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1. A predictive framework of community and ecosystem dynamics that applies across systems has remained elusive, in part because non-consumptive predator effects are often ignored. Further, it is unclear how much individual-level detail community models must include. 2. Previous studies of short-lived species suggest that state-dependent decisions add little to our understanding of community dynamics. Body condition-dependent decisions made by long-lived herbivores under risk of predation, however, might have greater community-level effects. This possibility remains largely unexplored, especially in marine environments. 3. In the relatively pristine seagrass community of Shark Bay, Australia, we found that herbivorous green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas Linnaeus, 1758) threatened by tiger sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier Peron and LeSueur, 1822) select microhabitats in a condition-dependent manner. Turtles in poor body condition selected profitable, high-risk microhabitats, while turtles in good body condition, which are more abundant, selected safer, less profitable microhabitats. When predation risk was low, however, turtles in good condition moved into more profitable microhabitats. 4. Condition-dependent use of space by turtles shows that tiger sharks modify the spatio-temporal pattern of turtle grazing and their impacts on ecosystem dynamics (a trait-mediated indirect interaction). Therefore, state-dependent decisions by individuals can have important implications for community dynamics in some situations. 5. Our study suggests that declines in large-bodied sharks may affect ecosystems more substantially than assumed when non-lethal effects of these top predators on mesoconsumers are not considered explicitly.  相似文献   

As apex predators, sharks play an important role shaping their respective marine communities through predation and associated risk effects. Understanding the predatory dynamics of sharks within communities is, therefore, necessary to establish effective ecologically based conservation strategies. We employed non-lethal sampling methods to investigate the feeding ecology of bull sharks (Carcharhinus leucas) using stable isotope analysis within a subtropical marine community in the southwest Indian Ocean. The main objectives of this study were to investigate and compare the predatory role that sub-adult and adult bull sharks play within a top predatory teleost fish community. Bull sharks had significantly broader niche widths compared to top predatory teleost assemblages with a wide and relatively enriched range of δ13C values relative to the local marine community. This suggests that bull sharks forage from a more diverse range of δ13C sources over a wider geographical range than the predatory teleost community. Adult bull sharks appeared to exhibit a shift towards consistently higher trophic level prey from an expanded foraging range compared to sub-adults, possibly due to increased mobility linked with size. Although predatory teleost fish are also capable of substantial migrations, bull sharks may have the ability to exploit a more diverse range of habitats and appeared to prey on a wider diversity of larger prey. This suggests that bull sharks play an important predatory role within their respective marine communities and adult sharks in particular may shape and link ecological processes of a variety of marine communities over a broad range.  相似文献   

The increased exploitation of pelagic sharks by longline fisheries raised questions about changes in the food webs that include sharks as apex predators. We used a version of Ecopath/Ecosim models to evaluate changes in trophic interactions due to shark exploitation in the Central North Pacific. Fisheries targeted on blue sharks tend to produce compensatory responses that favor other shark species and billfishes, but they have only modest effects on the majority of food web components. Modest levels of intraguild predation (adult sharks that eat juvenile sharks) produce strong, nonlinear responses in shark populations. In general, analysis of the Central North Pacific model reveals that sharks are not keystone predators, but that increases in longline fisheries can have profound effects on the food webs that support sharks. Received 19 April 2001; accepted 2 October 2001.  相似文献   

The predation of cookie‐cutter sharks Isistius spp. upon the early life stages of yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares, skipjack tuna Katsuwonus pelamis and little tunny Euthynnus alletteratus are described. New evidence suggesting a connection between commercial fishing and predation by Isistius sp. is presented, with these sharks biting tunas hooked in surface waters during daylight. The healing patterns of the wounds made by the sharks are described in detail and, although such damage is known to negatively influence market price elsewhere, it is not the case on the south‐east Brazilian coast.  相似文献   

