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The major objective of this study was to establish standard glucose and lactose tolerance curves for the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus). These data were utilized to establish criteria for detection of abnormal glucose tolerance and characterization of some aspects of the “marmoset wasting syndrome” which has been observed in this species. Glucose and lactose tolerance tests were performed on healthy animals and typical “marmoset wasters.” Eighteen normal animals were 18 to 36 months old and weighed 194–280 g. Six “wasters” were in the age range of 24 to 84 months and weighed 163–253 g. Seven experiments were carried out for each glucose tolerance test. In each trial it was observed that the serum glucose concentration (SGC) of the healthy animal after 90 min was two times higher than the pre-administration concentrations. The SGC returned to the pre-administration concentration within 150–300 min in animals administered glucose at dosages of 2 g/kg and 1 g/kg of body weight. However, at the dosage level of 5 g/kg body weight, the SGC of the animals tripled after 30 min and required 300 min to return to the pre-administration level. The 2 g/kg dosage level was chosen as typical. When similar experiments were conducted with animals identified as “chronic wasters,” all of the animals except one were observed to be inefficient in the absorption of glucose. When lactose was administered at a level of 4 g/kg, similar results were obtained. Normal and “waster” marmosets were also subjected to serum total protein, albumin and electrophoresis determinations in an effort to establish additional criteria that may be utilized in the identification of the “marmoset wasting” syndrome. Serum albumin was significantly higher in the “waster” marmosets 30 min following an oral administration of glucose than was observed in normal animals. Total protein values were not significantly lower in the “wasters” when subjected to the same tolerance test. The albumin level in normal animals was not affected by similar glucose tolerance tests. The electrophoretic patterns of serum protein for normal animals exhibited more bands than was observed in patterns of serum protein for “waster” marmosets. From these data, it seems logical that these diagnostic tests may be useful in developing a profile for the early detection of the “wasting” syndrome in marmosets.  相似文献   

Parental care in mammals is influenced by sensory stimuli from infants, such as sight and sound, and by changes in the hormone levels of caretakers. To determine the responsiveness of common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) adult males with and without previous experience in caretaking to newborn sensory cues, we exposed twelve males to infant vocalization recordings and assessed their hormonal and behavioral responses. Males were placed in the testing cage for 10 min under two conditions: (a) control condition (exposure to adult conspecific vocalization recordings), and (b) experimental condition (exposure to infant vocalization recordings). We recorded the frequency of approach towards the sound source, the time spent near it and locomotion frequency of males in the cage under both conditions. Blood samples were collected after each test for cortisol, measured by the enzyme immunoassay method. Infant vocalization affects the behavioral and hormonal responses of non-reproductive male common marmosets. All males approached and spent more time near the sound source and showed an increase in locomotion during infant vocalization exposure compared to the control condition. Successive exposure to infant vocalization increased the responsiveness in inexperienced males. Cortisol levels were significantly higher following infant vocalization exposure compared to the control condition. These findings support the assumption that sound stimuli from the newborn are critical in initiating and maintaining caretaker responsiveness and that cortisol seems to be important for alertness to sensory stimuli, modulating their motivation to interact with infants.  相似文献   

Our ageing society is confronted with a dramatic increase in incidence of age-related neurodegenerative diseases; biomedical research leading to novel therapeutic strategies is crucial to address this problem. Animal models of neurodegenerative conditions are invaluable in improving our understanding of the molecular basis of pathology, potentially revealing novel targets for intervention. Here, we review transgenic animal models of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease reported in mice, zebrafish, Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila melanogaster. This information will enable researchers to compare different animal models targeting disease-associated molecules by genomic engineering and to facilitate the development of novel animal models for any particular study, depending on the ultimate research goals.  相似文献   

To understand the year-round ecology of seabirds it is necessary not only to study the birds in their breeding grounds, but also to gain information about their movements during the inter-breeding period. Especially for the smaller procellariiform species, such studies are still scarce, mainly due to methodological problems. The recovery rates of banded birds are low and satellite tracking devices still far too heavy to equip these small birds. Here, we present data on foraging areas of Wilson’s storm-petrel Oceanites oceanicus inferred from stable isotope analysis. We compared ratios of δ13C and δ15N between different life-history stages and between the breeding and inter-breeding period. Samples of adult and chick feathers, chick down and egg-white were taken between 1996 and 2005 on King-George-Island, South Shetland Islands. δ13C values can be clearly distinguished between the breeding and inter-breeding period. During the inter-breeding period, most pre-breeders foraged in the same area as breeders, but four pre-breeders were found to forage in latitudes north of the Subtropical Front. In the 2002 inter-breeding period adult birds wintered further north than in 2003, which is in line with the different locations of food rich frontal systems in these years. We show that isotope ratios of both δ13C and δ15N increase from egg white, over chick down to chick feathers. We suggest that this isotopic change, due to a change in both foraging location and diet between egg production and chick feeding, may be used to trace the shift from the use of maternal resources from the egg to the uptake of nutrients from the diet.  相似文献   

