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Patients with severe trauma injury are transiently exposed to increased serum concentrations of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha). These patients are susceptible to the development of multisystem organ failure (MSOF) triggered by subsequent exposure to bacterial toxins either via infection or increased intestinal permeability. We simulated the cytokine response of trauma by infusing 0.8 or 8.0 microg/kg of TNF-alpha (priming dose) into chronically catheterized rats. After 48 h, rats were challenged with endotoxin [lipopolysaccharide (LPS); 10 or 1,000 microg/kg]. Animals primed with either dose of TNF-alpha and then challenged with 1,000 microg/kg of LPS demonstrated significantly increased mortality, mean peak serum concentrations of interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), and blood lactate concentrations (P < 0.05) compared with nonprimed animals. Mean peak serum concentrations of IFN-gamma and blood lactate concentrations were increased after challenge with 10 microg/kg of LPS only in animals primed with 8.0 microg/kg of TNF-alpha. Priming with TNF-alpha did not increase mortality after challenge with 10 microg/kg of LPS. These data suggest that both TNF-alpha release and the subsequent exposure to bacterial toxins mediate the pathophysiological progression from trauma to subsequent MSOF.  相似文献   

Wan Y  Xue X  Li M  Zhang X  Qin X  Zhang C  You Y  Wang W  Jiang C  Wu S  Liu Y  Zhu W  Ran Y  Zhang Z  Han W  Zhang Y 《Cellular immunology》2007,246(2):55-64
Overexpression of TNF-alpha in the body is critically involved in many diseases. A strategy to construct TNF-alpha autovaccine by introducing a T cell helper epitope to the protein has been developed and may be an alternative because it is cheaper and highly efficient. However, the induction of high level anti-TNF-alpha neutralizing autoantibodies by TNF-alpha autovaccine is depend on a proper T cell help epitope. In order to evaluate the effect of different T helper cell epitopes on the immunogenicity of mouse TNF-alpha (mTNF-alpha), three T helper cell epitopes, TT (QYIKANSKFIGITEL), HEL (NTDGSTDYGILQINSR), and PADRE (AKFVAAWTLKA), were chosen for this study. The sequence (amino acids 126-140) of mTNF-alpha was replaced with those of the T cell help epitopes, respectively. The three fusion proteins (mTNF-TT, mTNF-HEL, mTNF-PADRE) were expressed in Escherichia coli and purified with a simple strategy. The abilities of the proteins elicited TNF-alpha autoantibodies in BALB/c mice were investigated. The results showed that mTNF-PADRE is the most effective among the three modified TNF-alpha molecules. In the absence of adjuvant, the therapeutic effect of TNF-PADRE on LPS induced endotoxic shock mice and mTNF-alpha induced cachexia mice was observed. This study suggests that mTNF-PADRE may be a better candidate of mTNF-alpha autovaccine.  相似文献   

In budding yeast four mitotic cyclins (Clb1–4) cooperate in a partially redundant manner to bring about M-phase specific events, including the apical isotropic switch that ends polarized bud growth initiated at bud emergence. How exactly this morphogenetic transition is regulated by mitotic CDKs remains poorly understood. We have taken advantage of the isotropic bud growth that prevails in cells responding to DNA damage to unravel the contribution of mitotic cyclins in this cellular context. We find that clb2∆, in contrast to the other mitotic cyclin mutants, inappropriately respond to the presence of DNA damage. This aberrant response is characterized by a Cdc42- and Bni1-dependent but Cln-independent resumption of polarized bud growth after a brief period of actin depolarization. Biochemical and genetic evidence is presented that formally excludes the possibility of indirect effects due for instance to unrestrained APC activity, untimely mitotic exit or Swe1-mediated CDK inhibition. Importantly, our data demonstrate that in order to maintain the characteristic dumbbell arrest phenotype upon checkpoint activation Clb2 needs to be efficiently exported into the cytoplasm. We propose that the inhibition of mitotic cyclin destruction by the DNA damage checkpoint pathway leads to a buildup of Clb2 in the cytoplasm where this cyclin can stabilize the apical isotropic switch throughout a G2/M checkpoint arrest. Our study also unveils an essential role of nuclear Clb2 in both survival and adaptation to the DNA damage checkpoint, illustrating a spatially distinct dual function of this mitotic cyclin in the response to DNA damage.  相似文献   

