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BbvCI cleaves an asymmetric DNA sequence, 5'-CC downward arrow TCAGC-3'/5'-GC downward arrow TGAGG-3', as indicated. While many Type II restriction enzymes consist of identical subunits, BbvCI has two different subunits: R(1), which acts at GC downward arrow TGAGG; and R(2), which acts at CC downward arrow TCAGC. Some mutants of BbvCI with defects in one subunit, either R(1)(-)R(2)(+) or R(1)(+)R(2)(-), cleave only one strand, that attacked by the native subunit. In analytical ultracentrifugation at various concentrations of protein, wild-type and mutant BbvCI enzymes aggregated extensively, but are R(1)R(2) heterodimers at the concentrations used in DNA cleavage reactions. On a plasmid with one recognition site, wild-type BbvCI cleaved both strands before dissociating from the DNA, while the R(1)(-)R(2)(+) and R(1)(+)R(2)(-) mutants acted almost exclusively on their specified strands, albeit at relatively slow rates. During the wild-type reaction, the DNA is cleaved initially in one strand, mainly that targeted by the R(1) subunit. The other strand is then cleaved slowly by R(2) before the enzyme dissociates from the DNA. Hence, the nicked form accumulates as a transient intermediate. This behaviour differs from that of many other restriction enzymes, which cut both strands at equal rates. However, the activities of the R(1)(+) and R(2)(+) subunits in the wild-type enzyme can differ from their activities in the R(1)(+)R(2)(-) and R(1)(-)R(2)(+) mutants. Each active site in BbvCI therefore influences the other.  相似文献   

Restriction enzymes have previously shown the ability to cleave DNA substrates with mismatched base(s) in recognition sequences; in this study, Ban I endonuclease demonstrated this same ability. Single base substitutions were introduced, and fragments containing various types of unpaired base(s) (heteroduplex fragments) within the Ban I endonuclease recognition sequence, 5′‐G|GPyPuCC‐3′, were generated. Each of the heteroduplex fragments was treated with Ban I endonuclease and analyzed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. Our results showed that heteroduplex fragments containing mismatched bases at either the first or third position of the Ban I recognition sequence or, because of the symmetrical structure of the sequence, the sixth or fourth position on the opposite strand were cleaved by the enzyme. Furthermore, these cleaved fragments contained at least one strand corresponding to the original Ban I recognition sequence. Fragments with mismatches formed by an A (noncanonical , nc ) opposite a purine (canonical , ca ) or a T (nc ) opposite a pyrimidine (ca ) were cleaved more efficiently than other types of mismatched bases. These results may help elucidate the mechanisms by which DNA and protein interact during the process of DNA cleavage by Ban I endonuclease.  相似文献   

Type I restriction endonuclease holoenzymes contain methylase (M), restriction (R) and specificity (S) subunits, present in an M2:R2:S1 stoichiometry. These enzymes bind to specific DNA sequences and translocate dsDNA in an ATP-dependent manner toward the holoenzyme anchored at the recognition sequence. Once translocation is impeded, DNA restriction, which functions to protect the host cell from invading DNA, takes place. Translocation and DNA cleavage are afforded by the two diametrically opposed R-subunits. To gain insight into the mechanism of translocation, a detailed characterization of the ATPase activity of EcoR124I was done. Results show that following recognition sequence binding, ATP hydrolysis-coupled, bidirectional DNA translocation by EcoR124I ensues, with the R-subunits transiently disengaging, on average, every 515 bp. Macroscopic processivity of 2031(+/-184)bp is maintained, as the R-subunits remain in close proximity to the DNA through association with the methyltransferase. Transient uncoupling of ATP hydrolysis from translocation results in 3.1(+/-0.4) ATP molecules being hydrolyzed per base-pair translocated per R-subunit. This is the first clear demonstration of the coupling of ATP hydrolysis to dsDNA translocation, albeit inefficient. Once translocation is impeded on supercoiled DNA, the DNA is cleaved. DNA cleavage inactivates the EcoR124I holoenzyme partially and reversibly, which explains the stoichiometric behaviour of type I restriction enzymes. Inactivated holoenzyme remains bound to the DNA at the recognition sequence and immediately releases the nascent ends. The release of nascent ends was demonstrated using a novel, fluorescence-based, real-time assay that takes advantage of the ability of the Escherichia coli RecBCD enzyme to unwind restricted dsDNA. The resulting unwinding of EcoR124I-restricted DNA by RecBCD reveals coordination between the restriction-modification and recombination systems that functions to destroy invading DNA efficiently. In addition, we demonstrate the displacement of EcoR124I following DNA cleavage by the translocating RecBCD enzyme, resulting in the restoration of catalytic function to EcoR124I.  相似文献   

