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Temporal bone pneumatization has been included in lists of characters used in phylogenetic analyses of human evolution. While studies suggest that the extent of pneumatization has decreased over the course of human evolution, little is known about the processes underlying these changes or their significance. In short, reasons for the observed reduction and the potential reorganization within pneumatized spaces are unknown. Technological limitations have limited previous analyses of pneumatization in extant and fossil species to qualitative observations of the extent of temporal bone pneumatization. In this paper, we introduce a novel application of quantitative methods developed for the study of trabecular bone to the analysis of pneumatized spaces of the temporal bone. This method utilizes high-resolution X-ray computed tomography (HRXCT) images and quantitative software to estimate three-dimensional parameters (bone volume fractions, anisotropy, and trabecular thickness) of bone structure within defined units of pneumatized spaces. We apply this approach in an analysis of temporal bones of diverse but related primate species, Gorilla gorilla, Pan troglodytes, Homo sapiens, and Papio hamadryas anubis, to illustrate the potential of these methods. In demonstrating the utility of these methods, we show that there are interspecific differences in the bone structure of pneumatized spaces, perhaps reflecting changes in the localized growth dynamics, location of muscle attachments, encephalization, or basicranial flexion.  相似文献   

Understanding the evolutionary significance of morphological diversity is a major goal of evolutionary biology. Paranasal sinuses, which are pneumatized hollow spaces in the face, have attracted attention from researchers as one of the most intriguing traits that show unexpected variations. Macaques are one genus of primates that have accomplished adaptive radiation and therefore present an excellent opportunity to investigate the phenotypic diversification process. Using the large data set of computed tomography images of macaques (172 specimens from 17 species), we applied geometric morphometrics and multivariate analyses to quantitatively evaluate the maxillary sinus (one of the largest paranasal sinuses), the outer craniofacial shape, and nasal cavity. We then applied phylogenetic comparative methods to test their morphological interactions, phylogenetic, and ecogeographical significances. The results showed that the relative maxillary sinus size was significantly associated with the relative nasal cavity size and with the zygomaxillary surface shape. The relative nasal cavity size had ecogeographical correlations and high phylogenetic signal, whereas the zygomaxillary surface shapes were ecogeographically and phylogenetically irrelevant. The significant interactions with multiple surrounding traits that have experienced different evolutionary processes probably enable the maxillary sinus to show enigmatic diversity, which is independent of phylogeny and ecology. The pliable nature of the maxillary sinus, which is positioned between the nasal airways and the outer face, may play a role as a spatial compromise in craniofacial modifications.  相似文献   

Background and Aims When the orientation of the stems of conifers departs from the vertical as a result of environmental influences, conifers form compression wood that results in restoration of verticality. It is well known that intercellular spaces are formed between tracheids in compression wood, but the function of these spaces remains to be clarified. In the present study, we evaluated the impact of these spaces in artificially induced compression wood in Chamaecyparis obtusa seedlings.Methods We monitored the presence or absence of liquid in the intercellular spaces of differentiating xylem by cryo-scanning electron microscopy. In addition, we analysed the relationship between intercellular spaces and the hydraulic properties of the compression wood.Key Results Initially, we detected small intercellular spaces with liquid in regions in which the profiles of tracheids were not rounded in transverse surfaces, indicating that the intercellular spaces had originally contained no gases. In the regions where tracheids had formed secondary walls, we found that some intercellular spaces had lost their liquid. Cavitation of intercellular spaces would affect hydraulic conductivity as a consequence of the induction of cavitation in neighbouring tracheids.Conclusions Our observations suggest that cavitation of intercellular spaces is the critical event that affects not only the functions of intercellular spaces but also the hydraulic properties of compression wood.  相似文献   

