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Protrudin is a membrane protein that regulates polarized vesicular trafficking in neurons. The protrudin gene (ZFYVE27) is mutated in a subset of individuals with hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP), and protrudin is therefore also referred to as spastic paraplegia (SPG) 33. We have now generated mice that express a transgene for dual epitope-tagged protrudin under control of a neuron-specific promoter, and we have subjected highly purified protrudin-containing complexes isolated from the brain of these mice to proteomics analysis to identify proteins that associate with protrudin. Protrudin was found to interact with other HSP-related proteins including myelin proteolipid protein 1 (SPG2), atlastin-1 (SPG3A), REEP1 (SPG31), REEP5 (similar to REEP1), Kif5A (SPG10), Kif5B, Kif5C, and reticulon 1, 3, and 4 (similar to reticulon 2, SPG12). Membrane topology analysis indicated that one of three hydrophobic segments of protrudin forms a hydrophobic hairpin domain similar to those of other SPG proteins. Protrudin was found to localize predominantly to the tubular endoplasmic reticulum (ER), and forced expression of protrudin promoted the formation and stabilization of the tubular ER network. The protrudin(G191V) mutant, which has been identified in a subset of HSP patients, manifested an increased intracellular stability, and cells expressing this mutant showed an increased susceptibility to ER stress. Our results thus suggest that protrudin contributes to the regulation of ER morphology and function, and that its deregulation by mutation is a causative defect in HSP.  相似文献   

Despite recent advances in understanding store-operated calcium entry (SOCE) regulation, the fundamental question of how ER morphology affects this process remains unanswered. Here we show that the loss of RTN4, is sufficient to alter ER morphology and severely compromise SOCE. Mechanistically, we show this to be the result of defective STIM1-Orai1 coupling because of loss of ER tubulation and redistribution of STIM1 to ER sheets. As a functional consequence, RTN4-depleted cells fail to sustain elevated cytoplasmic Ca2+ levels via SOCE and therefor are less susceptible to Ca2+ overload induced apoptosis. Thus, for the first time, our results show a direct correlation between ER morphology and SOCE and highlight the importance of RTN4 in cellular Ca2+ homeostasis.  相似文献   

Torsins are membrane-tethered AAA+ ATPases residing in the nuclear envelope (NE) and endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Here, we show that the induction of a conditional, dominant-negative TorsinB variant provokes a profound reorganization of the endomembrane system into foci containing double membrane structures that are derived from the ER. These double-membrane sinusoidal structures are formed by compressing the ER lumen to a constant width of 15 nm, and are highly enriched in the ATPase activator LULL1. Further, we define an important role for a highly conserved aromatic motif at the C terminus of Torsins. Mutations in this motif perturb LULL1 binding, reduce ATPase activity, and profoundly limit the induction of sinusoidal structures.  相似文献   

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is organized in part by adapter proteins that nucleate the formation of large protein complexes. Tetratricopeptide repeats (TPR) are well studied protein structural motifs that support intermolecular protein-protein interactions. TMTC1 and TMTC2 were identified by an in silico search as TPR-containing proteins possessing N-terminal ER targeting signal sequences and multiple hydrophobic segments, suggestive of polytopic membrane proteins that are targeted to the secretory pathway. A variety of cell biological and biochemical assays was employed to demonstrate that TMTC1 and TMTC2 are both ER resident integral membrane proteins with multiple clusters of TPR domains oriented within the ER lumen. Proteomic analysis followed by co-immunoprecipitation verification found that both proteins associated with the ER calcium uptake pump SERCA2B, and TMTC2 also bound to the carbohydrate-binding chaperone calnexin. Live cell calcium measurements revealed that overexpression of either TMTC1 or TMTC2 caused a reduction of calcium released from the ER following stimulation, whereas the knockdown of TMTC1 or TMTC2 increased the stimulated calcium released. Together, these results implicate TMTC1 and TMTC2 as ER proteins involved in ER calcium homeostasis.  相似文献   