The heterodimeric restriction endonuclease R.BspD6I from Bacillus species D6 recognizes a pseudosymmetric sequence and cuts both DNA strands outside the recognition sequence. The large subunit, Nt.BspD6I, acts as a type IIS site-specific monomeric nicking endonuclease. The isolated small subunit, ss.BspD6I, does not bind DNA and is not catalytically active. We solved the crystal structures of Nt.BspD6I and ss.BspD6I at high resolution. Nt.BspD6I consists of three domains, two of which exhibit structural similarity to the recognition and cleavage domains of FokI. ss.BspD6I has a fold similar to that of the cleavage domain of Nt.BspD6I, each containing a PD-(D/E)XK motif and a histidine as an additional putative catalytic residue. In contrast to the DNA-bound FokI structure, in which the cleavage domain is rotated away from the DNA, the crystal structure of Nt.BspD6I shows the recognition and cleavage domains in favorable orientations for interactions with DNA. Docking models of complexes of Nt.BspD6I and R.BspD6I with cognate DNA were constructed on the basis of structural similarity to individual domains of FokI, R.BpuJI and HindIII. A three-helix bundle forming an interdomain linker in Nt.BspD6I acts as a rigid spacer adjusting the orientations of the spatially separated domains to match the distance between the recognition and cleavage sites accurately.  相似文献   

Abstract A soil identified as Bacillus coagulans is found to produce Bco I, an isoschizomer of Ava I and with the same cleavage site. This thermal stable enzyme, Bco I, is produced at high level and can be isolated by passing the crude bacterial lysate through a DEAE-cellulose column.  相似文献   

The SgrAI endonuclease displays its maximal activity on DNA with two copies of its recognition sequence, cleaving both sites concertedly. While most restriction enzymes that act concurrently at two sites are tetramers, SgrAI is a dimer in solution. Its reaction at two cognate sites involves the association of two DNA-bound dimers. SgrAI can also bridge cognate and secondary sites, the latter being certain sequences that differ from the cognate by one base-pair. The mechanisms for cognate-cognate and cognate-secondary communications were examined for sites in the following topological relationships: in cis, on plasmids with two sites in a single DNA molecule; on catenanes containing two interlinked rings of DNA with one site in each ring; and in trans, on oligoduplexes carrying either a single site or the DNA termini generated by SgrAI. Both cognate-cognate and cognate-secondary interactions occur through 3-D space and not by 1-D tracking along the DNA. Both sorts of communication arise more readily when the sites are tethered to each other, either in cis on the same molecule of DNA or by the interlinking of catenane rings, than when released from the tether. However, the dimer bound to an oligoduplex carrying either a cognate or a secondary site could be activated to cleave that duplex by interacting with a second dimer bound to the recognition site, provided both duplexes are at least 30 base-pairs long: the second dimer could alternatively be bound to the two duplexes that correspond to the products of DNA cleavage by SgrAI.  相似文献   

The alpha-toxin (phospholipase C) of Clostridium perfringens has been reported to contain catalytically essential zinc ions. We report here that histidine residues are essential for the co-ordination of these ion(s). Incubation of alpha toxin with diethylpyrocarbonate, a histidine modifying reagent, did not result in the loss of phospholipase C activity unless the protein was first incubated with EDTA, suggesting that zinc ions normally protect the susceptible histidine residues. When the amino acid sequences of three phospholipase C's were aligned, essential zinc binding histidine residues in the non-toxic B. cereus phospholipase C were found in similar positions in the toxic C. perfringens enzyme and the weakly toxic C. bifermentans phospholipase C.  相似文献   