The frontal sinuses of bovid mammals display a great deal of diversity, which has been attributed to both phylogenetic and functional influences. In-depth study of the hartebeest (Alcelaphus buselaphus), a large African antelope, reveals a number of previously undescribed details of frontal sinus morphology. In A. buselaphus, the frontal sinuses conform closely to the shape of the frontal bone, filling nearly the entire element. However, the horncores are never extensively pneumatized, contrasting with the condition seen in many other bovids. This evidence is inconsistent with the hypothesis that sinuses are opportunistic pneumatizing agents, suggesting that phylogenetic factors also play a role in determining sinus size. Both cranial sutures and neurovasculature appear to constrain the growth of sinuses in part. In turn, the sinus also affects the growth of the parietal; apparently this element is not truly pneumatized by the sinus in most cases, but the bone's shape changes under the influence of the sinus. Furthermore, the sinuses present relatively few struts when compared with the sinuses of some other bovids, such as Ovis. By adapting methods previously developed for measuring structural parameters of trabecular bone, it is possible to quantify certain aspects of sinus morphology. These include the number of bony struts within the sinus, the spacing of these struts, and the size of individual cavities within the sinus. Some differences in the number of struts are evident between subspecies. Similarly, significant differences occur in the relative number of struts between male and female A. buselaphus, which may be related to behavior. The volume of the sinus is strongly correlated with the size of the frontal, but less so with overall cranial size. This finding illustrates the importance of choosing variables carefully when comparing sinus sizes and growth between species.  相似文献   

There has been a long‐standing debate regarding the diversification of paranasal sinuses, namely pneumatized spaces in the face. Functional adaptation and structural constraints have generally been suggested to explain sinus diversification in vertebrates. Here we investigated variation in the maxillary sinus and the external facial cranium in hybrid Taiwanese–Japanese macaques to estimate the genetic basis of phenotypic differences. The Taiwanese macaques have a large sinus, whereas the Japanese macaques have a small sinus; they are also significantly different in their external craniofacial morphology. Variations in the hybrids' external craniofacial morphology can be mostly explained by a simple additive model. In contrast, their sinus morphology significantly deviates from the value expected under this additive model, wherein most hybrids have a large sinus, similar to that in Taiwanese macaques, regardless of the degree of hybridization. When the whole structure is considered, a novel phenotype can be seen in the hybrids. Our results suggest that the sinus and face are independent of each other, both genetically and developmentally, and that the small sinus is mainly caused by intrinsic genetic factors, rather than being structurally constrained by the craniofacial architecture. Such genetic factors may have contributed to the enigmatic diversity of craniofacial pneumatization. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 115 , 333–347.  相似文献   