The highly conserved N-terminal 23 residues of the hemagglutinin glycoprotein, known as the fusion peptide domain (HAfp23), is vital to the membrane fusion and infection mechanism of the influenza virus. HAfp23 has a helical hairpin structure consisting of two tightly packed amphiphilic helices that rest on the membrane surface. We demonstrate that HAfp23 is a new class of amphipathic helix that functions by leveraging the negative curvature induced by two tightly packed helices on membranes. The helical hairpin structure has an inverted wedge shape characteristic of negative curvature lipids, with a bulky hydrophobic region and a relatively small hydrophilic head region. The F3G mutation reduces this inverted wedge shape by reducing the volume of its hydrophobic base. We show that despite maintaining identical backbone structures and dynamics as the wild type HAfp23, the F3G mutant has an attenuated fusion activity that is correlated to its reduced ability to induce negative membrane curvature. The inverted wedge shape of HAfp23 is likely to play a crucial role in the initial stages of membrane fusion by stabilizing negative curvature in the fusion stalk.  相似文献   

Localization of mRNAs contributes to the generation and maintenance of cellular asymmetry in a wide range of organisms. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the so-called locasome complex with its core components Myo4p, She2p, and She3p localizes more than 30 mRNAs to the yeast bud tip. A significant fraction of these mRNAs encodes membrane or secreted proteins. Their localization requires, besides the locasome, a functional segregation apparatus of the cortical endoplasmic reticulum (ER), including the machinery that is involved in the movement of ER tubules into the bud. Colocalization of RNA-containing particles with these tubules suggests a coordinated transport of localized mRNAs and the cortical ER to the bud. Association of localized mRNAs to the ER requires the presence of the locasome component She2p. Here we report that She2p is not only an RNA-binding protein but can specifically bind to ER-derived membranes in a membrane curvature-dependent manner in vitro. Although it does not contain any known curvature recognizing motifs, the protein shows a binding preference for liposomes with a diameter resembling that of yeast ER tubules. In addition, membrane binding depends on tetramerization of She2p. In an in vivo membrane-tethering assay, She2p can target a viral peptide GFP fusion protein to the cortical ER, indicating that a fraction of She2p associates with the ER in vivo. Combining RNA- and membrane-binding features makes She2p an ideal coordinator of ER tubule and mRNA cotransport.  相似文献   

The coat protein complex II (COPII) generates transport carriers from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) under the control of the small GTPase Sar1. Sec23 is well known as a structural component of the COPII coat and as a GTPase-activating protein (GAP) for Sar1. Here, we showed that Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains a novel Sec23 paralog, Nel1, which appears not to function as a subunit of the COPII coat. Nel1 does not associate with any of the COPII components, but it exhibits strong Sar1 GAP activity. We also demonstrated that the chromosomal deletion of NEL1 leads to a significant growth defect in the temperature-sensitive sar1D32G background, suggesting a possible functional link between these proteins. In contrast to Sec23, which is predominantly localized at ER exit sites on the ER membrane, a major proportion of Nel1 is localized throughout the cytosol. Our findings highlight a possible role of Nel1 as a novel GAP for Sar1.  相似文献   

Type I transglutaminase (TG1) is an enzyme that is responsible for assembly of the keratinocyte cornified envelope. Although TG1 mutation is an underlying cause of autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis, a debilitating skin disease, the pathogenic mechanism is not completely understood. In the present study we show that TG1 is an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane-associated protein that is trafficked through the ER for ultimate delivery to the plasma membrane. Mutation severely attenuates this processing and a catalytically inactive point mutant, TG1-FLAG(C377A), accumulates in the endoplasmic reticulum and in aggresome-like structures where it is ubiquitinylated. This accumulation results from protein misfolding, as treatment with a chemical chaperone permits it to exit the endoplasmic reticulum and travel to the plasma membrane. ER accumulation is also observed for ichthyosis-associated TG1 mutants. Our findings suggest that misfolding of TG1 mutants leads to ubiquitinylation and accumulation in the ER and aggresomes, and that abnormal intracellular processing of TG1 mutants may be an underlying cause of ichthyosis.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) represent the most important drug targets. Although the smallest functional unit of a GPCR is a monomer, it became clear in the past decades that the vast majority of the receptors form dimers. Only very recently, however, data were presented that some receptors may in fact be expressed as a mixture of monomers and dimers and that the interaction of the receptor protomers is dynamic. To date, equilibrium measurements were restricted to the plasma membrane due to experimental limitations. We have addressed the question as to where this equilibrium is established for the corticotropin-releasing factor receptor type 1. By developing a novel approach to analyze single molecule fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy data for intracellular membrane compartments, we show that the corticotropin-releasing factor receptor type 1 has a specific monomer/dimer equilibrium that is already established in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). It remains constant at the plasma membrane even following receptor activation. Moreover, we demonstrate for seven additional GPCRs that they are expressed in specific but substantially different monomer/dimer ratios. Although it is well known that proteins may dimerize in the ER in principle, our data show that the ER is also able to establish the specific monomer/dimer ratios of GPCRs, which sheds new light on the functions of this compartment.  相似文献   

