) season and production of194 and 140 g C m–2, respectively. The similarity in seasonalproduction between Dundalk Bay and coastal waters of NorthernIreland, and between the summer stratified and northern mixedregions, is attributed to the intensity of production duringthe summer. Between 59 and 79% of seasonal production in thenorthern mixed region and coastal waters of Northern Irelandtook place during June and July, compared to 29–40% inDundalk Bay and the summer stratified region. Lower summer productionin the latter two may be due to nutrient limitation and thishas implications for the sensitivity of these two regions toanthropogenic nutrient enrichment.  相似文献   

The prospect of estimating primary production (II, mg C m–2d–1)from chlorophyll pigment concentrations (Ck, mg m–3 nearthe ocean surface is appealing, now that chlorophyll concentrationscan be extracted from satellite images. Earlier work has showna proportionality between II and Ck (II  相似文献   

Biomass and productivity of microplankton were measured in theCraternaya Bay (Kurile Islands), which is influenced by hydrothermalactivity and volcanic heating. The hydrothermal fields are situatedaround its shores and underwater within the 0–20 m depth.A dense ‘bloom’ of photoautotrophic microplanktonwas observed there, dominated by diatoms, phytoflagellates andthe symbiont-containing ciliate Mesodinium rubrum. The biomassof these ciliates attained 3–11 g m-3 in the upper waterlayer. The total biomass of the phototrophic microplankton reached30–46 g m-3. The primary production in the water columnwas, correspondingly, enormously high: 6–10 g C m-2 day-1.The depth of the euphotic zone was 7 m. Pelagic photosynthesiswas inhibited in the upper 0–1 m by the spreading of alayer of low-salinity hydrothermal water. The numerical densityof bacterioplankton in the upper zone of the water column variedfrom 1 x 106 to 2.9 x 106 cells ml-1, and its wet biomass from250 to 750 mg m-3. Its production varied at stations from 70to 390 mg m-3 day-1. Chemosynthesis contributed up to 30% ofthis production in the sites neighbouring the hydrothermal vents.Outside their direct impact however, its share was negligible.The biomass of heterotrophic planktonic ciliates varied from30 to 270 mg m-3. The mechanisms of possible influence of shallowvolcanic activity on development and function of microplanktonin the Craternaya Bay is discussed.  相似文献   

The growth rate of a population of Euphausia lucens from thewest coast of South Africa was estimated from laboratory studiesand from monthly size-frequency distributions of samples collectedover a 1-year period. Laboratory studies indicated that growthrates ranged from 0.131 (larvae) to 0.047 mm day–1 (juveniles),while size-frequency distributions suggested a growth rate of{small tilde}0.026 mm day–1 for the adults. The mean annualbiomass from the inshore, intermediate and offshore regionsranged from 9.75 to 47.29 mg dry wt m–3 with the highestbiomass being found in the inshore region. Calyptopis larvaewere present for most months of the year, indicating continuousrecrwtment. The relative contribution of flesh, moults and eggsto the total annual production was estimated separately forall three regions. Production due to growth (Pg) was estimatedto be 92.71–185.60 mg dry wt m–3 year–1, whileexuviai production (Pe) varied between 60.01 and 281.38 mg drywt m year Production of eggs (Pr) was estimated to range from5.07 to 12.39 mg dry wt m year the lowest value being obtainedin the inshore region. Moult production represented {small tilde}6times the mean biomass in each region, while the P/B ratio forflesh production varied from 3.92 to 8.91, the highest ratiobeing obtained in the offshore region. Total P/B ratios rangedfrom 10.14 to 16.01.  相似文献   

The seasonal time course of phytoplankton primary productivitywas studied weekly in a hypertrophic, gravel-pit lake closeto Madrid, Spain. Chlorophyll a ranged 22–445 mg m–2.Gross primary productivity attained 0.28±0.14 g C m–2h–1 (range: 0.06–0.60), its yearly value being 900g C m–2, but the shallow euphotic depths and the highplankton respiration ensured that net productivity was generallylow. Respiration losses amounted to 0.31±0.24 g O2 m–2h–1, with phytoplankton respiration roughly attainingone-half of overall plankton respiration. Areal phytoplanktonproductivity and plankton respiration followed a seasonal trendbut this was not the case for photosynthetic capacity. Surfacephotoinhibition was evenly distributed throughout the study.Quantum yields showed an increasing depth trend, but no seasonaltrend. Both Pmax and Ik were both temperature- and irradiance-dependent.As compared with lakes of lesser trophic degree, phytoplanktonprimary production in hypertrophic lakes might be increasednot only by higher nutrient contents but also by low chlorophyll-specificattenuation coefficients and low background, non-algal attenuation,thereby allowing for higher areal chlorophyll contents and hencehigher areal productivity. Our study suggests that physical(irradiance and water column stability) as well as chemicalfeatures (dissolved inorganic carbon and soluble reactive phosphorus)may control seasonality of phytoplankton primary productionin this lake despite recent claims that only physical factorsare of significance in hypertrophic lakes. However, this doesnot explain all the variability observed and so a food web controlis also likely to be operating.  相似文献   

