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Cytokine control of acute phase protein expression.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

The effect of increased sympathetic activity on skeletal muscle blood flow during acute anemic hypoxia was studied in 16 anesthetized dogs. Sympathetic activity was altered by clamping the carotid arteries bilaterally below the carotid sinus. One group (n = 8) was beta blocked by administration of propranolol (1 mg/kg); a second group (n = 8) was untreated. Venous outflow from the left hindlimb was isolated for measurement of blood flow and O2 uptake (VO2). After a 20-min control period, both carotid arteries were clamped (CC) for 20 min followed by a 20-min recovery period. The sequence was repeated after hematocrit was lowered to about 15% by dextran exchange for blood. Prior to anemia, CC did not alter cardiac output or limb blood flow in either group. After induction of anemia, hindlimb resistance was higher with CC in the beta block than in the no block group. Both limb blood flow and VO2 fell in the beta-block group with CC during anemia. Beta block also prevented the additive increases in whole body VO2 seen with CC and induction of anemia. The data showed that the increased vasoconstrictor tone that was obtained with beta block during anemia was successful in redistributing the lower viscosity blood away from resting skeletal muscle, even to the point that muscle VO2 was decreased.  相似文献   

Endogenous pyrogen (EP) is known to trigger a rise in the plasma concentrations of various acute phase reactant proteins. This study describes the effects of chronic protein deficiency in rabbits on EP-mediated changes in the plasma concentrations of fibrinogen, albumin, and alpha 2-macroglobulin. Injection (i.v.) of EP from healthy donors into protein-deprived rabbits produced a smaller rise in plasma fibrinogen and alpha 2-macroglobulin, and a smaller fall in plasma albumin than injection of EP into controls. Injection of EP, obtained from malnourished donors, into healthy rabbits also resulted in an attenuation of the acute phase protein response. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that EP activity is influenced by the nutritional status of both the donor and recipient of EP.  相似文献   

The acute phase response is an important adaptive response to sepsis and injury. As anabolic steroids increase protein synthesis we postulated that these agents might also increase hepatic acute phase protein synthesis. Male Wistar rats were pretreated with testosterone or danazol for 48 h prior to caecal ligation and puncture (CLP). Thirty-six h following surgery the animals were killed and blood taken for full blood count, total protein, albumin, alpha, beta and gamma globulin fractions on serum electrophoresis, complement C(3) and transferrin levels. Danazol increased the alpha1, alpha2 and beta1 globulin serum protein fractions in comparison with no surgery and CLP alone groups. These results indicate that danazol increases plasma acute phase proteins, as measured by electrophoresis, in this model of intra-abdominal sepsis.  相似文献   

The effects of endothelin (ET) agonists on airway mechanics and bronchial blood flow were studied as well as the effects of mixed ET-receptor antagonist bosentan on allergen-induced airway reactions in the pig. ET agonists [ET-1, ET-3, and the ET(B) receptor-selective agonist Sarafotoxin 6c (Sf6c)] were given as intravenous injections (0.4-200 pmol/kg) to eight anesthetized pigs. Bosentan (10 mg/kg iv) was then administered, and the injections were repeated. Only Sf6c caused a significant increase in airway resistance, and this response was blocked by bosentan. Sf6c and ET-1 (200 and 400 pmol/kg, respectively) were also given as aerosols to five pigs. Sf6c, but not ET-1, caused bronchoconstriction via this route. All agonists (intravenous) caused increases in bronchial vascular conductance, an effect that was blocked by an NO-synthase inhibitor (N(G)-nitro-L-arginine) but unaffected by a cyxlooxygenase inhibitor (diclofenac). Fourteen pigs were sensitized with ascaris suum antigen. Under anesthesia, eight pigs were pretreated with bosentan, and six pigs were controls. They were all challenged with allergen aerosol resulting in acute bronchoconstriction and elevation of ET-1 in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. Bosentan did not affect the maximal acute airway obstruction but markedly increased baseline bronchial vascular conductance, suggesting a basal vascular tone regulated by ETs. In conclusion, ETs induce bronchoconstriction primarily via the ET(B) receptor in the pig. However, ETs are probably not involved in the allergen-induced acute bronchoconstriction in this model.  相似文献   