We understand few details about how the arrangement and interactions of cell wall polymers produce the mechanical properties of primary cell walls. Consequently, we cannot quantitatively assess if proposed wall structures are mechanically reasonable or assess the effectiveness of proposed mechanisms to change mechanical properties. As a step to remedying this, we developed WallGen, a Fortran program (available on request) building virtual cellulose-hemicellulose networks by stochastic self-assembly whose mechanical properties can be predicted by finite element analysis. The thousands of mechanical elements in the virtual wall are intended to have one-to-one spatial and mechanical correspondence with their real wall counterparts of cellulose microfibrils and hemicellulose chains. User-defined inputs set the properties of the two polymer types (elastic moduli, dimensions of microfibrils and hemicellulose chains, hemicellulose molecular weight) and their population properties (microfibril alignment and volume fraction, polymer weight percentages in the network). This allows exploration of the mechanical consequences of variations in nanostructure that might occur in vivo and provides estimates of how uncertainties regarding certain inputs will affect WallGen''s mechanical predictions. We summarize WallGen''s operation and the choice of values for user-defined inputs and show that predicted values for the elastic moduli of multinet walls subject to small displacements overlap measured values. “Design of experiment” methods provide systematic exploration of how changed input values affect mechanical properties and suggest that changing microfibril orientation and/or the number of hemicellulose cross-bridges could change wall mechanical anisotropy.Plant scientists have long studied how primary wall structure influences mechanical properties (Preston, 1974). In this work, we develop methods to predict the elastic modulus for layered networks of cellulose microfibrils (CMFs) cross-linked by hemicellulose (HC) chains when they are subject to small imposed displacements.Polysaccharides provide over 90% of wall mass and therefore are likely to dominate wall mechanics. Two distinct but probably interacting (Zykwinska et al., 2005) networks are recognized: a cellulose-hemicellulose (CHC) network and a pectin network. Pectins can be removed by mutations, allowing measurements of the mechanical properties of the CHC network (Ryden et al., 2003) that can be compared with predicted values. The two networks probably make roughly comparable mechanical contributions in pectin-rich dicots (Ryden et al., 2003), but the CHC network presumably dominates in monocots with pectin-poor, type II walls (Carpita and Gibeaut, 1993; Rose, 2003). Plant cells align CMFs (Baskin, 2005) but not noncellulosic polysaccharides such as pectins and HCs. CMF alignment, therefore, underlies the structural and mechanical anisotropy seen in many cell walls.In principle, wall structure can predict mechanical properties, a multiscale modeling problem of the type that materials scientists often tackle (Kwon et al., 2008). In this context, structural and mechanical inputs concern polymer chains or aggregates, and mechanical properties are predicted for pieces of material several orders of magnitude larger that contain many polymer chains. There are some structure-based quantitative predictions of the mechanics of secondary walls (Bergander and Salmén, 2002; Keckes et al., 2003; Salmén, 2004; Hofstetter et al., 2005; Altaner and Jarvis, 2008), but most discussions of primary walls only involve qualitative consideration of how factors such as CMF length and alignment might change growth anisotropy (Wasteneys, 2004; Baskin, 2005) rather than the small displacement mechanical properties with which we are concerned. Modeling plant cell walls provides several particular challenges. First, walls vary greatly in CMF alignment, with multinet, polylamellate, helicoidal, and other types recognized; second, polymer composition varies even within one wall type; and third, polymer interactions remain uncertain, with the view that HCs cross-bridge CMFs (Hayashi, 1989) challenged on various grounds by those regarding them as providing spacing or otherwise facilitating movement between CMFs (Whitney et al., 1999; Thompson, 2005). In beginning multiscale modeling of primary walls, therefore, we sought a strategy that facilitated in silico experiments in which we could vary the structure, composition, and other wall properties that contribute to the complex microstructure of cell walls and that provided the opportunity to give the polymers more complex properties in future studies.Many modeling strategies facilitate computation by simplifying (homogenizing) wall structure by aggregating the properties of many polymers. Procedures are well established but do not obviate the necessity to understand the underlying polymer properties and impose an additional requirement to deduce the properties of the population being homogenized. Cell walls are often compared with fiber composites, for which several approaches to the prediction of the elastic properties have been reported (Chamis and Sendeckyj, 1968). Most such micromechanical approaches, however, are based on simplifying assumptions about the geometry of the microstructure or special relations between the phase properties. Moreover, although cell walls are often described as fiber composites, this obscures important distinctions, notably the difference between the continuous interfiber matrix typical of most manufactured fiber composites and the discrete HC cross-links present in the cell wall. The mechanical properties of the continuous matrix are relatively easily measured for manufactured fiber composites, but replacing HC cross-bridges with a continuous matrix requires defining its mechanical properties. Various micromechanical models of secondary walls assume that a homogenous HC matrix surrounds CMFs (Bergander and Salmén, 