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The fate of dendritic cells (DC) after they have initiated a T cell immune response is still undefined. We have monitored the migration of DC labeled with a fluorescent tracer and injected s.c. into naive mice or into mice with an ongoing immune response. DC not loaded with Ag were detected in the draining lymph node in excess of 7 days after injection with maximum numbers detectable approximately 40 h after transfer. In contrast, DC that had been loaded with an MHC class I-binding peptide disappeared from the lymph node with kinetics that parallel the known kinetics of activation of CD8+ T cells to effector function. In the presence of high numbers of specific CTL precursors, as in TCR transgenic mice, DC numbers were significantly decreased by 72 h after injection. The rate of DC disappearance was extremely rapid and efficient in recently immunized mice and was slower in "memory" mice in which memory CD8+ cells needed to reacquire effector function before mediating DC elimination. We also show that CTL-mediated clearance of Ag-loaded DC has a notable effect on immune responses in vivo. Ag-specific CD8+ T cells failed to divide in response to Ag presented on a DC if the DC were targets of a pre-existing CTL response. The induction of antitumor immunity by tumor Ag-loaded DC was also impaired. Therefore, CTL-mediated clearance of Ag-loaded DC may serve as a negative feedback mechanism to limit the activity of DC within the lymph node.  相似文献   

Activation of dendritic cells (DC) is crucial for priming of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL), which have a critical role in tumor immunity, and it is considered that adjuvants are necessary for activation of DC and for enhancement of cellular immunity. In this study, we examined an adjuvant capacity of recombinant cholera toxin B subunit (rCTB), which is non-toxic subunit of cholera toxin, on maturation of murine splenic DC. After the in vitro incubation of DC with rCTB, the expression of MHC class II and B7-2 on DC was upregulated and the secretion of IL-12 from DC was enhanced. In addition, larger DC with longer dendrites were observed. These data suggest that rCTB induced DC maturation. Subsequently, we examined the induction of tumor immunity by rCTB-treated DC by employing Meth A tumor cells in mice. Pretreatment with subcutaneous injection of rCTB-treated DC pulsed with Meth A tumor lysate inhibited the growth of the tumor cells depending on the number of DC. Moreover, intratumoral injection of rCTB-treated DC pulsed with tumor lysate had therapeutic effect against established Meth A tumor. Immunization with DC activated by rCTB and the tumor lysate increased number of CTL precursor recognizing Meth A tumor. The antitumor immune response was significantly inhibited in CD8+ T cell-depleted mice, although substantial antitumor effect was observed in CD4+ T cell-depleted mice. These results indicated that rCTB acts as an adjuvant to enhance antitumor immunity through DC maturation and that CD8+ T cells play a dominant role in the tumor immunity. Being considered to be safe, rCTB may be useful as an effective adjuvant to raise immunity for a tumor in clinical application.  相似文献   

Previous work from our laboratory showed that hydrocortisone (HC) combined with IL-15 induces expansion of activated human NK cells. We set up an experimental tumor model to evaluate the use of adoptively transferred, HC plus IL-15 (HC/IL-15)-activated and -expanded murine NK cells in the treatment of syngeneic mice carrying established lung metastases of the CT26 transplantable tumor. We also examined the effect of denileukin diftitox (Ontak) on the depletion of regulatory T cells to enhance the in vivo antitumor immunity induced by the adoptively transferred NK cells. Our results clearly demonstrate that murine DX5(+) NK cells are largely expanded in the presence of IL-15 plus HC while retaining intact their functional status. Moreover, when intravenously infused, they mediated significant antitumor responses against CT26 lung tumors in syngeneic BALB/c animals that were further enhanced upon pretreatment of the tumor-bearing animals with Ontak. Total splenocytes and isolated splenic T cells from NK-treated mice responded in vitro against CT26 tumor cells as evidenced by IFN-γ-based ELISPOT, proliferation, and cytotoxicity assays. Importantly, animals treated with Ontak plus adoptive transfer of HC/IL-15-expanded NK cells significantly retarded CT26 tumor growth after a rechallenge with the same tumor s.c. in their flanks. Taken altogether, our data suggest that NK cell adoptive transfer can trigger adaptive antitumor T cell responses, and regulatory T cell depletion by Ontak is mandatory for enabling HC/IL-15-activated NK cells to promote long-lasting adaptive antitumor immunity.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DCs) harbor an active mitochondrion-dependent cell death pathway regulated by Bcl-2 family members and undergo rapid turnover in vivo. However, the functions for mitochondrion-dependent cell death of DCs in immune regulation remain to be elucidated. In this article, we show that DC-specific knockout of proapoptotic Bcl-2 family members, Bax and Bak, induced spontaneous T cell activation and autoimmunity in mice. In addition to a defect in spontaneous cell death, Bax(-/-)Bak(-/-) DCs were resistant to killing by CD4(+)Foxp3(+) T regulatory cells (Tregs) compared with wild-type DCs. Tregs inhibited the activation of T effector cells by wild-type, but not Bax(-/-)Bak(-/-), DCs. Bax(-/-)Bak(-/-) DCs showed increased propensity for inducing autoantibodies. Moreover, the autoimmune potential of Bax(-/-)Bak(-/-) DCs was resistant to suppression by Tregs. Our data suggested that Bax and Bak mediate intrinsic spontaneous cell death in DCs, as well as regulate DC killing triggered by Tregs. Bax- and Bak-dependent cell death mechanisms help to maintain DC homeostasis and contribute to the regulation of T cell activation and the suppression of autoimmunity.  相似文献   

