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Many species alter their activity, microhabitat use, morphology and life history in response to predators. Predation risk is related to predator size and palatability of prey among others factors. We analyzed the predation risk of three species of tadpoles that occur in norwestern Patagonia, Argentina: Pleurodema thaul, Pleurodema bufoninum and Rhinella spinulosa. We sampled aquatic insect predators in 18 ponds to determine predator–tadpole assemblage in the study area. In laboratory conditions, we analysed the predation rate imposed by each predator on each tadpole species at different tadpole sizes. Finally, we tested whether tadpoles alter their activity in the presence of chemical and visual cues from predators. Small P. thaul and P. bufoninum tadpoles were the most vulnerable prey species, while small R. spinulosa tadpoles were only consumed by water bugs. Dragonflies and water bugs were the most dangerous tadpole predators. Small P. thaul tadpoles reduced their activity when they were exposed to all predators, while large tadpoles only reduced the activity in the presence of large predators (dragonfly larvae and water bugs). Small P. bufoninum tadpoles reduced the activity when they were exposed to beetle larvae and dragonfly larvae, while large tadpoles only reduced activity when they were exposed to larger predators (water bugs and dragonfly larvae). R. spinulosa tadpoles were the less sensitive to presence of predators, only larger tadpoles responded significantly to dragonfly larvae by reducing their activity. We conclude that behavioural responses of these anuran species were predator-specific and related to the risk imposed by each predator.  相似文献   

Prey modify their behaviour to avoid predation, but dilemmas arise when predators vary in hunting style. Behaviours that successfully evade one predator sometimes facilitate exposure to another predator, forcing the prey to choose the lesser of two evils. In such cases, we need to quantify behavioural strategies in a mix of predators. We model optimal behaviour of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua larvae in a water column, and find the minimal vulnerability from three common predator groups with different hunting modes; 1) ambush predators that sit‐and‐wait for approaching fish larvae; 2) cruising invertebrates that eat larvae in their path; and 3) fish which are visually hunting predators. We use a state‐dependent model to find optimal behaviours (vertical position and swimming speed over a diel light cycle) under any given exposure to the three distinct modes of predation. We then vary abundance of each predator and quantify direct and indirect effects of predation. The nature and strength of direct and indirect effects varied with predator type and abundance. Larvae escaped about half the mortality from fish by swimming deeper to avoid light, but their activity level and cumulative predation from ambush predators increased. When ambush invertebrates dominated, it was optimal to be less active but in more lit habitats, and predation from fish increased. Against cruising predators, there was no remedy. In all cases, the shift in behaviour allowed growth to remain almost the same, while total predation were cut by one third. In early life stages with high and size‐dependent mortality rates, growth rate can be a poor measure of the importance of behavioural strategies.  相似文献   

G. Ernsting 《Oecologia》1977,31(1):13-20
Summary With diurnally active predators like Notiophilus biquttatus F. food deprivation is involved in predation in two ways: as a consequence of food shortage (i.e., low prey density), and as a consequence of the night period. The pattern of food intake after deprivation at night has been studied with respect to two prey species and differently deprived predators. They prey species represent a locomotory active one (Orchesella cincta) and a locomotory inactive one (Tomocerus minor). It appears that the rate of predation after deprivation shows a distinct pattern, initially high and then slowing to a more or less constant value. This pattern is influenced by food deprivation and type of prey. The beetles preying on O. cincta consumed more prey than those preying on T. minor. The more deprived predators compensated for deprivation by a higher daily predation when O. cincta was the prey, but not when T. minor was. Consequences of these findings are discussed with respect to diet composition and functional response.  相似文献   

