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Manganese is an essential trace element found in many enzymes. As it is the case of many essential trace elements, excessive level of manganese is toxic. It has been proven that excessive manganese could cause heart problems. In order to understand the mechanism of manganese toxicity in the heart, the effects of manganese on isolated rat ventricular myocytes were studied. The L-type calcium channel current was measured by whole-cell patch clamp recording mode. In the electrophysiology experiments, both 50 microM Mn2+ and 100 microM Mn2+ could effectively decrease the channel current amplitude density by 35.7% and 68.2%, respectively. Moreover, Mn2+ shifted the steady-state activation curve toward more positive potential and the steady-state inactivation curve toward more negative potential. Investigation by RT-PCR showed that the mRNA expression of alpha1C/Cav1.2 treated with manganese was decreased depending on its concentration, while the mRNA expression of alpha1D/Cav1.3 was almost unchanged. Fluo-3/AM was utilized for real-time free calcium scanning with laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM), and the results showed that Mn2+ could elicit a slow and continuous increase of [Ca2+]i in a concentration-dependent manner. These results have suggested that manganese could interfere with the function of the L-type calcium channel, downregulate the mRNA expression of alpha1C/Cav1.2, and thus causing long-lasting molecular changes of L-type calcium channel which have probably been triggered by overloading of calcium in myocytes.  相似文献   

Smooth muscle exhibitsmechanosensitivity independent of neural input, suggesting thatmechanosensitive pathways reside within smooth muscle cells. The nativeL-type calcium current recorded from human intestinal smooth muscle ismodulated by stretch. To define mechanosensitive mechanisms involved inthe regulation of smooth muscle calcium entry, we cloned the1C L-type calcium channel subunit (CaV1.2)from human intestinal smooth muscle and expressed the channel in aheterologous system. This channel subunit retained mechanosensitivitywhen expressed alone or coexpressed with a 2 calciumchannel subunit in HEK-293 or Chinese hamster ovary cells. Theheterologously expressed human cardiac 1C splice formalso demonstrated mechanosensitivity. Inhibition of kinase signalingdid not affect mechanosensitivity of the native channel. Truncation of the 1C COOH terminus, which containsan inhibitory domain and a proline-rich domain thought to mediatemechanosensitive signaling from integrins, did not disruptmechanosensitivity of the expressed channel. These data demonstratemechanical regulation of calcium entry through molecularly identifiedL-type calcium channels in mammalian cells and suggest that themechanosensitivity resides within the pore forming1C-subunit.


The 1C subunit is the pore-forming protein for the L-type calcium channel. Previous studies indicate that there is possible tissue-specific alternative splicing of this gene. In this study we cloned the entire open reading frame of the 1C subunit cDNA from adult rat cardiac myocytes in a single piece (6.64 kb). Using 75 positive clones that were identified by restriction enzyme mapping, we tested the alternative splicing patterns of the Cav1.2 gene that encodes the 1C subunit protein and focused on five loci: IS6, post-IS6, IIIS2, IVS3, and the c-terminus. The results indicate that: (1) alternative splicing occurs in most of the loci, giving rise to two or three different isoforms at those sites; (2) there is a predominant form for each splicing site, (3) there does not appear to be consistent coordination of splicing at multiple loci of this gene. Alternative splicing is not tissue-specific in most regions. (Mol Cell Biochem 269: 153–163, 2005)  相似文献   

The alpha1C subunit is the pore-forming protein for the L-type calcium channel. Previous studies indicate that there is possible tissue-specific alternative splicing of this gene. In this study we cloned the entire open reading frame of the alpha1C subunit cDNA from adult rat cardiac myocytes in a single piece (6.64 kb). Using 75 positive clones that were identified by restriction enzyme mapping, we tested the alternative splicing patterns of the Ca(v) 1.2 gene that encodes the alpha1C subunit protein and focused on five loci: IS6, post-IS6, IIIS2, IVS3, and the c-terminus. The results indicate that: (1) alternative splicing occurs in most of the loci, giving rise to two or three different isoforms at those sites; (2) there is a predominant form for each splicing site, (3) there does not appear to be consistent coordination of splicing at multiple loci of this gene. Alternative splicing is not tissue-specific in most regions.  相似文献   

