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We demonstrate that the unequal division of RNA during cytokinesis explains the dispersion of cell generation times in CHO cell cultures. Experimental cytometric results reported previously serve as a basis for a probabilistic model of cytokinesis. Unequal RNA division to daughter cells, together with two simple laws of RNA production, are used as a source of randomness within the cell cycle. The model reproduces the experimental growth of the CHO cell population, including the observed variability in RNA content. The model has stabilizing properties which explain why a cell population with increased RNA content characteristics, a few cell cycles, to the original pattern. Other cell cycle characteristics, like sister-to-sister and mother-to-daughter generation time correlations implied by the model, are close to their experimental analogs. The conceptual basis of the model is general enough to include unequal division of factors other than RNA (cell mass, cell proteins, etc.) as sources of generation time variability. It seems that the observed dispersion of cell generation times, explained previously in the terms of random transitions in some part of the cell cycle (the Smith & Martin A and B state hypothesis), can be reduced to the single random event of unequal division. This supplies a new convenient tool in the investigation of cell cycle kinetics.  相似文献   

A model of the cell cycle, incorporating a deterministic cell-size monitor and a probabilistic component, is investigated. Steady-state distributions for cell size and generation time are calculated and shown to be globally asymptotically stable. These distributions are used to calculate various statistical quantities, which are then compared to known experimental data. Finally, the results are compared to distributions calculated from a Monte-Carlo simulation of the model.  相似文献   

The cell surface charge of 3T3, 3T6, SV40-3T3 cells and trypsin-, neuraminidase- and serumtreated preparations of these has been characterized by microcell electrophoresis. At 25 °C, density-inhibited 3T3 cells show a decrease in electrophoretic mobility when treated with various stimuli of cell division. This effect is not observed at 25 °C for transformed derivatives. The surface charge configuration of various cell preparations exhibits a thermal transition which is located within a temperature range characteristic of each preparation. These and other results from cell electrophoresis, taken together with those obtained in agglutination studies by other authors, are considered evidence for the occurrence in the plasma membrane of these cells of a twodimensional phase separation. The temperature range of this phase separation is shifted on treating the cells by growth stimuli. This effect might be an indication of a basic trigger mechanism in the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Trimethyltin chloride induced age-related suppression of cell division and cell cycle kinetics in human peripheral blood lymphocytes cultured in RPMI 1640 culture medium supplemented with human AB serum, phytohemagglutinin and bromodeoxyuridine. A high frequency of M1 (first metaphase) cells was seen in cultures treated with a high dose (C 1 = 1.0 g per culture) and in lymphocytes from donors in the age range 40–70 years. The delay in cell division and cell cycle kinetics may indicate a longer duration in DNA synthesis induced by trimethyltin chloride in aged lymphocytes.  相似文献   

The stochastic model of cell division formulated by Alt and Tyson is generalized to the case of imprecise binary fission. Closed-form expressions are derived for the generation-time distribution, the birth-size and division-size distributions, the beta curve, and the correlation coefficient of generation times of sister cells. The theoretical results are compared to observations of cell division statistics in a culture of fission yeast.  相似文献   

The G1 blocks in three temperature-sensitive (ts) Syrian hamster cell-cycle mutants have been mapped in relation to other G1 landmarks. Two mutants reported here, ts-559 and ts-694, show defective progression only in G1. When shifted from the permissive temperature of 33 degrees C to the non-permissive temperature of 39 degrees C, G1 cells of these two mutants show no further cell cycle progression, while cells in S, G2 and mitosis progress through the cell cycle but become blocked after entering G1. The two mutants complement each other, and also complement the previously reported mutant ts-550C with blocks in both G1 and G2 of the cell cycle. The locations of the G1 blocks in both ts-559 and ts-694 are before the hydroxyurea arrest point. The G1 ts point in ts-694 is prior to the isoleucine deprivation and serum starvation points, while the G1 block in ts-559 is after the serum starvation point but before the isoleucine block. Other G1 block points which have been reported are in mutants of different species and isolated in different laboratories, causing difficulties for relative positioning of the blocks in G1. The mutants for mapping in this study have been isolated from the same cell line. The G1 ts arrest points of ts-559 and ts-694, and that found in ts-550C, together with nutritional deprivations and metabolic inhibitors, provide seven reference points which divide G1 into six segments, each of which is bracketed by two adjacent points: mitosis, ts-694 block, serum starvation arrest point, ts-559 block, isoleucine deprivation arrest point, ts-550C block, hydroxyurea or excess-thymidine arrest segment.  相似文献   

