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Female European robins (Erithacus rubecula) adopted three different pairing strategies. These were, in order of frequency: moving on to a male's territory; fusing her territory with that of a neighbouring male; and being joined by a male on her territory. Although females were not free to choose between strategies during a particular season, individuals frequently changed strategy between different years. Their behaviour suggested that they were exercising mate choice, although the scope for such choice was limited by a strong tendency for a female to pair in areas where she had lived previously (her ‘Familiar Areas’). Males with large territories were more likely to pair and tended to pair earlier than those defending small territories. Female pairing strategy was also correlated with the area of their own territory. Although it is considered likely that some unidentified confounding variable was responsible for at least part of these relationships, possible causal explanations involving territory size are discussed. These include mate choice and a random settlement model. However the simplest explanation for the advantage enjoyed by males on large territories is that their territories were more likely to overlap with females' Familiar Areas.  相似文献   

In G. lawrencianus, females of a given fecundity and proximity to copulation day are assessed by males to be more valuable as mates, the longer the males have amplexed with the females (i.e. the greater their past investment in the act of amplexus). This behaviour is consistent with the hypotheses that (1) males are uncertain of the true reproductive state of a female on first contacting her; (2) the prior distribution of unamplexed females likely to be encountered by the males affects their initial estimates of a female's state; and (3) the time spent amplexing with a female allows information to be gathered which reduces a male's uncertainty of the female's state.  相似文献   

Multiparous pregnant gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus) were housed with or without male mates following parturition. Six of seven litters in the ‘male-present’ condition were found dead by the third day post partum; these females showed very little maternal behaviour. Six of seven litters in the ‘nomale’ condition were successfully reared through 9 days of observation; these females showed consistently high rates of maternal behaviour. Cannibalism was rare in both conditions, the majority of pup-deaths resulting from neglect. It appears that the presence of the male disrupts maternal behaviour, resulting in neglect of the pups and pup-mortality. The male's presence may interfere with the effective space, or ‘territory’, necessary to the female for the display of appropriate maternal behaviour.  相似文献   

The mating system of a population of 90 breeding dunnocks (or hedge sparrow, Prunella modularis) included monogamy, polygyny, polyandry and polygynandry. Monogamous males guarded females during their fertile period to prevent neighbouring males from copulating. The most intense guarding occurred where two (unrelated) males shared a territory. Here, the alpha male tried to prevent the beta male from copulating with the female. Beta males were seen to copulate in only half the cases. They were more likely to succeed when the alpha male found it difficult to guard the female closely because her range was large, the vegetation was dense or there were other females breeding synchronously on the same territory. Close guarding and chasing by males reduced the female's feeding rate and was correlated with unhatched eggs in the nest. Females attempted to escape the alpha male's attentions and actively encouraged the beta male to mate. Beta males only helped to feed the young if they copulated with the female. Nestlings fed by two males and a female got more food and weighed more than those fed by just one male and a female. Indirect evidence suggested that when beta males failed to copulate, they destroyed eggs or young chicks. Females laid larger clutches when two males mated with them as opposed to one, thus adapting their clutch size to the amount of parental care they expected. The results of natural removal experiments and matched comparisons of the same female in different mating systems support these conclusions. For females, selection favours cooperative polyandry, whereas for males if favours polygyny; the variable mating system may reflect the different outcomes of this sexual conflict.  相似文献   

Experimental evidence suggests that female Cyprinodon variegatus do not select between competitively inferior and superior males, but rather, deposit eggs randomly and in proportion to the size of the male's territory. The females do seem to have an habitat preference and probably influence the location where males compete for territorial space.  相似文献   

