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Human CMV infections are a major health risk in patients with dysfunctional or compromised immunity, especially in patients with NK cell deficiencies, as these are frequently associated with high morbidity and mortality. In experimental murine CMV (MCMV) infections, Ly49H activation receptors on C57BL/6 (B6) NK cells engage m157 viral ligands on MCMV-infected cells and initiate dominant virus control. In this study, we report that MCMV resistance in MA/My relies on Ly49H-independent NK cell-mediated control of MCMV infection as NK cells in these mice do not bind anti-Ly49H mAb or soluble m157 viral ligands. We genetically compared MA/My resistance with MCMV susceptibility in genealogically and NK gene complex-Ly49 haplotype-related C57L mice. We found that MCMV resistance strongly associated with polymorphic H2k-linked genes, including MHC and non-MHC locations by analysis of backcross and intercross progeny. The H2b haplotype most frequently, but not absolutely, correlated with MCMV susceptibility, thus confirming a role for non-MHC genes in MCMV control. We also demonstrate a definite role for NK cells in H2k-type MCMV resistance because their removal from C57L.M-H2k mice before MCMV infection diminished immunity. NK gene complex-linked polymorphisms, however, did not significantly influence MCMV control. Taken together, effective NK cell-mediated MCMV control in this genetic system required polymorphic H2k genes without need of Ly49H-m157 interactions.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of autoimmune NZB and (NZB X NZW)F1 mice to the induction of tolerance by monomeric BSA was compared with several normal mouse strains. Unresponsiveness in T and B lymphocyte compartments was probed by challenging with DNP8BSA and measuring anti-DNP and anti-BSA antibodies separately. Tolerance induced by monomeric BSA was carrier specific, and there was no evidence of epitope-specific suppression. Normal NZW, NFS, and B10.D2 mice were easily rendered tolerant with monomeric BSA and did not produce anti-DNP or anti-BSA antibodies after challenge with DNP8BSA. By contrast, the lack of anti-DNP antibody response in similarly treated NZB mice was dependent on the dose of monomeric BSA, indicating that the helper T cells were partially resistant to tolerance induction. NZB mice treated with a high dose of monomeric BSA produced anti-BSA, but not anti-DNP, antibodies after immunization. Thus, the anti-carrier B cells in NZB mice may have been primed by monomeric BSA. The presence of the xid gene on the NZB background rendered the mice susceptible to induction of tolerance, suggesting that the tolerance defect in NZB mice involves the B cell compartment. This abnormal antibody response was a dominant trait: (NZB X NFS)F1 and (NZB X B10.D2)F1 mice had the same characteristics as NZB mice. These F1 hybrids do not develop autoimmune disease, indicating that resistance to experimental tolerance induction expressed at a B cell level may not be sufficient for disease development. In contrast to NZB and other NZB F1 hybrids, (NZB X NZW)F1 hybrids treated with monomeric BSA and challenged with DNP8BSA responded to both DNP and BSA. The contribution of a B cell defect to the tolerance abnormality of (NZB X NZW)F1 mice was examined by analyzing the effect of the xid gene on the progeny of (NZB.xid X NZW)F1 mice. Unlike the effect of the xid gene on NZB mice, both phenotypically normal heterozygous female and phenotypically xid hemizygous male mice produced anti-DNP and anti-BSA antibodies after tolerance induction and immunization, demonstrating that a major helper T cell abnormality was present in (NZB X NZW)F1 mice. The (NZW X B10.D2)F1 hybrid was rendered tolerant by this procedure, indicating that the helper T cell defect (NZB X NZW)F1 mice may have resulted from gene complementation with the NZB mice contributing partial resistance of T helper cells to tolerance induction.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

NK cell-mediated resistance to viruses is subject to genetic control in humans and mice. Here we used classical and quantitative genetic strategies to examine NK-mediated murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) control in genealogically related New Zealand white (NZW) and black (NZB) mice. NZW mice display NK cell-dependent MCMV resistance while NZB NK cells fail to limit viral replication after infection. Unlike Ly49H+ NK resistance in C57BL/6 mice, NZW NK-mediated MCMV control was Ly49H-independent. Instead, MCMV resistance in NZW (Cmv2) involves multiple genetic factors. To establish the genetic basis of Cmv2 resistance, we further characterized a major chromosome X-linked resistance locus (DXMit216) responsible for innate MCMV control in NZW × NZB crosses. We found that the DXMit216 locus affects early MCMV control in New Zealand F2 crosses and demonstrate that the NZB-derived DXMit216 allele enhances viral resistance in F2 males. The evolutionary conservation of the DXMit216 region in mice and humans suggests that a Cmv2-related mechanism may affect human antiviral responses. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