Shark predation may have been a central factor influencing the evolution of sociality in dolphins, as well as a determinant of dolphin habitat use and behavior. To understand the role of predation in driving interpopulation differences in behavior and sociality, it is important to quantify differences in predation risk among populations. This study describes the frequency of shark-inflicted scars and estimates the shark attack rate on bottlenose dolphins ( Tursiops aduncus ) in Shark Bay, Western Australia. Shark bite scars were found on 74.2% (95 of 128) of non-calves, and most of these scars were inflicted by tiger sharks ( Galeocerdo cuvier ). Although there were no differences among age/sex classes in the frequency of scarring, significantly more adult males than adult females bore multiple scars. The rate of unsuccessful shark attack was estimated to be between 11% and 13% of dolphins attacked each year. Large sharks (>3 m) were responsible for a disproportionate number of attacks. However, bites from small carcharhinid sharks on 6.2% of dolphins suggest that some of these small sharks may be dolphin ectoparasites. Both the scar frequencies and attack rate suggest that Shark Bay dolphins face a greater risk of predation than bottlenose dolphins in other locations.  相似文献   

Greenland sharks are widely distributed and most likely a highly abundant predator in arctic waters. Greenland sharks have previously been considered scavengers, but recent studies suggest that Greenland sharks also predate on live prey. In this study, distribution and feeding ecology in Greenland waters were investigated. Based on data from 25 years of surveys, Greenland sharks were usually caught at 400–700 m but were found at all depths between 100 and 1,200 m. Based on examination of stomachs from 30 Greenland sharks (total length of 258–460 cm), the most important prey items were Atlantic cod (65.6 % IRI), harp seal (9.9 % IRI), skates (5.2 % IRI) and wolffish (4.4 % IRI), but large geographical variations were observed. Prey composition and qualitative observations support the hypothesis of active predation. Consistent with other studies, the results of this work support the notion that the Greenland shark is an apex predator with the potential to influence trophic dynamics in the Arctic.  相似文献   

Synopsis Shark nurseries, or nursery areas, are geographically discrete parts of a species range where the gravid females of most species of coastal sharks deliver their young or deposit their eggs, and where their young spend their first weeks, months, or years. These areas are usually located in shallow, energy rich coastal areas where the young find abundant food and have little predation by larger sharks. Nurseries are characterized by the presence of both gravid females and free swimming neonates. Neonates are young bearing fresh, unhealed umbilical scars in the case of placental species, or those at or near the birth size in aplacental species. Bulls Bay, South Carolina, is a nursery for the blacknose, spinner, finetooth, blacktip, sandbar, dusky, Atlantic sharpnose, scalloped hammerhead, and smooth dogfish sharks. The lemon shark has its nursery in shallow waters of south Florida and the Bahamas. The bull shark has its nursery in the lagoons of the east coast of central Florida.  相似文献   

Our knowledge of the extinct West Indian monk seal, Monachus tropicalis , is scant due to heavy exploitation following European colonization of the New World. We present previously unknown accounts of the species, including unpublished field notes of biologist E. W. Nelson, who observed a small number of wild seals in June of 1900. Records indicate that M. tropicalis may have had a long pupping season, occurred in large groups (up to 100) when abundant, probably ate fish and crustaceans, were preyed upon by sharks, and that young and adult seals may have assorted themselves into different age groups when hauled out. Additional records extend the known range of M. tropicalis to include the north coast of South America as far east as Guyana. We also present previously unavailable measurements from a large series of adult skulls and mandibles ( n = 48). Two cases of histocytosis X, carcinoma, or other disease of the hard palate are documented from among these specimens.  相似文献   

The nurse shark, Ginglymostoma cirratum, is an abundant coastal species widely distributed on both sides of the tropical and subtropical Atlantic Ocean. Despite being an endangered species in Brazil, information on bio-ecological aspects of this species is still very scarce. This study investigates seasonal fluctuations in abundance, sex ratio and residency of nurse sharks in coastal waters off Recife, northeastern Brazil. Total length of the specimens caught ranged from 107 to 300 cm. Sex ratio for nurse sharks was 1.31♀:1♂ but it showed a strong variation throughout the year. About 8% of tagged sharks were recaptured after an average of 248 days at liberty, at distances between 0.04 and 6.23 km from the tagging site. A growth rate of 15.77?±?2.53 cm/yr was obtained from total length data collected from three recaptured specimens. Nurse sharks demonstrated some signs of affinity for temperatures between 25º and 30°C and salinities between 34 and 37. The combined analysis of longline and telemetry data indicated possible differences in habitat usage between sexes of nurse sharks off Recife.  相似文献   

