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The aim of this study was to test whether the deuterium oxide dilution technique accurately predicts water intake in sheep and goats. Two other issues were also studied: (i) a comparison of water intake in sheep and goats and (ii) an assessment of whether observations of drinking behaviour can accurately measure the water intake. In this study, eight dry Boer goats and eight dry German Black Head Mutton ewes were kept under controlled stable conditions. Animals had access to hay and water ad libitum. Diurnal drinking behaviour was recorded by video. Individual daily water intake was measured and estimated for 2 weeks by re-weighing water buckets and from water kinetics using the deuterium oxide dilution technique, respectively. In addition, dry matter intakes were directly measured and were significantly higher in sheep than in goats. The average daily water consumption by drinking differed significantly between the two species, with higher intakes in sheep than in goats. Total body water expressed as a percentage of body mass did not differ between species. Measurement methods of total water intake (TWI) using deuterium oxide dilution and re-weighing water buckets did not differ significantly in both species (P = 0.926). Results obtained for measured and estimated TWI confirm that the isotope dilution technique gives reliable results for estimates of water intake in sheep and goats. The higher amount of water intake in sheep was also reflected by their drinking behaviour. Sheep spent approximately 0.3% per 24-h drinking, while Boer goats spent only 0.1%. However, measured and estimated TWIs were only moderately correlated to the daily time spent drinking. The lower water intake found in Boer goats confirms a superior water management capacity compared with Black Head Mutton sheep even under temperate conditions.  相似文献   

Sexual activity in sheep is under photoperiodic control, which is the main environmental factor responsible for the seasonality of reproduction. However, other natural environmental factors such as presence of conspecifics can slightly influence the timing of onset and offset of the breeding season. In goats, we have found that the continuous presence of bucks that were rendered sexually active out of season by previous exposure to long days, prevented goats from displaying seasonal anestrus, which suggests that the relative contribution of photoperiod in controlling seasonal anestrus should be reevaluated in small ruminant species. The aim of this study was to assess whether the presence of sexually active rams that had been stimulated by artificial photoperiod and melatonin implants, reduces seasonal anestrus in sheep, by prolonging ovulatory activity in spring. Ewes were assigned to one of two groups (n = 16 and 15), which were housed in two separate barns, and kept in contact, either with the treated or the control rams between March and July. Vasectomized rams were either exposed to 2 months of long days followed by the insertion of three subcutaneous melatonin implants (treated rams, n = 8), or exposed to natural light conditions (control rams, n = 2). Estrus was monitored daily, and weekly plasma progesterone analyses indicated ovulatory activity. Ewes that were exposed to treated rams exhibited a higher proportion of monthly estrus than ewes exposed to the control rams (P < 0.05). Thirteen of 15 ewes (one ewe was not considered because of the presence of persistent CL) exposed to stimulated rams exhibited estrous behavior in a cyclic manner. In contrast, all ewes exposed to control rams stopped estrous activity for a period of time during the study, such that this group exhibited a significantly longer anestrous season (mean ± standard error of the mean 89 ± 9 days) than did the ewes housed with treated rams (26 ± 10 days; P < 0.0001). Among 15 ewes housed with treated rams, 13 of them exhibited continuous ovulatory activity between March and July, whereas one stopped in June and two in July. All ewes kept with control rams stopped ovulating for some time; consequently, those ewes had a longer anovulation period than did the group exposed to treated rams (3 ± 3 vs. 18 ± 7 days, respectively; P < 0.05). In conclusion, continuous exposure to sexually activated rams induced by artificial photoperiod and melatonin implants in spring extended the ovarian activity of ewes in spring, which results in an increase in estrous expression.  相似文献   

