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Cytotoxic T cells secrete perforin to kill virus-infected cells. In this study we show that perforin also plays a role in immune regulation. Perforin-deficient (perf −/−) mice chronically infected with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) contained greater numbers of antiviral T cells compared to persistently infected +/+ mice. The enhanced expansion was seen in both CD4 and CD8 T cells, but the most striking difference was in the numbers of LCMV-specific CD8 T cells present in infected perf −/− mice. Persistent LCMV infection of +/+ mice results in both deletion and anergy of antigen-specific CD8 T cells, and our results show that this peripheral “exhaustion” of activated CD8 T cells occurred less efficiently in perf −/− mice. This excessive accumulation of activated CD8 T cells resulted in immune-mediated damage in persistently infected perf −/− mice; ~50% of these mice died within 2 to 4 weeks, and mortality was fully reversed by in vivo depletion of CD8 T cells. This finding highlights an interesting dichotomy between the role of perforin in viral clearance and immunopathology; perforin-deficient CD8 T cells were unable to clear the LCMV infection but were capable of causing immune-mediated damage. Finally, this study shows that perforin also plays a role in regulating T-cell-mediated autoimmunity. Mice that were deficient in both perforin and Fas exhibited a striking acceleration of the spontaneous lymphoproliferative disease seen in Fas-deficient (lpr) mice. Taken together, these results show that the perforin-mediated pathway is involved in downregulating T-cell responses during chronic viral infection and autoimmunity and that perforin and Fas act independently as negative regulators of activated T cells.  相似文献   



Aspergillus fumigatus is associated with both invasive and allergic pulmonary diseases, in different hosts. The organism is inhaled as a spore, which, if not cleared from the airway, germinates into hyphal morphotypes that are responsible for tissue invasion and resultant inflammation. Hyphae secrete multiple products that function as antigens, evoking both a protective (TH1–TH17) and destructive allergic (TH2) immunity. How Aspergillus allergens (Asp f proteins) participate in the development of allergic sensitization is unknown.

Methodology/Principal Findings

To determine whether Asp f proteins are strictly associated with TH2 responses, or represent soluble hyphal products recognized by healthy hosts, human T cell responses to crude and recombinant products were characterized by ELISPOT. While responses (number of spots producing IFN-γ, IL-4 or IL-17) to crude hyphal antigen preparations were weak, responses to recombinant Asp f proteins were higher. Recombinant allergens stimulated cells to produce IFN-γ more so than IL-4 or IL-17. Volunteers exhibited a diverse CD4+ and CD8+ T cell antigen recognition profile, with prominent CD4 TH1-responses to Asp f3 (a putative peroxismal membrane protein), Asp f9/16 (cell wall glucanase), Asp f11 (cyclophilin type peptidyl-prolyl isomerase) and Asp f22 (enolase). Strong IFN-γ responses were reproduced in most subjects tested over 6 month intervals.


Products secreted after conidial germination into hyphae are differentially recognized by protective T cells in healthy, non-atopic individuals. Defining the specificity of the human T cell repertoire, and identifying factors that govern early responses may allow for development of novel diagnostics and therapeutics for both invasive and allergic Aspergillus diseases.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DC) represent the most potent antigen presenting cells and induce efficient cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses against viral infections. Targeting antigens (Ag) to receptors on DCs is a promising strategy to enhance antitumor and antiviral immune responses induced by DCs. Here, we investigated the potential of CD11c-specific single-chain fragments (scFv) fused to an immunodominant peptide of Friend retrovirus for induction of virus-specific T cell responses by DCs. In vitro CD11c-specific scFv selectively targeted viral antigens to DCs and thereby significantly improved the activation of virus-specific T cells. In vaccination experiments DCs loaded with viral Ag targeted to CD11c provided improved rejection of FV-derived tumors and efficiently primed virus-specific CTL responses after virus challenge. Since the induction of strong virus-specific T cell responses is critical in viral infections, CD11c targeted protein vaccines might provide means to enhance the cellular immune response to prophylactic or therapeutic levels.  相似文献   

