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Estrus was synchronized in 93 crossbred cows 3 to 7 yr old which were then superovulated with 10 mg FSH-P and bred artificially to either a Jersey or Charolais bull. Females pregnant to the Jersey sire were slaughtered at 95, 180 or 250 d of gestation; low pregnancy rate from the Charolais sire resulted in enough dams for slaughter and valid comparisons at 95 d only. Conceptus tissue and organ weights and dam carcass weights and measurements were collected at slaughter. At 95 d of gestation, sire differences were not significant; type of pregnancy (single vs multiple) had significant effects on placentome and membrane weight; fetus sex had highly significant effects on fetus weight and crown-rump length. Fetal brain and heart weights showed little effect of sire, fetus sex or type of pregnancy, indicating these early differentiating tissues are highly competitive for available nutrients for growth. Fetal data at 180 and 250 d of gestation showed highly significant effects of gestation stage on placentome, membrane and fetus weights, crown-rump and metatarsal lengths, and liver, kidney, heart and total brain weights. Type of pregnancy had greater effects on the conceptus traits than did fetus sex at these stages. Nonorthogonal analyses of data from the Jersey-sired pregnancies indicated growth of fetuses in multiple pregnancies was suppressed, and the reduction in fetus weight became more pronounced as gestation progressed. Correlations among conceptus traits and dam carcass data showed different relationships within single and multiple pregnancies. We suggest that the genetic contribution for fetal growth has a positive effect on fetal size throughout gestation while the importance of metabolite availability may change during gestation depending on the genetic growth potential of the fetus and on whether the pregnancy is single or multiple. We speculate that these fetus-dam relationships involve systems controlling fetus growth that arise from the fetus genetic growth potential interacting with positive and negative dam effects that are linked or related to the carcass skeletal-fat-muscle endpoints studied.  相似文献   

Some effects of immunological factors on gestation in mice   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  

In primary pituitary cell cultures prepared from ovariectomized rats, estradiol-17B (E2) sensitizes gonadotropes to stimulation of luteinizing hormone (LH) release by gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH). The calcium ionophore A23187, which stimulates LH release from the cells by Ca2+ mobilization at a post-receptor locus, and veratridine, which stimulates LH release by activation of endogenous ion channels, were used to localize the site of E2 action. Cells cultured in medium which was charcoal stripped (to remove steroids) or which contained 10?8 M added E2 responded equally well to the ionophore and equally well to veratridine, indicating that the molecular locus of E2 action precedes Ca2+ mobilization. This type of analysis can be used to locate the site of action of compounds which alter the responsiveness of the pituitary to GnRH.  相似文献   

Females typically mate with more than one male despite the costs incurred, thus questioning Bateman's principle. A series of genetic benefits have been proposed to account for the evolution of polyandry, including the acquisition of viability genes for offspring. The 'intrinsic male quality' hypothesis suggests that polyandry increases the probability that females produce offspring sired by males that bestow high viability on their offspring. Heritable variation in viability is the basic requirement for the occurrence of this genetic benefit. By using a half-sib breeding design with a species of cricket in which polyandry is known to increase hatching success, we present clear experimental evidence that intrinsic male quality contributes to embryo viability. Despite recent support for the evolution of polyandry based on compatibility of genotypes between males and females, we show that hatching success is not determined by an interaction between paternal and maternal genotypes but rather that sons inherit paternal genes that influence the viability of eggs laid by their mates. Moreover, our data implicate a potential role for indirect genetic effects of male accessory gland products on embryo viability. Additive genetic contributions to embryo viability may be an important factor underlying the frequently observed benefits of polyandrous behaviour.  相似文献   