Voltage-activated calcium channels are membrane spanning proteins that allow the controlled entry of Ca2+ into the cytoplasm of cells. The principal channel forming subunit of an L-type calcium channel is the alpha 1 subunit. Transfection of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells with complementary DNA encoding the calcium channel alpha 1 subunit from smooth muscle led to the expression of functional calcium channels which bind calcium channel blockers and show the voltage-dependent activation and slow inactivation and unitary current conductance characteristic of calcium channels in smooth muscle. The currents mediated by these channels are sensitive towards dihydropyridine-type blockers and agonists indicating that the calcium channel blocker receptor sites were present in functional form. The smooth muscle alpha 1 subunit cDNA alone is sufficient for stable expression of functional calcium channels with the expected kinetic and pharmacological properties in mammalian somatic cells.  相似文献   

Stretch of the vascular wall is an important stimulus to maintain smooth muscle contractile differentiation that is known to depend on L-type calcium influx, Rho-activation, and actin polymerization. The role of microRNAs in this response was investigated using tamoxifen-inducible and smooth muscle-specific Dicer KO mice. In the absence of Dicer, which is required for microRNA maturation, smooth muscle microRNAs were completely ablated. Stretch-induced contractile differentiation and Rho-dependent cofilin-2 phosphorylation were dramatically reduced in Dicer KO vessels. On the other hand, acute stretch-sensitive growth signaling, which is independent of influx through L-type calcium channels, was not affected by Dicer KO. Contractile differentiation induced by the actin polymerizing agent jasplakinolide was not altered by deletion of Dicer, suggesting an effect upstream of actin polymerization. Basal and stretch-induced L-type calcium channel expressions were both decreased in Dicer KO portal veins, and inhibition of L-type channels in control vessels mimicked the effects of Dicer deletion. Furthermore, inhibition of miR-145, a highly expressed microRNA in smooth muscle, resulted in a similar reduction of L-type calcium channel expression. This was abolished by the Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II inhibitor KN93, suggesting that Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IIδ, a target of miR-145 and up-regulated in Dicer KO, plays a role in the regulation of L-type channel expression. These results show that microRNAs play a crucial role in stretch-induced contractile differentiation in the vascular wall in part via miR-145-dependent regulation of L-type calcium channels.  相似文献   

Calcium entry into excitable cells through voltage-gated calcium channels can be influenced by both the rate and pattern of action potentials. We report here that a cloned neuronal alpha 1C L-type calcium channel can be facilitated by positive pre-depolarization. Both calcium and barium were effective as charge carriers in eliciting voltage-dependent facilitation. The induction of facilitation was shown to be independent of intracellular calcium levels, G-protein interaction and the level of phosphatase activity. Facilitation was reduced by the injection of inhibitors of protein kinase A and required the coexpression of a calcium channel beta subunit. In contrast, three neuronal non-L-type calcium channels, alpha 1A, alpha 1B and alpha 1E, were not subject to voltage-dependent facilitation when coexpressed with a beta subunit. The results indicate that the mechanism of neuronal L-type calcium channel facilitation involves the interaction of alpha 1 and beta subunits and is dependent on protein kinase A activity. The selective voltage-dependent modulation of L-type calcium channels is likely to play an important role in neuronal physiology and plasticity.  相似文献   