Social recognition is essential for the maintenance of a stable group structure. Failure to recognise familiar conspecifics in social groups of juvenile pigs may initiate agonistic encounters that can compromise welfare and productivity. Current housing systems may allow build up of atmospheric ammonia that might, in turn, interfere with the olfactory system and compromise olfactory perception. In the present study, 16 juvenile pigs were housed in fresh air while another 16 pigs were kept in an ammoniated atmosphere (approximately 36ppm) for 1 week prior to test and another week during testing. We then assessed the role of olfaction in social recognition and determined whether chronic exposure to ammonia compromised discrimination based on olfactory perception by comparing the pigs' responses to selected cues from a familiar and an unfamiliar pig presented simultaneously in separate chambers of a modified Y-maze in each of two test situations (near, remote). Visual, auditory, olfactory, and tactile cues were all provided in the "near" test situation; here, the stimulus pigs were presented in two separate chambers behind clear perspex walls containing an aperture that allowed nose-to-nose contact between the test and stimulus pigs. On the other hand, the "remote" test provided only olfactory cues via air passed from the chambers containing the stimulus pigs into the test chamber. Each test lasted 5min and the pigs' behaviour was recorded via overhead video cameras; we then measured the accumulated times spent near and the numbers of visits made to the familiar and the unfamiliar stimulus pigs as well as the transitions between them. Overall, pigs made more visits to and spent significantly longer near both the stimulus pigs in the near test than in the remote one (ANOVA, P<0.001). They also made more transitions between the stimuli in the former test than the latter (P<0.001). Pigs from both the ammonia and the fresh-air treatment groups showed social discrimination. However, pigs that had received chronic exposure to ammonia visited the familiar pig more often and spent longer near it than the unfamiliar one regardless of the test situation (P<0.05) whereas those reared in fresh air spent longer near the unfamiliar animal (P<0.05). The present results suggest that pigs from both treatment groups employed olfactory cues in social recognition, but that chronic exposure to ammonia did not interfere with this ability. However, ammonia treatment seemingly affected social preferences, thus indicating an unknown and more fundamental effect of living in ammoniated atmospheres.  相似文献   

In a 20-year-survey, 9364 dairy cattle in 324 herds kept under a zero-grazing management, 1252 beef cattle in 46 herds grazing all the year round, 3347 sheep in 134 herds (only 26 are grazing herds), and 872 goats in 47 herds (only 20 are grazing) were examined. The mites collected from cattle were identified as Chorioptes texanus only, and those from sheep, goats and gazelles were identified as C. bovis. Chorioptic mange was not diagnozed in grazing beef cattle, ibexes and housed animals (as compared to grazing herds), and in rams and billy goats. Holstein-Israeli bulls kept in insemination centres were not clinically infested, whereas four Charolais bulls were infested with chorioptic mange. Infestation rate was higher in older animals than in younger ones. Hoggets and young goats over 10 months and heifers over 13 months were found clinically infested with Choriopic mites. Lesions were not usually extensive and occurred mainly in predilection sites. The ocular form in sheep and the groin form in goats are very uncommon and apparently are reported for the first time. Chorioptic mange was recorded generally throughout the year. In our study seasonal distribution could not be demonstrated in cattle, while in sheep and goats the highest infestation rate occurred in February to March and the lowest in August and September.  相似文献   

Musk shrews were maintained from weaning (20 days of age) for 20 or 40 days in one of several social conditions. In Exp. 1, young males housed with adult females gained more weight and had heavier sex accessory organs than did young males housed with an adult male or reared alone. In Exp. 2 this same pattern of accelerated growth and sexual maturation was found when males were reared directly with an adult female or in a split cage where a wire barrier served to separate the male and his adult female cagemate. In Exp. 3, males were reared in cages containing clean or soiled bedding: soiled bedding was taken once every 5 days from the cage of an adult male, or a female. Under these conditions differences in the weights of reproductive tissues showed minimal variation with housing condition after 20 days of treatment. At that time males reared in soiled bedding taken from the cage of an adult female had accelerated development compared with control males. In Exp. 4, males were housed alone or in a split cage with an adult female which was separated by a wire mesh or a solid, opaque barrier. Males separated by a solid barrier from their female cagemates for 40 days had reproductive tissue weights equivalent to those measured in males reared alone. Taken together these results suggest that the presence of an adult female has dramatic effects on body growth and development of reproductive target tissues in young male musk shrews. Male-female social interactions could play an important role in the timing of puberty in this opportunistically breeding tropical mammal.  相似文献   

