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车烨  杨乐  李忠秋 《生态学报》2018,38(4):1375-1381
以往关于动物警戒行为的研究多以经典随机独立模型为基础,然而,近期一些理论和实证研究则向该模型发出了挑战。根据警戒行为同步性程度的不同,集体警戒可能存在基于模仿的同步警戒和避免重复的协调警戒两种模式。研究了中国雅鲁藏布江自然保护区越冬黑颈鹤家庭群的警戒行为,通过独立样本t检验验证由于年龄和是否携幼所导致的个体警戒水平的差异,通过单因素方差分析比较不同类型家庭群的集体警戒水平,通过配对t检验比较集体警戒的实际观测值和独立假设下的预期值从而确定越冬黑颈鹤家庭群的警戒同步性。结果表明家庭群中的幼年黑颈鹤警戒行为时间显著低于成年黑颈鹤,但幼鹤的存在对成鹤的警戒水平没有显著影响。不同类型黑颈鹤家庭群的集体警戒水平没有差异,但并未如预期表现为同步警戒。警戒行为模式是动物在特定环境中的适应性表现,越冬黑颈鹤生境中不存在落后目标策略的捕食者和高强度的捕食风险,因而可能不足以诱发以降低捕食风险为主要功能的高强度的警戒行为同步性;同时,在资源匮乏的冬季对食物获取的优先性可能也削弱了对同步警戒的需求。  相似文献   

Capture rates in planktivorous fish may differ in individuals foraging alone or in a group, and this may result either from the altered risk of predation due to vigilance sharing in the group, or from a difference in the intensity of scramble competition for encountered prey items. Changes in capture frequency and the feeding pattern observed in young roach (Rutilus rutilus) feeding alone and in a group of three on a high density prey (Daphnia), in the presence and in the absence of predator odor, were used to determine which of these two alternate explanations is more likely. Earlier studies revealed that a foraging roach captures Daphnia prey in uninterrupted sequences of captures occurring every 1–3 s. Such multiple captures are separated by intermissions of 10–20 s, with their duration being likely to determine the overall capture rate. An experiment was performed to examine whether feeding in a group of three permits higher capture rates (hypothesis 1), and whether the intermittent foraging pattern is due to the need to invest more time for vigilance when foraging alone (hypothesis 2). Video recordings were made of many series of subsequent prey captures by roach feeding on high Daphnia densities, alone or in a group, and in the presence or absence of predator odor. Analysis of these data revealed that the mean duration of intermissions between bursts of feeding activity was significantly greater in the presence of predator odor, which resulted in a significant decrease in the capture rate. Furthermore, when the roach were feeding in a group, these intermissions were reduced to a greater extent in the presence of predator odor than in its absence, implying that the intermission intervals represent an investment for vigilance as an effective antipredation defense that permits increased food intake regardless of whether or not it is enhanced by the resource or the interference competition.  相似文献   

The degree to which foraging and vigilance are mutually exclusive is crucial to understanding the management of the predation and starvation risk trade-off in animals. We tested whether wild-caught captive chaffinches that feed at a higher rate do so at the expense of their speed in responding to a model sparrowhawk flying nearby, and whether consistently good foragers will therefore tend to respond more slowly on average. First, we confirmed that the time taken to respond to the approaching predator depended on the rate of scanning: as head-up rate increased so chaffinches responded more quickly. However, against predictions, as peck rate increased so head-up rate increased and mean length of head-up and head-down periods decreased. Head-up rate was probably dependent on peck rate because almost every time a seed was found, a bird raised its head to handle it. Therefore chaffinches with higher peck rates responded more quickly. Individual chaffinches showed consistent durations of both their head-down and head-up periods and, therefore, individuals that were good foragers were also good detectors of predators. In relation to the broad range of species that have a similar foraging mode to chaffinches, our results have two major implications for predation/starvation risk trade-offs: (i) feeding rate can determine vigilance scanning patterns; and (ii) the best foragers can also be the best at detecting predators. We discuss how our results can be explained in mechanistic terms relating to fundamental differences in how the probabilities of detecting food rather than a predator are affected by time. In addition, our results offer a plausible explanation for the widely observed effect that vigilance continues to decline with group size even when there is no further benefit to reducing vigilance.  相似文献   