Hepatitis B is a DNA virus that infects liver cells and can cause both acute and chronic disease. It is believed that both viral and host factors are responsible for determining whether the infection is cleared or becomes chronic. Here we investigate the mechanism of protection by developing a mathematical model of the antibody response following hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. We fitted the model to data from seven infected adults identified during acute infection and determined the ability of the virus to escape neutralization through overproduction of non-infectious subviral particles, which have HBs proteins on their surface, but do not contain nucleocapsid protein and viral nucleic acids. We showed that viral clearance can be achieved for high anti-HBV antibody levels, as in vaccinated individuals, when: (1) the rate of synthesis of hepatitis B subviral particles is slow; (2) the rate of synthesis of hepatitis B subviral particles is high but either anti-HBV antibody production is fast, the antibody affinity is high, or the levels of pre-existent HBV-specific antibody at the time of infection are high, as could be attained by vaccination. We further showed that viral clearance can be achieved for low equilibrium anti-HBV antibody levels, as in unvaccinated individuals, when a strong cellular immune response controls early infection.  相似文献   

The infection of woodchucks with woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) provides an experimental model to study early immune responses during hepadnavirus infection that cannot be tested in patients. The T-cell response of experimentally WHV-infected woodchucks to WHsAg, rWHcAg, and WHcAg peptides was monitored by observing 5-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine and [2-3H]adenine incorporation. The first T-cell responses were directed against WHsAg 3 weeks after infection; these were followed by responses to rWHcAg including the immunodominant T-cell epitope of WHcAg (amino acids 97 to 110). Maximal proliferative responses were detected when the animals seroconvered to anti-WHs and anti-WHc (week 6). A decrease in the T-cell response to viral antigens coincided with clearance of viral DNA. Polyclonal rWHcAg-specific T-cell lines were established 6, 12, 18, and 24 weeks postinfection, and their responses to WHcAg peptides were assessed. Five to seven peptides including the immunodominant epitope were recognized throughout the observation period (6 months). At 12 months after infection, T-cell responses to antigens and peptides were not detected. Reactivation of T-cell responses to viral antigens and peptides occurred within 7 days after challenge of animals with WHV. These results demonstrate that a fast and vigorous T-cell response to WHsAg, rWHcAg, and amino acids 97 to 110 of the WHcAg occurs within 3 weeks after WHV infection. The peak of this response was associated with viral clearance and may be crucial for recovery from infection. One year after infection, no proliferation of T cells in response to antigens was observed; however, the WHV-specific T-cell response was reactivated after challenge of woodchucks with WHV and may be responsible for protection against WHV reinfection.  相似文献   

Liposomes can been used as potential immunoadjuvants, because they have the ability to elicit both a cellular mediated immune response and a humoral immune response. Studies have shown liposomes to be effective immunopotentiators in hepatitis A and influenza vaccines. For all these purposes, liposomes can be prepared by different methods. After disperging suitable membrane lipids in an aqueous phase and spontaneous formation of multilamellar large vesicles (MLV), mechanical procedures such as ultrasonication, homogenization by a French press or by other high pressure devices and, or extrusion through polycarbonate membranes with defined pore sizes lead to a reduction in size and number of lamellae of the vesicles. A second group of preparation procedures uses suitable detergents, e.g., bile salts or alkylglycosides. A third group of procedures starts with dissolving the lipids in an organic solvent and mixing it with an aqueous phase. The concentration of the organic solvent is then reduced by suitable procedures.

Here we present a new technique for the preparation of liposomes with associated membrane proteins, where lipid vesicles are formed immediately after injection into a micellar protein solution. The model membrane protein used for these studies is a truncated recombinant gp41 produced in E. coli. This viral membrane antigen is a possible candidate protein for the establishment of HIV-vaccines.