Comparative studies of the blood of newly born goats and sheep have indicated a number of mechanisms which are responsible for a decreasing affinity for molecular oxygen in these developing animals during the first 40 to 60 days after birth.
The concentration of 2,3-DPG in the red cells of young goats increases four to sixfold during the first 3 to 4 days of life, and this increase is associated with a marked decrease in the cellular pH; 2,3-DPG does not bind to hemoglobins of goats and the decreased affinity for oxygen of goat blood at this period is apparently due to the lowered pH produced by the large increase of intracellular anions. Similar changes occur in young lambs.
After 15 to 20 days the changes of the dissociation curve are related more to structural differences between adult and fetal hemoglobins; cellular pH moves closer to the values of adult red cells. In goats of this age the predominate hemoglobins are those with β chains and these have dissociation curves shifted further to the right than other adult hemoglobins.
In young lambs Hb-C is found only in association with Hb-A but the amount present seldom exceeds 5 to 10%. The oxygen affinities of sheep Hb-A and Hb-C are identical but higher than that of sheep Hb-B.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the daily rhythm of reactive oxygen metabolites (hydroperoxides), and serum barrier to oxidation in five different mammal species. Five female Comisana sheep, five female Maltese goats, five female Bruna cows and five female Thoroughbred horses were housed separately in boxes equipped with an opening window and five female Blue Vienna rabbits were individually housed in metallic cages. All animals were kept under natural photoperiod and indoor environmental conditions. Blood samples were collected every 3 h over a 48 h period for the assessment of hydroperoxides, antioxidant barrier (Oxy-ads) and thiol-antioxidant barrier (SHp). A two-way for repeated measures ANOVA showed a significant effect of time of day and different species on all studied parameters. Daily rhythmicity of hydroperoxides, Oxy-ads and SHp were observed in all studied species. Nocturnal acrophases were observed in sheep, goats and rabbits, diurnal acrophases were observed in cattle and horse. We conclude that there is a synergism of the daily rhythms of hydroperoxides and anti-oxidant power in the different species studied, and that this synergism is typical of each species.  相似文献   

Rodents and primates deprived of early social contact exhibit deficits in learning and behavioural flexibility. They often also exhibit apparent signs of elevated anxiety, although the relationship between these effects has not been studied. To investigate whether dairy calves are similarly affected, we first compared calves housed in standard individual pens (n = 7) to those housed in a dynamic group with access to their mothers (n = 8). All calves learned to approach the correct stimulus in a visual discrimination task. Only one individually housed calf was able to re-learn the task when the stimuli were reversed, compared to all but one calf from the group. A second experiment investigated whether this effect might be explained by anxiety in individually housed animals interfering with their learning, and tested varying degrees of social contact in addition to the complex group: pair housing beginning early (approximately 6 days old) and late (6 weeks old). Again, fewer individually reared calves learned the reversal task (2 of 10 or 20%) compared to early paired and grouped calves (16 of 21 or 76% of calves). Late paired calves had intermediate success. Individually housed calves were slower to touch novel objects, but the magnitude of the fear response did not correlate with reversal performance. We conclude that individually housed calves have learning deficits, but these deficits were not likely associated with increased anxiety.  相似文献   

A study was conducted in the Sahelian zone of Burkina Faso of the behaviour of cattle, sheep and goats on natural pasture and their preference for browse species. Concurrently, a survey was undertaken on a sample of farmers (herders, women and livestock owners) in the study area to estimate the indigenous knowledge of browse species and their utilisation by ruminants. A herd of cattle and flocks of sheep and goats belonging to farmers were followed on pasture, each species during three consecutive days each month, from May 2003 to April 2004, and their activities were recorded regularly every 15 min, as well as the browse species selected and the height reached while browsing. The farmers had good knowledge of the browse species present in the area and their preferential classification depended on the availability of the species, their nutritive value and also other ways of utilising the species concerned. However, some divergence existed in the knowledge of farmers compared to the result from the behaviour study, e.g. some species were mentioned by farmers but not found in the inventory. There was a decline in the feeding activities of all animal species from rainy to dry season, while resting and ruminating activities were increasing at the same time. This decline in time spent feeding was more important for cattle (from 72 to 39% of total time) as they relied on the herbaceous biomass for feeding, while sheep and goats made a shift in the feeding activities from grazing to browsing when the herbaceous biomass decreased. Cattle browsed (leaves and litter) during all the study period for around 4.5% of the time spent on pasture. Sheep and goats showed a peak in browsing activity in the dry season, 28 and 52% of the time, respectively. During the whole observation period, cattle browsed 10 species, with Guiera senegalensis most often selected, with 59, 54 and 84% of browsing time, respectively, in the rainy, post rainy and dry season. G. senegalensis, Combretum micranthum and Balanites aegyptiaca were the most important species browsed by sheep among the 20 browse species selected. Goats browsed more than 20 species daily but the most preferred species were Acacia senegal, B. aegyptiaca and Pterocarpus lucens. The mean height reached by goats when browsing was higher (1.65 m) than that of cattle (1.47 m) and sheep (0.87 m). The result from this study can be used to select species for regeneration and to advice farmers on the importance of herd composition.  相似文献   