Xue JH  Wang XC  Gao F  Bai YG  Zhang L  Liu L  Zhang ZM 《生理学报》2011,63(1):81-88
Some studies suggest that the calcium channels and rennin-angiotensin system (RAS) play pivotal roles in the region-specific vascular adaptation due to simulated weightlessness. This study was designed to clarify if angiotensin II (Ang II) was involved in the adaptational change of the L-type calcium channel (Ca(L)) in the cerebral arterial vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) under simulated weightlessness. Tail suspension (SUS) for 3 d was used to simulate immediate early cardiovascular changes to weightlessness. Then VSMCs in cerebral basilar artery were enzymatically isolated using papain, and Ca(L) current (barium instead of calcium as current carrier) in VSMCs was measured by whole-cell patch-clamp techniques. The results showed that 3-day simulated weightlessness significantly increased current density of Ca(L). However, I-V relationships of normalized peak current densities and steady-state activation curves of Ca(L) were not affected by simulated weightlessness. Although Ang II significantly increased current densities of Ca(L) in both SUS and control rats, the increase of Ca(L) current density in SUS rats was much more than that in control rats. These results suggest that 3-day simulated weightlessness induces the adaptational change of Ca(L) in cerebral VSMCs including increased response to Ang II, indicating that Ang II may play an important role in the adaptational change of cerebral arteries under microgravity.  相似文献   

To clarifyinteractions between the cytoskeleton and activity of L-typeCa2+ (CaL) channels in vascular smooth muscle(VSM) cells, we investigated the effect of disruption of actinfilaments and microtubules on the L-type Ca2+ current[IBa(L)] of cultured VSM cells (A7r5 cellline) using whole cell voltage clamp. The cells were exposed to eachdisrupter for 1 h and then examined electrophysiologically andmorphologically. Results of immunostaining using anti--actin andanti--tubulin antibodies showed that colchicine disrupted both actinfilaments and microtubules, cytochalasin D disrupted only actinfilaments, and nocodazole disrupted only microtubules.IBa(L) was greatly reduced in cells that wereexposed to colchicine or cytochalasin D but not to nocodazole.Colchicine even inhibited IBa(L) by about 40%when the actin filaments were stabilized by phalloidin or when thecells were treated with phalloidin plus taxol to stabilize bothcytoskeletal components. These results suggest that colchicine mustalso cause some inhibition of IBa(L) due toanother unknown mechanism, e.g., a direct block of CaLchannels. In summary, actin filament disruption of VSM cells inhibitsCaL channel activity, whereas disrupting the microtubulesdoes not.


Vascular complications of diabetes are associated with abnormal Ca(2+) handling by vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs) in which the alteration in L-type voltage-dependent Ca(2+) channel (VDCC) currents may play an important role. In the present study, the characteristics of L-type VDCC currents in tail artery SMCs from streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats were examined. The densities, but not the voltage dependence, of L-type VDCC currents were reduced as diabetes progressed from 1 wk to 3 mo. The inhibitory effect of dibutyryl-cAMP on L-type VDCC currents was greater in diabetic SMCs than in age-matched control cells (P < 0.01). Both the stimulatory effect of BAY K 8644 and the inhibitory effect of nifedipine on L-type VDCC currents were significantly enhanced in diabetic cells. The diabetes-related abnormalities in L-type VDCC currents were mimicked by culturing SMCs with a high concentration of glucose. Our results suggest that the properties of L-type VDCC in diabetic vascular SMCs were significantly altered, partially related to the increased L-type VDCC sensitivity to cAMP and hyperglycemia.  相似文献   

The β subunits of voltage-dependent calcium channels bind the pore-forming α1 subunit and play an important role in the regulation of calcium channel function. Recently, we have identified a new splice variant of the β4 subunit, which we have termed the β4d subunit. The β4d subunit is a truncated splice variant of the β4b subunit and lacks parts of the guanylate kinase (GK) domain and the C-terminus. The calcium current in BHK cells expressing α1C and α2δ with the β4d subunit was as small as that without the β4d subunit. Western blot analysis revealed that β4d protein was expressed to a lesser extent that the β4b protein. In addition, a GST pull down assay showed that the β4d subunit could not interact with the α1 subunit of the calcium channel. Collectively, our results suggest that the GK domain of the β subunit is essential for the expression of the functional calcium channel.  相似文献   

