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Photosynthetic response to high light was determined for Bull kelp, Nereocystis luetkeana (K. Mertens) Postels and Ruprecht in order to understand how this species is affected by short‐term fluctuations in irradiance. Exposure of N. luetkeana blades to high intensity photosynthetically active radiation (1000 µmol photons m?2 s–1) caused increased non‐photochemical quenching of fluorescence and higher de‐epoxidation ratios for xanthophyll pigments indicating that energy‐quenching xanthophylls were used to protect blades against photoinhibition. Despite initiation of these photoprotective mechanisms, maximum photochemical efficiency of photosystem II (Fv/Fm) decreased 40% in response to a 60 min exposure to 1000 µmol photons m?2 s–1 photosynthetically active radiation indicating that photoinhibition had occurred. Light‐saturated rates of oxygen evolution were not changed significantly by the high light treatment. Recovery of maximum photochemical efficiency of photosystem II to within 8% of initial values occurred after a 300‐min dim light period. Younger sections of the blades were slightly more susceptible to high light damage than older sections. Middle sections of the blades were more prone to light‐induced damage at water temperatures of 7°C or 18°C, as compared to 13°C. Exposure to biologically effective ultraviolet‐B radiation (UV‐Bbe) (up to 4.5 kJ m–2 day–1) in photoinhibitory light conditions did not significantly affect light‐induced damage to photosystem II.  相似文献   

The dynamics of annual species are strongly tied to their capacity for recruitment each year. We examined how competition and propagule availability influence recruitment and appearance and tracked survivorship of an annual species of marine macroalgae, the bull kelp (Nereocystis luetkeana), which serves as major biogenic habitat in the Salish Sea of Washington State. We hypothesized that (i) juvenile N. luetkeana would exhibit a seasonal appearance as a cohort in the spring and (ii) competition for space would be more limiting than propagules (spores) to recruitment at sites adjacent to established N. luetkeana beds. We tagged N. luetkeana recruits in the field to track appearance and survivorship across seasons (spring, summer, fall, and winter), using a two‐factor crossed design to assess effects of competition and propagule availability on appearance of new N. luetkeana sporophytes. Survivorship of N. luetkeana recruits was low and, whereas most new individuals arose in the spring, some appeared in every season. New N. luetkeana recruits also appeared the earliest (median 8 weeks vs. >20 weeks) after experimental “seeding” in the spring as compared to other seasons. Eliminating macroalgal competitors (“clearing”) influenced the appearance of recruits more than enhancement of propagules in the spring. An improved understanding of factors regulating the seasonal appearance of new N. luetkeana sporophytes furthers our understanding of this crucial foundation species' appearance and persistence across seasons, which is increasingly important as global ocean conditions change, and highlights the importance of studying organisms with complex life histories across multiple stages and geographical regions.  相似文献   

在气升式内循环硝化反应器中研究了渗透压对硝化作用的影响。保持进水氨氮浓度420mg·L-1,将进水渗透压逐渐从4.3×105Pa提高到18.8×105Pa,硝化反应器的氨氮转化率稳定在93%~100%。将进水渗透压进一步提高到19.2×105Pa,氨氮转化率降至69.2%。渗透压对硝化作用的影响具有突发性,临界值在18.8×105~19.2×105Pa之间。受高渗透压胁迫时,活性污泥中硝化细菌的形态趋向单一,个体变小,内膜数量减少,并产生许多不明成分的颗粒状内含物。解除渗透压胁迫后,细胞结构恢复。添加钾离子能够缓解高渗压对硝化作用的影响。高渗透压胁迫以及解除渗透压胁迫可增强污泥硝化活性,比污泥氨氮转化率(污泥以SS计)分别从0.083kg·kg-1·d-1升至0.509kg·kg-1·d-1和2.569kg·kg-1·d-1,同比提高5.1倍和30.0倍。  相似文献   