Locomotion and Escape Modes in Rodents of the Monte Desert (Argentina)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Modes of locomotion and escape tactics are attributes that affect the structure of animal communities, promoting exploitation of different microhabitats and the coexistence of different species. Bipedal locomotion is considered to be more effective than a quadrupedal gait in escaping attacks by predators because it allows for higher speed, a faster response to attack, sudden changes of direction and better detection of aerial raptors. The aim of this study was to determine the type of locomotion used at the moment of escape by three rodent species of the Monte desert –Eligmodontia typus, Akodon molinae and Graomys griseoflavus. The study was carried out in three plant communities of the Ñacuñán Reserve (Mendoza). All three species showed differences in both mode of escape and locomotory pattern. Graomys griseoflavus exhibited the highest proportion of escapes using quadrupedal saltation. The mode of locomotion employed by E. typus varied according to the type of plant communities it inhabited. Those occurring at open sites (Medanal community) exhibited a greater propensity to jump during escapes than those from more sheltered habitats (Algarrobal community). Akodon molinae relied primarily on a quadrupedal gait when fleeing from predators, which would explain its greater dependence on plant cover. Therefore, the morphological and behavioural characteristics of these species are related to their mode of locomotion and the strategies they employ to diminish the risk of predation.  相似文献   

Yurewicz KL 《Oecologia》2004,138(1):102-111
Behavioral and morphological traits often influence a key trade-off between resource acquisition and vulnerability to predation, and understanding trait differences between species can provide critical insight into their interactions with other species and their distributions. Such an approach should enhance our understanding of the criteria for coexistence between species that can interact through both competition and predation (i.e. intraguild predators and prey). I conducted a common garden experiment that revealed strong differences between three guild members (larval salamanders Ambystoma laterale, A. maculatum, and A. tigrinum) in behavior, morphology, and growth in the presence and absence of a shared top predator (the larval dragonfly Anax longipes). All three species also reduced their activity and modified their tail fin depth, tail muscle length, and body length in response to non-lethal Anax. Species that act as intraguild predators were more active and could grow faster than their intraguild prey species, but they also suffered higher mortality in laboratory predation trials with Anax. I also used survey data from natural communities to compare the distribution of Ambystoma species between ponds differing in abiotic characteristics and predatory invertebrate assemblages. An intraguild prey species (A. maculatum) was found more reliably, occurred at higher densities, and was more likely to persist late into the larval period in ponds with more diverse invertebrate predator assemblages. Taken together, these results indicate that top predators such as Anax may play an important role in influencing intraguild interactions among Ambystoma and ultimately their local distribution patterns.  相似文献   

Greater biodiversity among aphid predators sometimes leads to greater predator reproductive success. This could occur if cannibalism of predator eggs is consistently stronger than intraguild predation, such that diversity dilutes cannibalism risk when total predator densities remain constant across diversity levels. We compared the frequency of cannibalism versus intraguild predation by adult predators of four species [the lady beetles Coccinella septempunctata L. and Hippodamia convergens Guerin-Meneville, and the predatory bugs Geocoris bullatus (Say) and Nabis alternatus Parshley] on the eggs of three predator species (all of these predators but Nabis). For both coccinellid species, egg predation averaged across all intraguild predators was less frequent than cannibalism. In contrast, Geocoris eggs were generally more likely to be consumed by intraguild predators than by conspecifics. Closer inspection of the data revealed that Geocoris consistently consumed fewer eggs than the other species, regardless of egg species. Indeed, for lady beetle eggs it was relatively infrequent egg predation by Geocoris that brought down the average across all heterospecific predators, masking the fact that adults of the two lady beetles were no more likely to act as egg cannibals than as intraguild predators. Nabis ate eggs of the two beetles at approximately equal rates, but rarely ate Geocoris eggs. Female predators generally consumed more eggs than did males, but this did not alter any of the patterns described above. Altogether, our results suggest that species-specific differences in egg predation rates determined the relative intensity of egg intraguild-predation versus cannibalism, rather than any more general trend for egg cannibalism to always exceed intraguild predation.  相似文献   