CD1d-restricted NKT cells expressing invariant TCR alpha-chain rearrangements (iNKT cells) have been reported to be deficient in humans with a variety of autoimmune syndromes and in certain strains of autoimmune mice. In addition, injection of mice with alpha-galactosylceramide, a specific glycolipid agonist of iNKT cells, activates these T cells and ameliorates autoimmunity in several different disease models. Thus, deficiency and reduced function in iNKT cells are considered to be risk factors for the development of such diseases. In this study we report that the development of systemic lupus erythematosus in (New Zealand Black (NZB) x New Zealand White (NZW))F(1) mice was paradoxically associated with an expansion and activation of iNKT cells. Although young (NZB x NZW)F(1) mice had normal levels of iNKT cells, these expanded with age and became phenotypically and functionally hyperactive. Activation of iNKT cells in (NZB x NZW)F(1) mice in vivo or in vitro with alpha-galactosylceramide indicated that the immunoregulatory role of iNKT cells varied over time, revealing a marked increase in their potential to contribute to production of IFN-gamma with advancing age and disease progression. This evolution of iNKT cell function during the progression of autoimmunity may have important implications for the mechanism of disease in this model of systemic lupus erythematosus and for the development of therapies using iNKT cell agonists.  相似文献   

An increasing number of studies indicate that a subset of CD4(+) T cells with regulatory capacity (regulatory T cells; T(regs)) can function to control organ-specific autoimmune disease. To determine whether abnormalities of thymic-derived T(regs) play a role in systemic lupus erythematosus, we evaluated T(reg) prevalence and function in (New Zealand Black x New Zealand White)F(1) (B/W) lupus-prone mice. To explore the potential of T(regs) to suppress disease, we evaluated the effect of adoptive transfer of purified, ex vivo expanded thymic-derived T(regs) on the progression of renal disease. We found that although the prevalence of T(regs) is reduced in regional lymph nodes and spleen of prediseased B/W mice compared with age-matched non-autoimmune mice, these cells increase in number in older diseased mice. In addition, the ability of these cells to proliferate in vitro was comparable to those purified from non-autoimmune control animals. Purified CD4(+)CD25(+)CD62L(high) B/W T(regs) were expanded ex vivo 80-fold, resulting in cells with a stable suppressor phenotype. Adoptive transfer of these exogenously expanded cells reduced the rate at which mice developed renal disease; a second transfer after treated animals had developed proteinuria further slowed the progression of renal disease and significantly improved survival. These studies indicate that thymic-derived T(regs) may have a significant role in the control of autoimmunity in lupus-prone B/W mice, and augmentation of these cells may constitute a novel therapeutic approach for systemic lupus erythematosus.  相似文献   

NK1.1+ T (NKT) cells are efficient regulators of early host responses which have been shown to play a role in tumor surveillance. The relevance of NKT cells in immune surveillance of viral infections, however, is not well understood. In this study, we investigated the functional relevance of NKT cells in controlling herpesvirus infections by using challenge with murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) as the study model. This model has proven to be one of the best systems for evaluating the role of NK cells during virus infection. Using gene-targeted mice and alpha-galactosylceramide (alpha-GalCer) as an exogenous stimulator of NKT cells, we have analyzed the role of these cells in the immune surveillance of MCMV infection. Our studies in NKT-cell-deficient, T-cell receptor Jalpha281 gene-targeted mice have established that classical NKT cells do not play a critical role in the early clearance of MCMV infection. Importantly, however, activation of NKT cells by alpha-GalCer resulted in reduced viral replication in visceral organs. Depletion studies, coupled with analysis of gene-targeted mice lacking perforin and gamma interferon (IFN-gamma), have revealed that the antiviral effects of alpha-GalCer involve NK cells and have clearly demonstrated that the antiviral activity of alpha-GalCer, unlike the antitumor one, is critically dependent on both perforin and IFN-gamma.  相似文献   

Recent studies indicate that IFN-alpha is involved in pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus. However, direct proof that IFN-alpha is not only necessary, but also sufficient to induce lupus pathogenicity is lacking. In this study, we show that in vivo adenovector-mediated delivery of murine IFN-alpha results in preautoimmune (New Zealand Black (NZB) x New Zealand White (NZW))F(1), but not in normal, mice, in a rapid and severe disease with all characteristics of systemic lupus erythematosus. Anti-dsDNA Abs appeared as soon as day 10 after initiation of IFN-alpha treatment. Proteinuria and death caused by glomerulonephritis occurred in all treated mice within, respectively, approximately 9 and approximately 18 wk, at a time when all untreated (NZB x NZW)F(1) did not show any sign of disease. IFN-alpha in vivo induced an overexpression of B lymphocyte stimulator in circulation at similar levels in both the preautoimmune and the normal mouse strains. All effects elicited by IFN-alpha were dose dependent. (NZB x NZW)F(1) infused with purified murine IFN-alpha also showed acceleration of lupus. Thus, prolonged expression of IFN-alpha in vivo induces early lethal lupus in susceptible animals.  相似文献   