Three phenotypes of phosphoglucose isomerase (PGI) from the Japanese quail erythrocytes were observed by horizontal starch gel electrophoresis. Population and family data from one laboratory population of quail was consistent with the theory that PGI polymorphism was controlled by two codominant, autosomal alleles designated PGIF and PGIS with gene frequency values 0.25 and 0.75, respectively. The study supported the earlier view that the Japanese quail is highly polymorphic with regard to biochemical variation.  相似文献   

Molecular Genetics and Genomics -  相似文献   

Genetical ESS-models. I. Concepts and basic model   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Evolutionarily Stable Strategies (ESS) in phenotypic models are used to explain the evolution of animal interactive behaviour. As the behavioural features under consideration are assumed to be genetically determined, the question arises how underlying a genetical system might affect the results of phenotypic ESS-models. This question can be fully treated in terms of ESS-theory. A method of designing Genetical ESS-Models is proposed, which transfers the question of evolutionary stability to a "lower" level, the genetical basis. Genetical ESS-models - although nonlinear even in the simplest cases - can be analysed in a way that is familiar to ESS-theorists and yield immediate results on gene pool ESSs, which then may or may not maintain ESSs on the phenotypic level. Moreover, general results can be obtained to characterize evolutionarily stable gene pool states and their interrelation with commonsense, phenotypic ESSs. This part of the article presents the basic concepts and an outline of the method of genetical ESS-models. It gives, as a demonstration, a complete analysis for phenotypic two-strategy models (linear or nonlinear) based on a diploid, diallelic single-locus system under random mating. The results in this case suggest that a phenotypic ESS should indeed be expected to evolve but, maybe, only after passing through a succession of temporarily stable states.  相似文献   

The vascular endothelium is a site of pathological changes in patients with diabetes mellitus that may be related to severe chronic hyperglycemia. However, it is unclear whether transient hyperglycemia alters vascular function in an otherwise healthy human forearm. To test the hypothesis that acute, moderate hyperglycemia impairs endothelium-dependent forearm vasodilation, we measured vasodilator responses in 25 healthy volunteers (11 F, 14 M) assigned to one of three protocols. In protocol 1, glucose was varied to mimic a postprandial pattern (i.e., peak glucose approximately 11.1 mmol/l) commonly observed in individuals with impaired glucose tolerance. Protocol 2 involved 6 h of mild hyperglycemia (approximately 7 mmol/l). Protocol 3 involved 6 h of euglycemia. Glucose concentration was maintained with a variable systemic glucose infusion. Insulin concentrations were maintained at approximately 65 pmol/l by means of a somatostatin and "basal" insulin infusion. Glucagon and growth hormone were replaced at basal concentrations. Forearm blood flow (FBF) was calculated from Doppler ultrasound measurements at the brachial artery. In each protocol, FBF dose responses to intrabrachial acetylcholine (ACh) and sodium nitroprusside (NTP) were assessed at baseline and at 60, 180, and 360 min of glucose infusion. Peak endothelium-dependent vasodilator responses to ACh were not diminished by hyperglycemia in any trial. For example, peak responses to ACh during protocol 2 were 307 +/- 47 ml/min at euglycemic baseline and 325 +/- 52, 353 +/- 65, and 370 +/- 70 ml/min during three subsequent hyperglycemic trials (P = 0.46). Peak endothelium-independent responses to NTP infusion were also unaffected. We conclude that acute, moderate hyperglycemia does not cause short-term impairment of endothelial function in the healthy human forearm.  相似文献   