In the wild, larvae of several species of Drosophila develop in heterogeneous and rapidly changing environments sharing resources as food and space. In this scenario, sensory systems contribute to detect, localize and recognize congeners and heterospecifics, and provide information about the availability of food and chemical features of environments where animals live. We investigated the behavior of D. simulans and D. buzzatii larvae to chemicals emitted by conspecific and heterospecific larvae. Our goal was to understand the role of these substances in the selection of pupation sites in the two species that cohabit within decaying prickly pear fruits (Opuntia ficus-indica). In these breeding sites, larvae of D. simulans and D. buzzatii detect larvae of the other species changing their pupation site preferences. Larvae of the two species pupated in the part of the fruit containing no or few heterospecifics, and spent a longer time in/on spots marked by conspecifics rather than heterospecifics. In contrast, larvae of the two species reared in isolation from conspecifics pupated randomly over the substrate and spent a similar amount of time on spots marked by conspecifics and by heterospecifics. Our results indicate that early chemically-based experience with conspecific larvae is critical for the selection of the pupation sites in D. simulans and D. buzzatii, and that pupation site preferences of Drosophila larvae depend on species-specific chemical cues. These preferences can be modulate by the presence of larvae of the same or another species.  相似文献   

Attraction to sexually mature males and the immobilization response were evaluated after postpubertal estrogen treatment of ovariectomized females and of males castrated within 48 hr after birth or at 4 or 8 months of age. The time spent in the end of an evaluation pen which housed a mature intact male, the proportion of animals that showed the immobilization response, and the latency to onset and the duration of this response were similar in ovariectomized females and males castrated within 48 hr after birth. These two groups spent more time in the male end of the evaluation pen as opposed to the opposite end which housed an ovariectomized female, showed a shorter latency to the onset of the immobilization response, and expressed this response for a greater number of days than males castrated either at 4 or 8 months of age. Males castrated at 4 or 8 months did not show a strong preference for either a mature male or an ovariectomized female. The immobilization response in estrogen-treated males castrated at 4 or 8 months of age diminished as these animals became older. On the basis of the observations made in this study, attraction to a mature, intact male is a sexually dimorphic behavioral trait in pigs, and defeminization of this trait in male pigs is associated with the pubertal increase in testicular steroid secretion. Presently, pigs are the only mammalian species in which a role has been identified for pubertal, testicular steroid secretion in the defeminization process.  相似文献   

《Small Ruminant Research》2003,47(3):193-202
Gastrointestinal (GI) parasitism represents a severe health problem in small ruminant production systems world-wide. The objective of the present study was three-fold: (i) to assess the prevalence of GI parasitism in dairy breeds of sheep and goats in selected areas of Greece; (ii) to determine the species of existing gastrointestinal parasites; and (iii) to investigate the effect of climatic factors on the seasonal variation of parasite population dynamics in dairy sheep and goats reared in two different geographical areas of Greece. The study was conducted in four flocks of either sheep or goats that were equally allocated in northern and central Greece. In each flock, faecal samples were randomly collected from 30 animals at monthly intervals and were used for nematode egg counts and coprocultures. Two animals from each flock were slaughtered monthly and their GI tract were examined for adult worm population and identification. The study revealed that the parasitic burdens in sheep were significantly (P<0.05) higher than those in goats. Faecal egg counts for both sheep and goats were significantly (P<0.01) affected by the month of the year and there was also a significant interaction between month of the year and area of study (P<0.01). Teladorsagia, Haemonchus, Trichostrongylus and Chabertia were the most prevalent nematode genera in both sheep and goats. Such information could be useful for the development of strategic treatments when sheep and goats are reared under systems similar to those described in this study.  相似文献   

