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Purpose: The main objectives of the study were to analyse the predominant motor imagery modality used by professional Spanish dancers and to compare Spanish dancers’ ability to perform mental motor imagery with that of non-dancers, and to analyse differences between male and female dancers. As a secondary aim, to compare the motor imagery ability between two styles of Spanish dance: classical Spanish dancers and Flamenco dancers.

Methods: A total of 74 participants were classified into two groups: professional Spanish dancers (n?=?37) and sedentary participants (n?=?37). The professional Spanish dancer group was composed of two dance disciplines: flamenco dancers (n?=?17), and classical dancers (n?=?20).

Results: Professional Spanish dancers used predominantly visual imagery modalities over kinesthetics to generate motor imagery, with a moderate effect size (p?<?.01, d?=?0.68). Regarding the ability to generate motor imagery, significant intergroup differences between professional Spanish dancers and sedentary participants were observed in all variables, with a large effect size (p?<?.05, d?>?0.80). Differences were obtained between men and women among non-dancers group (t?=??3.34; p?=?.03; d?=?0.5). No differences between Flamenco and classical dancers were observed.

Conclusion: Visual motor imagery modality was easier than the kinaesthetic modality in the generation of motor imagery for professional Spanish dancers regardless of the dance style. Spanish dancers had a greater ability to perform motor imagery compared with non-dancer individuals, needing less time to perform these mental tasks. Men non-dancers had a greater ability to generate motor imagery than women. Reinforcing the training of kinaesthetic motor imagery might be useful for professional Spanish dancers.  相似文献   

We investigated the involvement of vision in the regulation of dynamic equilibrium in male children and young adults performing a physical activity requiring a high level of spatial skill: self-induced body sways of ballet dancers on a free unstable platform, 45 professional male dancers (Paris Opera) participated in the study. They included two student groups (beginners and confirmed) and two performer groups (adolescent and adult). They maintained their equilibrium on the platform under different visual and position conditions. The displacement of the seesaw platform were calculated from accelerometer measures. Fast Fourier transform processing of stabilograms allowed spectral frequency analysis. The total spectrum energy and the energies of the three frequency bands (0-0.5 Hz, 0.5-2 Hz, 2-20 Hz) were determined. For all groups, ANOVA indicated that values were higher for eyes-closed than for eyes-open conditions. The visual dependence differed according to age: for 14-year-old students the postural control for dynamic equilibrium was less visually dependent than for 11-year-old students. The 18-year-old dancers, although professional, were more dependent on vision than 14-year-old student dancers. These 18-year-old dancers were still adolescent because they had recently undergone growth acceleration which could disturb their proprioceptive references and internal body representations. Thus, visual input may dominate over the other sensory inputs in the regulation of postural control.  相似文献   



Salivary cortisol has been used in various fields of science as a non-invasive biomarker of stress levels. This study offers the normative reference values of cortisol measurement for healthy young males.


Salivary cortisol levels were measured in 267 healthy young males (age: 21.7 ± 1.5 years) in the early morning on two consecutive days and were analyzed by radioimmunoassay. Frequency distribution analysis was conducted with mean values of the measurements taken on the 2 days. The mean salivary cortisol level was 20.39 ± 7.74 nmol/l (median: 19.31 nmol/l). The skewness and kurtosis of the distribution of the raw data were 0.72 and 0.68, respectively. They were both improved by a square root transformation but not by a logarithmic transformation.


The skewness of the distribution for salivary cortisol measured in the early morning is considerably smaller than that previously reported from afternoon measurements. A “floor effect” may be an explanation for the difference in the distribution characteristics of salivary cortisol.  相似文献   

Regulation of hemodynamics in young subjects was studied via estimating the variability of circulatory parameters. Slow-wave hemodynamic parameters and heart rate variability were shown to be individual-specific.  相似文献   

Male genitalia are among the most phenotypically diverse morphological traits, and sexual selection is widely accepted as being responsible for their evolutionary divergence. Studies of house mice suggest that the shape of the baculum (penis bone) affects male reproductive fitness and experimentally imposed postmating sexual selection has been shown to drive divergence in baculum shape across generations. Much less is known of the morphology of female genitalia and its coevolution with male genitalia. In light of this, we used a paternal half-sibling design to explore patterns of additive genetic variation and covariation underlying baculum shape and female vaginal tract size in house mice (Mus musculus domesticus). We applied a landmark-based morphometrics approach to measure baculum size and shape in males and the length of the vaginal tract and width of the cervix in females. Our results reveal significant additive genetic variation in house mouse baculum morphology and cervix width, as well as evidence for genetic covariation between male and female genital measures. Our data thereby provide novel insight into the potential for the coevolutionary divergence of male and female genital traits in a mammal.  相似文献   