The intrinsic growth rate of non-selective microbivores increases asymptotically with increasing prey biomass, but we do not know how intrinsic growth rate is affected by prey richness. The objective of this experiment was to determine the effect of prey richness on the growth kinetics of nematode predators while grazing on mixed bacterial lawns. We found that the intrinsic growth rate of Caenorhabditis elegans in laboratory culture increased asymptotically with prey richness. The mechanism of this pattern was primarily due to the best available prey species in the mixture: the intrinsic growth rate of the consumer feeding on a mixture of prey was approximately equal to the intrinsic growth rate of the predator when feeding on the single best prey in monoculture. This was analogous to the selection effect observed in biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships. Generation time, and not reproductive output, was the life history trait component that was most consistent with the pattern of intrinsic growth rate. Our results suggest that in order to link invertebrate consumers’ growth rates to their microbial species composition in the field, it will be necessary to determine the ability of microbivorous invertebrates to selectively forage in natural environments and to better understand the micro-scale distribution of microbial communities in their natural environments.  相似文献   



To determine the impact of flap creation methods for sub-Bowman’s keratomileusis (SBK) on central Bowman’s layer thickness.


SBK flaps were made by Moria microkeratome for 20 subjects and by femtosecond (FEMTO) laser for 21 subjects. Corneal sublayer thicknesses were measured by ultra-high resolution optical coherence tomography before SBK and at 1 day, 1 week, 2 weeks, and 1 month afterwards. Each subject was imaged twice on each visit. Thicknesses of central epithelium, Bowman’s layer, flap, and total cornea were calculated using a custom-made automated image processing algorithm. The repeatability of sublayer thickness measurements was tested by the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and by the coefficient of repeatability (CoR) at 1 week post-SBK.


ICCs of the Moria and FEMTO groups were ≥0.959 and ≥0.961 respectively for all sublayer measurements. The segmentation CoRs were less than 6.78% and 5.63% respectively. For both groups, microdistortions were present in the epithelium and Bowman’s layer after SKB. The flap thickness of the Moria group was 9.8 μm (95% confidence interval: 4.8 – 14.8μm) thinner than the FEMTO group one day after SBK (independent samples t-test, P < 0.05). Bowman’s layer became thicker by 1.6 ± 1.1 μm and 1.7 ± 1.6 μm one day post-SBK for the Moria and FEMTO groups (repeated ANOVA, P < 0.05) and then remained stable. Corneal and sublayer thickness were similar between the two groups.


Central Bowman’s layer thickness increased 1 day post-SBK. Flap creation by Moria microkeratome and femtosecond laser did not have significantly different impacts on Bowman’s layer thickness following SBK.

Trial Registration

Chinese Clinical Trial Registry (ChiCTR) NO: ChiCTR-OCH-14004525  相似文献   

Chicken feather powder was solubilized by Schweitzer’s reagent with shaking in the presence of air and the soluble feather keratin was prepared by dialyzing this extract against running water. Cystine residues in the starting feather keratin was converted to cysteic acid residues in the solubilized derivatives by air oxygen. Copper was bound fairly tightly to the solubilized protein and this copper-protein complex was separated into four fractions by CM- and DEAE-cellulose column chromatography. Each fraction had varied amount of bound copper, having a broad distribution of the molecular weight between 10,000 and 60,000 Sephadex column chromatographically. Although the amino acid composition of all separated feather keratin fractions were quite similar, the different electrophoretic patterns were observed among them by DISC electrophoresis.  相似文献   

The habitat of Temminck’s Tragopan (Tragopan temminckii), a threatened species in China, has undergone severe fragmentation. Eight polymorphic microsatellite markers were isolated from Temminck’s Tragopan. Polymorphism was studied using 24 individuals collected from the wild. All the loci were polymorphic with number of alleles ranging from 6 to 21 and observed heterozygosity 0.38–0.83. These primers will be useful in studying gene flow between patches of Temminck’s Tragopan habitat and the level of genetic diversity in isolated patches.  相似文献   

