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The Point Arena mountain beaver (Aplodontia rufa nigra) is an endangered subspecies. Efforts to recover this sub‐species will be aided by advances in molecular genetics, specifically the ability to estimate population size using noninvasive genetic sampling. Here we report on the development of nine polymorphic loci for the Point Arena mountain beaver. These markers provide us sufficient power to distinguish individuals, and thus can be used for calculating population size and delineating population substructure.  相似文献   

We developed 10 microsatellite markers for the mountain beaver, Aplodontia rufa rufa. In three populations of A. r. rufa, the number of alleles for these loci ranged from monomorphic to nine. Average observed heterozygosities in these populations ranged from 0.29 to 0.60. We also tested previously published markers from the endangered subspecies A. r. nigra in A. r. rufa populations.  相似文献   

Analysis of synchronously recorded cine-radiographs and electromyograms in two rodents (Aplodontia rufa and Marmota monax) demonstrates that jaw movements and muscle activiteis during incisal functions are distinctly different from those found during mastication. Movements during incisal biting are primarily along the midline, accompanied by symmetrical activity of the jaw adductor muscles. Most biting cycles do not end in contact between upper and lower incisors. When contact does occur, the lower incisors are dragged along the lingual surfaces of the upper incisors. Cropping, or tip-to-tip occlusion of upper and lower incisors, was not observed. Sharpening of the lower incisors, a behavior which may be unique to the Rodentia, was recorded in both A. rufa and M. monax. During sharpening, the lingual surface of the lower incisor is dragged across the tip of the upper incisor producing a lingual wear facet. Like incisal biting, sharpening movements are primarily confined to the midline, although there may be lateral movements in some sharpening cycles. Sharpening cycles are among the most rapid cyclic movements recorded in mammals, as the mean frequencies of sharpening are 11 cycles/s in A. rufa and 8 cycles/s in M. monax. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The landscape genetics framework is typically applied to broad regions that occupy only small portions of a species’ range. Rarely is the entire range of a taxon the subject of study. We examined the landscape genetic structure of the endangered Point Arena mountain beaver (Aplodontia rufa nigra), whose isolated geographic range is found in a restricted (85 km2) but heterogenous region in California. Based on its diminutive range we may predict widespread gene flow and a relatively weak role for landscape variation in defining genetic structure. We used skin, bone, tissue and noninvasively collected hair samples to describe genetic substructure and model gene flow. We examined spatial partitioning of multilocus DNA genotypes and mitochondrial DNA haplotypes. We identified 3 groups from microsatellite data, all of which had low estimates of effective population size consistent with significant tests for historical bottlenecks. We used least-cost-path analysis with the microsatellites to examine how vegetation type affects gene flow in a landscape genetics framework. Gene flow was best predicted by a model with “Forest” as the most permeable, followed by “Riparian”. Agricultural lands demonstrated the highest resistance. MtDNA data revealed only two haplotypes: one was represented in all 57 individuals that occurred north of the east–west flowing Garcia River. South of the river, however, both haplotypes occurred, often at the same site suggesting that the river may have affected historical patterns of genetic divergence.  相似文献   

Energy expenditure and water flux were measured in free-ranging alpacas Lama pacos, a South American camelid, on natural pastures of the Peruvian Andes (altitude: 4,400 m above sea level). Water influx rate (WIR) was estimated in 16 males (age 2 years, weight 48.5+/-8.6 kg) labelled with 2H. In addition, the field metabolic rate (FMR) was measured in four of these animals labelled with both an oxygen (18O) and a hydrogen (2H) isotope. The WIR averaged 3.62 L H2O/day and the mean total body water 33.1 kg, equal to 68.2% of body weight (BW). The FMR of the four doubly labelled animals was 14.05 MJ/day. New allometric equations were calculated describing the relationships between WIR or FMR and BW, respectively, including published data on ruminants and the present alpaca results. The regression equation indicates that daily WIR scales to a similar metabolic size (kilograms of BW(0.94)) in alpacas than in wild or domesticated ruminants and camelids originating from arid and semiarid habitats. The resulting regression equation for FMR explained over 99% of the variation and corresponded to the function FMR (kilojoules per day)=1079 (kilograms of BW0.668) (n=5, r2=0.995, P<0.001). The FMR measured in this study, the first reported for a South American camelid species, suggests that free-ranging alpacas have similar energy expenditures on a metabolic weight basis as other wild ruminants living under harsh climatic conditions.  相似文献   

