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Differences in male mating success can generate selection on male morphological traits and courtship behaviors involved in male–male competition or female mate choice. In Photinus fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae), courtship is based on bioluminescent flash signals produced by both sexes. We conducted field observations of Photinus greeni fireflies engaged in competitive courtships, in which females are able to simultaneously assess several males, to identify male morphological traits and courtship behaviors that might predict male mating success. Male morphological traits did not differ between males that successfully mated compared with unsuccessful males (dialoging males that did not mate). However, courtship behavioral interactions differed: successful males tended to have higher flash pattern rates (number of flash patterns per minute), and their courtship flashes were more likely to be answered by females. We also examined how the risk of predation by Photuris fireflies altered courtship behavior of their Photinus prey. When predatory Photuris fireflies were present, P. greeni females were less likely to mate, and showed decreased flash responses to most males. However, P. greeni males that did successfully mate in spite of Photuris presence were males that maintained high flash pattern rates that elicited female responses. These results suggest that both female mate choice and Photuris predation exert strong selective pressures on the evolution of courtship signals in Photinus fireflies.  相似文献   

The evolutionary dynamic of courtship signaling systems is drivenby the interaction between male trait distributions and femalepreferences. This interaction is complex because females maychoose mates based on multiple components of male signals, andfemale preference functions may vary depending on mate availability,female reproductive state, and environmental conditions. InPhotinus fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae), flying males emitbioluminescent flash signals to locate sedentary females, whichreply selectively to attractive male flash signals with theirown response flash. In this study, we first examined temporalvariation in the paired-pulse flash patterns produced by Photinusgreeni males in the field and found significant among-male variation(70% of total variation) in interpulse intervals (IPIs). Therewas no significant relationship between male IPI and spermatophoresize, suggesting that P. greeni male courtship signals do notprovide females with reliable indicators of male material resources.In laboratory playback experiments, we presented P. greeni femaleswith simulated flash signals to assess how IPI and pulse durationindependently affected the likelihood of female flash response.We also examined the effects of female body mass and time duringthe mating season on female preference functions, hypothesizingthat females would be less discriminating when they were heavier(more fecund) and when mate availability declined. We foundthat P. greeni females discriminated among signals within theirspecies' range based primarily on flash pattern IPI. Neitherthe time during the mating season nor female weight alteredfemale preference functions for IPI, although season did influencefemale response to pulse duration. These results reveal thatP. greeni females discriminate among conspecific males basedprimarily on male IPIs, the same signal character previouslyshown to be important for firefly species recognition. Fieldplayback experiments indicated that female responsiveness peakednear the average IPI given by males at different ambient temperatures,suggesting that fireflies exhibit temperature coupling similarto that seen in many acoustically signaling animals.  相似文献   

The evolution of male courtship signals such as the bioluminescentflashes of fireflies may be shaped, at least in part, by femalepreference for particular characteristics of the male signal.These female preferences for male courtship signals may ariseas a result of the benefits of choosing males with particulartraits. One possible benefit of mate choice occurs if femalescan use male courtship signals as an honest indicator of malenutritional contributions at mating, nuptial gifts. This paperreviews female preference for male flash characteristics inPhotinus fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae), and the potentialfor females to use male flash characteristics to predict nuptialgift quality. In Photinus firefly species with single pulseflashes females preferentially respond to flashes of greaterintensity and duration. Male Photinus provide a nuptial giftto females at mating in the form of a spermatophore and flashduration serves as a good predictor of spermatophore mass formales collected early in the season. However, Photinus firefliesdo not feed as adults, so spermatophore mass decreases withsubsequent matings. In response, nutrient-limited females maystop preferentially responding to longer duration flashes, increasingtheir overall responsiveness later in the mating season as theyforage for spermatophores. Therefore, the evolution of malecourtship signals in Photinus fireflies is the product not onlyof female preference for male flash characteristics, but alsothe costs and benefits of female choice that shape these preferences.  相似文献   

Limits to Nuptial Gift Production by Male Fireflies, Photinus ignitus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Males of diverse insect species provide females with nuptial gifts, and limits on males' ability to produce these gifts may influence courtship behavior and mating systems. In the firefly Photinus ignitus, males transfer a complex spermatophore to females during mating. We provided firefly males unlimited access to responsive females to examine whether spermatophore production limits male mating success. Male spermatophore mass decreased significantly across sequential matings, and the percentage of successful matings declined during the second half of each male's life span. Male body mass explained a significant proportion of variation in size of the first spermatophore produced by P. ignitus males, but this relationship disappeared with second spermatophores. This study indicates that males' ability to produce spermatophores declines over their lifetime and that limits on nuptial giftproduction can constrain male mating success in Photinus fireflies.  相似文献   