The effect of carazolol on the ease of penetrating the cervix during artificial insemination, lambing rate and litter size was studied using 1.5–4.0-year old Kivircik ewes in an incomplete 3 × 2 × 2 experimental design. All of the ewes in this study were synchronized for oestrus by insertion of a progesterone impregnated vaginal sponge for 12 days and administration of 400 IU PMSG at sponge withdrawal. Three methods of service were compared: natural service, artificial insemination (AI) with fresh semen, or AI with frozen semen. Two times of insemination (fixed time AI versus AI at observed oestrus) were compared on the fresh and frozen AI treatments. The absence (control) or use of carazolol (carazolol; 0.5 mg/ewe i.m. 30 min before mating) was the third factor in the design and penetration of the cervix by the insemination pipette was assessed as shallow (<10 mm), middle (10–20 mm) or deep (>20 mm). Natural service ewes were only mated at observed oestrus. Consequently, the factorial design was incomplete and there were a total of 10 treatments each represented by 30 ewes. Natural service resulted in a significantly (P < 0.05) higher lambing rate and litter size (86%; 2.0 ± 0.05 lambs/ewe) than AI using fresh (65%; 1.6 ± 0.1 lambs/ewe) or frozen (40%; 1.4 ± 0.14 lambs/ewe) semen. For AI animals the lambing rate and litter size were not significantly different when service was at a fixed time (50%; 1.5 ± 0.12 lambs/ewe) or at observed oestrus (56%; 1.5 ± 0.12 lambs/ewe). Carazolol did not permit complete cervical penetration in any ewe. Deep penetration of the cervix at AI was achieved in 33% of untreated (control) and 48% of carazolol treated ewes (P < 0.05). However, the proportion of ewes in which penetration of the cervix and semen deposition was greater than shallow was similar for control (82%) and carazolol (85%), and lambing rate and litter size were similar for both treatments. Over the three service methods, the lambing rate was 56% for control and 63% for carazolol (NS) and litter size was similar for both treatments. It was concluded that the carazolol treatment used prior to natural mating or AI in this experiment did not improve lambing rate or litter size in Kivircik ewes.  相似文献   

Goat conceptuses were surgically removed from the uterus at different days during early pregnancy and cultured for 24-30 h in the presence of L-[3H]leucine to determine the effects of embryo removal on the interestrus interval and to characterize in vitro synthesis and release of conceptus proteins. Normal cyclic and animals (controls) exhibited interestrus intervals of 20.44 +/- 0.89 days. Removal of conceptuses on Days 13 and 15 did not alter interestrus intervals compared to cyclic animals. Removal of conceptuses on Day 17 and times thereafter resulted in significant (p less than 0.05) prolongation of interestrus intervals. These results demonstrate that maternal recognition of pregnancy in the goat occurs between Days 15 and 17. Proteins synthesized and released into the medium by conceptuses were first detectable at Day 16 by the analytical method employed (two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis followed by fluorography). The major protein synthesized at this time was acidic (pI = 5.2-5.7) and consisted of two isotypes with molecular weights of about 17,000. Although patterns of protein production became more complex with conceptus development, this protein remained as a major product through Day 21 but not afterwards. This protein, as well as two other low molecular weight acidic proteins (Mr approximately equal to 21,000, 23,000; pI = 5.7-6.0) were shown by immunoprecipitation to react with anti-ovine trophoblast protein-1 (oTP-1) serum. Hence, these products may comprise a caprine trophoblast protein-1 (cTP-1) complex.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Reports in the scientific literature conflict regarding the possible effects of immunizing mothers with paternal antigens on placental and fetal size of the progeny. Several investigators noted an enhancement effect, while others were unable to demonstrate any effect or found an inhibitory influence. The principal differences among these previous experiments were in dosage and frequency of administration of antigen. A series of mice (C57BL/6J females immunized against A/J-strain male spleen cells and the reciprocal) was tested over a broad range of dosages, including repetitions of those given previously by other workers. Late-gestation conceptus weights and other measurements were negatively but highly correlated, with the loge of total paternal spleen cells used for preimmunization. However, the preimmunization effect could be nullified by treatment with medroxyprogesterone during pregnancy. Prior impregnation by males of the spleen-cell donor strain also countered the preimmunization inhibition of conceptus growth. Preimmunization dosage differences do not account for discrepancies observed by previous investigators.  相似文献   

We studied the biosynthesis of two proteins, p70 (Mr 70,000; pI 4.0) and p15 (Mr 15,000; pI 5.7), by endometrial tissues from ewes between Days 12 and 24 of pregnancy and between Days 12 and 16 of the oestrous cycle to determine whether production of the two was correlated with the period of biosynthesis of ovine trophoblast protein-1 (oTP-1) by the conceptus. We also compared the protein synthetic activities of endometrium from gravid and non-gravid horns of pregnant ewes at Days 14, 16 and 18 in which the conceptus had been confined to one uterine horn. Proteins p70 and p15 were produced maximally between Days 14 and 20 of pregnancy, but synthesis by endometrial cultures from cyclic ewes was low or absent. Furthermore, synthesis of Protein p70 in particular was much greater by the gravid than non-gravid horn of unilaterally pregnant ewes. We conclude that synthesis of Proteins p70 and p15 by the uterus of sheep coincides with the time of oTP-1 production by the conceptus.  相似文献   