Batoids differ from other elasmobranch fishes in that they possess dorsoventrally flattened bodies with enlarged muscled pectoral fins. Most batoids also swim using either of two modes of locomotion: undulation or oscillation of the pectoral fins. In other elasmobranchs (e.g., sharks), the main locomotory muscle is located in the axial myotome; in contrast, the main locomotory muscle in batoids is found in the enlarged pectoral fins. The pectoral fin muscles of sharks have a simple structure, confined to the base of the fin; however, little to no data are available on the more complex musculature within the pectoral fins of batoids. Understanding the types of fibers and their arrangement within the pectoral fins may elucidate how batoid fishes are able to utilize such unique swimming modes. In the present study, histochemical methods including succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) and immunofluoresence were used to determine the different fiber types comprising these muscles in three batoid species: Atlantic stingray (Dasyatis sabina), ocellate river stingray (Potamotrygon motoro) and cownose ray (Rhinoptera bonasus). All three species had muscles comprised of two muscle fiber types (slow-red and fast-white). The undulatory species, D. sabina and P. motoro, had a larger proportion of fast-white muscle fibers compared to the oscillatory species, R. bonasus. The muscle fiber sizes were similar between each species, though generally smaller compared to the axial musculature in other elasmobranch fishes. These results suggest that batoid locomotion can be distinguished using muscle fiber type proportions. Undulatory species are more benthic with fast-white fibers allowing them to contract their muscles quickly, as a possible means of escape from potential predators. Oscillatory species are pelagic and are known to migrate long distances with muscles using slow-red fibers to aid in sustained swimming.  相似文献   

Behavior can play a mediating role in determining the selective pressures that influence the evolution of morphological structures. To examine this, I quantified patterns of morphological variation among larvae of Enallagma damselfly species (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) that use different behaviors to avoid the major predators found in each of two communities, lakes with and without fish. Specifically, I quantified the sizes and shapes of the abdomens and caudal lamellae (used for swimming) and legs for three species from fishless lakes and six species from lakes with fish. A preliminary cladistic analysis indicates that species within each lake type are not members of a single clade, which supports the conclusions of previous odonate taxonomists. Previous studies have shown that species in fishless lakes are very active, running and swimming frequently and at high rates of speed in the absence of predators, and they avoid their primary predators, large dragonflies, by swimming. These species have the widest abdomens, the largest caudal lamellae relative to overall body size, and the longest legs of the species studied, which should make them powerful swimmers and runners. Furthermore, species in fishless lakes are morphologically very similar to one another and differ greatly from fish-lake species, although each is more closely related to species in fish lakes. In contrast, species from lakes with fish move very slowly and infrequently in the absence of predators and do not attempt to evade attacking predators. However, despite their behavioral similarity, large interspecific variation in morphology exists among the fish-lake species, and the only morphological patterns were differences associated with membership in the two primary clades identified in the cladistic analysis. A modification of Felsenstein's (1985) method of evolutionary contrasts which allows character change to be isolated along single branches is introduced and is used to reconstruct the evolutionary histories of these characters. This analysis suggests that large increases in caudal lamella size, abdominal segment lengths and widths, and leg length accompany speciation events associated with habitat shifts from fish-lakes to fishless lakes. Following habitat shifts selection pressures exerted by dragonfly predation apparently favored swimming as an escape tactic, which mediated selection pressures onto morphologies used in swimming to increase swimming performance; morphological patterns in extant species reflect this adaptation to a new environment. Mechanisms by which behaviorally mediated selection could have accelerated evolutionary dynamics following founder events are discussed.  相似文献   

王亚  付成  胡月  付世建 《水生生物学报》2021,45(5):1154-1163
为了比较早期捕食胁迫经历和当前环境中存在的捕食者对鱼类行为的影响,并考查这些影响是否存在种间差异,研究分别考查了测定环境(有、无捕食者存在)对有、无捕食胁迫经历的鳊(Parabramis pekinensis)、草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)、鲫(Carassius auratus)和中华倒刺鲃(Spinibarbus sinensis)等4种鲤科鱼类探索性、活跃性和勇敢性的影响。结果发现:早期捕食胁迫经历与当前环境条件对鱼类行为产生截然不同的影响,且存在较大的种间差异。无捕食胁迫经历的鳊、草鱼和中华倒刺鲃均会对陌生的捕食者乌鳢(Channa argus)做出行为响应,提示这3种鱼可能对陌生捕食者具有一定的识别能力,但这种识别与猎物鱼通过捕食胁迫经历获得的识别仍具有一定差距;具有捕食胁迫经历的鳊和中华倒刺鲃在空白环境中未表现出反捕食行为,可能是节约能量的一种策略。总体而言,草鱼对捕食胁迫经历和测定环境处理反应更为敏感,而中华倒刺鲃的反应则相对保守。但当周围环境中存在捕食者时, 4种鲤科鱼类均会通过维持较高运动状态的方式来应对捕食者。维持这种应激状态可能对猎物鱼...  相似文献   