Four species of fleas, 2 species of mites, and the cysticerci of Taenia tenuicollis were collected from mountain beavers, Aplodontia rufa, collected in Washington and Oregon. A summary of the metazoan parasites reported from A. rufa is included.  相似文献   

The energy and water used by Varanus varius correlated with changes in weather, activity, and possibly the availability of prey. In summer, CO(2) production and water influx rates were high (0.147 mL CO(2) g(-1) h(-1) and 23.6 mL H(2)O kg(-1) d(-1)) but substantially lower during autumn (0.053 mL CO(2) g(-1) h(-1) and 9.1 mL H(2)O kg(-1) d( -1)) and winter (0.016 mL CO(2) g(-1) h(-1) and 2.4 mL H(2)O kg(-1) d(-1)), increasing again in spring (0.052 mL CO(2) g(-1) h(-1) and 7.9 mL H(2)O kg(-1) d(-1)). The summer-winter difference represented more than a ninefold reduction in energy expenditure and water flux. However, individual V. varius could manipulate their energy and water requirements by up to sixfold during the summer period by regulating activity. Although we found no adaptive benefits of increased or decreased level of activity, we did find that larger animals moved more frequently and over greater distances than smaller animals. We hypothesise that V. varius regulates its activity on the basis of the trade-off between energy expenditure through activity and energy acquisition through foraging.  相似文献   

Milk ingested by mammalian offspring, coupled with offspring's utilization of this energetic investment, influences survival and growth. A number of studies have examined milk intake in otariids, but few have examined milk intake over the entire lactation period, and none has independently measured energy expenditure concurrent with milk intake. We concurrently examined milk intake, field metabolic rate (FMR), and body composition of 41 pups over the entire lactation interval in 1995 and 1996 on St. Paul Island, Alaska. One hundred two metabolic measurements were obtained with isotope dilution methods. Mean milk intake did not differ annually but increased with age and mass, ranging from 3,400+/-239 to 6,780+/-449 (+/-SE) mL per suckling bout. Milk energy consumption did not vary with age on a mass-specific basis. No differences were detected in milk volume consumed by male and female pups, either absolutely or on a mass-specific basis. Mass-specific FMR peaked during molting, was lowest postmolt, and did not vary by sex. Pups in 1995 had lower FMR than pups in 1996 and were also fatter. Mean milk energy utilized for maintenance metabolism decreased over time from 77% to 43% in 1995 and remained at 71% in 1996. Pup body mass was negatively correlated with the percentage of total body water and positively correlated with the percentage of total body lipid (TBL). Pups increased the percentage of TBL from 16% to 37%. Northern fur seal pups increased energy intake over lactation, while concurrent changes in body composition and pelage condition resulted in mass-specific metabolic savings after the molt.  相似文献   

In capital breeders, individual differences in body size and condition can impact mating effort and success. In addition to the collateral advantages of large body size in competition, large nutrient reserves may offer advantages in endurance rivalry and enable the high rates of energy expenditure associated with mating success. We examined the impacts of body reserves and dominance rank on energy expenditure, water flux, mating success, and breeding tenure in the adult male northern elephant seal, a polygynous, capital breeder. Adult males expended energy at a rate of 159 ± 49 MJ d (-1), which is equivalent to 3.1 times the standard metabolic rate predicted by Kleiber's equation. Despite high rates of energy expenditure and a long fasting duration, males spared lean tissue effectively, deriving a mean of 7% of their metabolism from protein catabolism. Body composition had a strong impact on the ability to spare lean tissue during breeding. When controlling for body size, energy expenditure, depletion of blubber reserves, and water efflux were significantly greater in alpha males than in subordinate males. Large body size was associated with increased reproductive effort, tenure on shore, dominance rank, and reproductive success. Terrestrial locomotion and topography appeared to strongly influence energy expenditure. Comparisons with conspecific females suggest greater total seasonal reproductive effort in male northern elephant seals when controlling for the effects of body mass. In polygynous capital breeding systems, male effort may be strongly influenced by physiological state and exceed that of females.  相似文献   