In ruminants, both the endometrium and the conceptus (embryo and associated extraembryonic membranes) trophectoderm synthesizes and secretes prostaglandins (PG) during early pregnancy. In mice and humans, PGs regulate endometrial function and conceptus implantation. In Study One, bred ewes received intrauterine infusions of vehicle as a control (CX) or meloxicam (MEL), a PG synthase (PTGS) inhibitor from Days 8-14 postmating, and the uterine lumen was flushed on Day 14 to recover conceptuses and assess their morphology. Elongating and filamentous conceptuses (12 cm to >14 cm in length) were recovered from all CX-treated ewes. In contrast, MEL-treated ewes contained mostly ovoid or tubular conceptuses. PTGS activity in the uterine endometrium and amounts of PGs were substantially lower in uterine flushings from MEL-treated ewes. Receptors for PGE2 and PGF2 alpha were present in both the conceptus and the endometrium, particularly the epithelia. In Study Two, cyclic ewes received intrauterine infusions of CX, MEL, recombinant ovine interferon tau (IFNT), or IFNT and MEL from Days 10-14 postestrus. Infusion of MEL decreased PGs in the uterine lumen and expression of a number of progesterone-induced endometrial genes, particularly IGFBP1 and HSD11B1. IFNT increased endometrial PTGS activity and the amount of PGs in the uterine lumen. Interestingly, IFNT stimulation of many genes (FGF2, ISG15, RSAD2, CST3, CTSL, GRP, LGALS15, IGFBP1, SLC2A1, SLC5A1, SLC7A2) was reduced by co-infusion with MEL. Thus, PGs are important regulators of conceptus elongation and mediators of endometrial responses to progesterone and IFNT in the ovine uterus.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of progesterone and intrauterine injection of ovine conceptus secretory proteins (oCSP) on endometrial responsiveness to oxytocin. Twelve ewes were ovariectomized on day 4 of the cycle (oestrus = day 0) and assigned in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement, to receive either 1.5 mg ovine serum proteins (SP) or oCSP containing 25 micrograms ovine trophoblast protein 1 (oTP-1) (by radioimmunoassay) in 1.5 mg total protein into each uterine horn, via catheters, twice a day on days 11, 12, 13 and 14. Ewes received 200 mg progesterone per day (i.m.) from day 4 to day 10 or 15. Oxytocin-induced prostaglandin F2 alpha was measured as 13,14-dihydro-15-keto-prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGFM) on days 11, 12, 13 and 14 in plasma from three integrated, 10 min (10 ml) blood samples (0-10, 10-20, 20-30 min) obtained after intravenous injection of 20 iu oxytocin, and in a pre-oxytocin (-10 to 0 min) sample collected via an indwelling jugular catheter. The pre-oxytocin samples were also assayed for progesterone. Oxytocin-induced turnover of inositol phosphate was determined in endometrium on day 15 after hysterectomy. In ewes receiving progesterone to day 10, plasma progesterone decreased from about 12 to 2 ng ml-1 (SEM +/- 2.6) during the treatment period (days 11-14), but remained high (12-20 +/- 2.6 ng ml-1) in ewes that received progesterone to day 15. Intrauterine injection of oCSP resulted in high basal concentrations of PGFM on days 12 and 13 compared with SP-treated ewes (P less than 0.01). Treatments with progesterone did not affect basal PGFM concentrations. Treatment with oCSP abolished oxytocin-induced endometrial secretion of prostaglandin only if progesterone was maintained to day 15 (P less than 0.01); in ewes receiving such treatment, oCSP inhibited (P less than 0.01), but SP did not inhibit, oxytocin-induced endometrial turnover of inositol phosphate (P less than 0.06), which was greater in ewes treated with progesterone to day 10 than in those treated to day 15 (P less than 0.05). Ewes that responded to oxytocin with increased PGFM exhibited increased oxytocin-stimulated turnover of inositol phosphate on day 15. These results indicate that the antiluteolytic action oTP-1 exerts on the endometrium requires progesterone and that this mechanism involves inhibition of oxytocin-stimulated turnover of inositol phosphate.  相似文献   

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