Harbour seals in Svalbard have short longevity, despite being protected from human hunting and having limited terrestrial predation at their haulout sites, low contaminant burdens and no fishery by-catch issues. This led us to explore the diet of Greenland sharks (Somniosus microcephalus) in this region as a potential seal predator. We examined gastrointestinal tracts (GITs) from 45 Greenland sharks in this study. These sharks ranged from 229 to 381?cm in fork length and 136–700?kg in body mass; all were sexually immature. Seal and whale tissues were found in 36.4 and 18.2%, respectively, of the GITs that had contents (n?=?33). Based on genetic analyses, the dominant seal prey species was the ringed seal (Pusa hispida); bearded seal (Erignathus barbatus) and hooded seal (Cystophora cristata) tissues were each found in a single shark. The sharks had eaten ringed seal pups and adults based on the presence of lanugo-covered prey (pups) and age determinations based on growth rings on claws (≤1?year and adults). All of the whale tissue was from minke whale (Balenoptera acutorostrata) offal, from animals that had been harvested in the whale fishery near Svalbard. Fish dominated the sharks’ diet, with Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua), Atlantic wolffish (Anarhichas lupus) and haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) being the most important fish species. Circumstantial evidence suggests that these sharks actively prey on seals and fishes, in addition to eating carrion such as the whale tissue. Our study suggests that Greenland sharks may play a significant predatory role in Arctic food webs.  相似文献   

Marine benthic communities living in shallow-water habitats(<100 m depth) in Antarctica possess characteristics reminiscentof Paleozoic marine communities and modern deep-sea communities.The absence of crabs and sharks, the limited diversity of teleostsand skates, the dominance of slow-moving invertebrates at highertrophic levels, and the occurrence of dense ophiuroid and crinoidpopulations indicate that skeleton-breaking predation is limitedin Antarctica today, as it was worldwide during the Paleozoicand as it is in the deep sea today. The community structureof the antarctic benthos has its evolutionary roots in the Eocene.Data from fossil assemblages at Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsulasuggest that shallow-water communities were similar to communitiesat lower latitudes until they were affected by global cooling,which accelerated in the late Eocene to early Oligocene. Thatlong-term cooling trend ultimately resulted in the polar climateand peculiar community structure found in Antarctica today.Declining temperatures beginning late in the Eocene are associatedwith the disappearance of crabs, sharks, and most teleosts.The sudden drop in predation pressure allowed dense ophiuroidand crinoid populations to appear and flourish. These late Eoceneechinoderm populations exhibit low frequencies of sublethaldamage (regenerating arms), demonstrating that there was littleor no predation from skeleton-breaking fish and decapods. Currentscenarios of global climate change include predictions of increasedupwelling and consequent cooling in temperate and subtropicalupwelling zones. Limited ecological evidence suggests that suchcooling could disrupt trophic relationships and favor retrogradecommunity structures in those local areas.  相似文献   

This study presents genetic evidence that whale sharks, Rhincodon typus, are comprised of at least two populations that rarely mix and is the first to document a population expansion. Relatively high genetic structure is found when comparing sharks from the Gulf of Mexico with sharks from the Indo‐Pacific. If mixing occurs between the Indian and Atlantic Oceans, it is not sufficient to counter genetic drift. This suggests whale sharks are not all part of a single global metapopulation. The significant population expansion we found was indicated by both microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA. The expansion may have happened during the Holocene, when tropical species could expand their range due to sea‐level rise, eliminating dispersal barriers and increasing plankton productivity. However, the historic trend of population increase may have reversed recently. Declines in genetic diversity are found for 6 consecutive years at Ningaloo Reef in Australia. The declines in genetic diversity being seen now in Australia may be due to commercial‐scale harvesting of whale sharks and collision with boats in past decades in other countries in the Indo‐Pacific. The study findings have implications for models of population connectivity for whale sharks and advocate for continued focus on effective protection of the world's largest fish at multiple spatial scales.  相似文献   

A total of 80 specimens of Pandarus satyrus, a cosmopolitan ectoparasitic copepod, were taken from fishery catches of blue sharks (Prionace glauca) in the Eastern Pacific coast of Costa Rica. All specimens were found in the dorsal surface of pectoral fins (8-30 per shark). Longer specimens were most abundant.  相似文献   