Immunotherapy represents an appealing option to specifically target CNS tumors using the immune system. In this report, we tested whether adjunctive treatment with the TLR-7 agonist imiquimod could augment antitumor immune responsiveness in CNS tumor-bearing mice treated with human gp100 + tyrosine-related protein-2 melanoma-associated Ag peptide-pulsed dendritic cell (DC) vaccination. Treatment of mice with 5% imiquimod resulted in synergistic reduction in CNS tumor growth compared with melanoma-associated Ag-pulsed DC vaccination alone. Continuous imiquimod administration in CNS tumor-bearing mice, however, was associated with the appearance of robust innate immune cell infiltration and hemorrhage into the brain and the tumor. To understand the immunological mechanisms by which imiquimod augmented antitumor immunity, we tested whether imiquimod treatment enhanced DC function or the priming of tumor-specific CD8+ T cells in vivo. With bioluminescent, in vivo imaging, we determined that imiquimod dramatically enhanced both the persistence and trafficking of DCs into the draining lymph nodes after vaccination. We additionally demonstrated that imiquimod administration significantly increased the accumulation of tumor-specific CD8+ T cells in the spleen and draining lymph nodes after DC vaccination. The results suggest that imiquimod positively influences DC trafficking and the priming of tumor-specific CD8+ T cells. However, inflammatory responses induced in the brain by TLR signaling must also take into account the local microenvironment in the context of antitumor immunity to induce clinical benefit. Nevertheless, immunotherapeutic targeting of malignant CNS tumors may be enhanced by the administration of the innate immune response modifier imiquimod.  相似文献   

It is clear that dendritic cells (DCs) are essential for priming of T cell responses against tumors. However, the distinct roles DC subsets play in regulation of T cell responses in vivo are largely undefined. In this study, we investigated the capacity of OVA-presenting CD4-8-, CD4+8-, or CD4-8+ DCs (OVA-pulsed DC (DC(OVA))) in stimulation of OVA-specific T cell responses. Our data show that each DC subset stimulated proliferation of allogeneic and autologous OVA-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in vitro, but that the CD4-8- DCs did so only weakly. Both CD4+8- and CD4-8+ DC(OVA) induced strong tumor-specific CD4+ Th1 responses and fully protective CD8+ CTL-mediated antitumor immunity, whereas CD4-8- DC(OVA), which were less mature and secreted substantial TGF-beta upon coculture with TCR-transgenic OT II CD4+ T cells, induced the development of IL-10-secreting CD4+ T regulatory 1 (Tr1) cells. Transfer of these Tr1 cells, but not T cells from cocultures of CD4-8- DC(OVA) and IL-10-/- OT II CD4+ T cells, into CD4-8+ DC(OVA)-immunized animals abrogated otherwise inevitable development of antitumor immunity. Taken together, CD4-8- DCs stimulate development of IL-10-secreting CD4+ Tr1 cells that mediated immune suppression, whereas both CD4+8- and CD4-8+ DCs effectively primed animals for protective CD8+ CTL-mediated antitumor immunity.  相似文献   