The T cell-dependent B cell response relies on cognate interaction between B cells and CD4(+) Th cells. However, the consequences of this interaction for CD4(+) T cells are not entirely known. B cells generally promote CD4(+) T cell responses to pathogens, albeit to a variable degree. In contrast, CD4(+) T cell responses to self- or tumor Ags are often suppressed by B cells. In this study, we demonstrated that interaction with B cells dramatically inhibited the function of virus-specific CD4(+) T cells in retroviral infection. We have used Friend virus infection of mice as a model for retroviral infection, in which the behavior of virus-specific CD4(+) T cells was monitored according to their TCR avidity. We report that avidity for Ag and interaction with B cells determine distinct aspects of the primary CD4(+) T cell response to Friend virus infection. Virus-specific CD4(+) T cells followed exclusive Th1 and T follicular helper (Tfh) differentiation. High avidity for Ag facilitated expansion during priming and enhanced the capacity for IFN-γ and IL-21 production. In contrast, Tfh differentiation was not affected by avidity for Ag. By reducing or preventing B cell interaction, we found that B cells promoted Tfh differentiation, induced programmed death 1 expression, and inhibited IFN-γ production by virus-specific CD4(+) T cells. Ultimately, B cells protected hosts from CD4(+) T cell-mediated immune pathology, at the detriment of CD4(+) T cell-mediated protective immunity. Our results suggest that B cell presentation of vaccine Ags could be manipulated to direct the appropriate CD4(+) T cell response.  相似文献   

CXCL14 is a member of the CXC chemokine family. CXCL14 possesses chemoattractive activity for activated macrophages, immature dendritic cells and natural killer cells. CXCL14-deficient mice do not exhibit clear immune system abnormalities, suggesting that the function of CXCL14 can be compensated for by other chemokines. However, CXCL14 does appear to have unique biological roles. It suppresses the in vivo growth of lung and head-and-neck carcinoma cells, whereas the invasiveness of breast and prostate cancer cells appears to be promoted by CXCL14. Moreover, recent evidence revealed that CXCL14 participates in glucose metabolism, feeding behaviour-associated neuronal circuits, and anti-microbial defense. Based on the expression patterns of CXCL14 and CXCL12 during embryonic development and in the perinatal brain in mice, the functions of these two chemokines may be opposite or interactive. Although CXCL14 receptors have not yet been identified, the intracellular activity of CXCL14 in breast cancer cells suggests that the CXCL14 receptor(s) and signal transduction pathway(s) may be different from those of conventional CXC-type chemokines.  相似文献   

Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are key mediators of dorsoventral patterning in vertebrates and are required for the induction of ventral fates in fish and frogs. A widely accepted model of dorsoventral patterning postulates that a morphogenetic BMP activity gradient patterns cell fates along the dorsoventral axis. Recent work in zebrafish suggests that the role of BMP signaling changes over time, with BMPs required for global dorsoventral patterning during early gastrulation and for tail patterning during late gastrulation and early somitogenesis. Key questions remain about the late phase, including which BMP ligands are required and how the functions of BMPs differ during the early and late gastrula stages. In a screen for dominant enhancers of mutations in the homeobox genes vox and vent, which function in parallel to bmp signaling, we identified an insertion mutation in bmp4. We then performed a reverse genetic screen to isolate a null allele of bmp4. We report the characterization of these two alleles and demonstrate that BMP4 is required during the later phase of BMP signaling for the specification of ventroposterior cell fates. Our results indicate that different bmp genes are essential at different stages. In addition, we present genetic evidence supporting a role for a morphogenetic BMP gradient in establishing mesodermal fates during the later phase of BMP signaling.  相似文献   