DraIII is a type IIP restriction endonucleases (REases) that recognizes and creates a double strand break within the gapped palindromic sequence CAC↑NNN↓GTG of double-stranded DNA (↑ indicates nicking on the bottom strand; ↓ indicates nicking on the top strand). However, wild type DraIII shows significant star activity. In this study, it was found that the prominent star site is CAT↑GTT↓GTG, consisting of a star 5′ half (CAT) and a canonical 3′ half (GTG). DraIII nicks the 3′ canonical half site at a faster rate than the 5′ star half site, in contrast to the similar rate with the canonical full site. The crystal structure of the DraIII protein was solved. It indicated, as supported by mutagenesis, that DraIII possesses a ββα-metal HNH active site. The structure revealed extensive intra-molecular interactions between the N-terminal domain and the C-terminal domain containing the HNH active site. Disruptions of these interactions through sitedirected mutagenesis drastically increased cleavage fidelity. The understanding of fidelity mechanisms will enable generation of high fidelity REases.  相似文献   

The 2.1A crystal structure of the unliganded type II restriction endonuclease, HincII, is described. Although the asymmetric unit contains only a single monomer, crystal lattice contacts bring two monomers together to form a dimer very similar to that found in the DNA bound form. Comparison with the published DNA bound structure reveals that the DNA binding pocket is expanded in the unliganded structure. Comparison of the unliganded and DNA liganded structures reveals a simple rotation of subunits by 11 degrees each, or 22 degrees total, to a more closed structure around the bound DNA. Comparison of this conformational change to that observed in the other type II restriction endonucleases where DNA bound and unliganded forms have both been characterized, shows considerable variation in the types of conformational changes that can occur. The conformational changes in three can be described by a simple rotation of subunits, while in two others both rotation and translation of subunits relative to one another occurs. In addition, the endonucleases having subunits that undergo the greatest amount of rotation upon DNA binding are found to be those that distort the bound DNA the least, suggesting that DNA bending may be less facile in dimers possessing greater flexibility.  相似文献   

We have overexpressed the type II restriction endonuclease PvuII (R.PvuII) in E. coli, prepared large amounts of the homogeneous enzyme, and crystallized it with an oligonucleotide carrying a PvuII recognition site. The cocrystals are orthorhombic space group P212121 with cell constants a = 95.8 Å, b = 86.3 Å, c = 48.5 Å, and diffract X-rays to at least 2.7 Å. There is a complex of two protein subunits and one oligonucleotide duplex in the asymmetric unit. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The SfiI endonuclease is a prototype for DNA looping. It binds two copies of its recognition sequence and, if Mg(2+) is present, cuts both concertedly. Looping was examined here on supercoiled and relaxed forms of a 5.5 kb plasmid with three SfiI sites: sites 1 and 2 were separated by 0.4 kb, and sites 2 and 3 by 2.0 kb. SfiI converted this plasmid directly to the products cut at all three sites, though DNA species cleaved at one or two sites were formed transiently during a burst phase. The burst revealed three sets of doubly cut products, corresponding to the three possible pairings of sites. The equilibrium distribution between the different loops was evaluated from the burst phases of reactions initiated by adding MgCl(2) to SfiI bound to the plasmid. The short loop was favored over the longer loops, particularly on supercoiled DNA. The relative rates for loop capture were assessed after adding SfiI to solutions containing the plasmid and MgCl(2). On both supercoiled and relaxed DNA, the rate of loop capture across 0.4 kb was only marginally faster than over 2.0 kb or 2.4 kb. The relative strengths and rates of looping were compared to computer simulations of conformational fluctuations in DNA. The simulations concurred broadly with the experimental data, though they predicted that increasing site separations should cause a shallower decline in the equilibrium constants than was observed but a slightly steeper decline in the rates for loop capture. Possible reasons for these discrepancies are discussed.  相似文献   