One postulated advantage of living in groups is increased protection from predators. Living in small, permanent groups of stable composition allows for the formation of a sentinel system, in which individuals coordinate their vigilance. Florida scrub jays, Aphelocoma coerulescens coerulescens, live in family groups, and coordinate their vigilance into a sentinel system. Observed vigilance behaviour was compared with models generating similar behaviour patterns at random. The occurrence of one jay terminating vigilance in the same minute that another initiated vigilance was greater than expected by chance, and the occurrence of more than one vigilant jay at one time was less frequent than expected by chance. The seasonal pattern of scrub jay sentinel behaviour suggests that it functions primarily for predator detection, especially of raptors. Most aerial predator alarm calls were given by sentinels, and a sentinel was most likely to give the alarm call first.  相似文献   

Previous studies of vigilance have concentrated on situations where the prey species has an unimpaired view of its surroundings. Here the effects of reduced visibility caused by objects adjacent to the prey are studied in two species of shorebird. A reduction in visibility causes an increase in the level of vigilance, indicating an increase in vulnerability despite the greater degree of camouflaging. This increase is due to individuals being less able to see both approaching predators and their neighbours. Turnstones, Arenaria interpres, and purple sandpipers, Calidris maritima, show very similar increases in the level of vigilance with decreasing visibility, but achieve these increases by different means: turnstones lengthen the duration of each vigilant scan, while purple sandpipers scan more often. Increasing scanning rate produces a shortened interval between scans, which reduces the risk of being caught unawares by an approaching predator. However, it may also reduce feeding efficiency, and it is suggested that this might be more serious in turnstones due to greater handling times for food items, so causing them to adopt a different strategy to increase vigilance.  相似文献   

Aggregation is thought to enhance an animal’s security through effective predator detection and the dilution of risk. A decline in individual vigilance as group size increases is commonly reported in the literature and called the group size effect. However, to date, most of the research has only been directed toward examining whether this effect occurs at the population level. Few studies have explored the specific contributions of predator detection and risk dilution and the basis of individual differences in the use of vigilance tactics. We tested whether male and female (non-reproductive or with young) eastern grey kangaroos (Macropus giganteus) adopted different vigilance tactics when in mixed-sex groups and varied in their reliance on predator detection and/or risk dilution as group size changed. This species exhibits pronounced sexual dimorphism with females being much smaller than males, making them differentially vulnerable toward predators. We combined field observations with vigilance models describing the effects of detection and dilution on scanning rates as group size increased. We found that females with and without juveniles relied on predator detection and risk dilution, but the latter adjusted their vigilance to the proportion of females with juveniles within their group. Two models appeared to equally support the data for males suggesting that males, similarly to females, relied on predator detection and risk dilution but may also have adjusted their vigilance according to the proportion of mothers within their group. Differential vulnerability may cause sex differences in vigilance tactic use in this species. The presence of males within a group that do not, or only partially, contribute to predator detection and are less at risk may cause additional security costs to females. Our results call for reexamination of the classical view of the safety advantages of grouping to provide a more detailed functional interpretation of gregariousness.  相似文献   

Feeding and growth responses of bleak Alburnus alburnus to the odour of unfed and recently fed pike Esox lucius were quantified in laboratory experiments. Bleak reacted more strongly to the latter than to the former and feeding rates were lowered by 35 and 20%, respectively. The decreases in feeding rates were not an effect of the absence of fish from the feeding place, but of a lowered feeding efficiency due mainly to diminished time spent foraging. The lowered consumption rate of bleak exposed to the odour of recently fed pike caused a decrease in their individual growth rate. The stronger reaction to the recently fed pike stimulus supports the view that alarm substance is a marker for predator odour. In the absence of any further signal from the predator, the bleak became habituated to the predator odour and showed the reaction for only 5 days.  相似文献   

