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The present article identifies how social determinants of health raise two categories of philosophical problems that also fall within the smaller domain of ethics; one set pertains to the philosophy of epidemiology, and the second set pertains to the philosophy of health and social justice. After reviewing these two categories of ethical concerns, the limited conclusion made is that identifying and responding to social determinants of health requires inter-disciplinary reasoning across epidemiology and philosophy. For the reasoning used in epidemiology to be sound, for its scope and (moral) purpose as a science to be clarified as well as for social justice theory to be relevant and coherent, epidemiology and philosophy need to forge a meaningful exchange of ideas that happens in both directions.  相似文献   

Many ethical issues are posed by public health interventions. Although abstract theorizing about these issues can be useful, it is the application of ethical theory to real cases which will ultimately be of benefit in decision-making. To this end, this paper will analyse the ethical issues involved in Childsmile, a national oral health demonstration programme in Scotland that aims to improve the oral health of the nation's children and reduce dental inequalities through a combination of targeted and universal interventions. With Scotland's level of dental caries among the worst in Europe, Childsmile represents one of the largest programmes of work aimed at combating oral health inequalities in the UK. The areas of ethical interest include several contrasting themes: reducing health inequalities and improving health; universal and targeted interventions; political values and evidence base; prevention and treatment; and underlying all of these, justice and utility.  相似文献   

JAMES DWYER 《Bioethics》2009,23(9):497-502
In this paper, I explore one way to bring bioethics and environmental ethics closer together. I focus on a question at the interface of health, sustainability, and justice: How well does a society promote health with the use of no more than a just share of environmental capacity? To address this question, I propose and discuss a mode of assessment that combines a measurement of population health, an estimate of environmental sustainability, and an assumption about what constitutes a fair or just share. This mode of assessment provides an estimate of the just and sustainable life expectancy of a population. It could be used to monitor how well a particular society promotes health within just environmental limits. It could also serve as a source of information that stakeholders use when they deliberate about programs, policies, and technologies. The purpose of this work is to focus attention on an ethical task: the need to fashion institutions and forms of life that promote health in ways that recognize the claims of sustainability and justice.  相似文献   

Many countries have not considered palliative care a public health problem. With limited resources, disease-oriented therapies and prevention measures take priority. In this paper, I intend to describe the moral framework for considering palliative care as a public health priority in resource-poor countries. A distributive theory of justice for health care should consider integrative palliative care as morally required as it contributes to improving normal functioning and preserving opportunities for the individual. For patients requiring terminal care , we are guided less by principles of justice and more by the duty to relieve suffering and society's commitment to protecting the professional's obligation to uphold principles of beneficence, compassion and non-abandonment. A fair deliberation process is necessary to allow these strong moral commitments to serve as reasons when setting priorities in resource poor countries.  相似文献   

Research ethics is the most developed aspect of bioethics in Africa. Most African countries have set up Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) to provide guidelines for research and to comply with international norms. However, bioethics has not been responsive to local needs and values in the rest of the continent. A new direction is needed in African bioethics. This new direction promotes the development of a locally‐grounded bioethics, shaped by a dynamic understanding of local cultures and informed by structural and institutional problems that impact the public's health, as well as cognisant of the salient contribution of social sciences and social epidemiology which can bring a lasting impact on African local communities. In today's post‐Structural Adjustment Africa, where healthcare has been liberalized and its cost increased, a bioethics agenda that focuses essentially on disease management and clinical work remains blind in the face of a structural marginalization of the masses of poor. Instead, the multidimensional public health crisis, with which most African countries are confronted, calls for a bioethics agenda that focuses primarily, but not exclusively, on health promotion and advocacy. Such an approach to bioethics reckons with the macro‐determinants of health and well‐being and places clinical and research ethics in the broader context of population's health. The same approach underscores the need to become political, not only by addressing health policymaking processes and procedures, but also by becoming an advocacy forum that includes other constituencies equipped with the potentialities to impact the population's health.  相似文献   

The risk posed to the community by possible xenozoonosis after xenotransplantation suggests that some form of 'community consent' is required before whole organ animal-to-human xenotransplantation should take place. I argue that this requirement places greater obstacles in the path of ethical xenotransplantation than has previously been recognised. The relevant community is global and there are no existing institutions with democratic credentials sufficient to establish this consent. The distribution of the risks and benefits from xenotransplantation also means that consent is unlikely to be forthcoming. Proceeding on the basis of hypothetical consent to a package of global health measures that includes xenotransplantation, as Rothblatt has recently advocated, is more problematic than she acknowledges. Given that it may place the lives of citizens of poor nations at risk to benefit the citizens of wealthy nations, xenotransplantation raises significant questions of international justice.  相似文献   