Animals process and allocate energy at different seasons at variable rates, depending on their breeding season and changes in environmental conditions and resulting physiological demands. Overall total energy expenditure, in turn, should either increase in some seasons due to special added demands (e.g. reproduction) or it could simply remain at about the same level, in which case the animals must show compensatory rebalancing of other expenditures that can be reduced. To test for the alternative hypotheses of seasonal variability or compensation, we measured total daily energy expenditure (DEE) in free-living degus (Octodon degus) at four seasons and followed this with determinations of basal metabolic rate (BMR) in the laboratory in the same individuals. DEE varied seasonally but was only significantly different (lower) in summer (non-breeding season), with a DEE:BMR ratio of only 1.6, whereas autumn, winter and spring DEE values were statistically indistinguishable from one another and showed DEE:BMR ratios ranging from 1.9 to 2.2. Our values of DEE in the field fall within the broad range of allometric expectation for herbivorous mammals in general, but the ratios of DEE:BMR are lower than expected. This, together with the lack of strong major shifts in total levels of DEE, suggests that degus are showing compensatory shifts among various categories of energy expenditure that allow them to manage their overall energy balance by minimizing total expenditure.  相似文献   

Skeletal and dental pathology of free-ranging mountain gorillas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The mountain gorillas of the central Virungas have been the subject of field study for the last 30 years; however, our understanding of morbidity and mortality in these apes is limited. This paper describes pathological conditions of the skeleton and dentition of these animals and evaluates lesions in relation to behavioral and environmental data. The skeletal remains of 31 mountain gorillas from the Karisoke Research Center were examined for enamel wear, carious lesions, abscesses, periodontal disease, antemortem tooth loss, trauma, inflammation, arthritis, neoplasia, and developmental anomalies. Two infants, three juveniles, 13 adult males, and 13 adult females form the sample. Enamel wear in the permanent posterior dentition is moderate. Six periapical abscesses were seen; three are associated with antemortem tooth breakage. No carious lesions were observed. Pronounced calculus buildup and alveolar resorption are the most notable pathological conditions of the dentition and affect all adult animals. The primary affliction of the skeleton is arthritis, which affects 14 animals. Vertebral degenerative disease predominates, but there is also temporomandibular joint involvement. Fractures occur at seven locations in the postcranium. In addition, there are five cranial injuries, including a fractured sagittal crest, and a penetrating wound to the vault, which is believed to result from a bite. Also thought to result from a bite is a case of cranial osteomyelitis. The only other inflammatory responses are two cases of idiopathic periostitis and one idiopathic lytic lesion. Button osteomas affect two animals and are the only neoplastic conditions observed. Two animals are afflicted by developmental abnormalities: one animal by idiopathic vertebral fusion and the other by spinal scoliosis.  相似文献   

The utility of the doubly labeled water method for the determination of energy expenditure and water output was investigated in humans. Approximately 10 g of 18O and 0.5 g of 2H as water was orally administered to four healthy adults. Total body water was determined from the isotope dilution, and the ensuing 18O and 2H disappearance rates from body water were determined for 13 days by mass spectrometric isotope ratio analysis of the urinary water. During this period, subjects were maintained on a measured diet to determine energy and water intake. The energy expenditure from the doubly labeled water method differed from dietary intake plus change in body composition by an average of 2%, with a coefficient of variation of 6%. The water outputs determined by the two methods differed by 1%, with a coefficient of variation of 7%. The doubly labeled water method is noninvasive, and the subjects could maintain their daily activities without restriction.  相似文献   

Knowledge about the root system structure and the uptake efficiency of root orders is critical to understand the adaptive plasticity of plants towards salt stress. Thus, this study describes the phenological and physiological plasticity of Citrus volkameriana rootstocks under severe NaCl stress on the level of root orders. Phenotypic root traits known to influence uptake processes, for example frequency of root orders, specific root area, cortical thickness, and xylem traits, did not change homogeneously throughout the root system, but changes after 6 months under 90 mM NaCl stress were root order specific. Chloride accumulation significantly increased with decreasing root order, and the Cl(-) concentration in lower root orders exceeded those in leaves. Water flux densities of first-order roots decreased to <20% under salinity and did not recover after stress release. The water flux densities of higher root orders changed marginally under salinity and increased 2- to 6-fold in second and third root orders after short-term stress release. Changes in root order frequency, morphology, and anatomy indicate rapid and major modification of C. volkameriana root systems under salt stress. Reduced water uptake under salinity was related to changes of water flux densities among root orders and to reduced root surface areas. The importance of root orders for water uptake changed under salinity from root tips towards higher root orders. The root order-specific changes reflect differences in vulnerability (indicated by the salt accumulation) and ontogenetic status, and point to functional differences among root orders under high salinity.  相似文献   