To maintain a quiescent gut microenvironment, proper regulation of immune responses initiated by pro-inflammatory immune subsets is required. Several types of regulatory T cells are reported to exert pivotal roles in achieving this. Among various types of regulatory T cells, the crucial role of Foxp3+ Treg cells has been well documented. Furthermore, accumulating evidence demonstrates that both microbial and dietary factors influence the induction and suppressor functions of intestinal Foxp3+ Treg cells. Foxp3+ Treg cells are a highly activated T cell subset which responds rapidly to environmental and nutritional stimuli. Thus, sufficient nutrient supply is required to fuel the high energetic status of Foxp3+ Treg cells for the regulation of intestinal immunity.  相似文献   



Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a prototypic systemic autoimmune disease. Complement component 4 (C4) has be proved to play a role in pathogenesis of SLE. In the present study, we investigated the effect of C4 on T cells differentiation.


Thirty SLE patients were included in this study. CD4+ T cells were isolated from healthy subjects, and dendritic cells (DCs) were isolated from healthy subjects or SLE patients. C4 was supplemented to co-incubate with T cells and DCs.


Serum C4 concentration was positively correlated with regulatory T cell (Treg) percentage (R2 = 0.5907, p < 0.001) and TGFβ concentration (R2 = 0.5641, p < 0.001) in SLE patients. Different concentrations of C4 had no effect on T cells differentiation. Co-incubated T cells with DCs and C4 for 7 days, the Treg percentage and TGF-β concentration were significantly elevated. In addition, pre-treated DCs (from healthy subjects or SLE patients) with C4 and then co-incubated with T cells, the increases of Treg percentage and TGF-β concentration were also observed.


C4 takes part in T cells differentiation to Treg cells via DCs.

Dendritic cells (DC) are increasingly applied as a cellular adjuvant in immunotherapy of cancer. Two major myeloid DC subsets are recognized: interstitial DC (IDC) that infiltrate connective tissues and Langerhans cells (LC) that line epithelial surfaces. Yet, functional differences between IDC and LC remain to be defined. We recently showed that the CD34(+) acute myeloid leukemia cell line MUTZ-3 supports differentiation of both DC-SIGN(+) IDC and Langerin-positive Birbeck granule-expressing LC. By comparative functional characterization of MUTZ-3 IDC and MUTZ-3 LC, we aimed to elucidate the relative abilities of these two DC subsets to induce a specific T cell response and reveal the more suitable candidate for use as a clinical vehicle of tumor vaccines. Although mature LC and IDC displayed comparable lymph node-homing potential, mature LC showed higher allogeneic T cell stimulatory capacity. Nevertheless, IDC supported the induction of tumor Ag-specific CD8(+) T cells at an overall higher efficiency. This might be related to the observed inability of LC to release T cell stimulatory cytokines such as IL-12p70, IL-23, and IL-15. Although this inability did not result in a detectable deviation in the cytokine expression profile of primed T cells, transduction with IL-12p70 significantly improved priming efficiency of LC, and ensured a functional equivalence with IDC in this regard. In conclusion, except for the inability of LC to release distinct type 1 T cell stimulatory cytokines, in vitro function of LC and IDC suggests comparable abilities of both subsets for the in vivo induction of antitumor T cells.  相似文献   

Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (PDCs), the main producers of type I IFN in response to viral infection, are essential in antiviral immunity. In this study, we assessed the effect of human CMV (HCMV) infection on PDC function and on downstream B and T cell responses in vitro. HCMV infection of human PDCs was nonpermissive, as immediate-early but not late viral Ags were detected. HCMV led to partial maturation of PDCs and up-regulated MHC class II and CD83 molecules but not the costimulatory molecules CD80 and CD86. Regardless of viral replication, PDCs secreted cytokines after contact with HCMV, including IFN-alpha secretion that was blocked by inhibitory CpG, suggesting an engagement of the TLR7 and/or TLR9 pathways. In the presence of B cell receptor stimulation, soluble factors produced by HCMV-matured PDCs triggered B cell activation and proliferation. Through PDC stimulation, HCMV prompted B cell activation, but only induced Ab production in the presence of T cells or T cell secreted IL-2. Conversely, HCMV hampered the allostimulatory ability of PDCs, leading to decreased proliferation of CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells. These findings reveal a novel mechanism by which HCMV differentially controls humoral and cell-mediate immune responses through effects on PDCs.  相似文献   