The dilution effect as an antipredation behaviour is the main theoretical reason for grouping in animals and states that all individuals in a group have an equal risk of being predated if equally spaced from each other and the predator. Stalking predators, however, increase their chance of attack success by preferentially targeting nonvigilant individuals, potentially making relative vigilance rates in a group relatively important in determining predation compared with the dilution effect. Many predators, however, attack opportunistically without stalking, when targeting of nonvigilant individuals may be less likely, so that the dilution effect will then be a relatively more important antipredation reason for grouping. We tested whether an opportunistically hunting predator, the sparrowhawk, Accipiter nisus, preferentially attacked vigilant or feeding prey models presented in pairs. We found that sparrowhawks attacked vigilant and feeding mounts at similar frequencies. Our results suggest that individuals should prioritize maximizing group size or individual vigilance dependent on the type of predator from which they are at risk. When the most likely predator is a stalker, individuals should aim to have the highest vigilance levels in a group, and there may be relatively little selective advantage to being in the largest group. In contrast, if the most likely predator is an opportunist, then individuals should simply aim to be in the largest group and can also spend more time foraging without compromising predation risk. For most natural systems this will mean a trade-off between the two strategies dependent on the frequency of attack of each predator type. Copyright 2003 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Many models using vigilance to predict the probability of detecting an approaching predator assumes that prey scanning events should be produced at random. Consequently, the length of intervals among successive scans must follow a negative exponential distribution. We analyzed the scanning behavior of the greater rhea, Rhea americana, which is a gregarious, flightless bird, in eastern Argentina. We investigated whether individual and/or collective scanning departed from random and whether this departure varied with group size. We used two simulation models based on observed scanning sequences to assess the effectiveness of vigilance on the individual and collective level when faced with an opportunistic or stalking predator. The analysis of 59 behavioral sequences of wild greater rheas foraging solitary or in groups of two to six or more individuals revealed that the inter-scan length of individual sequences significantly departed from random. In contrast, inter-scan intervals for collective vigilance were shorter than individual ones, but only fit the random expectation for groups of two and five individuals. Models showed that collective vigilance could increase the probability of detecting a predator, thereby reducing their vulnerability, independent of whether the predator uses a stalking or opportunistic approaching strategy.  相似文献   

Synopsis Guppies,Poecilia reticulata, living in stream pools in Trinidad, West Indies, approached a potential fish predator (a cichlid fish model) in a tentative, saltatory manner, mainly as singletons or in pairs. Such behavior is referred to as predator inspection behavior. Inspectors approached the trunk and tail of the predator model more frequently, more closely and in larger groups than they approached the predator's head, which is presumably the most dangerous area around the predator. However, guppies were not observed in significantly larger shoals in the stream when the predator model was present. In a stream enclosure, guppies inspected the predator model more frequently when it was stationary compared to when it was moving, and made closer inspections to the posterior regions of the predator than to its head. Therefore, the guppies apparently regarded the predator model as a potential threat and modified their behavior accordingly when inspecting it. Guppies exhibited a lower feeding rate in the presence of the predator, suggesting a trade-off between foraging gains and safety against predation. Our results further suggest that predator inspection behavior may account for some of this reduction in foraging. These findings are discussed in the context of the benefits and costs of predator inspection behavior.  相似文献   

In a multi‐prey system, predators kill different kinds of prey according to their availability, where “availability” is a function of prey abundance and vulnerability (e.g. anti‐predator behavior). We hypothesized that prey availability changes seasonally, for instance because reproduction leads to a higher abundance of young in spring and summer or because changes in behavior such as during the mating season makes the prey periodically more vulnerable. We tested this hypothesis in a simple predator‐prey system in the Jura Mountains of Switzerland and France, where a single large mammalian predator, the Eurasian lynx, preys upon two ungulate species, the roe deer and the chamois. In 1996 and 1997 we were able to assign a total of 190 roe deer and 54 chamois killed by lynx to a specific age and sex class (males, females or juveniles). As expected, the proportion of juveniles killed varied considerably among periods, being at the highest from 1st of June to 15th of August. No significant seasonal differences were detected regarding the frequency of predation on males versus females. In particular, the interaction between species and period, expected because of different timing of the rutting period between roe deer and chamois, was not significant. Females were killed only slightly more often during gestation. The relationship between prey abundance and vulnerability is highly complex, as the lynx’ prey selection needs to be analyzed not only horizontally (changes of a specific prey category with season) but also vertically (an increase in the vulnerability of one category releases predation pressure on others). Second, we predicted that certain activities, such as feeding, expose prey to predation more than others. We found more chamois predated when feeding, whereas roe deer were predated mainly when ruminating. This interspecific discrepancy reflects differences either in the anti‐predator behavior of roe deer and chamois or in the relative time allocation to feeding and ruminating between the two species.  相似文献   

Foraging birds can manage time spent vigilant for predators by forming groups of various sizes. However, group size alone will not always reliably determine the optimal level of vigilance. For example, variation in predation risk or food quality between patches may also be influential. In a field setting, we assessed how simultaneous variation in predation risk and intake rate affects the relationship between vigilance and group size in foraging Ruddy Turnstones Arenaria interpres. We compared vigilance, measured as the number of ‘head‐ups’ per unit time, in habitat types that differed greatly in prey energy content and proximity to cover from which predators could launch surprise attacks. Habitats closer to predator cover provided foragers with much higher potential net energy intake rates than habitats further from cover. Foragers formed larger and denser flocks on habitats closer to cover. Individual vigilance of foragers in all habitats declined with increasing flock size and increased with flock density. However, vigilance by foragers on habitats closer to cover was always higher for a given flock size than vigilance by foragers on habitats further from cover, and habitat remained an important predictor of vigilance in models including a range of potential confounding variables. Our results suggest that foraging Ruddy Turnstones can simultaneously assess information on group size and the general likelihood of predator attack when determining their vigilance contribution.  相似文献   