Scaling peak VO2 to body mass in young male and female distance runners.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study examined age- and sex-associated variation in peak oxygen consumption (VO2) of young male and female distance runners from an allometric scaling perspective. Subjects were from two separate studies of 9- to 19-yr-old distance runners from the mid-Michigan area, one conducted between 1982 and 1986 (Young Runners Study I, YRS I) and the other in 1999-2000 (Young Runners Study II, YRS II). Data from 27 boys and 27 girls from YRS I and 48 boys and 22 girls from the YRS II were included, and a total of 139 and 108 measurements of body size and peak VO2 in boys and girls, respectively, were available. Subjects were divided into whole year age groups. A 2 x 9 (sex x age group) ANOVA was used to examine differences in peak VO2. Intraindividual ontogenetic allometric scaling was determined in 20 boys and 17 girls measured annually for 3-5 yr. Allometric scaling factors were calculated using linear regression of log-transformed data. Results indicated that 1) absolute peak VO2 increases with age in boys and girls, 2) relative peak VO2 (ml x kg(-1) x min(-1)) remains relatively stable in boys and in girls, 3) relative peak VO2 (ml x kg(-0.75) x min(-1)) increases throughout the age range in boys and increases in girls until age 15 yr, and 4) peak VO2 adjusted for body mass (ml/min) increases with age in boys and girls. The overall mean cross-sectional scaling factor was 1.01 +/- 0.03 (SE) in boys and 0.85 +/- 0.05 (SE) in girls. Significant age x sex interactions and significant scaling factors between sexes identify the progressive divergence of peak VO2 between adolescent male and female distance runners. Mean ontogenetic allometric scaling factors were 0.81 [0.71-0.92, 95% confidence interval (CI)] and 0.61 (0.50-0.72, 95% CI) in boys and girls, respectively (P = 0.002). There was considerable variation in individual scaling factors (0.51-1.31 and 0.28-0.90 in boys and girls, respectively). The results suggest that the interpretation of growth-related changes in peak VO2 of young distance runners is dependent upon the manner of expressing peak VO2 relative to body size and/or the statistical technique employed.  相似文献   

Sex-allocation theory predicts that females should preferentially produce offspring of the sex with greater fitness potential. In socially monogamous animal species, extra-pair mating often increases the variance in fitness of sons relative to daughters. Thus, in situations where offspring sired by a female''s extra-pair mate(s) will typically have greater fitness potential than offspring sired by the within-pair mate, sex-allocation theory predicts that females will bias the sex of offspring sired by extra-pair mates towards male. We examined the relationship between offspring sex and paternity over six breeding seasons in an Illinois population of the house wren (Troglodytes aedon), a cavity-nesting songbird. Out of the 2345 nestlings that had both sex and paternity assigned, 350 (15%) were sired by extra-pair males. The sex ratio of extra-pair offspring, 0.534, was significantly greater than the sex ratio of within-pair offspring, 0.492, representing an increase of 8.5 per cent in the proportion of sons produced. To our knowledge, this is the first confirmed report of female birds increasing their production of sons in association with extra-pair fertilization. Our results are consistent with the oft-mentioned hypothesis that females engage in extra-pair mating to increase offspring quality.  相似文献   

Beach volleyball is a sport with a high demand of shoulder structures that may lead to adaptations in range of motion (ROM) and strength like in other overhead sports. Despite of these possible alterations, no study evaluated the shoulder adaptations in young beach volleyball athletes. The aim of this study was to compare the bilateral ROM and rotation strength in the shoulders of young beach volleyball players. Goniometric passive shoulder ROM of motion and isometric rotational strength were evaluated in 19 male and 14 female asymptomatic athletes. External and internal ROM, total rotation motion, glenohumeral internal rotation deficit (GIRD), external rotation and internal rotation strength, bilateral deficits and external rotation to internal rotation ratio were measured. The statistical analysis included paired Student’s t-test and analysis of variance with repeated measures. Significantly lower dominant GIRD was found in both groups (p < 0.05), but only 6 athletes presented pathological GIRD. For strength variables, no significant differences for external or internal rotation were evident. Young beach volleyball athletes present symmetric rotational strength and shoulder ROM rotational adaptations that can be considered as anatomical. These results indicate that young practitioners of beach volleyball are subject to moderate adaptations compared to those reported for other overhead sports.  相似文献   