The EcoRV restriction endonuclease recognises palindromic GATATC sequences and cuts between the central T and dA bases in a reaction that has an absolute requirement for a divalent metal ion, physiologically Mg(2+). Use has been made of base analogues, which delete hydrogen bonds between the protein and DNA (or hydrophobic interactions in the case of the 5-CH(3) group of thymine), to evaluate the roles of the outer two base-pairs (GATATC) in DNA recognition. Selectivity arises at both the binding steps leading to the formation of the enzyme-DNA-metal ion ternary complex (assayed by measuring the dissociation constant in the presence of the non-reactive metal Ca(2+)) and the catalytic step (evaluated using single-turnover hydrolysis in the presence of Mg(2+)), with each protein-DNA contact contributing to recognition. With the A:T base-pair, binding was reduced by the amount expected for the simple loss of a single contact; much more severe effects were observed with the G:C base-pair, suggesting additional conformational perturbation. Most of the modified bases lowered the rate of hydrolysis; furthermore, the presence of an analogue in one strand of the duplex diminished cutting at the second, unmodified strand, indicative of communication between DNA binding and the active site. The essential metal ion Mg(2+) plays a key role in mediating interactions between the DNA binding site and active centre and in many instances rescue of hydrolysis was seen with Mn(2+). It is suggested that contacts between the GATATC site are required for tight binding and for the correct assembly of metal ions and bound water at the catalytic site, functions important in providing acid/base catalysis and transition state stabilisation.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of EcoRV endonuclease bound to non-cognate DNA at 2.0 angstroms resolution shows that very small structural adaptations are sufficient to ensure the extreme sequence specificity characteristic of restriction enzymes. EcoRV bends its specific GATATC site sharply by 50 degrees into the major groove at the center TA step, generating unusual base-base interactions along each individual DNA strand. In the symmetric non-cognate complex bound to GAATTC, the center step bend is relaxed to avoid steric hindrance caused by the different placement of the exocyclic thymine methyl groups. The decreased base-pair unstacking in turn leads to small conformational rearrangements in the sugar-phosphate backbone, sufficient to destabilize binding of crucial divalent metal ions in the active site. A second crystal structure of EcoRV bound to the base-analog GAAUTC site shows that the 50 degrees center-step bend of the DNA is restored. However, while divalent metals bind at high occupancy in this structure, one metal ion shifts away from binding at the scissile DNA phosphate to a position near the 3'-adjacent phosphate group. This may explain why the 10(4)-fold attenuated cleavage efficiency toward GAATTC is reconstituted by less than tenfold toward GAAUTC. Examination of DNA binding and bending by equilibrium and stopped-flow florescence quenching and fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) methods demonstrates that the capacity of EcoRV to bend the GAATTC non-cognate site is severely limited, but that full bending of GAAUTC is achieved at only a threefold reduced rate compared with the cognate complex. Together, the structural and biochemical data demonstrate the existence of distinct mechanisms for ensuring specificity at the bending and catalytic steps, respectively. The limited conformational rearrangements observed in the EcoRV non-cognate complex provide a sharp contrast to the extensive structural changes found in a non-cognate BamHI-DNA crystal structure, thus demonstrating a diversity of mechanisms by which restriction enzymes are able to achieve specificity.  相似文献   

[背景]限制性内切酶Mlu I是一种常用的工具酶,在分子生物学领域发挥着重要的作用,其三维结构尚未被解析.[目的]在大肠杆菌中克隆表达、纯化重组Mlu I蛋白及其硒代蛋白,并进行结晶条件的研究.[方法]构建重组表达载体pET28b-Mlu I,在大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)pLysS中诱导表达,利用亲和层析和凝胶过滤层析...  相似文献   