The data presented here, show an efficient and reproducible one step membrane protein encapsulation procedure into liposomes in a closed and sterile containment. We examined encapsulation efficiency, membrane protein conformation and immunogenicity of this possible liposomal vaccine candidate, which can be produced in GMP-compliant quality with the described technique.  相似文献   

《Cell reports》2020,30(4):1013-1026.e7
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T-cell responses against dormancy-, resuscitation-, and reactivation-associated antigens of Mycobacterium tuberculosis are candidate biomarkers of latent infection in humans.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We established an assay based on two rounds of in vitro restimulation and intracellular cytokine analysis that detects T-cell responses to antigens expressed during latent M. tuberculosis infection. Comparison between active pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) patients and healthy latently M. tuberculosis-infected donors (LTBI) revealed significantly higher T-cell responses against 7 of 35 tested M. tuberculosis latency-associated antigens in LTBI. Notably, T cells specific for Rv3407 were exclusively detected in LTBI but not in TB patients. The T-cell IFNγ response against Rv3407 in individual donors was the most influential factor in discrimination analysis that classified TB patients and LTBI with 83% accuracy using cross-validation. Rv3407 peptide pool stimulations revealed distinct candidate epitopes in four LTBI.


Our findings further support the hypothesis that the latency-associated antigens can be exploited as biomarkers for LTBI.  相似文献   