In Photinus fireflies, males produce spontaneous bioluminescentcourtship flashes. Females preferentially respond to particularmale flashes with flashes of their own. This study exploredvariation in female flash responsiveness as a function of maleflash duration, female condition, lantern size, and lanterndistance, as well as the relationship between male characteristicsand spermatophore mass in Photinus ignitus fireflies. We determinedfemale preference by scoring female flash response to simulatedmale flashes and determined variation in overall female flashresponsiveness for laboratory-mated, laboratory-fed, and controlP. ignitus females. Flash duration, lantern size, and body masswere recorded for field-collected males. Males were then matedto determine spermatophore mass. Females exhibited greater preferencefor artificial flashes representing the upper range of conspecificmale flash duration and lantern size as well as flashes producedat a closer distance. Both laboratory-mated and laboratory-fedP. ignitus females showed lower overall responsiveness acrossall flash durations relative to control females that did notmate or feed in the laboratory. Male flash duration predicteda significant proportion of the variation in spermatophore massfor early-season males. These results suggest that female Photinusignitus may prefer long flashes in order to obtain the directbenefit of larger spermatophores and may adjust their overallflash responsiveness as the relative importance of this benefitvarieswith changing female condition.  相似文献   

Animal communication is an intriguing topic in evolutionary biology. In this comprehensive study of visual signal evolution, we used a phylogenetic approach to study the evolution of the flash communication system of North American fireflies. The North American firefly genus Photinus contains 35 described species with simple ON–OFF visual signals, and information on habitat types, sympatric congeners, and predators. This makes them an ideal study system to test hypotheses on the evolution of male and female visual signal traits. Our analysis of 34 Photinus species suggests two temporal pattern generators: one for flash duration and one for flash intervals. Reproductive character displacement was a main factor for signal divergence in male flash duration among sympatric Photinus species. Male flash pattern intervals (i.e., the duration of the dark periods between signals) were positively correlated with the number of sympatric Photuris fireflies, which include predators of Photinus. Females of different Photinus species differ in their response preferences to male traits. As in other communication systems, firefly male sexual signals seem to be a compromise between optimizing mating success (sexual selection) and minimizing predation risk (natural selection). An integrative model for Photinus signal evolution is proposed.  相似文献   

Seasonal Variation in Mate Choice of Photinus ignitus Fireflies   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Mate choice by either sex may vary with changes in the associated costs and benefits, determined by factors such as the availability of potential mates and variation in mate quality. We examined seasonal variation in operational sex ratio, courtship behavior, spermatophore mass, egg count, and the relationship between morphological traits and mating success in Photinus ignitus fireflies to determine if mate choice in either sex varied with the availability and relative reproductive investment of fertilizable females and sexually active males. Successfully mating males had larger lanterns than unsuccessful males when the operational sex ratio was male‐biased. In addition, female responsiveness to male signals increased as the number of courting males decreased, and male spermatophore mass decreased with body size across the mating season. Successfully mating females had larger body mass than unsuccessful females. Female body mass predicted egg count and female rejection by males increased as the season progressed and female size decreased. These results suggest that both male and female P. ignitus exhibit mate choice, and that such choice is influenced by seasonal variation in the abundance and quality of potential mates.  相似文献   

Light pollution impacts both intra- and inter-specific interactions, such as interactions between mates and predator–prey interactions. In mobile organisms attracted to artificial lights, the effect of light pollution on these interactions may be intensified. If organisms are repelled by artificial lights, effects of light pollution on intra- and inter-specific interactions may be diminished as organisms move away. However, organisms repelled by artificial lights would likely lose suitable habitat as light pollution expands. Thus, we investigated how light pollution affects both net attraction or repulsion of organisms and effects on intra- and inter-specific interactions. In manipulative field studies using fireflies, we found that Photuris versicolor and Photinus pyralis fireflies were lured to artificial (LED) light at night and that both species were less likely to engage in courtship dialogues (bioluminescent flashing) in light-polluted field plots. Light pollution also lowered the mating success of P. pyralis. P. versicolor is known to prey upon P. pyralis by mimicking the flash patterns of P. pyralis, but we did not find an effect of light pollution on PhoturisPhotinus predator–prey interactions. Our study suggests, that for some nocturnal insects, light-polluted areas may act as demographic traps, i.e., areas where immigration exceeds emigration and inhibition of courtship dialogues and mating reduces reproduction. Examining multiple factors affecting population growth in concert is needed to understand and mitigate impacts of light pollution on wildlife.  相似文献   