Silkworm posterior silkgland is a model for studying intracellular trafficking. Here, using this model, we identify several potential cargo proteins of BmKinesin-1 and focus on one candidate, BmCREC. BmCREC (also known as Bombyx mori DNA supercoiling factor, BmSCF) was previously proposed to supercoil DNA in the nucleus. However, we show here that BmCREC is localized in the ER lumen. Its C-terminal tetrapeptide HDEF is recognized by the KDEL receptor, and subsequently it is retrogradely transported by coat protein I (COPI) vesicles to the ER. Lacking the HDEF tetrapeptide of BmCREC or knocking down COPI subunits results in decreased ER retention and simultaneously increased secretion of BmCREC. Furthermore, we find that BmCREC knockdown markedly disrupts the morphology of the ER and Golgi apparatus and leads to a defect of posterior silkgland tube expansion. Together, our results clarify the ER retention mechanism of BmCREC and reveal that BmCREC is indispensable for maintaining ER/Golgi morphology.  相似文献   

Intracellular transport is largely dependent on vesicles that bud off from one compartment and fuse with the target compartment. The first contact of an incoming vesicle with the target membrane is mediated by tethering factors. The tethering factor responsible for recruiting Golgi-derived vesicles to the ER is the Dsl1 tethering complex, which is comprised of the essential proteins Dsl1p, Dsl3p, and Tip20p. We investigated the role of the Tip20p subunit at the ER by analyzing two mutants, tip20-5 and tip20-8. Both mutants contained multiple mutations that were scattered throughout the TIP20 sequence. Individual mutations could not reproduce the temperature-sensitive phenotype of tip20-5 and tip20-8, indicating that the overall structure of Tip20p might be altered in the mutants. Using molecular dynamics simulations comparing Tip20p and Tip20-8p revealed that some regions, particularly the N-terminal domain and parts of the stalk region, were more flexible in the mutant protein, consistent with its increased susceptibility to proteolysis. Both Tip20-5p and Tip20-8p mutants prevented proper ER trans-SNARE complex assembly in vitro. Moreover, Tip20p mutant proteins disturbed the interaction between Dsl1p and the coatomer coat complex, indicating that the Dsl1p-coatomer interaction could be stabilized or regulated by Tip20p. We provide evidence for a direct role of the Dsl1 complex, in particular Tip20p, in the formation and stabilization of ER SNARE complexes.  相似文献   

The distribution and morphology of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in mammalian cells depend on both dynamic and static interactions of ER membrane proteins with microtubules (MTs). Cytoskeleton-linking membrane protein (CLIMP)-63 is exclusively localized in sheet-like ER membranes, typical structures of the rough ER, and plays a pivotal role in the static interaction with MTs. Our previous study showed that the 42-kDa ER-residing form of syntaxin 5 (Syn5L) regulates ER structure through the interactions with both CLIMP-63 and MTs. Here, we extend our previous study and show that the valosin-containing protein/p97-interacting membrane protein (VIMP)/SelS is also a member of the family of proteins that shape the ER by interacting with MTs. Depletion of VIMP causes the spreading of the ER to the cell periphery and affects an MT-dependent process on the ER. Although VIMP can interact with CLIMP-63 and Syn5L, it does not interact with MT-binding ER proteins (such as Reep1) that shape the tubular smooth ER, suggesting that different sets of MT-binding ER proteins are used to organize different ER subdomains.  相似文献   