Anti-predator benefits increase with vigilance rate and group size in many species of animal, while simultaneously resource intake rates usually decrease. This implies that there is an optimal group size and vigilance rate that will maximize individual fitness. While this basic theory of vigilance has been modelled and tested extensively, it has often been assumed that the predator represents a 'fixed-risk' such that groups of prey are essentially independent entities that exert little or no effect on one another either directly or indirectly. We argue that this is an over-simplification, and propose that the behaviour of one group of prey will likely affect the fitness of another local group of prey if the predator preferentially attacks the most vulnerable group-rather than attack both with constant rates. Using a numerical simulation model, we make the first examination of this game and allow the prey to dynamically evolve both optimal group size distributions between two habitats and vigilance rates in response to a predator with a preference for whichever group is the more vulnerable. We show that the density of prey in the population and the sensitivity of a predator to differences in prey vulnerability are likely to drive the dynamics of such a game. This novel approach to vigilance theory opens the door to several challenging lines of future research, both experimental and theoretical.  相似文献   

An animal's level of vigilance depends on various environmental factors such as predator presence or the proximity of conspecific competitors. In addition, several individual traits may influence vigilance. We investigated the effects of body condition, social rank and the state of pregnancy on individual vigilance (scanning) rates in individually marked European rabbits ( Oryctolagus cuniculus ) of a field enclosure population. We found lower rates in young rabbits than in adult females, but male and female juveniles did not differ. Vigilance of juveniles was positively correlated with their age-dependent body mass (used as a measure of body condition), i.e. young rabbits with lower body condition scanned less. We suggest that juveniles with low body condition were trading off vigilance against feeding to maximise their growth. In contrast, there was no significant correlation between body mass and vigilance in adult females. Adult females increased scanning rates during late pregnancy, which might constitute a behavioural compensation because of their lower capacity to escape predator attacks. In addition, adult females with low social ranks scanned more than high ranking individuals, likely because of their higher risk of attacks by conspecifics. In summary, our results highlight various individual characteristics that influence vigilance behaviour in European rabbits.  相似文献   

Anti-predator vigilance describes how animals scan their environments for predators. For mathematical simplicity, theories of anti-predator vigilance have generally assumed that animals initiate scans with a constant probability for each unit of time spent feeding. Initiating scans in such a fashion would produce a wide distribution of intervals between scans. Because so much variation was assumed by theory, observations of variation have received little consideration. We show that the original theories of vigilance contain a conceptual discrepancy between the assumed predator and anti-predator tactics. Modified versions of the theory allow variation only under restrictive circumstances that seem unlikely to apply in nature. Plausible reasons for the observed variation in interscan interval are that theories of vigilance assume the wrong predator tactics or the wrong details of predator detection. These possibilities lead to testable predictions about how distributions of interscan intervals should change under different threat and detection conditions.  相似文献   

Vigilance is a key to the early detection of predators, but may be costly if it impairs foraging efficiency. Hence, we would expect vigilance to be suppressed and/or counter‐selected in predator‐free environments, although this might depend on the environmental drivers influencing perceived predation risk. We studied vigilance in two populations of Sitka black‐tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus sitkensis) on Haida Gwaii (Canada) which have not been exposed to predators since they colonized the study islands approx. 60 yr ago. In this context, anti‐predator behavior should not have any obvious current benefit. Moreover, its maintenance should be particularly costly in our study populations because these deer have depleted their food resources and, thus, anti‐predator behaviors should interfere with time spent searching for scarce resources. We used bait stations equipped with camera traps to assess vigilance under standardized feeding conditions. We expected to observe lower vigilance levels than those observed elsewhere in locations with predators. We investigated how vigilance varied in relation to the amount of bait, the level of visibility, and between day and night. During the day, deer spent, on average, 14% of their time in overt vigilance during foraging bouts, a level similar to, although in the lower range of, values reported at sites where predators are present. Levels of vigilance were lower at night, and decreased with increasing visibility, but not during the day. Deer were less vigilant when bait availability was high, but only when visibility was also high. We discuss why the maintenance of vigilance is here best explained by the ghosts of predators past, and how, at the temporal scale of a few generations, the ecological factors driving vigilance levels might override the absence of significant risk from large predators.  相似文献   