2002; Salmén, 2004; Hofstetter et al., 2005); for example, Hofstetter et al. (2005) gave this phase a bulk modulus taken from testing an isotropic HC powder. Increased computing power now provides the option to avoid such homogenization with at least three advantages accruing. First, homogenization often limits the ease with which different structures can be investigated (a high priority issue for us), since homogenization assumptions may need to be reexamined and recalibrated as microstructure changes. Without homogenization, a wide range of structures can be analyzed, given that a flexible system is available for generating microstructure. Second, accumulating knowledge of the mechanics of individual polymer chains coming from techniques such as atomic force microscopy can be directly applied to the individual HCs and CMFs in a nonhomogenized model. If homogenization is applied, that relationship is lost and new assumptions must be made about the properties of the population. Third, once the basic model is established, the properties of the polymers, particularly those of the HCs, can be varied to more accurately capture the nonlinear and other properties seen on extension.We avoided homogenization by using the WallGen program to build a fragment of virtual wall whose components have one-to-one spatial and mechanical correspondence with the CMFs and HCs of a primary wall CHC network. We chose finite element analysis (FEA) to predict the mechanical properties of the entire fragment containing thousands of CMFs and HCs. In effect, then, WallGen averages by setting up the most realistic spatial arrangement, using mechanical data for individual chains and leaving FEA to predict the collective properties. The well-established engineering technique of FEA has been used to predict wall mechanics at cellular and subcellular scales. Examples include predicting cell response to microindentation (Bolduc et al., 2006) or compression between flat plates (Smith et al., 1998) and predicting the mechanics of pulped fiber networks in paper (Hansson and Rasmuson, 2004). These applications have not involved mechanical representation of individual wall polymers, but FEA has been used at this scale to model individual microtubules and F-actin polymers pulling on membranes (Allen et al., 2009) and at even finer scales to model tubulin lattice deformation within single microtubules (Schaap et al., 2006). Modern FEA programs have features of potential value for developing more sophisticated models of wall mechanics: components can have nonlinear force-extension properties and viscoelastic properties, and conditions can be specified to break links between components of the microstructure. This should allow exploration of the more complex mechanical behavior that CHC networks show when subject to larger displacements and incorporation of additional mechanical elements providing the properties generated by pectins.In this article, we describe how WallGen operates, review the choice of values for several important inputs, predict the elastic moduli of multinet walls in which HCs cross-link CMFs, compare those values with experimental values, and quantify the mechanical effects of varying several inputs to the virtual wall. We restrict consideration to polymers given linear elastic properties and, because small strains are sufficient to predict the elastic modulus, restrict experiments to small displacements to minimize inaccuracies from this simplification. A previous publication considered issues relating to representative volume elements and analyzed some simpler CHC networks (Kha et al., 2008).  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Leaf mechanical properties, which are important to protect leaves against physical stresses, are thought to change with light and nutrient availabilities. This study aims to understand phenotypic changes of leaf mechanical properties with respect to dry mass allocation and anatomy. METHODS: Leaf lamina strength (maximum force per unit area to fracture), toughness (work to fracture) and stiffness (resistance against deformation) were measured by punch-and-die tests, and anatomical and physiological traits were determined in Plantago major plants grown at different light and nutrient availabilities. A conceptual approach was developed by which punch strength and related carbon costs can be quantitatively related to the underlying anatomical and morphological traits: leaf thickness, dry-mass allocation to cell walls and cell-wall-specific strength. KEY RESULTS: Leaf lamina strength, toughness and stiffness (all expressed on a punch area basis) increased with light availability. By contrast, nutrient availability did not change strength or toughness, but stiffness was higher in low-nutrient plants. Punch strength (maximum force per unit punch area, F(max)/area) was analysed as the product of leaf mass per area (LMA) and F(max)/leaf mass (= punch strength/LMA, indicating mass-use efficiency for strength). The greater strength of sun leaves was mainly explained by their higher LMA. Shade leaves, by contrast, had a higher F(max)/leaf mass. This greater efficiency in shade leaves was caused by a greater fraction of leaf mass in cell walls and by a greater specific strength of cell walls. These differences are probably because epidermis cells constitute a relatively large fraction of the leaf cross-section in shaded leaves. Although a larger percentage of intercellular spaces were found in shade leaves, this in itself did not reduce 'material' strength (punch strength/thickness); it might, however, be important for increasing distance between upper and lower epidermis per unit mass and thus maintaining flexural stiffness at minimal costs. CONCLUSIONS: The consequences of a reduced LMA for punch strength in shaded leaves was partially compensated for by a mechanically more efficient design, which, it is suggested, contributes importantly to resisting mechanical stress under carbon-limited conditions.  相似文献   