In a dermal wound model, consisting of human skin fibroblasts in collagen matrix, continuous sinusoidal electrical current stimulation elicited a maximum increase of [3H]thymidine relative to control at 41 mV/m amplitude, 10 Hz. In this paper we elaborate cell cycle kinetics, using the same parameters. Labeling occurred over 4-h intervals beginning at 12 to 20 h after onset of electric exposure. The results suggest a significant increase in [3H]thymidine incorporation over an 8-h period extending from 16–24 hours after stimulus initiation. Bioelectromagnetics 19:68–74, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Recent studies of cell cycle control suggest that cyclin-dependent protein kinases play a central role in the cell's commitment to a new division cycle in late G1. The regulation of these kinases in normal and neoplastic growth is becoming clear.  相似文献   

A mitotic oscillator with one slowly increasing variable (tau L of the order of hours) and one rapidly increasing variable (tau R of the order of minutes) modulated by a timer (ultradian clock) gives an auto-oscillating solution: cells divide when this relaxation oscillator reaches a critical threshold to initiate a rapid phase of the limit cycle. Increasing values of the velocity constant in the slow equation give quasi-periodic, chaotic and periodic solutions. Thus dispersed and quantized cell cycle times are consequences of a chaotic trajectory and have a purely deterministic basis. This model of the dispersion of cell cycle times contrasts with many previous ones in which cell cycle variability is a consequence of stochastic properties inherent in a sequence of many thousands of reactions or the random nature of a key transition step.  相似文献   

As chemical reactions related to the regulation of cell proliferation are governed by availability, amount, and concentration of relevant molecules, it has been suggested that cell size is an important factor in the control of cell cycle. We have measured the size of proliferating cells of Allium cepa roots in which growth rate was modified by changes in growth temperature. Two independent cell size parameters have been measured by cytophotometry: cell surface area projection and cell protein content. Average cell sizes of both the proliferating cell population and the subpopulation at the end of mitosis show that cell size increases with growth rate. Calculation of cell size at initiation of DNA replication clearly indicates that average cell size at this point is not growth invariant but positively correlated with growth rate.  相似文献   

Signalling,cell cycle and pluripotency in embryonic stem cells   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  

Cdc20 (cell division cycle 20 homologue) has been reported to exhibit an oncogenic role in human tumorigenesis. However, the function of Cdc20 in osteosarcoma (OS) has not been investigated. In the current study, we aim to explore the role of Cdc20 in human OS cells. Multiple approaches were used to measure cell growth, apoptosis, cell cycle, migration and invasion in OS cells after depletion of Cdc20 or overexpression of Cdc20. We found that down-regulation of Cdc20 inhibited cell growth, induced apoptosis and triggered cell cycle arrest in OS cells. Moreover, Cdc20 down-regulation let to inhibition of cell migration and invasion in OS cells. Consistently, overexpression of Cdc20 in OS cells promoted cell growth, inhibited apoptosis, enhanced cell migration and invasion. Mechanistically, our Western blotting results showed that overexpression of Cdc20 reduced the expression of Bim and p21, whereas depletion of Cdc20 upregulated Bim and p21 levels in OS cells. Altogether, our findings demonstrated that Cdc20 exerts its oncogenic role partly due to regulation of Bim and p21 in OS cells, suggesting that targeting Cdc20 could be useful for the treatment of OS.  相似文献   

During cell division in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae mother cells produce buds (daughter cells) which are smaller and have longer cell cycles. We performed experiments to compare the lengths of cell cycle phases in mothers and daughters. As anticipated from earlier indirect observations, the longer cell cycle time of daughter cells is accounted for by a longer G1 interval. The S-phase and the G2-phase are of the same duration in mother and daughter cells. An analysis of five isogenic strains shows that cell cycle phase lengths are independent of cell ploidy and mating type.  相似文献   

Cell division must be tightly coupled to cell growth in order to maintain cell size, yet the mechanisms linking these two processes are unclear. It is known that almost all proteins involved in cell division shuttle between cytoplasm and nucleus during the cell cycle; however, the implications of this process for cell cycle dynamics and its coupling to cell growth remains to be elucidated. We developed mathematical models of the cell cycle which incorporate protein translocation between cytoplasm and nucleus. We show that protein translocation between cytoplasm and nucleus not only modulates temporal cell cycle dynamics, but also provides a natural mechanism coupling cell division to cell growth. This coupling is mediated by the effect of cytoplasmic-to-nuclear size ratio on the activation threshold of critical cell cycle proteins, leading to the size-sensing checkpoint (sizer) and the size-independent clock (timer) observed in many cell cycle experiments.  相似文献   

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