We sought to determine the effect of variation in time-activity budgets (TABs) and foraging behavior on energy expenditure rates of parent black-legged kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla). We quantified TABs using direct observations of radio-tagged adults and simultaneously measured field metabolic rates (FMR) of these same individuals (n=20) using the doubly labeled water technique. Estimated metabolic rates of kittiwakes attending their brood at the nest or loafing near the colony were similar (ca. 1.3 x basal metabolic rate [BMR]), although loafing during foraging trips was more costly (2.9 x BMR). Metabolic rates during commuting flight (7.3 x BMR) and prey-searching flight (6.2 x BMR) were similar, while metabolic rates during plunge diving were much higher (ca. 47 x BMR). The proportion of the measurement interval spent foraging had a positive effect on FMR (R2=0.68), while the combined proportion of time engaged in nest attendance and loafing near the colony had a negative effect on FMR (R2=0.72). Thus, more than two-thirds of the variation in kittiwake FMR could be explained by the allocation of time among various activities. The high energetic cost of plunge diving relative to straight flight and searching flight suggests that kittiwakes can optimize their foraging strategy under conditions of low food availability by commuting long distances to feed in areas where gross foraging efficiency is high.  相似文献   

For conservation purposes and due to growing ecotourism, free-ranging mountain gorillas (Gorilla gorilla beringei) have been habituated to humans. Fecal specimens (n = 62) collected in January 1999 from mountain gorillas of the Bwindi and Mgahinga National Parks, Uganda, were tested for Campylobacter spp., Salmonella spp., and Shigella spp., and the overall prevalence of infection was 19%, 13%, and 6%, respectively. The prevalence of positive specimens was not related to the year of habituation of a gorilla group to humans. Campylobacter spp., Salmonella, and Shigella spp. infections were not distributed equally among the age classes of gorillas; most of the enteropathogens (80%), and all Shigella spp. organisms, S. sonnei, S. boydii, and S. flexneri, were isolated from subadults and adult gorillas with ages ranging from 6.0 to 11.9 yr. The prevalence of Campylobacter spp. and Salmonella spp. infections among human-habituated gorillas has doubled during the last 4 yr, and isolation of Shigella spp. for the first time from mountain gorillas, may indicate enhanced anthropozoonotic transmission of these enteropathogens.  相似文献   

Laying hens are increasingly kept in barn or free-range systems, which not only allows birds to move freely but also potentially entails higher energy expenditures due to higher locomotor activity. Therefore, the aim of our study was to quantify the daily energy expenditure (DEE) and water turnover in freely moving laying hens. For that purpose, 10 Lohmann Selected Leghorn (LSL) and 10 Lohmann Brown (LB) hens were obtained from a conventional breeding company at 17 weeks of age. The trial started when birds reached an age of 34 weeks. All 20 birds were kept together in the same littered floor pen (12.1 m2). The pen was equipped with perches, a nest box, feeding and nipple drinkers. The DEE was determined individually for all experimental birds (n = 20) for a total of nine days using the doubly labelled water (DLW) method. Lohmann Brown hens were heavier than LSL hens, but laying rate did not differ between the two breeds, that is, one egg per hen and day during the study period. Average egg mass was 63.1 ± 0.20 g in LB and 61.7 ± 0.12 g in LSL hens, which converted to an egg energy content of 420 and 410 kJ/egg, respectively. Dilution spaces for oxygen and hydrogen differed between the breeds but not the respective turnover rates. Total body water as a percentage of body mass (LB: 54.4%, LSL: 53.8%; SEM = 0.7, F1,18 = 0.41, P = 0.513) and total water intake (TWI) per day (LB: 275 ml/day, LSL: 276 ml/day; SEM = 20, F1,17 = 0, P = 0.994) did not differ between LB and LSL hens. Individual DEE increased with body mass in LB but not in LSL hens. Average DEE did not differ between the two breeds (LB: 1 501 kJ/day; LSL: 1 520 kJ/day; SEM = 32.1, F1,17 = 2.54, P = 0.131). However, when comparing the DEE on a metabolic mass basis, LSL hens expended with 984 kJ/kg0.75 on average significantly more energy per day than LB hens (895 kJ/kg0.75; SEM = 20.3, F1,18 = 10.1, P = 0.005). Our results suggest that the DLW technique is a viable method to measure the energy expenditure and water turnover over several days in laying hens. Furthermore, we show that laying hens kept in floor pens fit into the general pattern of DEE among wild birds.  相似文献   

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