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Density-dependent dispersal in birds and mammals   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Erik Matthysen 《Ecography》2005,28(3):403-416
Density‐dependent dispersal can be caused by various mechanisms, from competition inducing individuals to emigrate (positive density‐dependence) to social crowding effects impeding free movement (negative density‐dependence). Various spatial population models have incorporated positively density‐dependent dispersal algorithms, and recent theoretical models have explored the conditions for density‐dependent dispersal (DD) to evolve. However, while the existence of DD is well documented in some taxa such as insects, there is no clear picture on its generality in vertebrates. Here I review the available empirical data on DD in birds and mammals, focusing mainly on variation in dispersal between years and on experimental density manipulations. Surprisingly few studies have explicitly focused on DD, and interpretation of the available data is often hampered by differences in approach, small sample sizes and/or statistical shortcomings. Positive DD was reported in 50 and 33% of the selected mammal and bird studies, respectively, while two studies on mammals (out of eight) reported negative DD. Among bird studies, DD was more often reported for emigration rates or long‐distance recoveries than for average distances within finite study areas. Experimental studies manipulating densities (mainly on mammals) have consistently generated positive DD, typically showing reduced emigration in response to partial population removal. Studies that examined dispersal in relation to seasonal changes in density (small mammals only) have more often reported negative DD. Studies that compared dispersal between sites differing in density, also show a mixture of positive and negative DD. This suggests that dispersal changes in a more complex way with seasonal and spatial density variation than with annual densities, and/or that these results are confounded by other factors differing between seasons and sites, such as habitat quality. I conclude that both correlational and experimental studies support the existence of positive, rather than negative, density‐dependent dispersal in birds and mammals.  相似文献   

In most social mammals, some females disperse from their natal group while others remain and breed there throughout their lives but, in a few, females typically disperse after adolescence and few individuals remain and breed in their natal group. These contrasts in philopatry and dispersal have an important consequence on the kinship structure of groups which, in turn, affects forms of social relationships between females. As yet, there is still widespread disagreement over the reasons for the evolution of habitual female dispersal, partly as a result of contrasting definitions of dispersal. This paper reviews variation in the frequency with which females leave their natal group or range (social dispersal) and argues that both the avoidance of local competition for resources and breeding opportunities and the need to find unrelated partners play an important role in contrasts between and within species.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2022,32(20):R1115-R1121

Sex differences in dispersal distance are widespread in birds and mammals, but the predominantly dispersing sex differs consistently between the classes. There has been persistent debate over the relative importance of two factors - intrasexual competition and inbreeding avoidance - in producing sex-biased dispersal, and over the sources of the difference in dispersal patterns between the two classes. Recent studies cast new light on these questions.  相似文献   

Dispersal is of central importance to population biology, behavioral ecology and conservation. However, because field studies are based on finite study areas, nearly all dispersal distributions for vertebrates currently available are biased, often highly so. The inadequacy of dispersal data obtained directly by traditional methods using population studies of marked individuals is highlighted by comparing the resulting distributions with dispersal estimates obtained by radio-tracking and by using genetic estimates of gene flow.  相似文献   

Comparative analyses suggest that a variety of factors influence the evolution of sexual dimorphism in birds. We analyzed the relative importance of social mating system and sperm competition to sexual differences in plumage and body size (mass and tail and wing length) of more than 1,000 species of birds from throughout the world. In these analyses we controlled for phylogeny and a variety of ecological and life-history variables. We used testis size (corrected for total body mass) as an index of sperm competition in each species, because testis size is correlated with levels of extrapair paternity and is available for a large number of species. In contrast to recent studies, we found strong and consistent effects of social mating system on most forms of dimorphism. Social mating system strongly influenced dimorphism in plumage, body mass, and wing length and had some effect on dimorphism in tail length. Sexual dimorphism was relatively greater in species with polygynous or lekking than monogamous mating systems. This was true when we used both species and phylogenetically independent contrasts for analysis. Relative testis size was also related positively to dimorphism in tail and wing length, but in most analyses it was a poorer predictor of plumage dimorphism than social mating system. There was no association between relative testis size and mass dimorphism. Geographic region and life history were also associated with the four types of dimorphism, although their influence varied between the different types of dimorphism. Although there is much interest in the effects of sperm competition on sexual dimorphism, we suggest that traditional explanations based on social mating systems are better predictors of dimorphism in birds.  相似文献   

The local resource competition hypothesis and the local mate competition hypothesis were developed based on avian and mammalian systems to explain sex-biased dispersal. Most avian species show a female bias in dispersal, ostensibly due to resource defence, and most mammals show a male bias, ostensibly due to male-male competition. These findings confound phylogeny with mating strategy; little is known about sex-biased dispersal in other taxa. Resource defence and male-male competition are both intense in Plethodon cinereus, a direct-developing salamander, so we tested whether sex-biased dispersal in this amphibian is consistent with the local resource competition hypothesis (female-biased) or the local mate competition hypothesis (male-biased). Using fine-scale genetic spatial autocorrelation analyses, we found that females were philopatric, showing significant positive genetic structure in the shortest distance classes, with stronger patterns apparent when only territorial females were tested. Males showed no spatial genetic structure over the shortest distances. Mark-recapture observations of P. cinereus over 5 years were consistent with the genetic data: males dispersed farther than females during natal dispersal and 44% of females were recaptured within 1 m of their juvenile locations. We conclude that, in this population of a direct-developing amphibian, females are philopatric and dispersal is male-biased, consistent with the local mate competition hypothesis.  相似文献   