L-type Ca(2+) channels in native tissues have been found to contain a pore-forming alpha(1) subunit that is often truncated at the C terminus. However, the C terminus contains many important domains that regulate channel function. To test the hypothesis that C-terminal fragments may associate with and regulate C-terminal-truncated alpha(1C) (Ca(V)1.2) subunits, we performed electrophysiological and biochemical experiments. In tsA201 cells expressing either wild type or C-terminal-truncated alpha(1C) subunits in combination with a beta(2a) subunit, truncation of the alpha(1C) subunit by as little as 147 amino acids led to a 10-15-fold increase in currents compared with those obtained from control, full-length alpha(1C) subunits. Dialysis of cells expressing the truncated alpha(1C) subunits with C-terminal fragments applied through the patch pipette reconstituted the inhibition of the channels seen with full-length alpha(1C) subunits. In addition, C-terminal deletion mutants containing a tethered C terminus also exhibited the C-terminal-induced inhibition. Immunoprecipitation assays demonstrated the association of the C-terminal fragments with truncated alpha(1C) subunits. In addition, glutathione S-transferase pull-down assays demonstrated that the C-terminal inhibitory fragment could associate with at least two domains within the C terminus. The results support the hypothesis the C- terminal fragments of the alpha(1C) subunit can associate with C-terminal-truncated alpha(1C) subunits and inhibit the currents through L-type Ca(2+) channels.  相似文献   

H M Chin  C A Kozak  H L Kim  B Mock  O W McBride 《Genomics》1991,11(4):914-919
A rat brain cDNA probe was used to localize a gene encoding the alpha 1 subunit of neuronal dihydropyridine-sensitive L-type calcium channels in the mouse and human genomes. Hybridization of the probe to Southern blots made with DNAs from a Chinese hamster x mouse somatic cell hybrid panel indicated that this gene maps to mouse chromosome 14 (Chr 14). Southern blot analysis of an intersubspecies cross demonstrated that the calcium channel alpha 1 subunit gene, termed Cchl1a2, can be positioned 7.5 cM proximal to Np-1. Similarly, segregation among human X rodent somatic cell hybrids indicated that CCHL1A2 maps to human chromosome 3. These assignments are consistent with a region of linkage homology between human chromosome 3p and a proximal region of mouse Chr 14.  相似文献   

Selective inhibitors of tyrosine kinases, tyrphostin 23 and genistein, produced concentration-dependent inhibition of voltage-operated calcium channel currents in vascular smooth muscle cells isolated from rabbit ear artery. The potency of these two structurally dissimilar inhibitors was similar to that reported for their action as inhibitors of tyrosine kinases. Daidzein, an inactive analogue of genistein, had little inhibitory effect on calcium channel currents at concentrations below 300 microM consistent with an action of these agents at a tyrosine kinase. However, tyrphostin 1, a reportedly less active tyrphostin derivative, also inhibited calcium channel currents with a potency similar to tyrphostin 23. These findings suggest that voltage-operated calcium channels in vascular smooth muscle may be modulated by endogenous tyrosine kinase(s) which display different sensitivities to inhibitors compared with the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor. Alternatively the possibility of direct blocking actions of these inhibitors at voltage-operated calcium channels cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

Low-frequency blood pressure oscillations (Mayer waves) are discussed as a marker for sympathetic modulation of vascular tone. However, the factors that determine the frequency response of the vasculature to sympathetic stimuli are not fully understood. Possible mechanisms include functions related to alpha(1)-adrenergic receptors (alpha(1)-AR) and postreceptor processes involved in the vascular contractile response. The purpose of the present study was to examine the hypothesis that expression levels of alpha(1)-AR and their subtype distribution determine velocity and magnitude of alpha(1)-AR-mediated vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) contraction. alpha(1A)-, alpha(1B)-, and alpha(1D)-AR subtypes were transfected into VSMCs from rat aorta and characterized immunocytochemically via confocal microscopy. Functional studies in isolated cells were performed using video microscopy. The alpha(1)-AR agonist phenylephrine produced dose-dependent contractions of VSMCs. All transfected groups were more sensitive to phenylephrine compared with controls. Maximal contraction velocity almost doubled in transfected cells. However, no differences in observed parameters were found between the three transfected groups. Contractile properties in response to membrane depolarization with KCl were similar in all groups. In conclusion, alpha(1)-AR density determines velocity and sensitivity of alpha(1)-AR-mediated contraction in VSMCs. alpha(1)-AR subtype distribution does not appear to influence vasoconstriction to sympathetic stimuli.  相似文献   