The social interactions within groups of Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) had a strong impact on the individual pattern of copulation which, in turn, affects sperm precedence and the probability of implantation in this species. Males alternated uninterrupted ejaculatory series, augmenting each others' copulatory investment. Females took turns mating after receiving an intromission, collectively potentiating the males' copulatory behaviour; increasing the number of oestrous females increased the number of intromissions and ejaculations achieved by each male but did not affect the amount of copulation experienced by each female. These turn-taking patterns within each sex provided the opportunity to change partners and permitted the emergence of different sex-typical patterns of copulation. Furthermore, the dominant male contributed more intromissions and tended to give each female more ejaculations than the subordinates did. Dominant males were also more likely to inhibit the subordinates' sperm transport. Females competed among themselves for the opportunity to mate with a male as he approached ejaculation and were likely to protect more of the dominant male's sperm transport than the subordinate male's.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1986,34(5):1381-1391
Spacing behaviour of female red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) was observed to determine whether resident females within a herem divide their mate's territory into sub-territories. Some results accorded with defence of sub-territories: (1) females were more aggressive (towards decoys and mounts) close to their own nests than further away; and (2) there was little overlap in the use of space betwee residents on a male's territory. Other results did not accord with defence of sub-territories: (1) when the nest site was eliminated from the analysis, spatial overlaps were large; (2) areas defended through aggression by different females overlapped greatly; and (3) areas defended through advertisement by different females overlapped greatly. I conclude that the spacing behaviour of female red-winged blackbirds does not meet a strict difinition of territoriality.  相似文献   

Territorial red-backed salamanders (Plethodon cinereus) were given a high density of two prey types differing in size and caloric profitability. They chose a diet that approximated optimal foraging when they foraged in areas previously marked with advertisement pheromones. However, when foraging in previously unmarked or conspecific-marked areas they did not forage optimally, in a short time frame. In the latter two situations they evinced a lower rate of net energy due to their failure to specialize on the more profitable prey type and their longer intercapture intervals while time was devoted either to marking behaviour or submissive posturing. The salamanders appeared to opt for a strategy of sacrificing initial caloric yield until they had established marked territories and then switching to a higher sustained caloric yield. The data show that experimental handling of a predator per se can alter its foraging behaviour. Also a predator just initiating a territory may forage quite differently from one that has already established ownership, making the time frame during which observations are made important to understanding the predator's foraging strategy.  相似文献   

Acoustically mediated individual recognition has been demonstrated in the field by males of the bicolor damselfish Pomacentrus partitus Poey. Playbacks of non-resident sounds from a given fish's territory elicited a greater response from its nearest neighbour than playbacks of the resident's sound—in accordance with the predictions of the ‘dear-enemy’ effect. Testing also included switching the sounds of the two nearest neighbours relative to each respective male's territory. Results demonstrated that all males in the colony individually recognized the sounds of their two nearest neighbours.  相似文献   

Experiments with male bowl-and-doily spiders (Frontinella communis) on methanol-washed and unwashed female webs indicate that the courtship of males is chemically released. Parallel experiments on the webs of females of another linyphiid species and on immature F. communis webs indicate that the releaser pheromone is species specific and that it is produced only by mature females. The pheromone that releases male courtship also functions as an attractant, changing the male's orientation from negatively to positively geotactic. The presence or absence of a female on the test web has only a slight effect on the male's behaviour.  相似文献   

‘Helping’ in birds and mammals involves seemingly altruistic behaviour. In the cichlid fish Lamprologus birchardi helpers are usually young of former broods staying in their parents' territories and participating in all kinds of parental duties (Broodcare, territory maintenance and defence). The discovery of helpers in fish offered the chance of attempting an extensive analysis of potential costs and benefits influencing the evolution of helpers in a vertebrate. Three factors proved to be of major importance in the cost-benefit analysis of helping as opposed to leaving for family-independent nonreproductive aggregations. Due to investment and to their rank within a family's hierarchy, helpers grow at a slower rate than non-helpers. This cost is compensated for by (i) a lower mortality risk to helpers caused by their access to a defended shelter and by protection afforded by bigger family members, and (ii) a positive contribution by helpers to the future reproductive success of their parents: females with helpers produce bigger clutches and consequently more free-swimming fry (=siblings). Other variables, such as the helpers' influence on the relative breeding success of their parents, broodcare experience through helping, the chances of territory take-over, parasitism of parents' reproduction and cannibalism are of minor importance. Similar social organizations in other fish are discussed with respect to their ecology and are compared with cooperatively breeding birds and mammals.  相似文献   