The proteins that regulate developmental processes in animals have generally been well conserved during evolution. A few cases are known where protein activities have functionally evolved. These rare examples raise the issue of how highly conserved regulatory proteins with many roles evolve new functions while maintaining old functions. We have investigated this by analyzing the function of the ;QA' peptide motif of the Hox protein Ultrabithorax (Ubx), a motif that has been conserved throughout insect evolution since its establishment early in the lineage. We precisely deleted the QA motif at the endogenous locus via allelic replacement in Drosophila melanogaster. Although the QA motif was originally characterized as involved in the repression of limb formation, we have found that it is highly pleiotropic. Curiously, deleting the QA motif had strong effects in some tissues while barely affecting others, suggesting that QA function is preferentially required for a subset of Ubx target genes. QA deletion homozygotes had a normal complement of limbs, but, at reduced doses of Ubx and the abdominal-A (abd-A) Hox gene, ectopic limb primordia and adult abdominal limbs formed when the QA motif was absent. These results show that redundancy and the additive contributions of activity-regulating peptide motifs play important roles in moderating the phenotypic consequences of Hox protein evolution, and that pleiotropic peptide motifs that contribute quantitatively to several functions are subject to intense purifying selection.  相似文献   

EAPII (also called TTRAP, TDP2), a protein identified a decade ago, has recently been shown to function as an oncogenic factor. This protein was also proven to be the first 5’- tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase. EAPII has been demonstrated to have promiscuous protein associations, broad responsiveness to various extracellular signals, and pleiotropic functions in the development of human diseases including cancer and neurodegenerative disease. Emerging data suggest that EAPII is a multi-functional protein: EAPII repairs enzyme (topoisomerase)-mediated DNA damage by removing phosphotyrosine from DNA adducts; EAPII is involved in multiple signal transduction pathways such as TNF-TNFR, TGFβ and MAPK, and EAPII is responsive to immune defense, inflammatory response, virus infection and DNA toxins (chemo or radiation therapy). This review focuses on the current understanding of EAPII biology and its potential relations to many aspects of cancer development, including chromosome instability, tumorigenesis, tumor metastasis and chemoresistance, suggesting it as a potential target for intervention in cancer and other human diseases.  相似文献   

Summary Positively charged liposomes have been shown to inhibit the proliferation of lymphocytes induced by various polyclonal activators. We demonstrated that this inhibition is essentially restricted to early phases of activation. B cell proliferation, induction of suppressor cells, and cytotoxic activities are all profoundly inhibited, whereas T4+ cells response to mitogenic stimulation is only moderately affected. The results are discussed in terms of membrane perturbations potentially induced by liposome-lymphocyte interactions. This work has been supported by grants from the National Sciences and Engineering Council of Canada.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Caspases are cysteine proteases that mediate apoptosis (programmed cell death) initiation and execution. Apoptosis is a conserved mechanism shared by all metazoans, although its physiological function and complexity show considerable taxon-dependent variations. To gain insight into the caspase repertoire of putative ancestors to vertebrates, we performed exhaustive genomic searches in urochordates, a sister taxon to vertebrates in which ascidians and appendicularians display chordate characters at early stages of their development. RESULTS: We identified the complete caspase families of two ascidians (Ciona intestinalis and C. savignyi) and one larvacean (Oikopleura dioica). We found in ascidian species an extremely high number of caspase genes (17 for C. intestinalis and 22 for C. savignyi), deriving from five founder gene orthologues to human pro-inflammatory, initiator and executioner caspases. Although considered to be sibling species, C. intestinalis and C. savignyi only share 11 orthologues, most of the additional genes resulting from recent mass duplications. A sharply contrasted picture was found in O. dioica, which displayed only three caspase genes deriving from a single founder gene distantly related to caspase 3/7. The difference between ascidian and larvacean caspase repertoires is discussed in the light of their developmental patterns and life cycles. CONCLUSIONS: The identification of caspase members in two ascidian species delineates five founder genes that bridge the gap between vertebrates and Ecdysozoa (arthropods and nematodes). Given the amazing diversity among urochordates, determination and comparison of the caspase repertoires in species from orders additional to Enterogona (ascidians) and Oikopleuridae might be highly informative on the evolution of caspase-dependent physiological processes.  相似文献   