Various strategies have evolved to protect animals from predators. We explored the activity and predation risk experienced by two species of aphid. Both species will drop from plants when disturbed and face a suite of predators, including wolf spiders, when they reach the ground. We focused on Aphis fabae Scopoli and Aphis nerii Boyer de Fonscolombe (Hemiptera: Aphididae, Aphidini); A. nerii sequesters cardiac glycosides when it feeds on milkweed. We explored the interactions between these aphids and the wolf spider Pardosa milvina Hentz (Araneae: Lycosidae) that is likely a predator they encounter when they are not on their host plants. We hypothesized that there would be differences in the susceptibility of the two species to predation and that the more vulnerable species would react more strongly to substrate-borne cues deposited by the spider. We predicted that any behavioral reactions that the aphid displayed in response to predator cues would be effective in reducing risk. We documented the activity of each aphid species on chemotactile cues from P. milvina and measured predation rate in arenas with and without those same cues. Aphis fabae altered their activity in the presence of P. milvina cues but A. nerii did not. Likewise, A. fabae was more susceptible to predation by P. milvina when no cues were present, but when cues were present, predatory success was much lower. Aphis nerii, the less desirable prey for this predator, moved less and had a different locomotory pattern than A. fabae in control trials with no spider cues and so we cannot determine whether its chemical protection or activity were more important in reducing predation levels. These results provide insight into the risks faced by aphids when they are off of their host plant and in a barren environment.  相似文献   

Both constitutive and inducible antipredator strategies are ubiquitous in nature and serve to maximize fitness under a predation threat. Inducible strategies may be favored over constitutive defenses depending on their relative cost and benefit and temporal variability in predator presence. In African temporary ponds, annual killifish of the genus Nothobranchius are variably exposed to predators, depending on whether larger fish invade their habitat from nearby rivers during floods. Nonetheless, potential plastic responses to predation risk are poorly known. Here, we studied whether Nothobranchius furzeri individuals adjust their life history in response to a predation threat. For this, we monitored key life history traits in response to cues that signal the presence of predatory pumpkinseed sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus). While growth rate, adult body size, age at maturation, and initial fecundity were not affected, peak and total fecundity were higher in the predation risk treatment. This contrasts with known life history strategies of killifish from permanent waters, which tend to reduce reproduction in the presence of predators. Although our results show that N. furzeri individuals are able to detect predators and respond to their presence by modulating their reproductive output, these responses only become evident after a few clutches have been deposited. Overall our findings suggest that, in the presence of a predation risk, it can be beneficial to increase the production of life stages that can persist until the predation risk has faded.  相似文献   

Arendt JD 《Oecologia》2009,159(2):455-461
Predator–prey interactions play an important role in community dynamics and may be important for promoting genetic diversification. Diversification may be especially important when prey species have multiple anti-predator strategies available, but these strategies conflict with each other. For example, rapid sprint speed and large size are both thought to decrease vulnerability to many predators. A physiological trade-off between swimming speed and growth rate has been documented in many aquatic species and, as a result, individual genotypes may employ one strategy or the other, but not both. Although rapid sprint speed is often assumed to decrease vulnerability to predators, this has only rarely been tested. Here I provide evidence that both rapid sprint speed and large size in tadpoles of the New Mexico spadefoot toad (Spea multiplicata) decreases predation risk from carnivore morphs of its congener the Great Plains spadefoot toad (Spea bombifrons). Such conflicts, coupled with spatio-temporal variation in predation pressure, may be important in maintaining genetic variation for trade-offs.  相似文献   