The botanist G. Kraus postulated in 1867 that the peripheral cell layers determine the rate of organ elongation based on the observation that the separated outer and inner tissues of growing stems spontaneously change their lengths upon isolation from each other. Here, we summarize the modern version of this classical concept, the "epidermal-growth-control" or "tensile skin" theory of stem elongation. First, we present newly acquired data from sunflower hypocotyls, which demonstrate that the expansion of the isolated inner tissues is not an experimental artefact, as recently claimed, but rather the result of metabolism-independent cell elongation caused by the removal of the growth-controlling peripheral walls. Second, we present data showing that auxin-induced elongation of excised stem segments is attributable to the loosening of the thick epidermal walls, which provides additional evidence for the "epidermal-growth-control concept". Third, we show that the cuticle of aerial organs can be thin and mechanically weak in seedlings raised at high humidity, but thick and mechanically important for organs growing under relatively dry air conditions. Finally, we present a modified model of the "tensile skin-theory" that draws attention to the mechanical and physiological roles of (a) the thickened, helicoidal outer cell walls, (b) the mechanical constraint of a cuticle, and (c) the interactions among outer and inner cell layers as growth is coordinated by hormonal signals.  相似文献   

A common feature of walled organisms is their exposure to osmotic forces that challenge the mechanical integrity of cells while driving elongation. Most bacteria rely on their cell wall to bear osmotic stress and determine cell shape. Wall thickness can vary greatly among species, with Gram-positive bacteria having a thicker wall than Gram-negative bacteria. How wall dimensions and mechanical properties are regulated and how they affect growth have not yet been elucidated. To investigate the regulation of wall thickness in the rod-shaped Gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis, we analyzed exponentially growing cells in different media. Using transmission electron and epifluorescence microscopy, we found that wall thickness and strain were maintained even between media that yielded a threefold change in growth rate. To probe mechanisms of elongation, we developed a biophysical model of the Gram-positive wall that balances the mechanical effects of synthesis of new material and removal of old material through hydrolysis. Our results suggest that cells can vary their growth rate without changing wall thickness or strain by maintaining a constant ratio of synthesis and hydrolysis rates. Our model also indicates that steady growth requires wall turnover on the same timescale as elongation, which can be driven primarily by hydrolysis rather than insertion. This perspective of turnover-driven elongation provides mechanistic insight into previous experiments involving mutants whose growth rate was accelerated by the addition of lysozyme or autolysin. Our approach provides a general framework for deconstructing shape maintenance in cells with thick walls by integrating wall mechanics with the kinetics and regulation of synthesis and turnover.  相似文献   

Collenchyma: a versatile mechanical tissue with dynamic cell walls   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Olivier Leroux 《Annals of botany》2012,110(6):1083-1098


Collenchyma has remained in the shadow of commercially exploited mechanical tissues such as wood and fibres, and therefore has received little attention since it was first described. However, collenchyma is highly dynamic, especially compared with sclerenchyma. It is the main supporting tissue of growing organs with walls thickening during and after elongation. In older organs, collenchyma may become more rigid due to changes in cell wall composition or may undergo sclerification through lignification of newly deposited cell wall material. While much is known about the systematic and organographic distribution of collenchyma, there is rather less information regarding the molecular architecture and properties of its cell walls.

Scope and conclusions

This review summarizes several aspects that have not previously been extensively discussed including the origin of the term ‘collenchyma’ and the history of its typology. As the cell walls of collenchyma largely determine the dynamic characteristics of this tissue, I summarize the current state of knowledge regarding their structure and molecular composition. Unfortunately, to date, detailed studies specifically focusing on collenchyma cell walls have not been undertaken. However, generating a more detailed understanding of the structural and compositional modifications associated with the transition from plastic to elastic collenchyma cell wall properties is likely to provide significant insights into how specific configurations of cell wall polymers result in specific functional properties. This approach, focusing on architecture and functional properties, is likely to provide improved clarity on the controversial definition of collenchyma.  相似文献   