Fraker ME 《Oecologia》2009,158(4):765-774
The prior experience of prey may influence how they assess the level of predation risk associated with an information source. Here, I present the results from a set of experiments that demonstrate how the prior experience of green frog (Rana clamitans) tadpoles can influence their risk assessment during exposure to the chemical cue of predatory larval dragonflies (Anax spp.) consuming conspecific tadpoles. At the short-term scale, green frog tadpoles perceived a higher level of risk when consecutive cue exposures overlapped, but only when the total chemical cue concentration was weak. Weaker chemical cue concentrations may be less reliable than stronger cue concentrations, and overlapping cue exposures may increase the degree of certainty that tadpoles have in their perceived risk. When consecutive cue exposures did not overlap, tadpoles assessed the risk associated with each cue exposure independently. Predator-conditioned tadpoles responded longer during exposure to the Anax chemical cue than nonconditioned tadpoles, which suggests that a tadpole’s long-term experience eventually does influence its risk assessment. In general, the results suggest that a prey’s prior experience may influence its current perceived risk by influencing either the degree of certainty in or the level of its perceived risk. Understanding how the prior experience of prey influences their current risk assessment requires that the rate of decay of the value of prior experience should be identified at two timescales as an indicator of the current level of predation risk.  相似文献   

Neurochemical Research - Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a major neurodegenerative disease of old age, characterised by progressive cognitive impairment, dementia and atrophy of the central...  相似文献   

Women’s preferences for men’s masculinized faces and voices were assessed after women (n = 331) were primed with images of male-on-male aggression, male-on-female aggression, pathogens, and neutral scenes. Male-on-male aggression and pathogen primes were associated with increased preference for masculine traits, but the same effect emerged in the neutral condition. We show the increased preference for masculine traits was due to repeated exposure to these traits, not the priming images themselves. Images of male-on-female aggression were an exception; these elicited feelings of disgust and anger appeared to disrupt the preference for masculinized traits. The results suggest women process men’s facial and vocal traits as signals of aggressive potential and lose any preference for these traits with cues indicating men might direct this aggression toward them.  相似文献   

Fledgling birds are notoriously difficult to find and capture because of their cryptic behavior. As a result, researchers usually affix transmitters to nestlings to study aspects of post-fledging ecology. However, parents may attempt to remove nestling transmitters, which could negatively impact nestlings. We attached radio-transmitters to 95 Sprague’s Pipit (Anthus spragueii) nestlings using a modified Rappole and Tipton leg harness. Within 1–2 days after transmitter attachment, we recorded six cases of parents removing transmitters from nestlings and depositing the transmitters outside the nest. At one of these nests, we videotaped parents pecking and pulling at nestlings that had transmitters and also dragging a nestling out of the nest by the transmitter. Of 12 video-monitored nests where we attached transmitters to nestlings, 33% had cases of parents attempting to remove transmitters by pecking and pulling at nestlings. Our observations highlight the need to closely monitor nestlings with transmitters so that researchers have the opportunity to reattach transmitters should parents remove them and to monitor the health of nestlings. Video-monitoring nests could also help to identify any unseen, negative impacts on nestlings due to transmitter attachment.  相似文献   

Although interest in the ecological impacts of invasive species has largely focused on negative effects, some native taxa may benefit from invader arrival. In tropical Australia, invasive cane toads (Bufo marinus) have fatally poisoned many native predators (e.g., marsupials, crocodiles, lizards) that attempt to ingest the toxic anurans, but birds appear to be more resistant to toad toxins. We quantified offtake of dead (road-killed) cane toads by raptors (black kites (Milvus migrans) and whistling kites (Haliastur sphenurus)) at a site near Darwin, in the Australian wet-dry tropics. Raptors readily took dead toads, especially small ones, although native frogs were preferred to toads if available. More carcasses were removed in the dry season than the wet season, perhaps reflecting seasonal availability of alternative prey. Raptors appeared to recognize and avoid bufotoxins, and typically removed and consumed only the toads’ tongues (thereby minimizing toxin uptake). The invasion of cane toads thus constitutes a novel prey type for scavenging raptors, rather than (as is the case for many other native predators) a threat to population viability.  相似文献   