The PD-1/PD-L pathway plays a major role in regulating T-cell exhaustion during chronic viral infections in animal models, as well as in humans, and blockade of this pathway can revive exhausted CD8+ T cells. We examined the expression of PD-1 and its ligands, PD-L1 and PD-L2, in multiple tissues during the course of chronic viral infection and determined how the amount of PD-1 expressed, as well as the anatomical location, influenced the function of exhausted CD8 T cells. The amount of PD-1 on exhausted CD8 T cells from different anatomical locations did not always correlate with infectious virus but did reflect viral antigen in some tissues. Moreover, lower expression of PD-L1 in some locations, such as the bone marrow, favored the survival of PD-1Hi exhausted CD8 T cells, suggesting that some anatomical sites might provide a survival niche for subpopulations of exhausted CD8 T cells. Tissue-specific differences in the function of exhausted CD8 T cells were also observed. However, while cytokine production did not strictly correlate with the amount of PD-1 expressed by exhausted CD8 T cells from different tissues, the ability to degranulate and kill were tightly linked to PD-1 expression regardless of the anatomical location. These observations have implications for human chronic infections and for therapeutic interventions based on blockade of the PD-1 pathway.Chronic viral infections are often associated with CD8+ T-cell dysfunction (30). This dysfunction, termed exhaustion, includes defects in the ability to produce antiviral cytokines, poor cytotoxicity, a loss of antigen-independent self-renewal, and the inability to vigorously re-expand following antigen exposure (30). These functional deficiencies contrast with the highly functional memory CD8+ T cells that are generated after acute infection and maintained via interleukin-7 (IL-7)- and IL-15-mediated homeostatic proliferation (30). During chronic viral infections, T-cell exhaustion often correlates with poor control of viral replication (3, 8, 38, 39). Thus, there is considerable interest in developing strategies to reverse exhaustion and restore function in virus-specific CD8+ T cells during chronic infections.Recent studies have revealed an important role for the negative regulatory molecule PD-1 in CD8 T-cell exhaustion during chronic viral infections (29). PD-1, a member of the CD28/CTLA-4 family of costimulatory/coinhibitory receptors, contains both ITIM and ITSM motifs in the intracellular tail and can deliver negative signals, at least partly via recruitment of the phosphatase Shp-2 (29). A role for PD-1 in regulating T-cell responses to chronic viral infections was first observed using lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) infection of mice, where PD-1 was found to be highly expressed on exhausted CD8+ T cells from chronically infected animals but not on functional memory CD8+ T cells from mice that had cleared an acute strain of the virus (3). In vivo blockade of the PD-1 pathway led to a dramatic increase in the number of virus-specific CD8+ T cells, improved functionality of these cells, and enhanced control of viral replication (3). These observations were extended to human chronic viral infections, and a series of studies have demonstrated that human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-, hepatitis C virus (HCV)-, and HBV-specific CD8+ T cells upregulate PD-1 in humans compared to CD8+ T cells specific for nonpersisting viruses such as influenza virus or vaccinia virus (6-8, 24, 26, 32, 33, 42). Increasing PD-1 expression also correlates with disease status during HIV infection (8, 42). In vitro blockade of PD-1-PD-L interactions can reinvigorate exhausted virus-specific T-cell responses in humans and appears to have a prominent impact on proliferative expansion and/or prevention of apoptosis in these cases (9, 24, 32). Finally, recent results from in vivo blockade in the macaque simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infection model demonstrated the effectiveness of blocking PD-1 in primates during chronic viral infection (36). In these studies, PD-1 blockade enhanced virus-specific T and B-cell responses, lowered viral load, and improved the survival of chronically infected animals. Thus, PD-1 has emerged as not only a major regulator of T-cell exhaustion and viral control during chronic infection but also as an important potential therapeutic target.Despite these important studies and the clear impact of PD-1 blockade on the reversal of T-cell exhaustion, important questions remain. For example, previous work has demonstrated that PD-1 expression is not uniform on subsets of exhausted CD8 T cells (4). However, the expression of PD-1 on exhausted CD8 T cells in multiple tissues, and the relationship between PD-1 expression in these tissues to viral load, the PD-1 ligands and function has not been examined. Given the nonlymphoid accumulation of virus-specific CD8 T cells during chronic viral infections (11, 39) and the predilection of many important chronic infections for replicating in anatomically restricted locations (e.g., HCV and the liver, HIV and mucosal tissues, etc.), the dynamics of PD-1 expression by exhausted CD8 T cells outside the blood and spleen could have important therapeutic implications.In the present study we examined these issues using the mouse model of LCMV infection. Our results demonstrate that exhausted CD8 T cells have a wide range of PD-1 expression in different tissues of chronically infected mice. Virus-specific CD8 T cells in some anatomical locations such as the liver, brain, and bone marrow (BM) expressed high PD-1 for substantially longer than virus-specific CD8+ T cells from the spleens or blood of the same mice. Although PD-1 expression in the spleen correlated well with reduced gamma interferon (IFN-γ) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) production, the PD-1Hi virus-specific CD8+ T cells from the BM remained capable of producing antiviral cytokines ex vivo. In contrast, a strong negative correlation between PD-1 expression and cytotoxicity existed for exhausted CD8 T cells from all tissues tested. PD-L1 expression was high in the spleen, whereas in the BM antigen-presenting cell (APC) populations expressed lower amounts of PD-L1. Survival of PD-1Hi CD8+ T cells from the BM was decreased in the presence of splenic APCs, suggesting that different tissue microenvironments in vivo could selectively support the persistence of PD-1Hi exhausted CD8 T cells. Since PD-1 expression differs by anatomical location, these observations suggest that PD-1 blockade in vivo will have varying impacts on exhausted CD8 T cells from different tissues or anatomical locations. These observations have implications for human chronic infections such as HBV, HCV, and HIV.  相似文献   

Chronic infections are characterized by the inability to eliminate the persisting pathogen and often associated with functional impairment of virus-specific T-cell responses. Costimulation through Glucocorticoid-induced TNFR-related protein (GITR) can increase survival and function of effector T cells. Here, we report that constitutive expression of GITR-ligand (GITRL) confers protection against chronic lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) infection, accelerating recovery without increasing pathology. Rapid viral clearance in GITRL transgenic mice coincided with increased numbers of poly-functional, virus-specific effector CD8+ T cells that expressed more T-bet and reduced levels of the rheostat marker PD-1. GITR triggering also boosted the helper function of virus-specific CD4 T cells already early in the infection, as was evidenced by increased IL-2 and IFNγ production, and more expression of CD40L and T-bet. Importantly, CD4-depletion experiments revealed that the expanded pool of virus-specific effector CD8 T cells and the ensuing viral clearance in LCMV-infected GITRL tg mice was entirely dependent on CD4 T cells. We found no major differences for NK cell and regulatory T cell responses, whereas the humoral response to the virus was increased in GITRL tg mice, but only in the late phase of the infection when the virus was almost eradicated. Based on these findings, we conclude that enhanced GITR-triggering mediates its protective, anti-viral effect on the CD8 T cell compartment by boosting CD4 T cell help. As such, increasing costimulation through GITR may be an attractive strategy to increase anti-viral CTL responses without exacerbating pathology, in particular to persistent viruses such as HIV and HCV.  相似文献   