In situ light measurements were used to obtain information oninherent and apparent optical properties. The average verticalattenuation coefficient Kd(ave) varied from 1.1 to 4.6 In unitsm–1 During three periods the variation in Kd(ave) correlatedwith changes in chlorophyll a concentration and specific attenuationcoefficients Ks, of 0.013, 0.014 and 0.022 m2 mg Chl a–1were calculated. Chlorophyll-specific diffuse absorption coefficients(A,) for these periods were 0.012. 0.013 and 0.017 m2 mg Chla–1 and only varied significantly from estimates of Ksin the period when scattering was intense. Absorption coefficientsa(zmid) and scattering coefficients b(zmid) calculated for themid-point of the euphotic zone ranged between 0.45 and 2.9 mand 3.5–52.0 m respectively. Chlorophyll-specific absorptioncoefficients Ka, of 0.005, 0.006 and 0.007 m2 mg Chl a–1and scattering coefficients Kb of 0.05. 0.09 and 0.191 m2 mgChl a–1 were measured during the three periods. The highKb value occurred when gas-vacuolate cyanobactena were dominant.Algal photosynthesis and light absorption were related throughthe maximum quantum yield m which varied between 0.019 and 0.11mol C Einstein–1 while average quantum yields a, variedbetween 0.006 and 0.024 with a mean of 0.013 mol C Einstein–1A comparison of changes in the mean irradiance of the mixedzone and chlorophyll concentration indicated that growth waslight limited below 0.04–0.05 Einsteins absorbed mg Chla–1 day–1.  相似文献   

Measurements of microclimate and photosynthesis of lucerne var.Europe were made in the field during the spring of 1976. Themaximum rate of canopy gross photosynthesis (14.3 g CO2 m–2h–1, I = ) was 2.5 times greater than that of S 24 perennialryegrass at the same LAI. This difference was due to differencesin individual leaf photosynthesis. The photosynthetic rate ofthe youngest fully expanded leaf of lucerne remained constantthroughout the experimental period at 3.6 g CO2 m–2 h–1(300 W m–2). Measurements of soil water potential profiles indicated thatlucerne extracted water from the soil to a depth of at least800 mm, with a region of maximum uptake between 400 and 600mm. This capability, with a moderate mean leaf resistance of460 s m–1, conferred a high assimilation efficiency onlucerne, with a mean water use efficiency of 34 g H2O lost pergram of carbohydrate assimilated, compared with 200 g H2O pergram of carbohydrate for S 24. Medicago sativa L, lucerne, photosynthesis, assimilation efficiency  相似文献   

Experiments with simulated swards of perennial ryegrass (Loliumperenne L.) grown in flowing nutrient solution with NO3- heldat 0.1 mg N I–1 show that the rate of NO3- uptake wasrelated to diurnal, day-to-day, and seasonal changes in radiation.In summer the diurnal variation in NO3-uptake ranged from 25to 50 mg N m–2 h–1 and the day-to-day variationranged from 500 to 1500 mg N m–2 d–1. Mean dailyrates of uptake over 12 d periods in summer and in winter averaged908 and 44 mg N m–2, respectively. The pattern of NO3-uptake followed that of CO2 flux with the maximum rate of theformer occurring 5 or 6 h after the maximum CO2 influx. Afterdefoliation, NO3- uptake was severely curtailed for 2 d concomitantwith a very small influx of CO2. Analysis of the changes thatoccurred in the rate of NO3- uptake immediately after the switchingon or off of artificial light suggests that two reversible processesmay be involved in the relation between NO3-uptake and radiation,one with a longer and the other with a shorter time constant.  相似文献   