Summary Prey-selection behaviour of the phytoseiid mite Typhlodromus pyri Scheuten was analysed with a Markovtype model of feeding-state dynamics and feeding-state dependent searching behaviour (Sabelis 1981, 1986, 1989; Metz and Van Batenburg 1985a, b). All behavioural characteristics of the predator which are independent of the feeding state were represented by one parameter. The remaining feeding-state dependent characteristics were represented by a function of the feeding state, with one parameter. The best parameter values to describe a predator-prey interaction were determined by fitting the model to the predation rates in monocultures. Under the assumption that the parameter values are not dependent on the composition of prey species supply, the diet of the predators in mixed cultures was predicted from parameters estimated in monoculture experiments.Two prey types, apple rust mite (Aculus schlechtendali (Nalepa)) adults and European red spider mite (Panonychus ulmi (Koch)) larvae were studied. A large discrepancy was observed between calculated and experimentally determined predation rates of T. pyri in mixed cultures: the predators actually killed 3–7 times more P. ulmi larvae than was predicted by the model.The large difference between observed and predicted predation rates in mixed cultures cannot be explained by changes in the behaviour of the prey species as a result of being together. Therefore, it seems likely that the prey selection behaviour of the predator was different when prey species were presented together than when presented singly. Apparently the predatory mite T. pyri prefers P. ulmi to S. schlechtendali.  相似文献   

Foraging theory predicts that predators should prefer foraging in habitat patches with higher prey densities. However, density depends on the spatial scale at which a “patch” is defined by an observer. Ecologists strive to measure prey densities at the same scale that predators do, but many natural landscapes lack obvious, well-defined prey patches. Thus one must determine the scale at which predators define patches of prey. We estimated the scale at which guppies, Poecilia reticulata, selected patches of zooplankton prey using a behavioral assay. Guppies could choose between two prey arrays, each manipulated to have a density that depended on the spatial scale at which density was calculated. We estimated the scale of guppy foraging by comparing guppy preferences across a series of trials in which we systematically varied the scale associated with “high” prey density. This approach enables the application of foraging theory to non-discrete habitats and prey landscapes.  相似文献   

Amyloid precursor protein (APP) has been modified by β and γ-secretase that cause amyloid deposits (plaques) in neuronal cells. Glyceraldhyde-derived AGEs has been identified as a major source of neurotoxicity in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). In a previous study, we demonstrated that glyceraldehyde-derived AGEs increase APP and Aβ via ROS. Furthermore, the combination of AGEs and Aβ has been shown to enhance neurotoxicity. In mice, APP expression is increased by tail vein injection of AGEs. This evidence suggests a correlation between AGEs and the development of AD. However, the role played by AGEs in the pathogenesis of AD remains unclear. In this report, we demonstrate that AGEs up-regulate APP processing protein (BACE and PS1) and Sirt1 expression via ROS, but do not affect the expression of downstream antioxidant genes HO-1 and NQO-1. Moreover, we found that AGEs increase GRP78 expression and enhance the cell death-related pathway p53, bcl-2/bax ratio, caspase 3. These results indicate that AGEs impair the neuroprotective effects of Sirt1 and lead to neuronal cell death via ER stress. Our findings suggest that AGEs increase ROS production, which stimulates downstream pathways related to APP processing, Aβ production, Sirt1, and GRP78, resulting in the up-regulation of cell death related pathway. This in-turn enhances neuronal cell death, which leads to the development of AD.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to ascertain the relationship between the phosphorylation of FOXO1 and the apoptosis and the proliferation of lymphoma cells so as to further clarify the cellular biology and pathogenesis of the disease. The lymphoma cells Namalwa and Jurkat were treated with PI3K inhibitor wortmannin or etoposide alone or wortmannin plus etoposide with different schedule. The inhibition rates of lymphoma cell growth were examined by XTT assay. Apoptosis were detected by flow cytometry. The expression of p-Akt, p-FOXO1, FOXO1, bim were determined by western blot analysis. Wortmannin induced apoptosis of Jurkat cells and Namalwa cells and inhibited their survival effectively. The rate of growth inhibition and apoptosis of lymphoma cells induced by wortmannin plus etoposide were higher than those induced by etoposide alone. After treated with wortmannin, phosphorylation of FOXO1 remarkably reduced and bim increased. The dephosphorylation of FOXO1 inhibited proliferation of Jurkat cells and Namalwa cells, promoted their apoptosis and sensitized Non-Hodgkin lymphoma cells to etoposide. Bim activated by FOXO1 promoted cells apoptosis.  相似文献   

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