Nascent chains are known to be targeted to the endoplasmic reticulum membrane either by a signal recognition particle (SRP)-dependent co-translational or by an SRP-independent post-translational translocation route depending on signal sequences. Using a set of model and cellular proteins carrying an N-terminal signal anchor sequence of controlled hydrophobicity and yeast mutant strains defective in SRP or Sec62 function, the hydrophobicity-dependent targeting efficiency and targeting pathway preference were systematically evaluated. Our results suggest that an SRP-dependent co-translational and an SRP-independent post-translational translocation are not mutually exclusive for signal anchor proteins and that moderately hydrophobic ones require both SRP and Sec62 for proper targeting and translocation to the endoplasmic reticulum. Further, defect in Sec62 selectively reduced signal sequences inserted in an Nin-Cout (type II) membrane topology, implying an undiscovered role of Sec62 in regulating the orientation of the signal sequence in an early stage of translocation.  相似文献   

Exit of cargo molecules from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) for transport to the Golgi is the initial step in intracellular vesicular trafficking. The coat protein complex II (COPII) machinery is recruited to specialized regions of the ER, called ER exit sites (ERES), where it plays a central role in the early secretory pathway. It has been known for more than two decades that calcium is an essential factor in vesicle trafficking from the ER to Golgi apparatus. However, the role of calcium in the early secretory pathway is complicated and poorly understood. We and others previously identified Sec31A, an outer cage component of COPII, as an interacting protein for the penta-EF-hand calcium-binding protein ALG-2. In this study, we show that another calcium-binding protein, annexin A11 (AnxA11), physically associates with Sec31A by the adaptor function of ALG-2. Depletion of AnxA11 or ALG-2 decreases the population of Sec31A that is stably associated with the ERES and causes scattering of juxtanuclear ERES to the cell periphery. The synchronous ER-to-Golgi transport of transmembrane cargoes is accelerated in AnxA11- or ALG-2-knockdown cells. These findings suggest that AnxA11 maintains architectural and functional features of the ERES by coordinating with ALG-2 to stabilize Sec31A at the ERES.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of collagens occurs in the rough endoplasmic reticulum and requires a large numbers of molecular chaperones, foldases, and post-translational modification enzymes. Collagens contain a large number of proline residues that are post-translationally modified to 3-hydroxyproline or 4-hydroxyproline, and the rate-limiting step in formation of the triple helix is the cis-trans isomerization of peptidyl-proline bonds. This step is catalyzed by peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerases. There are seven peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerases in the rER, and so far, two of these enzymes, cyclophilin B and FKBP65, have been shown to be involved in collagen biosynthesis. The absence of either cyclophilin B or FKBP65 leads to a recessive form of osteogenesis imperfecta. The absence of FKBP22 leads to a kyphoscoliotic type of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS), and this type of EDS is classified as EDS type VI, which can also be caused by a deficiency in lysyl-hydroxylase 1. However, the lack of FKBP22 shows a wider spectrum of clinical phenotypes than the absence of lysyl-hydroxylase 1 and additionally includes myopathy, hearing loss, and aortic rupture. Here we show that FKBP22 catalyzes the folding of type III collagen and interacts with type III collagen, type VI collagen, and type X collagen, but not with type I collagen, type II collagen, or type V collagen. These restrictive interactions might help explain the broader phenotype observed in patients that lack FKBP22.  相似文献   

The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is a well characterized receptor-tyrosine kinase that functions in development and serves a vital role in many human cancers. Understanding EGFR regulatory mechanisms, and hence approaches for clinical intervention, has focused on ligand-receptor interactions and tyrosine kinase activity. Here, we show using the NCI-H460 lung and A431 epidermoid human cancer cell lines that EGFR binding to anterior gradient homolog 2 (AGR2) in the endoplasmic reticulum is required for receptor delivery to the plasma membrane and thus EGFR signaling. Reduced AGR2 protein levels or mutation of an essential cysteine in the active site result in decreased cell surface EGFR and a concomitant decrease in signaling as reflected by AREG, EGR1, and FOS expression. Similar to previously described EGFR nulls, an AGR2 null also resulted in embryonic lethality. Consistent with its role in regulating EGFR-mediated signaling, AGR2 expression is also enhanced in many human cancers and promotes the transformed phenotype. Furthermore, EGFR-mediated signaling in NCI-H460 cells, which are resistant to the tyrosine kinase inhibitor AG1478, is also disrupted with reduced AGR2 expression. The results provide insights into why cancer prognosis or response to therapy often does not correlate with EGFR protein or RNA levels because they do not reflect delivery to the cell surface where signaling is initiated. AGR2, therefore, represents a novel post-translational regulator of EGFR-mediated signaling and a promising target for treating human cancers.  相似文献   