Genetic studies were made on the root color of turnip varieties. In the cross between the red (raphanusin, pelargonidin glucoside) and the white varieties, F1 hybrids were all purple (rubrobrassicin, cyanidin glucoside), and F2 progenies were segregated into three groups: purple (rubrobrassicin), red (raphanusin), and white in the ratio of 9:3:4, respectively. This indicates the presence of two pairs of conditional alleles, as previously found in the case of radish. As to the flavonols in turnip varieties, isorhamnetin and kaempferol were found in the plants forming rubrobrassicin in roots, and only kaempferol in the plants producing raphanusin in roots; whereas isorhamnetin was found together with a trace of kaempferol in the plants with white root.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine hemodynamic responses to graded muscle reflex engagement in human subjects. We studied seven healthy human volunteers [24 +/- 2 (SE) yr old; 4 men, 3 women] performing rhythmic handgrip exercise [40% maximal voluntary contraction (MVC)] during ambient and positive pressure exercise (+10 to +50 mmHg in 10-mmHg increments every minute). Muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA), mean arterial blood pressure (MAP), and mean blood velocity were recorded. Plasma lactate, hydrogen ion concentration, and oxyhemoglobin saturation were measured from venous blood. Ischemic exercise resulted in a greater rise in both MSNA and MAP vs. nonischemic exercise. These heightened autonomic responses were noted at +40 and +50 mmHg. Each level of positive pressure was associated with an immediate fall in flow velocity and forearm perfusion pressure. However, during each minute, perfusion pressure increased progressively. For positive pressure of +10 to +40 mmHg, this was associated with restoration of flow velocity. However, at +50 mmHg, flow was not restored. This inability to restore flow was seen at a time when the muscle reflex was clearly engaged (increased MSNA). We believe that these findings are consistent with the hypothesis that before the muscle reflex is clearly engaged, flow to muscle is enhanced by a process that raises perfusion pressure. Once the muscle reflex is clearly engaged and MSNA is augmented, flow to muscle is no longer restored by a similar rise in perfusion pressure, suggesting that active vasoconstriction within muscle is occurring at +50 mmHg.  相似文献   

Interleukin-1 (IL-1 beta) increases the synthesis of both heavy and light (L)-ferritin subunits when added to human hepatoma cells (HepG2) grown in culture. RNase protection and Northern blot analysis with L-ferritin probes revealed that no changes in L-ferritin mRNA levels occur after cytokine stimulation. However, the induction coincides with an increased association of the L-subunit mRNA with polyribosomes. Since the recruitment of stored ferritin mRNA onto polyribosomes is seen when iron enters the cell, the effect of IL-1 beta on iron uptake was tested and was found to be unaffected by the lymphokine. Neither transferrin receptor mRNA levels nor the number of receptors displayed on the cell surface was affected by IL-1 beta. However, the action of the cytokine on ferritin translation is inhibited by the action of the intracellular iron chelator deferoxamine. These data indicate that IL-1 beta induces ferritin gene expression by translational control of its mRNA. The pathway of induction is different from iron-dependent ferritin gene expression whereas regulation requires the background presence of cellular iron.  相似文献   

Genetical ESS-models. II. Multi-strategy models and multiple alleles   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The problem of evolutionarily stable strategies (ESS) in sexual populations can be investigated by means of genetical ESS-models which link common sense, phenotypic ESS-models to an underlying genetical system. Thorough results are obtained for multi-strategy models in diploid, panmictic populations on the basis of multi-allelic, one-locus systems. A sexual population will be maintained at a phenotypic ESS if this can possibly be produced by the genotypes currently existing. If there is enough allelic variation, the corresponding gene pool may either be an ESS itself, or belong to an attracting, continuous set of states, which all determine the same evolutionarily stable population. The latter case allows new alleles to enter and spread in the gene pool without disturbing the phenotypic ESS. If a phenotypic ESS cannot be established, ESSs of the genetical model may be found which give rise to stable populations alternatively. Since these depend on the phenotypes determined by the currently existing genotypes, they may be destabilized by the occurrence of new mutations. In this sense, they are less durable than populations maintained at a phenotypic ESS and can be expected to evolve, in the long run, towards a phenotypic ESS.  相似文献   

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