Because females often mate with multiple males, it is critical to expand our view of sexual selection to encompass pre-, peri- and post-copulatory episodes to understand how selection drives trait evolution. In Photinus fireflies, females preferentially respond to males based on their bioluminescent courtship signals, but previous work has shown that male paternity success is negatively correlated with flash attractiveness. Here, we experimentally manipulated both the attractiveness of the courtship signal visible to female Photinus greeni fireflies before mating and male nuptial gift size to determine how these traits might each influence mate acceptance and paternity share. We also measured pericopulatory behaviours to examine their influence on male reproductive success. Firefly males with larger spermatophores experienced dual benefits in terms of both higher mate acceptance and increased paternity share. We found no effect of courtship signal attractiveness or pericopulatory behaviour on male reproductive success. Taken together with previous results, this suggests a possible trade-off for males between producing an attractive courtship signal and investing in nuptial gifts. By integrating multiple episodes of sexual selection, this study extends our understanding of sexual selection in Photinus fireflies and provides insight into the evolution of male traits in other polyandrous species.  相似文献   

Nuptial gifts and sexual selection in photinus fireflies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The phenomenon of nuptial gift transfer during mating occursacross a remarkably wide range of taxa, and such male donationsare likely to influence both pre-copulatory and post-copulatorysexual selection. This paper reviews what is known about nuptialgifts in Photinus fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae), and discussesthe adaptive significance of spermatophores in firefly matingsystems. During copulation Photinus males transfer a spiral,gelatinous spermatophore to the female: sperm are released intothe female's spermatheca for storage, while the remainder ofthe spermatophore disintegrates within a specialized gland.Radiolabelling studies indicate that male-derived protein isused to help provision the female's developing oocytes, andmultiply-mated females show increased fecundity. As most Photinusadults do not feed, these studies suggest that females shouldcontinue to forage for matings to supplement their diminishinglarval reserves, even after they have gained sufficient spermto fertilize their eggs. Male spermatophore mass declines acrosssequential matings, and smaller spermatophores are associatedwith lower paternity success in situations where males competefor fertilizations. Declining spermatophore size across sequentialmatings may thus lead to diminishing reproductive returns forfirefly males. Taken together, these results suggest that seasonalchanges in nuptial gift availability may contribute to reversalsof traditional courtship roles, with male choice and female-femalecompetition occurring as spermatophore availability declines.  相似文献   

Ever since Darwin identified it as the force responsible forthe evolution of exaggerated male characters, sexual selectionhas been the focus of research aimed at understanding the mostbizarre and intriguing morphologies and behaviors in Nature.Two congeneric species in the firefly genus Photinus, P. pyralisand P. macdermotti, afford a unique opportunity to examine theinteraction between sexual and countervailing natural selectionthat act to shape the evolution of mating behavior and bodysize in closely related species with very different courtshipstrategies. Photinus pyralis males emit very bright flashesduring their extended patrolling flights and form ‘loveknots’ of competing suitors, while P. macdermotti males,whose courtships seldom exceed two competing males, produceweaker flashes during a shorter patrolling period. Possibly as a consequence of their scramble competition andlong flights, not only is there an extremely wide range of bodysizes in P. pyralis males, but they also exhibit wing allometricslopes greater than one, and lantern allometries less than one.In contrast, P. macdermotti males do not have allometric slopessignificantly different from one. Small males, when tested inan artificial scramble situation move faster than large males,an advantage in the intense competition that ensues once a femaleis located. Females answer several males in alternation andfail to respond to all male flashes, with the evident consequencethat love knots frequently develop around such fickle females.Allometric relationships in two non-luminescent beetle specieswith non-visual courtship protocols are compared. Visual, sexuallyselected characters showed positive allometric slopes, whilenon-visual characters showed isometry or negative slopes. Datapresented here support the existence of distinct patterns inmodality-specific sexual selection.  相似文献   

North American Photinus fireflies use bioluminescent flashes to communicate an individual’s species and sex, and to attract potential mates. A female firefly responds to a male firefly’s courtship flash with her own species-specific flash. We used a photic stimulator to produce male-like species-specific P. carolinus LED courtship flashes. These evoked species-specific response flashes from a female. The female’s flashes were preceded by a flash gesture comprising a sequence of abdominal postural adjustments (pitch, roll, and yaw). These gestures changed her lantern’s orientation which, at rest, was downward towards the substrate. Our results demonstrate that these gestures mediate a lateralization of the female’s response flashes towards the direction of the stimulating LED. That is, she directs her response to the left of midline when stimuli are presented from her left, and similarly, she directs her response to the right of midline when stimuli are presented from her right. The directional aspect of the flash gesture adds a new perspective to the complexity of the behaviors associated with flash communication in fireflies. Lateralization of the flash gesture suggests that the female’s visual system processes information about the location of male’s flashes as well as their temporal pattern.  相似文献   