The use of fusions between dendritic cells (DCs) and tumor cells as vaccines has been proved very effective in stimulating antitumor immune responses, both in animal studies and in early human clinical trials. Because of the difficulty of purifying the hybrid cells from the fusion, fusion mixtures were used in these studies. Recently, we developed a technique using fluorescent-dye staining and fluorescence-activated cell sorting that enabled the hybrid cells to be instantly purified from the fusion mixture. In the present study, the hybrid cells were purified from a fusion between mouse DCs and B16F0 melanoma tumor cells using the new technique. The purified cells, named instant dendritomas (IDs) were then compared with fusion mixtures in stimulating antitumor immune responses. The results from cytotoxicity assays, interferon-gamma production and in vivo lung tumor metastasis demonstrated that IDs are more effective than fusion mixture in stimulating antitumor immunity. Meanwhile, there was no significant difference in the antitumor immunities activated by IDs from allogenic fusion or IDs from syngenic fusion.  相似文献   



Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a T and B cell-dependent autoimmune disease characterized by the appearance of autoantibodies, a global regulatory T cells (Tregs) depletion and an increase in Th17 cells. Recent studies have shown the multifaceted immunomodulatory effects of vitamin D, notably the expansion of Tregs and the decrease of Th1 and Th17 cells. A significant correlation between higher disease activity and lower serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels [25(OH)D] was also shown.


In this prospective study, we evaluated the safety and the immunological effects of vitamin D supplementation (100 000 IU of cholecalciferol per week for 4 weeks, followed by 100 000 IU of cholecalciferol per month for 6 months.) in 20 SLE patients with hypovitaminosis D.


Serum 25(OH)D levels dramatically increased under vitamin D supplementation from 18.7±6.7 at day 0 to 51.4±14.1 (p<0.001) at 2 months and 41.5±10.1 ng/mL (p<0.001) at 6 months. Vitamin D was well tolerated and induced a preferential increase of naïve CD4+ T cells, an increase of regulatory T cells and a decrease of effector Th1 and Th17 cells. Vitamin D also induced a decrease of memory B cells and anti-DNA antibodies. No modification of the prednisone dosage or initiation of new immunosuppressant agents was needed in all patients. We did not observe SLE flare during the 6 months follow-up period.


This preliminary study suggests the beneficial role of vitamin D in SLE patients and needs to be confirmed in randomized controlled trials.  相似文献   

Despite the increasing number of immunotherapeutic strategies for the treatment of cancer, most approaches have failed to correlate the induction of an anti-tumor immune response with therapeutic efficacy. We therefore took advantage of a successful vaccination strategy-combining dendritic cells and irradiated GM-CSF secreting tumor cells-to compare the immune response induced against 9L gliosarcoma tumors in cured rats versus those with progressively growing tumors. At the systemic level, the tumor specific cytotoxic responses were quite heterogeneous in uncured vaccinated rats, and were surprisingly often high in animals with rapidly-growing tumors. IFN-gamma secretion by activated splenic T cells was more discriminative as the CD4+ T cell-mediated production was weak in uncured rats whereas high in cured ones. At the tumor level, regressing tumors were strongly infiltrated by CD8+ T cells, which demonstrated lytic capacities as high as their splenic counterparts. In contrast, progressing tumors were weakly infiltrated by T cells showing impaired cytotoxic activities. Proportionately to the T cell infiltrate, the expression of Foxp3 was increased in progressive tumors suggesting inhibition by regulatory T cells. In conclusion, the main difference between cured and uncured vaccinated animals does not depend directly upon the induction of systemic cytotoxic responses. Rather the persistence of higher CD4+ Th1 responses, a high intratumoral recruitment of functional CD8+ T cells, and a low proportion of regulatory T cells correlate with tumor rejection.  相似文献   

TLR ligands are potent adjuvants and promote Th1 responses to coadministered Ags by inducing innate IL-12 production. We found that TLR ligands also promote the induction of IL-10-secreting regulatory T (Treg) cells through p38 MAPK-induced IL-10 production by dendritic cells (DC). Inhibition of p38 suppressed TLR-induced IL-10 and PGE(2) and enhanced IL-12 production in DC. Incubation of Ag-pulsed CpG-stimulated DC with a p38 inhibitor suppressed their ability to generate Treg cells, while enhancing induction of Th1 cells. In addition, inhibition of p38 enhanced the antitumor therapeutic efficacy of DC pulsed with Ag and CpG and this was associated with an enhanced frequency of IFN-gamma-secreting T cells and a reduction of Foxp3(+) Treg cells infiltrating the tumors. Furthermore, addition of a p38 inhibitor to a pertussis vaccine formulated with CpG enhanced its protective efficacy in a murine respiratory challenge model. These data demonstrate that the adjuvant activity of TLR agonists is compromised by coinduction of Treg cells, but this can be overcome by inhibiting p38 signaling in DC. Our findings suggest that p38 is an important therapeutic target and provides a mechanism to enhance the efficacy of TLR agonists as vaccine adjuvants and cancer immunotherapeutics.  相似文献   