Many plants employ indirect defenses against herbivores; often plants provide a shelter or nutritional resource to predators, increasing predator abundance, and lessening herbivory to the plant. Often, predators on the same plant represent different life stages and different species. In these situations intraguild predation (IGP) may occur and may decrease the efficacy of that defense. Recently, several sticky plants have been found to increase indirect defense by provisioning predatory insects with entrapped insects (hereafter: carrion). We conducted observational studies and feeding trials with herbivores and predators on two sticky, insect‐entrapping asters, Hemizonia congesta and Madia elegans, to construct food webs for these species and determine the prevalence of IGP in these carrion‐provisioning systems. In both systems, intraguild predation was the most common interaction observed. To determine whether IGP was driven by resource abundance, whether it reduced efficacy of this indirect defense and whether stickiness or predator attraction was induced by damage, we performed field manipulations on H. congesta. Carrion supplementation led to an increase in predator abundance and IGP. IGP was asymmetric within the predator guild: assassin bugs and spiders preyed on small stilt bugs but not vice versa. Despite increased IGP, carrion provisions decreased the abundance of the two most common herbivores (a weevil and a mealybug). Overall seed set was driven by plant size, but number of seeds produced per fruit significantly increased with increasing carrion, likely because of the reduction in the density of a seed‐feeding weevil. Observationally and experimentally, we found that carrion‐mediated indirect defense of tarweeds led to much intraguild predation, though predators effectively reduced herbivore abundance despite the increase in IGP.  相似文献   

Fish morphology is often constrained by a trade‐off between optimizing steady vs. unsteady swimming performance due to opposing effects of caudal peduncle size. Lotic environments tend to select for steady swimming performance, leading to smaller caudal peduncles, whereas predators tend to select for unsteady swimming performance, leading to larger caudal peduncles. However, it is unclear which aspect of performance should be optimized across heterogeneous flow and predation environments and how this heterogeneity may affect parallel phenotypic evolution. We investigated this question among four Gambusia species in north‐eastern Mexico, specifically the riverine G. panuco, the spring endemics G. alvarezi and G. hurtadoi, and a fourth species, G. marshi, found in a variety of habitats with varying predation pressure in the Cuatro Ciénegas Basin and Río Salado de Nadadores. We employed a geometric morphometric analysis to examine how body shapes of both male and female fish differ among species and habitats and with piscivore presence. We found that high‐predation and low‐predation species diverged morphologically, with G. marshi exhibiting a variable, intermediate body shape. Within G. marshi, body morphology converged in high‐predation environments regardless of flow velocity, and fish from high‐predation sites had larger relative caudal peduncle areas. However, we found that G. marshi from low‐predation environments diverged in morphology between sub‐basins of Cuatro Ciénegas, indicating other differences among these basins that merit further study. Our results suggest that a morphological trade‐off promotes parallel evolution of body shape in fishes colonizing high‐predation environments and that changing predation pressure can strongly impact morphological evolution in these species.  相似文献   

Although predation avoidance is the most commonly invoked explanation for vertebrate social evolution, there is little evidence that individuals in larger groups experience lower predation rates than those in small groups. We compare the morphological and behavioural traits of mammal prey species in the Taï forest, Ivory Coast, with the diet preferences of three of their non-human predators: leopards, chimpanzees and African crowned eagles. Individual predators show marked differences in their predation rates on prey species of different body sizes, but clear patterns with prey behaviour were apparent only when differences in prey habitat use were incorporated into the analyses. Leopard predation rates are highest for terrestrial species living in smaller groups, whereas eagle predation rates are negatively correlated with group size only among arboreal prey. When prey predation rates are summed over all three predators, terrestrial species incur higher predation rates than arboreal species and, within both categories, predation rates decline with increasing prey group size and decreasing density of groups in the habitat. These results reveal that it is necessary to consider anti-predator strategies in the context of a dynamic behavioural interaction between predators and prey.  相似文献   