DNA microarrays have been widely used in gene expression analysis of biological processes. Due to a lack of sequence information, the applications have been largely restricted to humans and a few model organisms. Presented within this study are results of the cross-species hybridization with Affymetrix human high-density oligonucleotide arrays or GeneChip® using distantly related mammalian species; cattle, pig and dog. Based on the unique feature of the Affymetrix GeneChip® where every gene is represented by multiple probes, we hypothesized that sequence conservation within mammals is high enough to generate sufficient signals from some of the probes for expression analysis. We demonstrated that while overall hybridization signals are low for cross-species hybridization, a few probes of most genes still generated signals equivalent to the same-species hybridization. By masking the poorly hybridized probes electronically, the remaining probes provided reliable data for gene expression analysis. We developed an algorithm to select the reliable probes for analysis utilizing the match/mismatch feature of GeneChip®. When comparing gene expression between two tissues using the selected probes, we found a linear correlation between the cross-species and same-species hybridization. In addition, we validated cross-species hybridization results by quantitative PCR using randomly selected genes. The method shown herein could be applied to both plant and animal research.  相似文献   

Blackbordered damselfish, Dascyllus marginatus, were presented with computer animations of varying backgrounds, with and without moving stimuli of conspecifics and sympatric heterospecifics. When subjects were released into the test tank their initial escape response was nearly always towards a fish stimulus, independent of species identity, rather than towards a background stimulus, even when the former where presented in the open and the latter displayed a coral shelter. Subjects did, however, show distinct preferences according to species with regards to the total time spent with each animation. D. marginatus significantly preferred conspecifics over Dascyllus trimaculatus, but did not prefer conspecifics over Dascyllus aruanus, a species with which they frequently shoal in nature. These results demonstrate that computer animations can be used in ethological studies of coral reef fishes and to isolate critical visual signals. Results also show that reef fishes can use visual signals to make sophisticated discriminations among species that can be modulated according to the task at hand.  相似文献   

《Small Ruminant Research》2007,70(1-3):144-153
Brush encroachment is reducing pasture and amenity values of rangelands in the upper Galilee, Israel. Local Mamber goats are efficient at preventing brush encroachment, but their low prolificacy and slow growth of their kids prevent profitable farming. Boer goats from southern Africa are deemed to be prolific and rapidly growing, but their ability to exploit Mediterranean woodland and scrubland in Israel was unknown. Simultaneous observations (n = 604) on the eating behaviour of Boer goats imported from Namibia and of local Mamber goats were recorded from May 1997 to January 1998. Socialization between breeds was prevented by keeping them in distinct flocks in two similar paddocks. Boer goats spent less time than Mamber goats in grazing herbaceous species (22 and 44%, respectively), which suggests that Boers would be potentially less competitive to cattle than Mambers in mixed grazing systems. Boers allocated 90% of their eating time to eight species, compared with only four species for Mambers. Browse use on the main encroaching species differed between goat breeds: Mambers spent more time browsing on Sarcopoterium spinosum whereas Boers spent more time on Cistus creticus and Cistus salvifolius. No difference between breeds was observed with regard to Calycotome villosa, the main encroaching species on the range. Boers exhibited a 10% lower bite rate than Mambers, but no difference between breeds was noted in their mass per bite of browse species. Results of this study suggest that Boer goats have the potential to control brush encroachment more than Mamber goats, especially when they are associated with cattle.  相似文献   



The risk of scrapie infection increases with increased duration and proximity of contact between sheep at lambing. Scrapie infectivity has not been detected in milk but cellular prion protein, the precursor of disease-associated prion protein PrPd, has been found in milk from ruminants. To determine whether milk is able to transmit scrapie, 18 lambs with a prion protein genotype associated with high susceptibility to scrapie (VRQ/VRQ) were fed milk from twelve scrapie-affected ewes of the same genotype, and 15 VRQ/VRQ sheep reared on scrapie-free dams served as controls.