Globalization, a process characterized by the growing interdependence of the world's people, impacts health systems and the social determinants of health in ways that are detrimental to health equity. In a world in which there are few countervailing normative and policy approaches to the dominant neoliberal regime underpinning globalization, the human rights paradigm constitutes a widely shared foundation for challenging globalization's effects. The substantive rights enumerated in human rights instruments include the right to the highest attainable level of physical and mental health and others that are relevant to the determinants of health. The rights stipulated in these documents impose extensive legal obligations on states that have ratified these documents and confer health entitlements on their residents. Human rights norms have also inspired civil society efforts to improve access to essential medicines and medical services, particularly for HIV/AIDS. Nevertheless, many factors reduce the potential counterweight human rights might exert, including and specifically the nature of the human rights approach, weak political commitments to promoting and protecting health rights on the part of some states and their lack of institutional and economic resources to do so. Global economic markets and the relative power of global economic institutions are also shrinking national policy space. This article reviews the potential contributions and limitations of human rights to achieving greater equity in shaping the social determinants of health.  相似文献   

Encouraged by the success of smoking denormalization strategies as a tobacco‐control measure, public health institutions are adopting a similar approach to other health behaviors. For example, a recent controversial ad campaign in New York explicitly aimed to denormalize HIV/AIDS amongst gay men. Authors such as Scott Burris have argued that efforts like this are tantamount to stigmatization and that such stigmatization is unethical because it is dehumanizing. Others have offered a limited endorsement of denormalization/stigmatization campaigns as being justified on consequentialist grounds; namely, that the potential public health benefits outweigh any stigmatizing side effects. In this paper, I examine and reject the blanket condemnation of stigmatization efforts in public health. I argue that the moral status of such efforts are best evaluated within a contractualist, as opposed to a consequentialist, framework. Contractualism in public health ethics asks whether a particular stigmatizing policy could be justified to reasonable individuals who do not know whether they will be affected by that policy. Using this approach, I argue that it is sometimes permissible for public health institutions to engage in health‐related stigmatization.  相似文献   

BRIDGET PRATT  BEBE LOFF 《Bioethics》2013,27(4):208-214
Health research has been identified as a vehicle for advancing global justice in health. However, in bioethics, issues of global justice are mainly discussed within an ongoing debate on the conditions under which international clinical research is permissible. As a result, current ethical guidance predominantly links one type of international research (biomedical) to advancing one aspect of health equity (access to new treatments). International guidelines largely fail to connect international research to promoting broader aspects of health equity – namely, healthier social environments and stronger health systems. Bioethical frameworks such as the human development approach do consider how international clinical research is connected to the social determinants of health but, again, do so to address the question of when international clinical research is permissible. It is suggested that the narrow focus of this debate is shaped by high‐income countries' economic strategies. The article further argues that the debate's focus obscures a stronger imperative to consider how other types of international research might advance justice in global health. Bioethics should consider the need for non‐clinical health research and its contribution to advancing global justice.  相似文献   

ANNE DONCHIN 《Bioethics》2010,24(7):323-332
Reproductive tourism is a manifestation of a larger, more inclusive trend toward globalization of capitalist cultural and material economies. This paper discusses the development of cross‐border assisted reproduction within the globalized economy, transnational and local structural processes that influence the trade, social relations intersecting it, and implications for the healthcare systems affected. I focus on prevailing gender structures embedded in the cross‐border trade and their intersection with other social and economic structures that reflect and impact globalization. I apply a social connection model of responsibility for unjust outcomes and consider strategies to counter structural injustices embedded in this industry. The concluding section discusses policy reforms and proposals for collaborative action to preclude further injustices and extend full human rights to all.  相似文献   

向日葵柱头,花柱和珠孔中钙分布的超微细胞化学定位   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
用焦锑酸盐沉淀法对向日葵(HelianthusannuusL.)授粉前后柱头、花柱和珠孔中的钙进行了超微细胞化学定位。同时还运用X射线能谱(EDX)和波谱(WDX)两种方法进行了X射线定性分析,证明了前法所得沉淀确系焦锑酸钙。观察表明,花粉萌发和花粉管生长所经的柱头接受面,花柱引导组织和珠孔引导组织中含钙较柱头、花柱和珠孔的其它部位明显地多。柱头乳突细胞的表面和花柱引导组织的胞间基质中、尤其胞间基质与细胞壁外层相接之处钙很密集。在珠孔外端引导组织中,以角质层为界,钙主要分布于其近珠柄侧。花粉管壁果胶质层中有相当多的钙。结合向日葵中已有的研究和其他文献,讨论了钙的分布与花粉管生长的关系  相似文献   