EcoRI restriction endonuclease map of the composite R plasmid NR1.   总被引:41,自引:32,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
A physical map of the composite R plasmid NR1 has been constructed using specific cleavage of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) by the restriction endonuclease EcoR-. Digestion of composite NR1 DNA by EcoRI yields thirteen fragments. The six largest fragments (designated A to F) are from the resistance transfer factor component that harbors the tetracycline resistance genes (RTF-TC). The seven smallest fragments (designated G to M) are from the r-determinants component that harbors the chloramphenicol (CM), streptomycin-spectinomycin (SM/SP), and sulfonamide (SA) resistance genes. The largest fragment of several RTF-TC segregants of NR1 that have deleted the r-determinants component is 0.8 X 10(6) daltons larger than fragment A of composite NR1. Only a part of fragment H of the r-determinants component is amplified in transitioned NR1 DNA in Proteus mirabilis, which consists of multiple, tandem sequences of r-determinants attached to a single copy of the RTF-TC component. Both of these changes can be explained by the locations of the excision sites at the RTF-TC: r-determinants junctions that are involved in the dissociation and reassociation of the RTF-TC and r-determinants components. The thirteen fragments of composite NR1 DNA produced by EcoRI have been ordered using partial digestion techniques. The order of the fragments is: A-D-C-E-F-B-H-I-L-K-G-M-J. The approximate locations of the TC, CM, SM/SP, and SA resistance genes on the EcoRI map were determined by analyzing several deletion mutants of NR1.  相似文献   

The Type III restriction endonuclease EcoP15I forms a hetero-oligomeric enzyme complex that consists of two modification (Mod) subunits and two restriction (Res) subunits. Structural data on Type III restriction enzymes in general are lacking because of their remarkable size of more than 400 kDa and the laborious and low-yield protein purification procedures. We took advantage of the EcoP15I-overexpressing vector pQEP15 and affinity chromatography to generate a quantity of EcoP15I high enough for comprehensive proteolytic digestion studies and analyses of the proteolytic fragments by mass spectrometry. We show here that in the presence of specific DNA the entire Mod subunit is protected from trypsin digestion, whereas in the absence of DNA stable protein domains of the Mod subunit were not detected. In contrast, the Res subunit is comprised of two trypsin-resistant domains of approximately 77-79 kDa and 27-29 kDa, respectively. The cofactor ATP and the presence of DNA, either specific or unspecific, are important stabilizers of the Res subunit. The large N-terminal domain of Res contains numerous functional motifs that are predicted to be involved in ATP-binding and hydrolysis and/or DNA translocation. The C-terminal small domain harbours the catalytic center. Based on our data, we conclude that both structural Res domains are connected by a flexible linker region that spans 23 amino acid residues. To confirm this conclusion, we have investigated several EcoP15I enzyme mutants obtained by insertion mutagenesis in and around the predicted linker region within the Res subunit. All mutants tolerated the genetic manipulation and did not display loss of function or alteration of the DNA cleavage position.  相似文献   

R.MvaI is a Type II restriction enzyme (REase), which specifically recognizes the pentanucleotide DNA sequence 5'-CCWGG-3' (W indicates A or T). It belongs to a family of enzymes, which recognize related sequences, including 5'-CCSGG-3' (S indicates G or C) in the case of R.BcnI, or 5'-CCNGG-3' (where N indicates any nucleoside) in the case of R.ScrFI. REases from this family hydrolyze the phosphodiester bond in the DNA between the 2nd and 3rd base in both strands, thereby generating a double strand break with 5'-protruding single nucleotides. So far, no crystal structures of REases with similar cleavage patterns have been solved. Characterization of sequence-structure-function relationships in this family would facilitate understanding of evolution of sequence specificity among REases and could aid in engineering of enzymes with new specificities. However, sequences of R.MvaI or its homologs show no significant similarity to any proteins with known structures, thus precluding straightforward comparative modeling. We used a fold recognition approach to identify a remote relationship between R.MvaI and the structure of DNA repair enzyme MutH, which belongs to the PD-(D/E)XK superfamily together with many other REases. We constructed a homology model of R.MvaI and used it to predict functionally important amino acid residues and the mode of interaction with the DNA. In particular, we predict that only one active site of R.MvaI interacts with the DNA target at a time, and the cleavage of both strands (5'-CCAGG-3' and 5'-CCTGG-3') is achieved by two independent catalytic events. The model is in good agreement with the available experimental data and will serve as a template for further analyses of R.MvaI, R.BcnI, R.ScrFI and other related enzymes.  相似文献   

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