Ostrich breeding behaviour in the Serengeti ecosystem, Tanzania was investigated for differences in laying dates between low altitude western area (WA) and high altitude eastern area (EA) populations. Ostriches in WA laid eggs significantly earlier than in EA. The differences could be attributed to topography and rainfall pattern. Reliable rains in lower altitudes ensure availability of food that in turn influences the whole process of the reproductive cycle. Clutches were contributed by several females with a nest having up to 38 eggs. We also compared the frequency of observation of predators, ostriches, nests, 'singletons' (single eggs laid randomly) and broods between the two areas. There was no significant difference between WA and EA in 1) ostrich/nest ratio, indicating similar breeding densities; 2) ostrich/predator and predator/nest ratios, indicating that predation pressure was equally high; 3) nest/singleton and predator/singleton ratios, indicating that loss of nests did not vary between areas. However, there were significantly more predators, nests and ostriches compared to broods in EA than in WA, indicating a significantly lower reproductive success in EA. Using metapopulation terminology, ostriches in EA could be regarded as a 'sink' population and those in WA as a 'source' population, but investigations over longer time-periods are needed to further resolve if this is the case.  相似文献   

Over evolutionary time, predator-prey interactions have shaped and constrained functional and behavioral traits of piscivorous fishes. The endangered Colorado Pikeminnow Ptychocheilus lucius, a large endemic piscivore of the Colorado River Basin, encounters a substantially altered prey base that differs in behaviors and morphologies compared to the historical suite of native prey. To assess physical limitations of Colorado Pikeminnow predation, we conducted a feeding experiment with two species of nonnative prey (spined and despined Channel Catfish Ictalurus punctatus and Red Shiner Cyprinella lutrensis) and quantified scaling of cranial morphology in this predator. In our predation experiments, Colorado Pikeminnow (215–312 mm total length) consumed both spined and despined Channel Catfish as well as Red Shiner but only consumed prey less than 20% of the predator’s total length. Previous feeding trials using smaller Colorado Pikeminnow, with native and nonnative prey species, indicated they consumed prey up to 35% of their total length, suggesting relative prey size limits may decrease as this predator grows. Morphological measurements also suggested relative prey size suitability may decrease as Colorado Pikeminnow become larger, with head depth and width demonstrating isometric scaling at small sizes and shifting to negative allometry as fish get larger. Together, these data suggest an ontogenetic shift in the head morphology of Colorado Pikeminnow may decrease the relative size of prey available to these predators. In severely altered systems, understanding trophic characteristics that limit overall predator resource availability will be critical for conservation of piscivorous fishes.  相似文献   

Animals frequently interrupt their activity to look up and to scan their surrounding environment for potential predators (vigilance). As vigilance and other activities are often mutually exclusive, such behaviours are at the expense of feeding, sleeping or preening. Authors of many wildlife disturbance studies found that people with free-running dogs provoked the most pronounced disturbances (e.g. greater flushing distances and more birds affected). However, dogs on leash may also negatively affect wild animals, and barking dogs may lead to an increase in vigilance. In this study, I tested this hypothesis in coots (Fulica atra) using three different playback procedures: (1) dog barks, (2) conspecific coot alarm calls and (3) chaffinch song. The trials were conducted in spring and autumn 2005 at three study sites in southwestern Germany. During the dog playbacks, vigilance increased significantly from 17 to 28%. This increase in vigilance is comparable to the presence of a natural predator. As expected, vigilance also increased significantly during conspecific coot alarm calls but not during playbacks of the chaffinch song control. Two main findings result from the study: (1) coots respond to acoustic traits of dogs and may be able to acoustically recognise this predator and (2) this increase in vigilance might have implications for conservation, especially when considering buffer zones around sensitive areas.  相似文献   

Vigilance behavior is considered as an effective strategy for prey species to detect predators.An individual benefits from living in a group by reducing the time spent being vigilant without affecting the probability of detecting a predator.However,the mechanism producing a decrease in vigilance with increasing group size is unclear.Many models of vigilance assume that group members scan independently of one another.Yet in recent studies,the other 2 patterns of vigilance,coordination and synchronization,were reported in some species.In 2 summers(2018 and 2019),we studied the group-size effect on vigilance and foraging of Tibetan wild ass in Chang Tang Nature Reserve of Tibet.We also tested whether individuals scan the environment independently,tend to coordinate their scans,or tend to synchronize their vigilance.The results showed that individuals decreased the time spent on vigilance with increasing group size,while increased the time spent foraging.Group members scanned the environment at the same time more frequently and there was a positive correlation between group members'behaviors,indicating that Tibetan wild asses tend to synchronize their vigilance.  相似文献   

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