Insulin resistance, a major factor in the development of type 2 diabetes, is known to be associated with defects in blood vessel relaxation. The role of Akt on insulin-induced relaxation of vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) was investigated using siRNA targeting Akt (siAKTc) and adenovirus constructing myristilated Akt to either suppress endogenous Akt or overexpress constitutively active Akt, respectively. siAKTc decreased both basal and insulin-induced phosphorylations of Akt and glycogen synthase kinase 3, abolishing insulin-induced nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression. cGMP-dependent kinase 1 (cGK1) and myosin-bound phosphatase (MBP) activities, both downstream of iNOS, were also decreased. siAKTc treatment resulted in increased insulin and ANG II-stimulated phosphorylation of contractile apparatus, such as MBP substrate (MYPT1) and myosin light chain (MLC20), accompanied by increased Rho-associated kinase (ROK) activity, demonstrating the requirement of Akt for insulin-induced vasorelaxation. Corroborating these results, constitutively active Akt upregulated the signaling molecules involved in insulin-induced relaxation such as iNOS, cGK1, and MBP activity, even in the absence of insulin stimulation. On the contrary, the contractile response involving the phosphorylation of MYPT1 and MLC20, and increased ROK activity stimulated by ANG II were all abolished by overexpressing active Akt. In conclusion, we demonstrated here that insulin-induced VSMC relaxation is dependent on Akt activation via iNOS, cGK1, and MBP activation, as well as the decreased phosphorylations of MYPT1 and MLC20 and decreased ROK activity. angiotensin II; myosin-bound phosphatase substrate; inducible nitric oxide synthase; guanosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate-dependent kinase 1; Rho-associated kinase  相似文献   

This study analyzed the regulation of alpha2-adrenoceptors (alpha2-ARs) in human vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMs). Saphenous veins and dermal arterioles or VSMs cultured from them expressed high levels of alpha2-ARs (alpha2C > alpha2A, via RNase protection assay) and responded to alpha2-AR stimulation [5-bromo-N-(4,5-dihydro-1H-imidazol-2-yl)-6-quinoxalinamine (UK-14,304, 1 microM)] with constriction or calcium mobilization. In contrast, VSMs cultured from aorta did not express alpha2-ARs and neither cultured cells nor intact aorta responded to UK-14,304. Although alpha2-ARs (alpha2C > alpha2A) were detected in aortas, alpha2C-ARs were localized by immunohistochemistry to VSMs of adventitial arterioles and not aortic media. In contrast with aortas, aortic arterioles constricted in response to alpha2-AR stimulation. Reporter constructs demonstrated higher activities for alpha2A- and alpha2C-AR gene promoters in arteriolar compared with aortic VSMs. In arteriolar VSMs, serum increased expression of alpha2C-AR mRNA and protein but decreased expression of alpha2A-ARs. Serum induction of alpha2C-ARs was reduced by inhibition of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) with 2 microM SB-202190 or dominant-negative p38 MAPK. UK-14,304 (1 microM) caused calcium mobilization in control and serum-stimulated cells: in control VSMs, the response was inhibited by the alpha2A-AR antagonist BRL-44408 (100 nM) but not by the alpha2C-AR antagonist MK-912 (1 nM), whereas after serum stimulation, MK-912 (1 nM) but not BRL-44408 (100 nM) inhibited the response. These results demonstrate site-specific expression of alpha2-ARs in human VSMs that reflects differential activity of alpha2-AR gene promoters; namely, high expression and function in venous and arteriolar VSMs but no detectable expression or function in aortic VSMs. We found that alpha2C-ARs can be dramatically and selectively induced via a p38 MAPK-dependent pathway. Therefore, altered expression of alpha2C-ARs may contribute to pathological changes in vascular function.  相似文献   