This study concerns the morphology of the human spleen in freeze-fracture replicas and compares this with the findings in ultrathin sections. The material investigated consisted of two spleens resected at gastrectomy and one resected because of splenomegaly in a case of hairy cell leukaemia. The current concepts concerning the ultrastructure of the spleen were generally confirmed with the freeze-fracture technique. The sinus walls were found, as expected, to consist of closely fitting endothelial cells, which were identifiable in freeze-fracture replicas by numerous caveolae of the cell membrane. Contrary to the opinion upheld in the literature, the sinus endothelial cells were occasionally found to be connected by desmosomes or maculae adhaerentes. Corresponding to the finding of desmosomes in ultrathin sections, focal collections of intramembranous particles were observed in freeze-fracture replicas and a positive immunohistochemical reaction for desmoplakin in the sinuses was found at the light microscopic level. The view generally held in the literature that sinus endothelial cells can exhibit tight junctions was not confirmed. However, such junctions were found between vascular endothelial cells. The ring fibres of the sinuses, which are closely connected to the sinus endothelial cells through contractile fibres, apparently have various functions. Firstly, they contribute towards maintaining mechanical stability. Secondly, they represent basement membranes through which exchange occurs between the sinus endothelial cells and their surroundings. This is indicated by the caveolae and vesicles that are often found here in large numbers and in focal collections. Hairy cells exhibit no features in freeze-fracture replicas to suggest a cytogenetic relationship to interdigitating reticulum cells.  相似文献   

Constitutive models are needed to relate the active and passive mechanical properties of cells to the overall mechanical response of bio-artificial tissues. The Zahalak model attempts to explicitly describe this link for a class of bio-artificial tissues. A fundamental assumption made by Zahalak is that cells stretch in perfect registry with a tissue. We show this assumption to be valid only for special cases, and we correct the Zahalak model accordingly. We focus on short-term and very long-term behavior, and therefore consider tissue constituents that are linear in their loading response (although not necessarily linear in unloading). In such cases, the average strain in a cell is related to the macroscopic tissue strain by a scalar we call the "strain factor". We incorporate a model predicting the strain factor into the Zahalak model, and then reinterpret experiments reported by Zahalak and co-workers to determine the in situ stiffness of cells in a tissue construct. We find that, without the modification in this article, the Zahalak model can underpredict cell stiffness by an order of magnitude.  相似文献   

Confusion regarding microcirculatory pathways in normal human spleen has arisen due to extrapolation from pathological material and from other mammalian spleens, not to mention difficulties in tracing intricate three-dimensional routes from the study of thin sections or cut surfaces of tissue. We examined microcirculatory pathways in normal human spleens freshly obtained from organ transplant donors. A modified corrosion casting procedure was used to obtain an open view of vessels and their connections. Our results demonstrate: 1) "arteriolar-capillary bundles" within lymphatic nodules and extensive branching of arterioles in the marginal zone (MZ); 2) the marginal sinus around lymphatic nodules; 3) the peri-marginal cavernous sinus (PMCS) outside the MZ or immediately adjacent to the nodule itself; the PMCS receives flow via ellipsoid sheaths and MZ, or directly from arterial capillaries, and drains into venous sinuses; 4) fast pathways for flow into venous sinuses via ellipsoid sheaths; 5) arterial capillary terminations in the reticular meshwork of the red pulp or MZ ("open" circulation); direct connections to venous sinuses also occur ("closed" circulation), although rarely; and 6) numerous open-ended venous sinuses in the MZ, allowing a large proportion of the splenic inflow to bypass the red cell filtration sites in the reticular meshwork and at venous sinus walls.  相似文献   

Exploring the micromechanical design of plant cell walls   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Plants are hierarchically organized in a way that their macroscopic properties emerge from their micro- and nanostructural level. Hence, micromechanical investigations, which focus on the mechanical design of plant cell walls, are well suited for elucidating the details of the relationship between plant form and function. However, due to the complex nature of primary and secondary cell walls, micromechanical tests on the entire structure cannot provide exact values for polymer properties but must be targeted at the general mechanisms of cell wall deformation and polymer interaction. The success of micromechanical examinations depends on well-considered specimen selection and/or sample pretreatment as well as appropriate experimental setups. Making use of structural differences by taking advantage of the natural variability in plant tissue and cell structure, adaptation strategies can be analyzed at the micro- and nanoscale. Targeted genetic and enzymatic treatments can be utilized to specifically modify individual polymers without degrading the structural integrity of the cell wall. The mechanical properties of such artificial systems reveal the functional roles of individual polymers for a better understanding of the mechanical interactions within the cell wall assembly. In terms of testing methodology, in situ methods that combine micromechanical testing with structural and chemical analyses are particularly well suited for the study of the basic structure-property relationships in plant design. The micromechanical approaches reviewed here are not exhaustive, but they do provide a reasonably comprehensive overview of the methodology with which the general mechanisms underlying the functionality of plant micro- and nanostructure can be explored without destroying the entire cell wall.  相似文献   