Three lambs fed milk from scrapie-affected ewes were culled due to intercurrent diseases at 43, 44 and 105 days of age respectively, and PrPd was detected in the distal ileum of the first two lambs, whilst PrPd was not found in lymphoreticular tissues in the third lamb. A control lamb, housed in a separate pen and culled at 38 days of age, was also negative for PrPd in a range of tissues. Samples of recto-anal mucosa associated lymphoid tissue collected from the remaining 15 live lambs at seven months of age (between five to seven months after mixing) were positive for PrPd in the scrapie milk recipients, whereas PrPd was not detected in the remaining 14 controls at that time. A subsequent sample collected from control lambs revealed PrPd accumulation in two of five lambs eight months after mixing with scrapie milk recipients suggestive of an early stage of infection via lateral transmission. By contrast, the control sheep housed in the same building but not mixed with the scrapie milk recipients were still negative for PrPd.


The presence of PrPd in distal ileum and rectal mucosa indicates transmission of scrapie from ewe to lamb via milk (or colostrum) although it is not yet clear if such cases would go on to develop clinical disease. The high level of infection in scrapie-milk recipients revealed by rectal mucosal testing at approximately seven months of age may be enhanced or supplemented by intra-recipient infection as these lambs were mixed together after feeding with milk from scrapie-affected ewes and we also observed lateral transmission from these animals to lambs weaned from scrapie-free ewes.

Rearing of male farm animals in unisexual groups has been implicated as a factor contributing to the failure of many males to breed as adults. The present study examines the relationship of male-male mounting in yearling dairy goats to subsequent mate preferences and sexual performance.Twenty-four sexually inexperienced male dairy goats, representing the Alpine, LaMancha, Saanen and Toggenburg breeds, were observed for male-male mounting in their home enclosure and then tested for mate choice and sexual performance when exposed to male and female (estrous and diestrous) stimulus animals. Their sexual behavior was compared with 7 adult goats with previous breeding experience.In the mate choice-sexual performance tests, 4 sexually inexperienced goats (17%) were sexually inactive, 6 (25%) mounted both male and female stimulus animals and 14 (58%) mounted only the female stimuli. Mate choice and sexual performance of the 20 sexually active males was not related to the number of male-male mounts initiated or the number of different males mounted in their home enclosure. However, the goats that received the greatest number of mounts in their home pen tended to be bisexual (would mount both male and female stimulus animals) in the mate choice tests. Males that were sexually inactive in mate choice-sexual performance tests repeatedly mounted the same male during home pen observations. Except for ejaculation frequency, the sexual performance of the sexually naive and experienced goats was similar. Goats of the Saanen breed were favored recipients of mounts from other males. There was no relationship between the number of male-male mounts performed and received.It was hypothesized that the reproductive failure of many male farm animals reared in all-male groups may be more closely related to the formation of specific sexual attachments to other males rather than the frequency with which they exhibit homosexual behaviors.  相似文献   

Pigment types in sheep, goats, and llamas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pigment types in various colors of fiber from sheep, goats, and llamas were assayed by a method using high performance liquid chromatography. In these three species the black/gray group is due to eumelanin, which is fully intense in all three species. Red phenotypes are due to pheomelanin and fade considerably with age in fiber from sheep and goats, but not in llamas. This phenomenon has implications on the genetic mechanisms used in generating white fiber. Brown phenotypes in sheep are due to eumelanin, in goats these phenotypes are equivocal, and they were not observed in llamas.  相似文献   

Social control of neuronal soma size   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Factors responsible for sexual maturation differ significantly among vertebrate species. In many, age is most important, whereas in others seasonal or social cues play a central role. Here we report that maturation in the African cichlid fish Haplochromis burtoni is socially controlled, and that this control includes regulation of soma growth in a population of preoptic neurons immunoreactive to gonadotropin-releasing hormone (irGnRH). Males reared in aquaria among fish of the same age mature sexually in about 3 months, whereas males reared in the presence of older, more aggressive conspecifics remain immature even at 5 months of age. Immature males display hypogonadism and have conspicuously undersized preoptic irGnRH neurons in comparison to those of mature siblings of the same age. This variable maturation rate increases the likelihood that individual males will survive to an age when they can successfully reproduce.  相似文献   

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