陈博  文乐雷  赵菊鹏  梁宏合  陈建  焦晓国 《生态学报》2017,37(11):3932-3938
越来越多的研究发现,雄性产生精子(精液)也需付出代价。雄性除了依据配偶质量和竞争对手的竞争强度适应性调整生殖投入外,雄性在求偶和交配行为上也相应产生适应性反应,求偶和交配行为具有可塑性。目前雄性求偶和交配行为可塑性研究主要集中于雌性多次交配的类群中,在雌性单次交配的类群中研究甚少。以雌蛛一生只交配一次而雄蛛可多次交配的星豹蛛为研究对象,比较:(1)前一雄性拖丝上信息物质对后续雄蛛求偶和交配行为的影响,(2)雌雄不同性比对雄蛛求偶和交配行为的影响。研究结果表明,星豹蛛前一雄蛛拖丝上的信息物质对后续雄蛛求偶潜伏期、求偶持续时间和交配持续时间都没有显著影响,但前一雄蛛拖丝上的信息物质对后续雄蛛求偶强度有显著抑制作用。同时,性比对星豹蛛雄蛛求偶和交配行为都没有显著影响。可见,星豹蛛雄蛛对同种雄性拖丝上的化学信息可产生求偶行为的适应性调整,而对性比不产生适应性反应。  相似文献   

Fireflies are well known for the use of bioluminescence for sexual communication. In species using flash signals for pair formation, species and sexual identity are conferred by flash timing parameters such as flash duration, flash interval, flash number, and response delay. In dialog fireflies in North America, the male is the advertiser and the female is the responder. In these species, the male flash signal parameter varies depending on species, but the female flash signal parameter is limited only to response delay. However, in fireflies other than dialog fireflies, sexual flash communication is not well studied. Although many female-advertisement-like fireflies are reported, we have no confirmed case of sexual communication in a female-advertisement species. Here, we report the sexual flash communication of an Asian firefly, Luciola (Hotaria) parvula, in which the female flashes spontaneously. By using an electronic firefly, we confirm experimentally that males are specifically attracted to flashes with a female-specific flash duration. This is the first experimental report of sexual communication of a female advertiser in firefly communication. In this species, females call males usually with spontaneous flashes unlike dialog fireflies.  相似文献   

Although female mate choice and male sperm competition have separately attracted much attention, few studies have addressed how precopulatory and postcopulatory episodes of sexual selection might interact to drive the evolution of male traits. In Photinus fireflies, females preferentially respond to males based on their bioluminescent courtship signals, and females gain direct benefits through male nuptial gifts acquired during multiple matings over several nights. We experimentally manipulated matings of P. greeni fireflies to test the hypothesis that postcopulatory paternity success might be biased toward males that are more attractive during courtship interactions. We first measured male courtship attractiveness to individual females using field behavioral assays. Females were then assigned to two double-mating treatments: (1) least attractive second male-females were first mated with their most attractive male, followed by their least attractive male, or (2) most attractive second male-females mated with males in reverse order. Larval offspring produced by each female following these double matings were genotyped using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers, and male paternity was determined. Contrary to prediction, firefly males that were more attractive to females based on their bioluminescent courtship displays subsequently showed significantly lower paternity, reflecting possible male trade-offs or sexual conflict. Differences in male paternity were not related to male body condition, testes or accessory gland mass, or to variation in female spermathecal size. Additionally, this study suggests that changes in phenotypic selection gradients may occur during different reproductive stages. These results indicate that it is crucial for future studies on sexual selection in polyandrous species to integrate both precopulatory and postcopulatory episodes to fully understand the evolution of male traits.  相似文献   

FemalePhoturis versicolor fireflies attempt to capture males by responding to heterospecific flash patterns. A mating-dependent switch occurs which affects response timing and frequency of female flashes. We examined the switch using females of known age, mating status, and flash experience to assess how accurate mimicry is, what factors influence it, and what mechanism produces it. Presentations of simulated male flash patterns before and after mating revealed elements of an entrainment mechanism controlling female responsiveness. Unmated females preferentially answered conspecific patterns with variable latencies, averaging 1 s. Mating induced changes in both response frequency and response latency: Females answered heterospecific patterns more frequently, and latencies elicited by conspecific patterns shifted away from the unmated range. Heterogeneity in mean and variance of response latency among individuals indicates that females do not share a discrete reply to a given pattern. Little correspondence exists between latencies of sympatric species andP. versicolor females, suggesting that the flash response mechanism produces entriainment to any rhythmic pattern, not a one-to-one matching between prey and predator latencies. Different selective scenarios underlie strict mimicry versus entrainment mimicry.  相似文献   