Birds and mammals are important seed dispersers of fleshy-fruited plants. Although their behaviors are different, they frequently consume the same species. Thus to understand the dispersal of fleshy-fruited plants, the contribution of birds and mammals to seed dispersal has to be evaluated. Besides, within birds or mammals, some species may functionally different from others. In this study, we examined seed dispersal of the fleshy-fruited tree Swida controversa focusing on the difference between two frugivore groups (birds and mammals), and differences between species within groups. Collected seeds and S. controversa trees were identified using simple sequence repeat (SSR) genotyping, thus enabling to determine the distance between mother tree and dispersed seeds. The avian species were identified by DNA barcoding of feces, whereas the mammalian species were identified by the shape and smell of feces. Most seeds that fell near or under the maternal trees were dispersed by birds, resulting in short seed dispersal distances (average, 13 m). DNA barcoding detected five taxa of avian dispersers. No differences were detected in seed dispersal distance by different avian taxa (i.e., the distance between dispersed seeds and their maternal trees within the research plot); however the rate of seed immigration from outside the research plot by some avian taxa varied significantly. The seed dispersal distance by mammals was significantly further (127 m; min > 50 m) than that by birds. Additionally, immigrated seeds accounted for approximately two-thirds of mammal-dispersed seeds, indicating that these seeds were from outside the research plot, and that mammals significantly contributed to the long-distance seed dispersal of S. controversa. No differences in seed dispersal distance were detected between different mammalian taxa. Overall, this study revealed that birds and mammals show clearly different seed dispersal patterns, and thus, they play different roles in the regeneration of S. controversa.  相似文献   

Nesting ecology and population studies indicate that diamondback terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin) exhibit nest site fidelity and high habitat fidelity. However, genetic studies indicate high levels of gene flow. Because dispersal affects the genetics and population dynamics of a species, we used six highly polymorphic microsatellite markers to investigate sex-biased dispersal and natal philopatry of M. terrapin in Barnegat Bay, NJ. We compared results of spatial autocorrelation analysis, assignment methods and Wright's F(ST) estimators to a mark-recapture analysis. Mark-recapture analysis over a 4-year period indicated that most individuals have relatively small home ranges (<2 km), with mature females displaying greater home ranges than males. Goodness of fit analysis of our mark-recapture study indicated that some juvenile males were likely transient individuals moving through our study location. Mean assignment indices and first-generation migrant tests indicated that mature males were more prone to disperse than mature females, but first-generation migrant tests indicated that per capita there are more female than male dispersers. Thus, the relative importance of males and females on gene flow in terrapin populations may change in relation to population sex ratios. Spatial autocorrelation analysis indicated that mature females exhibited natal philopatry to nesting beaches, but first-generation migrant tests indicated that a small number of females failed to nest on natal beaches. Finally, we discuss the important conservation implications of male-biased dispersal and natal philopatry in the diamondback terrapin.  相似文献   

Summary Using mark-recapture data, we related the movements of adult field voles to population density, sex ratio and population growth. Dispersal movements (defined as distances larger than 1 home range diameter) were few in both sexes; 4 out of 197 (2.0%) in males and 8 of 316 (2.5%) in females. The distance moved between sequential trapping periods was similar for males and females; the mean being 10.2 m and 9.0 m respectively. Both males and females moved larger distances during the breeding season than during the nonbreeding period. The distance moved between sequential trapping periods showed a strong negative relation to density, i.e. both sexes moved shorter distances at higher densities, but there were no differences between periods of increasing and declining population densities. These results contradict the dispersal predictions of all major hypotheses proposed to explain population fluctuations in small mammals. The dispersal patterns fit a geometric distribution, suggesting that competition is the primary factor determining the dispersal characteristics of this population.  相似文献   

The natal dispersal distance of the grey-sided vole,Clethrionomys rufocanus (Sundevall), was measured in a large outdoor enclosure (2.1 ha) in Hokkaido, Japan. Voles in about half of the enclosure (1 ha) were fed. Distance from the natal site to the site of reproduction was significantly greater in males (64.9 m) than in females (35.3 m). In males, 24.8% settled within one home range length of their natal site and 49.6% settled further than two range lengths from their natal site. In femles, the respective percentages were reversed: 51.2% and 22.0%. The timing of large movements (≥50 m) was related to body mass in both sexes. The population density was always higher on the fed grid than on the control grid, which resulted in the frequency of large movements being greater on the fed grid that on the control grid. Thus, the percentage of voles performing a large movement was not different between the grids in both sexes.  相似文献   