Exposure of lung endothelial monolayers to tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha causes a rearrangement of the fibrillar fibronectin (FN) extracellular matrix and an increase in protein permeability. Using calf pulmonary artery endothelial cell layers, we determined whether these changes were mediated by FN multimerization due to enhanced transglutaminase activity after TNF-alpha (200 U/ml) for 18 h. Western blot analysis indicated that TNF-alpha decreased the amount of monomeric FN detected under reducing conditions. Analysis of (125)I-FN incorporation into the extracellular matrix confirmed a twofold increase in high molecular mass (HMW) FN multimers stable under reducing conditions (P < 0.05). Enhanced formation of such HMW FN multimers was associated with increased cell surface transglutaminase activity (P < 0.05). Calf pulmonary artery endothelial cells pretreated with TNF-alpha also formed nonreducible HMW multimers of FN when layered on surfaces precoated with FN. Inhibitors of transglutaminase blocked the TNF-alpha-induced formation of nonreducible HMW multimers of FN but did not prevent either disruption of the FN matrix or the increase in monolayer permeability. Thus increased cell surface transglutaminase after TNF-alpha exposure initiates the enhanced formation of nonreducible HMW FN multimers but did not cause either the disruption of the FN matrix or the increase in endothelial monolayer permeability.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa can cause ulcerative bacterial keratitis or contact lens-induced acute red eye (CLARE) in humans. The present study used a mouse model of ocular infection and inflammation to examine the relationship between TNF-alpha and inflammation in the cornea in response to challenge with either a strain of P. aeruginosa causing keratitis or a CLARE strain. Constitutive TNF-alpha mRNA was detected in the epithelium, mainly towards the periphery. After infection with the keratitis-inducing strain (6294), TNF-alpha expression was elevated four-fold by 24 h post-challenge. No detectable induction of TNF-alpha mRNA was seen with CLARE strain (Paer1) challenge at any time point. The TNF-alpha protein production detected by ELISA showed a corresponding pattern to the mRNA expression, which also correlated with pathological changes. These results suggest that invasive strains of P. aeruginosa create greater pathological changes as a result of elevated TNF-alpha production, which contributes to inflammation during keratitis in vivo.  相似文献   

Previous studies on the basis for the immunosuppressive potential of adrenal corticosteroids have stressed that the effects of these agents on immune functions depend on the animal species being considered, as well as the subpopulations of lymphocytes involved in the expression of immune functions examined. In the present work, we have evaluated the effect of a single dose of hydrocortisone on three different immunoregulatory functions that can influence the magnitude of an antibody response to Type III pneumococcal polysaccharide (SSS-III) in mice; these functions include suppressor, amplifier, and helper activity that are dependent upon the presence of distinct subpopulations of thymus-derived (T) cells. The results obtained show that a single injection of a relatively large dose of hydrocortisone, when given at the time of priming with carrier, eliminated all evidence of carrier-specific helper T cell activity; hydrocortisone was also found to eliminate a significant amount of helper T cell activity when given after such activity had been generated. But, under the same experimental conditions, suppressor and amplifier T cell activities were unaffected, even in this steroid-sensitive species. Such selective sensitivity may account for some of the immunosuppressive potency of steroids.  相似文献   

The embryonic origins of ovarian granulosa cells have been a subject of debate for decades. By tamoxifen-induced lineage tracing of Foxl2-expressing cells, we show that descendants of the bipotential supporting cell precursors in the early gonad contribute granulosa cells to a specific population of follicles in the medulla of the ovary that begin to grow immediately after birth. These precursor cells arise from the proliferative ovarian surface epithelium and enter mitotic arrest prior to upregulating Foxl2. Granulosa cells that populate the cortical primordial follicles activated in adult life derive from the surface epithelium perinatally, and enter mitotic arrest at that stage. Ingression from the surface epithelium dropped to undetectable levels by Postnatal Day 7, when most surviving oocytes were individually encapsulated by granulosa cells. These findings add complexity to the standard model of sex determination in which the Sertoli and granulosa cells of the adult testis and ovary directly stem from the supporting cell precursors of the bipotential gonad.  相似文献   

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