Evidence of damage and repair in a Quaternary fossil brackish-marine ostracod is described. The specimen is a right valve of Bicornucythere bisanensis from the Laizhou Bay, eastern China, showing distortion in the posterior region, interpreted as a possible bite mark resulting from attempted predation on the ostracod. Comparison with undamaged specimens from the same assemblage suggests that the damage occurred just after the ostracod had moulted and was still in a ‘soft-shell’ state, before the new bivalved carapace was calcified, and that subsequent calcification preserved the resulting distortion of the reticulate surface ornament. This implies that the ostracod survived the damage and was able to heal and repair its shell. As far as we are aware, this is the first such example to be documented in Ostracoda although similar occurrences have been recorded in other fossil arthropods.  相似文献   

Stomach contents from tiger sharks, Galeocerdo cuvier, caught on lines off the central coast of Western Australia were analysed to investigate variations in the diet due to sex, size and geographic location. Stomachs from 84 specimens contained food, while 26 had empty stomachs and 66 had regurgitated. Twelve prey groups were identified, the most common being turtles, sea snakes, teleost fishes, dugongs and sea birds. Dietary overlap was high between males and females. An ontogenetic shift was observed in the diet. Smaller prey (e.g. cephalopods, teleosts and sea snakes) were more common in small individuals, while the occurrence of larger prey (e.g. turtles, dugongs and elasmobranchs) increased with increasing shark size. Differences in the diet were observed between four regions along the central Western Australian coast. The ability to catch and consume large prey, prey availability, prey density, and prey profitability were identified as factors influencing the diet. The high level of occurrence of dugongs and turtles in the diet of G. cuvier, relative to their abundance, suggests that shark predation may play an important role in regulating populations of these species.  相似文献   

This study reports the discovery of the exclusive predation of sea turtle hatchlings by several juvenile blacktip reef sharks (Carcharhinus melanopterus) in Chagar Hutang bay on Redang Island, Malaysia, in the South China Sea. Three dead specimens of C. melanopterus were retrieved from ghost nets, and the entire digestive tracts of these sharks solely contained the partially digested bodies of sea turtle hatchlings, with no evidence of the remains of any other prey. Thus, juvenile C. melanopterus may opportunistically feed primarily on turtle hatchlings during times when hatchling abundance is high.  相似文献   

Sharks as a group have a long history as highly successful predatory fishes. Although, the number of recent studies on their diet, feeding behavior, feeding mechanism, and mechanics have increased, many areas still require additional investigation. Dietary studies of sharks are generally more abundant than those on feeding activity patterns, and most of the studies are confined to relatively few species, many being carcharhiniform sharks. These studies reveal that sharks are generally asynchronous opportunistic feeders on the most abundant prey item, which are primarily other fishes. Studies of natural feeding behavior are few and many observations of feeding behavior are based on anecdotal reports. To capture their prey sharks either ram, suction, bite, filter, or use a combination of these behaviors. Foraging may be solitary or aggregate, and while cooperative foraging has been hypothesized it has not been conclusively demonstrated. Studies on the anatomy of the feeding mechanism are abundant and thorough, and far exceed the number of functional studies. Many of these studies have investigated the functional role of morphological features such as the protrusible upper jaw, but only recently have we begun to interpret the mechanics of the feeding apparatus and how it affects feeding behavior. Teeth are represented in the fossil record and are readily available in extant sharks. Therefore much is known about their morphology but again functional studies are primarily theoretical and await experimental analysis. Recent mechanistic approaches to the study of prey capture have revealed that kinematic and motor patterns are conserved in many species and that the ability to modulate feeding behavior varies greatly among taxa. In addition, the relationship of jaw suspension to feeding behavior is not as clear as was once believed, and contrary to previous interpretations upper jaw protrusibility appears to be related to the morphology of the upper jaw-chondrocranial articulation rather than the type of jaw suspension. Finally, we propose a set of specific hypotheses including: (1) The functional specialization for suction feeding hypothesis that morphological and functional specialization for suction feeding has repeatedly arisen in numerous elasmobranch lineages, (2) The aquatic suction feeding functional convergence hypothesis that similar hydrodynamic constraints in bony fishes and sharks result in convergent morphological and functional specializations for suction feeding in both groups, (3) The feeding modulation hypothesis that suction capture events in sharks are more stereotyped and therefore less modulated compared to ram and bite capture events, and (4) The independence of jaw suspension and feeding behavior hypothesis whereby the traditional categorization of jaw suspension types in sharks is not a good predictor of jaw mobility and prey capture behavior. Together with a set of questions these hypotheses help to guide future research on the feeding biology of sharks.  相似文献   