The population dynamics of invasive plants are influenced by positive and negative associations formed with members of the fauna present in the introduced range. For example, mutualistic associations formed with pollinators or seed dispersers may facilitate invasion, but reduced fitness from attack by native herbivores can also suppress it. Since population expansion depends on effective seed dispersal, interactions with seed dispersers and predators in a plant species introduced range may be of particular importance. We explored the relative contributions of potential seed dispersers (ants) and vertebrate predators (rodents and birds) to seed removal of two diplochorous (i.e., wind- and ant-dispersed), invasive thistles, Cirsium arvense and Carduus nutans, in Colorado, USA. We also conducted behavior trials to explore the potential of different ant species to disperse seeds, and we quantified which potential ant dispersers were prevalent at our study locations. Both ants and vertebrate predators removed significant amounts of C. arvense and C. nutans seed, with the relative proportion of seed removed by each guild varying by location. The behavior trials revealed clear seed preferences among three ant species as well as differences in the foragers’ abilities to move seeds. In addition, two ant species that acted as potential dispersal agents were dominant at the study locations. Since local conditions in part determined whether dispersers or predators removed more seed, it is possible that some thistle populations benefit from a net dispersal effect, while others suffer proportionally more predation. Additionally, because the effectiveness of potential ant dispersers is taxon-specific, changes in ant community composition could affect the seed-dispersal dynamics of these thistles. Until now, most studies describing dispersal dynamics in C. arvense and C. nutans have focused on primary dispersal by wind or pre-dispersal seed predation by insects. Our findings suggest that animal-mediated dispersal and post-dispersal seed predation deserve further consideration.  相似文献   

Understanding the role of history in the formation of communities has been a major challenge in community ecology. Here, we explore the role of phenotypic plasticity and its associated trait‐mediated indirect interactions as a mechanism behind priority effects. Using organisms with inducible defenses as a model system, we examine how aquatic communities initially containing different predator environments are affected at the individual and community level by the colonization of a second predator. Snails and tadpoles were established in four different caged‐predator environments (no predator, fish, crayfish or water bugs). These four communities were then crossed with three predator colonization treatments (no colonization, early colonization, or late colonization) using lethal water bugs as the predator. The snails responded to the caged predator environments with predator‐specific behavioral and morphological defenses. In the colonization treatments, snails possessing the wrong phenotype attempted to induce phenotypic changes to defend themselves against the new risk. However, snails initially induced by a different predator environment often suffered high predation rates. Hence, temporal variation in predation risk not only challenged the snail prey to try to track this environmental variation through time by adjusting their defensive phenotypes, but also caused trait‐mediated interactions between snails and the colonizing predator. For tadpoles within these communities, there was little evidence that the morphological responses of snails indirectly effected tadpole predation rates by colonizing water bugs. Unexpectedly, predation rates on tadpoles by colonizing water bugs were generally higher in the three caged‐predator treatments, suggesting that water bugs elevated their foraging activity in response to potentially competing predators. In summary, we demonstrate an important priority effect in which the initial occurrence of one species of predator can facilitate predation by a second predator that colonizes at a later date (i.e. a TMII) suggesting that phenotypic plasticity can be an important driver behind priority effects (i.e. historical exposure to predators).  相似文献   

Predation is a common cause of early life stage mortality in fishes, with reduced risk as individuals grow and become too large to be consumed by gape-limited predatory fishes. Large-bodied species, such as sturgeon, may reach this size-refuge within the first year. However, there is limited understanding of what this size threshold is despite the value of this information for conservation management. We conducted laboratory-based predation experiments on juvenile green sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris, to estimate vulnerability to predation during outmigration from their natal reaches in California to the Pacific Ocean. Two highly abundant and non-native predatory fish species (largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides, and striped bass, Morone saxatilis) were captured in the wild to be tested with developing juvenile green sturgeon from the UC Davis Green Sturgeon Broodstock Program. Experimental tanks, each containing five predators, received thirty prey for 24-hr exposures. Between sturgeon prey trials, predators were exposed to alternative prey species to confirm predators were exhibiting normal feeding behaviors. In addition to green sturgeon mortality data, trials were video recorded and predatory behaviors were quantified. Overall, these predator species displayed much lower rates of predation on juvenile green sturgeon than alternate prey. Predation decreased with green sturgeon size, and predation risk diminished to zero once sturgeon reached a length threshold of roughly 20–22 cm total length, or between 38% and 58% of predator total length. Behavioral analyses showed low motivation to feed on green sturgeon, with both predators attempting predation less frequently as sturgeon grew. Results of this study imply that optimizing growth rates for larval and juvenile sturgeon would shorten the time in which they are vulnerable to predation. Future experiments should assess predation risk of juvenile green sturgeon by additional predator species common to the Sacramento-San Joaquin watershed.  相似文献   

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