The studies reported herein are the first to document the effect of the in vivo administration of a JAK3 inhibitor for defining the potential role of NK cells during acute SIV infection of a group of 15 rhesus macaques (RM). An additional group of 16 MHC/KIR typed RM was included as controls. The previously optimized in vivo dose regimen (20 mg/kg daily for 35 days) led to a marked depletion of each of the major NK cell subsets both in the blood and gastro-intestinal tissues (GIT) during acute infection. While such depletion had no detectable effects on plasma viral loads during acute infection, there was a significant sustained increase in plasma viral loads during chronic infection. While the potential mechanisms that lead to such increased plasma viral loads during chronic infection remain unclear, several correlates were documented. Thus, during acute infection, the administration of the JAK3 inhibitor besides depleting all NK cell subsets also decreased some CD8+ T cells and inhibited the mobilization of the plasmacytoid dendritic cells in the blood and their localization to the GIT. Of interest is the finding that the administration of the JAK3 inhibitor during acute infection also resulted in the sustained maintenance during chronic infection of a high number of naïve and central memory CD4+ T cells, increases in B cells in the blood, but decreases in the frequencies and function of NKG2a+ NK cells within the GIT and blood, respectively. These data identify a unique role for JAK3 inhibitor sensitive cells, that includes NK cells during acute infection that in concert lead to high viral loads in SIV infected RM during chronic infection without affecting detectable changes in antiviral humoral/cellular responses. Identifying the precise mechanisms by which JAK3 sensitive cells exert their influence is critical with important implications for vaccine design against lentiviruses.  相似文献   

The immune system rapidly responds to intracellular infections by detecting MHC class I restricted T-cell epitopes presented on infected cells. It was originally thought that viral peptides are liberated during constitutive protein turnover, but this conflicts with the observation that viral epitopes are detected within minutes of their synthesis even when their source proteins exhibit half-lives of days. The DRiPs hypothesis proposes that epitopes derive from Defective Ribosomal Products (DRiPs), rather than degradation of mature protein products. One potential source of DRiPs is premature translation termination. If this is a major source of DRiPs, this should be reflected in positional bias towards the N-terminus. By contrast, if downstream initiation is a major source of DRiPs, there should be positional bias towards the C-terminus. Here, we systematically assessed positional bias of epitopes in viral antigens, exploiting the large set of data available in the Immune Epitope Database and Analysis Resource. We show a statistically significant degree of positional skewing among epitopes; epitopes from both ends of antigens tend to be under-represented. Centric-skewing correlates with a bias towards class I binding peptides being over-represented in the middle, in parallel with a higher degree of evolutionary conservation.  相似文献   