The Mongolian gerbil is colonial, but its social organization within its colonies is not known. Pair formation has been suggested by breeders and has been observed under semi-natural conditions. Family units remain stable under such conditions. In the solitary-living hamster (Cricetus auratus), agonistic behaviour decreases in male-female encounters during female heat. This report concerns the influence of female and male gonadal hormones on agonistic behaviour in gerbils studied in cagemate and non-cagemate encounters. Further, the occurrence of mating, marking, and drumming was studied in the same situations. No effects were found of either the female or the male endocrine condition on the low amount of agonistic behaviour between cagemates. A reduction in the high amount of agonistic responses in encounters between non-cagemates was indicated. It was related to the castrated-male and induced-oestrous female conditions. Copulatory behaviour was not influenced by social maintenance conditions. Marking and drumming were most frequent in females in oestrous and intact males. The occurences in the females were influenced by the individual's endocrine condition, but not by the opponent's. Intact males in encounters with non-cagemates marked more frequently when the females were in anoestrous. Drumming in the intact males increased in tests with oestrous versus anoestrous females but occurred more frequently in encounters with non-cagemates than in those with cagemates. The behaviour of castrated males was not influenced by the endocrine or by social housing conditions. The limited variation in agonistic behaviour relative to the endocrine conditions may reflect a non-solitary social organization.  相似文献   

Seaside sparrows (Ammodramus maritimus) are monogamous throughout their range. We used male-removal experiments, measurements of territory quality and nest placement in relation to territory boundaries, and observations on foraging behaviour and on intraspecific aggression to assess the applicability of pertinent hypotheses that could explain the occurrence of monogamy in this species. Since experimentally widowed females can rear about two-thirds as many young to independence as pairs, made help is advantageous but not necessary for female reproductive success. Female-female aggression is probably not important in maintaining monogamy, but we need to learn more about it. We induced experimental bigamy in seaside sparrows in New York, thus showing that males will accept second mates. Territory quality (suitable cover, nest-sites and food) is very heterogeneous in the sparrow populations. However, ‘polygyny thresholds’ evidently are not exceeded either because resources on salt marshes are not limiting (cover, nest-sites) or because females can nullify the effects of resource (food) disparity between territories by feeding at distant sites outside their mates' territories.  相似文献   

Hydroxycinnamoyl acid amides (HCA's) were found to be important components in the inflorescences of different Araceae species. HCA's occurred in large amount in spathes and in the male and female flowers, and were totally absent from the sterile flowers, commonly found on Araceae spadices. Differences in the distribution of HCA's were noted between male and female flowers. Thus the amount of neutral HCA's was always greater in the male than in the female flowers and the female flowers generally contained more basic HCA'S. In the inflorescences of some Araceae species in the Monsteroideae and Philodendroideae (genera Monstera, Raphidophora and Philodendron), the aromatic amines tyramine and dopamine were very abundant, with concentrations ranging from 1 to 4 mg of each amine per g fr. wt.  相似文献   

Visual cues are necessary for optimal mating success in Drosophila melanogaster. The male's most important visually guided behaviour is tracking. It is shown here that tracking requires intact visual receptor cells R1–6 and the presence of screening pigments in the eye. Thus flies carrying the mutation ebony as well as wild type flies affected in receptor cell R1–6 are unable to use visual cues when they track females. A similar defect was obseved in white-eyed flies lacking screening pigments. Female receptivity depends on visual signals provided by the male flies. Most important cues are the light reflection from and the shape of the male's eyes. No influence of the light reflected from the thorax could be seen. Absence of eyes in the male, however, does not depress female receptivity as much as white eyes. Some evidence is provided that male courtship behaviour is evaluated visually by the female.  相似文献   

The amphipod crustacean Microdeutopus gryllotalpa builds tubes on solid substrata. Mature animals usually reside in individual tubes. When more than one individual is present in a tube it is always a single heterogametic pair. Tube-sharing occurs with the greatest frequency 12 h before the female's moult. Following the female's moult, most males leave the tube. The pattern of tube-sharing is the behavioural analoque of precopulation in epibenthic amphipods. It is demonstrated that (1) no more than two individuals are found in a tube because (2) one individual will not permit another individual of the same sex to cohabit the same tube, and (3) the female determines the time of tube-sharing, for most females tube-share only shortly before they moult. It is hypothesized that after the male leaves the female's tube, he cruises from tube to tube until he gains entry into the tube of another receptive female.  相似文献   