Dispersal is a life‐history trait that can evolve under various known selective pressures as identified by a multitude of theoretical and empirical studies. Yet only few of them are considering the succession of mating and dispersal. The sequence of these events influences gene flow and consequently affects the dynamics and evolution of populations. We use individual‐based simulations to investigate the evolution of the timing of dispersal and mating, i.e. mating before or after dispersal. We assume a discrete insect metapopulation in a heterogeneous environment, where populations may adapt to local conditions and only females are allowed to disperse. We run the model assuming different levels of species habitat tolerance, carrying capacity, and temporal environmental variability. Our results show that in species with narrow habitat tolerance, low to moderate dispersal evolves in combination with mating after dispersal (post‐dispersal mating). With such a strategy dispersing females benefit from mating with a resident male, as their offspring will be better adapted to the local habitat conditions. On the contrary, in species with wide habitat tolerance higher dispersal rates in combination with pre‐dispersal mating evolves. In this case individuals are adapted to the ‘average’ habitat where pre‐dispersal mating conveys the benefit of carrying relatives’ genes into a new population. With high dispersal rates and large population size, local adaptation and kin structure both vanish and the temporal sequence of dispersal and mating may become a (nearly) neutral trait.  相似文献   

YORAM YOM-TOV 《Ibis》1992,134(1):52-55
The hypothesis that polygynous species start breeding later in the season than monogamous ones was examined using two data sets, each with both monogamous and polygynous species—the eight species of wrens which breed in the USA, and five genera (15 species) of British passerines. Comparisons were made within each of 16 states in the USA from which data were available and for each genus in Britain. The hypothesis is supported for most subsets of data, but in some cases polygynous and monogamous species start breeding at the same time (but in no case do polygynous breed earlier than monogamous species). The late breeding of the polygynous species is probably an outcome of the fact that polygynous males tend to participate less in nest activities than monogamous ones.  相似文献   

Thermoregulation in homoiotherms is achieved by physiological and behavioural adjustments which involve the musculature, skin, sensory capacities, hypothalamus and endocrine glands. Under thermal stress animals exhibit anorexia, body extension, gasping, languor, lethargy, excessive drinking, bathing, decreased locomotor activities, group dispersion, and shade seeking. When exposed to cold, animals show body flexure, huddling, hyperphagia, extra locomotor activities, depressed respiration and nest building. Species and breed differences in the behavioural adjustments to unfavourable climates are related to habitat, morphological characteristics of body covering, degree of physiological adaptability, degree of physiological immaturity at birth or hatching, and the number of young.  相似文献   

Aim This study aims to evaluate the relative importance of birds, small mammals, and ants as seed predators at a semi‐arid site in northern Chile. Location Northern Chile, in Parque Nacional Bosque Fray Jorge (30°41′ N, 71°40′ W, c. 80 m elevation). Methods We studied the relative abilities of birds, small mammals, and ants to find and remove millet seeds either singly (i.e. background seed removal) or in bulk. Single seeds were set in shallow depressions in Plexiglas trays which were established in long and arbitrary transects, and were available either to birds (diurnally) or small mammals (nocturnally) or were covered by hardware cloth and therefore available only to ants. Bulk removal was evaluated with seeds in Petri dishes that also were established in long and arbitrary transects, and trays were either open diurnally (birds) or nocturnally (small mammals); a third set of trays was covered with hardware cloth cages to excluded vertebrates, and ants were given access to Petri dishes with twigs that were arranged across the edge of the dishes. All experiments lasted four days and nights, and trays and dishes were checked and replenished as needed in the morning and evening. In the former study vertebrate consumption was determined as the mean number of seeds removed from trays (within a given transect) minus the number removed from ant‐only trays. Because ants were rarely seen in vertebrate access Petri dishes, however, we did not correct consumption there. Treatments were compared using repeated measures mixed model analysis of variance. In addition to evaluating patterns within this community, we compared our results against those obtained in similar studies in various arid regions. Results Diurnal seed consumption was significantly greater than nocturnal seed consumption, which in turn was significantly greater than consumption by ants. Diurnal consumption was highly seasonal, evidently corresponding to the seasonal arrival and departure of migratory birds. In general, South American sites exhibit much lower levels of seed predation than sites in the northern hemisphere, but removal at our site appears to be much greater and more strongly avian‐dominated than at other sites in South America. Our results are consistent with predictions based on a hypothesis relating precipitation to seed predictability. Main conclusions Both birds and small mammals were much more important seed consumers at our site than elsewhere in South America, whereas ants have been relatively unimportant at all South American sites studied to date. Although the dominant seed consumers differ across sites, overall levels of seed removal appear similar in South America and Australia, and substantially lower than reported from sites in the northern hemisphere and Africa.  相似文献   

Long-bone circumference and weight in mammals, birds and dinosaurs   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The mid-shaft circumferences of the humerus and femur are closely related to body weight in living terrestrial vertebrates. Because these elements are frequently preserved in subfossil and fossil vertebrate skeletal materials, the relationship can be used to estimate body weight in extinct vertebrates. When the allometric equations are applied to the mid-shaft circumferences of these elements in dinosaurs, the weights calculated for some giant sauropods ( Brachiosaurus ) are found to be lighter than previous estimates.  相似文献   

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