Accelerated endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-associated degradation (ERAD) of the cholesterol biosynthetic enzyme 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase results from its sterol-induced binding to ER membrane proteins called Insig-1 and Insig-2. This binding allows for subsequent ubiquitination of reductase by Insig-associated ubiquitin ligases. Once ubiquitinated, reductase becomes dislocated from ER membranes into the cytosol for degradation by 26 S proteasomes through poorly defined reactions mediated by the AAA-ATPase valosin-containing protein (VCP)/p97 and augmented by the nonsterol isoprenoid geranylgeraniol. Here, we report that the oxysterol 25-hydroxycholesterol and geranylgeraniol combine to trigger extraction of reductase across ER membranes prior to its cytosolic release. This conclusion was drawn from studies utilizing a novel assay that measures membrane extraction of reductase by determining susceptibility of a lumenal epitope in the enzyme to in vitro protease digestion. Susceptibility of the lumenal epitope to protease digestion and thus membrane extraction of reductase were tightly regulated by 25-hydroxycholesterol and geranylgeraniol. The reaction was inhibited by RNA interference-mediated knockdown of either Insigs or VCP/p97. In contrast, reductase continued to become membrane-extracted, but not cytosolically dislocated, in cells deficient for AAA-ATPases of the proteasome 19 S regulatory particle. These findings establish sequential roles for VCP/p97 and the 19 S regulatory particle in the sterol-accelerated ERAD of reductase that may be applicable to the ERAD of other substrates.  相似文献   

Stresses increasing the load of unfolded proteins that enter the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) trigger a protective response termed the unfolded protein response (UPR). Stromal cell-derived factor2 (SDF2)-type proteins are highly conserved throughout the plant and animal kingdoms. In this study we have characterized AtSDF2 as crucial component of the UPR in Arabidopsis thaliana. Using a combination of biochemical and cell biological methods, we demonstrate that SDF2 is induced in response to ER stress conditions causing the accumulation of unfolded proteins. Transgenic reporter plants confirmed induction of SDF2 during ER stress. Under normal growth conditions SDF2 is highly expressed in fast growing, differentiating cells and meristematic tissues. The increased production of SDF2 due to ER stress and in tissues that require enhanced protein biosynthesis and secretion, and its association with the ER membrane qualifies SDF2 as a downstream target of the UPR. Determination of the SDF2 three-dimensional crystal structure at 1.95 Å resolution revealed the typical β-trefoil fold with potential carbohydrate binding sites. Hence, SDF2 might be involved in the quality control of glycoproteins. Arabidopsis sdf2 mutants display strong defects and morphological phenotypes during seedling development specifically under ER stress conditions, thus establishing that SDF2-type proteins play a key role in the UPR.  相似文献   

Gossypol is a putative BH3 mimetic proposed to inhibit BCL2 and BCLXL based on cell-free assays. We demonstrated previously that gossypol failed to directly inhibit BCL2 in cells or induce apoptosis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) cells or platelets, which require BCL2 or BCLXL, respectively, for survival. Here, we demonstrate that gossypol rapidly increased activity of phospholipase A2 (PLA2), which led to an increase in cytoplasmic calcium, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, and up-regulation of the BH3-only protein NOXA. Pretreatment with the PLA2 inhibitor, aristolochic acid, abrogated the increase in calcium, ER stress, and NOXA. Calcium chelation also abrogated the gossypol-induced increase in calcium, ER stress, and NOXA, but not the increase in PLA2 activity, indicating that PLA2 is upstream of these events. In addition, incubating cells with the two products of PLA2 (lysophosphatidic acid and arachidonic acid) mimicked treatment with gossypol. NOXA is a pro-apoptotic protein that functions by binding the BCL2 family proteins MCL1 and BFL1. The BCL2 inhibitor ABT-199 is currently in clinical trials for CLL. Resistance to ABT-199 can occur from up-regulation of other BCL2 family proteins, and this resistance can be mimicked by culturing CLL cells on CD154+ stroma cells. We report here that AT-101, a derivative of gossypol in clinical trials, overcomes stroma-mediated resistance to ABT-199 in primary CLL cells, suggesting that a combination of these drugs may be efficacious in the clinic.  相似文献   

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