Knight, S. L. and Mitchell, C. A. 1988. Effects of CO2 and photosyntheticphoton flux on yield, gas exchange and growth rate of Lactucasativa L. ‘Waldmann’s Green'.—J. exp. Bot.39: 317–328. Enrichment of CO2 to 46 mmol m–3 (1 000 mm3 dm–3)at a moderate photosynthetic photon flux (PPF) of 450 µmolm–2 s–1 stimulated fresh and dry weight gain oflettuce leaves 39% to 75% relative to plants at 16 mmol m–3CO2 (350 mm3 dm–3). Relative growth rate (RGR) was stimulatedonly during the first several days of exponential growth. ElevatingCO2 above 46 mmol m–3 at moderate PPF had no further benefit.However, high PPF of 880–900 µmol m–2 s–1gave further, substantial increases in growth, RGR, net assimilationrate (NAR) and photosynthetic rate (Pn), but a decrease in leafarea ratio (LAR), at 46 or 69 mmol m–3 (1000 or 1500 mm3dm–3) CO2, the differences being greater at the higherCO2 level. Enrichment of CO2 to a supraoptimal level of 92 mmolm–3 (2000 mm3 dm–3) at high PPF increased leaf areaand LAR, decreased specific leaf weight, NAR and Pn and hadno effect on leaf, stem and root dry weight or RGR relativeto plants grown at 69 mmol m–3 CO2 after 8 d of treatment.The results of the study indicate that leaf lettuce growth ismost responsive to a combination of high PPF and CO2 enrichmentto 69 mmol m–3 for several days at the onset of exponentialgrowth, after which optimizing resources might be conserved. Key words: Photosynthesis, relative growth rate, CO2 enrichment  相似文献   

The spatial variation in zooplankton biomass, abundance andspecies composition in relation to hydrography and chlorophylla (Chl a) was studied in the subarctic waters of Hudson Bayand Hudson Strait. Sampling was carried out in early September1993 at 21 stations arranged along a transect following theQuébec coast from James Bay, in Hudson Bay, to the vicinityof Ungava Bay in Hudson Strait. Both the biomass and the abundanceof total zooplankton were low along the lower part of HudsonBay (averaging 1.6 g DM m–2 and 9432 ind. m–2) andincreased sharply toward the upper end of the Bay and in HudsonStrait (averaging 6.0 g DM m–2 and 40 583 ind. m–2).A total of 80 zooplankton taxa was identified in the samples.Copepods were clearly numerically dominant at all sampling stations,accounting for more than 85% and 93% of the zooplankton communityin the Bay and the Strait, respectively. Clustering samplesby their relative species composition revealed four groups distributedalong well defined environmental gradients characterizing thedistribution of physical variables and Chl a. The first group,located in the most southern region of Hudson Bay and fartheroffshore, northwest of the Belcher and Sleeper Islands, wasstrongly influenced by freshwater run-off from James Bay andother major rivers around the Bay, and was characterized bythe presence of two euryhaline copepod species (Acartia longiremisand Centropages hamatus). The second and the third groups occupiedthe largest region along the sampling transect, from the middleof Hudson Bay to the western region of Hudson Strait, and werecharacterized by a typical arctic zooplankton fauna relatedto the cyclonic circulation in central Hudson Bay. The fourthgroup was located in the easternmost part of the sampling transectin Hudson Strait where the highest phytoplankton biomass valueswere observed (Chl a ~220 mg m–2). The zooplankton assemblagethere showed an important increase in the abundance of the largeherbivorous copepod Calanus glacialis/finmarchicus, which werenumerically four times more abundant in the central Strait region(averaging 15 251 ind. m–2) than in the western side ofHudson Strait and in Hudson Bay (3629 ind. m–2). Theseresults support the hypothesis that the structure in the localbiological community is influenced by the local hydrodynamicfeatures which, through their action on surface water temperature,salinity, stratification and mixing conditions, lead to spatialdifferentiation of the phytoplankton and zooplankton communities.  相似文献   

The regulation of net phosphorus uptake was studied in wheatplants at ambient non-growth-limiting P-concentrations. Wheat(Triticum aestivum cv. Klein Atalaya) seedlings were grown fromgermination in culture solutions containing 0.05, 0.5 and 5.0mol m–3 phosphate. Only small increments in plant P-concentrationand specific accumulation rate for phosphorus were found whenambient P-concentration was increased 100 times. P-influx, estimatedby 32P-uptake, was markedly greater with increased externalP-concentration, but only small changes in Vmax and no changesin Km were found. Indirect estimation of P-efflux in a time-courseof 32P-uptake, and direct P-efflux measurements in ‘washout’ experiments indicated that P-efflux markedly increasedin higher ambient P-concentration. The increase in P-effluxalmost completely neutralized the higher P-influx observed in5.0 mol m–3 relative to 0.05 mol m–3 phosphate.It is postulated that in non-limiting P-concentration net P-uptakeis mainly controlled by P-efflux. Key words: Net P uptake, 32P, kinetic parameters  相似文献   

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