The study objective was to determine if male and female rats fed a diet rich in fish oil had femurs and vertebrae that were stronger and more resistant to fracture than rats not fed omega-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids. Weanling rats were randomized to a control or a fish oil diet for 5 weeks. Feeding fish oil to males had no effect on biomechanical strength properties of femurs and vertebrae as measured by three point bending and compression, respectively. In contrast, females fed fish oil had reduced length growth and a lower vertebral peak load. These effects may have been partly mediated by a lower food intake but were not associated with differences in serum IGF-I, estradiol or urinary calcium. The effect of consuming a fish oil diet into later adulthood should be investigated to determine if femur strength is also affected among females.  相似文献   

Norepinephrine (NE) levels in brain areas of the vomeronasal system in young (4-5 months) and aged (25-26 months) ovariectomized Sprague-Dawley rats, which were implanted with a 17 beta-estradiol silastic capsule and then exposed to male rat urine, were investigated. The unilateral vomeronasal organ was removed in all rats one week before exposure to urine stimulation. NE levels in the medial nucleus of the amygdala (MA), medial preoptic area (MPOA), ventromedial nucleus of hypothalamus (VMH) and bed nucleus of stria terminalis (BST) were measured. NE concentrations in these brain areas of the surgical side served as the control. Urine collected from young adult male rats was poured into the female's cage at 12:00h and the animals were sacrificed before and 1, 2, or 3 hours after the male urine was given. The NE basal levels in the MA and MPOA of young rats decreased significantly from 13:00h to 15:00h, and those in young rat VMH declined markedly from 13:00h to 14:00h compared to those at 12:00h. No marked alterations in NE basal levels in young rat BST were found. In contrast, no obvious changes in the NE concentrations were observed in these brain areas of old rats. Continuous exposure to male urine did not affect the NE levels in any of these brain areas of young and aged rats. We concluded that (1) the time-dependent fluctuation of the NE basal levels in some brain areas of the vomeronasal system in female rats is age-related, and (2) the NE in all these nuclei of the vomeronasal system is not involved in pheromone-induced effects.  相似文献   

Vitamin D is essential for the maintenance and promotion of musculoskeletal health, for the functioning of the immune, cardiovascular and reproductive systems, and its main action is to keep calcium and phosphate plasmatic physiological concentrations at intestinal, renal and bony level. Vitamin D affects several parameters related to physical performance too and a particularly high percentage of vitamin D insufficiency and deficiency in professional athletes has been observed. Several variables are able to impair the synthesis of 25(OH)D in athletes, specifically both genetic and environmental factors, but the most probable explanation for the deficient/insufficient vitamin D levels is the insufficient ultraviolet B light (UVB) exposure during winter. To confirm this, the existence of a circannual rhythm of vitamin D in professional soccer players, highlighting a peak in summer and lowest values in winter regardless the period of the season, has been documented. Nonetheless, from what we are aware of, no other study adopted a chronobiologic approach to better understand and describe the circannual variations of serum 25(OH)D in other sport disciplines. Therefore, we studied serum vitamin D in a cohort of top-level professional skiers, during a period of three consecutive competitive seasons (2015, 2016 and 2017), in order to evaluate, with a rhythmometric approach, the vitamin D behavior along the year. The study population was composed by 152 professional Italian alpine skiers of FISI (Winter Sport Italian Federation), 63 females and 89 males (mean age: 24.1 ± 3.2 years) and a total of 298 blood drawings were carried out to determine plasma 25(OH)D. Vitamin D data were compared between genders and then processed with the population mean cosinor tests to evaluate the presence of a circannual rhythm, both for female and male athletes. In total, 77 skiers (50.7%) showed, at least once during the three competitive seasons, an insufficient level of 25(OH)D and other 45 subjects (29.6%) showed a deficient status; no differences were observed between genders (mean for females: 26.9 ± 8.1 ng/mL; mean for males: 27.4 ± 7.6 ng/mL). In addition, the rhythmometric analysis highlighted the existence of a significant circannual rhythm for both female and male professional skiers; the acrophases (Φ) occurred in July and both MESOR (M) and amplitude (A) were comparable between the two groups. Our data indicate that, despite the physical effort spent, vitamin D follows a classical season-associated rhythm with a peak in summer and a nadir in winter. Moreover, the percentage of insufficiency and deficiency is in line with that of the general population. In conclusion, our findings reinforce the hypothesis that there is no direct effect of physical activity on vitamin D metabolism and that the factors involved in the determination of vitamin D levels in the general population are valid also for athletes.  相似文献   