The resistance of mice to cell culture passaged murine cytomegalovirus (CC-MCMV) infection developed with age. In parallel with this finding, augmentation of the splenic NK cell activity in older mice was always higher than that of younger mice. The splenic NK cell activity reached the maximum level at 6 day post infection (PI) in 2-4-week-old mice while in 6-8-week-old mice it peaked at 4 days PI. When the dose of CC-MCMV was increased, the NK cell activity was potentiated accordingly. However, it was decreased on the infection with increased doses of the salivary gland passaged MCMV (SG-MCMV). NK cells augmented by MCMV infection actually inhibited in vitro replication of MCMV when they were added to mouse embryonic fibroblast (MEF) monolayers infected with CC-MCMV. Splenic and peritoneal macrophages inhibited in vitro replication of MCMV, but their activities were less potent than those of NK cells.  相似文献   

IntroductionAutoantibodies contribute significantly to the pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Unfortunately, the long-lived plasma cells (LLPCs) secreting such autoantibodies are refractory to conventional immunosuppressive treatments. Although generated long before the disease becomes clinically apparent, it remains rather unclear whether LLPC generation continues in the established disease. Here, we analyzed the generation of LLPCs, including autoreactive LLPCs, in SLE-prone New Zealand Black/New Zealand White F1 (NZB/W F1) mice over their lifetime, and their regeneration after depletion.MethodsBromodeoxyuridine pulse-chase experiments in mice of different ages were performed in order to analyze the generation of LLPCs during the development of SLE. LLPCs were enumerated by flow cytometry and autoreactive anti-double-stranded DNA (anti-dsDNA) plasma cells by enzyme-linked immunospot (ELISPOT). For analyzing the regeneration of LLPCs after depletion, mice were treated with bortezomib alone or in combination with cyclophosphamide and plasma cells were enumerated 12 hours, 3, 7, 11 and 15 days after the end of the bortezomib cycle.ResultsAutoreactive LLPCs are established in the spleen and bone marrow of SLE-prone mice very early in ontogeny, before week 4 and before the onset of symptoms. The generation of LLPCs then continues throughout life. LLPC counts in the spleen plateau by week 10, but continue to increase in the bone marrow and inflamed kidney. When LLPCs are depleted by the proteasome inhibitor bortezomib, their numbers regenerate within two weeks. Persistent depletion of LLPCs was achieved only by combining a cycle of bortezomib with maintenance therapy, for example cyclophosphamide, depleting the precursors of LLPCs or preventing their differentiation into LLPCs.ConclusionsIn SLE-prone NZB/W F1 mice, autoreactive LLPCs are generated throughout life. Their sustained therapeutic elimination requires both the depletion of LLPCs and the inhibition of their regeneration.  相似文献   

We have recently shown that tolerogenic administration of an artificial peptide (pConsensus) that is based on sequences within the V(H) regions of several murine anti-dsDNA Ig delays appearance of autoantibodies in female (New Zealand Black (NZB) x New Zealand White (NZW))F(1) (NZB/W F(1)) mice and significantly prolongs their survival. The aim of this study was to characterize the T cell population(s) involved in pConsensus-induced down-regulation of autoimmune responses in tolerized NZB/W F(1) mice. Using MHC class II dimers loaded with tolerogenic peptide, we found that pCons favored expansion of peptide-reactive CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells (T(R)) that inhibited in vitro production of anti-dsDNA Ab-forming cells. Suppression by T(R) was abrogated by the presence in culture of Ab to glucocorticoid-induced TNFR family member 18 or to TGFbeta latency-associated protein. These findings suggest possible relevance of Ag specificity in the mechanism of T(R)-mediated immune tolerance to Ig-derived peptides in NZB/W F(1) mice.  相似文献   