The Wheat dwarf virus, the causal agent of the wheat dwarf disease, is transmitted by leafhoppers from the genus Psammotettix and currently the main protection strategy is based on the use of insecticide treatments. Sustainable management strategies for insect vectors should include methods that are targeted to disrupt reproductive behavior and here we investigated the mating behavior of Psammotettix alineus (Dahlbom 1850) in order to determine the role of vibrational signals in intra‐specific communication and pair formation. Both genders spontaneously emit species‐ and sex‐specific calling songs that consisted of regularly repeated pulse trains and differ primarily in pulse train duration and pulse repetition time. Females preferred the conspecific male calling song. After a coordinated exchange of pulse trains, the male approached the stationary female. During the close range courtship and also immediately prior to copulatory attempts distinct male vibrational signals associated with wing flapping and wing vibrations were recorded from the substrate. In the presence of a receptive female, competing males emitted vibrational signals most likely aimed to interfere with male‐female interaction. Mated females regained sexual receptivity after they laid eggs. Although results suggest that the viruliferous status of insects may have an effect on vibrational songs, our current results did not reveal a significant effect of virus on leafhopper performance in mating behavior. However, this study also suggests, that detailed understanding of plant–vector–virus interactions relevant for vector mating behavior is essential for trying new approaches in developing future control practices against plant viruses transmitted by insect vectors.  相似文献   

Recently, work has shown that multimodal communication is common throughout the animal kingdom but the function of multimodal signals is still poorly understood. Phidippus clarus are jumping spiders in which males produce multimodal (visual and vibrational) signals in both male–male (aggressive) and male–female (courtship) contexts. The P. clarus mating system is complex, with sex ratios and the level of male competition changing over the course of the breeding season. Vibrational signal components have been shown to function in male aggressive contests but their role in courtship has not been investigated. Here, we performed an experiment to test the role of vibrational signaling in courtship by observing mating success for males that were experimentally muted. We show that vibratory courtship signals, and in particular signaling rate, is an important component of mating success and potentially a target of female choice. While the ability to produce vibratory signals significantly increased mating success, some muted males were still able to successfully mate. In these trials, signaling rate also predicted mating success suggesting that redundant signal components may compensate for errors and perturbations in signal transmission or that vibratory signals function to enhance the efficacy of visual signals.  相似文献   

We know much less about the evolutionary forces and constraints that maintain similar mating displays in females and males than we do about sexually dimorphic mating displays. Both female and male green lacewings have sexually monomorphic vibrational mating signals and are equally choosy against heterospecific mating signals. This similarity in between‐species sex roles may explain a large part of the presence of species‐specific female signals in these species, but does not necessarily predict why female and male signals are similar. We tested for within‐species sex‐specific similarities in mate preferences in Chrysoperla lucasina that may contribute to the maintenance of sexually monomorphic mating signals in this species. We found weak preferences and low levels of discrimination for signals with varying fine‐scale temporal features (volley duration, period, and volley‐duty cycle). The longer signals that both sexes produced in response to playback were sexually monomorphic, but some females and most males also produced shorter signals with significantly reduced volley durations and periods. Notably, all of these signals had indistinguishable volley‐duty cycles, the ratio of volley duration to volley period. We propose that mating signals in C. lucasina are maintained in both sexes because of similar between‐species mate preferences, but the sexually monomorphic mating signals cannot be attributed to significant within‐species mate preferences. What differences are present in within‐species sex roles may be resolved by a male‐biased signal polymorphism, in long and short signals that are hypothesized to have distinct functions during mate calling and courtship.  相似文献   

The courtship of males of the gregarious cricket Amphiacusta maya involves a variety of signals. The quantitative aspects of both successful and unsuccessful courtship sequences were examined to determine whether certain aspects of male displays were correlated with female mating preferences regardless of which male performed them. Although variability among males was high for most courtship components measured, I found no evidence of female choice with respect to the courtship variables studied. About 35% of the duration of each male courtship sequence is devoted to chirping, but there were no differences in either the likelihood of copulation or the latency to copulation between normal males and experimentally silenced males. The possibility that intrinsic differences in male quality explained the variability in courtship duration was examined with a two-way analysis of variance. The variance in courtship duration was attributable to variance among females, not to variance among males. Thus the courtship behaviour of male A. maya is variable enough to allow females to exert stabilizing or disruptive selection on displays, but there is no evidence that females use the available information.  相似文献   

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