The optimization of immune responses (IR) induced by HIV DNA vaccines in humans is one of the great challenges in the development of an effective vaccine against AIDS. Ideally, this vaccine should be delivered in a single dose to immunize humans. We recently demonstrated that the immunization of mice with a single dose of a DNA vaccine derived from pathogenic SHIVKU2 (Δ4SHIVKU2) induced long-lasting, potent, and polyfunctional HIV-specific CD8+ T-cell responses (G. Arrode, R. Hegde, A. Mani, Y. Jin, Y. Chebloune, and O. Narayan, J. Immunol. 178:2318-2327, 2007). In the present work, we expanded the characterization of the IR induced by this DNA immunization protocol to rhesus macaques. Animals immunized with a single high dose of Δ4SHIVKU2 DNA vaccine were monitored longitudinally for vaccine-induced IR using multiparametric flow cytometry-based assays. Interestingly, all five immunized macaques developed broad and polyfunctional HIV-specific T-cell IR that persisted for months, with an unusual reemergence in the blood following an initial decline but in the absence of antibody responses. The majority of vaccine-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cells lacked gamma interferon production but showed high antigen-specific proliferation capacities. Proliferative CD8+ T cells expressed the lytic molecule granzyme B. No integrated viral vector could be detected in mononuclear cells from immunized animals, and this high dose of DNA did not induce any detectable autoimmune responses against DNA. Taken together, our comprehensive analysis demonstrated for the first time the capacity of a single high dose of HIV DNA vaccine alone to induce long-lasting and polyfunctional T-cell responses in the nonhuman primate model, bringing new insights for the design of future HIV vaccines.The development of a vaccine that substantially decreases the viral load set points and reduces the transmission of HIV-1 appears to be the long-term solution to control the persistently growing epidemic of this virus in the world (10). In the past, vaccines against challenging infectious diseases, including smallpox, polio, measles, and yellow fever, have been the most effective strategies for fighting these human pandemics. However, and unlike these traditional vaccines that mostly rely on the production of neutralizing antibodies (Abs) for protection from pathogenic infections, the control of HIV infection strongly depends on the development of high-frequency, broadly targeted, polyfunctional T-cell responses specific to the virus (11, 28, 45). Live-attenuated simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)/HIV vaccines so far have been the best inducers of potent T-cell responses that correlate with protection against AIDS following challenge with pathogenic strains in nonhuman primate (NHP) models (24, 39, 47, 61), although the exact correlates of such protection remain to be fully delineated. However, the persistence, integration, and possible reversion to pathogenic forms of these replication-competent vaccines comprise a risk that will not be acceptable for their use in humans.Instead, the use of DNA-based vaccines as a strategy to induce protective responses to control infectious diseases, including HIV-1/AIDS, is very attractive, based on its safety, the absence of infection even in immunocompromised recipients, and its capacity to induce both humoral and T-cell immune responses. For many years, numerous plasmid DNAs encoding HIV proteins have been developed and tested in animal models, and some of them have been tested in humans (14, 18, 42, 49). However, unlike that in rodents, the immune responses induced in humans and NHPs by these DNA vaccines were dramatically weak despite successive immunizations with multiple doses of DNA (30). To circumvent this limitation, new strategies currently are used to improve the immunogenicity of DNA vaccines, including the incorporation of signal-to-target dendritic cells (43), the codon optimization of HIV antigens (Ag) (14), the coexpression of adjuvant (15), and new tools that optimize the delivery of DNA in target cells in the muscle (34).We have developed a noninfectious DNA vaccine derived from the highly pathogenic SHIVKU2 expressing seven proteins of HIV under the control of the SIV 5′ long terminal repeat (LTR) promoter (35). This design mimics the natural expression of the viral proteins and leads to the formation of numerous viral-like particles that are extruded out of expressing cells (4). Repeated low-dose immunizations with this vaccine without heterologous boost protected macaques from progression to AIDS following challenge with pathogenic SHIV. However, enzyme-linked immunospot (ELISPOT) assay responses to HIV antigens before challenge were sporadic and weak (35, 54). In contrast, T-cell responses specific to HIV antigens induced by our construct in immunized mice were substantially higher (21). Using the mouse model, we developed a more sensitive immunity-monitoring assay that measures proliferative capacity, cytotoxic potential, and other immune functions (gamma interferon [IFN-γ] and interleukin-2 [IL-2] secretion) and provides more robust indications regarding the immunogenicity induced by the vaccine. We reported that the intramuscular immunization of mice with a single dose of this HIV DNA vaccine induced long-lasting and polyfunctional CD8+ T-cell responses directed against all HIV antigens expressed by the construct. Interestingly, in the absence of any additional immunization, we observed a primary peak of immune responses (IR) within 2 to 4 weeks postinfection (p.i.), followed by a contraction phase and then the late reemergence of responses after 14 to 20 weeks p.i. and lasting until the end of the experiment (more than 63 weeks p.i.). This is a typical pattern of vaccine-specific T-cell responses induced by nonpersistent vectors that progressively elicit secondary lymphoid tissue-based memory T cells as the expressed antigen becomes rare (9, 38, 58). Importantly, the major proportion of these HIV-specific CD8+ T cells was not producing IFN-γ but proliferated vigorously following antigen stimulation and produced the lytic molecule granzyme B (5). The contribution of this type of antigen-specific T cell to viral control remains to be fully elucidated.The surprising lack of efficacy of the human STEP trial conducted by Merck using the Ad-5 vectors expressing HIV antigens that elicit sustained effector T-cell responses has been disappointing for strategies designed to induce T-cell responses to prevent HIV-1 infections (29, 48, 53, 59). However, we learned from this failure that the characteristics of the T-cell responses induced by candidate vaccines could be critical for immediate as well as long-term protection (20). To address this issue, we developed a multiparametric flow-cytometric assay in the NHP model that was similar to that used in the mouse model. Using this assay, we performed a longitudinal characterization of HIV-specific T-cell IR induced in rhesus macaques immunized with a single high dose of Δ4SHIVKU2 DNA vaccine given intramuscularly (i.m.). We also assessed the antibody responses against HIV antigens. We also addressed potential safety concerns, since this is the first report using one high dose of DNA in NHP, and we tested the animals for the integration of the vaccine genome into that of the circulating mononuclear cells and assessed whether anti-DNA antibodies were produced in all immunized monkeys.  相似文献   