After injury to the blood vessel wall, vascular smooth muscle cells (SMC) synthesize interleukin (IL)-1 and inducible nitric oxide (NO) synthase (iNOS). The present study tested whether endogenous production of IL-1 alpha stimulates iNOS expression in vascular SMC, and assessed whether IL-1 alpha exerts autocrine effects on the cells producing IL-1 alpha or juxtacrine effects on cells that contact the IL-1 alpha producing cells. Rat aortic SMC were transiently transfected with expression plasmids encoding either IL-1 alpha precursor, which localizes to the plasma membrane, or mature IL-1 alpha, which remains cytosolic. iNOS mRNA levels, determined by RT-PCR, and production of nitrite, a stable oxidation product of NO, were markedly elevated in SMC overexpressing IL-1 alpha precursor, and modestly elevated in SMC overexpressing mature IL-1 alpha, relative to SMC transfected with vector alone. Exposure to exogenous IL-1 beta or TNF-alpha further stimulated iNOS gene expression in SMC producing IL-1 alpha; low levels of IL-1 beta (20 pg/ml) were effective in SMC transfected with IL-1 alpha precursor plasmid, whereas SMC transfected with mature IL-1 alpha plasmid or vector alone required higher concentrations of IL-1 beta (200 and 2,000 pg/ml, respectively). The increases in iNOS mRNA levels and NO production in SMC overexpressing IL-1 alpha precursor were prevented by exogenous IL-1 receptor antagonist, suggesting that these effects were mediated by the type I IL-1 receptor. Immunostaining studies indicated that IL-1 alpha precursor stimulates iNOS gene expression via cell-cell contact. Expression of iNOS was enhanced in cells that were in contact with a cell overexpressing IL-1 alpha precursor (identified by coexpression of green fluorescent protein), and in cells that were overexpressing IL-1 alpha themselves, but only when the cell contacted another cell. Together these results indicate that IL-1 alpha precursor acts by cell-cell contact as an autocrine and juxtacrine enhancer of iNOS gene expression, inducing moderate iNOS expression on its own, and markedly augmenting the responsiveness of rat aortic SMC to exogenous cytokines.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that L-type Ca2+ channels play an important role in cell swelling-induced vasoconstriction. However, there is no direct evidence that Ca2+ channels in vascular smooth muscle are modulated by cell swelling. We tested the hypothesis that L-type Ca2+ channels in rabbit portal vein myocytes are modulated by hypotonic cell swelling via protein kinase activation. Ba2+ currents (IBa) through L-type Ca2+ channels were recorded in smooth muscle cells freshly isolated from rabbit portal vein with the conventional whole cell patch-clamp technique. Superfusion of cells with hypotonic solution reversibly enhanced Ca2+ channel activity but did not alter the voltage-dependent characteristics of Ca2+ channels. Bath application of selective inhibitors of protein kinase C (PKC), Ro-31–8425 or Go-6983, prevented IBa enhancement by hypotonic swelling, whereas the specific protein kinase A (PKA) inhibitor KT-5720 had no effect. Bath application of phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate (PDBu) significantly increased IBa under isotonic conditions and prevented current stimulation by hypotonic swelling. However, PDBu did not have any effect on IBa when cells were first exposed to hypotonic solution. Furthermore, downregulation of endogenous PKC by overnight treatment of cells with PDBu prevented current enhancement by hypotonic swelling. These data suggest that hypotonic cell swelling can enhance Ca2+ channel activity in rabbit portal vein smooth muscle cells through activation of PKC. cell swelling; protein kinases; calcium current  相似文献   

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