The infectious cycle of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is intricately linked to the host's cell cycle. Viral gene expression can be initiated only in G0/G1 phase. Once expressed, the immediate-early gene product IE2 prevents cellular DNA synthesis, arresting infected cells with a G1 DNA content. This function is required for efficient viral replication in vitro. A prerequisite for addressing its in vivo relevance is the characterization of cell cycle-regulatory activities of CMV species for which animal models have been established. Here, we show that murine CMV (MCMV), like HCMV, has a strong antiproliferative capacity and arrests cells in G1. Unexpectedly, and in contrast to HCMV, MCMV can also block cells that have passed through S phase by arresting them in G2. Moreover, MCMV can also replicate in G2 cells. This is made possible by the cell cycle-independent expression of MCMV immediate-early genes. Transfection experiments show that of several MCMV candidate genes, only immediate-early gene 3 (ie3), the homologue of HCMV IE2, exhibits cell cycle arrest activity. Accordingly, an MCMV ie3 deletion mutant has lost the ability to arrest cells in either G1 or G2. Thus, despite interspecies variations in the cell cycle dependence of viral gene expression, the central theme of HCMV IE2-induced cell cycle arrest is conserved in the murine counterpart, raising the possibility of studying its physiological relevance at the level of the whole organism.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that peptide 88-99 of histone H4 represents a minimal T cell epitope recognized by Th cells from nonautoimmune BALB/c (H-2(d/d)) mice immunized with nucleosomes. In this study, we tested a panel of overlapping peptides spanning the whole sequences of H4 and H3 for recognition by CD4(+) T cells from unprimed (New Zealand Black (NZB) x New Zealand White (NZW))F(1) lupus mice (H-2(d/z)). None of the 11 H4 peptides was recognized by CD4(+) T cells from (NZB x NZW)F(1) mice. In contrast, these cells proliferated and secreted IL-2, IL-10, and IFN-gamma upon ex vivo stimulation with H3 peptides representing sequences 53-70, 64-78, and 68-85. Peptides 56-73 and 61-78 induced the production of IFN-gamma and IL-10, respectively, without detectable proliferation, suggesting that they may act as partial agonist of the TCR. Th cells from unprimed BALB/c mice and other lupus-prone mice such as SNF(1) (H-2(d/q)) and MRL/lpr (H-2(k/k)) mice did not recognize any peptides present within the H3 region 53-85. We further demonstrated that immunization of normal BALB/c mice with syngeneic liver nucleosomes and spleen apoptotic cells, but not with nonapoptotic syngeneic cells, induced Th cell responses against several peptides of the H3 region 53-85. Moreover, we found that this conserved region of H3, which is accessible at the surface of nucleosomes, is targeted by Abs from (NZB x NZW)F(1) mice and lupus patients, and contains motifs recognized by several distinct HLA-DR molecules. It might thus be important in the self-tolerance breakdown in lupus.  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance of cryptic viruses (Partitiviridae) in natural and agricultural systems have received little attention. White clover cryptic virus‐1 (WCCV‐1) was detected infecting white clover plants and seed growing in New Zealand, but was not detected in field collections and in only two of 114 seedlings grown from seed collected in eastern Australia using enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay and RT‐PCR. WCCV‐1 was detected at high incidences (14–48%) in the cultivars Huia, Kopu II and Tahora and at low incidences (0–7%) in Aran, Haifa, Ladino, Siral and Sustain white clovers. WCCV‐1 remained viable in seed stored for 50 years. The results are compared with another group of obligate seed‐transmitted pasture microbes: the fungal endophytes of perennial grasses.  相似文献   

CD27, a member of the TNF receptor superfamily, has been implicated in T cell activation, T cell development, and T cell-dependent Ab production by B cells. In the present study we examined the expression and function of CD27 on murine NK cells. Murine NK cells constitutively expressed CD27 on their surface. Stimulation with immobilized anti-CD27 mAb or murine CD27 ligand (CD70) transfectans solely could induce proliferation and IFN-gamma production of freshly isolated NK cells and enhanced the proliferation and IFN-gamma production of anti-NK1.1-sutimulated NK cells. Although NK cell cytotoxicity was not triggered by anti-CD27 mAb or against CD70 transfectants, prestimulation via CD27 enhanced the cytotoxic activity of NK cells in an IFN-gamma-dependent manner. These results suggest that CD27-mediated activation may be involved in the NK cell-mediated innate immunity against virus-infected or transformed cells expressing CD70.  相似文献   

New Zealand Black (NZB) and New Zealand White (NZW) mice are genetically predisposed to a lupus-like autoimmune syndrome. To further define the loci linked to disease traits in NZB and NZW mice in the context of the BALB/c genetic background, linkage analyses were conducted in two crosses: (NZW x BALB/c.H2(z))F(1) x NZB and (NZB x BALB/c)F(2). Novel loci linked to autoantibody production and glomerulonephritis, present in both NZB and NZW mice, were identified on proximal chromosomes 12 and 4. The chromosome 12 locus showed the strongest linkage to anti-nuclear Ab production. Additionally, a number of other novel loci linked to lupus traits derived from both the New Zealand and non-autoimmune BALB/c genomes were identified. Furthermore, we confirm the linkage of disease to a number of previously described lupus-associated loci, demonstrating that they are relatively background independent. These data provide a number of additional candidate gene regions in murine lupus, and highlight the powerful effect the non-autoimmune background strain has in influencing the genetic loci linked to disease.  相似文献   

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