The sensitivity of kelps to elevated temperatures has been linked to recent declines in some kelp populations, with cascading impacts on marine communities. However, it remains unclear how thermal stress affects the ability of kelps to respond to other environmental factors, which could influence their vulnerability to climate change. We investigated the effect of thermal stress on the ability of the bull kelp Nereocystis luetkeana to acclimate to its surrounding hydrodynamic environment through tension-regulated plasticity in blade morphology. We first determined optimal and stressful temperatures for N. luetkeana by measuring growth over nine temperatures from 5°C to 22°C. We then exposed N. luetkeana blades to a factorial combination of temperature (13°C and 20°C) and tension (0.5 N and 2.0 N) simulating different flow conditions, and measured changes in blade length and width after 7 days. The temperature at which N. luetkeana exhibited maximum growth was estimated to be ~11.9°C, though growth was high over a relatively wide temperature range. When thermally stressed, N. luetkeana maintained morphological responses to simulated high flow, but were inhibited from acclimating to low flow, indicated by an inability of blades to widen. Our results suggest that N. luetkeana in sheltered habitats may be particularly vulnerable to climate warming, where an inability to adjust blade morphology to local hydrodynamic conditions could drive declines at sublethal levels of warming. As ecologically important foundation species, declines in sheltered kelp populations could result in major biodiversity loss and disrupt ecosystem function.  相似文献   

Warming ocean temperatures have been linked to kelp forest declines worldwide, and elevated temperatures can act synergistically with other local stressors to exacerbate kelp loss. The bull kelp Nereocystis luetkeana is the primary canopy-forming kelp species in the Salish Sea, where it is declining in areas with elevated summer water temperatures and low nutrient concentrations. To determine the interactive effects of these two stressors on microscopic stages of N. luetkeana, we cultured gametophytes and microscopic sporophytes from seven different Salish Sea populations across seven different temperatures (10–22°C) and two nitrogen concentrations. The thermal tolerance of microscopic gametophytes and sporophytes was similar across populations, and high temperatures were more stressful than low nitrogen levels. Additional nitrogen did not improve gametophyte or sporophyte survival at high temperatures. Gametophyte densities were highest between 10 and 16°C and declined sharply at 18°C, and temperatures of 20 and 22°C were lethal. The window for successful sporophyte production was narrower, peaking at 10–14°C. Across all populations, the warmest temperature at which sporophytes were produced was 16 or 18°C, but sporophyte densities were 78% lower at 16°C and 95% lower at 18°C compared to cooler temperatures. In the field, bottom temperatures revealed that the thermal limits of gametophyte growth (18°C) and sporophyte production (16–18°C) were reached during the summer at multiple sites. Prolonged exposure of bull kelp gametophytes to temperatures of 16°C and above could limit reproduction, and therefore recruitment, of adult kelp sporophytes.  相似文献   

Paracoccus denitrificans suspended in media containing 20-300 mM NaCl swelled progressively as the salt concentration was decreased. The increase in intracellular water volume was accompanied by an enhancement of respiration and a stimulation of the rates of net potassium and alpha-aminoisobutyric acid accumulation. It is postulated that influx of water and consequent lowering of intracellular solute concentration trigger transport mechanisms which are destined to restore the original ion and metabolite balance. Since a number of transport reactions operate against the electrochemical gradient of their substrates, energy utilization increases. The increased ATP usage and lowering of [ATP] stimulates the activity of the respiratory chain and increases oxygen uptake and energy production.  相似文献   

目的:研究渗透胁迫下皱果苋的渗透调节物质变化,探讨皱果苋的耐旱机理.方法:分别用浓度为5%、10%和20%PEG6000进行渗透胁迫,处 理皱果苋幼苗0、1、3、5和7d,取叶片测定各项生理指标.结果:随着渗 透胁迫时间的延长,皱果苋幼苗叶片中相对含水量(RWC)逐步下降;而脯氨酸和可溶性糖含 量上升;在5d,5%、10%、20%PEG胁迫下的叶片脯氨酸含量分别是对照的3.73、6.27、9.77 倍;而叶中可溶性糖含量分别是对照的2.87、3.68、5.21倍.胁迫3d,20%PEG处理的材料出 现萎焉现象,胁迫5d,10%PEG处理的材料开始萎焉;在5%和10%PEG胁迫下,可溶性蛋白含量 升高,但在20%PEG胁迫下,可溶性蛋白含量先升后降.结论:在适度的渗 透胁迫下,皱果苋叶片中的渗透调节物质使其具有较强的渗透能力,形成皱果苋耐旱性的内在基础.  相似文献   