The mean fitness of a population, often equal to its growth rate, measures its level of adaptation to particular environmental conditions. A better understanding of the evolution of mean fitness could thus provide a natural link between evolution and demography. Yet, after the seminal work of Fisher and its renowned "fundamental theorem of natural selection," the dynamics of mean fitness has attracted little attention, and mostly from theoretical population geneticists. Here we analyze the dynamics of mean fitness in the context of host-parasite interactions. We illustrate the potential relevance of this analysis under different scenarios ranging from a simple situation in which a parasite evolves in a homogeneous host population to a more complex one with host-parasite coevolution. In each case, we contrast the effects of natural selection, recurrent mutations, and the change of the biotic environment, on the dynamics of adaptation. Decoupling these three components helps elucidate the interplay between evolutionary and ecological dynamics. In particular, it offers new perspectives on situations leading to evolutionary suicide. As mean fitness is an easily measurable quantity in microbial systems, this analysis provides new ways to track the dynamics of adaptation in experimental evolution and coevolution studies.  相似文献   

The debate concerning whether to legalize and regulate the global market in human organs is hindered by a lack of adequate bioethical language. The author argues that the preferential option for the poor, a theological category, can provide the grounding for an inductive moral epistemology adequate for reforming the use of culturally Western bioethical language. He proposes that the traditional, Western concept of bioethical coercion ought to be modified and expanded because the conditions of the market system, as viewed from the perspective of organ vendors systemically deprived of access to sufficient resources, are sufficiently exploitative as to diminish the possibility of these vendors giving informed consent. Moreover, empirical studies conducted by professionals in medicine, sociology, psychiatry, economics, and medical anthropology continue to contribute support to the growing interdisciplinary consensus that functionally coercive structural factors exert the most significant influence upon a vendor's decision to sell an organ within any market, regardless of legality or degree of regulation. Therefore any proposal to legalize and regulate the organ market remains patently unethical because doing so would likely function to constrain further the agency of poor potential vendors.  相似文献   

为对黄河的生态健康进行评价,调查了2008年春、秋两季干流14个河段和4座水库,并选择高等植物、底栖动物及鱼类群落特征等参数进行评价。生物评价结果既有效反映了水质和基质的空间格局,又有其自身分布特点。总体来说,上游的兰州以下河段及下游各河段的健康状况较差,中游各河段相对较好。回归分析表明了各种水文和泥沙过程对生物群落发展和生态健康的重要影响。文章最后就黄河生态系统健康的维持提出了管理建议。  相似文献   

Health, justice, and the environment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Resnik DB  Roman G 《Bioethics》2007,21(4):230-241
In this article, we argue that the scope of bioethical debate concerning justice in health should expand beyond the topic of access to health care and cover such issues as occupational hazards, safe housing, air pollution, water quality, food and drug safety, pest control, public health, childhood nutrition, disaster preparedness, literacy, and many other environmental factors that can cause differences in health. Since society does not have sufficient resources to address all of these environmental factors at one time, it is important to set priorities for bioethical theorizing and policy formation. Two considerations should be used to set these priorities: (1) the impact of the environmental factor on health inequality, and (2) the practicality of addressing the factor.  相似文献   

The reflection properties of the stigma in male gametes of Ectocarpus siliculosus (Dillw.) Lyngbye were investigated using confocal laser scanning microscopy in the epireflection contrast mode. The complex reflection pattern obtained after optical xy (horizontal) and xz (vertical) sectioning was consistent with stigma ultrastructure as revealed by serial thin sections. The intensity and pattern of the reflection signal varied with the orientation of the cell/stigma to the incident laser light. Maximal reflection occurred only in approximately normal orientation of the stigma to the light source. Focusing of reflected light from an elongated concave depression of the stigma on the region of the flagellar swelling was observed in xy and xz sections of living and fixed gametes. The results indicate the importance of mechanisms (focusing) other than quarter-wave interference reflection in signal amplification by the eyespot of flagellate algae.  相似文献   

Transmitting tissue in Ornithogalum is divided into three regions corresponding to classical divisions of the gynoecium: stigma, style, and ovary. The stigma differentiates from epidermal cells of the stylar apex. These cells form the stigmal papillae and have dense cytoplasm with abundant ER and lipid bodies. Papillae have walls with small transfer-ingrowths. At floral receptivity, papillae secrete a small amount of surface exudate. Epidermal cells of the style contain numerous spherosomes and have thin filaments of cytoplasm traversing the central vacuole. The stylar cortex is composed of 3-6 layers of parenchyma cells which contain numerous spherosomes and often have secondary vacuoles. Vascular tissue in the style consists of one collateral bundle in each lobe. Cells of the epidermal layer lining the stylar canal are secretory. They are initially vacuolate but fill progressively with dense cytoplasm as their secretory activity increases. Secretory activity occurs in three phases, each characterized by a particular organelle population and secretory product. At anthesis, the canal is filled with an exudate consisting of carbohydrate, protein, and lipid. In the ovary, the obturator differentiates from cells at the base of the funiculus and the tip of the carpel margins. It forms a pad of tissue which covers most of the former placenta. The obturator is secretory and produces a surface exudate. We believe our observations on Ornithogalum support the hypothesis that all transmitting tissue is of the same morphological origin and that it provides nutritive and chemotropic factors for pollen tube growth.  相似文献   

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