Both the anatomy and the mechanics of inflation of the alveoli, as presented in most textbooks of physiology, have been misunderstood and misrepresented. The typical representation of the acinus as a "bunch of grapes" bears no resemblance to its real anatomy; the alveoli are not independent little balloons. Because of the prevalence of this misconception, Laplace's law, as it applies to spheres, has been invoked as a mechanical model for the forces of alveolar inflation and as an explanation for the necessity of pulmonary surfactant in the alveolus. Alveoli are prismatic or polygonal in shape, i.e., their walls are flat, and Laplace law considerations in their inflation apply only to the very small curved region in the fluid where these walls intersect. Alveoli do not readily collapse into one another because they are suspended in a matrix of connective tissue "cables" and share common, often perforated walls, so there can be no pressure differential across them. Surfactant has important functions along planar surfaces of the alveolar wall and in mitigating the forces that tend to close the small airways. Laplace's law as it applies to cylinders is an important feature of the mechanics of airway collapse, but the law as it applies to spheres is not relevant to the individual alveolus.  相似文献   

Individual plant cells are rather complex mechanical objects. Despite the fact that their wall mechanical strength may be weakened by comparison with their original tissue template, they nevertheless retain some generic properties of the mother tissue, namely the viscoelasticity and the shape of their walls, which are driven by their internal hydrostatic turgor pressure. This viscoelastic behavior, which affects the power-law response of these cells when indented by an atomic force cantilever with a pyramidal tip, is also very sensitive to the culture media. To our knowledge, we develop here an original analyzing method, based on a multiscale decomposition of force-indentation curves, that reveals and quantifies for the first time the nonlinearity of the mechanical response of living single plant cells upon mechanical deformation. Further comparing the nonlinear strain responses of these isolated cells in three different media, we reveal an alteration of their linear bending elastic regime in both hyper- and hypotonic conditions.  相似文献   



Although plants and many algae (e.g. the Phaeophyceae, brown, and Rhodophyceae, red) are only very distantly related they are united in their possession of carbohydrate-rich cell walls, which are of integral importance being involved in many physiological processes. Furthermore, wall components have applications within food, fuel, pharmaceuticals, fibres (e.g. for textiles and paper) and building materials and have long been an active topic of research. As shown in the 27 papers in this Special Issue, as the major deposit of photosynthetically fixed carbon, and therefore energy investment, cell walls are of undisputed importance to the organisms that possess them, the photosynthetic eukaryotes (plants and algae). The complexities of cell wall components along with their interactions with the biotic and abiotic environment are becoming increasingly revealed.


The importance of plant and algal cell walls and their individual components to the function and survival of the organism, and for a number of industrial applications, are illustrated by the breadth of topics covered in this issue, which includes papers concentrating on various plants and algae, developmental stages, organs, cell wall components, and techniques. Although we acknowledge that there are many alternative ways in which the papers could be categorized (and many would fit within several topics), we have organized them as follows: (1) cell wall biosynthesis and remodelling, (2) cell wall diversity, and (3) application of new technologies to cell walls. Finally, we will consider future directions within plant cell wall research. Expansion of the industrial uses of cell walls and potentially novel uses of cell wall components are both avenues likely to direct future research activities. Fundamentally, it is the continued progression from characterization (structure, metabolism, properties and localization) of individual cell wall components through to defining their roles in almost every aspect of plant and algal physiology that will present many of the major challenges in future cell wall research.  相似文献   

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