Eight weeks after gonadectomy male, female, and androgenized [10 μg testosterone propionate (TP), 24 hr after birth] female hamsters were given daily treatment with: 150 μg dihydrotestosterone (DHT), 5 μg estradiol benzoate (EB), 150 μg DHT + 5 μg EB, 150 μg DHT + 1 μg EB, 30 μg DHT + 5 μg EB, 30 μg DHT + 1 μg EB, or the oil vehicle. Treatment of castrated male hamsters with 5 μg EB fully restored mounting but relatively few of these animals intromitted and none ejaculated. Treatment with 150 μg DHT restored all components of male sexual behavior but only in a small proportion of the males. Combined treatment with EB and DHT restored mounts, intromissions, and ejaculations in the majority of the males. Although as little as 30 μg DHT + 1 μg EB restored the full complement of male behavior, the males which received 150 μg DHT + 5 μg EB or 150 μg DHT + 1 μg EB required fewer intromissions to achieve ejaculation than the males which received 30 μg DHT + either dose of EB. The response of the androgenized females was similar to that of the males except that the androgenized females had lower intromission rates and none ejaculated. Relatively few of the nonandrogenized females responded to EB and DHT treatment and those that did mounted only a few times each test. These results demonstrate that both EB and DHT can stimulate male sexual behavior in the hamster and that the sensitivity to EB and DHT for copulatory behavior is determined by early postnatal androgen exposure.  相似文献   

Ng SH  Parvanov E  Petkov PM  Paigen K 《Genomics》2008,92(4):204-209
Meiotic recombination is a fundamental process in all eukaryotes. Among organisms in which recombination initiates prior to synapsis, recombination preferentially occurs in short 1-to 2-kb regions, known as recombination hotspots. Among mammals, genotyping sperm DNA has provided a means of monitoring recombination events at specific hotspots in male meiosis. To complement these current techniques, we developed an assay for amplifying all copies of a hotspot from the DNA of male and female germ cells, cloning the products into Escherichia coli, and SNP genotyping the resulting colonies using fluorescence technology. This approach examines the molecular details of crossover and noncrossover events of individual meioses directly at active hotspots while retaining the simplicity of using pooled DNA. Using this technique, we analyzed recombination events at the Hlx1 hotspot located on mouse chromosome 1, finding that the results agree well with a prior genetic characterization of 3026 male and 3002 female meioses.  相似文献   

Origin of the prolactin cells in the pituitary grafts autotransplanted into the renal capsule was electron microscopically investigated in young male and female rats. Prolactin cells may mainly originate from the completely degranulated acidophils after grafting in both sexes. The comprehensive degranulation of acidophils may be essential condition for the development of prolactin cells. Formation of initial prolactin granules is related to the Golgi apparatus in 3 and 6 days in the males. Even prolonged transplantation for the duration of 10 and 20 days failed to develop the typical prolactin cells storing large polymorphic granules in the grafts in the males. In the females, however, the population of prolactin cells became higher (20-30%) and their granulation was more rapidly advanced than in the male. Nine and 16 days after grafting quite numerous typical prolactin cells, characterized by the pronounced vesiculation of ER stored large polymorphic granules in the females. Progressive vesiculation of ER in degranulated acidophils may be the second necessary condition for establishing the prolactin cells. Thus, the entire course of cell conversion of acidophils into prolactin cells was observed in this study. All the graft cells including prolactin cells finally turned into the cells losing the respective individuality (10 days in the males; 32 days in the females). This fine structural similarity was striking in the males. We could not, however, deny the possibility of origination of prolactin cells from the follicular cells or their adjoining undifferentiated cells.  相似文献   

Whole-body vibration (WBV) has been shown to have beneficial effects on strength and power indices in sedentary and moderately trained individuals. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of 4 weeks of WBV on jump height, active range of motion (AROM), and leg anthropometry in conservatoire dance students. Seventeen female dancers were randomly assigned to a control or intervention group. The intervention group trained for 30 seconds per position at a 35-Hz frequency, 8-mm displacement in the first 2 weeks, and 40 seconds at 40 Hz for the final 2 weeks, whereas the control group carried out the same exercises but without vibration stimulation. A significant (p < 0.01) difference in the intervention group was noted over time for vertical jump and active ROM. No significant changes over time were noted in the anthropometric data. In conclusion, WBV can be used as a beneficial supplemental training intervention to increase jump and active flexibility in highly trained dancers without corresponding increases in relative anthropometric data.  相似文献   

1. After the administration of large doses of androsterone, epiandrosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone and testosterone to mice, females excreted more of the dose conjugated with sulphuric acid than did males. 2. Liver slices from female mice conjugated androgens with sulphuric acid to a greater extent than did slices from males. 3. Sulphotransferase preparations from livers of female rats and mice catalysed the formation of dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate at a faster rate than preparations from livers of the male animals. 4. A possible explanation for the observed sex differences is discussed.  相似文献   

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