Osmotic Adjustment and Osmotic Constituents in Roots of Mung Bean Seedlings   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Osmotic adjustment in roots of mung bean seedlings (Vigna mungo(L.) Hepper) and the effect of cotyledon excision on the osmoticadjustment were investigated. The major osmotic constituentsin roots of intact seedlings were K+, Cl, free aminoacids and sugars (glucose, fructose and sucrose). All theseintracellular concentrations distinctly increased under osmoticstress and contributed to about 80% of the intracellular osmoticpressure of the root cell sap. Cotyledon excision remarkablysuppressed both the osmotic adjustment and the elongation inroots. However, the effect of cotyledon excision on intracellularK+ and Cl concentrations in roots was quite small. Twodifferent mechanisms are likely for the osmotic adjustment inroots. One is the K+ and Cl-dependent osmotic adjustmentwhich is cotyledon-independent, and the other is the osmoticadjustment dependent on the supply of free amino acids and sugarsfrom cotyledons. (Received September 20, 1986; Accepted January 14, 1987)  相似文献   

Osmotic Properties of Mitochondria   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The osmotic behavior of rat liver mitochondria has been studied in a sucrose medium. The mitochondria behave like a two compartment system. One compartment is permeable to sucrose and has a volume of 1.22 µl/(mg mitochondrial dry weight) in a 272 milliosmol sucrose medium; the second, inaccessible to sucrose, has a volume of 0.555 µl/mg dry weight) under the same conditions. Part of the water in the sucrose inaccessible space is apparently not free to participate in osmotic phenomena. This volume is 0.272 µl/(mg dry weight) under the same conditions. It is suggested that the osmotically inactive water corresponds to the water of hydration of the mitochondrial macromolecules. The volume of the remainder of the water in the sucrose inaccessible space depends inversely on the osmolality of the medium, as is to be expected. The volume of water in the sucrose accessible space is constant, independent of the osmolality of the medium, as is the volume of the mitochondrial framework plus the nonvolatile solutes.  相似文献   

Investigations of DNA binding proteins frequently measure pH and salt dependence, but relatively few studies measure protein binding in high concentrations of small molecules often found in vivo. We have measured kinetics of the restriction enzyme EcoRV in concentrated solutions of three small cosolvents that produce osmotic pressures from 0.25 to 2.5 mol/kg (6 to 62 atm or water activity of 0.995 to 0.956). We have correlated DNA cleavage and binding parameters with four solution parameters (dielectric constant, viscosity, water concentration, and water activity). We found that the responses of maximum velocity (Vmax) and the dissociation constant for nonspecific binding (Kd,ns) best correlate with water activity. The Michaelis constant (Km) correlates with both water activity and solution viscosity, the latter due to the highly dilute reactant concentrations, which make enzyme-substrate combination diffusion limited. Dielectric constant does not influence any of the kinetic parameters, which is consistent with a view that protein and DNA are preferentially hydrated, and excluded solutes cannot affect the local dielectric constant.  相似文献   

用PEG经根部处理15d龄的山黧豆幼苗,取幼苗叶片为实验材料,测定过氧化氢酶(CAT)、过氧化物酶(POD)活性、过氧化氢(H  相似文献   

以加拿大蓬水提液为供体,白菜种子为受体,设计了梯度渗透、等渗溶液以及高渗透压、低化感物质浓度3组实验;通过梯度渗透试验确定受体植物可耐受的渗透势阈值,用等渗溶液排除渗透势的干扰确定植物浸提液的化感作用及其作用强度,以高渗透压、低化感物质浓度试验初步模拟自然条件下渗透势与化感物质之间的主次关系,探讨化感作用研究中培养液渗透势对试验结果的影响。结果显示,处理液渗透势在≥-0.25 MPa范围内对白菜种子萌发和幼苗生长没有显著影响;加拿大蓬水溶性物质具有化感作用,且其化感作用主要影响小白菜幼苗的生长,而对其种子萌发影响相对较小;在渗透势相同的溶液中,只要溶质中含有部分加拿大蓬水溶性物质即可对受体植物产生化感作用。研究发现,与渗透胁迫相比,化感物质是加拿大蓬水提液中影响受体植物生长发育的主要因素。  相似文献   

RPMI 1640培养基对水螅体表渗透营养的初步观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首次选用RPMI1640培养基培养具较大相对面积的小水生生物水螅,以便探讨有关水生动物渗透营养等问题。通过稀释一定倍数的RPMI1640加无机盐补液及新生牛血清等方法培养出体长及生丰时间均于对照组的水螅。通过渗透营养方式培养水螅具有操作简单、易观察,能为细胞培养做准备试验,为培养无菌动物创造条件等优点。  相似文献   

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