Immunological checkpoints, such as the inhibitory CD200 receptor (CD200R), play a dual role in balancing the immune system during microbial infection. On the one hand these inhibitory signals prevent excessive immune mediated pathology but on the other hand they may impair clearance of the pathogen. We studied the influence of the inhibitory CD200-CD200R axis on clearance and pathology in two different virus infection models. We find that lack of CD200R signaling strongly enhances type I interferon (IFN) production and viral clearance and improves the outcome of mouse hepatitis corona virus (MHV) infection, particularly in female mice. MHV clearance is known to be dependent on Toll like receptor 7 (TLR7)-mediated type I IFN production and sex differences in TLR7 responses previously have been reported for humans. We therefore hypothesize that CD200R ligation suppresses TLR7 responses and that release of this inhibition enlarges sex differences in TLR7 signaling. This hypothesis is supported by our findings that in vivo administration of synthetic TLR7 ligand leads to enhanced type I IFN production, particularly in female Cd200−/− mice and that CD200R ligation inhibits TLR7 signaling in vitro. In influenza A virus infection we show that viral clearance is determined by sex but not by CD200R signaling. However, absence of CD200R in influenza A virus infection results in enhanced lung neutrophil influx and pathology in females. Thus, CD200-CD200R and sex are host factors that together determine the outcome of viral infection. Our data predict a sex bias in both beneficial and pathological immune responses to virus infection upon therapeutic targeting of CD200-CD200R.  相似文献   

Influenza is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in immunosuppressed persons, and vaccination often confers insufficient protection. IL-28B, a member of the interferon (IFN)-λ family, has variable expression due to single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). While type-I IFNs are well known to modulate adaptive immunity, the impact of IL-28B on B- and T-cell vaccine responses is unclear. Here we demonstrate that the presence of the IL-28B TG/GG genotype (rs8099917, minor-allele) was associated with increased seroconversion following influenza vaccination (OR 1.99 p = 0.038). Also, influenza A (H1N1)-stimulated T- and B-cells from minor-allele carriers showed increased IL-4 production (4-fold) and HLA-DR expression, respectively. In vitro, recombinant IL-28B increased Th1-cytokines (e.g. IFN-γ), and suppressed Th2-cytokines (e.g. IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13), H1N1-stimulated B-cell proliferation (reduced 70%), and IgG-production (reduced>70%). Since IL-28B inhibited B-cell responses, we designed antagonistic peptides to block the IL-28 receptor α-subunit (IL28RA). In vitro, these peptides significantly suppressed binding of IFN-λs to IL28RA, increased H1N1-stimulated B-cell activation and IgG-production in samples from healthy volunteers (2-fold) and from transplant patients previously unresponsive to vaccination (1.4-fold). Together, these findings identify IL-28B as a key regulator of the Th1/Th2 balance during influenza vaccination. Blockade of IL28RA offers a novel strategy to augment vaccine responses.  相似文献   