Presentation of MHC class I-restricted peptides by dendritic cells (DCs) can elicit vigorous antigen-specific CTL responses in vivo. It is well established, however, that T cell help can augment CTL function, raising the question of how best to present tumor-associated MHC class I epitopes to induce effective tumor immunity. To this end, we have examined the role of MHC class II peptide-complexes present on the immunizing DCs in a murine melanoma model. To present MHC class I- and II-restricted Ags reliably on the same cell, we retrovirally transduced bone marrow-derived DCs with the model Ag OVA encoding well-defined class I- and II-restricted epitopes. The importance of CD4+ T cells activated by the immunizing DCs in this model is demonstrated by the following findings: 1) transduced DCs presenting class I and class II epitopes are more efficient than class I peptide-pulsed DCs; 2) MHC class II-deficient DCs fail to induce tumor protection; 3) CD4+ T cell depletion abolishes induction of tumor protection; and 4) DCs presenting bovine serum Ags are more effective in establishing tumor immunity than DCs cultured in syngeneic serum. When MHC class II-deficient DCs were directly activated via their CD40 receptor, we indeed observed a moderate elevation of OVA-specific CTL activity. However, this increase in CTL activity was not sufficient to induce in vivo tumor rejection. Thus, our results demonstrate the potency of genetically modified DCs that express both MHC class I and II epitopes, but caution against the use of DCs presenting only the former.  相似文献   

Protective immunity to the intracellular bacterial pathogen, Listeria monocytogenes, is mediated by a vigorous T cell response. In particular, CD8(+) cytolytic T cells provide essential effector function in the clearance of bacterial infection. The cytoplasmic entry of Listeria facilitated by listeriolysin O is an essential feature not only of the bacteria's virulence, but of the ability of the bacteria to elicit protective immunity in the host. To determine how cytoplasmic entry of Listeria regulates the development of protective immunity, we examined the effects of this process on the maturation of murine dendritic cells (DC) and on their ability to prime naive CD8(+) T cell responses. Costimulatory molecules (CD40, CD80, and CD86) were induced by listerial infection only when the bacteria invaded the cytoplasm. In addition, the production of IL-12, IL-10, IL-6, and TNF-alpha was most efficiently triggered by cytosolic Listeria. Naive T cells primed by peptide-loaded DC infected with either wild-type or nonhemolytic mutant Listeria proliferated equivalently, but a much larger proportion of those primed by wild-type Listeria monocytogenes produced IFN-gamma. Costimulatory molecules induced by cytosolic entry regulated T cell proliferation and, as a result, the number of functional T cells generated. DC-produced cytokines (specifically IL-12 and IL-10) were the major factors determining the proportion of T cells producing IFN-gamma. These data highlight the requirement for listerial cytoplasmic invasion for the optimal priming of T cell cytokine production and attest to the importance of this event to the development of protective CTL responses to this pathogen.  相似文献   

Previous studies suggested that depending on their maturation state, dendritic cells (DC) could either induce T cell tolerance (immature and semimature DC) or T cell activation (mature DC). Pretreatment of C57BL/6 mice with encephalitogenic myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG)(35-55) peptide-loaded semimature DC protected from MOG-induced autoimmune encephalomyelitis. This protection was mediated by IL-10-producing CD4 T cells specific for the self Ag. Here we show that semimature DC loaded with the MHC class II-restricted nonself peptide Ag (OVA) induce an identical regulatory T cell cytokine pattern. However, semimature DC loaded simultaneously with MHC class II- and MHC class I-restricted peptides, could efficiently initiate CD8 T cell responses leading to autoimmune diabetes in a TCR-transgenic adoptive transfer model. Double-peptide-loaded semimature DC also induced simultaneously in the same animal partially activated CD8 T cells with cytolytic function as well as protection from MOG-induced autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Our study suggests that the decision between tolerance and immunity not only depends on the DC, but also on the type and activation requirements of the responding T cell.  相似文献   

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