Unravelling the genetic structure and phylogeographic patterns of deep-sea sharks is particularly challenging given the inherent difficulty in obtaining samples. The deep-sea shark Centroscymnus crepidater is a medium-sized benthopelagic species that exhibits a circumglobal distribution occurring both in the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific Oceans. Contrary to the wealth of phylogeographic studies focused on coastal sharks, the genetic structure of bathyal species remains largely unexplored. We used a fragment of the mitochondrial DNA control region, and microsatellite data, to examine genetic structure in C. crepidater collected from the Atlantic Ocean, Tasman Sea, and southern Pacific Ocean (Chatham Rise). Two deeply divergent (3.1%) mtDNA clades were recovered, with one clade including both Atlantic and Pacific specimens, and the other composed of Atlantic samples with a single specimen from the Pacific (Chatham Rise). Bayesian analyses estimated this splitting in the Miocene at about 15 million years ago. The ancestral C. crepidater lineage was probably widely distributed in the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific Oceans. The oceanic cooling observed during the Miocene due to an Antarctic glaciation and the Tethys closure caused changes in environmental conditions that presumably restricted gene flow between basins. Fluctuations in food resources in the Southern Ocean might have promoted the dispersal of C. crepidater throughout the northern Atlantic where habitat conditions were more suitable during the Miocene. The significant genetic structure revealed by microsatellite data suggests the existence of present-day barriers to gene flow between the Atlantic and Pacific populations most likely due to the influence of the Agulhas Current retroflection on prey movements.  相似文献   

Do shark declines create fear‐released systems?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We illustrate the theoretical plausibility that fishery removal of sharks can indirectly alter predation pressure on different fish species via the behavioural responses of mesoconsumers released from predator intimidation. Our dynamic state variable model of foraging decisions by harbour seals, a mesopredator, predicted indirect effects of the removal of Pacific sleeper sharks on two species consumed by seals, Pacific herring and walleye pollock, as mediated by seal behaviour. Herring, a fatty fish, form near‐surface aggregations that often are ephemeral and widely dispersed. Pollock are found in the deeper strata preferred by sharks and have lower energy density than herring, but also are larger and their more continuous distribution potentially makes them the more predictable resource for seals. During simulations, predation risk from sharks produced an asymmetric trophic cascade mediated by the seal's underutilisation of deeper, riskier strata. Risk management by seals reduced mortality on pollock, which required riskier access in deep strata, while increasing mortality on herring, which could be accessed with less risk in shallow strata. This effect, however, attenuated if herring were scarcer and seal energy state was poor. During shark removal scenarios, seals shifted to deeper strata, increasing pollock consumption and substantially decreasing use of herring; the proportional change was greatest if seals were in good energy state. Prior studies have addressed how shark declines might affect community structure through density responses by species consumed by sharks; earlier models incorporating antipredator behaviour of the mesopredator (i.e. Ecosim/Ecospace) allow for activity reduction but not for the spatial shifts that altered the asymmetric trophic cascade in our simulations. Our results suggest that shark declines might have stronger ecological consequences than previously recognised if we account for spatial and diet shifts by mesoconsumers released from shark intimidation.  相似文献   

Six scarecrow toadfish Opsanus phobetron were found in the stomachs of five juvenile lemon sharks Negaprion brevirostris , and subsequent sampling yielded 29 O. phobetron specimens from mangroves (45% of toadfish), conch shells (28%), and seagrass beds (25%) around Bimini, Bahamas during the winter. The presence of large numbers of scarecrow toadfish including mature females, when the water temperature was >22° C, suggests that this is a successful breeding tropical population and not a glacial relict.  相似文献   

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