Extraordinary viral sequence diversity and rapid viral genetic evolution are hallmarks of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. Viral sequence evolution has previously been shown to mediate escape from cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) and neutralizing antibody responses in acute HCV infection. HCV evolution continues during chronic infection, but the pressures driving these changes are poorly defined. We analyzed plasma virus sequence evolution in 5.2-kb hemigenomes from multiple longitudinal time points isolated from individuals in the Irish anti-D cohort, who were infected with HCV from a common source in 1977 to 1978. We found phylogenetically distinct quasispecies populations at different plasma time points isolated late in chronic infection, suggesting ongoing viral evolution and quasispecies replacement over time. We saw evidence of early pressure driving net evolution away from a computationally reconstructed common ancestor, known as Bole1b, in predicted CTL epitopes and E1E2, with balanced evolution toward and away from the Bole1b amino acid sequence in the remainder of the genome. Late in chronic infection, the rate of evolution toward the Bole1b sequence increased, resulting in net neutral evolution relative to Bole1b across the entire 5.2-kb hemigenome. Surprisingly, even late in chronic infection, net amino acid evolution away from the infecting inoculum sequence still could be observed. These data suggest that, late in chronic infection, ongoing HCV evolution is not random genetic drift but rather the product of strong pressure toward a common ancestor and concurrent net ongoing evolution away from the inoculum virus sequence, likely balancing replicative fitness and ongoing immune escape.  相似文献   

Vaccine-induced immunity depends on long-lived plasma cells (LLPCs) that maintain antibody levels. A recent mouse study showed that Plasmodium chaubaudi infection reduced pre-existing influenza-specific antibodies—raising concerns that malaria may compromise pre-existing vaccine responses. We extended these findings to P. yoelii infection, observing decreases in antibodies to model antigens in inbred mice and to influenza in outbred mice, associated with LLPC depletion and increased susceptibility to influenza rechallenge. We investigated the implications of these findings in Malian children by measuring vaccine-specific IgG (tetanus, measles, hepatitis B) before and after the malaria-free 6-month dry season, 10 days after the first malaria episode of the malaria season, and after the subsequent dry season. On average, vaccine-specific IgG did not decrease following acute malaria. However, in some children malaria was associated with an accelerated decline in vaccine-specific IgG, underscoring the need to further investigate the impact of malaria on pre-existing vaccine-specific antibodies.  相似文献   

Glycans of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) play pivotal roles in modulating virus-target cell interactions. We have previously reported that, whereas SIVmac239 is pathogenic, its deglycosylated essentially nonpathogenic mutant (Δ5G) serves as a live-attenuated vaccine, although both replicate similarly during primary infection. These findings prompted us to determine whether such a polarized clinical outcome was due to differences in the immune tissues targeted by these viruses, where functionally and phenotypically different memory CD4(+) T cells reside. The results showed that Δ5G replicates in secondary lymphoid tissue (SLT) at 1- to 2-log-lower levels than SIVmac239, whereas SIVmac239-infected but not Δ5G-infected animals deplete CXCR3(+) CCR5(+) transitional memory (TrM) CD4(+) T cells. An early robust Δ5G replication was localized to small intestinal tissue, especially the lamina propria (effector site) rather than isolated lymphoid follicles (inductive site) and was associated with the induction and depletion of CCR6(+) CXCR3(-) CCR5(+) effector memory CD4(+) T cells. These results suggest that differential glycosylation of Env dictates the type of tissue-resident CD4(+) T cells that are targeted, which leads to pathogenic infection of TrM-Th1 cells in SLT and nonpathogenic infection of Th17 cells in the small intestine, respectively.  相似文献   

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