In studies 1 and 2 nine pairs of desert woodrats (Neotoma lepida lepida) were observed for copulatory behaviour when the female was in a state of naturally occurring oestrus (study 1) and following ovariectomy and oestrogen and progesterone replacement (study 2). Males and females respond in a similar way under conditions of natural and hormone-induced oestrus. Males show a consummatory pattern involving multiple mounts and ejaculations, with ejaculations occurring after single intromissions. Females show the lordosis reflex accompanied by hop-and-dart and ear-wiggling responses. In addition, both sexes show appetitive precopulatory behaviours; the male emits an audible rasping vocalization as he trails and mounts the female, following a period of intense sniffing of the female's anogenital region. The female also frequently approaches and sniffs the male. In study 3, the role of female odours in the sexual behaviour of the male was examined in eight of the nine pairs used in studies 1 and 2. This was done by applying to the anogenital region of ovariectomized females a combination of urine and vaginal secretions taken from familiar and unfamiliar, and oestrogen-primed or non-oestrogen-primed females. The results show that odours from oestrogen-primed females are not sufficient to elicit male sexual behaviour, if the female is not sexually active. In study 4 the eight males were tested for their preferences for urine and vaginal secretion odours taken from females in different reproductive states and applied to cotton swabs. These males spent more time sniffing unfamiliar oestrous odours than unfamiliar non-oestrous odours and more time sniffing oestrous odours from a familiar female over those taken from an unfamiliar female.In study 5, 12 sexually active males were tested with oestrogen-primed females before and after either olfactory bulb removal or sham-surgery. Bulbectomized animals ceased copulating with females although females showed precopulatory approaches.Taken together, these studies suggest that normal sexual behaviour in the male woodrat requires that the female both possess the attractive odours (of oestrus) and that she engage in appetitive precopulatory behaviour.  相似文献   

Kinship is commonly inferred from behaviour in primate field studies, but the validity of such inferences has not yet been documented. A comparison of the relationships of six three-year-old yellow baboon (Papio cynocephalus) females with 14 adult females showed that when a juvenile's mother was living she could easily be identified from behavioural data. The most useful behaviour in this context was Presenting For Grooming. When the mother was not living, however, the juvenile compensated by forming a strong relationship with a less closely related or unrelated adult female. If compensation also occurs in other populations and other species, past attempts to infer kinship from behaviour have probably included a few cases in which a female was incorrectly identified as a juvenile's mother. Multivariate statistical techniques revealed differences between mother-daughter relationships and strong relationships based on compensation among other individuals. These differences involved comparisons of the frequencies of certain behaviours (frequency of Grooming by adult versus frequency of Grooming by juvenile, frequency of Grooming versus frequency of aggression) as well as the magnitudes of frequencies (amount of Grooming, number of Interventions).  相似文献   

The Egyptian locust, Anacridium aegyptium, has four protocerebral neurosecretory centres: the A to B neurosecretory cells of the pars intercerebralis (the A cells are rich in fuchsinophil material and the B cells are devoid of fuchsinophil neurosecretion), the voluminous C neurosecretory cells poor in neurosecretion, and the median sub-ocellar neurosecretory cells.From September to the beginning of January, imaginal diapause is characterized by an accumulation of the median neurosecretion in the pars intercerebralis-corpora cardiaca system, by small corpora allata, and, in the female, by a stop in oöcyte development although the male's sexual activity is still not altered. Allatectomy suppresses neither the male's sexual behaviour nor its fecundity. From January, the increase of the photoperiod causes a release of the median neurosecretion in both sexes, an increase of the volume of the corpora allata, and breaks ovarian diapause.In autumn, the implantation of the male's or female's corpora allata of Anacridium does not stimulate ovarian growth of diapausing females. On the contrary, the implantation of corpora allata or of pars intercerebralis or of corpora cardiaca of Locusta migratoria migratorioides (locust without diapause) causes ovarian development of the diapausing females of Anacridium. Thus, in the two sexes of the Egyptian locust, the corpora allata are inactive during the female ovarian diapause. The imaginal diapause of Anacridium affects both sexes (stocking of median neurosecretion, arrest of the corpora allata). If diapause does not seem to affect the male's development, it is because its sexual activity is free from the pars intercerebralis and corpora allata.The corpora allata of Anacridium show a sexual dimorphism in the active adult: they are smaller in the male and have more mitosis in the female. An explanation of this dimorphism is advanced.  相似文献   

Under laboratory conditions, Cyprinodon variegatus establishes either a dominance or territorial mating system. In the dominance system, one male usually has complete access to receptive females, while in the territorial system, several males have equal access. Four factors were observed to enhance a subdominant's ability to establish a territory and improve his reproductive success; increasing the number of conspecific intruders, increasing the available area, the presence of partial barrier, and the presence of a receptive female.  相似文献   

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